1 U ' V..-. -- J i VOL XIV. MARION, N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOER 2 IWl ....... . H. " o o - 0 o o 0 0 i o o o o f PRO FBSSION AJu w t. MORGAN ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, . vir st National Bank Bldg. Office in rir! MARION, N. C. DR. . J. EVANS, DENTSIT WW r 1v - - N. C. 1, 2 and 3, Poteet Building Fort second and fourth onday's Rooms At M T A. MORPHEW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AIM 1 ITT - m - M M nm a .m a a a - a a mmm m unrtm TILlU HA FTTFR HflRn PI AVIMP. intAmnniica p IU;5. b. ADAMS IS GAMBLING Congressman From This Dis- Fails to Confirm Charges of Congressman Grant trict in Hot Water. According to f Piper Pub lished it Monroe. CARO PARTIES HOT NEWS. MRS. REED OFFERED BRIBE DID NOT TRY BRIBE. rant Admits That He Lodrtd the GrnFf n,ir Tk.. u d - C Secret AaosationtAninrtPort- fe'J.h t J S.M7We.. wM f.,T Ci -J -' "" Ji PAPER MILLS j INTERESTING 5 t j . r . . - ... 1 11 otnoi Bus! d Your Mot 4 4 Secret Accusation Against Post mistress at Biltmore and Did Not Give Her Chance of Defense. The Men ut .1 tew vf;i t you a Gv;J Hcn;r Adami Falls Through. For Prim Sn'ix i r wm4 rtifT uuiiu' trs li rf tt. 1 1 Otf.ce over Merchant's Farmers' Bank. MARION DR N. C. J. GILLESPIE REID, Dentist Will answer calls at any hour of the night. Rooms 3, 4 and 5 First National Bank Building, Marion, N. C. SINCLAIR & McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt Attention Given All Business Intrusted to Their Care. :-: :-: OV ER G ASTON & TATE STORE ureeniDoro, N. C. Oct. 91. i!oo tf ra?!m. U D J I "TV . - -I. - - . .1 -law . . - Ashevuie, Oct. 2i .-The fct w. .u:; l : i z t.. T 1 ' - . ZT T ' a WldOW lt hocr tonight and wro aikti rr. rhi, tsm or iu w was removed as postmistress at for an Interri.w rUur to iK h.. cUrr to tm 1U4 C- VX Diltmore aa a rftsnlt nf n affi.pit Lt ... ... mca wiintne .department at Wash- Grot that th fornr ptmto .;(ur hu; ,:, u- 1 gi? u j - effect:ihlt.Mr8- at Biltmore had atUmpted to brit which rt rt U tifU rf w . ,h Keed had attempted to bribe Con- himroidr tk.. CuaUa fo tfc TU .f u.. sicujun virani, nas created great "Mrs- Reed wrotn Uti,r loinlr br ' mihkm et.. X f-w r . . ....a interest hereabouts, and today po- som tim ago in which ah aaid ciliwa of Moorocmlfc or miwc f.ftA t htically the talk has to do with tho that if he waa asaami tlt h tioo to b fwi ll IS- mm e 1 wdHUM.., .S lTlftttP.r. TKa WlAmlalM lVif Mm M L .It 1 . .... - - . t eea s removal was due to this af- rk at Biltmore h woold coo- cnhic chl to U i4 .W ndavit was obtained by a member triboto to the Dailj New,. re- iu Wdl. Ui octfU to U m4 xw.vu vwvuua cougreaion- plied to thi at once, o forming abixjt il Tii. o of I JI A T 1 I. I ai ueiegauon, wno visited tne d- her that the matter of the appoint litl filow. op, W partment. 1 his Congressman said ment at BilUnor wu ntirrlv in hii bieiararAMi r ib t i . ... I I I fk V x m m . A. A. A. A. 1 . ft . n . I V u, uc uu. B. nucrvy iu mj we Modi or Jongreman Urant winning and tcd hta hrcat wtttVM un r i- u. t,! who had suggested the affidavit, and since that time I bare brard 4 rrrort cnwrcl fj irx elF tur n but that such an affidavit was on nothing further In regard to the tb chaxra are Out ib xj 5; ;- m file; that this was the cause of Mrs. matter. 81 w the election of IU- will b o oowUra pXajbc witft. f -.m ReedS removal. Dublican ContrrtMnvn in thit Sla.fi! .m). m. .411 . hwcm.y. timmtomm it t.M ....m GRANT owns UP. I have invariably aenl allcocntauni- booch at br Lom denay wKwai lUia w -v.iuft.tt The publication of this fact and cations relative to the appointment her boy the further fact that Mrs. Reed of postmaateri in thrir respeciire fllpoing a k4 of huW oii mrAt aaWwil t? u-w , ,,.4 was given no opportunity to refute districU to them and I aeot thb ortr axwl oraf. bopitf to wi. v the charge created much talk, and letter to Congressman Grant and air. w are ooi ftucjt to aaj cvc)l " A r buuajr vyuuKra&mau vjrant comes 1 suppose ne now naa it. iiiu Mboai ue bar naWiM fcr u at m r1 u I' t en Vii t un' ..ti 4, iu. f it, ?nm .. I' ft, ,,t,n,, H.iy Oa! C St M ftcjix lA nrt i i 'iniint BUFFALOE a HEWITT orzzxonziorzn rrorz3onzrc " uu aja ujsii uo uiaueimu, wm uk oqdmqu oi uve wv-ipcvare cmraa. ismi we the affidavit; that Mrs. Reid did ter, as I now recollect, thoagh il oo o oiSer emtitra, axki attempt to bribe him; that very ,has been some Urn and I did ooi might new taJa. Tow kbr shortly he will make a full state- charge my memory expreaajj with probabJj Dcticd that wre qit ment relative to the matter. with iU contents. ullicg about Lh fallow who wm Mrs. Reid says that she did not "I have never teen Mr. Rxl in caught ot in h hack k4 roW Mr. Grant says that "Mrs. Reed my life and as far as 1 remember ling with cards sA m wcl to lW not only tried to bribe me in the this was the only letter I erer re- chiD-aux for th GZzm. Tm, presence of my wife and daughter ceired from her. I w hart qatl tU iVrd&xk a fr in my home to retain her in office, "A the matter has reached the aajing thai hop ww u a but she wrote a letter over her Ipoint it has, I hope that in jostle omurr, a Vvr of yewocw ?ua' own signature to State Chairman Tto all parties Congressman Grant plain cuouooa fair tJar t Udlta rm j OFFICE IN NEAL BUILDING S. B. Adams, offering to bribe will publish Mrs. Ueed't letter to haf rrxwigh of it tor il to gx wwft4 taw tei l-.4 DR. Wm. FLEMING DENTIST ia Wy frfca w iu cKi.Lft Ufttu. wVse4 io WW 4Aft t :nn . JEWELRY. WATCHES. CLOCKS. SILVERWARE J KWKl-H ' . W A TCT I KS. a.OLS. SU.T-HVAiU CUT CUVSS, HAM) Woy to lx- rXjra!' - : J. FRED SPRAGUE C. E. HOUSE Surveyor and Draughtsman Make or Copy Maps Blueprints and Abstracts a Specialty. )ffi(-H Kirby Block. W. Court St. L. C. GONEKE, H. D. Physician 8 Surgeon WW'WV OITICXS IN : him. Mr. It rant further says me as well as my re pJ r to tame. to tll about lb rurrir ttr relative to the alleged bribing in- ; caught oot in to t-ca M it cident that "she then placed her uenem uuntiiment. Ki ,or . f- .aw Next I about hia arrewt. hii taJ ta ro.rt. FIRST NATIONAL. BANK ON FIRST FLOOR WW WW General Curtailment. hands on my daughter's shoulders Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 23. and offered to bribe her to have Monday some of the larg-mt rail la his wctrae to tba ehait-a"&a" hm- her retained in office. I and my in the Piedmont aectioo of tht csum b pUsi with hm cmrd for wife and daughter made affidavits Carolina! will inaugurate oo or rry anaall axwoat ci ao4 mi2 to these facts and I filed these." two weeks' curtailment and will ahoot how lira. Uppicx a&3 a kept charges secret. likely oootinoe the curtail meet for number of btr frvcalt grA arwcj Mr. Grant does not say, how- some tune. Bevwral mills hare al- a table and pUjmi with I; ill aai ever, why he failed to acquaint ready adopted thia coarae. This tarda for a proa a this wwrto a Mrs. Reed with these alleged . facta is a feeling among man u facto re ra wboi toi 6ora ihA m to fw and why she has never to this 'day that, curtailment having been aan- okrkUw th aicsax wm m&i to Cm been acquainted with the reason ctioned by the American Cotton chain-gang for plajte h cMa for her removal. Manufacturer, can be dooe with- j for. Wa ar Iryitig to mm awwa- When seen today Mrs. Reed re- out injuring their standing and ppar. rod playt&tf enru U xhm iterated her statement of yesterday that it is a business-like coorws. town U a thin dooa to otUo 1U4 that she had never thought of of- The mo?ement is gaining strength it t rx Voces' a caaiUr oi mw fering Mr. Grant a bribe; that if as it progresses. For thai r.oo x4- cAr U any element or suggestion of bn- . x J wagrt a locg aniek abothow Mm 4oim PKMh al i 11 l- :t J k.M. (DO UKWDk UU UnBI raw HWrt i i 'V - - I .1.11 sne nau wivu uim i wu uuc ytuoiij .... I wvw. i m jk ... 1 a n n r m A V mm It. KA. 1 SI m .Al 49, I 1 to requests made of her for money. w,miJ w' rcJaJua ttrrt,- to way it reo lAro iaV Ub fta4 j.ti ao4 a tr-M4 mA, ft4 v wm , swftCa waja al u to bAa ft ftftfft ti w Waart ttmmi at tm.'ifti. Vi ttfttt fMMcM W St Li ai ft . f a-c4 m rnstji MHMl 4rift ftamxitaT y ftft-wftn .' titJftTW tW fftM m Ua4 Ut vft-Mi ffftia cuaj fifi 0 ft-ft.tjft araj frv4 i2t w.tni W cm c. -r vrt ITT or 7 u $ A n f9SMfi 4 ft. aV m-.nitt at rwa CLrt nM ft Iraft it ! i a&ft.Vav. UWu m 4ttt4 aaraj fer (iftvr - iftM aaftaTJwwaaftftWaTaftaaftawawaftjjaftj Good R Ycrur IVfnk!nji Butlrvc-a With THE First NATIONAL BANK of Alanon irsl I 1.-1. 1:1 it :,. .1 I w.., a,. v.n tnnfficB bery entered into any conversation ru- fj hd th .0 ....... - ..... , the tboabt. Oil L U rani had mora . , . a c cnfartan iv 1 t r 1 iiiin k. uv aa 1 wa w u 1 w i ' practice in the treatment 01 V. HI UU IL 1 130000) I -ww-- - w And as there is a Federal sUtue ln more 1000,17 10 0X441 ' whiten, aod 'Whty-for or ao-lt- ta i a a. a t . a ft. E. MeCALL C. B. McCALL iwl,Purnnftn that snhiftrtit is note- 4Tra. unce ane too a ner receipca . w - . Ul Wrr i-aia to UftJ ftu.i m I to ci xfriiix. it i.t it was after his election that the I JTT . ' prepare the grtjb for t oi aa . " r- v w -a,. Congressman spoke to her about aD bimif he did not think lh) child re o, about htrw Uc)tre t&- Wrwiwai 1 .n her failure to assist in defrayiiig sno M.a c v. 1 irtniri nitunni. limn Eiimuira . , , . . -- ft v ravz 'c:z:ru... .w rdt"e, antCg . uw UW1 maw ftuc iiw Lmft kjutu, J 1 r,.. 4r-f. - -V . I S l' 1 I it V :tt .1 !IIM 1 :rM v t.Mi;n.. r. -t4 ft Mi - V Th tl.ftt t tl'l lit t r-. ti I;ourth r. -i t .11 ltttnt,t In !i lt.a ix a,ni.t; f ci? t . t k. if t-n t,ttif.ft ti.. A I. . . coffins and Burial Supplies his campaign expenses, and w he let it be known that all the Any business intrusted officeholders had to come across to our care will receive m mjc&B DKNIAU prompt and careful at- A . , , a . , tention " ' ' .'. The extent of her offenng, she - ' ' ' ' again declares, was simply po let Over McCall & Conley's Furniture Congressman know ' that she btore. To The People. Cold weather is again here. So am I with a full line of stove pipe fire Greens and stove Mats, stove pipe, any size up to and including 6 in, at jfc per joint , Galvanized sheet iron for Screens and Mate, 7 cts per Hb; Slack sheet iron, 5 cfcs per lb, sheet 10 cts per sheet. I keep 's full "ne of plumbing goods and can al aY8 give you the very best prices Jn no l goods and first class work.: ! also do all kinds of tin andgalvan- tvT1 irn work- 1 Pnt p stoves so bat the7 are not danreronad '- .-. 11 ilmiu. 1. 1 1 1 1 n r tr Ar Kar WHS a b nil Mixica niuiuK sv i . , . i i i m t . I part and whaler was ctonury. -"-7-"- I A I ' " . . . . I k-3 MUQi ai IftU that 4You have given your moo,y iW 10 me wrong pp.e, lUa ahot to boatoaw axJ THX AITAra WTTH HISS OEAXT. odU, foeJ hU fftj - Mrs. Beed enters a specific de- "hoW my Kamoif Dial to Grant'a charge that "She while I rmke." wa aay thai w then placed her hands oo my in artkU lia a thai roxar u to u that watto mjkkt it :, . . it . . , . . . -rj " a unuo iki ' ' " wian iv wuv 1 iiiau aiofu wiva vo rraraa c.m AS for tne letter 10 juage Auams, . . .1. ... . . )aj Wf tQit Sal bought of putting her hand, oo No-daV,t .tj p u lato did not write this She had ap. remarked to hii bead thai w are cx l pealed to C. R Moore and other Jn . , , , ' JZ t. , . . . .;f- i Miss Grant, who was in the room, card playing. S aare utaplj un friends for advise in these political . u .u.:.,., , . . . , . -. , . that aho wocld appreciate her belp, Jn roQ thai w do to w axit. wtll matters and when there came a ' . . letter from headquarters asking ,T7L -U k, 7 li .v. rv - u 'nHv Just as she would to her own ata- game of cards to tos pa pax TVy her to purchase more stock m The nHl n . . . . . . v i - , tTt ter. There would nave been no are too freqoeal to retort a a MnMlto .he-poinU out to hare tter of rw.--l .art matter to Moore, who dictated femjJj ben of ocbow. letter to her daughter. She-.was - mUv rrv.. . ... present athe time and . is cona- T wUw of tJe facttttre .rwUv. tw., e t! Ml U-ttAf" Ua ft ! IW it ft. ft ft ft-ft t .ui tf-j Uit tot rcftjwra a? Wa f tiJ k, to- uft Sixth paxrta af to fawiml Vftiaa al ta a Ulll ft a ft-Mkt "la fta&ift nJ Mi ft-ft v,i tWtftiy tMft'M rtJUt;U 1 .m-aaaaaaaiaaaa ft a ft Am ai 4ay ftj-viA -! ach Cawi ,ra al lA r.vt Ua - : t IWi t.tet A5fttlA- -:.' rt-ti ? ft-ii ;fti? s ft. ..t. ftt ttafttft ritd !, ft . t U U ftftKX i '..tet tt it ,it fttr v i . . t Iwt CVrti i-t.it j dent thefe was no offer of bribery, "I Tfeaft a tjsraeato laft J' JIfti J faVft-Tjr a la rrS TIME TO CKOS.S Ti ill UHIDCICTO fHosnm many of the Beed connection IU- I but the luer. sim?y. . slawa. nuU icans and Democrats in thb Tba .Sorth IUa U fcArlr tow i i - i i i i ; oFnc: i - i . . . . I sne nau aireaujr ytnu iur ss.-. t. iu .K.r. ma. hr flfnt f Dart of toe terxramt TlzUr banking One and All for past in the 'party paper and she did not 1 j CTCAUd Patron aaa re- age. am y0ur Truly W. Huffman feel it to be her duty to make an . . . , . l TU tmiicl aoecLa UaU Hio- other purcbaseof stockunlesi.be - pctaUrct I A. n y . VsL4 m . a mt-W 1 PfCftft r u v L'i Tftl wsaJCl wmgBft oy mi, iveea a .IC ae f aaamo1 CMA fTTVl I ' . . . - i . ."r-.rr33' TO rffi"Mfri(d thltlhi fact in lb preaeat The exact wording of therdetter controversy wiU be laid she could not recall, fc&e naa ai-i rreeiaeni xmiu of th North Ptia Oac&su befora nftcaM .ftj. a or ac roo Dr. tUaXs rVaavT A f rw aoaaw gac toal cwafccV Dq,k CVwal faa ?trtan. . tTrrr irBft'l id.ti. kCaf-. W1W Sm tUaftft fa.114 ltta4 Cat tvaxt brt yensi ttg au4 9tf ssC. TW aoi lata! i amt tu f CaT I.VaW9W WftVtr. I tta tt f ca asl A:4 al ti iftVt a 3saXi rai.r tar4 UH aareaU to a4 UU i4l i wa al jft&ittttftal aou1 ;r a tuimuil to kftt ar9r!ui to ttuft vll tsattiiC;' T awrwntf ftAt t .: tow agjala1 Tw -'iiUia aa dctea a tcaa Vi3 a li t aa v tyd. U- aUtal lift b44J li! Wall f tlJt ! Ctaaj aaHganatft ti inn -- ft ftUVftVawr ar tft ftH Wrft9aWa4vaaaaa a rftaaa v. -Ma a''ifia i - it rivt 1 - Itu i , Oiftftna M tUJ i ajitH !,.. ft- ft 4t'IM iKtllf ft ttMt tMniiu aP ft a- il m 'a Haft4 n iiw V a oil Ua a4-a ! II ta(tttl4 Jk'at ft ka'ti- 4 4l ft. .. Har cWa a ftir 'J3 a the MtRnitVtis faW.tans nf t c c c ft ft ki fti v ,' . i i-. ' ' ft ', 'ft .tir ,1 f f tw a r f

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