..V.'. "I It 5 '.,5 i ..'V1" I w .( I 1 r I A' i; '.I 1 : K i I -V X v ; '1 r: PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING V v BY THK McDowell Publishing Company :-Kr7 MARION, N. C. Editor and Mgr. .EniteredattliePostoffice at Marion, M:tkf,;CJ., as second class matter. TERMS ' ow"saix Months. Tithes Months, !Onb Year, (1.00 50c 25 Strictly In Advance! Weather Report. Temperature and rainfall at Marlon Station for the week: Maximum, 86 degrees Minimum, 39 degrees Rainfall, 56-100 Inches Sunshine, 50 per cent Snow, Inch THOMAS McGUIRE, Sergt U. S. A. Death of Jas. A; McDowell at Old Fort. Asheville Citizen, 26th. The funeral services over the re mains of James A. McDowell, whose sudden death occurred at his home near Old Fort Friday night, were held yesterday, at tended by many friends and rela tives. The interment was at the burvinsr ground near Old Fort. Mr. McDowell was a son of the late Maj. W. W. McDowell, and a brother of Gaston McDowell, of Asheville. He was 60 years of ae at the time, of his death and for many years resided in Yancey county. Early in January this year he moved with his family to near Old Fort where he had since resided. Mr. McDowell had been in ill health for the past two or three years, but was apparently as well as usual Friday. The immediate cause of his death was heart fail ure. Surviving are five daughters and one son. MARION, N. C, APRIL 29, 1909 that Mica Strap. Mica, April 26 -Rev. M Davi MM his appointment at this pUr HnnUar afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs Julio Hn.in and two children, of Beaver Crwk. nnijonnifn of this place now. I Mrs. Bob Gunter. who ha l.vinie ' in Ohio for several rears, U now vu-iitinj; ; her sister Mrs. James Hall, of Mlo Rev. S. M. Qnene prtwhed toalarv congregation in the Baptist rhnrch Snn . day morning. Retailer Gets 12 Months and $250 Fine. Asheville, April 24. Judge Ward in Superior Court this morn ing gave a concrete example of the manner of punishment that he in tends passing out to persons con victed of retailing. The first of fender for sentence was Robert McCanless, a one-armed man with a wife and three children, who was convicted yesterday of selling a bottle of liquor. Judge Ward gave the defendant 12 months on the roads ane a fine of $250. McCan less appealed to the Supreme Court and was held under $1,000 bond. Another Convict Escapes. The authorities of the State's Prison have issued the following notice: "'Oscar Poteat, a white man 22 years old, five feet ten inches high, weight 170 pounds, blue eyes, dark hair, sentenced to the State's Pris on from McDowell countv in July, 1907, for a term of ten years for highway robbery, escaped from the convict camp at Selma, N. C, on the 22nd instant. For his recap ture, we will pay a reward of $25 and all necessary expenses.' A ear load of organ werv h.ii"- from Iligh Point to Spruce 11 no U.t wek and a good many ar tm; in this community Pete Biddix and family wh j-M.t last year in Ohio, recently rvtunv.-. t their old home here John Washburn haa lionght J I' Hall's stock of goods and will ont.i.n the mercantile bajumw at the old stand He has moved his family into dwelling opposite store Misses Jane Swofford. Stella Mo Kin ney. Bertie Hall. Maud and Anm Lawrence left Monday to euter l McRea Institute at Banner E'k Miss Etta McKinny is visiting hr sister. Mrs. Davenport, at Mt V-rton On Dit Alcohol not needed Ayer's Sirsiptnili It net i ... a m. A strong anna, a now miw. there is net i drop or ilcobci in it. It Is a non-ilcohoJL- lor.l: and alteritivc. Aik your c r Afrmr ahniif vouf fakir.? r: i medicine for thin, imp..' blaod. olio ni tccf every time. He knowt. A iiers Ail toot dfof . role of heslih ' ' ' ten wHl auklU rt;'" . tioi, " ITbtt f.o -pr.' for cr f ' ' ' Hickory Chips. Now for the srood roads -bloom in the spring. The man behind the home run becomes once more the national hero. No one will have to pay an in come tax if the price of bread goes much higher. The theory might now be ad vanced without fear of successful contradiction that the backbone of winter is broken. Juggling with the wheat pit is funny enough till it comes to jug gling with the price of bread, then someone may get hurt. The kind of an income tax we need in this country is one guaran teed to keep the Treasury a few laps ahead of the outgo. And now that the Hains trial is on, it will be interesting to watch and see if a New York jury can do as well as an unlettered Tennessee jury 'Going to work," a painting by Millpt. hns icf. cnlrl fnr $50,000. Pou era Convicted of Peonage ...w-, .. j - - w , ' " " t a ill .1 j j l . I Statesville Landmark, 27th ... , . In the Federal Court Friday . fee John r. Fowers, of Limestone. WOTK. Klinpomhp onnnt r woe nrn irintavl Those Senators and Represents- of peonage and sentenced to 15 tx oo n,hn tvntrr oUnt rrr. moums in me v eoerai prison in ' ' " " w" t I A 41 t lUg UgaiUSL au lUCOIIie tax imve Prtn!prc u-ac PmnlnrJ in o been "hearing from their constitu- parity of a "walking boss" by the ents, and found that they had a McCabe company, railroad con- few more things comint? to them, tractors engaged in the construe- I A ' . 1 t . 1 1 W W tion or the ?outn and estern !1 ,1 iL. I t fi: i Tho Roi r,f TaAn Dr,A un u Iai"u, now nit; vaTonna, uncn- 1 1 1 O I j I Qnrl I lnlrt QT-vrl f hA n A.A .1 . . f tail Merchants' Association of of Deonaffe werft wimmitlwi nt Asheville, N. C, have appointed a Camp No. 6, in McDowell countv. Moint committee to further the cam- 16 miles from Marion, in the paign for the ratification by the SDrin of 1907 voters at the Mav election of an 1 T T i - - j. 1 . act instructing the Board of A rU.r- oiaue 1 measurer icy siaies mat men to set aside from funds derived lhe shentts nave u th,s from general taxes an amount not -year about M wel1 M usua1.' but are less than one-fortieth of 1 per cent. cmplaiDing very much that lt 18 nr morn t.hanna.tonfVi 1 MJ more aimcuii man usual w cotieci . , i . . .. taxes, and ascribe the condition to ucut. upuu vaiuauon or an the tjnanciai depression caused by taxaoie property tor the purpose the panic of providing a municipal fund for The Certificate The article copied from tho Charlotte Observer last wek with reference to the nero pnHrlur selling certificates has attracted considerable attention. e.siecil!.v ! ainong the coloreil folks. We have! been presented with a copy of a( certificate which the negro preach er says he is issuing to converts. , This certificate reads as follows: ; CONVERT'S CERTinCATK. ' He shall feed his flock like a hejli.r'J i he shall gather them with hi arm. in l j carry them to his Icwuin. an l hali ; gently lead thos that a tv with vttirij Isaiah 40: U. TO AM. WHOM IT MAY (X"ViT.KS This CfcRTIKIKS th happily converted at church trauon or riev rwor. mi i ed the church (if mv choi- 19. . Resolution: I will never forgvt th day when JESUS wahd my SIN'S away. (Signal by Rev A H HatwrxiJ. Marion. N (.' Iv l1.'"" iTfcor. the anti Cnslian last few day n Tarsv s d rtn-ts w. . fl.. ' 4 ;', it ft' ; r ! K r ? ' t - 9 P Bal y : ' 0 o L 0 'will h!4 :i ! for th" rl.-f...r. of '.''.ftmor. f r S' l' t th ' --a ol-.i'r. Tv.: th 'th !t ..f A : r-: W r v . J S' T H I" IT V( "so. ;'. LAHD P0R SUf. t will fr f tm m ii ' I'i 1 t '. - ' t- h il I wm i on dV 19 i l IN -oat k--ii !o- t-.-m. : W i. under the'adinim M"tk w"; ,f x - A mH.tr c f V . rt.-i Mali i u v. '.B-J of I' J ! Round Hill School Commencement Handsome invitations havi ln iMtiwl for commencement eierm- t R.mn l Hill Academy, at Union Milln. way 4th. 5th and 6th Tuesday. May 4th. M p m Kxerri by Primary department Wednesday. May Sth. 11 .fl) a m Bac calaureate sermon by Dr L W Rorr. Spartanburg. S. C. 2 : p m DpImU Resolved that immigration m deUriraen tal to the Smth H p m EUx-utionary contest. Thursday. May 6th. U :ia ux Iiur ary Addreea br Dr. C E. Brr. Wak Foreet, N. C. 2.30 p. iu (imdntlng Elxercise-. m p ra Opera. 'Inhn" " ! it (o iLtim ftnI tiMri H ! , t Miw . t!ww r4 1 v -- W- 4 .j4 A . 4a4 ri i r-e r of Utlt l.--r . t3. W : w II js l 4 '.... liW.w c x it jr- w Wftit" n ft U-jf -. : ' T- 4 - rf m'. l la rOiat 11" lC4.-r nil 1 .: Itrwl ra . Ifciw a. :J4 ' w O i.'4c Lb' Ir',a M m t. I.- - 1 ' o -i k ttXl prU b r 1 4. 4 M It1.' ' 4 t brfl ,(. -ot.,im ;:! ft.- t. s 444. jv 1 k n I W . ' 1 . " . 4:1 f .. , o rTlftla I ' 4 a- ' '.44 1 , g -t. llr.f fta.1 Ulfl f 1 4AM t ft -s. : 4ft4y .t t.M film s irt1!! U 1 ' 1 '..m .4 1 44-r ' 4 ol', I. k U "W 1 . . f .4 iv4 a L2l ''41 k. J ' MKT- I V1, .iw - 4 -w - 4 4 4 0 9 9 0 0 0 I 4 '4 4.(14 1 Mft. 4 4 . 4 ... I '44 JI r' V4 I -4..I 444 '44 alt 4Mi.- T I U .V ID pTV44 ftOTilA hi ft 44t 4 4 !ltfftr blArk )rk. P 4 tt ifr '. w w4 urv ft JW.4J 14-1 0ft B -4 44ftfc il4.414 4.4 ft Mt over-rulet! Judge' William Hart the motion for a new trial in the case of Col Duncan B. ( oojkt and Robin J. Coo)er, his son. U)th convicted of the murder of former United States Senator Carmack, of Tennessee. DeWitt s Little Early Kuw-r. th.- hrt known pilla and the beat known pill made, are easy to take and art gently ana are certain. we sen dU recxim mend them. Morphew. druggint The executive committee of the Montreat Association has decided to erect an auditorium at Montreat to accomodate at least 1,(XK people. It is hoped to have the building completed by midsummer. j The talk of the day FOR em ,,c r 0 MEN X. I advertising the industrial and other I advantages of Asheville. Manu facturers' Record. Good idea. Fire which broke out in the laundry and engine room of the Battery Park Hotel, at Asheville, Sunday morning about 4 o clock, did damage to those departments to the extent of probably $2,000 and gae the guests of the hotel a 0 Tails for the Lads' Teacher's Five-Year Certificates itivery teacher who wishes to stand examination for the five-year bad scare certificates and for the state high school teacher's certificate; should t bear in mind that the date for the examination is July 8th and 9th, : and that no other examination for ' 'this purpose will be held during the year. If a teacher fails to at tenLthis'examinationr he will have 0 . mVt - ---- I mt to wait one year, lne county su- j perintendent cannot hold a second 0 ..-- examination tor anybody. Ap- 0 . plications for this 'f examination 0 -J' must be filed with the state super- 0 ;--jntenaent not later than the 21st 6 ly ef June. He will senct&lanks for 6 ino ".-tnig Dnmose or. blanl-rs mav be had of the county superintendent. The JDOyS atC ITianU state board grades allk;papers and v r , i i i '. issues certificates to th successful. 0 laClUreCl DV tJlC .7 v ,T7 . JJIi!. . 1 n . , rur aay aaaiuonai . lnioruianon, 0 r i r . teachers may apply to the county k toremOSt tailOrS Ol Grace: Pimples, blotchy, rough, shiny akin are from the blcod and tom ach. A simple and never failing remMy one that makes clear, healthy com plexions, pure blood, perfect diK-wiion. is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea Sur prise yourself. Tea or Tablet. W o.nt.i Streetman, druggist- Telegrams from Menitia ay ful- TO BE F0UMD AT OUR STORE. Mt ,o$5, Our Spring Cloth- for Men and superintendent. 0 ;-'The Washington correspondent ,..of North Carolina 'papers say that .they have .ublenjnformed'' that . f Mr, puncan tiasjgiven np Seawell. - - and is now favoring the appoint mentroffFrank Fuller to that east- ,'5 -'YpTn judgeship. "--2- . Sj . "The last .Legislature passed an ; 4icfc requiring the municipal author cities' to provide for the registration 'of airdeatbia towDS having a ' iopufatiQQ of 1,000 or more by the last preceding; Federal ?census. . vv - - . - - " ; StateT Horticulturist Hutt says , that as near; lis he 'tan learn the f ruif crop of the -, State i. is ' very promismejindeedG6odipo4rts come - from' HenHersonville" and - Mount Airy,- important sections. ; the country. Come in and se- lect one of these 0 desirable patterns which are guaran- teed to the wearer. $ . . I CHILDREN'S SUITS A Specialty. Marttn CSL CtarK Clo. Co., K00HCHftiO O ! I 0P ; THie fpPKa I Bryant's Old Stand i II ... men are rxtnriu-.f lo apprrt tnor mrui tie raluc of SKRHrl'TR .Iw frrn ft K ta.nd point. th-y a.-r ing and hinds:. ,,: J . t -high cra-Ic .; - -. . Tliat Snrativr c manuf-icturrr to . tact witii your luik'. SKREX.MELR o-.- qtiahtir-j. ut arc i; :-. i...... v: who wcat the- :w- . ".;r . , Xik aim use prj .c ::j rrvctr; :r. r. ' : - g tivr? to !.rvr i.ook icf the SK4RFX.MLR u:; r".: :r t r - I -.a " i f.-. rr-. V- . " c 1 4. -,- wr fl Peerless Store W. H. Hauklns. Mr. l '4 v r4 194, 1 (444. 44 L. A. PANGLC fOUNDRV AND MACHINt SHOP MARION. N. C Wt4 tt4rtf CUft.( 1 M ill carry a hnc -f P;rc Sn-J rtpc f ::nr.tls 1 ylrXA ton tm3 InrccuDfv Cu .rxj ivimtx tWT out and Ovcrtuul Enrncv. tn Net. Hr;.. t U'c do lU cU of vorl ,n rrf hr it:, work dm m iU be pcoasy, ilTOSof ac pprccijtcd. ; t r Shop on Comer Court end Garden Stmts. I IMP rooting I 1 Yrt Tl4a- Mk-.ti - I ittW "jH Ml ! 44.-. .4 ' K1.4el.k ". 4.... t!" . J 114) 1 I I.. ,, l4 M .,- . -4-1 t-4 t 'f.' ' '4 .H1 ,1 " )(i ll .... 4 01 )4j ft I I ft 1 U- ' -..( I il it A' if4 I.. . j ft. t4 0-4 iff ' t . j 4.,-, -,,,.- . i . : v . " i ' " ..-... -i - ' ' v 4.H V- -. ; v . . . .... v .. ( I. ft ! 1 1 11 11 1 t 1 nt r- . ' ft..- . , . .. '' ' ;Tt I k.4. ' I li III. . 1 ft. 4 . Ti.ft. ' ft - ft -l4W m4tm t : .- 44. 7 k-ft' t Jft. I'll! ( ' JUI 4 FOR SALE BY J. D. IB I A IW ON MARION, . C. OtVtLVtLVtLV t tV tLV t f O tLV o a Ot O Ai fLV t & o t STOVKS AN7 1) k.c;i I ..I I fi it ' :t illit K t" 1 1 f Ni i :: f t y ma. ii. v : 4 1 i r f lit V I t 3 THE PRICE HARDWARE VA 4 t 4.1 - 1. 1 1 tv . .! iniiii iinii!m l JiHlfl i ASTi N .V TAT! How About That Spring Suit TV J - j-. t. I.t.c rcn -v:f 4 oeijr bctj fUi tt! Inf. tt . liw d Xti Cuv 7 a.,i t.f cij faf t? t C:i4U,Jvrt,:H In lu-,.. hC. ' 4,V H " -. -4 '. Ml( w 4,, - TV ' si.M ;, . ,4 r il .'1' i.3.1 ft.:, v t: V.. ; - . ; v ... t ... . v t :.; ... . , , . . ; , ., tn , ' , . ? V '.i Ml it. I, ... ,..t . . 1 rn:(, r ' ' : j.M,..n ' t C4 ft.: 1 ,H i v ... McGal! - I Conley.

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