,x - -V i . 4- - - v . , " ' 4 - . . y it. On A i .... -w i i- m m rAat L . ' ' - - - hi; ; -iiiiiiiiiui VOL. XIII. i 1 v () F WSSION-AXi W. T MORG AN l TORNEY-AT-LAW, . a First National Bank Bldg. t IARON, N. c: ' DR. E. J. EVANS, !)ENTIST- M 'N. - - - N. a l. -Jnul Poteet Building l'u:t ccoir! and fourth Monday's A. MORPHEW roKNEY-AT-LAW l'rhalU's fe Farmers' Rank. N. C. DR. J GILLESPIE REID, Dkntal Parloes ill answer cnlls at anv n- of the nighl. : Rooms 3, 4 and 5 F'.ist National Bank Building, Marion, N. C. SINCLAIR & MeBRAYER (TTORNEYS AT LAW IV ;m;.: Attention (iiven All I. :i Intrustotl to Their ( n I ; U ( , A ST( )N & T ATE STORE L, C. GONEKE, M. D. Physician S Surgeon MARION, N. C THURSDAY, JUNK !7, 7Q WHYnOUTHlS TIED TO TREE. WW WW - (iKKICES IS - NATIONAL BANK 1IRST KIXK)B wvwvwv r ; i n i ion given to office. in tin- treatment of m mic diseases. m-''a:.l G: R. McCALL He Call 'Bros. UDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies! Any hnsiness intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention. '." .'. . .. - ()ver M.Ctll Conley's Furniture Store. Arc You Saving Anything? I' not. WHY not? Do you realize that Today, Tomorrow is the time to 1 n wV - r 1 "I i - iiutue, a tot, or a trni: tiavc complete list" of "u.ne haroams in all parts City. nt some of the lead- ance companies. r -'oic io snow L tl V! v. ! C " :ul you my Any informa ,J;iven. Mc Dowel 1 32ty a Ins. Com my. AS7Z" Allien HuV.'. ?"s KeP'e. n and Rfln.u.Aj n: instil,..,; ,"r"CT 'Br. Blofw! tronv. "UUa""", Ilwlie-tirrn T Iva. r1 'orm ffih' K-icvv' BoweU, apache uutJI K ifft- ANr. Madison. wi t(S FOR SALLOW PSPU A Statement -fiy-chairman Webb or Commission, Gives Full Details' of Matter. Ashovllle Gaxette-Xcws, 7th. Charles A. Webb of Asheville who is chairman of -the State hos pital commission, which was crea ted by the legislature of 1907," un der what is known a the Bickett bill, and which-has in-its hands the expenditure of the $500,000 appro priated by the general assembly of 1907,. for the enlargement of the State hospitals for the insane, with rfrence to an article appearing i? thenAhevill Citizen," the Mc Dowell Democaat and the Taxing ton Dispatch concerning an idiot boy whose parents reside in Mc Dowell county, near the line of the southern Railway com pan 7, today gave out the following statement: "I have known for some time about this boybaving myself ob served him tied to the apple tree as I passed by on the train. The boy s father is named Andrew Bart- and he ivcs in a little cabin at Pejdron, just beyond Round Knob in McDowell county. The boy is about seventeen years old, and is as stated an idiot, having been born so. His parents are, of course, poor people, but have managed to providh for the boy as best thev could. On account of his afflicted condition he has been a great care to his mother and father and young er brothers and sisters. He is harm less, as I am informed except on certain occasions, and at times it becomes necessary to tie him, which is not generally done unless his father is away from home. He is tiea moreMor his own protection than anything else; to keep him from wandering away and getting onthe raslroad track. N "Up to the year 1907, the Stat uau 1101 unueruiKen to provide fo idiots and other mental defecti but under the Bickett bill, the) oiaie is now required to take card for all such. As soon as I had mv attention callect to this boy, I im4 mediately tooK tne matter up witrf me suentt of McDowell county also with the clerk of the court of the peace, Esquire Sandlin, whq ives at Old Fort, for the nurposd of getting this boy admitted inti the hospital at Morganton. Theu took the matter up with the boy'h father and mother, and the mother; persistently refused to allow hid to be taken from under her car and keeping. She stated that sh had managed to take care of him all during his life, and that becau of his pitiful condition, she was unwilling to let him go. She statJ ed that on account of bis affliction. and his utter inability thelphim-t self, she could not bear the idea of placing him under the care and keeping of absolute strangers. It was on her account alone that the officials of McDowell county have not taken official steps. to place this poor boy in the hospital, and while she is doing the best she can for him, the boy is not as well cared for as he would be at the hospital, yet her devotion to her child is commendable and everyone must sympathize with her in her desire to have with her, her afflicted son. The fact that the boy has to be occasionally tied in order to keep him from harming himself or get ting into trouble, 4s not as bad .as it appears to be; were he taken to the hospital, he would have to be confined, and be among strangers. However, I think it would be-best for the boy were he taken to the hospital." Mr. Webb also stated that the State Hospital commission, since its creation, had provided for lOD additional female patients at Mor ganton; 100 additional- male pa tients at Raleigh, and 100 addition al patients at Goldsboro. The com mission is now erecting at Jtiaieign 10 new buildings, which will -ac comodate 400 other additional pa tients, and this, building will be completed-in 30 days'. The com mission i also erecting at Morgan ton three additional buildings, whirh will accomodate another hundred patients. These buildings will be complete in 60 days. v nen rfM ihfico hnildtnfrs are completed, it 1 t via k s HtSM 5 - the Hospital commission iwill have provided additional , accpmodauoni for 800 additional insane 'at the several different $tate institutions. ' We agree with Mr: Webb ,that it would be best for.the boy were he take to the hospUal; :and. wo believe it would be far better for the family':-too" rif? hel were there. It would relieve'thaVparents ; of a great' care5and t tlie Jboy vould be o-ivpn ftrWntlerriattention than his parents are;abte to-proyide for him.1 The case is : pitiable, but.we believemctionSibuld betaken by, thdoffidalspell kospital as sopof' ffp Dejiocbat.J 1z'J.v rA -, MITCMEU. COUNTY TRAGEDY. Will "Woody Meets De4h in Ulc Mim Other Items or Interest. . Mr: Fate Eogli 0f CUrruaa, this coun, and Mr. Will Woody, visited the Flat Rock mica mine last Monday, presumably to do some prospecting. ThU mine which is lOnfilesfrom Rakersville, has not been regularly worked for a number of years, and it appeam the men had not announced their intention of entering it Failing to return to their homes that eve ning, some uneasiness rm. feli but nothing much was thought, of their absence. Not returning next day, however, the resrwetive fami lies becamo much concermxl for the men's safety and a wrch wm instituted. All day Tuej-iay atvd Tuesday night passel and still no word from the absent opp. No particular attention waVpaid to this abandoned mine, and it seonu only by chance that a lad in hia search Wednesday morning heard a sound, and upon closer investi gation found that it emanated from the bottom of the shaft. I'pon notifying others, the horrifying discovery was made that forty fet below the surface the missing men had been entombed alive by a rave in; but upon reaching them it wm soon discorered that death had quickly claimed one and life had almost o'eparted from the other. Mr. Woody was fouud completely covered by several feet of erth with his neck broken, and Mr. rvtirzt or nit Dr3CxsT rf at f .-4 I Our f jmtral N Verl cr orary. live ,Si,n. pirt al IVfiKKrucjr . a def!ft !iip laboring in th troh of h r. with her prt 'twH and Ur in trti. " Yt 5 though 'li M HaeK -1 t - '. up rI lnnrr'. r? r ' t"t vX tt- become a -tt iJ hrwcM " 71 ' j t Th But moli- Sir'.h H-X,r - ,( r "! 'Htw(&l it upt It U uMma Ut ,istr ,t ' Opinion rriKUr i-, f.. ' k 'i'tt i ii iii ai uuui. LiiL-ta a-4- 4 SEE HERE, MR.. BUILDER, . it memr f . , vMatirr vi lei k-:r. t Ism Ur. On olr .. . .f ' V e f . 1 1 . Aldrirh-lSyt Tr,2 -tl ffr I' r g f - - ' Southern Ir.c'.r fi ; r v4 . 1 I " f IVmtirraU fr'tr t tjh tn ..S vr'' rj'f- - 1 -- . 3 3 Brick Building Matcrinl A- -u i ;l,M4( f. ! v tti fon. s.t.4 v f it a-t W CU 114 f ,t ttaj. Ojts. r0fn Jnd fccd stufj. protect; j l:--) f r ic a ,..- .,, i i csift o;pr,nt.. t.h- -i-r'. - 1 " v V t of fr" rw mtrrtl f..r , f " '' : :1 tl.rr i cule .!'!?rffy .? ir ion mvfig S)uO.f n I v t f i '. i Tliefe mr lo r h -l .i i- rrrr r. lie IUputil)-n ;trt j oc ih- which rrrio of 1 1? .-t tKuM lake m thf iiWt cofUuir.r. TliC ReiHj4Kn vr,ir on Saturday ajfju'-.tt ihx- - .i : jtl.aJ ' ' ' it i , ' i i:,v- ? Yl - -; -ti :ii9 v 'tit TTrt" ft 1 K '. it '- . ft t t ! .' 14-: ui en. itti 4 Buffaloed Hewitt IT .f. ' , ft .i - v 4 Ut -w-i i?oia w-iu! f ti. VMrtth iL.oiisn on re iv e.scaiei ueaui. oi. krw, TVr. ir-kj.-- I'fn' t; i f:--t. .. .. . . . :i ' " v ...... . . .... It till'. t,u 4 M.j tttlHtl nilit ( A NT fr - ':it .m .- .!ti,. HliltJ ttMn.. t( titt.!.! I'tm ,m: :.m. tl.t It. r ... tt,wKt l v.. ii- ,f , I,., f3lA or'.ftf Vo rw. twr tVftJT rtl ft.,, ' f''5t at- Vn f t.i.s.t i.Ku lK . , jatn ft.-rf ft- Sl'Of-f a- j ftf c: s.k . T? aVaiaawf-wg f i"w m 1 - da Jif'o- 4 lrf ci -n. -t, tl- tj? fc3 f , - t e 5 i 1. :n ;f i.i.j '.ftyt! : M if t, firr-iC 'k t-- f e ft. . S i a . . .-v - i ice l : . s Kt-ft, : i,r.t in t ff 1 I V!Va.' il? r- ? ia ' aft f 'Via-s ' 4 K5. 4 .-. . a i -1 ft t i !i i t ;it- -,a el " tii' 1 I ji m C -i' J Vc . t i ut ion t. iK i.a. ii" - ' ' ftf it. rvi.nijtr, ' 11 3 a. " r:n.t 7 - t.t J '(1(1 M 'I .ft V i ft .. : ft t 1 ft... TBI le side being pierced by a piec of lo rta ffxm thr aiutu i of uif fx.pt. f ct'RSf Of THf SOt T M srnuiite in lri -u;ie. ft. hM I- ..nt r o,,.l -.k iu ir-..u. i t.ai'ift- uu4f..a ... . t . ft. . A4---c a-o tn iwurr n m! rjmrrn aiaj 'J- dte Statea on U tmaair of fve tectioo to li irrsstd lt a-.-x faclant icUrtJof tli t v . v caodkl ad faralcvdl ua Wrosni ve (hat tber i. tV Nr. lxjtligrral parties oh tS unf ue. Neverlhies., -m KVi" "' ve outrnnve if t;.i iit sin m aariit lit ili, rf - uf.j Ah a 1 " no occasion for ..u.-.t ..r. Aft of I Knvr-r Ti.-- ;. I outii i r.ot going to r. .- r a Ld simply u crt?n .f .la Vprrvntativ e.a tn jrjf-i T-..ei! fir pntective ilut.r-a for v mth ha a problem in crotar k tth btW th tariff t ru.aU-f i -condary uurmrtr.e. tr. lK S -4'. rti view. There u r"t tJ.- r .-avlet rooabUily, ju-t.'u: ffrnj U.o '.-.. ar of the Socitlrr pi7, al he will make any chnr m i.';r pilitica afTiliaUou a. a ".Kj fetl that thy ran nmr. Ia n f-ftd Uovcrnrant at boaw? "nit ihr the agency of th I cnv f atc j irly ( )n thra i vau" tiere i.-i liSo ifnt- ! et indiation of any !.rk. ia Mhdily of t)ie Srvjth. bv a landslide at Lost Cove, a very ! " .AnKJocAmA rvMnt nn trif I . 1 a"t . , should duapfar frcn ra i roau. Our 3'oung friend, Mr. John O. Nichols returned to his desk at the Mitchell County Hank last Monday after an absence of two woeks at Marion with his mother in her last illness and death. Miss Lorena Pannell and Mr. Leiter Slagle, both of near Bakers ville, were united in marriage by Rev' W. G. Bowman, last Satur day. The happy couple left here Sunday morning for "Marion, N. C. where they will make their'fu ture home. v- Aii election was held last Satur day in School District No. 2 to de cide for or against levying a specwi tax to lengthen the term for hold ing the free schools. The vote r- suited in a majority of 5 in faor of a longer term, 2V votes being polled. Five hours' delay to the IVakers ville mall- from Johnsorr. Cit' atvl no mail whatever from Marion oil Tuesday, owing to an inUrrorii--to the morning train South of ro.v cane'again emphasizes the necrv wtvand convenieoce of two trains ffxlay eacn waj ei w v. O. Railroad. " . ; H A I N Viit . Mint aiatiHc iut iia I taut, i i4ty - i'tla AaA"K iia ?ft.'-:. 34:t4 1.-IS4 wnf a a ,t.t-.- fimtA 1 ftf J' ft I he Pirst National Bank of Marion pWE CARRY A LINE OF L !i- t at 1 1 1 : .t,j-t hastened for medical aid. Mr. Will Woody was the son of Wyatt Woody. Wo hear that Mr. Eng lish has just died. The delay of four or five hours to the train due at Toecane 10:30 Tuesday morning, was occasioned y v. K ft . 2 f O..ft.S -.1 - -J1- I ft IWCM . ;" ife,.v- - : . - , rt. i,: T"i ' . -ft f-r-'. - tr t " -.; i c J: 1 it:.: i : t t;f,,. .. - ft. t-i 4.t-' i-i- i f o 7 -rrc.atc 'Kri; X ia.lu'UK J V :9.'a - 7. ;.l .o A: M l ' lt -.. eft t.. l .ft 4 U f fft" i. v . 1 f J (,,. :: m k r- ' .i- - ift1,.:.n t. i. t:-it.t f-". ft Z OIS ft.. V .ft -ft -iW tr- -c tfe ci? 1 -t. . T - O-Vi'J ' . . t .Y W lift aaj .i i- r ? t ; : .ft " ., : i, "1. I plitir ani the cut.trv ho i i b . L. i' t...fc Til iur " in f iBRft,) j part3 . with ouy EratUrM feeble oppiUoo to . i.l;iLar- i U Thougtitfl lucn of all iwt.e rral-d ize the vital importr-e to Itf country of a slron i'pvitofT to the parly m power 00 w. ai t.j;.f other Iarty wh-fh iuT cnv iftlj povaer in th future. TVr issue yet to bw i-tlJf lucn up. I on whieli li.e lVi:v.-nlii inrty.j utnler gacioaa leaiter-ahitv may ppeal vritli hucvtm to iuw of the pooplft for-aap;Tft. T1er are irioco politic iiitlurr.cra la ll resisted. Tha I vuralir (airtiri 1 . cun co"linue to l tijocinjiioci j J if t5e niAvar. TY.o Ufidf i ao imSS suevhich, it U to tr hapedwiJI U: ajju3txi cif:lifiOIU auUrnuil- nbty hi time. atl to lh lrat it t j i ct mil innliwiri 't.f tn ftftlif .t-liirM I .id .' Antelktiii -Ardfifftji V:.v ..III. . Inf? a!.V Ovftt ftvtll 11 v t S 'x 'i a a f p - - - " 1 ; - - many Arrrcana tp l Ppt'frw.tr, id TlInKa little liver pllla mrolaU tha boweli and enra dek Wach Exjry to tAke T Pineaalre. caxboHMd. thorocjtb ur liealiiig ao4 . cleaariiiir. . autistic, ioothea and atop Jpola.IorpUw A Brown, . . - - . 1 1 3 4 . Vfttia; Uwa V7-7 a it"l'.Mri ftMM fi-.n.alwn a t 1 4 aa a-4 ftJtMt( . yftnftai f tfa vV "ftrf tftM-ft ft..r Gmt- W.Mft( CWito. ; Ha.i fftxwif ftf aM.M fl ft aw k aa ft-. ft lv, ftxM iv . aAaim a a-i-t&n., a J.a t-ft a a "T..i-ft J YliM Pmf wwa ffaft.ft--ft aaa4 aTaifttkK I (Jur Shop Is in Operation ou i ;n ti ..!. nl fcmOi t.;,um- in ihtr" imUiji m c t tu?u lit ti' i.t mot T i:jtf, afir. 1. A P.WCl t MARION. V C ... AN ESSENTIAL THING Ani Uttrt it miiij 1 tn fit jt ttitii w? lit.l., It fltf Krffii.;. fn ii tfct.rt f tnf ii it ti?t 3 ofu-stinf -:v,crr wfn -:t. at:n aif rW misruitu AhuC f 1t Tiwjsera. AVftl Iff! lCX3W-t' I L. y ra Tim MERCHANTS A.ND FARMf R'5? RAM; - . . CT30PHR MARHLH WORKS mDt. Jt4wQ orlm l woijara. w Uacalaa'a AnJoa SaJt. Iu It cw rxfc teaf f t'eU Or-sA. Kxtt-K ltrel)H: Sorm.-.iV'mlia, lM.2a lTi.-tv Efsetaa. fl lUvrcaa- For Cr-a Col J tvirwc Hur4 1U fsrjt, InfaUiU fr nW . OUy J- T Btwtmaa'i drc acrr. - ... s: 2 cV'V sua r a:?a??;; ffcnumrnrj Ttnbjfcncj !rzn tin fj i - aavaa. 714fS Cirri ,t 7f V IL aa4, Kfcr.. aj .aaj' a v t t 1- a,- r