4' V v. .' v---.' 1 - a,, ll, ., 1 J a . aWBaaMBaaaaMMi-i-.- jfrt- - T V- . - 511 UVJ 1 .1 w ivuaumo 1uc)ESSIONAIi w t MORGAN .VTTOKN EY-AT-LAW, in Fst National Bank Bldg MARION, N. C. DR. E. J. EVANS, DENTSIT WW MARION. " N. C Rooms 1, -J and 3, Poteet Building t OM Koi t second and fourth Monday's T. A. MORPHEW H liNE Y-AT-tiAW ( Mo' OV.T m i:H in Merchant's & Farmers' Bank. N. C. DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, -Dentist Will answer calls at any hour of the night. :: Rooms 3. 4 and 5 First National Bank Building, Marion, N. C. SINllfUHS McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT Ll Prompt Attention Given All Business Intrusted to Their Care. :-: :-: :-: :-: i.)VKK GASTON & TATE STORE DR. WM. ITEMING DENTIST OFFICE IN NEAL BUILDING C. E. HOUSE Surveyor and Draughtsman Make or Copt Maps Blueprints and Abstracts a EDITION WILL BEJUUCCESS Local Advertisers are Giving it excellent Support. THEY WILL CONTRIBUTE. Public Spirited Citizens Have Written Many Article j Discuss ing Various Subjects of In terest to People of This Section, Great We are deeply grateful to the public spirited citizens of Marion who have consented to contribute articles for the Booster Edition of The Democrat Nearly all of these articles have been sent in nd alter reading them we know that me public generally will also ap preciate the able handling given various subjects. The Democrat wishes everv sec tion of McDowell County and the surrounding territory to be repre sented in this edition and we wish all of our correspondents to send os in a good write-up of their towns and communities. We hope they will pay special attention the advancement made along edu- wnauum, religious and industrial lines. We have this week closed sever al jontracts for large advertise- 10 TV I "!ftS. m Has A "' city versus FARM LIFE; rwlfm .... r J . cvv x orit ommis- a rush ion iviercMant Guest of Friends in Marion INTERESTED IN MIL! Was Well Pleased With Progress Mad Marion Manufacturing Company. Visit Marion Again. ( . ; 1 e on riln! of ihr Will Is Marion hd the pleuurv of n lertaining last wwk M IiaTdwin, of New- York -VI I city, a a director in many toutf cotton ti)ni 1 : wealthy commission merchant ainl i lA 1 i t mills. it t ' ' t:t: ''t (j.i.K .'nii.f.,1 t i " ins ursi vuu i t;. n n i U to Marion early last spnni- wKcn he and D, D. Little were coasider ing several citie at which Un wished to locate a cotton mill to t capitalired at three to five hutxl- Specialty. Offi. H Kirhv Block. W. Court St. L, C. GONEKE, MtlJw Physician S'Surgeonr OFFICES IN t 1-IIiS NAIONATj B&K " i'N' FIRST FLOOR wwww ''K' i Attknuon given to office ; ra. ti( e in the treatment of . chronic diseases. H E M CALL C. R. McCALi, McCall 'Bro. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention, y .-. 0ver McCall & Conley's Furniture Store. To The People. 11 wither is again here. So am w'th a full line of stove pipe fire -rns and stove Mats, 8tove pipe, up to and including din, at 1-r joint; Galvanized sheet iron " and Mats, 7 cte per lib; s -"t iron, 5 ctB per lb, sheet of rrw 1 keep a faU M unbmg goods and can al- (miu"v on the very best prices I aW aDd fi,8t ort. : that th 1 Put P tove.aa-3 lKv are not dangerous. Mlrr, : une " AH for pas. was a full page advertisment for C. E. Troutman, the hardware man and a full page for the First National Bank. We have already on onr books advertisments which will amount to nearly five pages. The liberal patronage which is being given as by the merchants and business men will enable us to get out an even larger edition than we at first figured upon. The larger ttieedition the more interesting reading matter it will contain and the more value it will be to the advertisers as well as to the peo ple of this section generally. Fully Equipped. The Democrat office has at last received its new equipment and fulfilled its promise to the people. The Democrat is glad to an nounce that at last all of the new type, cabinets and etc has arrived and that Hie Democrat now has an equipment second to none in the Western North Carolina. For the attractive display of advertisments and for artistic printing of any nature we are now equipped. Onthe first of August when S. E. Whitten and S. C. Little, the new firm, took charge of this busi ness, they promised the people of Marion and this section that every effort would be put forth to equip ;he plant in the very best possible manner and with the very latest type and etc. This promise has been carried out and hundreds of dollars has been spent in the new equipment. The McDowell Publishing Com pany is now prepared to handle any order of job printing no mat ter how difficult the job or how particular the purchaser. red thousand dollars. When thtl I ft Ma news became known in Snartan- burg that this mill would be estab lished the town of Henderson rill sent a delegation there and carrifd UImjo inn tiU ri r tvrji.av' I gr a rhar- I am irwntf to or andmrrt aiwi talk ;U) i,v ;U fTuDotfffcTr: 15al3winanI tr littU to Henderson ville when afUr a several days conference the local business men found that thry could not subscribe the rruirr.1 amoont of stock. The enterprising business men rvoQ t o'ck .vit.if. day nik'bl for Abt ltwt,f ixit lio r.ltfht. yr.jf Wvy wnt to Srtartanbv.rf u lo. -? butir. iiiU-rnU in I, Kit "tj mutually inUrtrti Fnr (r on th MtMf t",xirni 4 fr--c tiwrr uiitfti other ttltoc aiilk kS upjr larohnv Whil m Mr...n Mr Ii4iiit: of Marion had not been asleep and rwxi 3k( t r. u fa." tu r ; cuai pair '.a when Hendersonville, with itajwha-h n- Hf.-t,-,f 0jf boasted it h thousand populaUoo j which h- -.M ! -Mir t-t lelKJrwn on the proixitjon. , xpxrw! hmwif a b4t Marion, with ita two thousand, pJrajcii ah the pnrrau Out stepped us an4-ia a &bor tiirwrtiet I 'oje madarva tW ta'di the requirements and secured the mill which is now under the cours of construction. It was at this time Mr. llaldwtn first visited Marioo nd he wa very much impressed witii th-e town and the progress! verves of its citizens. In talking with ue Editor of this paper Friday, Mr. TJ.I.l .1. I 1 iMiuwin miiu inai ne. ria! never visited a town of Marion's sie in the country which could ejual:t' in push and progress. The onnortuni tie nffrr.l lr " Ml - 1 4 4. . ..... in aiarcoD, ne said rofUe young man of ability and energy are great Since I started in the cam- i 4 ... I years ago I visited the south many w t,. : T . , times annually. I bare watched w then small cities in a few short EDUCATfONAL CONVENTION Of eattt Rt.r,: ?er,f Fro" Vt : D ; I: r. a few years and I am confident if the people here will not kl thir enthusiasm die Marion will in a short time become a tli riving. rrt gressire, hustling and growing town. The opportunity t befor- the people and they are the ones to decidelf Marion shall continue county at Hi i.tst:.o t., , . I fcLVt Vitl Tut Om- k'a .1 wjk V years. I have watched towns like t , v. . ,. ftitnoD, not nair or Marion s aj- i vantages, double its population tu v. . . forve to what rooM j tjwarl tea-li;r.f tlx, U j4i 1 4c a:!. 1 i. to k'.- Urtm tf'rf;n i jr t.ht le,f . -.! U mi'i.r U r ' .-4.;rn a- -f ye. t., ,;,'.. i-tr i-icLc; I t first i ri &- '..i ' tlw j - at its present size or take its piac On Schedule Time. There has been some doubt the past few days in reference to the time of the C. C. & O. celebration which is scheduled to be pulled off in Spartanburg on October 29, but recent information from there is to the effect that the Broad river bridge will be completed in time and that the big celebration will be held according to schedule. Thousands of dollars are being spent in Spartanburg for the event and to say that a big time is in store for those whd ; attend would be expressing it mildly. There will probably be n Spar tanburg on that day the largest crowd that ever assembled in the Jieomorit section: of South Can lina. The. advertising end of the vent is in the hinds of experienced men who are-now working - night and day to let me peopie oi sevenu states know of the celebration. All Bawal TraWas Is releived almost iarfiantly hytuihg Dr. Bell's"JLntlT'Paln. I tK destroyat t disease germs, and stops Joflamatlou Keep JJjrours Truly " ' KWa.IIJlti&JUUj bottle in the lun9a.; ererywhere. metto vtfrtl -u a.j ( ' of 11 !VnK.-rit imii of U- Trtieliia -4ih-m ... t onal Voteriloci tri s-So,, K i a cht.ruian of a axsfnttw of ir 4Tate cnH1Mi ... ' ! Y , ;,rs ' .o - among the other growing town 5fti,.kL t.Se -i ... M. ana communities.' Mr. Baldwin was told by the Editor that in six months nearly three-quarters of a million dollar had been spent in new industries, stores residences and etc. and he said such progress was wonderful and nearly beyond belief. 'The south you know," he continued "does not generally bost of the best in the hotel line and yethotU gave their an i r.-MrjTwr.. cation, J. V. Joj cr. :w re cently been c.xU)iJ I'v u.r.5 f the Klixalioa! , : r of A rr.enc. u tarjr a,:'.: t r I-c-ui iiiiT hi ai4 arl rrxv .acvf n wa pror.ouucil by tin prs . M . . . wutl !f-ps: USe tionai Oduvcnu&o lvja4 K , ' " posiUoc. bricct ti all t tWttat CiJuratrfm who alter,! Ui witj bar he cha.tr (omiv the induatml rL. a-p tewS r ;a J fnsif - - IJtll aclfcrrjJ gfk at in da U rjata a,1 ia4Wi. I daily it'rn.M:fldmU'tr.f j u1 l,lM4f Wia t Kjm . ir-4M. . .vf . . - 1. tl tlllr a , wiby retisi voa aa ut . 1 I nractioai war of Ubtr LSo ctVl irr a-'.J area towns greaics aarenismenta. 1 , , " ' I am surprised and agreeably a at -n, interetetl I the outlay of money which b I- led to make of tt aa IcW 'a.e a! jog put into the new hotel and ill fair hoklmc an irWUil Klsxa will be ' great advertisment fur Marion.' ' Many people wilt tp over here to spend Survhy and they will meet wilktho pcopU xul when they leave with a irmxl tate in their mouth thjwill . talk Ma rion from one end of their territory to the other end lkfact become . . W-r ai walking advertisments. "Bat while I am talking about ! meetirjg with the people of Marion I want to tell yoo. there are no bet ter or more hospitlble people un der the son. On my. first visit I met them ins business way mostly It is said Ua way t& tiaf 1 been dcn, urn liixl t tliowa ay of working h a mari to aU nU hata mn lh& opjotlaoiVf ta r thfm.- aa M 4. I. 1 ! Brick-Bulldlns Matcrk 3 - si .:4 t t,i,utu . Ist4, 3 f t t M.i t -if r Buffaloes. Hewitt 1 ,.-f. , , 1 1 f t , ii r , , , , 1 1 mhiii pi f t yiryfn t;tit era 4. - t C 1 t.TT tii:. n i mm tav KI'll. IIM I 1 1 i M t I ft IM tillrl 4 tH 1 r lit iftot Th I-irst National Bank of M an on An A 1 1 1 I s c P rcd uct ft 1 . Ill- ii4iil. InkiY I i K I " HKK . Act ntf. MtRCitisTs l f ARMiRs e.'a:; MO.NEY BURNS H:& a a Qa :a A-aa ft aatttita jme4t Kti ! a 4a u ,tae .( i.ta tta r. IT tv ;:r Mi 41 Paldori Savings Dcp:lti 1 11 T" ur "m W V' W ". sv I t wr;

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