:v-'- c Formerly McTiotutll Democrat VOL XIV MARION, N. CM THURSDAY, JANUARY-13, 1910. NO. U) "; "(" 1? S i A 1 : ; : 111 " ' " . PROFESSIONAL J c JW. T. MORGAN' J - - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - - - - - - . Office in First National Bank BldgJ '; 4 MARION, ; N C. ; J DR. E. J.; EVANS, i J". -, . - - , ' 'rr- ; : DENTSIT: : 3HARI0N, " k. C Rooms 1, 2 and 3i Poteet Building At Old Fortr second 'and ; fourth : ' - Monday's - r T A; ,MORP HEW. , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW " . J- - - ' V' Office over Merchant's & Farmers', Bankr . ' " : . MARION , - N. THE ; TRUN KS SOLI LOQUY. I N G DOM OF LABOR COMING - BYD.W. C5BAWFORD. Once more the lid uxon me falls, ;' Once morejbefore my faee 3 ; - 1 see my lady stately and grand - In all her beanty. and grace. :. I I ponder -why she loves me bo. : : So full Of ribbons, ruffles and lace, " Where top is bottom. bottom top." . V -And everything's always out of place. Sometimes I wonder what she is, ' - . So wonderfully and beautifully madei With every kind of hnmor,- '.. - .' . In every kind of shade. 2 ; i , Last night she came from the fireside,' 'And stood over me a moment or two, Then took from my tray a packet, Bound with a ribbon of. blue. A. bunch of letters of course iVwas,. - . :Mere reminders of days gone by; a. ; I could not tell you what they contained, - But a tear drop stood in her eye.- Perhaps they were from a far off brother; -t Or, maybe a lover who had ; proved T '" untrue, -1 J1 i- -c- ' This precious little package, '-' " Bound with a ribbon of blue. " "c : DEVELOP INTO RESORT REGION Edison Makes Some Predict- This Section Has a Great ions About' Workers of v- :Future. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE Future. THINKS EDITOR HENRY Daily Stintof Eight Hours of Brain Laboring. Cheapening of Com ; modities Will Change Labor-: -"V Conditions. Predicts . -That Workers of the-'" . ' Future Will -Live , - ; Like Capitalists . . t4In 200 years, by . the cheapen- iDg of commoditiesthe ordinary laborer will live as well as - a man does now, with $200,000 annual in to raiae the windows to look out, letting in blasts of zero air, which wero no doubt excellent for venti lating purposes! . - The train ran on a somewhat slow schedule, but this is necessary for -the safe ODeration of anew railroad. - So far as could be seen, the line is superbly Guilt, No'rail- r)ad hereabouts is to be compared Mth it The country alone: it is Well Known South Carolina Editor pure to develop into an industrial bays We f'Are bure to UevelOD 1 ana resori region or great pros w .... I lntoAn industrial and Re . sort Region of Great Pros- ; - perity and Attractive-" -V . , ness." -The Din- " ; ner They Did, '.' " . i : . . -. Not Get at ; . '. f.P '. Spruce;""' ; Pine. . : - ; perity and attractive ness. 1 The earliest opportunity should bo tak en by Spartanburg people to make a trip-over it. ? Those who went yesterday, are anxious to go agaia. if YMF: DR. J. GILLESPIE REID,' ' v -( -r- Dentist: Will answer , calls at any - hour of the. nights t: Rooms 3i 4 and 5 . . First National Bank Building, .Marion, N. C.7 - . SINCLAIR &'NcBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Prompt Attention . Given All Business Intrusted to Their Care. i. - - . OVER GASTON & TATE STORE DR. Wm. FLEMING DENTIST . ' ' - ' V v -"' vvvvvwv OFFICE IN STREETMAN : .: BUILDING. - - C. B. HOUSE Surveyor and Draughtsman I hold many a precious trinket, ' . . -"Which to her are so many good byes. And down in the very bottom - i v : A dear little dollie lies. i t - They bring to her some memories sweet, ' So precious to her they art, , ; The past , and present wound in one, ' Do make a garland tor the heart." But into the red and glowing grate . She let this packet fall; - Then going to the window - - ; As if hearing someone call. She looked out into the rainy night - - Over the city of poverty and pelf; Then I heard her saying soltly, : , So softly to herself - i;x . 'Comfort? comfort scorned of devils! .This is truth, the poet sings, That a sorrow's crown of sorrow . Is remembering happier things." ' ; ..: :. - - j . - -. Then she saw her only duty . "Was beyond these narrow walls, ' "Where the night lamp flickers, : , -. , And the shadows rise and falL ' i come.-- Automatic machinery ana opartanourg journal, and one cf I - - , : 1 "I scientific agriculture will . bring a- the best known South . Carolina . ...Bridgewater News. 8pcUl to Taa Pooasss. Bridgawater, Jan. 10 ChrUtmaa passed oa very quietly her . and the Charles H. Henry, editor of the New Year ha arrived. A rery pros perous future for th yer iArpectd here.- - , ; . . a . A V V A. ' mr bout this result Mr.-Edison says, newspaper menmade the trip , to I 7ZZi;CL "r'.lu?; in the current issue of the Indepen- Alta Pass and Spruce Pine over and door factory her ani axpect it to dent.' " Not ; individualism, but theC. C and C. recently. ,r 'In be In operation about thi first of social lbor will dominate t le fu- writing of the trip he said that the February. .". ture; ou can't have individual ma- scenery of this region . was unsur- ' Tbe Bridgewater Milling Co . has chines and every man working .by passed by any in this , section and e,ployed Mr.;Benaon from-Mocki- .imftKilhdwillcocstantly he priicted . great future for thi, tTSSM become more social and indepen- vicinity. as a commercial and resort Benson will like his position and i new denLThere will bev no mannual region.""- ; . j . . home and make thm a gtxl miller. laborin the factories of the future. The following is his .article in .Miuea Daisy Simpson and Harbison, The men -in them wilil be merely part: ": ; of Qlen Alpine, were guts of Miss superintendents, watching the ma- The excursion conducted by the rnVof Tbout twTrfoar 1 ft Tare chinery to see that it works right. Herald to Alta Pass' and Spruce about 7 o'clock to storm th htabl The work day, I believe will be Pine . over the a, C. & O. R. R. home of Mr.;Tate x Arriring there at eight - hoursl- ; Every;, man needs yesterdaywas entirely successful 8 o'clock they were cordially and cheer that much work to keep hiim Out of in every respect. folly received and tt crjwd wu-aooa !fP LAstrikMd unique featuof Saotr: But it will be work with the brain, the trip was the climatic change were indulged in until about ll o'clock semething that men will' be inter- that one hour's travel developed, and enjoyed by alt - - ; v esteo in, ana aone in -wnoiesome, 1 From merely a cold, Windy day The young people of this vicinity had pleasant surroundings. - Less and Mown below the tourists passed in-1 delightful times at the . home of less man will be used as an engine, mKnct. vintp. wlfK nr C D. Hemphill. T. A. Seal anO S. P. or as a horse, and his brain will be and zero temperature on the tbp'of Tat darins the hoUdays. empioyeu 10 oeireui. lumseii auu dis 1 the 151 ue Kidge. As soon as the fellows. - : . ." i J mountain ascent Kpcmn snnw hpfrftn lv n.l . . 4. .1 ttfPL 1 r.t " .t - . ., wuen me mtb uma empioyea oy ine --The clothes of the fature will to be seen and increased b quantity Boanoke Bridge Co. " , 1 1)6 Wth'eap that every young wo- ag the top; was approached, urtil 1 Aliases JDA&ni .and 'Ataxia Cobby of man win to aoie u jonow ine at Alta; Pass, the summit, the Morganton. spent the holidays with -1 fashions Dromntlv. and there will ,mnnrl wall VnroA ;k 1 their cousin Miss Lula KIncaid. U bring.'" ' be plenty of f ashions." ; . ' dry snow and the thermometer" had D o n The Money you Pay for Rent :in a few years would Build you a Good Home. If you buy your Lime, Cmet, Wall Plaster, building blocks and "alt kinds of building Ma terial from us. If you cannot call, write us for prices 6a building materials. Hay, Oats Corn, and Feed .v Stuffs. :" H o D 'I shall shall throw aside my hours - of ease," ' , - " tj I could hear her gently say, v.- "I will go into the world ' : .Where I can toil and pray, I can teach the orphan boy to read, Or the orphan girl to sing. . And look forward to the And the duties they will This morning ahe went into the slums,- . muuurau uuw uv dropped to 8 above zero. And through the long and dreary day to jme. It was a iundamentai mis- At Spruce Pine most of the men - - Are Sold by BUf FAL0E Su HEWITT 0 t-i I j NEED A. i She labored with the sck and dying. ' And the girls who have gone astray; And far down her path of duty A vision she can see . Of the'Savior as he says: - Ye have done it unto me." " T j take that our railroads were ' built on a 4 foot 9 inch gauge instead of "hotel" where thev had had vis a 6 foot gauge,. which we will prob- hons 0f steaming hot coffee,; fried ably have to come to yet. . Miss Geneva Simmons, of Morgan ton, spent a few days last we-k with' her cousin Miss Julia Unst. . - . . . ioias got ou v ana proceeaea wj uie arrfred here on a visit to bia slater ! A 1 7, A I I .1 1 I I airs, uannou. - Dr. J. B. Riddle, of Morganton, ma4e chicken, spare "ribs, corn bread, brief visit to Bridgewater last week. Make or Copy Maps Blttepeints and ; Abstracts a Specialty, Oifice in Streetm'an Bids:. - Main St L. C. G0NEKE, H.D. Physician S Surgeon -' OFFICES IN ; ;;; FIRST NATIONAL BANK : -k .: ON FIRST "FLOOR Special Attention given to" office - v practice in the treatment of -:'ys , ' v chron ic diseases., - 'Brave woman, mother of mighty works! 1 From your alter gazing down, v Shall God-like grasp the scepter, "And Queen-like wear the crowni "" B. E. McGAXeli UNDERTAKERS xhe aeroplane of the future pies and other mountain viands for will, ".I think, . have - to be . on the dinner, but they were calmly told helicopter, principle.- A successful at the "hotel" that there was" no air machine must be: able to defy thing doing, as the party had; not the winds.- If .Wright's aeroplane been expected and no preparations had one-twentieth of its surface, ha(j been 'made for them. :The Sugar Hill News Special to If ARIOH PROGBE8S. '. ; - Sugar Hill, Jan. 4. The cold wave.that has swept over this sec tion of the country, has made Snow- ball.ljft his head and have a jolly Xmas in spite of ... the shame 1 and disgrace that has fallen to him and Dr. (hc-i:'t& -.-lyX George Crawford, who has been 1 from4 the center by wires. z- - 1 . A. m m : i 1:11 1 ... : . . . - 1 . in vfncirii u 1. ivi h ru ii 111 kiih.tii.. i.mhi sn -1 t a z 1 1 . a.. . v a.u wv w . w-- wMV , . ToClPLVrwllI UZiVB LU bWU IUl3lcAanH,nrr tnrictc H mm enrnft holidays with bis parents. :: ; whiskev business which is like ?nfc fKW rr in D. W. Crawford returned tq Old 1 thro wingsand in .the- bearings of fonr different Dlaces as it winds C &. McCAXiL 1 "Pfirt tn rp.5nm the duties of teach-1 a ctm ncr?n. ' I 'A .m.n UA mn'Ani.Tmo 1 u fcj vvmi v,wvi . - -. i m 1111 1 111 mm aiiiunif li 1 n auwuaj iaiuj. ingschool:; ::;'K- s. "Among , the many problems The grade is very easy; and there ViMrs. C.-iSKGraysonf ofHigh which await solction in-the future was no trouble in making the. as- Pointnd Mrsl: J ,F. Jonas, ot one of the' most important is to get cent and no air-braking seemed:to Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibson, a son.' Frank Clonta and Mica Bonnie Farrls were united in the bond ' of . holy matrimony on December 2T. 1900, Bev. J. A.Sisk officiating. . .w the wind would not affect it. The crowd then descended on the: two fromaTisit to the eastern tart of th helicopter principle is the only way J or three country stores of Spruce county where there seems to be some 10 nse aoove. aunospnenc conui-iine and the lunch car Of the train,'!"" . w uuu-, - tions. 15y increasing the , velocity where. they got sandwiches, pies, R" A, Abemethy has not yet forgot- of propeller revolutions the size of pemmican, walrus meat and gingeritea tbe way to Muddy Creek. tne macnine can do uimmisaea ana ale enough , to stay the pangs of there by we vanquish the hostility hunger until they should 'reach of the windi' A helicopter, could Soartanburir. - " - have foot-size planes distributed on At 4 o'clock the return trip was a 100 to 150 foot circle and control- begun, and again the magniGcen scenery "unfolded itself to the de- Jack & Jill. Kings Mountain, are visiting their the full value out of Vuel. 'The J be. necessary in coming down. , In Coffins and 1 - Burial Supplies parents, Mr. and MrsrJi. C.Qraw- wastefulness, of our present raetli- scenery it , has everything on the . . j ods 0f combustion is tremendoGs. : Western North Carolina and Ashe- business " intrusted; to our? care :will: .receive prompt and careful at " tention. '.; Dean Crawford,, who .has -boen "We may discover the germ of Over McCTalL & Conley's Furniture - Store.. : For :S vJJtoSd onouthernandC. Cf& X4Byer Gardins sid- ; ing; containing 6ti acres more orlessv 8 acres of bottomland; Vjnew four-room house and out land. ; Good orcharcT and . fine ' : water.' .Near school house and . cnurcn. - -r r- gSTern9;;40 'srance;on;: 'ea-ltenns vefy sick,:is improving fast." y Among those who made Xmas more -pleasant by their, visit were: Messrs.- Wilfong -Tate and . Abner Seal, of Bridgewater; James Mc- Call," of Ashf ord ; Author- Hicks, and Zenp Flack, of Rutherf ordton; Misses lKary" and f Pearl Tate, .of Bridgewater; Edna Flack, of Ruth erf ordton. " r w 1 lib Wv"Wilson,V of Nealsville, gave a house warming party to Jiis v, For full information address C. t. ; Wacabea getting all the power from fuel to morrow, and ' then; again" it may lake a long time to find out v . -To get id of friction in , our machines is one of .the future prob lems, f. The only machine without friction that we . know of is the warld, and it moves in i the 1 resist less ether." v' .:J H v . - - '. ; Mrsi Darling Dead. By tbe Associated Press. . O New York. Jan. 6. Mrs.. Flora many r friends the 21st. "-Among Adams : Darling aged- seventy, those who went from Sugar Hill founder of the "Daughters of the were W: ; M; and : Clyde - VV Uson, Revolution, and United Daughters D. -W;, George and - Karl -Craw- 0f x812, died suddenly here .today ford; Misses Lizzie and S vy 11- from apoplexy, --r '."She", was prepar- sori and'Mamie Crawford 43i in$y to return to her homen Wash- S MrsJ Albert Grayson is visiting ington when stricken. hparents Mr andMrsJi "fD.j r Mrs -Darlipg will; be buried at Wilson . :.. j . v: ; home of her birth.- Lancaster, K. H. edtO take Charge Of her school.. , Tte long indcxr hfe of winter make, . . ' , , the blood weak, the system easily catch- Us oold and disease. " HoDiatef.. Bocky scnooi meu wuu .v. . , Mountain Tea the : potest winter January 1st, w uiwuss --rmed vorevents colds and disease inganother 'room to , the-school keeps you well all winter. Knnw .-x bSOWBALL. i Tea or Tawets. S5 cents. - J. W.treetman,. ville: & " Spartanburg divisions of the Southern "skinned." All on board pronounced it a "magnificent piece of engineering,,, as calmly as they. would have handed out-a. ver dict on a magistrate's, jury. ' The. 1.4 tunnels passed through proved of-much interest to-many of the passengers, some of whom had never passed through a tunnel and resarded the experience as a novel and interesting oue. -The tunnels are in some cases ' pierced through solid rock, lheir use is absolutely essentinl to mamtatning the low grade over the moahtains. - For about 10 miles south of Mar ion the C. C. & O. runs alongside and in sight of the Southern's line between Blacksburg and 'Marion,' but on a different grade, somptimes above, sometimes below.t The C. C & O. keeps on a grade while the other runs up and down hill to - . some -extent. - ; : The gi-eat change in temperature and climatic conditions only added zest and interest to the trip, and afforded an opportunity for rubes We sell -only absolutely 'Reliable Goods at' Y rices that are. Lo to, considering quality .; . ' Wc'do repairing. . '. r J JEWELEK and OTTIC1AJ4 Cullowhee Normal . and Industrial School Maintained by the State for the boys and girls of Western North Caro lina. Special Course For -Teachers . ..... . . - ( for ruRTmat dtormatiox address BL. X,MjlIrOf, Trincipal. CUIAjOWHEJZ. Jaclson Ccttrtty. ft. C. Their Own "Hubbys'1 Had Pack- " - ages, Too, . ' CbsxIoUe OWcrrcr, 6th. , Monroe, Jan. ; 5.' The morally stunted in a certain . town not a great distance from .Monroe are grinning over the result of a move ment on the part of the local W. C. T. U. to stop the shipment of ardent spirits into that town. The union appointed a committee of three ladies, two married and one single, to go down to the railroad .... - s. . . ' station and inspect the names on the liquor 'jugs as they were put off 1 tho' train... Thu purrose was Jo throw consternation among the con signees, when they should behold these ladies moving among the jugs and'taking doIs of thn names of the. parties to whom they were con signed. The. ladies had not gone far in-their inrestigatioo, .uheu tho married" ons liscvered that thrirhusbands h a .jug api-ce, and the unmarritxi lady found the names' of her two brothers on the same number of ju-rs. A number of consignees, who fwere" waiting anuind for their Hr watej, noticed tliat the Iade3 hnrnediy departl without further inspection, and go ing to investigate thi reason for f-uch a budden dparuire they ound llift facts to be as set forth. Otem pora, O mores' The next-best thing to -being prosperous is to - . appear prosperous. : It is of vital importance to you that the depository of your funds not only appear to be, but is, prosperoc. That is gaining ground. - That it has so Sclent Capital and So rplc for all coctin , gent and legitimate needs. - ,That it is able to repay you your money on demand. We have a large Capital and Surplus." , We are prosperous as well as aggressive and experienced. - We pay over to you in money (not in trading tUisps , - : or check books) any deposit or just decaed aAchcfr- folly as the same was received. . ' ' And we solicit the business of all desiring the Sf rvices'cf T ' - a concern conducted along these lines. The First National Bank W. A. CONLEY, Prfstdext ' . . Geo. I. WniTE, Cumzv. Bailils cp waste tissue, . promot ap petite, improrea digestion. Indocea re. frebhing aleep, Rirlng reuewed atrtngth and health, That' wh&e IIuZilr' Rocxy Mountain Tea win do. J tut wnat ran ;wed now, J. Yl Strre train. Mr. Wage-Scirner: ; . Arc you a man of family? 1 Arc you laying aside some of your earnings, for that day when sickness and death cross the threshold of the home, or vrhen panicky conditions cost you your job? ' - - In justice to yourself answer these questions and REMEMBER;- . ' s THE MERCHANTS AND FARMERS BAM( ... - . ; IL F". BUBTOK. Cxsnrrx .