' ..it-' - . : . - . i , " x-rr-z- , . - . ..: .' v ,....' . .-1 -c.' . . . ' ' . '..-. '1--' T"- ' . - . w- -vs -.. ; -,. -' - "" " . . - -.'(: '. '."' ' - ft A ' Autocrat ,1 i 1 V vy - - r 0 H-MSSIONAL W. T. MORGAN ' :.)!:NKY-AT-UW, v - . n Kirt National Bank Bldgr. a 1 1 ION, C. v- DR. E. J. EVANS, DENTIST vvw ; N. N. C i- :, J and 2, Poteet Building t i ) i Fort Every Saturday. T A. MORPHEW ; iOUNKY-AT-LAW r Merolumt's & Farmers' la nk. N. C. J. GILLESPIE REID, Dental Parlors Wiil answer calls at any vur of the night. : ; Kooms 3. 4 and 5 lit National Bank Building, Marion, N. C. SINCLAIR & McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt Attention Given All lUi-iness Intrusted " to Their v are. .-. .- ( ) V KR ( t ASTON & TATE STORE I. W. SAlLNafiRS, First-Cass Barber. S VTISFaCTION , GUARANTEED. Yancey Bldg., Marion, N. C. K. MrCALL C. R. McCALL McCa.ll 'Bros. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrustea to our care vill receive prompt and careful at tention. ' .' '. Over McCail & Conley's Furniture Store. GOVERNOR KITCHIN SENDS MESSAGE Transmits to General Assembly Supt. 9 Lcuer as to rinance of State Prison. Raleigh StHH-ial, 5th. The feature of the day "was Gov ernor Kitchin's message transmit ting Superintendent Mann's letter as to the finances of the State pris on, and recommending that som $68,000 be paid back to the peni tentiary from the prison funds in the hands of the State Treasury, oeing the money turned over-for the liquidation ofthe prison bonds. and that the State provide otherJ means of settling the bond issue. The message was placed in the hands of the committees of Senate and House on penal institntions. Representative Doughton intro duced a bill providing for the em ployment of a typewriter to aid the Supreme Court Justices in their work, and a laborer to carry books to and from their homes. The Alleghany member explained that th is work had been done for some 4. . 1. 12 1 . 1 wweuty-nve years, out oy some oversight had not been provided for in the act of 1907 and conse quently the auditing committee had reported some expenditures not warranted by the letter of the law. That women might be appointed as notaries public is the object of a bill by Mr. Weaver, of Buncombe. Representative Murphy, of Guil ford, introduced the bill for the appropriations wanted for the State sanatorium for tuberculosis patients For buildings and other improve ments $15,000 each year for the next two years is asked. The Senate committee on prop ositions and grievances decides to recommend the passage of the Em- pie bill to protect forests of the State from fire by appointing tow n shipw&rdefis.to look after the en forcement of the forest protection laws, having power to press into service citizens for fighting tire, who shall be paid 10 cents an hour, no township to get more than $50 in one year on this account. The wardens are to receive 20 cents an hour for the time actually engaged in official duties. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11,. 1909 LINCOLN'S STORY Of hIS LIFE SO 2S Trie SHAME Of CTvttlUtOH aif period aftor marrif whirK divorce comw w s ien tifnvTm . R'o, and it remain. At 'ins "cmit but this viTHj;o 1? inindm.' Iivorcr has t'n urat'"st im lv last twenty yer& ft ifth vftr In tho twfr.t.v .v'r !'(. r :'. most frviu-'ii'. at s vr n .'.'. vears. Tit- It'.r-n at. ! 1 . . . . . t 1 An etfort to ulenti- ' jMrk this hvii'Mv Ji is nw not i:iu. fi vor i ir , c:,r . The only c- 1 :i t-y wm int'-h-s this a 1 h i 1 1 1 1 vT r.-iri : J;.. where ne mar rir' 1: t'.itsr w entlei by dtorv NNrr:sjfrs r little le.ss tir.m half us " ;in-T i. as in this country, tut :. , -'- Japan aro un rrat,r ;i. u.uv. or than in 'r.U "stJitn I)ivorrt-s in th'r . r 1 1 r ! r--relatively few. Kr.la:i t. I', : thinl of our jx.)ulati-:i . . . niiu' l'),n (livor''s m voir, s'ti;. '. our number. Kr:.-., hi" ; as mum 1 1 v 1 1 a 1 j r . , na a'u; region, The joint committee on penal institutions will report through Senator Dawes a bill embodying the recommendations of Governor Kitchin as to the earnings of the State prison. It will provide for the return to the penitentiary of the $68,000 paid over by that in stitution to meet the bonded in debtedness of the prison. NOTICE.. N'..rth Carolina, 1 In the Superior Court, Mi-Dowt'll Co. February Term, 1909. -T. A. Whetstine vs. L F Whetstine. Tin- (lfeiidiuit above-named will take notiee that an action entitled as above has be-n commenced in the Superior ,(nrt of McDowell county to obtain an abs'Jntf divorce: and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re-Hm-Hd to appear at the next term of thi- S110 -nor Court of said county to be hld 0:1 th- nth Monday after the 1st Monday of January, 1909. at the court house of said county in. Marion, N. C; and answer or d mur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for th- relief demanded in said complaint This the 19th day of January. 1909. Thos. Morris. Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE. North Carolina, In the Superior Court, McDowell Co. February Term, 1909, A Blanton, C. W. Laughridge .and W W. Guy, trading as A. Blanton Gro. eery Compan v, John E. Hurst & Com pany. Cosby Shoe Company, Wingo- bilett cc Crump hhoe Company, Arm strong, ( 'ator & Company and Quinn- ALarshau Company, vs. (t. W. Brvant. Th'i de.ind-vnt abovv nametl will take notice that an action entitled as above has b ;en commenced in th? Suierior Court of McD )well ountv to recover laoneys li id and recMv.,d and for goods sold and delivered upon coatmct and for the appointainit of a receiver to take charge of tlvi properties, goods and effects of th- defendant; and the said defendant will further takj r.otic; that he is required to a')par at the next term of the Superior Court of said coun- lZ . HeH on the f Monday after the 1st Monday in January, 1909, at the court house of said county in Marion, ,.7 . -"0,rvci Ul uemur to tne com plaint in saiu action, or the plaintiff w LU court lor the relief de manded m said complaint. This the 21st day of January, 1909 ' Thos. Morris. v Clerk of Superior Court Structure finished at Klngsport. Johnson City Staff. Wednesday at 1 o'clock the first train on the C. C. & O. Ry., passed over the.big bridge at Kingsport, the whistle of the engine screaming its way over the entire 600 feet of the gigantic structure. This bridge which is 600 feet long and 90 feet high was put up in 11 days, phen omenal fast work being done with out an accident. Ther.e are only three miles of work to-be completed before connection is made with the SeaboarclAir Line railway at Bos tic, N. C. Train service will then b3 inaugurated from Dante, Va., to Bostic, and from Johnson Uty to Dante, and from this place to Marion trains are already in oper ation. ' , This opens to Johnson City a hitherto inaccessable territory rich in farm and mineral interests. Tin norlnttA Obs0tver in ad- XUU llttl iwvw Mere Is Lincoln's Story of Ills Own Life. All HeThoutht Worth While to Sy. I was born February li, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. My parents were both born in Virgin ia, of undistinguished families- second families, perhaps I should say. My mother, who died in mv tenth year, wasof a family of the name of Hanks, some of whom now reside in Adams and others in Macon County, Illinois, My paternal grandfather, Abraham Xincoln, emigrated from. Rocking ham County, Virginia, to Kentuc ky about 1781 or 1782, where, a year or two later, he was killed by the Indians, not in battle, but by stealth, when he was laboring to open a farm in the forest. His ancestors who were Quakers, went to Virginia from Berks County. Pennsylvania fy them with the New Knuland family of the same name ended in i nothing more definite than a simi- larit.v of Christian names in Kith i families, -such as Enoclv, Ijevi, Mordecai, Solomon, Abraham and j the like. ; My father at the death of his father, was but six years of age, and he grew up literally without education. He removed from Kentucky to what is now Spencer County, Indiana, in my eighth year. We reached our new home about the time the .tate came into the Union. It was a wild with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. There I grew up. There werr some schools so called, but no qualifica tions was ever required of a teach er bevond kreadin writin' audi. cipherin' ' to the rule of three. Ifi a straggler supposed to understand Latin happened to sojourn id the neinhborlkood bo was looked Qpoa as a wizard. There was absolutely nothing to excite ambition for edn cation. Of course, when I catw of age I did not know much, j Still, somehow, I could read, write and cipher to the rule of threo but that was all. I have nt Kn to school since. The little advance I 1 . 1 1 now have upon this store ot edu cation I have picked up from time to time under the pressure f ne cessity. I was raised to farm work, which I continued until I was twenty-two. At twent.vone I came to IMinois Macon County. Then I got to New Salem, at tht time in Sangamon, now in Menard County, where I remained a yenr as a sort of clerk in a store. Then came the Black Hawk war, nn 1 I was elected a captain of volunteers, a success which gave me more pleasure than any I have had si no. I went through the campaign, was elated, ran for the legislature the same year (1832), and was latn the only time I ever have leon beiHen by the people. The next and three succeeding biennial elec tions I was elected to the legisla ture. I was not a candidate aftor- ward. inuring uus legisiam e ; lts projc-1 period I had studied law and re-! uttt,ur t 0Urcl Dcitro)tnJ Ditilc Uf nd D I Km T Imw Tkl Tb Wcfccntrii Pua4lc Moltty. Z4m tu 4 rhllftrieipAU !. , Th Mr'-hntA Jo-jr r . . In France and modU Kunjn .funinit iix cnn'Lar.i ng cauntriej dirorcc r few m rum! ( mail orW Sou . i r-4rtxo.i neighborhood. Our jut Sutr. tWVi oi ;ho borro nrrUr.u like Maine and New IUmphir lm y Kut it !riret oi have a larger share of divorr lh Koir," r.arr 'j t- zzt than SUtea full of bigritie The chart.: purer American population in th-1 TV Mn-har.u r ..fii North yield iho Urgfir Oitr' nf mU'j inuit ch iLoif !rtup;. ft divorwA. Five divorce vmU out to ihtur r. tjir 1.- Cfr; of six one nncontrstrrt To wt?- t Ukt adranUf1 a? Ijio 4 luniiiiiuiiiniiitiiniiiiiVi a 3 4 .r. 1 ) r .-.3r. K f Buillding MatericiE Vonland Cemen) Walt Vtajfer. JLimf. DrfcK. Tta jfer of JaHt. Ctmertf Tiufldin Htcck t. Fancy Iron and Concrete Fenc(njS. - ALSO - om. Oatr. TSrcxn. Hczxr end Flcur. 1 : : : ! O : : , 1:1 i :.'.. r. it;. I . c ' -to - r . a r 5 i.r '.: 1 : 1 . -lit. .r I t ' . I. ' 1 '.or .'.v .j '. t- 1 c r i,- r. t.'-.il utw . ' o nie t- .1 fviftp '.'.'. . ". i'. -,.V'S r ;"" Vr.. j .."-. -.'. . -. : - r : . . . . . ... . u--'. '. - j : 1 -. . ...- 5, ft . r ;-. 1 , 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 : 4 4 4 4 4 : 4 4 4 3 3 4 ,.. Will pa before I to c.ill and sec us Hiym eke where' Buff aloe So Hewitli r j fifth as un:n . : v. .: 1 I'niUnl States. Ti.c ' tbe I'liiU"! Suuh t-.. 1 ago we it slightly .is t...- '.-N r .x : . r. Ur:'.-r tiie rest of the 'b7: r ;-.r To-ilav the XCi,.S ir t' h . ,lr , .,tr; lw vtill lrir P"l.i 1 r iVi . ft t1 com pan le.' y a C':-.".Ia;...'. . -a. trig social Ht--rpt4' , 'Suw ditrorccd. Ibb ba . xtrn-ii frmtt to Kuro. Tct tv vc- . Coort in Kuroj- :n it.-i nv divorced person l ;..-- 1 i 1 I '. r r tr e - ..i.e ' ; ft r i-1 '. . r 4' bt ' t HARDWARE To Ot K Cl STo M V K S . O ? 1 AND AU2 : ; ft . . . ft . J 1 ft t ft". -ft ' tort r 1 r - T h '.:tnaff Sew Hit jutt iff ix. ;t..i clfc lUj-S. to the vronn Km; has depart'si fr t.- ;r t: ' his int..T :. t ' 1 - n most KurojH-n: l" i no long- r ' - i ' .. : . a man f p n ' . ' s- - . , invoU -d ::. vr'W Ia' '. . .I.-mna rvrtl iKifilt tin.: i i x ..' r k ft .... $ ' . . ft ; ft. ft . ' I ft.: K K i: : .I i : 1 We have a complete stcck cf OJivcr Chilled Plows, and reversible D;ic Plows Cook Stoves, Ranger C o a 1 a n d '.s cv d I I ea tcrs. : BarK'd Wire Nails, &c A Puzrlr Tor A farmer f :! .. .r. an i appp ;r 4 tc it, dlscnvT . t :,;ns.-; ' to tn'vn ir 1 '. ' ; ' ' papT nn ' 1 th-' n".vspai r :nir, to a mop iiM.t . ;i vi merchant p.ii.i ms it; and the ' !, the or ig: :. i ti u Je t for a ca! ' h" 1 tr whi" jj- the lank :in i counterf-'it . put it into ti.f tion. cancelled '.".ith lollar ! .ol!.- - P- ! ' N- 1 th" ! 1 1 to v.. . .An i " WAl h . r . i . 7 to 'i 1 r i . . f 1: ; r. ftll te.. th N.jiLr-. v. t- Tiie t ' iP.t : Kailwav. t i 1 1 - i. ' V i.M ; 1 C-.t : 1 ;: . J -!-' : . 5- ; !' -:. ' Kti . t; ;.: fir f '.i,c r l j.c erf f t !L ; a? . il " ic i.j - r- ' - ' : 1 f v .- c THE PRICt HARDWARE CO. We Want Your Business C ' .t . i-.e : w ' - 1 t . : ;;: a Our palrons enjoy the full est advantage consistent with liberal nui conservative ad ministration of a strong bank. 1 c rc.i, n: fJlE;BEkocEAT and Progressiye vertently opened its col urns to a discussion of the whiskey question to a correspondent. Of course a fellow on "the other side had to re ply. Now The Observer wants to charge all others who wish to add to the flame 20c a line, whereupon The Chronicle offers to take the work at the rate of 19k the line, but we notice there is a dearth ot matter "pertaining to the discussion. In fact it stopped short. It is funny how- people imagine the publisher can afford to carry on t.hev DTOViae ammunition,- and it takes a whole lot of it to.keep apaper going. Gaffney Ledger, tbo it aoes.j M.llll moved to Springfield to practice u nn!"- 1 1 i' it. In 1846 I was mice elected to urvfy d i 0 . ; 1 the lower house of Congress. Was i ,n:VV ' iv'.i f;:s not a candidate for re-election. v- iuiQ tu indn.;;,-.. An in. ;i r of ' ?irvi I practiced law more assiduously ston,A oul ,f ' l'nii l r."A than ever before. Always a Whig ; Mtu. ner. n in in politics, and generally on the ' fnr lL- Whig electoral tickets making ac tive canvasses, I was losing inter est in politics when the repeal of the Missiouri compromise aroused me again. What I have do no since then is pretty well known. If any personal description of me is thought desirable it may lw ! j said I am, in height, six feef. four. inches, nearlv;lean in flesh, weigh-. ing on an average one hundred and eighty pounds; dark complexion with coarse black hair and gray eyes. No other marks or brands recollected. fxr. ted getl;ng a :s w il 1 ,'r',tr.' 1 c:.;ic T " (,1 t I lie Merchants and f armers Bank M anon. North Carolina.. vou -cii' -ks f raHvA mres coBSti- patkto and livjer troubled "Btne bowels healthy and tegniar. Pfp " snneriotJto jjilld and tablets as This is jnt the time of the vrar-whctJ you are most .like to J'?. bladder trouble, with rheumatJm and and ISadder Pill, and I yon get -hat ypa aak f ot. TW nilla made for backache. oaa 1.1m tr - back, urinary . diroem lnmtm SationS the tWJft; S Siaeptio and act PL? Sd recommend tham.;; P. Morphew, P13T.1 Wood's Seeds r cr The Garden 6 Fsd'm. "j Uiriy jfirt in txtn ith jsi. i'r . 4TP.;C tnftU trt7 jrtt--:ut. UiT om of '.hr !r-. 1 1 ?.r.r ra MU iu li.:.; fc -. ?7 - tii brt of Superior Quality of Wood'i Scctls- Wj are hesdquArtar for Grcii: and Clover Scedi, Seed PoUtoei, Seed Cow Peso. Sola EVtani aoa tdl Farm Sccdi. Wood's Diertpthr CaUia the moat njrfbt add taloabi M Oard and Farea cd CaUkc mailed tret oa rcjttcaV " T.vavooD6sons,-: ft t'?rs. X .: CUU' !! taV dtltef-cKj . If', it '. wv lr. ft t JVtt Qft-r. T'.tr? IZi eft w ft :,? -bM-i f P.iitr!V: cf t a.ft'xl "ft IT!.'. ftr 1 is . Trirf c v vn 4 ut t?nf ts.X tfclft Jr't3f '.1 1CM ttp r.ftie tl t-3 T:t-WI -t W4 4 ftft3 r:? u ! w4 ftM ftk3 o a a o 9 a o o o a a a a i - ' "' ' tafpwaM'a' . TU Cc:tiralc4 V - s : i "3 -s - ftjji - Variable KncUoa T 2SK0 Ib 10.03 , T Krf t fief Daf. t Sr i-ir:btrxief::.: ; Pianrrfc. frrm, 1.1 :i. ' tfc ft Xmmg t wit a lJb ti'r! Voct ft-9 ftC3UM csf iewrVftSU to5 ft - i Ut irJkmsm Rkl Il ai Utiax II pej.Aft. rVft W i Va a rl4 fc a. aWa ftji 4.:u!4 ymK -WUf trsc lis Ka4 U-VtJ wry Ua far aKiM. s fjiglncs. Boilers and Gasollncngincs 177 Agent, a a a o a a 73 trry C. ea'&-eaa a s a-..a-fta. -a raa r.taa.l at tt ! A f Ottered r 0 frc9 Mc7)cucll Tub. Cc notriDeTornauseate'i Whya . any- ;;? , arraeDotti one year for $1:50. 1

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