wc Lowell - " " VOL. XIII. """ " """"" -mm lMO SESSIONAL W. T. MORGAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Oflu ft in First National Bank Bldg. MARON, N. C. DR. E. J. EVANS," DENTIST WW MARION, - - N. C. Rn..ms 1, 2 and 3, Poteet Building At kl Fort Every Saturday. T. A. MORPHEW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' ' over Merchant's & Farmers' Bank. ' AlilON N. C. DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, Dental Parlors Will answer calls at any hoiir of the night. :: Rooms 3, 4 and 45 First National Bank Building, Marion, N. C. SINCLAIR & McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt Attention Given All Business Intrusted to Their Cure. :-: :-: :-: ) V KK GASTON & TATE STORE I. W. SAUNDERS First-Cass Barber. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Yancey Bldg., Marion, N. V. R K. McCALL C. R. McCALL McCall "Bros. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention. Over McCall & Conley's Furniture Store. NOTICE. N orth Carolina, ) In the Superior Court, McDowell Co. f February Term, 1909. J A. Whetstine v.s. L F. Whetstine. The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of McDowell county to obtain an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the next term of th.' Sup "rior Court of said county to be le ld on th-; (th Monday after the 1st Monday of January, 1909. at -the court hoim- of sii'l county in Marion, N. C, and answ r or d'uur to tlie complaint in said a -Hon. or the plaintiff will apply to th Court t-.tr th? relief demanded in said complaint. This the i!)th day of January. 1909. Thos. Morris. Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE. North Carolina, I Tn the Superior Court McDowell Co. ( February Term, 1909 A Bla iton. C W. Laughridge and w! ' c,u. . trading as A. Blanton Gro. ry C enpany. John E. Hur8tfcCom P iny. (J )sby Shoe Company, Wrago KUtt & Crump Shoe Company, Arm strong, a tor & Company and Quinn M arsha'd Company. W.' Bryant . - r 1 ;. 1 lilt above named will take ' 1 cii i i action entitled as above 1' is b e i ' .:aui?need in thi Superior ( ' "lrr ' M D w-il . ounty to recover m ,-. -ys ,.j iad r c.:iv.yj and for goods y 1 1 .ui ! i dA-.jiv-(l uon contract and if :i tm' 'iv r to i i m -,r tli r proparti-'iS, goods and ' 'I'r- "f' '-i 'l.'fourl.-int; and thesaid i-r;n.l mt will funh.ir takn notioi that '"' 1:1 ''I'vi-.-.l to a'lpur at the next Win ,;f th Superior Court of saidcotin y t, h.-ld on the 6th Monday -after tno Ut Monday in January, 1909, at the vup 0,ls:; uf SdiJ county in Marion, . ' y-' newer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded m said complaint, his the 2 1st day of January 1909.- Thos. Morris, Clerk of Superior Court. The Democrat and Progressive farmer both one year foi $1.50.; THE LEGISLATURE. Houses fixes Salary of Commissioner Lauor ana Printing at $2,000 News and Observer, 29th. Senator Latham's bill to pro mote trie draining of wet, swamp and overflowed lands, yesterday passed its second reading in the Senate, and will be taken from the calendar at noon today on its final reading. There are a few amend ments which will be considered, but no fear is entertained for the successful adoption of the bill as it came from the committee, ex cepting an amendment or two to perfect the law. " The bill provides for leveling, ditching and draining of such lands, the establish ' - - - &J V A drainage districts, and for the as sessment and collection of the cost of the work of reclaiming wet swamp and overflowed lands. The provisions of the bill, which has been endorsed by the State Geo logical and Economic Survey, are familiar to the public. The Empie bill to prevent the selling of quail or grouse within the State of North Carolina for a period of two years passed its final reading in the Senate after several amendments had been defeated. The Senate passed on its second reading the bill by Senator Kluttz to prohibit the sending of public documents with the "compliments" of the officers of the State. The bill provides that no report, docu ment -or publication of anv kind distributed by or from any depart ment or bureau of the State hall contain any notice that such report or publication is sent with the "compliments" of an officer of State, or with any special notice that it is so Bent, except that notice that it has been sent, with a re quest for an acknowledgement of its receipt, may be given. ' The Manning bill allowing the governing body of a city or town to appoint an inspector of gas, water and electric meters passed its final reading in the Senate. The House amended the Senate bill fixing the salary of the Com missioner of Labor and Printing at $2,500 by reducing it to $2,000, an increase of $500 per annum over the present compensation of that State officer. The bill will now go to the Senate for concur rerce in the House amendment. Life insurance statistics show that in the last twenty-five years the average duration of life has increased by two years. This is encouraging and due mainly to greater medical and surgical know ledge, improved sanitation, and general better conditions of life. If more people would stop burn ing the candle at both ends by fast living and injudicious habits the coming years would show an even greater increase. It is only too true, as the refrain of an old song says, that with many people, "It is not the miles we travel but the pace that kills." Certainly the pace of our modern American life is too rapid and it is to that fact we have so many nervous wrecks and sudden deaths. The solicitors salary bill was killed in the House Wednesday on its third reading by a vote of 46 to 62. Many amendments were offered, but all were voted down except one by Mr. Koonce to pre vent the solicitors from drawing the $20 now paid ont of the State Treasury. JThe bill as defeated was the same that was passed on second reading Tuesday the Koonce bill as ' amended to make the salary $2,250 instead of $2,750. h Farming is easily tbe most lm oortant of our industries, uast t V inrlni-ff'iaC T fl 5 OOl'tant Ol OUT lUUUOinw. i t n t rnrlnftc year ttie value ui an reached the enormous touu oi i, 778,000,000, which was four times that of all our mineral products, including- the precious metals. Evidently the "poor farmer" is pretty much extinct. Washington One Cave Up to-tb-ree doctors; was kept in Jot five weeks. . Blood poispn from a ad r nc! UTae. deep sores to cov- lr Ms le7 Thaoctors- failed, Uien fTtiit?;:4irnica Salve oompletely cdvsJohWaahin Streetman'a drug-store. MARION, r - . C. C. &. 0. OFFICIALS IN SHELBY. Prominent Officials of the Nevt Road There Last Week on Inspectlni Tour-The New Une Soon to be In Active Operation. Cleveland Star, 29th. " . A special train having aboard theleading officials of thA rw. jina, Clinchfield and Ohio railway the great new line just being com. pleted from the coal fields of the West and connecting with the Seaboard Air Line at Bostic, was here Wednesday. The party consisted of Messrs. Mark W. Potter, of New York Chairman of Board of Directors; M. J. Capers, Vice-Chairman and General Manager; L. H. Phetti place. Superintendent and J. J. Champion, Traffic M anager. Learning that they wouH spend a snort tim hpr a rlolorrot; t representative citizens of the town headed by Mayor Suttle met the special train Tuesday morning and were most courteously received The officials, although ready to accord any information of interest to the public were not in a position to give out anything definite now other than to say with definite ness that as far as connection with the Seaboard at Bostic was con cerned this would be accomplished by February 15th, and coal laden cars would be ready on that date ior delivery to the Seaboard. As to passenger service, plans are as yet unmatured. This much we can say with accuracy 'through vestibuled - trains from Johnson City to Charlotte and Marion via Shelby, will be in operation with in the next ew weeks. The track has all been laid from Johnson City to within five miles of Bostic and the Seaboard con nection will be made by the date above mentioned, February 15th. It will then be up to the Sea board people to -complete the ballasting, which work has reach ed Mt. Holly, as well as the new iron bridges now being finished up Lso as to accommodate the heavy j trains to be delivered them by the C. C. & O. at Rct tendent Gore, of the Seaboard L!up 8nd sl'P'": the growth of the accompanied the new road officials from Monroe here, said the Sea board was pushing everything to the limit in order to be ready to handle the great volume of traffic to be received. Chairman of Directors Potter assured the delegation that while the plans just now were incomplete and tentative, that within the next few davs a statement would be giv en the public as to plans and pur poses in inaugurating passenger and freight service. riews rrom Kumerrora. Rutherfortlton Sun, 28th. Mr. G. V. Bryant, of Marion, is here for a few days on business, Chief of Police Finley, of Ma rion, was in town for a few Wednesday morning. hou rs " T lir ii" l Lvir. j. . inoorne, a promi- nent attorney of Marion, was in . town Monday on legal business. Mr. C. W. Laugh ridce, the popular traveling salesman of the I a Riontn rirn... p t' uinu wii v.i i vj l V will 11 . ( ) I . w , Marion, was in town Monday. " ' Mr. W m. T. Lynch, of Fair- view, Buncombe, was here for a few days this week on business. He informed a Sup reporter that he had sold the Matt Lynch farm on Broad river comprising alxut ! .1 1 .... a thousand acres or land and eing iino nf thp lach forme in Wntlinr. v. . 1 iijo III 1 V U 1 1 1 . ford county. toAlr. Ab. F. Wea ver of Thermal City, the purchase price being six thousand dollars. Baptising at Sunnyvale Sunnyvale, Jan. 24. Good news cornea from the little community of Sunnyvale Baptist church the baptising of fifteen persons, six males and nine female. held January ara to 7tn. The baptising uciu iiauuaij u. w t lh. iur iuus.ai( Bervices was held at 10 o'clock, a m.. at very beautiful place at the watr fthrnt rmft-half mile from the ohnrch The order or service at tne water was otnnknn.1 rAnrlinir And lemon Viv th P- tor, Rev. Joseph Sparks, from tha third . la ll . V . cnapter ot aiamewg, aiw woica a wen formed prayer was offered by Bro, W. F. McMahan. As the day was an nn usally pleasant one, there was a large turnout from the surrounding neighbor hoods. Services were conducted at tha church at eleven o'clock. For that Terrible Itcbloi. Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims inperpetu&l torment. Tbe application of Chamberlain's Salve will iiSantly allay this itching, and many -v.o-c-0, Tvwm enred bv its nae. . For macs imm , " . . ialaby.J.;W? Streetman. - N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1909. ; . IMPROVED rARMlVG CharlrtU ClwonlrJc. The government wenw to w meeting with coco unking resufta from the operations of iu "dem- onstfation" farms m thh State. The agent of demonstnmoo work in Union county has tornivl in his report to the Monroe Jour- nal, and it gives a clear idea as to the improvement beinir wrought in the svstm nt .v.- section. ThP ftfmnf t.. 'i . Rrnnm (, ' . J . yj, u., ir?uiB iroru cotton patches under demonstration work. Fron,tl,esonatrhM iK. avprair. viol 1 . i average 3 ield nor acre was one U e of 475 pounds. Tho nvcrag. over the cotton States is one-thirtJ of a bale. th-n - ,..u - , nun in i u inn county. .N-e wmt :i niini) thn: IS. and think how the rh..l, increased when the wrk i, betr! ;10 'Um h,fn- L;r'e r understood. Thw wor St mrn , i "p ur!- patches, and the average v.ehi a, "'r Iu," c-mUr.a- 81 bushels ,N.r a-m. The ,v'l,,,,n U " '"!,krrS yield in North Can.lirn in lp'r,wn"',i"'"'rr.lln-.k was Ih bushel,, whieh is aUut tho1 " average, or more, .for this county T, lh;;"r"- :n letter plowing. Unter see.i, shal- 7 'S ' " '" ' tl" low and frequent cultivation, not " i CUnlry Vn"rir heavy fertilizing, thus jump it u;, m T"' ,C to 31! It must i, ren-.ernJl 'rr ,'Ut " that these pUts were not the rirh USO sjwts of the farm,, but tbe average- n ' rW ' I" and in th case of the corn les 1 :cthorw,lh " i,.. than the .vor. u.i , . the snritc hal ,l - I ' public roads. The thing sought -' , y ou :i: 'U was to show that bv dea; fall or f," 3 A" '"' ,fl winter plowing, thorough prra-; T twr ami th, ,,.,ir. tion of the seel Ud, goo. I swl, ' and shallow cultivation, the pro-1 Prr.Wcnt Go., Mautur.(rd duction can lHMncrea.s.-1 nianv fold. imla i 1Jw v. c- tL , . , Havana. Jar. Mv,r (Kr: Mnce the plowing coum not lw ;-i i.m,, i -,1 , ' Miguel (tome :niuL"i done till spring, the resu ks of the rm. P , , , work of the coming venr when it!.' i. , ui i t ubsn r-pui!:c to .rj will be even greater. . - i ' Mr. Brooms that '.aJn;!!! fT "TT of farmers who hail no 'monstr-' SuprfMn (jar, tion patches followed the methyls i i , i , , A. onicials wt,o hai U-vn in control ..' and found them correct. ( ne of ,t l. . . . , , , atlairr, s:n-e the auturun '. 1 t . the worst things that old stvl : i i j . i . . -w had departed from ::i il.-vi farming was guiltv (f deep plow., . f4 tl , , , , 1 h America:, proviuon-; t-- ing after the pUnts hail lgun toinf,r r, . j , I . ernfr, (, rrlOj, K Mg-r wtm, sed their root. thus tearing th.-m , plant ami cutting the vield m half. farmers have quickly raught th;tal. f w tr ii t .i , 1 silei on U,e n Mur.f IV I fallacy of tins, an 1 are nftw pursu- i;. , ,, . v I 4i i ii , Maine v.s followo! mt ;: I ing the shallow cultivation. Km- uvunt , nine ib l.O nuillOUg Rlviul the government's system f fartn ing. 1 he ilemonstiHtion work is something Umt sho ih) Httrai't tii interest of every farmer in lh , Stato The Road to Joll!r If you want to g to .Joyvi! I .1 I ' 1 ! v " - i (iladsome creek. Keen U the iSWP The MnMini' inr i r. .a. i . t . . right all the way. If .vo i:nt a poor woman wuti a lsK.-t, carr-, ! jt for her. When you meet a rn I say "Howdy r If you stub your'' toe. whistle. If it rams croon song. If you are ( old. run a little and think about somathiii. that win make your heart glad, If the 1 i i i . ... way is long, recall how you trudgwl - . iiu,k"i every Sunday night to your best I gins boiiM1 and never i'ot tired. ' If a dog barks -at vo., dnt throw 1 f f o r n rat In I . W i - a rnwuv at Mill. UA i WUT 1 LTCrs antl tTtxxj doggie. if you ; fel like cryintr, lauih insteail. Ifi i you do all this, you'll gt to .Joy- . . . " .1. ..l .1.. . . . . 1 1 . . , i . on uo kii tins, you 11 tret 10 , in - vi,,(l all pitriltinf, Jt a, k j only way you ever w ill g't there. I j Durham Sun. ' " - j All indications iHunt to the fact j j that the Legislature will hold out! its sixty dnys Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden-6 Farm. Thirty years in buaiBmt, with a BtcaJuv incrramnjf trade every yer tint:! have to-day cm of the larp st businestwe la iccl In this country is the bet of evidence aa to The Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. Wc sro hoadquartars for Grass and CJover Seedj, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats. Cow Peas. Soja Beam and oil Farm Seeds. WoocTa Daaapthr Catalof tbe inost useful and valaable of Garden and Farra, eed Qntalofa mailed free on reqoeat. T. W WOOD & SOUS, . Seeilaman, Rlchraood, Va. - Z1 f TMI mmmi TTIt LOCAL VrWlfAPft. j Cut loo from jour rtrro. if- ! is l WV of idnir.fr tV,;n. T . your own mterwt by .c'nn the, local newspaper. It it a TenUbUj pW mim all that jrou hav Lodoj is t roach out for the nuseix. HcinomlH-r that the r-litnr h lo ' cat and wear clot! tho na4, you ilo arxl what he 1U U jut aa. nxoary to liff and trrr-ritv i otir rt r.- K . , . ' tho t l for man u, to n. for j " ' , ar' ; rl.htt.,Wark f Amonran fiK,rU i i i rinU rtf uUrrn prusi iU The . , , ' ! " 7 ' f T ' ' CM" i y r crnl - "O 0oiUr; i VOU fln, u if h fMrvt .1 you sin,i with mm. if toj t-rl . . ' . MwMU 1T v,,u Mr.d :t ran. ! T r 10 -VOur I rt .1 a vc. (tire it hnlf iut it t!Srl r .tt I a .-m r-v 1 V. . 1 ,; a rrl transport McCWUn n ;n. 'minv crowd gathe-.l v wall. U witr?rji'i ir -portacJ'-and a jrfect swarm of achu. tugs arnl small taU a-nmr.;,i the shijas to th r;M, wKr fjil se.r-.J slai i:fc'T,IWi .:. ) tfie gray fighting .ti fi whitr- j transport v.n flotilla Uhind. w iu . ' l.tt , htlrs rvhjng r t luts Mi.trl.i u Oftrra. I'n.on Citv. TrAn.. J.n i. fter Jing out for mUn hour .the jury in the trial of KJ. Mar- shall, all.l n,L,,f , ' : u ; a verdic t. i "I Hi yu think vou rt,uk t . n (1IV1 OP -imnfl.t JuJ Jauc-t. "Sntir- 99. ' ,, - v- t!H' the foreman aM tU utt w m orr' discharge!, They htoo,! Un for ac4m two for murder in the wsr 1 1 o C2lMtt S14o.Uk. ft (,'h4rjjttc is goinj: tn hv f.lh; ciean and clear sidewalk. (hicf of Police ChryUr.i.i; r hs wM prcevj tit" KfwU fxnli n at.i will run in th spillrrs kikI U btnana phnu' liirrxmr Thl , done, tha lrr l i-' ir.g ri!lti so as not U throvr ih ;,ri -jp : Uve curbs like u tiifti :m . t,d Qiarlotle will liavc .rrt comlitions. t)rlo?u I'hmr.Mr MBrllm WUrti.O4a ( m rwU( at C1. RrHf r- f Im "For raral int-r nui hit wif h bem troQt4M with a tao4 cmlo( i 1 1 . . . awi anaftTWEM cveo. wjixa lor . ably vstrodd mret a pvrioi of tvvai . wkj and aa&MkJ byt bust Cmtc4(4 ndf wrltfti WiU J. lUy&rr. dj . Ot UM Uartey. lota , UoUUa. "VarkxtM roaMK&Mi wr trW mc par. rtth ba beoefirial nvulta Io NcrtrrsW Um lik oooxb aaln pot to & appnarab axad ot wif actxai on lb aojapwtkn a friend, parch-aa a toU of Ox tit-yr-lai&'i Oob Ramdj. Ta rrrall waa, ladead, tnanrioaa Aflrr tar4 Vm tli, epoch aatirrly iiaapanl ao4 baa toi njarifwtrt luoil atjm.-- TUj reza edjr is or aaU by Strtvti3Aa.-rtUt. . . I . . a a mW bb- a. m D m m I i"4 "' Building 0T .a . m ortiand Cement. nrick.Tlcxjier of TxrU9 Cement -Building HlocKs. Fancyr Iron and Concrete Fencfnf. ; Co Will pay you to call and sec us before buying elsewhere Buffaloe&Hewitlt'- 4 TyTTvvTTTTTTymTTTTytTTiimtmmnytlHHHnr AKDWARE To Our Customers. One and All: . . . Wc thank you kindly for your patronage (or lie put eight year, and solicit your trade fcr the New Ycjlt. We expert to keep everything that it kept in a fcnt-cUjj Vurx3. ware Store, and o::r motto is to deal fairly rilh ail, izd'ut shall ive you the vrry beat price. that r poaaiblT dk. ' We have a complete stock of' Oliver Chilled Plows, and reversible Disc Plows, Cook Stoves, Ranges, " ' Coal and wood Heaters, " Barbed Wire Nails. &c l ' hen yct: need anything b-viymg Wijhinji yCu yJ a THE PRICE HARDWARE CO. i Merchants 8l Farmers Bank- The ;vrvaaf) c. Direr :ra!r :j a rcarantr cA Cent tcou and Bqu stable Trt-a-mcu anvi Safe CcaKmtjtc MAnarntot Wc offer the p-ub!c ercry re. N vaable bankio facility and valCit yotar boai Merchants & Farmers Bank Marion. North Carolina. T K. WKKN.s. iVicr.t r r. llVtnXS.XkLitr i c 0 " iri i Art tr '- 1 la Engines. Boilers and Gasoline Engines Ercry .Hachloe Fatly- GaarsUL.- - John L. Williams, A o o I oaa oa&a to-c-aaooa-t K. IP rinthstg t Atiyf o d rra ft TriC04. NO 22 "" fir. Materi Prfer.. Lf - ALSO - Oats. Uran. Hay and Flour. call oa ci befcrr- m our hnr dwn here. Happy and The OJrbralcd a" with . Variable Frictioa 2.CK0 to 10,000 Fcctpcr Dj, 9 Sca4 far ctuio t hat a ttra cts McVotactl Tub. Cc 1 1 i i

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