i 1 Formerly McDctaall Democrat VOL XIV; Marion, n. c, Thursday, January 20, 1910. 3- no. .-x V -Li. !L -LA.JJL V'.:' V V- v J PROFESSIONAL W. T. MORGAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in First National Bank- Bldg. MARION t N; dr.-e. j. evans, . : dentsit & MARION, c. Rooms 1, 2 and 3, Poteet Building T At Old Fort second and fou rth - ' : Mondays, j; ; T:-AifJVlORPHEW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - Office over A3 ercha-'nVa & Farmers! J Batiks M ARION 0:N.- cj Dentist " Will answer calls at any- hour, of .the night.-' ::. First National Bank Building, ; Marion N.; C. .-; BOOSTING'' AND DUTY- ' TROUBLE FOR GRANT. SMALLPOX.' If 'Supported by the People, vthe Fairview. Postoffice. Muddle Loom- At North Cqve Causes City Council ..-..nwi inujk . uuuii. , 1115. uaige inc. nuiuun anu . iu 1 aae uidiii; niuun v: -Tthe'.P eople, sme -Interesting Develop-- . At a special meeting of the town TheNational Printer Journalist, " " menty. Are Looked For. council held Saturday at 12:30 SpaltoThc Obserrcrv-: ;', - - o'clock to Consider the Smallpox f Asbeville,Jan.12, 'Hon. John I situation it was decided to fiutran- andnewspVpe that part of the county in the country contains the following ar- sentative' in Congress from the I vicinity of North Cove. - Dr. Kir- u icicxeucu u r ne-i ixosier i teuvu uisiriut, is, naviag -vrouoies i oy, oeaa or ino ixara oi- rieauu Number of the Marion Progress: . aside frora ihe Biltmore postoffice, I department, stated that in the Cove r Progress is, a good niottoand cer the" AsheviHe postoffice V and . the I there were about thirty-seven cas tainlyltnbt inappropriate Jna -nrl llmt it W wspaper-thehhelpful Fairview postoffice sauabble is one spread ins ranid. It was thoaxrh't uuuuuain? trtntt - - Th MAnAm.ii - xt ' - i - - - bf;'TmW V-.-T.ii.i I of those patronage." matters that is about the first of the year that the emocrat,rS.C. .vww, . favuku l . -l -- . ',' - .t in . wm ... . ... and S. E. Whitten mWeer aftftr now-looraiD2 IarS to plague tne Board ot Ileal tft hM the sitoaUon fourteen fyeajrs:; has .sfianrMiii Representative; - : It-is understood f in hind lnt additional cases have name to ? the.. Marlon t Prmrrnca a-n I hp.rft' t.hat. rhnrrp'c Hva hpnn or will - - w use every 11 ? small po r in on November" 1 1 th,; issued- a booster bVpreferred against the incumbent, opinion of that body to ntetoost was given Henry Grant, who; incidentally, means-to prevent sir to ; Marion s .present" and prospective '..i;' - . ' ; . inrtnatrioo vV - I wnii8 oeanuK tne same - diido astianon. and all : worthy v institutions; Halt - - - that of lr. . Grant, Is' no kin. - The town council decided thai toae;illustrati6na A coming from the Cove werej used and the ; needs, : Do&sibiU I holds a fourth-class postoffice job to Marion, who had been expose!.' T purees or its region and, ; ,tMsi understood, cannot le should be arrested and deUined jn and i i.T- :?rPer': ?Se removed for. political, reasons or a pest house for twenty-one days" arged.; The paper not ly gave a D5irposcs' niayibe removed for The Mayor and Board of Health sood example of boosting but nW.h cause aine cause mai nas oeen was aiso mstruciea vo rent - any - - ' - . I !. .-'- . II l 1 ' .... " ' ea the new. gospel of - goahead, very I or WU1 1)0 assiifnea is incompetency, j ounarag or ouiidings necessary o effectivly.- In a well written editorial Representative Grant, it is further 1 carry .out the orders of the council. I about; the paper, for the special in understood 'favorathe'aooointment The Mayor was also instructed terest of whinK- credit ia z-,, l - x ot o t w i u J ones i n tne event tne ana gtven power to employ is iu tne. euterprnrog nrms ana busll. . , - t u 4 ' j . i. .u w SINCLAIR HcBRAYER; ATTQRKEYS AT LAW ; ness men;whp have, made.lt possible by ; liberal advertising' .Ihe . edito enunciated some excellent newspaper principles that are applicable to all newspapersi big l or; little,' metropoll . n vor rural," as follows: - . ' The publishers of this paper feel incompetency charge should bees-j many guards a3 he thought neccs- t iblished, br, established " or not. sary tp keep r people exposed -in in the event Hency ; Grant should J confinment at the pest house.- i be removed r. .The Congressman to J In discussing the question Satur all intent and purposes is not tak- day afternoon Mayor Dysart .and ing any hand in the fight. - I Alderman Gilkey seated that it was The friends of Henry Grant feel their opinion that these measures Prompt Attention Given All Business, Intrusted to : Their Care. ' r :-: iSS: that Uheyv have fulfilled iin ; to the present, - every promise .made "to .the I tnafc the assault on him and his job I would prevent small pox from" er VII. - . . 'J- -. . - - . I TT ... ' Prr T f . ? , . vuDiiu anauie - iuiure or tnis paper lis cruel, xieisa man iu years oriwsring fliunoo. . iney aiso dialed 13 tbe hands of the people, acre and was anrjointed postmaster that reports received .'roin Hick- OVER GASTON &TATE STORE tiJ DR. Wm. IIiENllNG ' :"-bENTISTi&tife A newspaper is a Dublic institution maintained by Ihe ; people and for the people. 'Without the support" of the people " no newspaper, can . exist unless' it is owned by great corpora tive ; interests. - A newspaper's . duty ; is" to pro tect the interests of the peopiev rich? and poor alike,; and ' without BIG MONEY IN TURKEY Terin, Farmer Writes Inter estingly on Poultry Industry ONETURKEY BROUGHT $30 Railing of TurKep Big Industry in this County If. he Lived in North Carolina Would Make Living "on Poultry One Dealer Sells Turkeys - " for $420,000. The folio log ankle which ap peared In. the Cherok Scou should be of interest to tbe farmers of thta ecuon. It bar out the. ttalcmaat of the Marlon ProgreM that the fana era in this section could make taoatj out of poultry and turkeys: " Columbia, Tenn., Dec 17. ItOt. Editor Scout: Columbia la a town of about T,50 Inhabitant, and I write this to show you what one man can do ola the poultry bui!neaa la evea a mail town. win.. Barker, a produce dealer, has shipped 90,000 pounds of dreaaed turkera thla week and thU Is Thuradaj afternoon. Ilia boslneaa la 12.000 a day, and reached a total of fl20.000.Jast rear and -will jco over half a million this year. . The growth of turkera Is one of the big industriei ot this cnunty, Turkeys alon will bring at jeaal S7S.O0O Into the hands of the farm era of this countj each year. - J I have been raising tarktr for II or 15 years, aad mj neighbors made all manner of fun of me. They said aa a . mai a man mat itred on a ten inousand dollar, farm was la "pld dleT business to fool awaj Ume wltft turkeys, but with all of that I sUU DOC DOC 2- D C VV 1LU WANT- YOl'JE U n FEED ORDERS o n We aluajt try to Cp a Kood tlock of ! Itj.lCorn, Oata, Cotton Seed Hnlis aod fill Fml, thtrtfore we are to fill jour orders PROMPTLY. O n u a u n at Fairview on the recommendation ory were to the effect that amall- raised turkeys, and got the very heat of the late Congressman Mooly. pox was all . over that town and His wife is 80 years of age and al- that it was not confined to any most blind and ' the $300"-derived section but that red flairs coald be from the little postoffice job is all! seen on nearly every street in the that the old man and his wife have! town.' r " ' - to. live onl' r Mr.- Jones, bo;is " The council hopes that the action rcou,e the. beet are worth more caolrmTKa nffioo i. a . centra, (nr-1 tstpn hi? tViAm will nrovnnf email- I n B1BB DrOMe (Sad mere was in the country. Now. all of my neighbora are trying to raW- varatja, ana i cannot near suppiy the demand for raising purpose. Tne common scrub turkey Is to day worth 17 cents a pound, and of X Building Your- Home Now is the time to itody about bull! its ycer toce We can buili It for yoa or fcrclsh te c&tcriaL " Let us know what yoa want and we will be jUc ' to fnrnuh prices. U O X NEAR DEPOT. n PHONE 137 DOC DOC 0 u. OFFICE IN STREETMAN-BUILDING. C. E. HOUSE Surveyor and Draug - Make or Copy Maps ; Blueprints and Abstracts a Office in Strtman Blde.S Main St L. Cjf Physician 8 Surgeon WW WW . . OFFICES. IN , FIRST NATIONAL BANK . 1ON FJSTlioOR - , : Clf .wwww''-''-''-.; Special Attention given to office practice in the treatment of v chronic d iseases. ' Dysartsville Dots; -.7 Special to Msrton Proirresa. . 7. ' ; " . DysartsvilleN. C. Jan.' 17. Albert Taylor, a very . worthy citizen and a man who has done ranch for; humanity and Christianity ia now quite feeble. ' ;The teachers of Dysartsville School attended the teachers' meeting in W ar- enment and betterment of Its people ion last Saturday,, Miss Maggie Goforth .. - - I .Ida oHannal -1 - a---" auuvw juucio yariisuu . yuiiuw .... xuav. paper we .hope shall be the Marion In the carrying pnt of these ideals this paper of progress declares - the following; as i its platform and itwill f be found :. entirey adaptable to any and every newspaper in theS United States: v-' r ' ': ' '; ' ' i ' ; Good roads,: better schools, a full I, . veej ' offered in onr community; equal tax t ation for poor and rich alike, "a high er plane of Christian citizenship, f forcement of the laws and the up I building of our - section vis vthe plat thought that a trencraU order wilt be issued by the council requiring nd hens that will weigh 22 aad 22 every person in town to "be vacci- lavor ana,wnn0ut we mongnt 01 per .... . - , " ; . - . . - . ' , tl say her In parenthesis that I have sonal aggraridi2ement.Horace Gree years under former Collector Har- pox frcmenterins: Manon.- Should no turkey, lo Ml, Md wU, Bot hm ly called a newspaper "'the watch kins and is-well fixed, financially, any case be reported in town it is any eggs to sell next surtax) but 1 v6 vt : uic, iicutii q luwieaio.; - e u is Bia.'- :..Vji ;. , : - , i wiv a Kcjiw i - umcr w 1 1 1 1 oare m goooier uiai. weigna as ioe. ing supported by the people a news paper must support the people- ' No plans; that we might make for the future" can f be carried. out with I out - the" support j; of the public Of I that .anpport we f eellsure - 1 T ; 4 'This county and secti0n asks, for a - paper . wortny or its past, - propne tic . of its future, ; asks for . a paper , which places the prosperity, enlight naUd within a certain time, an order has been issued in. ory and other towns. Such Hick- Preacher Harris stumbled and fell, striking on bis elbow and bruising his arm and shoulder very badly causing a great deal of pain and lameness. - I Jeff McDaniel has been in poor health v Bridgewater News. Special to T& tYoffreM. ' ' . Bridge water, Jan. 18. Abner Seals has accepted a position at Rogersville Tenn-- - . Jay Ballew has gone to Burnsrille to enter Stanley McCormick school. Miss Cordia Simmons who has been visiting her mother, . Mrs. Anna 8im- for several weeks." His daughter, Eliza I mons for several weeks returned to her Helthouser of Bowan county ia with I work In the Nurses training school at him. ; ' C ' : ." ; . 1 Bale! gh last week. : v J. Webb "Walker had a violent ; epeU O. C Anthony has ;purchaaed a lot v-:;. . - , ,' ' i from Will-Hemphill and Is having a Rev. A.- P, .Sorrels preached a very I new modem dwelling erected. acceptable sermon at I Dysartsville yea-1 . "Will " HemphilL- and M iae Florence terday.'- 5-1 Hemphill spent laat Saturday in Marion Eadley Daves now liTetf at the How- J. N. Yelton's family are very sick ard place, Henry Mangum on the Hemp-1 with measles. - - ; hm place, Addie Guffey at the . Eveline - Mr. end Mrs. M. F. .Tate spent Son- form upon which the Marion Prog Qowen place, James Ixraon at the Joe day with J. M. Tate near Nebo. R. E. McCALL ,C. R. McCAH McCall Coffins and Burial Supplies Any. ; business intrusted j to. our care will receive prompt and" careful ;. at: ' ' tention. - .Vl . V Over McCall ic Cordeyuraiture es asks lor your support. ;j : CoWen place. - This-issue is claimed to be tne Charles C. Dickson of Clifton, S.- a largest single edition ever attempted J naa beeU visiting relatives here for about , by a . weekly paper in North Caro weeks.- ' Miss Olley Price after- spending two months with " her Bister, Mrs. Ockey Queen at Cliffside, returned to her na tive health and is now here. ; , i . Miss" Carey ' Taylor of Brindletown, made a flying,yisit jto 'JJ" R. Denton's yesterday.. -- :-r-: 'y: .- RiH. ",Cowen has bought the mill Una. Many . prominent -people were Interested "and1 contributed valuable articles. .. - '. : Stroud ; Town Items.:; 18 Special to Marion Progress. v ': t Stroud Town, : Jan.---17.--Scho61 progressing nicely under the manage- v. ' -.tV t KiTknev's to maka Wm-a ment of Rev. M. A Matheson as teach- brn aDd Q. D Taylor has bought the er tno tne awenoance not 1 miU-house at . the mountain to make Good ale lateoVon ;utbern and pf C. '& O. Ry near Gaiins sid-; " ingcntainin 60 acres more w or lessl&i acres of bottom land; new four-foorn house and font.. ; houseSfine timber" andnpji land . : jGood orchard and fine watep. g Near school house and a church. -; ; " ; ? - rmsbneaj ance'on easy terms. . ; ; For full information address. him a barnv v-."'V'.'-' -":: " "L There was a Baptist church constitut ed at Gleenwood recently. D. J. Hunt was eiectea pastor.: - . -; . .: .-. : ? ..' - "Zero. " Miss Kathryn Brown visited friends in Marion last.weeJtv ' " '"' " i"- S Miss Roe Cke entertained a few friends at a .tarthdajr party J; tne lutn. Jiucn pleasure was enjoyed on the; .beautiful were ushered into the dining .room .JV ?r rmf - nt where a table was laden .with good 1 eat, deep or work- 'He-Ulster's Rocky ixiuuiimin xft uj tuv ' greatest wcrtuu for mothers. Makes them happy, neal- thy and strong. J. W. btreetman. things to eat. JJl did , justice to tne Ed Hawkins, who has been attending school in Athens, Tenn.,: is among nome folks again. .. 'i.-r-f-'---.. Ths new- vear is herer .1 wonder how Mr. and Mrs. Will , Cannon went to Bakersville on business Friday to be gone several days. . Miss Eddie -Young, of Nebo, spent Saturday and Sunday with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. M. F.Tate. Ml F. Tate spent Thursday In . Mor ganton. . : r :. Eck -Abemethy has returned from Hickory. ' . Mrs. A. P. Hunter has been quite sick, but is improving. ; ' Misses Belle and Hattie Ballew at tended the teachers meeting in - Marion Saturday.- . Miss Pearle Tate left Saturday to en ter Cullowhee Normal School at- Cullo- whee, N. O. " " - Mrs. Vick Epley ia- very aick at her home at Bridge-water. " . G. a'Anthony Is on the sick list this week. . Wishing the ' "Progrees" much sue cess. ' '- - - .... . r'. . : . Jack an'd Jvlu. vwSmallpox in. Hickory.- " . . - i, ' . - : it i cioinnc in Mnnnn that f hftrft i nn all set forth determinea resolutions w "r:r carry them out that the world may. be hundred and bfty cases of smallpox made better!. g nr. v".V - T5;.'!-"-. in Hickory. ; , The newspapers pub- I hoge to see- The Progress prosper yQ there state however that this numbershould bo twenty. An or- ! der has been issued requiring very citizen of that town to be vaccinat ed by Jan. .20. . ' . ,V more. ; lt nas Deen a constant yisuwi; m bur house long before it changed its name and we are always glad to" wel come it. - ' . V i ' i ; .-.;.. BMoch success to the Progress. : .; . v. -. : . -rZrp. The long indour life of winter' makes the blood weak the system easily catch- -Builds up waste tissue promotes ap petite, improves '.digestion,, induces re es cold and disease.' Hollisters lioclcy freshing sleep, giving renewed strength Mountain Tea is , tlie greatest winter and health. That's whae , Hollister's remedy ia prevents coius xiocasx, nn-ntfir. S5 cents. pounds. I raised a turkey a few years ago that weighed 42 pounds and sold It in KashvQI at the State Poultry Show for f SO. If I lived la North Carolina and on a farm I would ratner Hare' a gobbler and six hens than to have a contract to put In a thousand tons or cords of tan' bark or add wood It It did rain or the drouth came 1 would mske enough to get my' tur keys on the market. As an average tnrkey hen will lay aboct 30 tzz I co sot let the-t wt Mnthr te ready to et the first time but let them ley the second time and then set 'them: 1 have no Incubator but put a part ot my eggs under chicken bens, yet let all the little turkeys fol low turkey hens. I could have so ten times aa many aa I had at ICuO a pair. I. sold some at S,00 each. While I write this we are having the first snow of the .winter, and tor two weeks we have been feeding our stock, but we can expect to feed tor the next three or four months. Block all kinds la very high bogs cti gross; corn 8 6 cents: wneai ii.z. An unusually large acreage of wheat own end look In x well: some of It low aTcriln; gcol snecp pasiare. ' v We sell only absolutely Hctfablc Goods at Trice j that are Lotv. considering quality We do repairing. J. FRED SPRAG1 JE JEWEL ER and OTTICIAJ4 Cullowhee Normal and Industrial chool Maintained by the State for the boys and girls of Western North Caro lina. . : ! : Special. Course For Teachers FOB FURTHER INTOItilATlCJN ADDHESi i. Z M AVISO. Trinctpat. , CUZ-LOWItEi:. Joxl4on Ccttniy. f. C. - It Pays td AdYertise.- Chicago, Jan:. 12. That adver- a e. a a tisirj win nil a churcn as it will a store is the-verdict of hU Law rence Chandler. . . : He advertised last week for lone ly ' Christians to come to South Park .Methodist Episcopal Church and receive 45 replies.- Twenty five of hU correspondents shook hands with him at the church, and Mr. Chandler says he will adver tise ajrain, J - " - - - SALESMAN WANTED to look after our interest In McDowell and adjacent counties. Salary or coxnmisHion. Ad- drees The - Victor ' Oil Compan; Phone 86 when the Other rettowa Cant Come te Taw. CVtRYTMWO COCO JO CAT Atid Drink WAIT FOR THE WAGON" Lit will i surely be along with your or- der in good time. 1 six-room House and large Lot, , ' . $1,000.00. ; i four-room House and large Lot, $1,000.00. ' 1 nine-room House and large' Lot, can tie cut into 4 fronts, Gar . 9en and 1gan atrcct llower hust aheds, . . -etc, Gne shades, ; . $3,000.00. &00 Vacant Building Iots Cheap, HOUCIC The next best thing to being prosperous is to appear prosperous. It U of vital importance to jou that the depository c f - " your funds not only appear to b but it, prosperotii- Ttiat is gaioiog ground. That U hat sufficient Capilal asd Surplus for all ccc Ur gent and k-gitimate Dfods. - ' ' J That it if able to repay yoa your money on dccaoJ. We have a large Capital and Surplus. We are prosperous as well as aggressive ard txyntoctd. We pay over to yoa in money (cot in tradu g sUsps . or check books) any deposit or just Ucrsatd as cheer fully as the same was received. . ' And we solicit the business of all dcairing the acrv ice cf a concern cood acted aJocg these lines. ... . The First National Bank FOR SALE- Two new lgrj polfe aad W. A. OONLEY, ParMDOT Quk I. WHITE. Caiiiik Mr. Wage-eamen. .'- . . " " Are yoa a man of family? Are you Jaying aside some of your earnings, for that day vrhea sickness , and death cross the threshold of the home, or vrhen panicky conditious cost you your job? Injustice to yourself answer these questions and REMEMBER . THE MERCHANTS ANDV FARMERS BAKK T. F. "W REMIT. ParyintXT . Gtxx W. COK1XT. T.-rxtsirurr IL F. LCRTO.S. Cxhxuzx aioiiNiel j Tea or Tablets. Cleveland. Ohio. " one pair cf shall. Gaston ii Tate

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