,. ... , Y )L XIV PROFESSIONAL W. T. MORGAN AT-H)KNEY-AT-LAW OPe';n Kirst National Bank Bldg. M AttlON, N. C. DR. E. J. EVANS, DENTSIT WW wV N. - - - N. C. 1 anil 3, Poteet Building i i .- Fort second and fourth Monday's T A. MORPHEW A TTORNE Y-AT-LAW ; h1;. ov. r Merchant's & Farmers' Bank. M A l;!1 N N. C. DK. J. GILLESPIE REIDT Dentist - Will answer calls at any hour of the night. Rooms 3, 4 and 5 First National Bank Building, Marion, N. G. SINCLAIR 8 McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt Attention Given All Business Intrusted to Their Cure. :-: :-: :-: :-: ( iV K R GASTON & TATE STORE .DR. Wm. FLEMING DENTIST F KICK IN NEAL BUILDING C. E. HOUSE Surveyor and Draughtsman or Copy MApa Mi l Kl'KlNTS AND AB8TBAOT8 A Specialty. i-fii.v Kirt.y Block. ' W. Court St L C. GONEKE, M. D. Physician & Surgeon MUST NATIONAL BANK i N FIRST FLOOR WW WW Attention given to office l!"b. ti..-e in the treatment of hronic diseases. E Mi'OALL C. &. McCALL McCall "Bros. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention. .. 0v McCall & Conley's Furniture Store. Stop! Look! danger ahead if you will member that I am headquar !crs lr stove pipe and elbows, 111 iin J tin work of all kinds. 1 ;r-t-cla.ss plumbing and P ushing go0(is of all kinds, dly n prices that defy compe-1!"-'n All you have to do is ' top at my shop, look at my s and Listen to my prices y be convinced that I can av'e you money on anything ln my line. Yours to Please. I- W. Huffman I , v.. .'vf rjuru4 it 1 - CONTEST IS PROGRESSING Many Good Farm Products are Entered, PEAR ATTRACTS ATTENTION Contest Started by Marion Pro- gress for Progress-Dysart Prizes Moves Along Nicely, THt 4- i. 1-1 . j-iic v;jm.esL wnicn was luausru- rated several weeks ago by the Marion Progress for prizes to be given by this paper and H. W. Dysart is growing in interest every day and some of the finest products grown in this section of the State have been entered. Both the Ma rion Progress and Mayor Dysart in giving these prizes are trying to show to the outside world that farm products as tine as can be found anywhere are raised in this section of the State. We want every farmer in theE. Mason, J. A. Durham and uuuuiy to enter something in the! Ueriot I larkson, of this city, and ' contest. He stands to wip free I Mr. W. H. Sumner, of Lincoln insurance and n f to the Marion Progress and he can- i not loose anything by entering. No fee is charged and the name of every contestant will be published from week to week until the end of the contest. We have made a display in our windows of the apples, pears, corn, turnips and etc brought in and hundreds of people have looked at them and marveled. A gentlemen came into our office to-day and said that he never dreamed such apples as we had on exhibition could be raised in this section of the State. You do pot have to come to Ma rion to enter an: foducts in the contest Just send them and your name by some neighbor, the variety of the prochact and we wil enter it. Sever&l of our most prominent farmers have promised to bring in products which have anything we now have on exhibition exceelled and if in town it will be worth your while to take a look in our window. The following have entered the contest: Seagle Halliburton, three ears of corn and C. M. Huskings of Rocky Pass, two ears. Both of these entries are good. In apples K. S. Allison, of Old Fort, has entered three which will be hard to beat. They are a white apple of excellent shape and firmness. Thev are a white apple of excellent shape and firmness. They are of the May flower variety. Master Frank Norton, of Mar- ion, entered six apples of the lien Davis variety, which are also good. The six apples weigh four pounds. C. M. Huskins, of Old Fort, haa also entered an apple which will be in the running. This apple weigh ed about one pound. Mrs. M. R. Tate, of Greenlee, has entered so far decidedly the largest and best single apple, though only being one apple it will not count as much as if it had been several. Sometimes one apple which measures up well can be found on a poor tree, though we understand that this is not the case with Mrs. Tate and that she could have entered several just as large. John Strouce, of Demraing and ST M. Collis, have entered two turnips, both weighing about five pounds, which are a stand-off. The exhibit which attracted the most attention was a pear entered by C. D. Corpening, of Marion, route 1. This pear weighed one pound and three ounces and was perfect in all respects. Do not wait until the last week or so before entering this contest. Send or bring in your products this week. Even if you do-not win a prize you show the people of this section what fine products can be grown here. Building and Loan Association. At a meeting of the Directors of the McDowell Building and Loan Association it was ordered that the books be opened Dec. 1 for sub scriptions to the eleventh series. TO ESTABLISH GREATRESROT Switzerland" Co. of Charlotte to Improve Property, CAPITALIZED AT $25,000 Incorporators Plan to Purchu.)A .muWC u mucnt.. Counties. lmnrovement to Begin Immediitely. The Switjerland Company. r..o who, main puroo- j is, tne aeveiopment of a hn pwc of mounUin property on the C. ('. & O. railroad, near Mt Mitchell, with the prospect of building up a town, has just Ixsen oranizrd bj local capitalist and the incorpor ation papers have boen rrcivfd at the clerk of the court's office. The incorporators are Mesara. A C. Suminervillc, C. II. Ihila, J. H A mvan. Lip It P 1 ' . I. i S. Pinch P ( ShnnnnKAii. ( ' with $io.00u paid in. The main purjoec of the com pany as stated in the charter u to 1 'purchase those lands in Mclwell 'and Mitchell counties, North Civ- lina, on the Blue Ridgn, about rif on me u. u u. rallrmd, which ha len deeded to Heriot Clark-1 son, hi heir, and ain, contain- mg aooui acres. The company will immediately r IT T t ha i r-rA wr t m n- a n 4 9 . . , the stockholders wU erect sum- mer cottagea. The plac will V developed as rapidly as poasible and no doqbt in tim it will de?el op into a charming umnrr rcark fhis property etnaracea oon of tl, finest vjews in Western North Carolina in every direction. Look ing north can b-s teu the Unaker Mountains of Tennesae, and tKe Roan and Yellow Mountain of North Carolina. To the ejt in splendid view riaea the Grand Father, Hawk Bill and Table Rock, there also being in full Ti th LjnviUe rar.a. To Vho south caq Lie seen tho C. C. & (X rajlroad aa ' it meanders through the ltlu-e Ridg, passing through tunnoi and down into the beautiful vaJlry of the North Fork and the Cataw ba. There is also a fin riew had of the mountains in Burke, Rather-, fordton and McIowell countie. To the west is view of the vah leys of the South Tom rirer du- closing alo the noted Black Moun- tain range which rises frotri the base to the top of ML Mitchell, the highest peak east of the great Rockies, it being 6,71 1 feet hih, One of the features which uaka 1 this section ao de-lrabJ to Char-1 lotte citizen ia the fact that it can be reached in five hours without any change of schedule. In go.n there one gets off at ML Mitchell station, just this side of Alt Pawa. A good road runs from her loiHKmthi ST t ail machirwry sj. Gillespie Uap, of historic tigtufi- canco. From here to the company's land the road runs along the eaat ernslopeof the Blue Iiidg for two miles until it strikes the Switzerland property. It then goes luroujin una lur mrr mnea .1 u Ai -I.. to Bear W allow Ctap. A few mountain road r now being built from the CCA 0. railroad out to the property and it is expected to be finished within six months. It has was surveyed by Mr. V. L. Spoon, state high way engineer, and the minor de tails are now being worked out by Mr. David H. S. Trappan. The company will derelop the property in the most modern waj. and will liave ajl con center. oe-, and it is expected that within a few years to have a thriving mountain summer resort. The Republicans have carried t Nebraska. Mr. Bryan probably recalls something about the proph et. But, then, Mr. Bryan waaoA running. For a ralld, eay action of tba bowrla. a aingle dose of Doan's Baaroleta ta cocoa Treatment cure halataal eo&adpatiotv 25 cents a box. Aak your drorrut for Jthem. MAKfnv V r ' AMKAUIIMG !SIX SHARPS ATTENTION.; AND ONE FLAT Efforts of Citizen! to Advert Prt ten twi it Oefi M?u Use Marion. SttanJiy S "T v . . is OtAKINb rKUIT, SC,rt of Utt.r, f Clrr, t,!t , nrt of the U-itw! Stilti Mitt R..n qa w. n: 1 fw wo M M th . la alta-t if v . . . k . . . ( rr I - - - k 1 . - . J t . . 1 . ThiuaU an.-! In t ManQfa-rtarer Krivar. nf InvVUrr V. 1' -A, r of LKal'uSa ac - ss-v " w - I Jriro fal !& - i T; T J" to WUrn North erxjl&4 raxt rixM,j OD I pr oc fa, of hunJml to oa0 l ri . T,. ... . -w,,, Hapwwm that th farrci hm tr it rtJbofeJ aral oo a rtad that will jirt csrt Youra ftrj tit a, uem. TT. k. ... . u a cmjtw mur waa r-w4 rw4 wraraj tka ajta ari Mr Heown Mr Drrt mti it ihocrM b will moT tr lht tr-toc Mroilar ktlan Lara W r.v. ed frtHa all orer the arU asj w-mth and awTxral trrMi v wi LITTLE ARRJYES. Mn whe m Undent of Minos Mia.ftf- turmjf Compiny Hn Me ed 19 Twi. Huirh V. Iui. of prtaibff , S. C, who will b rmraJ iap inteoileot of Uva Marion kf .mtm- toHnj ( irn r . hj afH?-fci :a fcown with famdj Mn 1! F Utti, lluh V Uuk. Jr ar I D. Ittl, Jr Fcx ih jx-eci Ur I.iUle will occupy a boM Watod on Ov htll jut aUr tia cUk mill. Mr IJtU arrireJ in wvwn Moyajr arJ vu ri hj m fmilj ad hta wifw ti'. i n J. K IrKiy. of J ocattlW. ( on Wdcwday afVmorxv ,chltrY whkh wiI, . turrriamo. will itarud ia a ahort trn. It wtII iaa a ,J ' rtHv r.r-u. .wi. v -r: a . a-- (M- Ue preot year u H,Vi.ill. a fain over that of last yar of IUI, w, aino0i by u wUoc has a lit ftattffaeW Ui During tha yar til. Si i wxrti of borxii were aoAd by karal board for boikiing prpopw. Tt taxc or mocey UeroiJ to J wclocal em .Ute. Thu shows thai with the rrmarkabte ad steady dafk ment of agncultoral and ioJaaiial inUrrata the ?v?otb t$ o3nt Lw.l H(rtabrw 4 -H fr icr aou wimc lacttmea k i a popw r;Q qui Uiu n; Oeith of Williim W. Ittit.r. ii i ui am t . irewwar auu at aa home in Clarkesrilla (ia. last vrw . i 1 1 . i i . Mr. I fea.tr-r waa a procni&aQi jxitg nian and had bo ecjrXd io tLe errvs of tho C C A 0- Kilrod Compauxj for abo43t thrw ynara. f He If ft herw aocnw Ucm ira oq j account of ill heailh axvl west to aoek r5ei, be I Ending cooa b retnnved hoca, HU daaili waa doe to lung trouble. Mr Ireaur wi well kaowo hmt txaJ faasr friends rret to lem f his d4MUb J ; SWEET CHARITVS SAK ( u mH ClrM ti- ' . 1 . k . ;-sopU tftprtwtud at i- rv- it -,l4PU. srl iJ u t . .... .AIM J. I ;; m r , w ' tb -Jk VI , M.M.VIm.uChu , MT w W 1M yT-Wlitt i-aV a,f- V It xr- r, 4 t TSaIj mm a . Um4 ua fm, Un 1W a tmtA 'ac al M.i u- 'm , -,, Itmi taat. , -tmmA : Oim T"r W .1. A v " nV l- foi.iS n K-t - - 7'a ra Im i 1 Oiory. mai Wfl SxX" - m woV. I. c kin ai.;n wL k i naM. a mim zmlim W V.; ' v. l.i a. t M a fr rvy m.ii n n- va -J . a r c- rc Um W tola tlU ml tV Its t ' arW P.r4. I to t n i VA w.W i It g-lrmi t&M ftj trrA W mA V; wm FIRST XCUSS10V W C C A Lh irwcUc c Vim m-m, i is aaaita atJ wc3 a& n Uj&, a( AlutMk. U avS ! ' Mac-a saW tU ,a ' UKi tba) C C a U tiiW ! a aaoivr Um J w J lUl ! toara to Uv ovae ia Uwt 4 m?mxuA t ; , . PV . ... aJ i ao&Uia. 1 tm Wtn a Uta LmI; Ca tto awe to r4 taVrur Wlwa ttM4 aWtv X wixtaMi taaVtisa tta4 SWawla CawWUw4 IIa4 IWaw la rw4 sW ara aito 5c!aW-" Build Your Home The Money yc Pay irr Km! .1 ftr.v years v,-;d P.uuci you a Ikod H :tir tl II ra4 Iron a.a If -s, .,.,- , ,t, Hny OxU Com cr ! Sxv.il v BUPPALOL or s ilverw are- FOR VOI R Thanksgiving Tabic si. vi 2r g kind, cAja wi. .l J. FRED SPRAGUE -HwfULxa orr u a h HATLIO.H. h . C UJlOwhcC N T nd I Spc : . r r f II, f- 4 t i. . HAVE YOT A HANK ACCOL'N'P 4d "6 " r J Cijt. fern la a kwva4 ant nn ' rwj1 to T-ttf Ki iia j a- ye V-- tW ii a La y atu V it kn.aaaaa a.d ashi yca k2 TUf MERCILMS WLLUs a C SEVERAL THINGS There rune avevcrnJ tiling to tr cxn tirj crel In B-ci cxrtins your txank r-f Tba c&iz t a4 ar?r4-T,aa luaauTW a fcf tnttaaa. warraCYt at U CAJ j . , (The First JO 0 n O n O D &. HEWITT 0 rH vxpjii vmi fi pa dpi c ! : :i a i -r w x r - 'lli ! tt.tttt.itr t it ! ra. I w yt VND f ARMIfTS BWK da-taaaa4 laswftia.tsf4.fte sumawjftt National Bank

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