f:-. -- .1, ' J . . . -4.- ?" ... - V. i-V- c5. vT- K'y t.p - moor r VOL. XIII- MARION, N. C. THURSDAY. AUGUST : IW, ,,,)l.M.:SSlONAL w T. MORGAN vTToi:NKYAT-LAWf ,-:rst National Bank Bldg. dr. E. J- EVANS, DENTIST FARMERS' INSTITUTE MARION. NO MORE DRINKS. siAirsvuir nns Big Crowd Gathered In Court' House Last Friday to Hear Discussion on Farming. Mr. W". N. Hutt, State Horti culturisty explained the object of Eastern Carolina at Last Re-(Unknown Party Send Grape- allies That the Western Part of the State Is Growing. The Goldsboro Ueadlitfht ruiy n part: Vlne-Spcclal ArticJc to f or e'in Pa pcrv-Proved to b Good AdvtrtistmcTJt. it JWttJ North Aftr! r. Yiff-ra I 4 LI K, 1 1 B4 J 1 tfV V ... . s . ...... - - - - , V rnfi lnsnr.nTA ha ovn nmwi t hft I .i . . . , t raoae or preparation ior setting out fruit trees, and 'their care af N. C is rrowincr ml loom- t f rom thm ".t - crtJ I 1 ing cities, there is none thai itNw York WorU ri r-; nv.J i- 1 t t-: . 1 X l .. . r- - I r t. r uucau ui Clarion, uio counij srk ii-nj t-M - ter ward; also that three ,tningslotMcDowell Situate alnost at;Sut TV. uUor nrfcr. -- i:. i 4u,,;u;nJviz: cultivation, pruning and ki ,1 H unl ilv thr ' , i rth sprayin2; 1 he most imporUnt M towering head of the historic Mit- ,n Mrion tUj ir.rTM.v ,,n and iourui-uuQ u Mi- . . . T A MORPHEW i:KY AT LAW - , . , i,ant's& Farmers k w;; N. C. l.LESPIE REID, 1 K.TIST i:.-w.M- calls at any ,, r , night. :: Rooms 3, 4 and 5 j.-,,: .. Bank Building, I-i!-:n, N. C. SINCLAIR & McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW p:-,:u:,; Attention Given All ,, . Intrusted to Their the three being spraying. Mr. J. cheirs Peak and under the sttont.- n.l ,umf v::. r. T- S. "Jefifrys, Poultryman of the nt u frr (Mr,iffKr : t'. v., North Carolina Experiment Sta- nUin where the music of thc'i.- . hArrm n''iir r,i r-;rx tion, then addressed the institute L-mviue is heard, yet Marion .women. mitU -or. r. w" vwo fvuimj IUUU3"J- has the distinction of demi: in tn othr ii him -I'-ifmi f vised the farmer to raise the kind j flat woods or hiis, aud for this r?a-Lnj UuUni t' ..wtt. of chicken he liked best and not to I son rson .fpLs Marion the ,k Jmw.irau.-. Mm i . best view of the, mountains anj : nr I sri i-f r : r whm pc;t of th H ue KhjlT. , n.r rv-i ir. it r. fc "Marion is on two tfrcat railrva.l " wfcs mak:r. f-r H . f- lines the Southern and he Crt- unc of cir. lina, Clinchtiehl 3s. Oiiio Kailwas darvs hr it f.-r ? the latter of which is said to be tho xu the Hu- ( rri. ' - Dest ouiiu railroad in uip ."nrv bungalow - States, is 225 mile lor.iT, anl cosi n u n several million dollars to build it, mtm ( ti f.ty therefore, Marion is destinr'. to ' th fanvuj M--;" r-'-soon become the manufacturing 1 -iTrrtivr uniiT Tv- center of Western North Carolina, i Thf follifiC ruU ?;t T t wy aa -" --f w r ft.-e "s. if- .,: t:"l U A WO-TCZ) ro TUJILVETIS - v v -4t - rkti "i Brick Building Material . t . i.... J )N& TATE STORE L C. GONEKE, H. D. Physician 8 Surgeon be changing from one variety to another ; this last method will pro dtfbe a mongrel fiock of .different colors and no first-class show birds He advised sticking to one kind of feed. ' feeding a well balanced ration often, and select the best of your own fiock from which to raise, the earlv laying and late moulting hen to be preferred to any others. Keep these select fowls to themselves. In order to improve the flock get good strong birds of same strain, but not broth ers to the hens- He also pointed out that chicken and egg raising were no small industries, millions of dollars being paid out everv year for them. He illustrated the value of getting a pure breed and sticking to it in this way; that a coop of chickens all of one color, no matter what the color, would sell easier and bring better prices than a coop of mixed colors. Mr. S. B. Heeges, of Va., ad dressed the afternoon meeting on corn improvement and how to in crease the Droduction per acre. He called the farmers attention to how many barren stalks were in some fields, as much as 35 per cent in some and that no business could nrnsne.r with that much loss. He . ..... ' trrow. etc. He stated that he was m ':.L C. k. McAiJia t ut a nevv corn on trie to v r rlrot rtDYt. 1'P.flr- He showed an McCdll TirOS. ear of the new corn. Mr. Hutt thea told the farmers how to grow more corn to the acre, grow and supply tneir ianu wim uin6 ns (inrt Burial Supplies , onl urcbase phosporic acid and potash. Mrs. riutt gave a talk to the ladies in the afternoon and illustrated different methods of cooking and' showed the many labor-saving utensils now in use. It was a great day for the farmers and their wives. Next year Cvery family in the-county should attend, both men and women. . ' V . ... it V -. . 4f ftvirt : . ' T';-,r i . it ,:e A .tl r t Itl tta. Oats. Corn and feed Stuff J 1 ett itr 1 Buff aloe Su3v,tt n'H i t- nii?n4 Nti i i 1 TU T It now has four large furniture unlJ fun iit of t.sc-. r-'" factories, a machine shop and foun- vshsi Thumiaj m in 1 ;r- dry, two knitUDjonilU, a venecrinw' , rhsr law ;r'-. . ti i ' plant, a novelty wood working an, u nr. ti'luHr''. . - i ' v plant, a steam laundry. lakcry. ' crwNi Suruiay T and is now building a oA crt. f,,r ton mill. Has trr work, mth - ! - , il- KICKS IS NATIONAL BANK , HR ST FLOOR vvwvvw INDERTAKERS nrovi.ii ti,t irut the purest supply of mountain 1 not i!ow.-i to is'A ..t water to b fouml anywhorf, hs.s electric liglits ami a day current, two tirst-clas hotels and another one being erected at a iost of hik-hth ari k.nr. iri ; $30,000. Marion has grown in trn ,r,, ,n tnwn. u:i)i vpnm from a villaue of alut to almost a city. Is now putting iforc JOi:r ? down broad cement living on all ctrd m tv dr congregation has just complete! rrjm and cri ;af. one of as handsome edifice of wor- thai i .l o-r " - r ship as there is io that part of th irr Cram r -r. y ;-r'.- State and Marion has a gra 11 OTrn r,l-i -ir:-i i.;-r.- ' school, presided over hv Profosf-r burning lh;r: ar-i ' " s nilps. that ig second ti non in th -Pi runvn i ar produced, the best shaped ear to Ute Elhanan Orphanage atl Mayor 1 -art, w. u-t ' grow, etc. He stated that he was 'prainmjT School is at Marion and ManufacUrrr-' . . r is doing a great work. uUr man. hut r ; -' '. '- cus to ; tt .'-; '-. h -!'. V t.o pubhcaUors -.f t. milt' f young w r. f-'"! k - . r a- ft.1. ' . -!ttt -a Jt' en:i-'. 'If1 T ' . 1- - ae: .Sal !:t, . ' - .a - ; ..'. '..'- ' - '..-Mr '.'a.'ft cf a.sii CtiHowhcc Norm a! and industrial W.a.tattas f tm tti.V W 1U at tt' M mtot tV..- Caa! k.a. f TfJtc her it r V'ft'X f a ' T - a.: trt,s t ' ta. ma '- H-t . 1 . V 1 1 Y 1 ) K 1 . A Y a Ml r. a t co ii twi mrt 4 -l a j i -.:ir: tirt'" . Va ttlt U!l ,'C - .c i- 1 Coll Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention. '. ' . '. -: v.j'ili , Conley's Furniture Store. Sunnyvale Tldbii. Special V THE DT.1CH KIT i . x- r . 1 J A sunnyvaie. . . - .-IV. a a". Fritts, the chauiyi' n fnrv . Anirht Ihf rorxl sir" nii out i : onu. k v ' . f-t Back Crtk M-n.Ly unniinx. A'U ThelLsh wh :i riulow tnut vtK'htu a. t hx r-t s!k'n'l it r i I x: t a i- 't-in ; V--. - i .. I v-- . a'. ' '" V: it r ! ,..i ittti an A half in. b- vn cliwiigi" It- nOlXC MEN, LEARN TELEGRAPHY -if aent It is a rin to out in art refund lecurc free to i of the langi" Jy sriid ttel by e rel mttuhe on does no sub- 1 I IK!.. Sooth vuur opportunity , to trade that pays a . !- month in the year, i ter demund for i-aim-s this fail and ' - re has ben for many 1 ')ni!ninent railroads .1 othr parts of the an: writing: us. to y young men of good ' their service as we We trust that the -I'm is boys of the Sooth ' iiis -roiden opportunity. ' "s Mualifv for service 'ii six months. We ivtiuhs. Graduates be- '" per month ;easy ' ' Drk . permanent era "apid promotion. ' is reasonoble ; boaild - N'".vndn is extremely climate ; excellent i. Write at once for i-t rated cataloarue. A --a "will brine it. IT IS Estatoe News. c i t Tire nv'MOCKAT. iajJVUiai vv j- Great Demand ! 1 I esting meeting at our place last Satur day night and had some tmespeanng. We hope to have eur county orni m the near future when we imu will grind. T. L. Cox, while cntling gTasa on bil- for W. A. McKinney, &mea three big rattle snakes and the fourth one made its escape, and tne oay v not a very good one for snakes John Stafford and son are getting some fine mica. aro t'o ti... : vxr. i Ut . r fc-- U urea nineTt-'u hum ' " ... , . ,,- , K leDgth' , . r,., horrid man that t inni. There was .pntr u ,t.w.I fn. fru . here and Bm-kCrVt.tUn.lth. Farm ; up pr".tj t ere Institute and Id show NVo h.! a V DrW:.. u:. '"W ' 1 big day and ni.rt tunv nA- nit- nrr .'" :. ! Mr Shell MrCall i tu-hini wv--t "You t',i:i that '' 9chool at Snur.yvah" and w.. .ill him much sneevsj. Mr. Cornelius Sowen am th.rtv h-r.- in Mr;o. -;'. Mary, of Yanoy. ar. ririting rlati ir.' : V!:w K.- at this place this wek. Br k JameTwittTiiJaa..abnioa tnpto.n, oi -I . ' Tout Creek Saturday sspi i; .r 5 a w . -iA tAlmnw that Mr !Wm . It wsjt only f mi: aU-a r ,r- . .kr a-. l e am , . S1. i u nnf j.in after . -ri i..il.,, lior. I'riT'i I !rwai 3 in oewiw ro w i-" i i ' w - oua illness. . Jlotd Klrmmtn-. an tho t." - ' ri.-.', a 'a.i at .ts..ir .a . '.,- 'a ! i-l,' 'f . a : i ' - - 'J t 'a. . a'. 7 ta " - T . r - a. ; ' ' 't J ...f " ' a. - a--.J svrti cif . , V- .f:.-- it:a.: I ' X.fi I I cyctV t:tt er Cl. f tl j a-a.a Un a.tif Icw-t-t' i.t4 lla atuf i-l'iM!!lt '11 1 ( )M AS COAl.CO. Points That Interest You i t 4 t v t rml t f f " - - -u 1 1 r ' ' "", w a au m Joe Sowers and Will Jowit iul- from MirmJi Inn business tnp to Marion SAtnnlar . . , With best wh for Tub n"AT j CJim.? unV,l , offi . - . ; girls' rolli ln r, Jay. NU) or I May Tap New Rad arl tir. i itirr' tit' a i.-a - it' tv. hnQins men or .sot- , r . .. a Titio VlllP. BUU --. - . .. I IB) f "U'l - Vip-in Ml Win 2 ai, opiuw I , UA ,1M)nr linH r nr. ui i t-v."-j " ... A With a ruh th mi? of d Mi ni f-jru hi oc r-n;l -M butfgy nl whipping up ftUrtrtl (or tiv nrt:ia a-4 1 not frn fo..l It is unoeru.ou "-- . joe Sparks has bought a saw null "V camUlisU k V" ,,.1,. . ...- ot Snmce tine. vuir. " , . 1. 1. . V"" ana wiu oegiu w . rpr-ntlv completl me eieciriv. , . M filf .,rln ---f- ar.f. tt ill VwicriTl haTl Kill ii . . .,, U . ., Ilo. m r UW ne wm aw & - from Ashcvuie 10 i . t l. ..Il l r.ntlur lin uuvy. very anxious v.o uuuu Alison Creson, of Garden City visited BurnsvjUc ami there tap thj C s father a few days ago. . C. & O. roil. Mj. Huwlatwl. of Bob Sparks, of Madison county, is via- the company, is due in , BufiibVi itiug friends at our place. to-morrow.. rrmn ,,1 . , 111 WA-in T1PYT. II r,H tliA TtlllLe I i' "UJ - tltht our school house. over touches . points very In We had some fine showers Sunday. crc I ' -,e : -i -X 4i t g; - Ti' ; .. ta -: ti.a . ; U K.k t . X?- t i . fl 4 k JM(1 liC at. UttI Th c First Nationil 1 1 .h: ai r Bank yhern School of Telegraphy, .New nan, Georgia. inistrator-s Notice to Creditors, V'Tt :iti?f .ai Curfev nta v iftp 'r ' ultl,,i i.s eilministrator of i M r ': ."' ysurt, deceased, late it ' i . ...Mi,-.. XT AilirA , ui- . 'iiv. i i iii.ii i fiiLia. I iiii1 ': ; 1 ' l"-rsins having claims xhi!,,. . " S:li'l deceased to W- .. '" undersigned at his ..'' l-:irt.vill f-Awnshin. Mc- W'ti. ":.!'T.V- x,,rth Carolina, on or n,,,; ; ; ;Uv .,t August, 1910, or . '"' v i' ! iilnilfifl in bar of ' ' ." All uersona indebted to 'yincnt 1 Ijl"ase make immediateH th We had eome nne ; . . - ction lhor i-w- ?' t. xfra Chandler, of tsanoana. . ,.Hin,, I JL-rirdanehter. simmy ui - - S. E. Young, of Hoot Owh made a big timber deal on Grave Yard Creek. Instrumental music wiu bwu w.-. ead up here. q a Success to THE DEMOCRAT. S. S. 1 .1-1 Ar.M?Kl I till 1 ' ' " ' Marion ano suuu.u v, - t tfc!.,Qlo! fowf- w ir,.r . ' S:i t ft 'trt Lawn Party. A Lawn Party waa givon if eve by Miss KM Oren at hr h-n ao Gardeaitreet. The lawn w Woti folly decorated with Jpo- , wo Vnowof in all cases 3 .,,nid far wlrtt irdtrouble and the The gue - . Witffl Kidney ana ogf the with ferns id cn! '-r 'lay of July, 1900.- -' J . DYSART, - - 'v i Joun Uysart, aeca. Ailim- ntfB Kidney rst the 1T with ferns od cut n,T antisepm; . . ."i..i-,v iiuy . . . KiauBVB w rr,r . these . Dilla p now. . - - TT - , i Urr urhAll'TUU 17 , fr: a ... - lrl iir. UWauiw nnoitive that you g ,T . i.A4 a I . . ' j -i va -nt raniir i and Mr. hAra are ujuwu"4tha nnie. mw w r WitVs:.InMst your dealer wimov wvuy d by i $ guesta pan1 " " Jnything else '.ili.plaQg pi theDlJ.Py JJrfie m ctnninx llot,- . Morphew& Brown. -- j . ... -. . c ' " . "'-v.. .j- - . " r : -. V r' w " .' Cnff " .. ul of J jiattj.VWa chiUrt. of Clirio. H ' '. - ' V Molly tiraet. oil JLml : HlU I :Vt ankwt rrtt IU'.iilhTy Haiard jhio I" - r " 1 I V ES T M Ef TS t tm. H'waat afmia. Kl tuoaniaa. a.t.1 Ha mmm. .nia a w A rn " mtmmt 0- a n,, ao W afcW 1a4. f atiUtA 4 al . Tilt MERCHAMS .ViD fARMEITS n.VV.i MaAiafi! V iU- Oa i lUrHa r-atfy. To-. r.i-C lftir. r l,. . CU nl ia. r AiMrwt3t. . 1 'Vrr trljr ' I"- ' . I , 2 1 ,

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