- . -j - r J" ---- - t.V- : . . ' 4 ii li w a ISM 0T 'V - - Y - -- t . ' v ... , . .V . r VOL. XIII. - - ' - 111 1 , " - 1 PROFESSION AX W. T. lORGAN - ATTORNJBY-ATLAWt Office in First National Bauk Bldff.' i arcon; n. o, . 'ir. ' DR. E. J. EVANS, J i; DENTIST v ' WW . " . ' " " MARION, - - - N. C. " Rooms 1, 2 and 3, Poteet Building At Old Fort second and fourth Monday's - . ' T. A. MORPHEW ATTORNEY-AT-L AW . . Office over Merchant's & Farmers' Bank: M ARION N. C. DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, Dental Parlobs Will answer calls, at any hour of the nighti Rooms 3, 4 bbi! S V i" First National Bank-lBuilding, Marion, N. C. SINCLAIR 8 McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt Attention Given'iAll Business Intrnsted to ' Their Care. :-: :-: :-: ( IV ERGASTON & TATE STORE Physician S Surgeon WWW "1 V I RST N ATIONAL-gANS ON. JISST -MiQOB i'-" - v s i-Ei'i a i." Attention given 'to oflkfe )i a( tice in the treatment Of chronic diseases;' K E McCALL, C. ft. McCALL McCalfliro. UNDERTAKERS z - i Coffins and Biiria! Supplies Any business Intrusted to our care will - receive prompt 'anTd'-wefSJi tention.- Over McCall & Conley's FurnirureJ THE NORTH CAR0IAyv 4 State INIormaV ant! Industrialj Wu0gv Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina: Four 'ular Courses leading to Pe roes. Special Courses, for 'IVachersV.; Fall. Session ; begins SfttemberlK 1909. Those dej siring to enter should applySs early as possible. For'catalogue frnl other j nforination address. ; " J. I. FOUStr iestdetS. Greensboro, NC." - I THE NORTH CAROLINA " ' College of Agriculture - and Mechanicf Ats :; 0 The State's collegefort'V.o-'i 0 cational training. Coursesinv A Agriculture and .Horticulture: 1 'n Civil, Electrical. and Me" chamcal Engineering; irj Cpti , ? Jon Milling andDyeing.in 0 Industrial Chemistrv;,VWhv not fit yourself forJife by.tak- 9 uuc ur mcse courses!-.!.: 4 Address HHl::PnRrdpnf WestKalell&cN.C. aii at or send yourV- O orders to , x T-i 'L r ---- ..:j.m : o - i - , i mm r w v - x . j ." " . STATC NtWS. HendeinviUeU'Tbljare new vtti, -rcapital.: $160,690... John Carter president of the American national Bank of Asheville, will 9 tne head of the new institution. Itiseema that Robeaon will furnish the first victim for the .v,, uuair wmca nas just been prepared at the SUte Denitftntiarv for 9pftal punisnmentC The states which, have ithis form "of caoiul punishmentrind it far soperior to vuc gaiiows or. to the rifle. -The State Association of HmintV Commissioners of whiqh 0. ErFoy of Newbern, js president, will probably hold its annual meetinir v vriimington and Wrigbtsville Beach from August 9th to 1 th - 4. TTT-1 . " The association . is now renlarl chartered by the Legislate re,r and can do a greatMeal of good along yanuus lines. -At the request of Mr. J: Ri Ray, of Burnsville, Senator Sim- mons has.arran'ged with the ' Navy f uepartment to donate four old cannons, -used in the war of 1812, to the town of Burnsville, Yancey county, to be placed around the monument recently erected to the memory of Capt. Otway Burns, the most consoicuous: sailor North Carolina furnished for " service :in the war of 1812" and' for whom the town" of Burnsville :was named. The cannons are now in the New j York navy yard.. A- Raleigh special says that a visit to the Central Hospital for the Insane andX Epileptics in Ral igh, reveals the fact tfyrt a great amount of work is going "on. "As a matter of fact 17 "buildings' are under construction t this, time; this far exceediug any thinjf ever i-1-:- ----- - . - - done by the State. ?lirisiJS building;, in Italian stjKIwitb eCT be used b.v con valescen t V womVlV' will be ready for-, use . next weeic. Te groupe frt!Mreteildings"in the woods haljflefronx the main -building ind due west from i t, will be ready for .occupancy in two, weeks. These are for the convalescendof the most advanced class of male patients. A efferal Good Roa4s Movement. Ealelgh TlmeA. t' ' , Never before has the subject of good roads attracted sa- much at tention throughout the South asrat the present time. Practically every county' in North Carolina, b alive to the importance of good, roads. In many good roads are being built and- in othersTsystematic cam paigns are. being wage$l in the, in terest of roads- and- we maylodk forJreneral improvement allover the State.- And.not 'only, in this State; butln Virginia; to thd north, and in South Corolina and Georgia, fir the south of uswx the necessity for better 6adst4s getting a firm hold" upon the- people and along with i)tfaer. improvements "good road aTe coming.-The States to the west of us also have the feverr HlUvfoUsfS Doi Law. 'High Point- has the.best dog law in thei5tate declared "citi- zn whoJattended the celebration of thei Fourth therQ Saturday, "They-find "a! 'man$5 Jfor fettmg nU 'dog run afrlafge or it is killed. If thene; isS&id there are pther offenses5 it; is50. cents per offense.;xr Beside this there . is the regular, qog, tax. was .mere ui Saturday. and :X saw but twadogs arjdhey7re.in J, leash: Why shouTd'a dog run at Jarge t"rLex- ipgton ! Dispatch ,1, ": . lenoirv is ine oniy ipwu iu voe Stateihat f urhiSTiesYree'lextbooks ttoudenb; ritixfsaid'fc thaias; a result school ?hdaKceT fias : in cfeWdiktpexlrttntr: of-the lipils'answertrolijcan 'everyday; -Kaleigh'lvews ana Ubser?er.--x V- V ' -.V. - . . - l i oTFirfTii.haTe lna in. the .bacr.T wak back,-or any other indication, of a" weak-i ened or disordered condition or ino-.na-neyt)f :hladdef,v you should-get De Witt's Kidnetand Bladder Pilb right away-whe jou expefienco 'the ; least sifrn Of kidney; or -bladder' oompUint; bnt be sure that yon get DeWitt Kid Rladder Fills- rWe know what ther will do f orT you, : and if :Ypn -A vriil send your name vu xo if . Coicago. yon will receiTO a free , trial ear,! WfflT tlftme tO E. U. U6V ltl X, nor or tnese. Kianey buu .y Term. r0, McDop c-t. At;rtceni roeetici:' of the Marion thejeiril caJcndtr of Uie July.termof McDowell Cbocij Saperiorj Court wm arrCJ u followtfl A', B)&a(oq Orocrry Co, et t) b G. Y:; Bryant.-- William 4 M urchUon v i gent as Boyce. J Wt Lowery v S. A V. Railroad Co. - W. M. nipes 3t , 1UU ro&d Oo. - , - . minAT, jcu .V." C. a'A O.Rallii, Tr e. M Hollifield, ct .U. , Ileffntr vs HoLston Cbrpormtioo. Price Hardware Cn. n Mrisj'a Hanford, et al , . Winklerra TlKriton, i aU. eATURTJAT, JCLr 31 1 Oood vs IIuakln. L Dopont Towder Co. vt Promt Contracting Co. Gettys Ooforth. . K MONDAY, ACOUVT . Johnnip Wood v H. A W. road Co. et aU. Cable Piano Co. v . S. (iU. rUlDAY ACOUtT 3. Meacbm va Finley. W. W Guy v U. S. CawiAltY Company. J J. C. Justice (J. A. Huririn- Admr. "American Pur Fbo.1 Gaston & Tate. Al J. Edward va W. M. Call, Admr., eWaU. v I eTaET No. 1S3 to-4G and 149. Semi. uole casos. . Miller Bros, rs MillarO-Outf Construction Co. Ifllelt OUtUevy Stlictf ay Hcory cf Kaalpo acor Mty. Ieputy- Collector lUnrj nd D. A. Kanipe ire playintf hatcc with illicit dretillcrirs in WraUro North Carolina near the StatHitt. On July 10th; Mrr Kaniia Uti Asheville in ctyujmny witb JVpcty Collector Henry for iurtihr. From there they -ctnt north leW! milesr:u1 ao illicit di.tillerA irj seized and xlestrorrd lmt ixai gallons of beer. yTlfy tln rrn- tinued their raid six ruiWa fortr nto Uie rnounLaina tVar the Tr4v 41. 1 nessee line v.here !hr foundl another distillery. ' ."JliU w J gallon still, which tliy eiryK frtlir -ti)i c .-i t -K!c. -- of beer.' f- - The moonshiners made tbtir de parture on alht f ibe oSlcrrt . They,; fireJ a , c . hol U thf y went bat l-QoDe-wasi hurt.' Tl sent word to the officer UC thy Lv'ii yn v.ti J. w cerjj whotlarrd la go in the rnon re tains aflr them, Oomioc tvir from thetilttUiQ ro5crn" curt' a manVith a gun.. Mr. Kanipe ask ed for tho gun- and told the man he - was - a priaoneW When Mr. Kanipe took :thi gun the ffl!o ran away down the mountain. .Mh Kanipe iayftKere are toes rough people in ithat mUo . ami that this was '.th5 fcard at trip hl erer made. 1! " , c cs. ocwza R ; Trt tt i 1 . v gpnUrg, tv July VIi J. !Cplci pf Johnson ; City, Tehn.f.Kpfrsdent anVI ctrmj manager: of e C a A CT.'JUil. roadipent l-day ln haicityio- spectingtho-Uylng :.of! rails aloogj the line of Vwd at tiiis , VniU- -ilel announced tli.it'tli track Ufiror would lc "comjuetrd by Jitivcmbcr and trains woul l Lo running into Sparta a b a rg by 1 s n k trh i ng d ay . ..." ' I ii iii r. ' Wi-t Kl4f)i SUM.- - ' ' V The worst r.'.h. H Jar r "rlosp fcroto-Ttiil cr idx ; 12. Thy r&i 1 yr-ar bed U ro& yea fi mi. v lr. King's .Jew LLfe Hi'-. TVj f-T-f dl trees or IncHnT-alt-dco, . bol ' .l deaxLw tho Tftc-3, carl ate CoLU. ache, - cor-tirmtio- tatlarU- - Sic al I- ...... i. . 1 2 eirfjrr i rr - l . w ia .? J AJelle Hryint v (,. ,. f "Wr. - --i- ' V 47 w V . i istro Co. y Y'5 mx" a U! rWv -I I .- "ARION. N. C, THURSDAY, JULY ?Z . w Mmocror Mat. t4t ; . . . cmM Aj vim &;4 fbr W. U tnOa. Oo tA47 orii Ur oof W bW U ri U -r li ie Iwn Vr lit q t I truly Ol W lui XV4kt4 iie Uf o l tiwy mm. bt r i wt ffi-if y 3m riA tffc nM li- -Utf-x1 . .. . w . - ' lW l4i M( . rtUa tut Uit e Mrvxi ructiMi tk m t'"1" I WF :V Mr ttt4 out ha-r 4jt4 ruin -(4tf jew lutei tcwwn,' Ih o-tJ-5 vv-- Wti a -.. a 4 tu-r aek-r- i Vf 9 - ow ri t4 cr t- kr t- .... . . . I V.. i v rMtv-4 y mil -. Ai t W U Vt ! -t W7. , M fe?fcjf56r. TtfT JCTt? tlX f c t3"wi. yv -t fl Uj W Vro irvti tcrf Mn; (r lUw -. - ,Ut -- . . )tt & n rT a i ptiii dciiryr Hrd twior-arr acd lrarfaeikAl. a'l-Wlf rxut 1 rw rt?' l) t tVn " A rt i-a j OX. for t f tkn n - 43.: 5 will. ICO.CvJ , fU r. ft00,(XO,C; ; tlfci 5.X'!S,i3 ti'-f t:" ai4 r-cJ r renr Mt f -I w a 'l-t tn-til iif.4)f Ut W Mu. I tw4 1.1. t W 4 iim t Kvvi-r sri l.rv tlMirtfsjA I i 1 ..-1 4t ' . - ' wr w m iMtl. la ImvS 4Hn 9 -7 aiiti till 4 -i a ... i . j " II I. v - m. vM (AM, L . , ... " t, iKftUtr t mrn.! c rJU i T lw-sr Tm tMtt WU4 1 (AiiAh- rVH- wt KJUm f tV 1 la j. Semi vaC " P-L-UjMBIWGl! ; r-cf o tV?n !vc txcne I! tl " rjfi te f m f - ; -: - , ! I u mm '""Mil Cr occ x icrcx j Brick Building Mate PUm Oti lt,;u.iiX ?h f K A3 h t ,n4t.lt tr ri J:kt May. Dais. Com and. rcccTSlL-f: ... - . . ...s Buffaloes. iewiLL I 1 and InduftlrUl Scheie! Special Cct:jt V, f rs ' "'n r i i in i -rii mm i -m. T y vCu SCU3 try C The Peerless Store. M ANAdKMICNT :Bank wt" the i OLD R E L . I A The First Nal:cn.i! Bnn!-, When Ycu T1? '.lit f t. n It il CW l:U.W If .!-' Cl4 tf Ta V, 4 4 'j. Pel d c :i 5 a i MLnCll.V.TS' AM) t-M T"5 ' 1 P . V t. IVttV CtM l.i.i. - rf Fc; Tcr, p,f YHr Tk-Mlt 105 !-Xf i iitf tiitttv iti(.u. u , - - , Give a Chech ! Hi :i (i c ; : i t !..':: 4 iti THE DEMOCBiTmCE;: Streeuaaa'a era store.