nT2 (o1 a it- FORMERLY McDOWKLL DFMCCRAT VOLUME XIV. MARION. NOJCTII CAROLINA, NOVKMHKK I. t A Few of Marion's Young Business Men Who Have Made The Town's Progress Possible Yy . .gv B. B. PRICE, MERCHANT AND LEGISLATOR The young men of Marion have contributed largely to the progress and growth of the town. With a it" V-, - -V. 5 T -v A 1 -.-A .- '- (7': . - . V ; 0 f - ' js"t ' 1 1 1 PROr. D. r. GILf s. SUPERINTENDENT OF EDC'CATION W. T. MORtiAH. ATTnftSFY JVT . .V t r 6v tcv possible and are daily contributing of vouncr -r v-v-. . to the upbuilding of this stion. TheM tnPr art to u f ,lin ' : r; " rv " s-'' The Manufacturers Club, formorl v ,,nP ,! ' V w t.l f ' i r. r "" '' II tMWItllM Jt- .M4 t,, Ult.1il '' aniUsMtk. f r '"""' MIHIMMIIMI 14 tlti.l ".If! IT III IMItMWIM ! '' U .. ! 1 nn.uM . -v V 1 1 iiuti t.t v imi l iim Mr- . . 1 tt.1.,1 Mr M IIHI 2 A f u ' 1 : 1 7 -. r i.lil W I'l . I I I .. f. l' 1 t I. 1 : PI 1 1 1, j hi ! . ii -- t ,,,,. i4 tov'tl - !-;' 1 '- i ft.-.lttla . T.urt I i.t-a V i n 1 M 1, v IM)4 "'" J . . 14 ( M tin I I li ! 1 lllllf ta- (Ma J. W. PLESS, ATT ORNEY-AT-LAW the wise counsel of older heads and with their enthusiasm and energy they have a Greater Marion 9 ; v i i C. M McCALL. POSTMASTER the Catawba Club, which was or ganized here several years ao, is an organization composed mostly A v 1 - M ill I llll'1 if 1 1 - .... J 5 k i ii 4 ttH'tt ihiiHm I v v McCALL & CON LEY. A Store in Which Can be Found the Very Latest Fashions of the Season. REID Si COMPANY A Store Which is Run on Twentieth Century Plan. the It is surprising that an estab lishment in a town the size of Marion can maintain such an ex cellent stock equipment and con stantly keep the best of metropol itan features in the latest high class ladies and mens clothing, shoes and furnishing goods and season after season keep such attractive buying opportunities before' the public as do McCall and Conley. Such a store is an important one to the community and to say that it is popular is but to mention the fact that the people of this section as a whole are generous in their appre ciation of this firms progressive efforts. At the establishment of McCall and Conley when a patron selects from the stock a suit, a pair of shoes, and a hat in any of the latest shapes ancj. satisfies his taste in neckwear, shirts, collars, and anderwear. from the standard goods which is found in the furnishing goods department, he can make up his-mind then and there that he is as neatly and correctly dressed as he could have possibly been had he visited the fashion centres of Philadelphia or New York. The same can also be said of the ladies department. Here can be found in skirts, waistsr hats, shoes, corsets, underwear and stockings of standard make the very best and latest that can be bought in the country. The ladies department ufunder the supervision of ex perienced salesmen Who takes pleas ure in looking after the wants and desires of customers. A department that attracts every farmer in Western North Carolina who visits Marion is the farm im plement department which is main tained bylthis firm. It is complete in. every respect and only the best and standard graae goods are ear ned. or. j. g (trio. DfjvTtvr any ino mont which n stArlxi secure new industries for Mf H. W. DYSART Marion's Progressive Mayor t 0n of the Leading Real Estite ir.j Insurance Men of the Stat. 1 t t w;. '.t t- f f Vl a-:.. inn km v i m .! twtli ' I IM tt ili'lllll .!. v . 1 t , ,,, 1 1 4 mi t '" 1 lJ . . t - m lu Intern . ' Vl. ft t'f t it . 1 1 ( , im v . i.m -r 1 . m - w ' tiulton v II 11 ..i i 1 1. 1 . ' 1 1 In t '' ii 1' mmi I ii 1 li ia 1 ' ' 'fclll .'ll Mr-OM l( . Illl' llM'IIIW IHH4U mr tiimtt 1 km iwm t m t it. I tl4 .!. 1 lilt mt44 ilM (tllitlM )r-iltita IIMl'H t( fM 1 1.4' tl.t fMtM ' MalUlll MA tt- I . t.WM u MIMi MM kmt ' I ' III ' V BIG BUS St w.i.- It 'z . C J v : t I if Merry Widow hats sprang in to vogue nearly in a single day and the same was true of the basket shaped hats. Hardly had the lead ers of the fashionable society of Newport, Aiken and Saratoga given their order for these hats before one of Marions progressive stores had them on the market. A btore which does this shows that it is .1 A. . I run on tne iwenuein ceniury basis and that the stock of jfftods carried changes as rapidly as the styles. The establishment of P. A. Ueul and Company has renlized the im portance of keeping abretist of the times and in this store can be found the very latest styles in ladies and gentlemens furnishing goods as well as hats, shoes and millinery. In this day and time it is import ant to the financial and social standing of both men and women to be well dressed, not only well dressed but fashionably dressed. The man or woman who wears clothes out of style cannot hope, and do not command the attention which the fashionable dressed men and women attract. Reid and company wntch the eastern fashion markets closely and their stock is always found to be up-to-date. In this store can be found handsome dress goods. shoes, ladies suits, neckwear for both ladies and gentlemen, collars. shirts and in fact everything which is needed to make a man or woman well dressed. While in -the eastern markets purchasing the fall goods for this store Mr. Reid secured the ser- Lyices of an exp Tieiiced milliner and the store is now makinga specialty of millinery goods. -. o! 11. W. Dysart, on Mar: r.' wr mor s!Ui most progrfSNivr binir.rjM rrvn. lir r ! - ta- If l.- n-i l t I'l 9 I'TT ' ii i - utif 91 ir !! 1 " t 11 14 M n iiiii 1 V L : a a. also Mavor of Manor ! 1 1 ministration Iim ln lir.-'m:si v.--i . bycan'ful andcosr tre, ihowk'ti lr"i'iA t progressive mni.'vnTit II ?-.. lir. w? been largely ihrouv'' 4"r4 U t, t4 ' i cement siJcsa-nlks hv iwr, p it 1 ct.- ; w . - - '. - dovn and that ih in i if of n nrwr clemu arvd sAntry. vi - -...7 ' - He is also one of Ih tnnl prrmt- manaf a . jr- -a - . - it nent re.al e.stte and iuurn r-nr all t, j-.-s ..' a. - ot ester n Xolu Lrtlma ;.4 Aa pit.:., u-r' v i-- ; . matle a nam for hltirlf tn :h--v t,5 r n -r- .-- ,. - lines OI Dasintvs-s I ".- :;: '--v .... . !Uf a. . a. agency conducte.! by hun otI,' and maintains the .zrrl frtdte of .f' "- security bMng ronipjsi ff laty :r, ance organizations wiH !riTv f ru ijiiim a1., -c : a . sests guarantee fall ml coa3;jfct i Hlir e of n 41 of 1. T". inaemiiy in case 01 ur hn. or w . in event of disability. Bbow-" , i- .Jtii.. 1 t atrrl J have been tested and tlrvuMr rrl ''oc' Kt1 ' t-'H established. prvrftOt '"r vl In the real clJlt,' Iin l; s a iiunu, r. - -a,'. - -4 - f : hustler and grnerally kriM !l t.-, rarvV. ii e'i it -1. i i. ' o houses he ha-i on hind rer.ted ar. 1 Vir! (.r-,-1, ' a . always asking for more Dv tto ;oP -,r '4 a. who have taken hit jndgcueat tn y.n J. i),irt r 't baying property for tietiUttr i fefr. -t .U have genentlly found 11 rro6uM raL for ao ,;; lieal esUte in Marloa KaAJiUAii-, j,. u u-u - f atii ly advanced in value for th r whk h 4nr S k i( ' -t rew yean ana evory year uu a j jj,. f, r ita vanco has been greater than lhe u tt Mf Tr.- one preceeding. Many of Mar ka ' v!rSo bl. ijrs a e , et , prominent men nave mao ruu . i-,--, , a u i : ' ' '7 It v s5 a t : W- j : V 1 . eU.s t a.r-- 1.1 i.-I.A 1 ' aa fin 1 -a . i a " n ; a.: ? iiu.i'.j: 1 :, r a,tl.!tn::r-1;ift:4 ' ti t : i !i I 1 a aa V t-li 1 it V .i 1 I i'l ltl( jflv -is. atit 1 ' m 'r li. t f i t V t, I ti: t ! ie . a :" If i - a a-v ; :: IJ'.t. H 1 It ' . : ; 1 ti. it V a. - ' v a. a hi m iiwtiri 4 u iltkaM lull ! . I A. 1 i . . . Tlie' future prora be -great iKios .tftgjr u sr t-.rt 1 : 1 for the town and it al prrat t fnt ,f 4r,i f t ..i ? t saosianuai rmaii. in-f 1. h,,.,. .ti. - a . I r - creasea in real estate viu 1: V Trr -l.-r. U rvi -U0 VUI tt rue. one can make a mistake hy laying rr,i 4 ,v property in Marion or .kimtcii toiUtmmi. lAJUUb.f wvmj . H. W. Dysart elU ami property all over ibif prt o SUte and this facl coupiea careful study of propertr" 10 UllS Section Ol ao "Wiuj -, ... vi. 4w4.4ir' ' hia judgment sound. . cej, . , ; 1 aj.m z n iitiidtu 1 iiiiiiii, tttr f f ?Vi4 I in. 1 ! Oil l. r 1 l.l 1 MKr49 if TV m 'l lll I ( r MBM i till ' titf tut r -! it fa anU t 4 .! Xummatti j way I. --.. I Illl .' iltMI4 HIIIiMlUI fMIIIMIM ' IXHH INI IV . till 14 . MMMIIMI 4 1 1. t t , .1 1 I . r tf'iua M4ttm 1 ( lM MMO'lllllt KU'll I 1 1 il.t. 1 '. Vll titumirf Hf.ii iii im aaf a-i. ' a.1 ii iiiihw 9mJttttr Tims nu t 1 tmt u' f 'tMil. ihuii lie i-.ct.iiv af ! li4 1 iiit a : rj tozi tv l.tuit.lot t-4.Mtt r tnr.Ui t "it 1 '.T,t Xiimf ? nnifif .'Witlt I lf f tMM. at m Mati(i laiU it "Ahm 'cmmi tut itt r .14.1 aMuUai IsnllttlllttaaV ;Um ii ii vw. rf 'iiMMft i.i(i aiio i itwMt4 t' la'i ,'i-vV aiuv a a"t !! tkmmm IMfJ . am att. la mA iaiMW--a-n t vli4 V wf )W iiMK,iiiMt a4 e;tl lia iteawv tt)il , 4,t4 a bia a'y I Wt l 3ja.tU.tlg ti $ aa la -rrvit T 0 V avtiVBiaMitaW . i ( . fttn I'lituir Waa T. W. kitlaa- iit tXm 4Miiii iif Viiniaa ! if ia vwnr fi t iti I IM . !el x" ii U il a la.. J i't liiif Lit f t: f v .k tniicfi aitif laaa iimi fiaM 4la nitaiSMa. ... m ra .- is! tfirxl JLr-iLl.. t- ' .uart aU -iiU-a -a.lrat tin-- 1 fiAU.a.al cicev.J. , ... . t -w a.ut itm ati-aMd 9nrr aa AvillM t