MAI Fonmrty NrDtr Xeeai VOL XIV. MARION, N. C. TIIVKSDAV. !rUKMHKk J " . ION lKM)KESSIONAL W. T. MORGAN A TTORNEY-AT-LAW . ., :. First National Bank Bldg. MAR ON, N. C. DR. E. J. EVANS, DENTSIT WW MAKMN. - - N. C. ,,n 1. "2 and 3, Poteet Building Fort second and fourth Monday's T A. M OR P HE W AT T( )RNEY-AT-LAW ..., uvt-r Merchant's & Farmers' Bank. V R! N' - N. C. 1R J GILLESPIE REID, -Dentist Will answer calls at any vmr of the night. Rooms 3, 4 and 5 r : t National Bank Building, Marion, N. C. SINCLAIR & McBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW - - - 1 - Pi inpt Attention Given All i'.Mnoss Intrusted to Their i'hiv. - :-: :-: :-: - VKR (i ASTON &TATE STORE II CMU BiLL Dot Was Very Much Worried as to How It Was to Be Pail By MARY A. BOWERS. Copyngiit. lsu. uy Arneium. Itp .. (Mat Hsu. , "Two dollars h visit.- rit l,,i In dismay, forHim- t-uun'h ui had come fir lowk for u simo i.f ., in Ju mamma's drawer, and iiirmir tier brown eyes wider and wider :is she read the heading ot au out lull (1t nr. Cogswell's. "Two dollars a visit:-1 she repeated "Ob. why doesn't Donnie -et we.T: And where is all the iiune to . ;ue from?" she axketi herself ssylly. -Ve will get very ir." coutiinied hot. shaking her little brown heud slowly over the bill. After ihiukiug awhile she slipped the paper in her p-i;et and went dowustairs. Mamma aud Sister Margie were sew ing. Dot went quietly to Mrs. yard and whispered: "We'll feel very poor afterward, wou't me. mamma';" Mamma smiled a sad smile. I i thought- as she replied: "Vim; re Itetier at guessing than we supposed. .u, why don't you take your trimming, lit tle daughter, and go into the library"; There's a nice tire on the heart ii. aud you can work away like a bee. We'll need it soon, you know." added mam ma, for Dot was rather inclined to dream when she was alone. "We'll need it soou." repeated Dot as she climbed up in the big library chair. -We'll need it soou. uh. why didn't they tell me? Why did they leave me to and it out for myself"; 1 might have worked yards and yxrds byTnis time and sold them for ever so much, but 1 supposed it whs just to give me something to do. and I've sometimes not done more than one scallop iu a whole afternoon.'" con fessed Dot as she made her little ivo ry needle fly iu and out of her work, as if any one could ever make up for time wasted. Tom went into the barn to clean, his gnu. Dot saw him. "I'll ask him." she decided as she put her work hurriedly in a little silk lo n DR. Wm. FLEMING DENTIST WWWW ' ! FICE IN STREETM AN BUILDINtf. C. E. HOUSE Surveyor and Draughtsman Make or Copy Maps i'l.i Kl'KINTS AND ABSTRACTS A Specialty. ' S." K;il,v Block. W.CourtSt L. C. GONEKE, M. D. Physician 8 Surgeon VWWW. OFFICES IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK N FIR8T FLOOR VWWWV Attention giveta to office !! '.i. tire in the treatment of chronic diseases. t M'- 'ALL C. R. McCALL "Don't cry. You havens to-3 me t t what the matter U. Now. we'll ,i right up here wblla you tell Tom u bout It" After awhile LHt managed tu m j 'Does Dr. OopwtU chnf wno are 111 evary tloj be tee them?" "Something like that. I bell-. we red Tom wondering "It's exactly that," aakd Doc feetm for the bill. "Oh, Tocu. we must him hundreds of dollars!" There waa n,ar Look la Tum i eyes. "1 rappofte we do," be aald. "Bat have we got tbe cuooey to p j him?" questioned Dt the brown er wlmmlng again. "No; I doot believs we have." "Then what are we going to d y" said Dot. with another sob. "There, Dot" said Tom soothingly "Doa't be so fooliah as to cry. It ' mi coming out right. 1 can't tell yoa Ju-t now. but take my word for it " "Tom," called Ura. Ledam. -tiwre all waiting for "ou."' "The boya bare come. Dot." id Tom, giving her a baaty klaa. No, remember not to worry. It's condug out all right." Dot sat a ioog tltue on tb bay "Tom always thinks ererythioc' c ing to come out all ncht." sbe kl. de termined to be miserable. "lie don't know anything about uxaey. Marif says so. ana l know myseu be Jim t. i 'cause I ouce owi blm 5 tent fur j weeks, and then when I wot to pay I him he'd forgotten all about It srKi j said 1 must have dreamed It. "He's gone off now to ilelfb rtdr 1 and doesn't care how hrd we'r all , working." and the little needle ftew j faster than ever. "I Just know t thinks Dr. Cogswell tatj't gvfog lo i charge, but he la, for bere'a ooe bill, j and he's probably got rxxbrr all rvdy. '"He eould Just as well oot cUrp " she went on. "for Edttb Olco t told me he was ever and ever au rVh rxl that he's got a booae la the city even prettier than this. Bat bow .akl one be?" s be wondered. "How rMakd any room be lovelier than the De Mrs. Crane took Edith snd me into ibe other day. the little ooe with tbr win dow looking on the lake, tod tbe liii.e bed with curtain sod everytbuiE ) blue, carpet and all? Dr. OpwciI calls It his little liter's room. ih1 , she's coming In the spring" The Mttle Ongen never did Iwiier work than that day. for munij wouldn't have told m they ned-J It if they didn't." Dot kpt imuDuk self. "Tom Just wanted to comfort me. He doesn't know bow hard are working and crying." That night Dot added to b-er . r the words. "O God. please doo'T et it , be more than we can payT "Let what?" asked mamma k' 1 tucked her in bed. "The doctor's bill." whispered l , her arms very tight a boot Mrs, 1 : yard'a neck. j Mm. Ledyard smiled. Sbe t tvMiirh : Dot was half asleep, so she tlpti1 i quietly downstair to the llbnry aod j there found Tom telling Marxi but ! Dot's trouble. The younj doctor must birr b--o there, too. or heard of It in aoove r. ! for he happened In the next tuorulnf right after breakfast and the nrt thing be said was: "I'm going to have my bill -tlTl today, little Alias Dot" as with quite a grave face he took oot a memoranda. "Let me see,' he mused. "I becu coming In May. Two visits day till why It's nearly Christmas. hu t ELEVEN DEAD INSOU. WRECK Southern Railway Tram Plun ges Down Emban.mnt. STICK TO SiYirp i: f HAPPENED THURSDAY Train No. 11 Jumped Inci 0.-f n r v-s ev lo cro.en . Lrt r -j'fi From Redy For Trftt! LiJt of Dead zt lajureci Geo. Gould or I'jt. fly X .:-! v.; rri KeidaviUe. N C.. IV- b IW forr most of the paArrCTr in two sleptng cam ha.1 n awaker.i. and while the oc:upnU two Fwtsxrigr r coaches were jut - ning U st t r aftr a's rir, M r four rear cars f Uaio N i 11 . the JHjtlern railway, wer lar.-i ilown a 0 fi-xt rnirnknx'nL, ff-ui Kcjy Fork Ireslle. ten milr fp. n here and I J mile nortl of (tw-i horn, killing ten rr.rn aci itijiifir. .'li othvr iia-wv r j,'e r-. ear! v tl -i The cars that kfl tl track !r: el in a crerg which flowd (Teat: the tre.tlr T);f ;! ifil ar lnic prrvailnj. . t.-.e tWp.-. iiajf nr r albrmpti to from the car i Ue m-rvs ' death. A nwti g lh ( e- rr ; i t !' wrrf ff'Vl? If f 'Ii ' 5 l " c ' . v : . 'ft'.' ' : i e i ! pi :) Ct-e w I 1 l t; : k t W t i r. , sr ft .s r , or ' 'T.e la w f r . . f ; . r. t v ! r"w u t r ; c k : John A. Hrriiiiai. bom, N. ( . V. Ha covn b., a Mount Airy . N ( Yi w a r i 1 1 n , " M r u -. A I s4 . a t PortAn''jtX a , unk now n A I' t'of. i..;rr.,y-.ic-l ttvr lii. hir.;,; 1it:v ' " ern raiiway. 1 t '. Inan. c r- i .k '. of the I'ullmai car H (' S h.'.r. trve:rg i of the Southern ra.i7 A flimo. di.tx as-e r V . 1 Tl.r rJimea of '.. -- : .j r- prte"i k.lleii ar unkr r. d t i TI i t K. ' ' i a l.- : TV-- t.S i - Tl ft - fti. millionaire. IX i h H A nengrr in re : tr. '' i i ixund f r'm N ' r f ! k '.i F' -".iu . . N. lVth wrrr I-j Tlie wrrx"krvi tram w a o;rra'.-l locally letwfen UK-hnxT cJ At Unta, and carrier! ilien frv.rr. KichttK)txl bn ("harllU '-m Norfolk to Oiarlotu At the Key Fork rnrk tr-i McCaJl Bro. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at- i i i . . 0ver McCall & Conley's Furniture Store. Stop T Look! Listen! danger ahead if you will " ncinber that I am headquar T for stove pipe and elbows, ) and tin work of all kinds. First-class plumbing and plumbing goods of all kinds, l at prices that defy compe ; ; All you have to do is ; ' ' "P at my shop, look at my -'"is and Listen to my prices J he convinced that I can ViV - y tu money on anything :n 'ny line. Yours to Please, I W. Huffman "I'M GOING TO HAVE MY BLLL. SETTLKD TOD AT." handkerchief and started with it for the barn. "He won't tease me when he knows how badly I feel." It was a very sad little face that peered in at the barn door. "Hello!" was Tom's greeting. "Been crying?" "Yes." admitted Dot in a voice that could leave no doubt of it. "What's up?" asked Tom as he rub bed away at his gun. "Want any help?" "Oh. yes. Tom. That's just what I've couae for. Won't you talk real sober with me?" "Nary a smile from me," said Tom. Then, glancing sidelong at the little face in the doorway, be added: "Come in and state your case. Here's a seat on the hay." as be lifted her gently upon a pfle he bad Just bro.ught down for the horses. "There! Are you cold?" "Not a bit," said Dot. "All right, then. Go ahead." said Tom cheerfully. "Well, you know. Tom." began Dot in "her sweet, timid voice, "there's a secret in there." pointing toward the house, "and I never found it out till this morning." "So you found it out. did you? Well. I told 'em you would." "I wouldn't but for the bill." "You wouldn't what?" asked Tom. who was rubbing away again. "I'll tell you about that aiterward. "When I went Into the sitting room naaranra and Margie were sewing." "That certainly didn't surprise your laughed Tom. "Oh. Tom! How can you make fun of it all? Mamma looked just ready to cry, and oh. oh. oh! What can we ever do about it?" as she threw her self face downward on the bay and sobbed as though her little heart would break, while Tom stood by In speechless astonishment - "Does she know, after all?" be ask ed himself. "I mustn't forget uty promise to mother, but I must give the child some comfort." he thought as he went over to the Mttle blue cloak on the hay. "Come. Dot MLU be teaderlj. hundred.' said Dot tear- it? Now. how much shoald jou thiot ;aftr the enm" arj t! mail it would come to?" "Hundreds!" said poor little l faintly. "We want to be businesslike." "aid Dr. Cogswell. "Sappoae yoa gt juur slate and flgure it." Dot ran. "Be Isn't going to let irs off a penny," she moaned. "Now. lefs do a Uttl sum In arith metic." said the doctor. -What di- M. stand for?" "One thousand." said stsgfered ilitie I Dot pushing the crochet wort war down in her pocket. "Very good." said the doctor. "Now. ; what does C. stand for?" "One hundred." said Dot. trying to be brave. , "And altogether?" waa the next j question. "Eleven fully. "H'm!" coughed Dr. CogswHl. -Now. can you think of anything la thwy might stand for?" "No. sir." said Dot. "Why. yes. you can. Dot!" cried Donald, who had Just been wheeled into the room. "M. C.r clapping bis hands. "Why. Merry Christinas! Don't you seT" Dot smiled. Then there isn't any bill?" be asked Tom. "Nary a bill." aald Tom. -but can't you think of anything elae the letters might stand for?" "No." said happy, stupid Tittle Ih. "I can!" cried Don. catching sight of some glances being exchanged il Margie's pretty cheeks aglow. "Mar gie Cogswell!" Then they all laughed, and the doc tor caught Dot up and set her no his shoulder and pranced with her I"'" j villc. Vs. the cozy sitting room. Prett.v . xy C Harruo Don whs wheeled Into the auuuv Uiy I wiDdow. and there they all sat thv ret N. ( of tue morning. William Kimrnori Dot had to submit to a gtot dVnl ot teasing, but she was very ht' int vitb8taodlng and wrote In her dtorr that night In soch big Jettera Uutt went rtjrbt over two or thrre of tb following day: Tbe doctor wsu"t coming to ew Donnie. after all. and tbera waaa i any bill. 1 am going to be briaeennM and wear white. There Isn't any Mttle "la ter but me, and I'm going to bavs tae little blue room whenever 1 sraal to 47s) there to TiaiL" thrre hmpajfr cars hai iLwi nrr the trestle tn safety, two o uh- ami two leeirs wen" ierai)ei from some defect not vet arr r Va : n I The injumi swnjjrn arl lran men were taken U St !' pital. ( i reeniw. N. (V. Krr they were carwi for KiskTj;a, lby, of Uichnior.rj, wa irvfai iy fatally injured, while (4iciu-t..r ( t H. Coble, of Richmond, m lijfht ly injumi ani hail 1 nrn e,- from drowning' t.iT r i v ;t Ki i' The following is a lit of t'- ;. jured, carne.i tx the h.-pt'.al at Ctreeosboro: W. T. Urter. of lanv,lke Ricbarrl A. Iobtr. of Nor'.!V. father of Richard lVVie. wr Uxlay married to Miv lii'i-.:.. . f Concord, N. C. C. S. Camller. general agr-t Suthern . (t. H. VVaffTver, of IanriHe Thotnxs H. Cbalen. liirhm- : H. L. Wood. Norfolk Mrs. R. Kdraond. Ne Orleanr Jobn Priillii, 1'eteratHir. Va Samuel Walters, of rUkr nlle, Va. Arthur Watteraon. of IUkeri ft.' 1 :. ' t r ' ' ' t. t ifft r '. i. 'V- e I e ift f N . . ' ?. r ! '. r r i t ; . ' , t r r r r ki 1 - : -. . f i -tv , . ft. ..ut v. '. l- t -r -r t 1 . 1 i Ke . v t V r 4ft C ' . . ! ! ft ' f ' mi m r.. : ft : ..-..'t: w e - 1 1 ft! ft.-f V m ft r - ! .urn ft llf ' N e r r a 1 e j s t .' l.-al ti ' 4 f 1 . ft -'?" v t'- -' ;.'. -ttjn rr. Iv ..-'. : rf I '. . t -c. ". ra u m rv, r ' ' ,.- ' I r,.T,i. .nil ' "' ' -r. r ''' r - ly D'fcfv. lj!e ftJtrft i 1 c c ' s. o : t in or W t C u i : fr- -v r t - . r t e r a ty J V, 1 1 w t a w '." a y ; of I a v -f --. (Hivees. "(Up-, j m s.i it Ulei try tN -n.ft a -- t. ar. 4 thw gfval rr-ct c.' ,' lay M lO Cn-v-rtf '.r 4 f ! 1 f f Tft t..l ff-srft. " ( -Tr'. tl- V.'. -- C-ollete, N. C. t t,, ff, . '. ,t ThomajftW. KlderKie. RrchoT-.rl. , lM, rr-tjBff J f William J. Muanw, f,d"rr'i ' n- e irter. of Richmond. Va m0 jj, a i Jame Anderano. cokrM, Nor j pcvMrr tx, UU; folk. a?J lh wtoei-t. it jrif Ilenjamin Hill, roonrd. Haiiitv ' rero sWtMfteft m eii je. I , C'Mutkml m ita itjH r io if THE FARM n RniM Vnnr H LUIIU I UU1 I1UIUO The M 5or Rent 1 C A i r F D D o D o D D D o D o D - - t -i -1 -I n..kC it If. a v 't. t I, w . t r?.ac ..,. Ve .a . ' ir i i. ft r i O.its C n . r n inci I' red ' BIPrALOf 8. HEWITT S( 4 sr Df POT rncrvr a 7 IP aiy VJa Wsf v It Vjb Va. var V Wav Vr Va Vai aa Vw VJ V Christmas is Mighty Near Z !!! r Newest rlc F"incst Jewel r' fr ; i.t- i. ft J. FRED SPRAGUE, t i art ?c i a .h era ft. 1. 1 S; T r ( K f e :: It l"JV A D.iO,S T"-w-es' a m9 ( w Y () lil'SI N KSS No Ono K now As Y, V inc So Well IX V 01: r vrll . t ; 1 , 1 : 1 : : 1 1 1. 1 1 . t 1 r::r ;in I n' l If C I, 1 r' tttit.x : tf V t! . I t 1 i 1 11 -nil W -if C a . c 1 -n.i "i r.utu r libiMM Z V The V 1 rst National B a n k - s- I H HT7T, Ctt I til I r No one aliovilci lc witKovit Checking Account A ll .1 ti - fra i i.c ti Vl.rT. at vczr (.jlz ccieli frcxx. tW i tirt Tcvt irxtst ;a( a tt.r. tw tC IT SOW' Ulfc MCRCIUHTS AND URMtR'S DAVK UftM. V a r tr t . . s - - j.-: .. , : - - r -

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