-s. V . ' . r owe emoerat VOL. XIII 1 ' ..- V. i MORGAN TT; I-:XKY-AT-LAY, I- irsi Nation:.! Rank RJff MARION, N. C. BLOCMDERS TAKING TO SCCOSTORY DWC C0 " and A PQ nalla Located In Room Over Family Bed Room. MARION. N. C THt'RSDA Y MAY ;o BEAUTY' G u; . " Hie Asheville Citizen of Fn, E. J. EVANS, J J LI. IN 1 i I 1 '-v- N. C. . -i an i Ptdeel Buildino- Fort second and fourtl Monday's A. MORPHEW ! 1 ::xkv- T-r.,.-v -- " i'; i:i.T s Farmers' N. C. J. GILLESPIE REID, ' ' ' n r.w. Parloks '' :' '-:'..';,r rails at any ''"'I' th;' night. :: :: Kooms 3, 4 and 5 ! itiima! Hank Building, Marion. X. 0. NO-AIR & McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Attention Given All Intrusted to Their ' ' ' ; ASTON cc TATE STRE : 1 N f 'ALL C. R. McCALL lira UNDERTAKERS Coiiisis .and Burial Supplies th- Hth. C,t.M,,.,! .1. . . ..... Uh' l(),(.V,,ir interesting account of ii,n .; 1 of the blockade, still six miles enst of ,lll,on 'st week l,y l)0putv (,()). 'V l,,s "neand 1). A. Kmipc f this place: ' The most skilfully concealed blockade" whiskey still ow,r found in this section was that cap- ,uua. uy otticers from Lnited States Revenue .W,t Sams' office here in MrlWoii county, and veteran revenue mid- 's are marveling at the inenuitv shown in its concealment. ihe outfit, consisting ,.f ,, yaion capacity copper still, a two worms, two flake stands n,i quantity of "beer," was discovered m rne loft of a one stnrv !,. The smoke from the furnaro u-oni P a chimney winch serial ti,.. kitchen so that suspicion woul,! not he excited, and the wat.r meal and fuel were hoisted from oelow by means of a I ).,-- ::r, tackle rigged to the rafters throng, a concealed trap door in the kitt en ceiling. The k'slop" or ,-ef(!.e from distillation was run through a wooden trough laid under the kitchen floor and connecting w -j,, an underground drain whh h emptied into a pit some di.poM e from the house. Il rilli irl,. .. ! . ' l" uiic,, w !: i have y.,.r, i . , M-.ISl (ID,,., S. The h,,;c, lVlh ,,, a ri try but the ne.ghk.rs had ;, a ,ls j cted anyth.ng wlMV)lr Th J ' arrangemerit hv kl !U.. ,,f feet d..sigMiIli;. (i,plr.,;, I n,)l '"' 'i"--.: t.. the loft .,,.,'.,.!" story house, and if it WRs u ' U i'..-uu rou-Mi v Hiil mil;,,.. ... ...I 1 ,. " " I 1 I naa ivert.) tli. . a VP rn (rii , .. . i I ! below wore h k'.:!iriir:t no man-ifartu, ing .rTut,,, i r , . . 1 HK)-(. tllPMi Wit!.,. tne cuvprhd 'hhe ortir.M-N wptp p;irti to Sul! t f if sr.. v l'i l.-f 1 ':) ,,- , ' it. ' : : I i, i ' " ' ' I I ! i t ::, it ( 1 ' i ' ., : ' . - i - ' . . ' : t 3 -4 4 4 SEC Mm. n1r BUILDER, j i.t : V . I , BrlcK- Btjjldlng Materia! :t ",0 '-'ds . , -''ked ,,ut the gaK'o ,M,d ,.f -h,,Lis-' ai.d fur tXll ,,,irN v IM P'"Mi:.g . s;,,., .. t bu,,1,'N ai -m.' :, - ,t , ,,j dragging ,,ut the .tdl ....tfir .. n '-' 111 " 1' u.th ax.-.. N.. . .u w,,:, :!iH-. as :t ,',,,;! : . .t .... . , ed who (-Mat'd t( r st-.' -Smallest Maialnr In thr Wocld A('""''; t.. ti f. .)!.,., r. - ..,,rv I)r:'t'd i.. a Cir.: .rsv , ' par, Ish,. m:,i , ,,,, , hos- . : t inst s ;::.:i,,r !! 1:1 N,r'or,. :s (..;r ,,f thh -t r:iHgH:r..- :-. th, f : j ' A : 1 4 4 4 4 - :.f ' .it.' e i : I : I w t or n cirul f red Stuff Buffaloes. Hewitt Da an P--i or in t h- n.. LOST TH K Sf'KNT. The orh'cers suspected that whis key was being made in the vicinity of the house, but search aro.mii there Monday revealed nothing j there bing seen onk- r.n n i" house set in an open field, or rath-I ' , S UV" mit"- ,''-!:t wr . u , , old son of ),o, l. . . i . I I i o w . is t !.. oungest 1 t o .norsvd ' ni'prs-il), s na,.-st tnaga::.,. :;. t tl:'' '! -r'. nrig-: ; o . the wo- 'd. "It is also t ; . ::.. , ,f mag;. inr prmte 1 ;, i .t; 'v h- '.ana ithout i ; . i: char :i. !os or dt-vi. u,, . ordinary- r,,iirs' of j rintm I ne nam" of t ation is "Snnth's u ' ' rl i . - r ! ! of tj.o and 'or i r i "lily 'lit; rp ' P" . . tho t. -i h: i ui- wl( HtHf MAKIHN S ( 'as ar.icji.i Tt,p .1 '. I s :iy -nismess intrusted cp. re will receive ol pt and careful at- i N' Conley's Furniture Store. 111 (""l"i s. Ti,,. ronl.a.r R storv uith a;, r,,;:an ' ' 1 1 ir : " ft ,. 'in a. i rt.s. mi.t. t 'J Jj-LS ? i er two houses of lo-.ro Pnno,-ro,l K ,- a boarded uo kitchon u J uary IulmN'r ,)f "e '"vvi them, and the seekers went to ..n JUs "'p-" Tne ,. ,v ,s other creek but rptnrn.i ... A . ! em,,azor1 w'th a ( 'hn.t.-nNs fn. suspected place Tuesday. Th.ei r ,' suspicions were excited bv a dr-,:.., I and thev evanonP.I th 1 . rolore.l lead ,.s, , critically but felt bafflel dn 'it i T J seemed impossible that any stdl I in V. ,nkN' ' ""!:' ' could be located there. (")n the! ,""'li' J 'k" 1 i chance that there might bean ,.x . : ' V,,'' ; cavation under the house, similar! ,7 MUl': to that in which a still was f(nilll ' "1;ik"-111 -n . hidden several months thev 1 ,,luslrat,ons Hn,i -M th- peered under the logs anefsaw the ' C"lV "f th" "'' ' trough. At once thev crot busvln cont!tuts ;t I-nr.te task r on the trail but still fancie.' that? no , (f tno i 'ir puoiieailot, I L; 1 'iMp nut c w n mi) hcp annpdm.r .. mommy and L o trouble to et just what V:u want. for concealing a still. In th- main bed room were beds covered with spotless counterpanes and above a ceiling of roughly laid beards, and the same kind of ceiling was over the kitchen and noooeoin itself. F UNI THAI' 1)! H )K. One of the ollicers dim. oo- s part SUCi ; cents a copy s , s is sol ! , . 1 he I 'Mi'is a r- -a together by hand. "Tiie young ma:. !ts , Hug:,t ti., idea of indexing his maga:r - ) the illi::ni:;Ht.'d cover . ig s how e( I..).. .. .i . . i , . pm s in- ntlps ot ti," U-ao i:. .to. ries as follows: "Th" ;;..r,t ( s. : tie, page 1 ; Th.e Broom ,,.. ; - DO 'PI... i j . ,i .,. ilu nrsi name, is m .r- i ; and pried at the ceding until he . , , " i i i -j . . 'continued in tne c,;rn-: t :,un,',.r dislodged a trap door and through ' the opening he peered into the S'venteen of the twenty fo;ir space between the kitchen ceiling ! memlers of the Salisbury i.r h.iv'r and the raftere but there was noth- PlJt them.Mdves on iv.-oni s fa..r ing there, abt,olutelv nothing mg State Senator .Ia:n.-s . sin:.- fifuvprpr it vc, roalivn.i fj, nlnr- of Durham. L s.ir. , . , , , A onnor hen th latt liiauen trao door meant som,-; io-or i c : . ' - upt-i ioi v. ouri iK'iii.li i I : It was queer and the officers climbed 2 3 r: ! yin n J6? ij 1 ft. " w v OS. "''N I!,, I I.Ylo ' ll, 1 Hs 1 T(II. : or's Notice. : h ; ;- .: -enter of the ' ' trlzkt. fluceased, late of ' ; -N- L., this is tonoti . ,: ' -'"''s' eiaiuis against the 1 ' "' ' a.s:-i to exhibit them l1 ' i -in or before the 11th ',; a- this notice will be ,ll,'.r i recovery. All per , lJ said estate xvill please ' .in- payment. 1 'lily of May, 1909. r'e l. QOPORTH, Ut' of Dinah Bright, dee'd. into th, kitchen loft and pried i Woi3en WejJ ft ;: snoot tomp iimpo Ho fsi.r, d,... . " lH.l a false partition between the ki'tch-,! by j MST Twii!. en lost and that over the bed room . Kidney trouble pre up,Jf, ....r. j N.,r: and he forced his wav through I dlcu" , ,.,r 1 VICT. , , . . I l '. ' 1 urns. r uat ne saw asioiiisned him. A log floor had beeo laid over the joists and it was a moon shiner's outfit. The furnace was constructed of great rocks so heavy that two men could barel.v ncsj ...:; ,i:vij. ti when tlic j.-r C... out cf orJcr a .;(. C-a.sc'1. : ' . K:Jney tnxil'.c h.X3 thai it u U j't ur. 1 tr.on lor a ch:ld to V . . : lift them, its stone chimney con v,rak kvVr.V-r ::'''e ch..,a arirutPt.-Kiollrn, if :hr ur-.-.e .iL" ( , necting with a sheet 'iron stove which connected with the flue of the chimney. Over the furnace the flesh, or if. when thcfin J r.i " age wheu it sl.ot:! 1 ty P. !c to contro! th? ,r ,; passage, it ia vet atHicte-1 s xx - -' tl i.-Tnaupon iiicrju , f tlc;uT,. of (, " 1 the ftrt Ka. ,' M(Jf'RAT and ProfyrAscWft I" hntK " oth one year for $1.50. . was a hne copper stili and ad the' cult is kidn.-v truM equipment for producing' )0 u.aL ; step should bo towar.N thr t:ratir-r.t of . inose unportatit o:pan r i i .... ions or wnisKey a aay. OUTFIT WAS COMl'LKTK. The entire plan of the ingenious "blockader" was then revealed. A mil Imr -rl rA) 0 U'Qt; QnrQrri.l from the kitchen ceiling when the f"1 ' . n': plant was in operation to lift bigjcent a-l onr-.ioiLu-buckets of water, n.cal and fuel 11 l 1 x 11. . . trou!)ie is d-.i: to .1 i:sc.ivd . ..(jiti- n the kidneys and lh;.u.dcr r. ! :-ot to habit as most poop!? iuppe. Women as well n j men arr made n-.tr able v-th kid:i. v and bl-i.M-r trrvuWr and Ixth r.ol tho w:nc irrcrt r-f.r. The null the i:r.:nc-!nte ffr.-t from below and a wooden trough ran down through the wall to the underground drain to carry off the refuse from the still. The weak spot in the arrangement was the pit which appeared to have lieen recently dug and not to have been covered before the officers came, the- Jslop" before that time having by mail ire r!w pamphlet telling '! arxut ivramp-Koot, Y. : Ik s ".Sr. v :: t . '.. ii. S X . St.O 1 J In all The World of Pianos 1 nstijuJon ' ' u if - t.' : io.! m,. ' i :i:r o' t .st t, , , 'h I' of it mini Jr 1 ' ' ' f t k t'Ml .!lf '! t It'll Tin- hirst ..Ja nal Bank I " v 7 NO w A 1 v C i 1 V! SMALL i !-sr:' ' :r- -r'c pcrt.cn.ij 4; titers 11 j- i, f r r ti 5 Chas. M. Sticlf 1 r t i t u ti f i en MfRCII VMS AND f ARMS E.IVK i f it: -fV- -it i, ... i, j V X (TV I.h ,, 4 Hi t ?-. r. - . it of tl.. ntv . ;.. aDoui sranip-Koot, j.. tt u. or including many of the thoujwndi of uti- ! niomi monial lVttrr rrr-i vl f r-vr-. (T . ' who found Swamp-Root to be jut the i If Uir. ri : . . . remedy needed. In wnUnjr Dr. Kilmer Fatal m iwM t T.;.T , mention thlTeV. 1." I !..UT - 2 -5 1 f n .tf t ri

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