: , 1 ' " " in- i npi i i . I, I, . . to LOCAL ISKIEFS. f E iUAiUUiN l ECOi T- Jia.se oho. . . OM 'rt Cor. of the Marion Peccrd. ; After Lis attention had been attrart i ed, after several happy hour- of mnrr- hip, aft,-r his affections had bren won, !r. A. J. I; .ley, of Jarretts, is visit- after !ur hnA ,,ad asked for, and , bis mother ner.r p-wn. nn i ononis unci been pro curer -M l.-fs ilattie Krauze was married to -dr. John Hawkins, at 1 p. m. the 7th ins!., at hy home of the bri father. After Mr. A. JJ. Halford tied the everlasting knot, tlie invio. t n..,tlil on rides' Wi.-h for the ncnlv nmrrlw! , couple all the pleasures that life cm : afford. ! A Cousin. A Discovery Snvl Hi lAfe. Mr, ;aillcuttle, Druyjiist., f5raver - I vide, ill., says. -'To P,. Ki'i New! bi.eoveiy 1 u e rny life. Wa I;k. ti with I La diij pe ati-i tried a:; t,t j ,. ? c :aa, t r : linhs alxjut, hut of I o i.va-r ftuJ was, Kiicn u j..- i u,.di could n : iie. ibo- j -.g ji. iv i ii- o m- Lii oL-r) in i.iy 6L,re I sent tor a b ttie an i bg.iu it uj-j p.nd fr ni i he first rlo.-e he'an t. get better, tool after using three bottles was uj and about gi t. it is worth its weight in soitl. We wo :'( keeo store without it.v liet a tree tiiai at Moipl.eiv L Whites di;i"-tore. Mr. J-W. Cra f ii 'I, of Old Fort, U in town tbi : w ek. Mr. Z V. Crawl Td, of O 1 Fort, .- ive !' a pleasant rail Monday. f . If. MeKadven. of rinrLtA,rn .t; is in town thiswekon business.- 1 i-ncne.-i: or wedding up I pers, and eerything went off O. K. .Mr. j . - I'ldu., i u u-hti)us mer- i yv,, hant of OM Fort, was in t w:j Idond- i dry. I uc' . .ham'- Hyp for ;:.e Whiskeis noes i I ork tin .-r:,ig':h , i .... rir a let!. ' rm ?wti '-'4 oh-k, wl.il., w hen dry, v . 1 '!;' r r b, c ash off, nor go! I linen. Vou:).r l'erry, of liu'herford Poller , is teaching the public school at Koi nd Hill. T!ire are, day after day, wagons loaded with fine walnut and popular limib'T comniR into our town. Indeed this is Coil s cour.iry. h-ri'Fand Mrs. I'riteJiard, of I'akers- .-, passed 'hroti.h M.irion Saturday ,-i their return froir the Atlanra Kx-po.-itioi'. Mr. J. ti Hardy, of the Kalcigh News and ''-erver was in Karinu Friday ar.d S .tu.-.'a.v in tliK interest of Xorlii arol.'ias' est daily. Mr. J, Wr. J'aiiey, of Ilakers iile, pa-ed V -ourh Marion Saturday on l,i,-;iyl, ,-ie : in the Atlanta Kx- pOSlli')!.. J.ii.linnt is McI)oweirs active real -t at ajjeiit. if j -u want to sell, bey or h-ase pptpertj in Marion or sur-r-iiiinlitig country call on him. Now i the time to et ready for the rai'i and mud of the winto" s-aioii. do ti. McCall e' (,'onley at otic' and buy a M. -k: itot and pair of rubbers. None .: !i.."s .-o fjood or to cheaj) ii! town. '! Missionr.iy Society of the lie! hi:ist chiircli of. this place will In.' 1 a meeting1 on next Sunday evens in:; at 7, oVlock. All members are ureti attend, and all other persons are i ( nlially invited. .'In. !..'. JS'j.'il Teturned homo Sun tt.j aec(inp tiiud by her daughter. Mrs. I'rof. Anibier, whose condition, we at j'i.nl to say, has improved very pen t . ti'ily since her arrival at Mai ne Pass 'i'liis IV ;i) ISui Om:t We h.ivenot pi?5t-'i th'.f w.y Lcfjre And wr !!;nll not puss Hzain; Mnktha niit of time, the nost of life. And mini net th? TninId j.aia- fttl. :i h is brifcht aod flower-s'rpwn, Talie in a'l tl:? frcraare Thank (iod for ;Le joy that ccru-3 to yon Uy Mrs. A. Ii.V.' ill. ''Whoii a child I to dwell Iri a hrrne I luvVl f-r well ; I;i iiydar old hnj homo I). rtvn on tli" farm5" T!k s-yit notos of th'? mnidet)'5 voice fell on ibj: cveain air, nnd :u v ill.-!. Obituary. Sister Elizabeth Norton was born August 12th, ll;7, and died October -8Lh, 18!).", aged r,i years, 1 montha and lb days. She was: happily married to Mr. J. l Norton in the year Ib71, with whom she Jived in perfect peace, Inp-pine-s and harmony until separated from him by tin? cruel, cold hand of death. Sister Norton was convened, and joined the Metiiodist church, while young and active, and for many years was a faithful, eanust and eliieient member of the same. During her life she was true to her vows, always will ing to respond to the calls of her church and to contribute to the f upport of its ministry. Her active mind, earnest heart and kind hands were often em ployed to make the lo'art glad and the home of her pastor happy. "l is hard to give one tip, one vho:u we had been with so much and one that we tenderly loved; but ';ol doeth all things well,"' and on r prayer should eer be, ''Not my will, oh Cod, but thine be done." Wo know this dear beloved friend can never come hack to ur, but, by the lei'. M r . Ambler was very low wio-,1 ' grae ol 'Cod, we can go to her. We " arrived here. '.au! ' point the bereaved husband and fri. -nds to 'In-r C;.d for consolation in ;'he nev Vaia. --rue and Art itvc cir , ,. . , . ,,. T Xj i 'h-s dark hour. J. '. J. oi'li. - n., or S.'ioi if-;., i o!l!'', ot A ie iijv, N . .. i p. : .ip-i ti n;o-1 , .-eiit iiiit :iy riy Hrhool an 1 a!' vit ix-.eet to at- lu m uKe.l out f,r ycui :e-t. ; a-: it- swret cad-ncv entered If round tie l.erth ;,n unlmkia ban J I windo'.v. I was transported ill f-!'.cv Make ii the circle ofUnn, to my old I'lautati-.n Homo. O'l.luTt t'.ein to i!..r. fln.i J.vr. I' rn .: tr!:V.vr ill- Hre t h 3 a: gel of ficath 9 tail Com?. You will no'. jM53 this way again; L'e sure that you pass no, br 'Vht obi ami tired, the s:r'c anl ck, Ari'l tLoi net r-jdy r Von wi I not pa-? way but one, You'll not !.y Jlu Car a;.l:i; Ta-e in the rajulr j-assir. Iivurs Le.t you b. ne' ;h-.n in v tin. Look out b.r f! jwj slcn;' the way. An ! h .; rnt ihcN'if ;ir lbirn ; There m :':ii i rV ve ti" I'.uktf ' night. Aul riir if the coining a:.r'i. Yo.i wdl net a3 this way again; Take on,: -.nary ont3 Vy ll.e baa i, , AnJ iead then into the narrow way That reaches the better land. And if the gclier'mg storm is heard, And 'he v:ive$ beat wild and high, Look uj tor help to the Jar-off Li!!?, And watch :or the lifted sky. Look up thro'ih burs, for on beyoud Is the gl .-aming. go! Jen slior-; We can bravely bear a little whil?, For we ixss this way no mote. Vrs. II. F. Thomas. WeAiooT I Fie J.arvl.- Own. , '-Whom t!: Lord luvelh If c!:ate:icth." My, l-ut nr. n't e D aiocrats gnut favorites? Dur-l ham .Sun. ; H 17 ff n j Beauty Adds A i::i!t !:crs Erpci icr.ee. Mr. J. V.". Ib rrmc, a bu'chtr of 7 nix Cur, Ait, M.y. i:h, I;i:; "Frri;.?. t--.ir I lad ir.' ;m ,P . . i? i niories the H1)2 i totlstied io:tl cr ur:U 'rli n in childhood' we ! v!i3 I ft-"- i.u;.:.-.-.j.f ,:ei to : frolicked a:;d olrved with n-v- r a i tr! 'o tot rdier. but Srew Wor?e u-:ti i care for tho morrow ! U'e eniov- 1 '' . lxl'V i T.nuuc;.1 10 , . . . - ,. ivt.. s iiomrtSfr. I took e:i v thrre red in mnoc-ni gke t!:e tar f.-o . Wiim, eat .. ..n j io- rove ..,1 r,. iiappy pie;.-nt. J ;(-. halcvnn ; f'-r.-t :e of it. I bought '.t from Ir !. K. davs were fdwnvs too shwri. " 1 y,',r?n- 8,id l" cn mj c.i. i a v,.ry rair.r,y-a..;,r,.nch-; Mrcr!;',:;;;: r, mid, althotig.i we ci.uld not nn- . New j.k,--, i.,re b. f-. 1 i der-tatul hir n-gro diak-ct, hi.- s- ' :os 3. !...Jj i-y Jiotjdicw a "white. ture.s were so lianiic and inspiring we t!icuiht him a gojd on. He preaehed raid danced for a!:itt?e me.it t!i'' person who could .s stinie either calling with dignity : mid siac'j, ntid eiv- entire tutis ; is etion to his congregation, i The dear oid Idaek mammy 1 what an important place she tilled in our liotie s and affections! How '"y Go 1 A'arn'y" weal 1 be excL.aiatio'i i'j? Sen .ttr Y.f te if r.'ivt1, aftt-r reel t!: j re--:;.:- trla! of lii A'jn fhv pr.Jt-.-s -rs p .nti. r.. One if t!ie.-c '.p. w:'.--o;s bo k oi.cp w ill. t'; e 1 it To '-The H a Riild !.e wrr; ..f thi a .V,c!. vi.'e a Vua Vt-HHSZ? " 3 Chnrm to iTsefuiness. Tlmt is vhy wc aro cnreailto select pretty designs in Cioekr.. BUT, pretty isn't if pretty cioesn t, so the movement must be as f;oorl (lie ease is pretty. We !iav nt an expensive line of Clocks, but v. iiat we have aro splendid values. If you need one come and see what 'we have, at Many people, '.i:n a little consti;;.tcu. n.ake tne inistake of u-inu' falme or othei d rai;e purgaiirs. .-ll that is ie ed-.'d is ,. ir.ibl du.e of Ay-rN Fills 10 rcstote the regular uiovemeut (. f the bowel?, and na ture will do the lest. They l.eep the fjs-t.-m in pcrleci orJe'. Hy," and was ie;orted to have in pr.-p ra tion anoiliir, 'da a Devil of a Fix." It hich INii:;T3 Safety of Life to Moth er auJ ChliJ. jiii-:oti, X. (' . Nov. F attra : . t: ta i ;;d a .5u -) t' -.s.s Cc'lege .soon shoiihl , d fail to f ei d for one and investigate oiis splendid institution. Owinirto tb.e sti.allnes of t he atali- etc. e . r. DuT (leidinet! to deiivi r j ' i- b-:: re last. nii;ii(, h;it Icingj , .,- i ; ctj d ly tl; p t (,!:S , . - I . OM.-f.-oed : V iiv. i , I ' !...! ' ay men-. Mr. I r - a : (! : . ! n- r, ..n 1 o..r oj-ie j .turn . avail i.eiase 1 (; tins oppor- in.i.y of J.-jc-i'hig one of his hot lee I u res'. The' wife t.' I-' v." Ch ncilbl Sftt-:lee, rector of the L; iaeopal chureh of Mi-r-an-. ton, die j Hund.:y morning or but v. ck. Tli" Uu.I-orfor.'ton Der t.er.it sa-.s A.. !re r.raejey, -Ji ats-i 1 I, .tnt hiit:t'ug o- Ity T.'.-t v-'ik an-! did t:( . itHnii. s .:uh '.as made f;f l: t i -uni l,r was fouti 1 'e;ol. 'i'he evidenee ; ho .ri d th i . be hadb iti I. i T Te J by Ih Accidental ub. clia "e ot I is j;un. U ulici foi u t'ollos: 'SI'1 COliSOS to n i'lost'. 1 v . K., '. h. A. T. v.- i knai.iy i.oiTX ' Ov i-:k i-oa ti'1 K;tii. H'.wy rrh'-: !o.M-. The trial o' Frof . V, . lb. L. 15. ami ! Marion, S C., Nov. 12. '?'. j Dear FwCf.rd. Fieas.' allow me space j to. 'ay that 1 have jti-t passed (on the i lOlh inst ) my ;2tid birthday, and while not aware that 'any others th.in mys;df were giving it a thought, on M.ntHy ni-rlst !! at o:ce iny reverie v.-a- di.-tnrbe-l pleasantly. l)V the e:i : rtoi.-e :!' ijiiite a nooi'eer of old,'. !)!:.! die ..'.d f.r.d . t.ting Utdies and genth ni.'ii, mid rae me such a pounding as Will md soon he forgodleii, but that will f I I a tdaoe on memory s jiage ttia' .i'il time with all of its varriod i; i.-!todes, t f trials and triumphs joys and sorrows will never ( race. 1 hope however by cdose altentioi:, gooe iiMi-ino- nod carefu' diet I may re- ,.v,.p I'rnni the etl'ects nr d. ticed on melf by tl;e pminding. It may aj ne.-r a little stange to tb. oitthniightful for me to do -o afte: m h treatment, but I do mod hearti ly a.-k ask a return 111 like manner nj the party at no distant day. Yes, come again, and may the choicest blessing; of the Civat giver of all good, botl tern; oral and spiritual, rest upon each one. Thank's dear brethren and sis ters Yo';r Fovii:r: IV. si or, Yi. ' . ' :-.--(b HFECTAKTesss mm, "MOTEfiS' Fill END H Hois Cor.f.nor.snlcfils Fain, Kcrrsrsna Will. 0 W H m if Z3 jaa lion. Slioj.ird M. Por, Xoh-d lecturer and author of N( rth C:':i' ilitia's most popular nove -THE BALSAM GItOVLS we loved lv r t nd how she loved us ! ! 50(1123 1 iRt l"e m "3 ' lI,f'e novr i arc 10 How distressed she was, if any j ! avr ft rio.U ri.'iratioa.-N. s and thing threatened us with danger, i u:Kfrver' and how faithfully site has stood t ' " I)' us through all our after life, j entering into our joys and ming- j ling her tears with ours in all our i trouhles! . j 'lhe old plantation home was1 dotted with ! g cal i:s; and the j oceuparts tlie :n groes, when the day's work was over, would gather j with their musical instruments and sing their songs, and dance and play hy the light-wood 1 lae. "In the evening,!- the moonlight, He could hear those hanjoc; ringing ; In the evening, hy the bright light, We could hear those darkhs singing." What a great occasion was a wed ding among tle ni I What matter ed it that the 1 ride abstracter! the mtisti r"s best clot lies for Cud'y to wear to the marriage feast! He was none the wiser, for the neroo.-, the best of tliem,.coiinived at it,, their excuse lieirg that, every thing "llongs to tiie Mate" (estate). Oh! when the "bigmeetin" dstys came every energy was given to e'xeifement wliich they called re ligion. How t'ey would preach a .d pray, so rut and clap their liands, s'nig, too, which :was th -ir bi'-t aceomplishiiu nt. It was no unusual thing feranee.ro to get so much religion that he would shout his clothes in tatters. The (ddest man on the place was Un.lo Limus, and the negroes call ed him "Grand-daddy." He was sick and his master went to see him. He asked, "Limus do you know me?" He did rot answer, but looked up with that vacant stare that pr cedes death, with no -iii'.i of recognition. "Limus, he asked again, "do vmi know the Lord Jeesus Christ?"' A look of it::- I i.grnee came over ids face, and My wif used "HOTSiKHS' F!tIKV" l.o- fore hirth of iirr l'.rst child, slio tli.l not surfer from ili.'il'S or I'Al.NS wasrjiaekly 1 relieved at t!m critieiil Ueur sufTerirK but llt.tlfi slie i:iel uo pains tJlerwarJ auU Ler recovery vvas rajud. r. n. Johnston, F.tiratiia, Ala. Sent ly Mail or F.xrress, rn rcceltit of pri-f. fl.O'J iff bultle. ilooli "'Xo IJotU- 1 era" mailt J i'rte. IIUAI-HKM) UEtit rnOK C., ltlsnts, (,'a. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. i? v 1 J 1 Have just received a beautiful linn .of Dr, Goods, which cannot be duplicated in town -Also a full line of 3 I OS Soma Aledicines belorjg to one season Gnd some to another. DR. KING'S ROYAL GERSETHEfl IS KI SEASON ALL TlZ YEf.P. ROUND. -.J tor t!;e a time he caught hi nuisler':, hand and shook it Wltii ranture. Liinua died, and when HIE GRANDFATHEll MOUX-Uj10 "ewa Kln;.eai1 ';r th! (,lll,ltr the negroes lor miles arouno ::s- TAIX," v.'iil leL-ture in the sembied to have a torch-light pro cession, which made the burial services most imposing; and as they bore his body to its last resting-place on the hill-tide, guided by the dickering light of the pine-kots their weird songs mingling with tiie moaning of the pines, the impression they left on our childish mind was of the dec-pest awe and solemnity. The ! IN TKJE SPIKING It purifies the blood, removes languor and depression, invigorates and exhila rates tiie whole system. IN TME SUVIMER It overcomes the rclaxn t ion and debil ity caused hy hot weather and corrects bowel troubles that are t-o prevalent then. liesides, it makes the most de lightful and refreshing' drink. EN T Court ili.:iu-i. y.v. Slk'jih'-rd M. Ha'icr me few of the citizens of Mario, i in tap. funeral sermon was not preache until months afterwards, (which ci:-totii still kept up to thi-day) TVhen malaria "rides on ever' passiDjr breeze," it is the great preventive and the unfailing' cure of troubles result ing from that cause. IN THE WENTER It is still needed foT curing Colds, drip, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and the ills that belong to cold seasons. the threatening toe h'V of A. C i.. er, w;-s hi 1 .1 ) t Frhhiy in Mo -ira!;ton i eio e M;ig; 4 raie- Ib-ck and 'i;i.e.'s and Uie? P ilouing f;;ct were it' elojl.-d. Mi.-s Viola (lunter. daughter of the I'leiUiir testilied iliat en the night ot t. ;. !M!i. She was aroii-ed In the . T. V. em::; V; a ho stood cliarged j Court House last night for the pur pose of disecssiiig with tbeai the pr e-tieild itv of c ::struciing a tnm pihe rond lroi.i Marion to Cranberry, by way of the celebrated binville Fall.? and for the further purpose of consid ering the value of such a road to the town of Marion. There were several i leading citizens present, w ho manifest- I'rea'viog f glass a.d .-h- looked out of j ,,;te a good deal of interest in the 'i'o- i t saw ik one, hut, on the .o'.- i proj.0sed road. I"wi--. morning :u obseene anony-j Through the beneficence of .Mr. I' ei'. letter was l'jund i;i the yii.-d j nurr.p A eharter was secured from wb' .'!.. j..:..ti(iCed Icfo-.- the court, j t;,L. t f'Jetieral Assembly of Xorth Oil the follov ing Sunday n;g!U tlie i Carolina for the Mr.rion, I.invi le- Fal.s, -'I'lbveiY alarmed hy i-t i shots 1 .,,ui cra!,bcrry 'l urnpike Itoad. Mr. b.-r father h.-.-nming frigl-tened j ;)liwr hin..sclf frar.Kil the charter I . i.ir ionise it.,- :i.--:m;o::h . r-oor s CM proctiretl the pa-sage ol Ilie "'Ui.-h-.T father iel'i the front d or.u.( granting the same. ' kncck.'d at, -ud on epetung it she j There he another meeting of ihe o iU t'.ree Ahern:uby brotiieis. j jZt.ns this evening at three o'clock 1 mpiired for A C (winter and j j tne interest of the road. Mr. lug- she told : hem he was not in. Here t'roi'. L. j'.erge used a "damn', or two -night at Subject : :aii- rast eight o'clock' il,d P.cj.o t;; i A ilttle i.: i school I ivme; ! -iske.l: "Who v. ian.l one littl I "(irand-daddv. iir in : . l numi ire a-iaiii a.-.-e;. i :ca--e. n. d ii in Hui; b r. The teac is the ohu st man 1 black .-creamed: Oh, those happy 1 drys at the old h'.me.on the farm, where we frolicked and played., rode horse back and rowed in the boats, tidied for minnows in the brook, clinied trees and bent the vines for swings just as nature in tended us to do where the house ADMISSION : Adults 15 cts.,1 geomftl made of rubber, and there , ..i . t ..... . children under ten years o age, .1 .V lit.-, lie SCI I -oil L It dooa tbeso thinjro, not In a feebla and uncertain way, but with assured and triumphant power. Kezp !l . ih3 Hsire lA AH Tisiss. ip-Soli by Dreiists, re-x packipe, large bottle, luS Vczcf, Cno Dollar, llinufuc lured only by THE ATLANTA CKEK1CAL CO., ATLANTA, GA. Write fcr 2aok, H-Alei Fre. l crale bv Mor-)!:..-v k White. ids a' l Prof. Will volentered to furnish a 'ruse for a funeral and after chatting in an expressive manner for about t'v?f;ty minutes leit- s'-' lot ther testilied that the thro? v'i" drin kin.-;. T. II. Edwards swore that Prof M iil told him thai they would have ',!' bed (.ir.tc.- if they conU have' 1 Mid him. Several others swore that I ""eats had been made on Canter's ! free. Mil. DI'CKiKIi'S Lectures are ,r.t-on of in terms oi highest praise bv the New York Sun and other gens anxious to meet eery eunen h H 110wspapc rs of the cotintrv that feels nn interest in the material !iaui 1 1 prosperity and future deve'opment of Marion and the surrounding country. Perhaps nothing hr.s contributed so much to developing and enriching the counties of Caldwell and Watau ga, and other countries around them as the excellent system of turnpikes i in those counties. What McDowell needs above ah things is gend roads. You can not afford to miss this opportunity of hearing Xorth Carolina's most noted lecturer. FREE MEDICAL REFERENCE BOOK 1 x bt ri;at hy's olt'ered no evidence j ( (H p;ig.-s) for men and women tiien- defence and weie each re pnr- i who are atliicted with any form of private disease peculiar to their ' 'i-'-nve a justified reaee bond of They wdi each haeto file a hoiui i-.r their appearaiw e at the nest ' r"' or the Superior Court. :- ...Mi Tf. Tae. S':- :T T. M. A - a; . i ... "a. sex, errors t f youth, contagious di senses, lemale trouoies, etc.. etc Se:ul two cent stamps, to pay j postage, to tie1 leading specialists in the shape of Sherman's Annv invaded this peaceful home and those happy 1 uays w re over. ! The dj;vo rejoiced in their f r - j ; don), but frolicked no lng- r. for : they took iy:i their shouldeis the j j burden of life; and, witii tie irj ignorance anil snittiessness, nav i not made the gool citizens tney might hi'. The old iK-me still stands and the brook which rutir. e n t -o sides of it sings its lullaby to other children. Th ones who Used to assemble nighly r.nd-r tie der.r old roof are scattered iar jnd wide with lome of their own. The l v. . t'-.ws on. Tt nie it oulv murmurs: "passing away;: and! J the silent halls echo "where are; Ith.-y?"' Th.e planter, the dear oid j i master, the friend of the slave, has j I gone i i his reward, but of all ; i) j ph.ces in memory's sacred keeping j ! tii' dearest is tlie oldji .'ine j "When- I pass-.-d life s golden hours i Roamii g w ild amoiig the liowers, i In mydear old happy home ! Down on the farm.' COOKING STAVES AND A I A. KINDS OF i t. ;v, . t; -.,:r!e j . - nd pi vsicinns in thisconntry. Ir. I t- . annenrs for the tin e j 1 IL TH A 1 e", CO., i' - 'u.plars and instructers. i iiroad St., Atlanta, Cbi. I WANTED-AN IDEA5iSSS5 : thin to latent? Protect xonridft, thev rr-,. J briai joi vealtti. W rite JOHN WtLDit-, J BL'ri Sc CO.. Patent Attorneys, WaiUiLgton. f I). C-, for their pm offer, HARDWARE STORE. r.i o Lverybody is invited to take a FKKK kok at " INICIIOL'S BROTH K HS' Large and new stoeJc of General "Merchandise. A Coat for 50 cents? Yes! Nichols IWs have coats at all prices from SO cents up, and new springao.l ;-ulwnur Clotliing in the ve-ry h,tet fctyh-n. Also Dry Goods, Hat.-, and Notions. Ami ( ,re cerio of all kind.-, 1 lour, Suit Lacn, Arc. CS-iro to Niclio'.s Lrothers' for anything in the nboV liiK'-. and f,.r Hardware, farming imph-mej, Is, wooden willoware, ivc. Hey also pay highest mmket prices ftJr all kimU of Country pro-dace. 81 lllTSIRi ilaie Renueefl THEIR ALREADY LOW PBICES ON n z.j w Lewis Mamh x, I'isiukxt. L. P. McL r. amii;vilia;, .. i; di:sigatki mats: ii:iositoi:x'. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $25,000 We havo Sp-cial facilities for handling the Ludif.M of MerchanU j and others in Western North Carolina. If you have no Lank accoun or tbpnk of a change, we will ! glad to have you correspond ivith ub. .HclonaH S Oilksfs- j i:ccnloiH Sale. Af l.iec u'or ot th t-tt' of CI rtVii j Mack, on ti.r li'U djr ; r ' Pec e i,T 1 il. t,n tU'; iirrr;-, to j 'be l.i'.est K. i it r, nil th precu! r-- ! jertr an j r a" f-itu of tu U:t i.o. Sia-kf-v, Jrd riL-.ir j reatci-. a.n 1 w P b j i i.'.iid attr--.,; f.-uiii to i acre;, an tclt Livuiyi Feed Stable : have tenter an 1 bo'.fMu lat; 1. Tl.f ;cr j , .t.r4. j.rc;rt rtr wr.uii I LeuitiO' l ana j kiiet.r'i f jrLiiure. -( ; Tl'UiT.-: Oil', third tat!., one iri j j i c eight, and one tbirdj in e'jtifn n.ouLi, la b-: Stcurt J lr j;.od I.S AT TUC rctc or ti. ' j r t j j Nor. IP.! . J. J. M-tkcj. bitt-ttr Southern Depot CCKVENiEhT TC EVERYBODY.

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