'-Of If -J MARION PROGRESS ENDORSE CANDIDACY ; " OF WILLIAM J. COCKE Bryson City; Times for Him,t De 1 daring "Sentiment for Mrv , ;; Cocke is Spontaneous." 7 PUBLISHED EYEET THURSDAT EVENING - BT THE " : - - Mcdowell publishing co. Marion, N. C;- - DEBATE AT SHELBY : - 5 MARCH THE 11TH Curfew Items. fj.cul to Tub rRtots. Curfew, March I. G. O. Morgan '! Between Boiling Springs andKouna haT8 wmoTei to their oii uia. t: Hill High Schools Special " . .Train from Mariou. Vein Mountain, N. C., Feb. 26. Entered at the PostofSce at .Marion, N. C, as second class matter. ; ,v-: , Is no sc horn. Rain and mud is all w bare a for the past twL. The roali ar ia the -worst condition ther hv be n in for sotaa ysara. ."--. "J&me C Sannders, aoa of Mr. and Mrs. TL C Saunders, died leLniaxy 2 at 9 a. m. .lie had tea' q-nit ill for aLont fire wetlu with rheuraatifin. lie TERMS : ; VnnMamanf rt Wriri - William J.Cocke. of BnnmtxL for the K011 the llth da of March a de- .E. WHITTEN, Editor and Prop; Democratic nomination for Con- B .fP"1?1 gress from the Tenth District con u Tou It T rinno to 7.V th nAn. Will 06 had in Shelby. - Thl3 13 the andthe'pr.of .tho.-district and closiD f a se? of 'd.ebf. lrca a wife and two sxaali childrxn. wi h the no distant date, for .the f chaDCe3 ; are Lr. and a large, number of friend to Mnftn to Af : nAm.rtift eren with .the two schools and s . . , A.r. v. 000 1 r . - -. , , i . I this one bebata means much to the ...? r ..vt.v-. t.. thkebmohths.' - - r- - - v . opinion pomts strongly to inoi'. 1 . - ... . . v n5n,tin5 fj Mr: fWt TKft er oi iqo same, ooui -.scuoo's tot Chnrch. .lie tuigooa caurcix ii';:.V--7 An in- worker and also a talthfnl Sanda7 oyer the commendary mention .of teresting and: liTcly .subject h his name-throughout the district oseQ fd much time devot and feelconfident ttrnt his nomina- to lh s.tn? of th f. The Bryson City ra w ". . . WM avail iQemseives oi wo opponuoi- ONB TBAB, - Six Mouths Strictly In Advance! MARION, N. C, MARCH 3, 1910.- "R"- a mi i I r 'f i i mil i a Mia ; 1 - nmir im ces tion is certaib. Times, of Swain! county, in a re- C : THE DEPOT PROPOSITION. : . ' As a mammoth.wart . srraces "the "fade of a beautiful woman likewise cent stronff editorial endorsement tyofferedl ad it is earnestlyhoped the Southern depot graces the city refers to Mr. Cocke ;as: Twain's that many will attend. s of Marion-it is :a -veritable eye- choice." The editorial says: - " one, come all! Let us go : sore and we little wonder .that it W6 believe that a great major- UP a2al.nst Boibng Springs, school ; isn't swallowed up by anot ler cur- ity Vof the Democrats of Swain an wrap them in a clean robe of - tianlaPrhe interior of that county favor Hon. William IJ. defeat and crown Round Hill school structure compares favorably with T11 oi ouncomoe ior meir con- with an undisputed crown of vic- We can do this if we1!! only school member. It vu a grrat r leaa- nre to hi in to work for God and aicg hia praises. - lie had a lorin? wife and was to her a deroted hoaband. . lie will b badly missed by : hi many friend. The remains were carried to Bethle hem Cemetary and the funeral a trices, conducted by Rer. Mar ley and the Odd Fellowa. IL JL rarkor U right tick. ".Mr. and Mrs. C IT. Ilogan. of dftotx. S.' C, are Tisiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Xleed, and Mm Lettie Ilarris. . Mrs. J. M. Reel has beea In feeble health for some time. .,: : the exterior in that it is aboutC 1 JSTuii. i , ' k tory. most unseemly interior on the face crnf-nonne tk frtr.tr,i ly ..to. our boys and give them tm iWWri? hoAn .MA tnlthe suDDort we owe them and that Mr O- Brady and Hula daosh- 5 fi, of. cfftthAit lips t ?n r thk:: frt- tlt in tnv ATrWt of W Will von do "r ot CUftoa. S. U, are tptod V- " T", inxafewdayt with her parents. Mr. . ' r a - .. - - i v w 1111 ix i w i .ii iiivr in at ma w w r as bvvtm w nw . m . Micient neat, ine seais are uncoin- r-.-?;--rr; : , j iiw w, ujn5i j ju- Ws&M ffiiMs o.t:S3S means iinstintingly for his party's special ajcasion. - : ; r- . - : During the" summer : months, success and has in no way been re- ;,A train for the special .. conveni- rwhile we do not shiver from' cold, warded: and, in further fact, that ence of those expecting ' to attend - - we are forced to shiver by reason Mr. Cocke is in every way at least this debate will leave Marion fm onhft1 rjS?- r . - truthfully think that's : about the honor with hm . : - March 11th and run to Shelby, the poorest excuse for a depot . in the iThe; Democrat of 'ihis ;. 'district place where the debate will be had. world. V,.:; I'; .-:;:"""'"- are a fair and just people and the This train will stop at all stations It would seem that Ware pretty claims urged bv Mr. Cocke by his between Marion and Shelby, after aii nrUn tn PriHrism on this rWt ?nendsappeal , to their sense; of the debate is over it will make its . r justice.. - - return trio to Marion ' With such proposiuon ana weareio cPe.tn- :-'lf nominated The 'Dmea feels LrfnnW- .tt;n sured for permitting the Southern confident that his election is cer- Railway to palm off any such fraud tain and does not hesitate to state ' .v-v-- that Mr. Cocke would at once be- T ,"-;. . ' . , -' t " ;ai" I come a most useful member ' of : ivs get one.uiai, compuru, wiuu North Carolina's delegation. our townr-;-';'.-:::-:::;,'rr ; "ForcRfnl in debater trracef nl as an orator, a good mixer, and with- We learn tnat uid JJ on tnrpugn ai a readiness and ability to up- the efforts of its owner and man- bolddemocratic principles, Mr, In the opinion of The Times and Mrs. R. GL Saonders. "Mrs. E. C. Hawkins has been right sick with something like lagrippo bot is soma better.' ; ' r . C2iarlie Walker, of Clifton 8. C was here Sunday. . - . Mrs. J. F. Turner and children, of Old Fort, are risiting relatirea in Cur few. ' " 'Miss. Hattie 4dergraaa Is rUiting her aunt, Mrs. Lotx ReaL ' ,' : ITrxxix.- A wild man is said ia be roam- debate how can you afford to miss ing the mountains 'southwest of this the chanch of your life? ' You cannot. 1 v -: - :X-Rat; : : Sugar Hill News. - - 8pecUl to Marloa riujiw. - Sugar Hill, Feb. 28. l)r. Gxk has again znadelds appearance but wishea to state that he will talk about any thing oi anybody except Polar regions .-y-i.:if Burnsville. He was seen by the 12-year-old son of h. E. Wilson last Satunfay. . According to thf boy's story, the fellow was Stalk naked with the exception of a sheep-skin girdle which was tied around him. The fellow U said to have been a big burly man of about 200 pounds weight. Ills hair was long and came down upon his shoulders. His feet were great ly swollen and according to the boy's story, were bleeding. I want all the ladies in Marion and McDowell county to exam ine my line of Ribbon and Lace before buying their Spring sup ply. I have the quantity and be lieve you will find the quality much better at the price than you can get elsewhere, s n New Line Ladies Trim- Hats For Spring at Very Reasonable Prices 14 Jo Do ISlaimiLOSD. zi 3 Mr. J. F. Williams, who is also manager of the Marion Tele phone. Company, has secured or the democrats of the Tenth dis- and Mr Peary: his patrons at Old bort the benebt trict could make; no mistake by " w.JI. WilsoAhas just' completed "a ; of full Bell Telephone connections, placingheirstendard m the hands system of waterworks for bis house and Nothing daunted so vf ar as it of William J. Cocke, and the peo- We learn that he is -putting up ;went our Aldermen met during ould iiidbe fortuMtehould dynamo to generate electricity v a.,1.. f M rrd 1Qd. . f0u.nat6 SDOullf to furnish power and light for his rtanir o fion i ' chise for the early installation J of : not more than four booths, or pay : ': . 'Seed Corn Day. station service for Marion. That IThe corn crop is one of the most enables tis to communicate with imnnrnt n th?a t?vn ir iuk the outer world all '. 'good so far as it goes fe"ar ' " lauon, etc, the kind of seeds her mother, is a charming hostess. " . nce and realty tmslneas to the Mc- ; :the shock of dilterence--4jld. Uort planted plays quite a large part in Theschool at this place closed DoweU Realtyjfc Ina. Ox Lut falL and ; has Bell connection, any patron tho question of yields. - - - ' ' lost week with a celebration of Wash- Secretary and Treasurer of that can communicate with the outer In order to assist the farmers in gton's Mrthday. The exercises were coPn7. anl H the bu&ineea that I da - world without having to hnstle gettinir irbod seed to nlantl th Rood" throughout, reflecting credit on u cp7' McDoweU down town to a booth That's a mns.8a seed toplant, the tejich d Realty & InaOix. howerer made May. .down town toa Farmer's Cooperative Demonstra- program was rendered, D W Carw- or a propositloa to either buy or ;, mighty nice and convenient r- tive Work will have aSeed Corn fordV request of studentsTpr to sell to him the insurance busine. rangement and goes the, booth idea Day t Marion on March'lO.1 Scv- sented to their teacher. Miss Camp, a h insurance . one better and we would hasten eral ' expert fudges ' and several handsome picture they had purchased buneesln town to support but one the day when Marion is to have nJ4;it in appreciation of hereerrloea. which .A H1.1 laftfmd premises. Mrs. B. A Simmons was called away Saturday by the death of her. brother, James Saunders, at Curfew. :; , Miss Esther Harris gare a party Sat urday In honor of Miss Camp. ' Quite a A Correction. Marlon. K. C. Feb. t4. 1910. Editor Marion Progrees. I noticed in the Progress of the 84 th, that I had sold my Insurance and Real ty tmsinees to Mayor Dyaart. and I wUb right and it. is State. Aside from good ' methods ? of r ygjfds werepree- P1 ipo ona we are u- xm- ent and no doubt enjoyed a very . pleas- that I hare no insurance and realty ?f Preparation, culUvation; fertili- ant evening as Miss Esther, awell -as bune to aelL baring sold my lnr. The replica of the Southern rail roads to the wage demands of the Brotherhood of Railroad Traicrnea and the Order of Railway Cooduc tora, were opened at Qe r eland, O., Friday. The refu&al of the roads to meet tho men's terms was unani mous. v . " all Bell connections, r Senator Jeff Davis of. Arkansas Ts all sorts of a senator.' and he cut loose a speech the other day in the Senate that is typical of his calibre. In taking the Standard Oil Com- spoke eloquently of the esteem In which wnier 00 ma D01 MT6 hk7 she. was held thm Knt m,i f. to buy and that he did not care to all. Miss Camp held In high esteem by theandtlk ot lt W M"f ar Will be on the grounds from 10 fifty students she has had the misfcr-r oeAilB mr iie-jiy ouvne fntin s V awA tmaF ha f tA I ui waaa aw OCAA It -V w a. T V AAV-A VIH O AVA tAiO present to help 'select seed corn and make: talks on corn . crowimr. a. m. to. 4 p. m;"; The talks will be interesting and instr ucti ve. -; . . It is : to be Shooed - .that everv piatc uo wuuiu unc uu see a otauu- I Oito j BVK.UU ard Pipe line laid would be from here to hell and he- would : like" to see the flames enwrapt ; John D. liockefeller as the oil flowed i into will ;thi&Vnieetirig - We also want the boys to turn , out in large numbrsrto hear the "Boy'sCorn Club Contest" discussed " ' those dungenous pits.? That .was, wo , m,vom;f , Kw - - . -' ' . ; so Jeff thinks, a great speech and lit xn-n,Auu. . r. T , - . - fiell your neighbors of the meet- we venture .that if John D. goes I- -j tj -iu - ; " -i- j thapo ThOT. If loff Haas nkonon I . ,m . . . . " ,-. - u e guess j en made tnat as an oratorical flight. If he did, a cog North Carolina Annnintmfthts: . :: , : slipped; but.what difference does wasbiBgum sdai Feb.ss. : ? ; :y 1 -viit make? , Theres hot been much ; TheVjfollowmgVappointmenU ; -oratory recorded by that old graph- wereent to the Senatetoday; : past six months, .but perhaps more so by the patrons of the school who hare contributed enough to keep her another month. - r - V -- ;. . . . ,: - .- We do not hesitate to 'say that Aliss Camp is among the few who are above the ordinary school teacher, and is un doubtedly the test teacher, it has been our good fortune to procure. - - -. Dr. Cook trusts The Progress readers We think, howerer, that this report wa started for an effect, but we are ia uie insurance ana .realty .basineea yet and at the same old stand, to gire the public the most insurance for the - least money, and the most land for the least money. : - v "When the public want cheap insur ance and cheap property it win pay them to call on The McDowell Realty & Ins- Co. for same, Grand Jury Uakc Jlotlccl Some leading citirrna charg ed with letting the Weak Brother hare tome Be Joy ful mixture.' Law broken. In ' teres ted student aaja, WelI, Well! There, la also a State law which says 6 U legal rate for interest-" Ia tho law brok en an? I Uml! and nntil the weather geta lawfully clear come and see ' my buggiei. Carson's Shop KIrtoy Block lie pair Work a Specially Large Summer Fat Mackerel Two for I5ets t ... . v - m t- t. : v m . - I wvj mv wm r! eal people in the Real busineaa. can no longer indulge in pipe dreams, but has become an humble tiller of the that the conntv riM p.vp.r I 1 s . ... .1! . . 7, v 7 " ; 7 " . 7 I wm iry anu aeep ine woria postea on the events transpiring In these "digg- - r - - , V - - ' " - DBCOOK. . Respectfully, a F. MeaoiaX. Sec & Treas. ophonical Dome lately any way; U ASspecial if romohnson; Citv 7 says that a daily paper for John son City now seems a certainty. 1 Therpaper will be established, it ; is stated, within the next sixty days Herbert r IV;: Seawellof Car- thage,' district attorney; Postmas- tenrWanace WVJRobbins, J Ashe ville; Byron J. Luther, Biltmbre; C, W. WaUactCarthage; SK Jjq- . v'.Yein Mountain News. Specua to IIasiok Paooaaas. ." 7 Vein Mountain, N. C, : Feb. 23. Al fred Arrowood, an octogenarian of "this place, is very Jow with la grippe and is not'eipected to live many days..: -. B. E. WatMns lost by death an lnra- lid daughter on February 5th. Mlas It is announced that a new paper, Republican in politics, will be pub lished at Shelby by Mr. Broadas DePriest, a "jouna insurcent publican.' .- 7 California Spiced Mackerel at 25c can. 2 lb Can Asparagrls Tips ' ' at 30c can. Pointer. Coffee, 10c can. Agent for the ficbraU4 jaco&s cAfmy Hone better. Try box. Everything Good to Eat Kirby Grocery Co. . THO f4& JtO. 33 im : OUR MOTTO: Wr 49 tie at t aav we Meiv Spring Dress Goods. ther Yount, Lincolnton; Mary AVLj WatHns has been a patient suffer for V..U-.k7VI..:.i L" r i IflrnrnJ TAAni with a. m(nil 'tuau cv. I .?4-Tis "'irj,-.WT-,?ff-la'-i'oo!''wl I ' iffc md. Walnnt Gwe; Albert Miller, La ' obesS. "Both "Messr'Bejl' and JLittle are . experienced newspaper men and here's wishing them suc- . cess.l " '- V- waited ior this summons to end her suf fering and gire her peace and - comfort with her maker God, - . .. . -J. "Ward has sold his land to a real estate dealer of Virginia. --J. D Oopenhover, of Johnson City, W. E.. Logan was Monday ap- Wednesday - . -v Grange; Al vis S. Willis.-More-head City; Eliza N." Hill, Scotland Neck? Benjamin T.;:Persbn Wil son V 7 - - As .we understand? Joseoh -. W ' Forney, the Creator, has . done Tit- and Uaade Dockery ' was ' reap- At a meeting of the Republican tie or nothing for this country, wmtea marshail f or the eastern executive committee of the tenth and onl v ' the : liepiublican party's district . It was announced from congressional district in. Ashcville 7liih nrotection has savetL -.Judge baturday, it was decided to , hold ! Adams will be ' appointed district Tf ; rnrrPTitlv believed that . the attorney t succeed Holton. i I S5odie- report on the tariff will " be "f avorable".to: the -tariffl&';:. - republican Congressionalfences . , will stand lots of mending. ; cTheNnews eomes f romVWashing ton that Mr. C. F.J McKesson will be appointed postmaster at Mor gantou. 7 ' - ' the convention for tho nominatmn of a:candidato " for CoDgress on Saturday, April 2. A call was is sued to all the counties of the dis trict to" hold conventions and m- Rexford Cloth, in rainy different colors, worth 12ic, for 10c yd 55cyd . we A pretty line of French Gingbtms, . Floxon, in blsck," blue and pink'stripe, worth sell at - - - . .. - . Silk Chiffon, in all the leading shades, for -Poplin Cloth, several colors, at - hite Goods, pretty line at - - - 10c to 2ic yd Net Waist Goods, at - " ' $1.0-3 to $i.W yd Lace Curtains, beautiful assortment, it remarkably low pricra Tlie new Turbine Hair Pins at - - 5 ind 10; eaxb ISc yd 4Scyd cyd New lot of -Belts aod Bolting. Hosiery for the whola family. of tho Black Cat brand. , .Iotsofi.cw thinr in nrckwrar. Just reccir a new spring liae LOW CUT .SHOES' ".The. May Man ton for women too mnjr Mjlrs to describe coma in and seo them. This prettiest lin you rTer law. .Men's lut cuU in patcot leather md gun metal. Uti ao l vici. Try a ta.r ofSkreeruer shoes. . -:- . . . :i-7' rn r ji t .. t .,' I - puiui. at, least uj ihe B 4 middle of March. John G. Grant' " S will undoubtedly be re-nominated. V.H. HAWKINS, Uansger a U! PEERLESS I THAT NEW EASTER SUIT IUxxliotn- itKh Coat Sails tzU r ( h fsfx m white anil J.erhfd a i.V:J ie ti-j - to t:x look wtll drtrwd foror,ljr is what confronts you now and that is what we have m m m 39.6. $0. 47 and 7AO tht Suit Al all tix oew col'ra arl. matrna! fir iralir J any kiaJ of drra yoa uu ii tare aid Ut tu before boyicg. MARION BARGAIN HOUSE, MKS. W.y. HEMTHILU Trcp. DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD OF GREENSBORO, N. C Expert Pbyaictao, Snrxcca and Spcdilut VU Ult HmU. e HMMtat, Itarca Utsu fWtaf Halt! 4 rrr selh IWrnrr. One ar nnhrEi,8fE!;5E"i WISJf Fesr iTiiU Honrs: ErlllibCaniflia tlidleilEipirl. Scrr; tea isi Dlicoitldia. V. f sclsri tai area fcs W prta. BMitalt a4 n2rts sf tarif m4 Iwcnca. tjacul f taauwrfSMiri tutti f i kua CcicMGL6a4 aai f kwlae fnc. tercet! A Mm umi bt r 1 sw at karm. 8:C3 k. M. ti 6:C3 P. U. Ui:il Lryirl b Triatsis! tf CUntitif lit 2, Tfesu t. rdka-f I r tMf st ui M mm U Consul tatloa & ExamLiatloa at all tirset FREE and Invited. biw to unsMaa U SM SJ f" iYMi 4I ae u 0 awv. I Mti ftKiaNTt firm trt iT t " -' Kf 1,t h Ckf. .LM? . - - " - w--w lit I .4 4 I 1 ' f ; r 4i to ..rr t . w. . : r 4 , , tifi-.A At Ah. . ... , .J5 aM f" MM . .t 4, y 4 a f ! . . . . . . ... ...... ...,, .. t ii'ii r . i-r . n I- tk t F Si.. 1 , ... -... ... , . iiM, a ' . 1 I'm... . t0 t ' ... . 1 4 f- 4 a ' u a vk id IS h k Ik lU Ui tb w-mt f ... !Ui:iz:i Pr.cc::-5 and !?cw York VcrU Cr.c ycxrfcrfi-

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