- . V r.-j-; .-V 4-. - . ' ' :z:C .r. - 7- ' - : ' ., - ! - " - . : VOL. XIII. 2ES2 ' - T ARION. Cf THURSDAY, JUKE ?i, IK?. W. T. MORGAN ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, Rumors Afloat a to. the Next Cuber ; ."natorlal Campalm. t RewnKiyeen various and sundry rumors, afloat relative National Bank BldgJ&J earifdr;such ; thfnm to be be iskDci " abut tbeless already I several -:rAhnVVa'Vn tlri :,..iik" First MARION, N. C. mat -Mr; IkVCrjiiff, of-Ashe-lvilleUl bei wndklateijs little Monday's T. A. MORPHEW AT TORNE Y-AT-L A W ( xv , over Merchant's & Farmers Bank. M AliloN N. C. DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, Dental Pablobs Will answer calls at any hour of the night. Rooms 3i 4 and 5 . First National Bank Building:, Marionr N.. C. SINCLAIR S McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt Attention Given All P.uMness Intrusted to Their MCTS ABOUT tiOOX: WORM DiSCAScT i " TntVUtt f UX& U1. vTbcf far-rcachinr ira nor Unco of Dr; Charles W.8Ule. dUcovfry of the hook-worm dis l now universally recognired. To the South ;it , is a nutter of supreme significance, and it U grsUfyioff to see that the piw and our edoca tionalleadefa arc now no lew thor oughly aroused to its ImporUace than par physicians tbemSelre. There U indeed jrreai hope for our Southern country in thU dis covery. .'.For Ktireratiocs e hate Had a class of people of tlm-Ujt stock that the world knpwa;"ih purest Aoftlo-Saxoablood lt' Atntr ica,? aa-WQ have proudly clstmrd. and'yetstraDgclymirked by such inertia and unprotfrtfidrenfts as to excita the comment of all travellers and stodentU of society- Travel lers from other sections oheerTins them hae always explained the trouble upon either one or tha other of two theories, both alike hurtful and discreditable to the South. The first theory has bro that these people were opelcsdy degenerate, and the sreond has DR. E. J. EVANS, nl?TTTCT w"w"''yMie -oeiier posted ob- Marion. - - N. C. has gHten his friends in the tentn Ko.in. 1, 'J and 3, Poteet Building : Mei:t0de'rsiaIld4nbt: to us Ktl)l Fort second and fourth a r nVresa for the jin his futore plans. This is con strued to mean that he himVlfhas decided to enter, the ; lists acaid three years hence for the highest office m the rif t of the people i a the State, - . It will be recalled" that many of the opposing forces in the notable Kitchin-Craig-Horne fight last spring pledged their support to the candidate from the extreme west should he offer himself again. Mr. f Craig has been one of the most fn- defatigable workers for the party j been that the climsto of . the South jm the State; has-never received was hopelessly unhealthy. recognition in any substantial man. Stile's discovery shows that I per at the hands of his colleagues, j neither one of these assumptions is is the idol of a great section of I correct. The trouble rs not the country and richly deserves the falt either of our climate iq iteelf honor. Few will forget the mas- orf degeneracy in the character terful address delivered by him People. The trouble b a before the convention when Mr-IP0'8"! e caused by a parasite I Kitchin was nominated. probably brought over f rom A 'rica From several sources and 'on by the negroes, and which can only several occasions, the name of Mr, "Te n warm climste. Charles WrUHetLof this city, has tbe discovery, ttopped here. I been mentioned for the guberna- little good would have been accom- torial honors three years hence, plished, but the good news Roes farther. Tt , I M I ' k LrrfHJ C 'I' A 'WW W'H 1 M fcl" I " I. - UUU1 1)11. XlIlCLb UllUSOil UUt Um- I ""-fc w v m Mi . uj rbers of his staunch friends are hook-worm disease, but it U poesj talking among themselves with the ble to stamp out the trouble entire- view to nominating him in the iust s we are exterminating primaries. - Mr. Tillett is easily the cattle tick in the Sorrth and one of the foremost lawyers in the thereby exterminating Texas few, State, an orator of unquestioned the hook-worm like the tkk being parts and a man who would, grace parasite which can live only in a the executive chair as woutdtfew warn 'climate, but which science other men in the Commonwealth, has attast found a eheap, practical Mr. AY. Ut.Ur0vj tUt of the GrrtxdJtwrti Pstrkl '. the fo!Io-irr liirr !o cl9 too tHapatcH In rtfar4 Tcstmeot for jfvl rrm!'!.ta tsl!. ford countv: Y'eKi srd I. . rninoik-. $(. sscrifkic iltA ars u write' colomm of tiaS rt) IX 4 vsntAgt of gnol r-jAkla, ! U U th mso liviny rwit in th Coccty axxTwJiv u forxed o naB la at TnterTtU that u in uo to appreciate wJ rj.t. t It Unt il a toscadnitfl tltrt rv1! bU tripA la" hu eairk C tm known 11 "nvjrl U- fotl paid far xr,dri sxijr frriJ tat that iniht itwpwii aro h.fa for th pleaiyr? acd prlvii- of paaini with ( vxr a rCi macaJtuiitrJ KiSk.; . HfrffiC! tca 11 it. St: tl tiif ITTta,;. UuMif! toe 4)iti VWuu ! AtucX t fif &.Mt; M iira aifcJf V ai rJtfaSiJ lrti tutm )49-SX: tf$! 4 l ao ti tiJU- V ! curs.:! ftwi avn.ll j c jav!U a4 i:w u(t EjJERti:.MR. BUILD Eli, T til A it Ma u. ! uC , . Brick s Building Ma tCTK.I a much heavier l-omi thai il rn, posaibJ to contj otr tK ali drrt and mud rt! and imn li- trip in mu.h r lima ih w-et t X t(4t at 1 I hi only r of ra:hii; Ut wat t4 nt Iter J ftr.m . mu J "AUmjI tlx rear tit pie of ti uilford uatlr roUi boni a, &-f fe .? ie uJift tit .nj' 4 la tfci f,t. c tan am 3 a i a .uUr Li?, 0tiHtf y, raci;.M4 r,r.4f r-tnSi x.t.. a-a fc: ni i 4.t irj( at J.ta it Hay. Outs. Cofn ancj fcctJ 5jl;ff Buffaloes. Keivit: 1 it jii'v Intiimuf a Miuf-. ( a " ntf mini mitui aa try rtt rTi t to Ue amruinl of $J.:tx, for thiott l.1 ruJ .ml ! ! L. C. GONEKE, M. D. Physician S Surgeon wvayw OFTICBS IN KIKST NATIONAJ- BANK ON FIRST FLOOR WW WW M-n Attention given to office He is widely known, popular with and easy way of combating. practice in the treatment of purpoMi of lajikiir mavUKucvJ roadi throogbont th cr3Cf. ti I am certain that I Jr fiOtoT-itv j ta.uiil 5 tr-M the Ummli in taritm thai fdlr f1 a a ic5 t. . . . . . per cent 01 itw j-o ox t county will menl has txwa worth maf , tMrv Uroea .what it ct With ao thiog or $oO.C i of U-el toe to be exprdd. Ihcooctj Ka about 7S milen of nwa,iaoiil roadway, riUxJici ;a all 4tr tiona from U rtojntr axad rrarhin rerj rcUon of ih cr. Vy. I rfr yoo l.i cmtj oiL cial a to th crKt- .f coctiKtkxs etc. aod ill or thai ti ttrvefmt proof that lh rJ44' of dfvd made r) tnvrtrty$t u txXirg the bood wav tbou bj l fact thai no aaoa man iot&f'vj wooM adrpraii a rriam la ih cU ystem. "In addition lo nuia rues- muotcatMiri )QKker arl ab. gtxl mail of ( ail forJ f-t sua- :-":"Bi:ir1:;THE conservative ba:;ke: ft- r . c.ij Uifra a 4-s.4 it4 ora 4cfcJ ju. - U"' cftiea e! Ik citf !uo ; atxU. ia all J.4,.i.. a:trit) 4,.a a.". .tv. ar4 Ub irftfttitt HI . cwsm . ai a ti W ttrmtxmlf tmi airy nti "ctocs e; llr-t'" tna a.S li taiJ lSe m ci-- &ttti.til fo ea 5' rca,1r taa ta U; ffrx Wlta lena tta (aoraaaaa it u rJ? awMickjl f-TT tMvMr xnl it K? Cical cf Duxes, &0s? tr W ' baii 4 liVN tS- I tn4i5 aa a a J f3aJ arw,. a - f u4 acifUr a-i Li x. t fifHaJ f.c.K.i:r tvUttt.i up iVf Caa4i tt4 U .ti.it u CU $fti s aiklV, at l. et a.U iO, a taci i Iav J t ,u.j4 Th First of Nalion.il. B:inl: Alanon ytwtniitiin hronic diseases. R E M' CALL McCall 'Bros. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial s Supplies all classes and conditions, and a There is nothing discreditable handworker. CharTotte and Meek- about having hook-worm disease. lenburg county, in fact this section The parasite exists in the soil and a R-McCALL of the State, has been given little any person going barefooted may recognition by the party and there become infected. Children of all are many who hold that the time classes are likely therefore to de has come and that Mr. Tillett is velop the trouble, and whenever a the man. " boy or girl becomes sallow-facad. colorless and listless; especially if We ar elad to note the educa- there has been a casa of "ground tional progress in McDowell county itch," hook-worm dlsi. is prob- under the superintendence of Mr. able, and the simple treatment ad- Giles. In a recent erection a vised may not only restore health special tax for schools was voted but may actually save life. Thoos- f or the whole of Brackett town- ands and thousands of childreu in Over McCall & Conlev's Furniture Lvi Th toi1a shnnld he. and the South Jiae undoubtedly died I w. C ' Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention. ' .'. -.. . A, sfUfI t a4 w 'n4 1 tenallr enhtwl Uo-I 3 fa-h ... ta ,, suited in belter a nl njr prc.uU w. ie ikmiMi t n u farms, and tirade it t r.va ! forr I belter hoW aa4 fhurrb $ Neil t.? t3 !wt f j Nit!i tit "if tetrii. j. jfca a 4zs-x f."tj trjtiatijccataeSs, a4a4 fU a Ua. W it af ti la driia, it. caa, taT I -sifa 1 hja a 11 ll- k la v Lftta t W r i a t a t(W c -ss54' - - fix ail m aa Mutiixi ,Tf : art d tU-i-tri 6mHai sa ; I v this mean better ci.iro highar Uolard of htm. Af!er jou roUs jmif trrl ,aa in Davidson, I ha )r! of jont county jrill fwl hka lyfvht sr man who talks araicMt smJ riMtift. Store. Arc You Saving Anything? If not. WHY not? Do you realize that TODAY, Not Tomorrow is the time to invest in a home, a lot or a farm? 1 have a complete list of genuine bargains in all parts 01 the city. . f I represent some of the lead lnS insurance companies. ,. A pleasure to show you my Propositions. Any informa- uon cheerfully given. " r Sun. Slata (MrtMi mm4 airUI Ca. W dMir UsraiS Itli'aa W la $ Lzloalrtal Oalip W-is. - i UXi ffdsaaUoa of tb of 5 Ora t- . WE CARRY A LINO OF 4.a:la .tt '-KJ-t. fi.MiH r 11 I. ;r ',. tl .tllMli f"it. tUt' Our Sliop in Operation .Vju V it Tt. M hi mflj ti' . tul-: . Alum titi V T8T f.i- -(ticr U litic u .t 4 tutu u' nwi. o h T ' M!!l Tt UPV I, ii. (ll (111 "I'M a r pv iViCSJ owe telty &,lns; Company. we"presuma areT elated over the who might have been sairid if Dr. victory. Since the election two Stile's discovery had been made a hew school houses Are being erect- hundred years ago. A North Caro- ed Jn this township. Thermal City Hna county doctor reported the correspondence to Rdtherfordton other day that of 120 pale persons treated by biro, l n naa nooK-worm disease. We mention these things now simply as preliminary to saying that Stiles, whose investiga tioushave gfven him national ami even tnternationaT fame,, has pre- pared The Progressive Fanner what is perhaps the first complete and authoritative statement he has ever printed as to the symptoms treatment and prevention of the the hook-worm disease, and this article will appear in an early U sue . of The Progressive F rme r together with a number of notable and illuminating illustrations pre pared especially for our paper. This article will be one of the most striking-features of the ytar. and "should have the earnest ttten- tion "of" every reader, of our pajwr. Waav -raa5 .a roiluQt IT3 iiSa JCl3r U5,3 J . j Of th feie4r tf M ksU4m i l& f iUAal , )iut otrsc or incsoum: Ififttitalinti kin UtrrM or r tv i Uachl&a ta tb rlfc5i jf Sorn Cac- Vtii ttt wi4 jVm .V L .V P.VSGlt MARIO V. .V. C . WW V V. -W SI a-!tt!ff..t., l ii i - IWitheve: Cortrfeht Metal Shingle Root, yea Buy peace of mind. -; Property owners in districts lacking adequate fireiprotectioo arc never free- from the' care and thougEt of the p'robabfl ity cf Sratwith tba inTi table totalloss. 's' 's Comiebt Metal. Shin- ; gles ; being -., fire - proo; ; lightning proof and storm proof take . tha' place ; or this lacking v protection and l brings a" peace- OX rmind that can seldom DO bought They outiast the building. - " t r.- - Send for free book crtConcetning That Roof which explains their many good rpjUalitiea. I n ooct. Tm hac4mi t4itoiMU Mi&a , Jsi5rr.Er!AN. ESSENTIAL THING Uan. will ta award,-! (kt t the miAJt cf JTaJy. S5a4u wfc. tia to ttta ioi!iai:9 -tt attaMidcuaaa apatirsra mrlf a toa alhUw a tWo(acitf 4 OtwTaifcaey a irsmsiff'r h a;iuj m. iui;i-tnti f. ut '" fhr "a"on for Pardftn ftf ,Ah M. Clain (Colored), nfc''''' w'll be made for the-'par atthfe p cuain, colored, convicted Conn Vra:lry term of the Snnerior of ueit; 1 ow.eU C0Qnty Pt -the crime l lQe oount v 7k auimal and sentenced to. ! ths ln force fOT a term of -15 A ii idp5ns who oppose 7gtanting of we 1CtoTww without delay. 5 ' l0th lay of June, 1909. -t ;V -i- :-;7 S J C BUCHANAN, Col. Bingham makes two unutuc dffersln. his new catalogue. L .; He -offers a frttb kou5D tbif ticket "from any whor vrilhm 4 r(W f:lu a A ftKo.tr, I It, I, n v it v. ent Whotf tcr a carefol inspccUorw j ! I innmnrr thlf HTCWti! fur mere show, the Bmg ham. Plant is the best, and itsresTjioch rr ever Baw;vr'' v- ' : V: II. - He offers tlOO to aar. tron whose son says conacientioualy .that be has not received the- worth of his time and , money during the year, if it ia the sciiopia fault and not ins "qjrs .z -v - Z - v " 4 : 1; - " TiwltaLittla Earlr JtUera, tha fa 'oua Uttlo liver pills.- rmiCl. gaBtla aad Bare,' Sold by M. J". Morpnaw - Tha Cauotfv t43a iiu uw yoa win a u Ilrc4s4 tay ku Urn mvh lh wafclrr ca: a VTilh t10 pm. Wiual la iU Try fc4 W aif-) . Is ffftrlw ataf : JIwa Vh Baa aM Wl Lia rfa Fall wtta tVy stay. H Us crmaty aa4 U lo-a. For rtjtt ha aiaatU llacatlt th haavhty iyfaala-wa . Of ta Uata A&4 for U all i lalC tav -PUaldMii, qah. - - , CVrdwxi. tatwaiUh,, f i-f. Ua ik And aww efc. Tt a iSifMtf wtta.. fta4 I k2cii IW SW t m ia 4 J c VW, 4:ftAw.if. J Jtn.U3 a4 tr5 hi , Vu;iit ;T- C4ratta a.a at J Vuruf.. t4h jrtt a-t a t, . . ' S3HSE2)T"E MERCltlMS ,D I fr.S "w.rj. ir ur? CJtu-5rrvrmr aaf a b rVtf & la a aKa a.', a tiiuJ.a a. ' ."iMMtrSil u .i.'ftJft Ia I , -r . Via L WTtpr traaUatht WSM aa irpft hea.-Tfctttaiti:stj;ja Ut fc a !n rrdtli la iiiaaa. wsa no hiy taa. r Tha t wwi u OC'n'-K bat wiuoat brazil At Ui I Or SuW N"w tXj.TCrrvy. arVkCupJCijie'. lf corJ tna aa4 t aut "WtcCJ 4 nrvr." r?r txrrvf Ttvati. !Vr'ftJ.iK Oxtgia aad OtIv Ajticta. Cre.? aad Vhw7pln-x Ct-jh iU rs ;fns - tC- al tt-0. Trial UUl fw. Ua?i.t by J. bftTaataftaaw . - - t4T tjMr 4 fi iAj9 V; !' B jtilf ri aa Vy ;e .4 Ju ltr-r . r ta -a twa a COf!KK MAUUhU V.'(ii;Ui Planum frtfjt ayr-i Ta n d r n aftftMft " 25rff f alf Cf ,.a lwivr- n''11 t 1 X . . ....... , . f k r i"; ' :"'1:V "ICv vi7- ;