The TVounflcd Antelope. The Etrickca deer Cec3 from tha herd." The terra Is mppofd to he poetical, and may l;e so; 1-ut dors anyone know why tut; door runs away? A good lar.ny years a?o v:hrn Denver vAa a huddle of shanties and the over land stage was In Its glory, the writf-r of thf-se lines was crossing what wa then represented on the school maps is "The Great American Desert." It tvas very early la the morning ard light, though" the sun hud not yet risen, when the wagons started. Soon, the leader stopped in silence, and every one law on an eminence or "roll" a Fplen Sld antelope, Fta tiding and looking at bo wagons as though f,urpried. Not ; U sound wa3 nade on either side until the silence was broken by the sharp : crack of a rllle. The antelope fell, but I snly for an instant, and then bounded tway. Arrived at the place where Lo ; fell, a little blood was noticed, and, : rising the "roll," the stricken deer was ! Been making I1I3 way not from, but to i tho herd, some 400 In number. Then was seen a rather curious Eight In tho early light Cttehlng sight of tho wag tin, the wholo herd moved away at a smart pace, but r.ot at a panic gait. The wounded animal had reached the herd, but was not wanted; for two or three bucks made for him, and as long as wo watched them chased and horned the poor animal until presumably he fell dead, a feast for tho coyotes. Fcr 60UJCJ reason peculiar to antelopes, they wanted no "stricken (W-r" about and wouldn't Lav j one. Homeopathic En voy. An Immense Kltark. Antone Joseph, an old whaling mat") 'now stationed as cook of the Cornlk-ld lightship, r:..e.r, Conn., becked tho boss thark of the ui on Wednesday of last wee'.:. The monster measured from nose to tip of tail 11 feet 7 Inches, and weighed abcut COO pound3. When Mr. Joseph noticed the shark under th9 lightship quarter. Le immediately got cut the share fishing tackle and bait. d the hook with a round of Uncle Kam's mess pork, which Mr. Shark very quick ly made a meal of and was towed along tldo of the ship. The i.-.iffs were hookea on to him and ho was hoisted on board. tThe sirloin Fteaks being removed, he was cast back into the sea for the Xian ,tlc parties to Jake pictures of or some Imaginative reporter to writo up us a Bea serpent. Howling at lite Moou. J itot as some highly civilized races worship the iuii, so some people lower In tho scale worship the moou. Amongst tho latter may bo named tlij Makua, of Mozambique, in Ihist Africa. They are a bad lut, and give the Por tuguese much trouble. At full mccn they always daneo uud howl most mournfully. Mr. 11. II. Johu.iLin, tho traveler, says that though the authori ties forbid these observances, hhs Ma iiua bcrvanf3 ran tho risk of 1). ing whipped, and even, lmprh Ji'.ed, ratxier (than not p,o down to the beach U roll bnd caper on ful!-n;oou nights. tj Mollic "Do you like trolley parties?" 3oI!ie "I Just love 'cm. You know I'm '(engaged to one; he's a motor-nan." ionkers Statesman JTow'a XL!? t?!.?. 11',,a,l'l Hollars Reward fr ' W ' f rwP"-. ToTodo, O. Vo, Hie uail. r-nod.have known I'.J V-ia no lor lha at 1H yc .r. n-i I U-Uevo Mm ptr Ananr,i; to crry out auy obi . tin m l lo ,y t.'.c-lr til m. lU,7", Yl-ola DraIsts, Toledo Wau'Ixo. Rinnan &, Mativi.v, Wliols-alc " it .''"WtH. 1letl , 0:uj. IUU i l ..iwrrh .itois t ;H; i-n i-. Trallr nct IQA .linvtly un , tl:.j U ,o;l an. I l:in -oua mi,-. by ail liru,' -n. , ., tJ ivrrru i'b Ojiinjon. Fvpi yh dy kn iw x-(.:o : vv It 'Vrt Tnv. Jor, t 'IV:i:i-"-c . Jl-hi;-: "i I :w ! M''n in !!( Tvncr'.s 1'ysir. psin Koi:e.iy n'l Jiiid it na u ! inirai.!o ni 1 t-. ti:-?Hiiiii. T.iUi-n Ik Ioui 1' ci'-.nn.-. t !.:i:ir:.- :i v.tur r.;vl ra l-ncs-of !' lin w hich viry 1'e-ii .il.'iv. 1 nm coiivinct'il tlm' it is a li. s,;-chtst uiii-.-Jy icr alilin.: i ip-vt ion. 'Kspi 1 : T.y If Tvrrr'a D.. rj-'crria Ittmcviy i ta'rn nfivr oatiiiir." Price &J ceiits ler bottle, l'or sale cvtry tvLoie. Mrs. Winlow's Vouth'n'Jt Svrup for r-bildrea fctthiPS, ntt v.s i!,-? iriiu-, rc - in::uinna. lion. ailus natn, curt". w,:n ct.M a l. IIIntrrrnrnn N Simt Itrmnlr, nt 'it t.i'tos out r -riis, !i ii ;i t o .s it tii J1m walking 1 1 Icas'uo. Ik. at Urujttts. 1.-010T1, S. '. I have v.i J 4 boxes of for Tctt i fU tnv fret, of l 'vt ara ttau iinw. Tv n.- 1 1 wen; itikk and r-tt-n. lrl'o ni:u' '1 i ; . i r (. tho ar' grovir;oit now riv! hf.;!:by. l'i..,t end inc two m.;r hox to it- i:: ci-lt holl 1 sLovv any -: t: ii of ri lui iiiii-,'. C. M. lift, fcrnt by t ir .;. Li.-ta n u. J. T. jsVap- triiif, sa va!i!i i!:. (; . FITS -topucl fr, r. by ut. Ki 1 n f.iiRvr Nm:vk N i".n niter I'.r-t !iv" 'i-, Marvvltm r Tr.Mt;:. a n-i ? ) ; . ;: i b tie froo. Dv. Klin. . '.-'I r.-'i r-' , V.i.'.x., Pa. Aftp- tihvsii-iiins b 1 1 t;vf n- I favrtt b: Vini' furt". -ti irn I-:r.:k:.', ViI ian.!jv.rt, l'a., Nov. i.', is.n. 1Ioilicr V'ii r.irk"i-"iTGin2rr Tnni lni-t llr.t St t:. :i-it i-v.i( thaa othtr lacdU ctsics for cwry ior.u o: liUiru-i. T Of vr iliyic;il 1 e.vitb. I n l,l up vour sy tcin, t tiO nur : 'otn iv-Ii nni il ire-t w on: i;. Inert " our up. it-t t-'. i i rk !i m:r 1 i.v-,1, tjr v.". out U lirjiunuci ua.l i';-cvcct MukntcS it'l Sarsaparilia The Oae Trm .'o-l Paiiilor. $1; G for . Hood's Pills nisV:L NATURE'S WAY: is i. irsn kv ti j ftlnl Tre-el-Jrc ch ioi ,r !i s'.ou.a i full rf . jrtr(rrt. There i- i.i v o i n , i n Li irth i'-t-.i bou"..l bn'.j a Sc-t:n,r o' (.tk-vlI to iV :n'.hvt. Nature eo. - r.i'th -.v,j. J. .i;t. :,V.;i-.' of Hi "jr-j by :-., - l;vi -, of i - cr.- l!l.M:tin.' . that I nlc-; t:i tor- nre.- of i l.i .rnr'.t'. ri'f it y he ::.y, ;0 tv: :. ;h t!:p or.l:il w.tb :r irA.: v N:f::-- : : tntci it -a. iv. v'Ar,.,T. r ; u b;r.i moth.on'Ot t.txt ur'lv trt ? i'lVi:;;ji.o gt strcf th r n-l:i.l ;vr.-l ::!'.:;. . McELREE'S Vil.'iE CF CARDUI lJthob t r::r'-,c an.! t.ii.!; tj rn thi. It fire-' th- a :.; m::v, c--ai t tK o.rjl"-: tri-tl. hhort -i.- i:,r, itss. r.s ;.a;n .lu t ri-'j-conflriciaws.t of r.j J,:ii:-. Ono Doiip. a Cottic. SOLD ISV ALL !)KU(I GISTS. v.ui)to htht ii tii FAiLS- fa i;ni Pi.'it h- pnifii WJ rT3Tg mn i- , I jbu i,m . ... .. 1 -1 ake xaar j CONGRESS CONVENES Di:. TALMAii!: WKI OMKS IT. I lie Learned l)I!n nys "lod Is On the bide of This .Vatiiu. Tr.xr: "And l!i?L-yrl o-anel th eyes ct ttio y.iun? rnin. a", i sit. ail. bhol !. t'r.'i 'r.oan'a'-i ffai fid! of hor-- tl cbari o! CrcrjuaJabDatE IVia." It !I asvi.. 17. Th AT.?rT"n C;M?r?5 c33uVin7. Arr vin? or alr"i ly ?.t;v-1 ar h- ierr- laid. J-t m ve'eoTi hen ,wi:h p'?.Vr3 J and t-nq li?:irp. A no'ile eom ot raa B4rrnt'rft I W.mhin;ioa thin thos who will to-TT-irrovrtVi? tn' Ir pliv 'i th S?i ate ChaTivJor and tn Houe o! Rpr-ntH tivj. Wblhr thy CD-nea'on or lear their TVnihe.? at th h-Ti5tad 1 awaT, may th tsinr o thi Etrn1 O -d b ano'i thPTi! invite t'-a. n to onr charibes. an I too'i'jr thy ii political soier aad w- la r3Iaro::3 cif!'' wi 1 tr!v th coming montbs to f-oii lertion o' tb be?:: i-'ters of t:Is C'Wrrv whihOii hs blesql mnh in tbqr,at t!itt I r.urpovi to s'iow vo l an I s'to'7 tin,n. f.-xr a I may nov ria:i thIr far or to-TOrr'-w thir eye throna th" priitin,' r re-, th G") I wdi with th-n to lij'iot hn . tn the to.: fldel th"5 raoaa-tain-i with betn for E'lishn. At U eut Eir,'hial mnnv rioits ail 62,'0').0'5T :i y-rf-to k'ip Piiy a troaVi9 . Bom-Mraotir a S. ll'!na, eo fi kirj1? of Svria sndi O'Jt a whole ar'n to 'a'.ta'M 013 mini'Tof r'iiTi nrhao S.On m?i to 'r F.iU'ni. D t.e n;?it th a-nv of I Syhtni 'a m nro'jid th-j vit'n r of Dothm, wiiM tii' Tr'i't w n starin?. AtitW davbr 'Vt thi mn i 'ry.ii? of F.l'sii laanlv'l: " '.7 l it sh ill W3 do? TVn 'i a w'io'. nrv ooni to drovvi! 'vTi tr.?t dt"! Tnt di!" Bit E i?h-i wis not S3 iroi a b t, fi-.f loi'ci l no and sa th) mo'in'.'ni aU arouil foil of saner nat'iril f".rj-. nl ho Jciv th1: if t'i?r w-'r i .11,000 Svrlaii a?a;n-t hiTi th?a w-re m.Oll an fi's f or hi a ailii aaswrtoth' prorht'3 oriy-r in bihi'f o' hU atn'itei mil ssrvint tho yo'ii? mil 6iT It too. Horva? of Hre ha"H3?o 1 to eairiot? of flr1, r.ildrlvjr3 of flri r ilin-j r;in? o? flro oo. bH? of fira. an 1 wirriot? of firs w th briai fshlsvorl of fir, ail thi brillino of tht mor-iin r sairii w.u o -'ipl by the KiHorilnT so!ilor?oe th oV?tiil e iv.V c tU. "Aid the Lor I oonel the 5Tr? or the y.oan- into, a x I hci saT, ai I bho'd the mouitati w i f-j'l o' borj- ;to i c'i irio's of Are rrml aoit Eiisha." I so1! i'c of th um" for2-'l of 'he t-icfc fi-vt ar3 tofl?ht oi oar i le ai a I'lion. If a' I too lo-. Icvjh are Site I with arm 1 thrii, I hvvi to tell yoix th-it te 'no -vitain of oir hooo ail eoarit an I ta;th are fuH of thi hordes aai chariot3 of divine vw. i Yoa will not'ie that the dlvino ou!nacre !s nb,VAV reor?3 'nte 1 a a ''ii'-iot of Are. EsVctal nil lara'i ail Jvn. w'm the? cone to d9 ;?ribe the d'viie iyiiov.r.. al vA?. renr'oit 1 m a w'ie'ei, a h-inese 1. ai nohotered ooal tTratlou. It U not a o'iir lot bee k'i?i ait ooil'tr-)r4 of eirct moant. bnt ai orti'zei ail conor-we I Are. Thtmem? n Jmte. ehastiie rnnnf. ddivriT! tho'tj'i baain? e? Chtriot of ros-vie? W,bat ac'itti-o of r All o'f National dheithr dlni'? h?.7iheea through soreh'n f axon's? aid red 'ia-ers. Thron?'i trib'tliMon the inlivia' Through trlbijiatioa Ns-Mons re. Cha'-lo'i. of reside. hnl !h irio-3 of ftc Ri ho v do I ' knoA' that toil livtno "onioare is oi the i le i of oar ''n-t'tivionsV I !-no,v it bv tie Vstory of lift 119 year?. Th Anrt'an Ttvobi tion S'artej fro n the , joha HtnoVc In Tn '.ei'n 1nce tT ill in 177t5. The jolonie?i. without shio:-!, without .. n n tn'tioa, without crun', without tr.'.inel wiri-ior.j, w-tho-if mo'iiv, withouf: ovestir. Oa thi othT side, the Tnithtie-rt ""Cation of the ea-th, the 5ar est arnlia, the caa lsfc navio? ail tho rant rtistinsai'siel comnn'.er-!. ail ri. pou'-'!P3 inxhiasi-ibt'. aid narlv all Na tione rral tobi2'c then no to theftja'". Nofh'n'.'. h? aTi'nt i n nei'itv. T!ih na'ivecfthe VoiT'tl vo'on:?s. which starl at ro. droooe 1 still lo,vr thvoiTh th 'in i-rnifi? of the fren-irsi. and thromrh thHi'jihoaMesaf: s na'l s'irjaB?e, aid thro-i?"n the win'ers'wh'o'i 9 i-n t-e I t'l rre le feon in d-pth o' eio.v ail horors o'coiTet ro.9nt. Elishi sarroandel b' the wiole Svrinn nray did not s'en to be wore ot than dit the thirfe n colonic enontpasei nn t oversa:i'lovfl I by forei' i asan't. Wait de -Idei the eontpst in onr f:ivoc? Tho tipD9r forces, the upn-r arnis. The Gre3i aid Wn:te Moaatain? of -5.7 Ei'ail, the Hiirhlanls a'oi? thi liaison, the monnti'i? of Virginia, ail the Apoa'aohiai ran?.j? were fall of r-anfor33 neit. wh'ih th voanmm Wri3h!n?toi si.v by faith, ail h!i ran nnlarfd the frosjn feet, ail tho craifpasl woaais. nl the cxhaa? ins hun'?r, anl the Ijn? march be 'an?e "the Lor 1 oten'rl the ew? of the you a? mao. and ho?.i',v, au, Vhold. th' mount w.i fuH o? hors od (h iri- of ro ronid abont El.sho." vv'ashin:?03 hi''.f w a? a miracle. What Jo-hni wh htwl h'otorv the flr,t Afnrlan P:ii tea: was in secular history. ' A tho-i-anl othr -nei CT'alt.od him la cliff-r.'nt th'n-'-1. but he ftx-jtlel then all in voun lues-; ail ermk'ten"? o! eha'.aofer. The w.orl 1 r.vr pi-.v his li'c1, ani orobably nover wii' see his 11 ce aaia. be jvis th?r proba'-i'.y :-vr vr'M be another sm'i et lcteiT'.w lie t.m? I4': dowa a divtaa Inter position. He wa fro-n Got direet. ' I do n't iiiTw ho.y :nai-? oia real the. history of thio ti-n'1? withoat ai nittinthe, .oat-r v.-is dc;li by the tinner forfl.i Tiva in 13j1. Vpiot: Civil Warooetiei, many at the N'o.Va ml at the '-voutb. pro no.i'il it Xi'ioavl saijil?. It w not couva;-3aa;n:;jwarU:?, It was not wealth fta'a-t pDV.Ttv. it was not lar State? n?ansi s-nall Stat . It wts herois n af ttnt lie rois n. it was the iv oatv'ss of many area rr.uions a,-.!r.-t theronri',-,5? of fraratio'is, it was tin prayr o theXjri'i a?vos: the prayer o t'a e nith, it wi oai-halt ot the N ition in am d w:ith raestla"? tin other h.i'f of thj Nation ia nrnl ia'iaatioa. Wnat cou! 1 co ne bat f'trTiitioa? At tin ooniu? oT t!:.i war the t mianler-In-;h:?f of theCa'.tel stafe? f r?i was a r'.an wo ha I bri rr3at in bitt'.o. ba: nil a-,re ha 1 o ne, w'.Mi -na-iv inT-n.t'K1-. ail hi had a ri.rht to qa:'ui t. Jl oo I not maaat a hor-, aalai roll oa thi battla- f.eld in a carria,'?. as'jlatr tho drir-r not to jilt it too mn-h. Di'-in? th raot of the four years of t ie coot-s on the s jut'a-ra &i 1 was a :n la in midlife, who ha I ia his vius the i'l-ol of nii'av .--,a3.-a.ion ot warrior?, hi-n:5f oa o.' th heroi of Cirara ms -o an I C r G tr Id. Contriras an I Cii-r.a:tooe As t'.ii yn- ptssei oa all the B.-nMo! rarr.i7 unroll ?1 th-jrj oaoii out frcT. bo:hHts a .lrro.s a. and as. r 'a r;h. aa l a del jr.niaatio x that th wrli hii neve.- sva re irs'ialeJ. All what bai x ter.niuatloa couii come whu Taiho Sheridan nil Stouewi'd J.ailcsoa mr, ail Nathaniel Lyoa ani Stdiay J .hoston roll ta froaa North and Soatb.'aud Grit ani Lv th- t.vo than leioo'.tsof battle, cl uhs 1? Y"f. vj are a Naiijii, ani y: we ara at pf.a . E inhly eo ara ;e dii'no: dcoida thi cotidi t. T ie nop?r forjM o tn test they tell us there was a na.t'.e f5d,'it ahjvj th olou Is oa Li'tjat Manta:.n, out there was so nthiL.: Uisjhr than tha. Aca;n, to a horj-s ehariot o' ftol cam to the ras.-ae o! tais Nation ia 1375, at the close of a rri l-?nial "lection t.ano-n for ffrocity. A iar r eloal yet settle I dowa upon this N.ttioa. The result of the eienioa nas ia d ?.'a, ail rero'.atioa. not b-twea tr.3 -jr three?- -tisn?, bat revolution in every inwa aal villa ani citv cf the Units 1 States set lie 1 imntnent. 'Ihe nro'oet wa that e'.v Yor wcu. 1 torottleNew Yoric,aal Kaw Ora:: would tfrin N;w Or!:ias. ,ni Bosice. i:otou. ant S ivaanah, Sava-inih. and AVti-iinrton. "Vah as'tox Soxe said llr. Til ien wast--'te1. others s lid Mr. Htyts was ele.ntJ. an 1 how near ws cam to uai-T?r.-il ir. issa ra o:ne ot us t;ae&e-d, bat Gol calykney. las-'ribeoures-ape not to the hoaty aui ri.:at?ouni of iafariatei p:li tiiaa?, but I a?.-ibe it to the upper forces cf the .t:. Cu i:i jts of cier.TOiiel i i. ail thoaihtas wuesli era not heirl aai ta flash wi no'si, yet a'l throirh th-moan-ta ns of th- N-.'sxnl the Svirh. ail th rv. an t the ton?h the hoof- di I not clatter, th- iva'ry of Gol ei'looel y. I tit yo t Gol s th fr'eil of th;s Nttio Ta theaA'ral x itoair at the raasiT3 of Lr co:n. w"Ta ta- wi a or o-: that .r-ir 1 larVer wui I 00-3 uooa this XaSaa. Go I Irish ith t-Tio-t. In th- aw'al vo:t mei. at ths ti o Garie'.l's Has;na::oi Got oat Fl:s 'oot oi tie ne - c o thei3'oi. To oroy Gilis oi the si i o this Natt I ara friTt the las' pi?ht or n'n trrat i ti onal ha-v?s:a. ant fr mthe Na'ioial ha'th of thi last onarterof a ciatury, eoileoai'3 ve-v of!'otioia'. aid frn tie cr;it rvi vais of t'.liioa. an I fr n th snrilinj oi the church of Go f. an I fr-n t'a "H tie it blosso-nin-? asyiaus ani reformatory lastitatioaa. aal froai aa Elaoizatioa waica p-o-nlsca that this whole laalls to be a para dise, wa;re Gods'i aU wi'.V. J ana enoiried more thin I ai ted vol I fee the raiments waee'in? do 7a th sxv, ani -nv j r3miais 1 1-a into lotiorie. that w'a'.eh was the Gool Fr'. lay o? th Natioa's fraiilc'.-oi be.-om-'i ta Ev,r raora oT its m are-;toa. Of ?ot-se Gol wor ts through, h tmai ia-tmnat i':ti ;i. ai I th:5 Nitioial b.trrneit Is to one a aoiTf other thints toroa'a a s?ritio"--4i I billot b,x. By the la t of re3i- r atioi it U.ntnio?: imoosri'o'.e now to have i Ie?alyotinr. Ttero was a time oi aal I rimembr It v-ry wUVaen droves of vaaboils wiiiersi up ani do wa on Eletloa Diy, ail frooa poll to poll, voted here, ani votel ther?, aai votel eviryshirf. nl thira wn no chaeaze, or if thsia were. It amoaited to notbiaz. bsian-s nothiaj coali io sa Keiiy bi prjral u?ji the va-aboil. Nv. ia evv; wU o--j?ai'iJ:el neighborhood every voter ii wa chelwita siveriK sirt iay. Itlauii a rj'ioa where I aoa aUo 75 1 a vvte. I m i't tell tie ri' m nan?, ail ho v "'.1 I am. aai hoT loa I hav rev. lei ii the State, -an I hov loi; I hivi rii'lel ia th warl or the, toiViio. ail if I ta'.s'iori eeat arty w tai3t wi'l r 3 aal shi: i oat from thiba'Iot box. Is not that a '; vti? Ail t'na noti30 th lar that or -hibit3 a niiivitin i! he hasbet oi the e'.Jj ttoa. A steo fa-ther Qeelj to bi ta'cii aal that mai f ?"!ilea a voti w xo hn oT)-il or ta'cea abrib. wrst'ie? it he lithe shaoa ; of a frso drii'c. o- caih oi;l dova. th : snoieloas ctu? o'j'.ijslt) otttavc hail oi the B'.V.e aal s vur the'.r viti ia if they ; vote at all. S. through thi sairei ihe?t o! ou" tioVs3iTt-ir. -il notioa w.U con?. Gol will Bivi thU NiMoa thrji?'i ai nrJUil "io;0 . siitiiea. Tterihis neyir biai s) m :h disi tsj'.oa o! "tor ih aal im mo.'t's. Mm, waethr or not t'ny a ) tio -l-el?ewhatls rirht. bavi to ti'i-: w tat a riK. vi havi ntii who ha7i hal the'.r hails lathi nh't. thi most o! thvir lirim, stuiin: .VI hv end Hy the:rhails oa, di-iO i-siiT Voneitlv ahot; dishomty in o t h'i-j si"- iiij", aa I ntiawith fro or thrii fan'. U j j o! thei? o.v i a.'! u'liat e!o t tilt'. a'ooit the ba atia o.' th i se7iat'a connail nia. The qtistioi of sobrie'y : ail irn'ceum is thriv ii thi f i2i o ta;j Nidoi as ueyir be.'ori ail ta'c a Dirt ta . oir oo Itiaal coiests. T to q n;tio i of Si., tioial sohr! jtv Is'ivar sohiri5i2tf a'lvail deferiiti-a'ly heir ' at the bir of ewy Le ;is latarJ. ail evry H it;3 of Iiiir?Jitativi?, ani every Scite Haaate, ail ai o na'ooteat vo'oe wi'd ria-; do v i thi s'c il -n o s s this 1 ail and bto t a? in, sa'li to this rsia tld?s of dr ti'oiess wh;. :h thriieh to whetti ho no aai c'virs'i ail i":oi. ,:T n far" sha't taoi com bit no firihe- ail hi'd s'aa'l thy proa I wvfii hi s: v. I." Ihaviiot ia my rn'ila fe'iato-vof dts heartneat as 'ars i? the3hi lo.v of a hoisi flv'swiu?. Mfi'-th Is ii ths tliier tozin, t'i3Uiair ara;e3 of tho tesr. Gil Is not deal." Tee hiriot3 are not ui viii'el. If yoawinli oaty oriy mori ail wish voir eyes in the cool, bright wite.- FrMh fron -hi wad ot Chnstiairif ? n. it will I be siil or , yi t, as of this ois o! the tat:. "CxeLorl opieithe eyes of they jut mil, ail he Eaw. ai I, bihol 1. tho mvntiinwii fa'lof ho-ses aal ohavioti of llri roail abut EUsha." Waeithe arnv of Aiti-m is wsit intobaS tie. h;s sol liers y?rs vr n i;h liso irvel. and thev i-'ishei no to thi -eiei-al ail sud to him, "0 n't vol se? wi havs a fa .7 forJiS ai I thev havi so m n y?" Ail the sollieri Wirs aTS h'el at the sm bieti o! their a im br ail the rria!-nsi of the eaoti'. Ai'i Koi'is. th'r on lailer, sti-i'Titeiel h' a gelt no ail sa' i, in l:ntioi ail Vihe. ian)3."'-t)v muy lo voi t'.j'coi nn to beV" All viii thivast am'es a rayel azi'tnt thi caii o! soristy it raa7 so iisti nes bi vry Hsjo i v. cinr, bitt as'c yid la ina'iii' no y iir eitinv.' of th f o.- o! ri ?'iti o 13 15- 1 as'c yoihi y naiy do vol reo'coi the TjOc! 1 l V! n'?htv to bo? It Is oar oo n nan le1. T i Lor! o' TI sts i? H s nain. I havi thib-v; nt nritfo73iv inihattheahariotsoEGilaM 23,033, aai the moanta-ns ar fail o! tho n. Hivi yoa aiv doihta'oo r. the nsel of the' Christiai rali?;.oa to p i?.fy ai I ma'cs leint Aner'.oai oo'.iti'j;. t nyjc yiiviy or qualriania' eleitloi w hi7 iith's co tntry greit mm ifa;to;ie 1 1 1 ifs.2tor".e? o! liej -ail they a.M rai di ail at rh aid the tara out ha'f a dozia a da a'l oi;poilani reaty for full sallin?. Liri lts ail snail lies. Lie3 private ani lies tjib'iaaii lies prarlei1-. Lies cut bias aid lie? at diaT oaal. Loi'; lim'oe t lie3 ai 1 lies wita doable ba'-c action. Lies conolkneatary ani li?3 defamatory. Lis that somi oiople bsbeye ani lies that aU the ojoo'.e Oi ieye, ait lie that nobody bslievo?. Lies with himn3 lik3 canals, end 8Jal9.sU ce croioiile. ail nesii as Ion as storis, an I feet as s ,vilt as ai ai telope's, and stints like adder3. ie3 raw ail" soadooal ail oaiiei and ste.yel. Crawdn? Hasan I janoin lies soaring lies. Lie with atta3hmeit s-?c3.vs aid ral flers ail brailer ail realy woini boo. bins. Lies by Christian p33?i who neve? lie exiapt dnrin? ele-jrioas, ail lias b peo. pie w to always He, bat "oaat th3an'jive3 in a Presidential eamoaia. I coafass I am avians I to havs a for3;?i er visit this country ia s i -h time;. I ohoii 1 thin'-: he wvili stall dasel, hi hail oa hi? poVetboolc, ani dare no: jro oat ninis. Wait wid tie haiirois of t'oasiilso for eiiTS who co n here to live thin : of U'? What a dismast they in tst havs forihelanl of tleir aiootton. Ti3 oa'y cooi thia ! abo'vt it is maiv o the n ciaio: ui iarstai 1 the Ei? ish iaa?n ie. ii it I supposi the J Girnia ail Italian ai lSy3iis'i aai Fran 'i j o apers tran.slata it aU an I pe Idle oat the ia- feraal stnT to the sabsrih;. Nothin? bat Christianity will evsr stop 3uca a lloo I or laiejeaiy. l ia t; tr;stiai reliitioa will spei't: ahe? awhile. Taebil liasate ai I low s-jaalal throa; i wai?a wi wa lo avaty yair or t?a; foir yair mast be rsbaliei by that raiiloa w'aisa sp3ai3 fonitsitVi 7,cix: raon'.iiis "nn tn oao inouitain iatoaia? th connni, 'Tioa siait noi bj.t- falsi w;ti;3? u'a nst thy uflitjabor," an I fron th j o:ie? mint dic ing pi 'a for kinlaiss ail bleislu ratier than carsin?. Ye5, wi iti "i to hi7i a Natioail r?d?io u Taer a-e t-v kills ot National religion. The oae i sapported by the Scat", ai i is a'mart-ir o !ia n i i p olitias, an I it has jcs:. piTona a a I ua liit m?u will stra'.e 'or oro nluinii wi'.hoa: rafer f n -a ta qa ilia Mtioas, ani its .'.rjhbishop is saojorte I oy a s itary of 75,')) ) a yair, ail th re ara za at cithe Iral, svit'a all the ia i chia.'ry of misia aa 1 caaiaiialj. aai room for a thonsan 1 people, yet an allien; of rl'ty people, or twiaty d jople, or tea or t .y XVrt want no sa3a reli-tioa as tha:, no sin National raiiion, oa: we wai: tai.s kiai of National rdisiou :hi vast majority o the pjople .-oav-rtid and vaaj jlizi t -m 1 thea thy will maaa re taa scalar ai wad as tha riisrioi. Do yoa say that this is impra:ti;aVi?? No. Tne tims i? eomia; just as ;r:atnly as t'ure is a Go I, a il taat ths is H s boo aa I that He has tne strength aai the hoaes:y to fill ill His promise.-. Oae of the aa.'.ent emperors used to prid h tiself oa pari'ormia that which his counselors fcaid wi3 imposslb.e, aa 1 1 have to tail you t )-lay t lat n n's im-possibi-s a- Go t'.s e.asis-. 'Ha:h 11 sail, and shall He not do it? Hath Ha comxand el, and will He uo: it to pa?s.''' Thi Christian relii vi is coiia? to taii pos session of every b di jt bo, of every school house, of every box?, of every valley, ol evry monntaiu, oi cveri" uriof car Nation a ("n-vi'i. Tb'-t Na ''"). p twili -fi n !ii t al th (r.".nn are try Ins; tc d- ftrr i, j to bv. N?r""" fir.'Pf M .T"v"a f lon whn "taai ws it"-'l ! fimtr,-; fr)- th Ptho-a' -n btns rn:-i hi I om"'ni-tion down." hae "ie"we of fl.a-V. n bn o d,j--riol to w'n h;s 01. n'l'mnw. lViat a f a it-'l "a"Vi in ''e. he ima o 'h't ilr Oi ftni,n,ns the Af!fih O an. dv; i!- t us from tb wo-noi' G-vra-nos of F.i. r -. O i h ,th'i" si I ris '"'d; 0"in l-vi Vnr n fron th tPa--iti'" o .ia. Oa th no-Th ns V-'ti Sa. whi i ii the Tnnasinm n whl"h th. "?olorar ail niT:?iM.) ."w'-n th'r c i-i ---. V "ont". nit 13.1) n:is hv, s-jnii-i rr,;!'". si 1 "'.1 ' it b''- oi'.-.-Tiy'i !iV'e of rih H t'ttra'-i. 0 1 hm 1 t .T'ois o r-ti'atioi M tY '"no- n N-' ani Sv" Am; ' ' l.n'.llt hi ' roon o j raani l iii-'l -o ni-. 'l vi sil al' i r i. a'' pacts' . a1' n mot- -oo "t, ! a'l crvn ml s'l -i't. "is o-i. lvvMMV,.',,-M,.)M, t1j r e"s fiTT-i'';'' v th-of 'i art -x to ths t"r m 'a, i 'inn o Di-'., the na-ro wis: ynt oo'l ni4. s'l to b n-i"? in G7 -ia-. ' VI f. ail VI 0'i-V'vs. si hsi o Chr"t's nwia".' p'- ee "i- h '.4-. " fi tbs to'tati ii V "piix too 1 -i-,v t lis shall e "hi: 'no T: -t i 'Vs j wi-l I. vcho ha" ist h: i'v-. ; CHi-ist o saan? Wo ha'l htv t'n sho-i of h in'eni a. he r, ,r .ri U. ! the ol o he- Ootorl-"!. t'i t'n.n; j her observiir;e!. thebriii o hr mi-v. I tis, the wheat of her pra'riea.the ric of h ;r Bi7avti. ths tT) rnat o3anbsa-h"s h mi ra2h!ntr fron nidi's to T:- le! Fi-?-. ani th oh"r from Brinz Strait t Cm IT o-i ani all the taint all tnuo-l ant o"-'tial ail vir:Ui? lier?ts of a roo ilai-n vas' be-ni a'l hnman commotio-.? Vioha'l bays the ben'30ir3? Yoi ani I wi 1 d?lle tha. o he'.- to deiiis. br oi3ntio!JS vot. by eiriset tfa7er. by mi'i'nis of Ci' stian lnstltntioi. paooori rr er?at tohi!anthroos. br oitn? bolr. -m'nl ani soi" oa the rijht of aU mo-V. rVl-tons aniNat'oial moviments. Ah, it wiU nv rna'cs ai7 diTarsnee to von orto me what be;omes ot th'.s coitineif, so fa-asea-chV com'ort is coi3-iel. A'l wi wi I wai o i Till be jeyn fe-t bv thrie, ail tha w II ta'teln th Urz-s. ani there will be room ani ti spare. That is all ot this oiitr we will nesl ver soon ho ynn?set o ns all. tsa sj bav an aiT:ei:y abont the wfars ani the haopinass of ths eeielons ha ar comini: i. ani it w:tl beaersnl th'n? i. whn the arahanTstM trnmnet soinis. ws find that 'iir sennlVir?. like h "i Jos'ib ' 'V.ri'nathea rrovllel fo- Chr's. Is in the n:ist of a arlei. Oi- of the sevn wonder? of the worl I was the white marb'e wil;h tow r of toharo-i of Tlrvot. Sos-i:ns. the arihita;t ani 83iln tor. after biUi'm1; that watch tow jt, cat hl mil m ir. T-iiT he -iov rst;t with'', ri l to n'oase ths V'n? h" nit ths -nonarsYs name oa the oitslls of the plastirinr. aii the stor u beat ai I he ia? dashs I in thei? fur, enl t'livwishel oT the o'as'o-in'. ml tiev wishel it on, an I they wishelltdowi. bitthenane of Soratns wis deen cat in thi tnpr'haVe roe'. So across th faes of tVsN' if! oi thers hays bei a ?rat manr names written, aoron onr fliames, a?ros 0 ir rV;?"on. n ines worth ore nsm",in? nams writti oi the arViit'ti-s of o i; c'mr hes. aid oir sihools. n I o ir asvin ns, and on- homes of mer;y, t Go I is the ariY te?1 n t's eoniii ani h" wis th alo. tiro" all it? Trintr?, ail loir a'te- th'O irh the wish ' the a?3i ani the e n- es'-s of ceitnria 'l other nan Via' I be oV'teraei the d;v:ns si'Jtoat ir ani dlvtns nemewdl hebriorhte? ani brighter as the mdiemt'tms ro by, ail the worl I shaH see that the God who male thi? conttneat ha? reieem-i 't by i? 7?ass frn aii it? sor ro""? ani f'on H itscrimss. Ha7s vol faith in saih a than? a? that? At'.- VI ths ehatlo? havsbea onwheele !, ani a'ter all the wir ha,iots hayo been orioolel. the chai-iot? wh'eh Ells'ia on the morVi? of hi? neril will roM on In trl umn't. foHowslby all the a-n'esof heaven 01 white horsi. O ol Mili do it wih"lt us. bit TTs w'U no. The waives of us, the faln'est of n. the sma'les bri'nel V us. shall bavs a oart in ths trinnoh. Ws mi7 not hayi o ir nane. ti'cs tha nine of. Sosratns. nit in ImnrlshaVe roV ani oon so'eioi? fir csitn-ies, bit wt shi'l be rs. paenoe-el in a he'ter Vaii than tha. evil in ths heart of Him w'o came to raieen us ani rile3n the wor'1. ani o ir nane? will be seen close to the si?ianri of H:? wo iii. f o-. as o-Uv Tls th-o vs oit Hs arns to ns. Us sav, "BAo'.d, T hav erivsnthe on the na'iis of Mhail." R the mthie3tot aU a?snies, the ootei;y of n-avjr, I be; yoa sea's oir National Wil fa". Rinsti-naaotherswirs i.lil.OH isttsrl lath dill le'-tiriisto'd s ii ta's ei'rv 'ot ters that bai lost the'e w-iv hit not oia rrav?- ev5- direote I to fie heart of Go 1 na's. ca-rlei. The wi" Is a'l oleir for the asisit of yvi? snoo'.hat'on? heiyiiwirl inbihalf of tVs itiii. T?iors tie nosta'. UMlV oafioi wis so easv, iiil In? a-r on a roo'c 111 'set h!?h on ths eoist of Eir'nl thers wis barrel fasteael to amst.anl la ?reit let'e-sonthsslieof the rose, n It "iVA ha si faroitto sei. wars the worts"?ost. oTa'3," aal wha ship? cane by a hoi put vat to ta'ce ani tt' let tes. Ani so si?:.el W3ra thos ds. posits or aT'3tioa 'uthat ba-rel thi noto3 t was nveinit noon that barrel. aHhi i?a is coatiinel me??a?ss 'or A"ner'ea ail El-ro-ie ani Asia ani Africa an t aU thetslanl? of the sea. Inv a stem tossal saUi . homesie'f, srot messizes of kininebf tha roVr. ant roaiy a honestaai hear I ?oVl new fron a bovloi? ?oie. Woali that all the heights ot oar Natioial vorisosritv win in in'.erjiai ta of snoathies iravsr? fifi In n nieettn? blesiin?? oo n'n do ra. nos. tal elestla1. not bv a storn strii'c roo't oa a wiatry CDat, bit by th9 P.3:i oi kis . THE MARKETS. ' SEW rOBU COTTON H7TCKES. Coticn ta.-y, middling uplands 8; mid dling guif, 8; . FuLtu-eseasy. Sales 165,590 bai'js. Decc-uVoer. .8 3.S 27 Aoril 8 4-33 4l January 8 2D3 83 Hay 8 i7fi-H 43 February. ..8 35 June 8 50(S8 52 Harch 8 3i Jnlv 8 51fi8 53 August 8 53(5-8 51 rrvEiirooi. cotton 3ii.r.iiEr. Cotton, quiet but steady. 3Iiddlir. 4 11-16. r:itnrc-3 quiot but steady. Sales 13,000, In fiuai.iu A;:ia ican. S.1C0. Mov. A i ;c. . .4 3.o.37 Apr & Hay. ..4 3G b iKi.: A' .Tail.. ,4 33"S.".J Hiiv.t June.. 4 37 a Ju:i. & 1. .A o.r 3u Juisy & July.. 4 37(?33 r-b. &? .4 3535 July i Aug.. 4 33(gS0 Mar 1- A;if.. .1 d';(S, jj c"ircA.o ur.Ais ad rtoorcE. wiiz.t.1 2jc ho Hay (&X ecus i' 2ttf Jan, 26X oats I'-.-; 17 Hay 20 ioi::c J.;j 8 75 T'l'iy 9 15 L.u.1. J.ia 5 53 Hay 5 65 nits Ji i'x li-iy 4 65 HOME COXIOX OIaKKIZT-S. c:mt- Col- Cinr-l-'ttf. vmbia. lton. Good middlinc Z4 8 8 fiuicir.i.Uiiri'- 8 3-10 7K H Midiiiri- 8 1 Ti Stikllowmiddiinj 1 IX Low cii.l.'iio "ij-i HMdiih- uir i l'ai) y iuiddlia. 8 at oinEa r:'iM9. Cottov Hi'idlia- quotations; Augusta dull, S;. Norfolk, dult.8 5-16. Charb-stoc. steady,. Bottcn dull, 8 5-18. Savannah qi;i.-t, 8 3-l. B iltimore nominal, 8. PbiJa dvl?.bia qui -t, 8 13-1. Wilmiagtou tiulJ, u,ew Orleans easy. 8 5-lti fK V ISLAND COTTOS. The sea i.slaa.1 c jtt - a market was firm this wirvij nh saie.s of 633 bass. Tbe quotations ar:-: H; liurn line, 23 to 23.1'.; tin . 25 to 27o.j luiiy line, 28 to 30.; extra "fin?. 35 to 403. ElLLlOll NEW COTTOX. 3IiidIInr ; Sch t uiiddJiu? 8 G o 1 ir.i 1 !li i- Si ! Hark-.-t lirii. S.U.EIG3 TOBACCO 3IAEKET. Sicker?, C'vccxoa 2 SO'a 4 GKd .Vo , h C uttor, Co ia mon 10. 2 ; G jQ'l ft a 12 " li::0 12-S18 rillcr;, Coaiaaou Green 20.'i27 " G od 2-5? 4 ' zc-i s Vr" rappers, Cerumen 12 a 18 Gj-i 20rc;o " lha- i'Jaii Ta. Harkst Sr. f;-r allgraic?. EATIMOi E fROCrcE 3IARSCT. TlocE dm;, W'vsteru PuprHne 2.4ol 2.55; dj cs'.ra c2.75'3.C0; laaiiiy c3.n0 a 3.50; wi:.ijr wheat patt-nt 4?3. 55(5 3.83; spriu- wLeat, patent rX50g3.7rJ; bprias what itral-bt ?3. 253. 55. AVheat Ea-y; 6;ot November and Dfcex t r-r C'i vr t'.-ji; ?.:;y tiVfr 63;; steaaaer No. 2 red G2 V o.; S juth ru wheat by sample C'j 07; ttoo i tra-io, CJ'ho'j. Cl Hi y: f:...t SiV-SSl: NoTercbfr, ?w or old Si's 311,'; tte'yr 33'4'ftZ33's'; i!i ary 335;33:-.: F-bruarr. 335i33-: new Ja teara-r n.i.v 1 3233. S itth'-rn whi'w corn S3? 3i; co v,-liy-coru33-.343'. Oats ihra?: N . 2 wbit- "w-Mrn 23; S24; No. 2 rrJisd western 2i5'S23. r.v - D ili; ... 2 53 a 44 -ear bv; No. 2 western 47. Hy l ira:; cbc!:e Timotav 515.50. "AV4I. fTOEES. vr.l.iiiLton. N. C !tj3ia firLi. trainei l.SJ; rood ftrahi-.d. 1.3.: X-r quM, at l.?5; erade tarpe-.tuie va.-y, bard 1.13 sc ft. 1.50; virgin, ' Cotton Oie. New York Cotton r..i quivt .-.u l il nr.; t r-nie crude -: Tt-iow prime 229;; oJ grade rice. Tnerie rcarket was -tesiy at Cbirlertou. Tke OiinVi,,:.. err: r.-ime4Ka5t: Good S; a 4.'. : T.ur C j n-noa"2;.H3. C0U.NT2T IE-.LCCI. Cu-.try Eutr Cavi re I'it la25 rLu-n to 15. " ' Cuw rva iiud cl.OO perbashcL pjukn Grova fow;.. fiioi3 3.50 to 3.73 per dn. C'aikcas 1.75a2.:0 p-r dozen ae?ord.a to s:; aai qualav. Ducks- Muscovy 4aL50. Gfes?, youai 4.50 ir doea. L cs Eirs.s 12 per dczsn. V,",x.' Washed 15 pr pouni; unwa:-hl lie. Uiies il-; to 12?. Wax 25? to 27-?. BILL ARFS LETTER. ESGLISn PEOPLE KXOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT THE SOUTH. William Tells of Some of Their Bad Dreaks. Cf all enlightened rations the Entisb arj tbo most istiora of iffira and things on' side of England. 1 he dominant idea or the comaiou p-0!'lo is that no bin is worth knowing that m not' Engli-h, an h-ne iLey do not dis'nib tbeir mind about onr p oplo ormrconn ry. of onr br.ra wa over tbero last suniaier and wai amazed at th- i2nornce of erm of their educated people. II 8 laad'a ly bad heard cf onr civil war. Mn thought it was etwi en Nordi America and So-tti America. Tht wa4 tho cn!y uorch and t-cnth the knew of. Her son. a la 1 cf f m teen. s,-h :d cay ton if be Lid anv l.y at home. "Yes, aid he, 'I have foar." "Ara they Hack?'' he iDDocentir inqairei. Ill mother apob'21 by faying be hal be.rd so mach 'atout the ucpr ei over bcrj that he thought xaoet all tho jieople wcra back. A very refined and cnlfnrcd English idy dined at onr Loir.o s tno years azo an 1 aseJ to see onr cook, who hd pre pared nn 'b delight nl dishes, i-o Anut An; was invited to her pre en e. S'.iea-ke I her m3cy qaetioaj that were Iroptrer.onh ani nffei fhs had retlre l he idyirqaircl how I n; Auat Ann had been from Alr ca. My w if was hnrpr Mid and FiSld: '"She nova, wai in Afri- a. SUo wd born l erj tn I to were her parent a nd g.aiidrarpnt." The lady th n express ;d h( r saipr s?. "Why, I th"rjrtr.' said hc "thtl they fcralaa'.iy chaascd color ti om ho inflaenea of ciiina'e and ia two o.' tiirce generations bccir.3 a moat Aln'te." We all rmili'd, of conrre, bnt she rallied to her own deftne ani aaid. 'W-U. I 6aw somo down at ti e hotel who aro turning wh.te." I told her that tLre wero a frw vo'es scit e ed aronud over t)ie couu'ry aud then I managed to clin e 'he enbjec. This reminds mo cf neighbor Freeman, wl:o fn?-ed t bi-monh Bob f .r jro ng to taee'ing so much on work davp, and Bob sal !: "Wfll, bc-, wo iii-Rf-rsis iryin to save an soal" Freeman 6m:led and faid: ,4Why. yon old fool, don't vim kniw that a nipper haseut Rot any coul? A inaa up in Tennessee ha written a book ab ut that atid i 's done proved thut a n;Ker I as-Jtit Rot any nure roul than a tam key. So what en yon p;o nsr to n.eetin for?" B ib ehoatd his early teeth aud lanphed ani thea came back at him and eai b ''Loolt hero, bos, has a mel'atT got any eoui?" Thispc-rp! xol'he nabor for a moment and Letaid: ''VWiJ, I stippniC that a mulatto has ftO' ab 'Ut half a sou'. Bob lmhed tnmultnondy and sa d- "Well, bops, da V .sll r pht but I don't ece how a soul can be s dit in iwo." Thf oihcr dayltravelel in the car with on Oliio farmer wl o wa? very ta kitive and friend lv. II.- sa emplia icaily a horny-Land-d soa cf toil, for h s bauds wt re KOHmy and cracked an I hi3 s unipv fi iters looked like iron cl iwe. II wag on a bus, but not trom dr nk. Ila had bonglit a cip;ar from ihe'newi-b 'y and from the way he mami-cd i; I knew he was not nsod to tho aniclo. "Go np; to the rxp i?" said I. "Wail, yeR." id ie. 'lvo got none nabora alou. V6 eoi ter wanted to sm the sontb now that th'n.-s are gitting alonsr peaceable and there warent any dau-rer. Mighty chver peo. pic .iov-ji I. ere, iike. We havent seen any dis urbanr 6." "W hat were y-.n afraici of?" said L 'Oil, iio;h'ii mach, bnt you sea it was a pow G'fui ions str. tch Irom borne and there arc fo many iiipcers iowu her?, and oar folks uht-ro I live don't I ke nisters. I stepped ver a day in Chat anooRa and saw lots of nij?er and they eecma.l to be acealle e ioajh and was hiiV n mere fii'i than the white folic so we concluded to com3 o i f arther d wd. We want to et aequain el wirh von people and maybe we will bke one an dher bett- r. Bo'ne ot r. a-e Rittin tiwd of su mouths winter and wcnld like to change c i:nac. Wo have been talk ing about it several year but BOino sa:d t!;e war wasent over "down hero and sorae sail the climate was too hot ani 8me sail tho niggers won d perish H3 out ani our preacher said we vouid fcave to turn dem c ats tho first thing or leave the country. I've Rot a u'rol firm of lis cres and I ca t pell it any clay far 16.C03. It pays a good in f rest on that. I sold i00 worth of back wiica1 last week and ZOO bushels cf app!o I i&iscca tie an i h-"ss au l pjtatojs and Lopi tni wheat sui com an t fow.'s aa t everything, but n"y wife is ruunia' dowa hill: she works !o h.trd end the d c or says sue would liva longer in a warmer clmate and --o I'm :oInglolook aronud tor a faim afote I go bac'5." Ko ta ked fair aad boro t and was a sample copy of th' nan 's of those people who have b:en for l.ail a ceiiturv as igi:Ot'nt about the south a.: if we lived e-n a ether contino it. Now iiaf man cun Luy onr Lest forming land for .fiT.O an acr.-; land tlia. will prodaca every ibing that he grows in Ohio and i-oMou cnl tweet potato s bss.ues ani he would have ten men lis to woi k in ii-stead of ix an 1 no doubt his wife would 1 ve several years lo igf r. Bat it ih ail rifd.t and lias no doubt been a b'c sing in d-.sguiea t';at the ti Jo cf hnaiigra tio i went wes; instead of south. As Jlr. Looiiiia naid. our people have pie?ervd their".ni?-m I am no A. P. A., and never expect to be, bat I do like to mi:ig e viUi oursamo sort of peopl?; what you Ci ll a hom.igeu om people, a people who value good principles and truth at d fair-ne.-s in tra-Je and t es-pect for law and reverence for woman. Bat I I ke that Ohio man I travcle 1 wi h. and Irs tor- would find w-kome d-j.v:i h:re in D:x;e. He would have coma loi g ago but be wa afraid. He did- n: know anything about us x cpt tha. we would li-jln. "rney all knew tha"' ho said. lint just cousilcr those English. Even their editor tro nd cuIoajy ignorant of our coun try. 0 !y a cw d iy- ago a L n Ion daily pnb lishod a br e" notic i or our exp sitioa nn 1 lo cated it at Atlantic Cry. It toid of the L b erty b?!l ilia va takea from '.bo dome of the cpi ol at Washington to open the exposition wit i and that i'N.'e?sor Booker Was'iii.gron. who -asa b'eal decendm: f G.orge iVa'b-in-ton, the fl t-t American prtsidcut, mule the oper.i'ig i ddrcss and that on of the ticvd ici vss a ;rvV- of tottouwojd trjes fall cf cotti n. ard t'nat the (xd u'on ieali the dreira of fii'inaa F- Grid , ti- fat'j'r of thefcolidintli. II w is ' f r Man '-n? It l'V'ig l;ko a jok. but it was not. I knew an E igiw maa whi to'd me he had been tur.ght tiiat t'oi . iew i u kroC trees and v.n gathered 1 y n-iug laod I S. T!o-onthhas slvaysbe.'n tetter scqaiat el wi h tha nor.h ihan the north has been with ns. Oar merchant' u-J to o nortii about twi'-e a year to Luy tl car good-', and o:r rich ptople vis ted tlicir t ;ii tud tia' ev ry mramiT, L-at th re in uf -tiing for tlr ra to come down here for. Alhion T -nrg-c c .nio t!o r i n a fo a' rrand art r tlie war and went 1 ak and ro'e tht onr peoi la w-r all born poiiti ians. Gov-rnor AltgeM (aid tho other dai i-i bi bean fuladlrjt tht w were all be rn rat -r. Idr. Loomj fays wa treuviv b ra American ptr.o a, an i several -pakrs sai l tht hopit4lit; wis aa inhom foa'bern tra-t. I: is real'y refreshing to reid tre.r praise and coaip;;m n'!. Tue o't.r day a csravan of wagons ani peo ple nmo thi wih our tofa ra'V.iig to lower (leorcia. One rf the heal ran was sick ani Dr. CaiLoi i v .sited him nd prceiUd, ani tua prc-cr'piion wa fided at the drn sio:encar by. T.e nun aUel the doc or f or his charge and be fait: .o churo tor that, my friend, yon ar too fr frn h ma to ci-arge 'llio d n?is tel I him t i-j ta e ani tae man said; Wed c n lemeti, Idoa't cader&'and yoa p:-o-pie don here. I am able to pay my way a:d doa't wmt to be it. Th-re are svual bar. dieJ cornin? ir m my ecUon, tul m re wiU kef p cim;a r heu we nte l ack l:owers tre te.i." The un'h ia, I eliev- the backbone tf ur hi ena'ion is bp.ien. and h rj-ftc-r th norh and ti e ontn ill fn.iy lutaiatt. We dou'i ak them tola: a democrat, tut they il on A that af er fiy have l.v-d w.ta ath le. Ti'e are right eairtly ia tho m nority low. so tit as citiosal politics i co ri ce r f 1, but that Ton'.- trouble anybody bat tLo p s nias'er an 1 the revenue n ea, aa l we Vi tp o hiu-! tD'ja .-b c i ver repubiicam to 11 tb'e-e i Ec1 w.H u b t me cornea. So h-t iLe prac s?in proceed, for wh:tiier thi tar ff is Ui h or Vjh- w ch rit' goi t oa'y or pohl and s Iv r. we c n atau I it if tl ey eau 1 ied Mr. Cr a,.' t-p e:h an 1 1 am proud of ka lie U cie f jie gn-b n man h ia vr popple tle.iut to hen r. A'm is r ra hi it ft i-7 Le cas :c.i an adapted s i f G3 rgu. Witii bo rSaen:: k nJre I. to fatailr prtsue, be hx Qiiaide-I. clitnLe I bU wy to b..u rani fm and bere is lo train upon Ii na:ue- Tne dors tuav bjr' at ujiu. bur he knows no fear aa i nil: do; tarn to the sight or the irft from h soiro c j Victioni of right and duty. tno. Aif, in Atlanta fcon-titauoo. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AlEiiOLiDI'EILaY ESJRE LiOSoRaftins on the Pacific. - The latest big log raft experiment en the FaclGc coast has proved a great success, the first entire success In the history of such attempts. The raft was built on the Columbia, river, and contained between six and seven mill ion feet of lumber. It was made of piles so closely bound together that not a timber of the whole great bulk was movable. The raft was started from Oregon late in July, in tow of the steamer MIneola, and arrived in San Francisco on Au;. 2, after as smooth trip as though it had floated down a jplacid river instead of over a con jsdderable 6tretch of the Taelflc ocean. It would have taken several score of 'ships to trasport the lumber, and tho 'ovyuers of the raft have cleared somo ;thing over ?22.000 by the success of ths experiment. Several similar rafts have b:en star.ed on a s milar tr'p, but, while ,one or two have been a modified cuc vcess, several of the largest have gone to pieces la stormy weather and been a total loss. Chicago Chronicle. Both the mslliod and results wlicn Syrup of Figs is taken; it 13 pleasant and refreshing t0 tLo ta?te, and acts .genliy yet promptly on tLo Kidneys, i Liver and Bowels, cleanses the eys 'teni efiectually, dispels col Js, Iiead aches and fevers and cures habitual '.constipation, fiyrup cf Figs is the only remedy of it3 kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its cfTec'S, prepared only from the mo'-t healthy and ngrecablo substances, it3 many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it tho mot popular remedy known. Syrup of Mg3 13 for sale in 00 cent bottles by all leading drug giota. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who .wishes to try it. l)o not accept any substitute. a CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAU FP.AKOISOQ, CAU lOL'ISVtUE, AT. A'f I' YORK. N V. "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure.99 An ounce of healthful food is better than a ton cf medicine. USE ttckwheat, AnJ throv away ths medicine bottle. .IOI!tONs CIIIM. AMI FEVEH TONIC Costs ycu 5J ccnta a bolt f it i ur. y-i, an not a aiov e cent un'.t t it dM. What does it care let. Chi Is ani Fw. 2nd. livwmn r S d. Tirn 'ID !. 4 h. in nh-le Fe. Itt'.i. Erti g je F.ver- "h. y-n aU-.a. (t j. 1.x Gr pt-. Mony hack ( ore la: . Ak"var '"nr it. A. H. (Savannah. Oa.. Irorr tor. big fe3 'AI ' K Saves saving clothes and an. savings as to every wise Horaey in MCNEY LI WML IT YOC KNOW HOW To kp tVm. bnt It la ror.s to'et the joor tLioja Saiftr and IT.o of the i r.oca Ma h.A.i whi' b a3.ct ttia b-n In a laajontT at CKKrt a Cur ron d bae been t&ccted bail tbe on ztr j,oi-- t-ed a iitilc kxo-arl-td??. ncb a caa be pro enrtd Iron tJia ONE HUNDRED PAGE BOOK We olcr. etrbrndcr tbe tUarncai. rirzruiiscis of To Kenovftto Black Velvet. To renovate shaMiy black Telvet, aaj two tablespoonfuls of ammonia to half a pint of hot water, and apply to the velvet Tith a stiff brush, rubbinsr it into the pile so as to take out all stains anj creases. Then hold the velvet over a. hot iron until the steam raises the pile, and it Is perfectly dry. If ia visiting, iir ATLANTA you do not find ia the Mannfaeturci Building that large portion of tha DXPOSITIOM OEVOTIO TO -Piano. P!tt:Z!lT IX AST.'SVO TOXS Q'JUTt. Or anyway, if yon thick cf buying a piano, write to cither The John Church Co. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. CINCINNATI, on THE EVERETT PIANO CO. BOSTON. And you will get vilu."."u!e iuformatioa light costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an nually. This is an enormous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments at Ala bama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use cf "Kainit" will prevent that dreaded plant disease. Our pamphlets ra advertising circuUri tom. ir.g tpecial fs: t:i.rers, hut a. s prJ"tii;-l works. Cant v.a. in? the results tl l.Ucst experixcuts ia tWi Int. livery cofton turaier shouM bava & ccpy. Ihe", rt scat na. itu liking. GriiMAN KALI V'OftKS. cj Naiiiu S:., New Voik. Udmedd AND Oohool of Sliortli..xici AI'tJL'MTA. OA. Botxt kxv k uvd. A. tau ba.ioH from di o .ntTine. Ji'i-;n-. jntr. col'm corr-oojf tal txidi a-Ad. S:jfl at hindoma.r ii'.astruoi uv hsua. Board citvap. VL K. tr i & Ut A. TTTE ATTtrOTOTi CO. Got !)lf th VfarW t VriiiUuilU LuhineM, hwu'ij it has rwuuced ttie rut of Vtixid pemer to l.U wbat ltn. It Ls uuut trsoeli 0 n . hoiijn a. aul supple 1'j gouCt d4 rrrl: t Juur dor. It do tid doa t uruiS i vJi t-ttT wiicie ror lea uone i i!in taJrJ Wliers. It Diii Pumplnj lJ KhlVTZrad"iy7l ecaitid. Meel. Glanisd -nfir. C-,-C'!n WliiCmlils, lilUaj c n" Tx"l S-.ei-l T-rs, fiil bnu ! rra!, b'col FoeU Cutiwa kud fr4 lirliiders. itnf.pi Ucntloo It w.i tisir.eo: t, ct tbi-so aitli In Out It U1 (uroiMi unci januarr 1 :t at 13 lb usual pilco. It utu nifctn 'JaukM Ul(t f'uir.p5.f n: k min. Lud Vrt rataNvr.& Fittorjt 12th. Rockwell acJ 1 Elmore Streets, CSL-i rev?f Fails to UU.ri) Oray .-! Ifair to It You'.tiui i;nor. ..i.d SI '".'a Itrr.v'ftt PAYING POSITIONS ;rAHANTi;i l IN WOITlNtJ. B-Jnn cnnti eve cDorx m HM r theT'M' at tl rtn tin" if OHiurCT kK"- '.I l,ucri iwf trv'ii. ii'rr-t 'ic UtoUUlA lLr. 1 tll.I.LUi:. .Iacoti. ,. r ssi.u ii ri, :.uic io I-. j .c Cornel ' i aiii ra. n:niy u.r. yr.f.: .m.ii'i ' A'iUr a'.k a. H. i o., X. O., I Cmx iu .K J - -f- o.i rir rJr; ol Jr-il-:i U: and lm b 7"U ''" , " i ia tu v,"'"'71"1ilj.; o 1 ua w ar - rtdn-.- m i tTi ti ou.lm m; r"!-i"':i ' w'ir . a .ttl. ar..r..1. t i. " 7 JJ WOXXl. Si'.; tTlKlili tOfl . h IB. ti."-1 150 SftW HILtS SALEM IROM VyORKSl8ALEM,N.C.,U.SA. S. N. U. 40. F-v3 H-J BALSAM fi:JlW,in a liiimiar.t rts. YguVc clipping coupons when you use Pearline. Isn't ever' saving or little, a coupon thats clipped and paid ? And where s a more satisfactory way of saving than by washing and cleaning with Pearl ine? Tha:; saves on both sides. exertion and hard work and drudgery for you yourself while it actual money to your pocket, ia time and health. It's by just suca these tnat fenuine coupons and thrifty woftian. :s ID Chickens. j w ml man -ati w -r'a A Hj CLTIiY KCsINt. tot ,cJ ar.d f -f2 on it. be Ce !! 'J rati and be 'Za bBnirtdaofw:" l.-eh ii ss cents '5 tr b - JO bo w ' w fc.e lor dkiowootb;. 1S4 Leocard fcC 1 w (