' . i , ' X 'f aC.-V '. i-.-t V-... . emoc MARION, K C. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. IW . . ii - j - z i . . iv n r itif0' UOKKSSI01SrAL W.T.MORGAN , -' iMNFA'-AT-LAW, , y .-st National Bank Bldg. .; MUON, N. C. E. J. EVANS, DENTIST WW N. C. j il l , Poteet Building - iii vocond and fourth Monday's A. MORPHEW ; i:nky at-law Men-hunt's & Farmers' Hank. : N - N. C. DR. j GILLESPIE REID, 1 )entist 1 answer calls at any i f the nights Rooms 3, 4 and 5 1 : National Bank Building, Marion, N. C. SINCLAIR 5 McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW !' i ;.L Attention Given All ! Intrusted to Their I I; 1 1 ASTON & TATE STORE L C. GONEKE, M. D. Physician & Surgeon WWWW OFFICES IN WIUL 5UUIM HARPY THAW BE COMPLETED STILL INSANE GrcrakMn,P!0: U,e 80 Dec,ared Court i. i. fc. 0. Gives Out State- aua mm . State menU-WiH Run Coal Trains to Spartan burg by Oct I. Special to Thk Dkjiochat. to Assylum Mrs Thaw Make Statement. V vr u stili as much the dty he shot STILL RAIDED I A STJUtULM NJonUxi, .N. C. Am It Aftor ffricx with a xdaJ1 Liioij piu in hit lhrot foe al NATIONAL BANK us FIRST FIK)R WWWV 9 riKNTioN given to office in the treatment of ii n hi 'u- diseases. a:.l C. R. McCALL White Plains, N. Y., Atf. 1. wV. ' Vs' 16 m 1113 ty met with comply We are now giving really serious and disheartening defeat Uxlar consideration to the selection of a when Supreme Court Justic Ic Ime to be used temporarily in giv- N. Mills diatntettd the writ of ing us entrance into Charleston " hebeas said Mr. M. J. Caples, vice-presi- release of the petitioner would im Men -ana general manager of the dan2erou to the peace .nd safety. - ri" i a? 1' ADd Mr' Thc cromb of comfort Caples added I am going to for Thaw in the 7.CM-word o,ia- Oharleston today, Tearing at 12:20 ipn handed down by Ju,Uc MilU aver the Charleston and Western te-day. All the contents of Carolina. District Attorney Jerotno are SUi eviueuuy a question witn ported, and it is declared Tha tuC iiuumieia roaa, wnettier to sUH insane, and make trackage arrangements be- paranoiac as on tween Spartanburg and Charleston, Stanford White. with the Southern railway or the Thaw waiting in the Whiu C. & W. C. Mr. Caples 'expects Plains jail, at the rear of the court to go over both lines in the State house where the decision was fili, this time, and some decision is apt received the news with outward to follow his return to New York, calmness. The Southern railway's line to Justice MilU in his opinion u Columbia is well located and is in day reached three formal cooclos fair physical condition, while the ions: Thaw was insane when b C. & W. C. road bed is in a more killed White; that he hx not yet or less run-down condition physi- nvered, and that public ic cally, and its location is regarded and safety would heemlanjrirtd by as difficult for heavy traffic, because setting him at lanre. He' upholds of sharp curves. District Attorney Jerome, con ten Mr. Caples said there has been tions that Thaw still cherish de no definite decision as to trackage lusions regarding the practices of ttnaugemeusouiu 01 nere, oui oianrord hite and his associate. the matter is one now engaging He characterizes Evelyn Thaw's the attention of the C. C. & (). tale of the Madison Sjuirr towrr People- room, and similar stories about Mr. Caples' use of the word White, told at the sanity hearing, temporarily'' in discussing the as "wild and grossly improUble, possibilitv of a trackage agreement evidently to any normal mind. with either the Southern or the C. grossly exaggerated." & W. C. leaves the impression that Justice MilU exprwwed oVep his road has by no means abandon- ympuky for Mrs. Marv Copley ed the idea of building its own line Thaw, The prisoner's mother, and to the sea at Charleston. her exposition of the "horrors of coal here in October. ' Matteawao" on the stand e? idently "The work on the line between Prompted his reocommendaUoo iL.i rm 1 . here and Bostic is coming along Anw 06 ll,ow1KTrtwr P"v" finely," Mr. Caples said, "and we llees at nsUtuUoo. will have coal in here in October, Bui 106 leASt significant sentence according to our original plans. m Justice Mdl's decision, in the Broad river bridge will not delay opinion or lawyers ber, is one soo of Mr. sod Mr P. W. Paltowj t u M tvm ' U now rapdly irnrtirf m ih 1 w mmco4 i a physidan. a fw dsj dtrot . jnd, V ; th can of th. ch.U'. dlt ? ZV W Mi and remote! lh pin T- KjM h7 rt-i has saffrtvj grtmtly from ihrvl , ' ti cf trouble for mMim lixur rlte lAti Uxi . vf. A tull wm rsjrtoii aiKKit tbfv . , i . , . , i-KrtvUtm of rito item. T mil from brnr on th U.U J Uxm vM w:4 c., nvf,r ,ral days so so.! dt Uli,J t(.,..r? ; u ai ed by Sheriff FVrrj srl IVpty t-'U eutje st u.t ; tMt Shuping. o(rlH of , -tt ef ,t sun couki tot fr.r T-;,ur",; ,1 ,--r w wnA nffcrrU, rorrr til to -ffc l 1 DU imuac soo i-Jsorti il n hit Ur e.v.iuletj l rwii fc to keep until it cikjH UrrJ iassa o tj ilrm oxer to uSe nmnlT iri r-t ; - snasiJ fccMniMiUn a tine duntg nihl tr- boml s lsrsrr hoU in tfc ti of lh Imrn srxl rospurJ tia 4n Karorahie cixiirnaU sr heard on all nd! ahnjt tJ m-at cal gireo a frw .lays T trj t-e Udim of the Mf'thrmjitt charrfi II wa for the trn4t of v.' ; ; organ fund arl qaiU s iscn m ratsr-d. TW laJir a oi; rrry hard lo up lh; fgri al the gtxri people r un,tiaf ta-HiiJ them. Court h-a. cor.tri siii JuUc irriding arJ J Y ;i, hour, aolKitor. It u ocifr a I wo wfks terra arl will Uy rc. r x bwt cruniaal ra.e (. oqrl wa. ourtetl for a fw -laj o irf U the n(Hn illr ( H J Ju, of ( rrmtl-rn. TVw JJ r r. for (trrenjil-ro to tat st hi mx liedskie during his illtxw Mr, r. (i. Cobh aJ M.w Psal ine Cobb bsrr tw3 ttJm a week with fnendt in Mu-ac. lu-4i.it m i.a:n -Ci. . it ! Brick Building Material T I .. Her- , x-ii.t ' i :t r it , i . w. T . i t i Ma,. Oats orn and f crd Stuff r.-i I 1 ii a 4il 4 f .-:- v u ari i fr JI Ui ( S. t t Buffaloed Hewitt I J fllt.t 1 ,,, y ,,, - I I lit l-..e Ct$i . 11 It 'tLi! e W: l t c 111- MraU-i. i tx IN- : eMii it A tt juu lUf J I 14 V - ! . a--l J ' i 14 ilM t x ... : I r.u he: t i lxof x it- McCa.ll "Bros. UNDERTAKERS Cot tins and Burial Supplies the track laying, the program is being carried out at Pacolet river which declares that Thaw's delus ions bad become fixed and estab- StatrnTilK N. C A. t ; U lijC U a Ku.Vi 4 W H V DKl.A Any business intrusted t our care will receive prompt and careful attention. I I - .1 . . . 1 . ml- and that bridge will soon be up, llsnea P"or w ine ura ol nifi axAr when we will lay track to Broad na&e- river and be able to attack that Thw WM vuut b proposition from both ends." hls attorney, ChaHes .Morschauser. ana Dy nis mouier ano nis sister, BIG CELEBRATION. ., . .v . the former Countess of Yarmouth. When told that Spartanburg in- x to to.n:ffht Mrs. ihiw. after tended celebrating the opening of over e situation with ler the C. C. & O. with the biggest wrote t foiowinj? sUtA. ao fKnpno oi'or cr.raj in t.hia fonn-t . i-r i t x,.. ment ror ine vssociaieu x'resa: l Coaley's Furniture try and" was only awaiting inform- imsffine for a mo- jtore. I otmn oe tr fho rtotA unnn whir.h thft I . i a,,,uu ; ment on reaaing wits opinion or VHI iP IPl couiu ue aaicijr iui judge iiiiLs inai u means a Ticiory iUU U1VLI, nassenser trafSc, Mr. Caples said for the District Attorney of the I FPI TFI FPPilDHV the passenger service will certainly county of New ork. Lmri ILLLUIrtrilI be inaugurated between the 1st and "One by one the delusions with xt... Ka.. mo th which he and alienists sLarted out Tplparanh OnPrnrQ Jrp In ,, u v , re Proven' each by the mouth ' Utrapn UperatOrS Are in road will be m a position tooperate nf - ii', -itn-ss, to be stobborn Great Demand ! ! excursions from all points on the facts, that would Dot down st his line into Spartanburg upon the bidding: . your opportunity to d f celebration.. prop was taken from un- ass trade that .pays a J -. der that arrogant, vindictive perse- Mrs. Pyatt Dead. cutor of a sane acquitted man. , , TT . . "So baffled was he that when Theftoldsboro Headlight says: , u; u i i i - i iih lnM ui riussa.G kiunuis; slscvtsl.u n i t; nas Deentor many 44 f " R Ptr.tr. " . Ll i I'Im nrominent railroads A U5iBiui r; MIOr argumeofc n wM now n nao nd other narts of the att foreman of The HeeadhghW more the appearanc of a scboo.- u e writing: us toUv.rhur nftP.moon. announced the boy compelled to say a piece than v voung men of good , ' . Aaot w n math A the sometimes courageous, mature their service as we news of the death of his potn dominate, the courts ... . . W TI Tl i-A. CI ITAaM 1 . ...... . we trust that the er, Mrs. !.iizax-yati, nf u,, ,ud.ci district, excent is boys of the South Gf paral3vsis, at her home near when wealthy malefactors are tin - Robert Millar, of ShtVoo tor-ASifv. w irliml has Uo arrrl4 aod charg-J wiih aviJr. thhpotjai of ILaytoooiJ WjVr at . ' H-e' r,-ss. tv iW4Uu Khiloh sTfral daymatfo liti buo. i aiUeAar )jy A for sppraranc" bforr o;frf ' I' I . Kitvs M I. Court wa $1C. It t rtrtl Kii. T iKAMtvLM ' .i AAA A ' V . W 1 .A - AAA A ur MV KB m " ' r - . ker's wife aod WiUon TV a5r was widely rcwnrnnUmj ap-x. "" 1 1 " 1 ' 1 " 1 11 Cres Poole ha. pi4 f-odtf 1.3 abandonment in lh Sur-rK Ccrt icT but judtrrnvot li tatt'odM 3rc 1,1 r, ,4 MWilUi 1 thepromiof th raax. to rtUnj,0 lu Ttj to his family. Thu d-l ro do a" .ti-aiA. . and he tu arrwtl an aod t ,W i-s, ia? ui TVe death of ft. i c t CI t-C: I.. i' r.t -1t.l l .Ill lit t.- It t;i. 1. 1 . ; . V t IMt.lIH4 hit i 4 .1: THOMAS I'OALCO. ssV 4s -sssV tf r - r -y - w-- t .J A W A.JA k -I A. A At A...a last wek cam at a sivk to hl pays very month in the year. 1 i greater demand for ( "."-rutors this fall and son. She der trial i11! promotion. lago is reasonoble ; board o'vnan is extremely " ilimate: excellent 1 Write at once for goiuOT opportunity. ... xfrwoll nntv. ,.n f., f nA , U!iailUU aHVJA"A. AVA. 1 . J I . . t t 1 1 n firm I T i a. tmnneaihlA) tn f athAiTi trvji to six months. We IS SUTVlveQ DV Hiree suua a.v.- " . o,. Graduates be- daughters, her husband having wordings of tho -human mind, and per month : easy j ?V frt atva 11 years S for thw. V)U ,T tod -i k permanent em- Preceded her to the grave 11 years and cruel deisioo of the trial judge must remain a mys tery. To Study Law. J 'Meanwhile my soo, my daugh- t -Mnnnt. Auff. 11. Mr, ter and I have no alternative bot ... , . . . 1 T l 1 A i . i . raira nr. tor nururn 1 1 Mil etrrv ti ,t fi Mtainmio a -i t? r".or.olt tha ftlftver CASH ier oi i w . , , - aw wu.vaav., . I ...rvsn t Ai the irst awonaL xauii, ui f r I a " I OOUtliPm rK-i tvi u city, has tendered? nis resignauou ffom OQriwoho(M ..vjuiuuiui idldgldpiij, f the board of directors of this .nd all the regular flow of life. Aewnan, Georgia. ltnft sa'me to become ef- will remain close to the gate, and Aminkr, . . I .. i iu.' 'Xa tKo I cr. KAlr tha son and brother o- ' ' 1 U I l I 1 TJ A T I f. n a I n-.An I T I ru HI A 111 U M w w I . .A ' . .Krtnt whirh time uuro BU ""-". - is p(,miT,.strn.tfvr of pnminff month,: ...aooux wmcn wmo . , ,11 tk.n -.mk leave for Chapel itIf;truslit inOixTtoTrr. "rnons having claimsl HUh wnere ne wji y ruling proTiucuis iu hupu t KMKi (i.'nsp.i tn u noe nf thAMHie UQiv6r9iu' . t ma m una cue uo neuk . miaereignea at ma - .... - .. ... "MAKl CJUfLil. 1 1: believe was behind us many frioU, Hp ha it 11 health for Unv (ml hrt trouble was llv imcvniiau ctow of hi dVatli. w a ocw of th own ers of tr SuitrilU I'rinlic Comjiany. Tliere ha trn a r marriagw aroind thU wUon ly. Amorti: tbro wrv Joijn I. Hobertaon, sn-i IsXlir A. IWIia I Aila Lowtharp sixi Jonitct Hte drix. Ahc Jare Sumtwn ai Ssunul Itocvrs. Iillv Hru ari Andrew HoJocxnh, (ray floxf Wt !- ! and Mrs. With-cr!"'! IVxa ; a4 itl tMii! . u Marshall srj J. R ilaoc. tiii: il mjem U i.... .t. ftf Horn t of tara To saas . jm i y zi' To 'wclcv: . a lUi I ' i.e. ; tm- wxfAi msui a cirua.t W: fUoci m. 1a1 ftl .UtwA WonU. 1 4 ha ISm tn4 FrJa7. z44 a- a l.m SENSE Good Sense V i V t!l .-A .'ltl-t : : itt tiitt i mmmi.' 1 1 .ilfl! Il'tll :f M:ittit I t til 4 m- im 114 . i ! I ll flMt t ii.iit, ;r i Mil !' (! i" I .Mini I ilwttw' hi' m.i i ' v i!i 1m aa.li aat.r :fil. tt,fct t ;ttui!l.W l M t. tltt t t4 1. 1 : until: f The First National Brink 'cl, lhaam wi earf A SlUfilC f dCt IS Of til , ia ry SatiSAji if'.': ,lvlll;.t th":r r., vV1. township, M C- .i-e crime af MIcms pie aueu an par' oi j it s uo o""" . -iri- 4-K - Lrty.tnjnre4. , HamleL Angl. '; .rMira . Ida Xl lowmffiK O'Brien was thrown from boOT ediate JQW mpieaao VV . . Vr last n ffhl. ana- v 1 Ol uuoint "v . - iLAAA-vT- I WJ mm -"T"- . . ' 'lay of July, i90. ' J jfewtlifeTls soon banian am tairang'paiiifDl but not Decessarily Ah,,, ,.fS?t'.L S-' -:V.v. senoua injure rv A BUI C ftristol. Tton.. Au;.. TV second important coal land dal 10 aa r 1 county. Va.. sod Hsnnroo.j (3 a ty. Ky., within ten daj. Ima ,ua toU 41.14 ralWsc sl.w.' been conscmmateJ. Tlx. Iotef Tt2sry rcL wiu . state InTrteoenl 0-opat. ofj Ccc si ty,, T.xm. IubvilK has soid ll.'M) scrrw o tifXj4 uut af)rltw th two coanU U tb CorrJViat- j4 sMXht Oar ara 1 ed Coke Company, of Ko, 11 M(WaM. county. P'T, ' !oir Hi! fi Wt t.AVtm.K-. iOO.000. The CotoMald (V. I . . 4 , . , imnjii made op of th trai!1 " J companim, wro, unui rrxr.uy, 1 ooerated indatwndnUr tf ooa a Slilp Load of Argument C :t' I t-tt! t:r VIW llWlltHh. Iti :!! liMI't. 1.lf llti'f tl r- 4l 1i:v ttt lUl tir ltillitif another to field. the tUack MoKinUlt saa4CratY. OW Fori. Aui.. 7 Mrmra. Hall and Hsrris are now car OH Fort " with tbelf taachi&a. Xby report fio cropsi of wheat axJ ryw throogb thalscctioo, hariex thrrmi. ed elerto hnndml adneriT.Vr-firt btubeta in fire kdtxi aix bat t3trt lima by.ralau'. ; , ; ' v ; . TML MtRCIt.lMS' .VSD IARMUTS B'AK WA7O.V. . C Una of lh Uuua a1! A ScifcdcU lwat- tlecVl lr a ;va. U f rt Art-U rvaixfi!. tV4 H H tT jt-t. Inl ...; vu ni ClS.u.nd.a A h.i. WW fMrtt Vet. ! 11 1 1 mur: i.i If m CraOaa f list tt,i.rulytJ . Mt,. 7 1 v -' I ; cjA, cf j ?-r eAi. A, ,