iARION PROGRESS CAUSES .95 PERCENT- ,-OFvDISEASES. UnUSHEft EVEBV THURSDAY EVENING ; .-' t -i inn -f:.. A, -'.Ji -- . McOOWELlEfHlBUSH JNGgCCg Marion. N. C. The 'Ths Cast! f. Dlfpsrlcl. w " One of the finest U'rem b ivnafftsance buildings in . France ls'th VAetle'of Despond, famous In tha-legendary lor of tbe Toulousalu country- In which, it stands; T Over the window o? The of the; inner: courtyards is sOiflptured la the stone a head above the- mottov "Plus' d'Espoir.": These were the last words of Rose de Martial, whose story Lhas beensung by: the poets of Tou louse. :; She ; was the daughter of the HANDICAPPED Advice Concerning Storaach'.Troub- 1-nd How to -Remedy THem. - .fTo otnegleet indigestion! .jih Jeacfs to all kinds of ills andf com plications; An : eminent: doctor onc& said that ninety-five per :cent nf all thft ills of human horlv HaviS Perf ectt cleanliness from now on thAir oriirin rom alkn 'ill cut short; the to ? A. physician who made a snecial- Reep your, meat scraps where 0f stomach: troubles,7 -particularly fel1 lD.t0 a meianchqiy ' Bheiat every 1 " rMA: " I periecteu iuo xormuia irom w n icq j manor: .one morning ne passed by id rtftTftii uvsransia taoiets nr mane. v".'c.r-. uwu. - ouo muS v mui. V - ens. This I tht Case With Many Mar loo . ; - - People T'Otnany Marion dtium are handi capped with a bad back. The , unceas ing pain causes con-taut, misery, mak ing work a burden and too ping cr lift ing aifJmpsiih&ity.V.Th bck cfc 5CM.1." 4- mi-rMn. la T nril Mill I l lur luuiuiug m liu uv - - - I - r v li. .1 i.-t - s t;-f Ktiti . inarcurH. t)elon&ed," and she was courted by the I csniiot reach the cause To- eliminate lord of -Castelnat, . whose manor - she I tha tvain and tu hp too' must cure the kidueys. -. - Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them "permanently. " The 1 following statement should con vince .every Marion reader, of their efficiency." , -- - 2 James CCloer, Lenoir St , Morganton, but he never looked up. ""Plus d'JE- N. C; says: , "I used Doans Kidney A Receipt for a Good Ton. . UrxL ' . -' - . .Pa-lu -' S.ji.p. . , ; Kirrjrr; could -see from her window. But, ai ! thoush ; she was; beautiful and tender hearted,-the lordJilted her. .and she poirr she cried, and threw herself out Ipillsand the results were so sat Ufsctorr ireful about overfeeding: Ihis pepsia Tablets leads us - tO" believe f the window on to the flags below, that I have no hesitation in recuuimend- ; the great r secret . .mr feeding! tliemjtobe ther- greatest remedy r where she was .killed. The manor of g thein. - Some months ago I bKnto rooder. chicks;' !id-w.llA-lI:" 1 Martial '.was' known thenceforward as Oook'some beans iof" peas, mix digestiontandr chronic d yspepsia. tog was falling to imins when M. Ke- tem'wHh whea nailie bought.lt nnd te had it com- 0: -fi-1 h 5 ilii W l liwwii.;.,; ;florU:4rirt,,r,c, bletely and skillfully "restored before ice a weeK ana see ir you aon i ucollus "uau,SB",w auto m it a lot more eggsU ? : r s - i ; f -ne stomach. .They are rich i in When the brooder chicks seem Pegs,n' ODe ?r iae greaiesi aiges- . Farmers, mechamcs.- railroaders, la- cpnunueu u.ing mein wui - suffer from a soreness across my kidneys and at times the kidney secretions were very unnatural.. I at length procured Doan's Kidney Pills and used them in accordance with the directions. In a short time Uelt a great deal better and was rid 1 I Mil n 'i 1 rv lhiAtv wiid fo? ater Ipt tlve alda known to mecUcme:-The oorers my on ur. nomas juecinc viu .ry inirsiy, wna ror water, lei , - , - , . . .i - Takes the sting out of cuts, burns and ein drinkand feed very lightly rehef they rd is almost imme- bruises at once. Pain cannot stay where diate. Their use with ! persiste'iicv Jt Ia nsed- and regularity for a short time t . & '! . v- ..v - t . The- disastrous results of interfer pains caused oy stomacn disorders. 1 ence , by ' relatives in the"; course of Bexall Dyspepsia, Tablets , will I courtships was well exemplified in the insure healthy appetite,;aid dig.s- f! !La S some time,, when it became-geuerally known that the affair was at an ea(L 1 ryhat was the trouble, "Jack?" an intimate- friend' asked the youth, who, by the. way. Is a recent medical grad uate. - . " " " v "Well, as it was nothing relating to Nun norcnnftllT 1 rtnn't tnnw whT I monfty paid us for them, without I Bhonidtf t tell vou" he reDiied. with a i oes the old hen lay! Try this question or formality.' They come sigh.ci; - I ,he does not: Feed her all the in three sizesprice 25 cehts, 50 l LZS LTl on s j i v n.:i.u , ----.i. -. -- - . nuence you seemed to fairly dote on pped clover she will eat, with cents and $1.00. Rememebr yon her." the friend commented. ounce, of lean meat eyery day. oniv obtain them at our store, -"1 did." the dejected lover replied. :The Rexall Store.; J.: Wi Streetman. . " hile.'so'feverish-ifj April is a good mont, i to 1 hatch ose'eggs) It' is; also a good tune r getting out ducklings, v Stock tchek now., gill be best for, next f? nutrition. As Don't be m a hurry to remove Aftnpft nf nf mir s5n,ftrft ffluh :n J 5 hd r, brood . f roni tbe Dyspepsia Tablets we , ask you to try them' at our risk. If they do not give you entire . satis- ,For sale by all dealers. Price 3d cents. .'.Foeter-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Harmony. ; tS.rJtaUiy. . Advcitisin?. ' - Talk about iL ' J ? Writ aKnit it. . - Cheap proiH-rty. -" Speak well of iu Hi'allfiy location. " - H-ly to impruvo II . l'he it meixhsnts. (iuol cotinto tributary. I lom -st onpotitioo in prices. Fitli estt!ritd by gil rks- Make the aUnoSilKn hclth.r. Fire all" croikers.. lifers and deadbeats. Let your object I e tlx w1frrt growth andV"otioa of your town snd its people pstkj well of tho Pull c U tritcd tucn. ; and also be one of thrra yourc!f. Tho Kind Yoa Hato Aiwar IlotiIi And vtlikh has UresX In uo. for over HO jrArs. n bmo lr rnx ur cr ami lia Vcr ttid onUrr tu jrr- All Cmintrrfclts ImltAtion find J tttt-A'r-1 tit Kilrrimcrt that tHtto -with r4 rodancfr l-AltU of InfACtJ and Child ira-Ili pcrfno &t Htrrtcftt. it. The tender . little . chicks id warmth more ,than they do irs. ihere is ariyrlay in her that will ag it out.; " ."' ; Uious? . Feel heavy., after 'dinner? gue coa.tedt Bitter taste? Complex sallow? i -liver needs, waking up SPRING. h's Regulets cure bilious attacks. 25c Spring is eoming. Spring w coaningt by drug store.: "She is the sweetest little irl in the world, but terribly fond, of her rela tives.. Her oldl maid aunt from Kan sas :ca me along the other day and an nounced.: that she" was going to live with us after we were married, and w.ell 8he "proved an antidote.! Detroit Free Press. ' - ', . " - v :;StatejVlottoes. :' evada-Whom God hath joined I ;ther let.Reno put asunder. ' -Yeu'can feel it in.the.breee,-C You can see it everywhere, i &T? -.. t In the field and budding trees. . On the hill the thrush is singing,'. V And the brook goes rippling by; : Everyhing is bright and smiling, And the sun shines in the sky. Sing a song of Springtime, 7 A song of Summer that's coming' Bringing fruits and harvest time. : -And bees a-merrily humming. x There Is Only one Plne-Tar-Mooey That is Dr. Bell's.. It is the original and boast. THE CURSE OF THE SOUTH - What U tbe matter with tbeSoulhT According io government report of 1903 "The Secret Is out ot last: The Southerner, - contrary .to current o pin ion U not lazy, shiftless, indif ferent or careless. - "He Is Sick." The South. is afflicted with, and bar bors thai nxi treacherous und d sttuctive-of all diseases Anemia. Pernicious , Anemia. . Tbe averajro Southerner la a -sufferer of this Health destroying Paraaite blcb destroys tbe red blood cells produc ing an impoverished condition of the blood, which Is characterized by ex treme Pallor, Gejieral Debility, Weakness, Loss of Vigor, Lack of Ambition, and general undermining of Vitality. The Climatb and At mosphxbjo conditions- destroy - the Vitality. .Let him get over it, pet rid ot it. Get well, and be is as good physically as tbe beat American can br.Bcn'a AMI Pain . a n,L!ti or Choir Morlt l dAna-mus. Keen Dr. 1MU Anti-Fala at haftit. a doae relieves aloosl ln4nt K. 'It mUo cures Diarrhows. Crmp, Flni and Bowel complaint. - What is CASTOR1A - Castorts la a lmrtalca subrtitnto or C-tr 02, rmrv. " gvrlc I)rtp und Soth!ar tijTaC It ! i'Vunj. It contain ni4ticr Opium, 3Irrt :n nor otier Hearila. abvanc, lu ttt I iU ptnujtr. It t lrT tTotms und nilara rrrrrUlincAU It cum PUrua erd Wlad Colic. It relieve Trrlhln TrontjU, c : r Coi-:J;lkr and flatulency. It alruIlt- th ro-l. rrr'ir tla BUmxcU fttnX Hwcl gitlnj? ljr::tir iud ralunU p, Tho CUIldxeri'a Ia-c- Tlxo 3IutWra lrir?d. - CEflUIHE G ASTORIA Af-VAYS Bears tho Sinatxxro of J " - r i r r mr i 0;.. hundrrtl dl!ars t haJ wapitil at Furt Wnrlli.TTi:xt FiUlay, for a htnl of 4i0 Okl- hoina fcl beef cattlo T1W l mM tu 'bn Uie . Iiig1et rict fr this f-luss of cattle e.fpr paU iu tlwa Uniti-d Sutes. Tie KM You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years, r waVI insurge. 3w Mexico Saba? ; : s ilifornia rl see yellow! . ; 2ntucky Idem (the same). : ibraska and Jefferson. - )lorado--Gold eiGuggehheim. I See the breeze- is gently stirring lisinsiftSicsemrrCannonis; : All the slumbering poses, $w YbrkThe race is not to j wokie.:::V:--.:.''' r ' ' " ; 5 f onUma What0anhot gold If ibere ia health of tbe can be relied on in croup, coughs, colds I slightest degree -in your system. and all lung and bronchial troubles. "WAKE IT UPI . CALL I FORTlil Look for the bell on the Bottle. , PTJLL YOURSET J TOGETHERI" I ," ' ' ; ;' ' MAN. WOMAN or CHILD: all mean During the last seventeen years I and should be well. To neglect your American dbifcli&? hayo killed self la "flect "P?n the, w,sdixa 5,8nren; made atleast rlOOOO Humanity to'enjoy a full measure of widows'and upward of 40,000. orrl Health and Vigor. If you do not? nkmc I The fault is your own. for you are A Smooth Skin ah-r-E polygamous Union.: Oh, so many' there will be! ' Buttercups,' daises,; violets and rosesi The wood-bine and honey-suckle vine Soon will be clambering Ver the hill; The by-paths and lanes will be o'er run,' Flowers the children's hands will fill yourself to blame for" it. Wonders baye been accom pushed for tbel"eo- ple of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, isiacJc ueaas, Chaps, Jfimples, Sores and ftnd M issUslnoi. Let us no w do aa au unneaitny conoiyons or tne sain are mnoh or thft (,ntnt th Parol! ni unsigntlyand detract Trom the looks. I . ni h.i BujTabox ofDr, Ben's Antiseptio Salve A postal will bring you tbe neces a creamv. snow white ointmpt. Annw sary Information, -bend no mosey. W rite ' today. - Don t neglect this a creamy, snow white ointment, anplv as directed and'your skin will be as clear as a babe & At all dealers in medicines. jiithaotame I stayed oh, if I were a poet I 4udnths);I am ?inglel" J ' A song of glowing S would sing Spring,. , pahblna'Ifr ydu'!donTtfihd ill And aR the songs I would enfold : Its cotistituti6n,v it never .. ssduriYou willj baye to J late logically," ' illuminately, I xhaustively. And yet the half could ne'er be told. By Cordelia Erwin, Old Fort. According to a Cornell Univer sity professor, insect pestscost the farmers of the country over $700,000,000 a year. chance here offered you. Address I Tbe Cleveland Iostitute of Medicine and Surgery, Cleveland, Ohio,' Cor, Kinsman ltd. & 62d. Street. Don't think that piles cant b cane-L Th'7Utcds of obetioite rar have Uo j vnret by Doan s Ointiaest. SOc at soy drug tore. In the recently issued report of tho sttel trust it was tutex) that the corpora tta had in its employ last year. 195,500 pcopw against 1C5.211 the year before. Tl.ec ptople rcivexl a total of Cf,3l ia wages. rrwaty a, .turn rju:ua ccxra cr "TOD yZi mtLm TZt - ass S- SJT3 ffaSTS CT n.H Iwf. r. r m e;W I Hi XWUVH far U MM MT (mm u4 M tttimtf. i iim ti rj m4 T-M7 I7m. f r? t3 Sy OtmsuiKWw it Citm ia Tor Croup Dr. BUs Ptne-Tar lloney Is the tst known remedy. Do not exprfuneot rH tbe genuine Dr. LkUs llne-Tar l looey. CATARRH Whrn the leartjs brgin to grow, . a . tho cank'cr-worra may commence; to move up an the trunk of fruit and other trees. Hands of tar or printers ink, if put on the tres to time, will catch many of the pctU. tan wf ii 1 1 ftZ fc-'-t K. CMarrV. fXU r JESSES wSaVfif'laf r. r. t. t f 1 wffu An Awful truotloo a " most successful. ; Chamberlain's Cough of avolcano excites bnef interest, and 1 RAtnr nra fhi- rJan Tt lnnsfitis Juuf uivweat m eitin erupuons Will D6 m9 suwa u J vl uov aVUAlCU O -a 1 1 Salve, their quickest cure. Even the' WTeSixtJlep-ls aecretkms and aids noture in restoring the system tor a healthy condition. Sold by Marion Drug Ca and aU ,drnggist& . 5 the; Dreadnought. asiPianolas2S Prince . Al- Puymaris,' Piionogarphs, tbooks and Prosperity. th Carolina-r-Arid plains of 1 . I worn jdoiis, nicers, or lever sores are soon healed by it. : Best for Burns, Cuts, Bruises, " Sore' . Lips, Chapped Hands. Chilblains and Piles. ' It gives instant ; reuei. zoc. ac J. W. streetman. . A man in Philadelphia has giyr en up his fiance so thathe can ' in- Eleetrift- nowc.e ?! ntA ' rn - 9. Qft herH a legacy 15,0W? ; th Cifolina-Shall we never oror w f " u w ?im.'0' Britian to 48 miles, operated by iagauftfeltS " ; ' W condihon that he remain single otber meams., : - : . , --Generally debiUtated for years. Had tuiTw n ' y, uPace L?un8 l5 headaches, laed amnititrnf ff gelUllS of the-ankles, and qtii) kn Tnti SAnm ui.v Ieev Dacjcacne or urinary ALL POINTS WEST Qatckast aad Bt Srvk . Fewest Ckaac ef Cars Oa Way aad Remad Trip Tickets MMMHMMHMHMBM 4 Write as lof Lowaat Prevaniai Rat aad RaCakl Iaformatiea. D. S. CHANDLER, DUL Pass. Aft. XnOXVUlX. TEKlt. Chamberlsln's Stomach aad Liver Tablets are safe, sure and rWU. aad have been prained by tbouudi of wo men who nave been reetnred to bealUi ttroujcb their gentle aid and enrmtivs propertiea. Sold by Marion Drug Ox ana au aruggista. CO ws-!at r-M) v3 fMM i-A mmg mn WmM if ii j MlS f mi mm n p-h tCVa rj'ii ti 1 1 I ii ! Mk4 huWt SCROFULA 4-X.9VS tMi4t 3 F. V. UPPMAN Cavannnh, Ca. n n Tlir is many a stamp apeaker who would much better Us at home' pulling the stomps from his clearing. UiataiAlUiAAAlAAAAlAHAiliilliiiitiiiiiiii. MM M "-M"MMMM.MMMMMJM, own Are you fmruentlv bonr? aois-T-Our speaker swore ter. Vnro--TIoll VTofK n;ltf 1 worn out and all run down, Burdock inDanVillcl sona--HelI 1 x uma uoon. y-., f ansas-A busted V Trust " is th an a; trusted -Trust.!; Five Years Bitters made me a well, woman' Mrs. Chas. Frietoy, Moosup, Conn. s There are so many ways of ; be- 1 WT MM J ? - - J V . UilUOi T Ua&ajruerB all I - a mm A ... such cases try Pinenles. They will be 1 O Hert 1 rouble Cured by lounu aaexceweni remeuy xn.au. cases I-TV. M, HM. of kidney trouble.. - Pineules are. anti'j ; UT' Wme Mearl Keftiedy septic; they assist the kidneys. . Sold by M. Morphewi n , i . ; ' Gives Prompt. Relief- a H. Donglas, - Jr.i4of 'Washings biing you ! have used Dr. Bell's I these ways. r-Honeyy and it gave me almost "elief.:'--:-' ,i J . ingjno accountthat a f elldw who wants to be that way, has no trou- .Durjng the 20 years, from "1870 to 4890 - divorce V in : th6 United ble whatever in falling into one of fStatesiint reased aWutlhree times ;- .:Jas fast as the population - -Bees Itefceli;ofOWl.hbma;fe SiSSS lonerated pi ; the .chargef Of . time heals irritation of. the th .ve Cough' Syrup contains no opiate or narcoticf It is a gentle and easy laxative, by wmcn i it i drives . tee rtne same iropriation-and mismanage- rw 777- I v.Most people do not realize the alarm- 1. ends,: in; a report , When a m : attains y I t laturbym- Vekr her laving caoacitv is at 'its best , She will lay on, ah: average from 300 to 500 eggs in v hervlife- :4.yrMWD;;aM'BBTeriSB8iiectIL ing mcrease -and remarkable prevalencv composed of five)emocrats Republicans. -I'o Trrdo flnrk f 1 - ( v ri----'y,v 'ass? V1 200)00 Tubes i st qualities ; obtainable of termination and free from . -able weed seeds. l:2dEcokfori9ia '.3 fullest information) a n and Garden Seeds. about Grasses and Clovf-' J. :l3 to bow and the best. tt them; forsucceasful I , j:C:iZB3've;Deen cr3 than thirty years in j quantities, by the' : c : t Eaccessful farmers - C : ' d Cock mailed free :. Write for it - r. - 1 -'-" -;""-' , ; fir n :z-:, Of iSutherlahd's Eagle Eye ; Salve" were sold in 190ft and not one "word of "conf plaint-though every tube was sold" un der: a positive guarantee. : It is good for nothing put the eyes. Ask your drug- Authorative dpihidnsrnotdrUiat the number of ..sheep ' in- all ' the coo ntries Qierf world ' derased from 400,000,000 in 1873 to 300,- 000,00) jn 1908, - - - witfc doctbrftig the efects, while the orig inal &iiea6 Undermines the system. : "r r.' What To Do. ... - : t . ""There is comfort in the knowledge so often': expressed,: : that Dr., Kilmer's wamp-Root, the grea kidney feuied-, fttiais every wish in curing rheumatism, pauVnrthe back, iidnejs, liver, "bladdei andvery part of the 'urinary passage. It'l' corrects inability- tov-hold 'Siater and scalding-pain . in passing it,-or bad effects following use of -liquor, -.wtue ox beef and overcomes that unpleasant ne- c-s Saved A Soldier's Ufe. 5, aunng-tne day, -.and to get up niany -ifLLtt-i'-- times during the.uight. -The mild and -Facing death trom shot, and shell t in the extraordinary eilectof 5 warn p- Root the civil war. was, more agreeable tQ L iarsoon realizedJ It stands the highest A. St0hof Kemp, Texthau facingit for its wonderful cures of the most dis- froiu wht. tkjetors said was consnmp- tfesslng cases. If you need a medicii- tion lrtitrHt a stubborn; cold'1 he yoa should have the best. Sold by drug write, ;'thit .Weloped cough. that gistsSn fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. Ktri-k to n in pite-ff all remedies for v fVo may have a sample bottle and a years'Ai v-frefithts. ran .doarn , to . 130 hoolf that -tfiT - 1T . ' - - try poutf lgrtu t ne Dr King's about it, bothsent free fft XvwD. sv-rywhifK -ouptrt.ly cared by mail. Address Dr. "J;"-' ml ' 1 now 'Ah ; l78,p'nuds'.'. iFor Jalmer '& Co.. Ein?- -f. Cp'iigh5- oldVI'j-jUa't tinp;. ; " Ahma, j hamtSn, r, Y. When "Before I began taking Dr. Miies Heart Remedy I had been suffering from heart trouble for over-five years. I had pains in my left - side, and - under rr.y shoulder blade, could not s!vq on the left side, and was so shdH of breath the least exertion would bring on the most distress ing palpitation.' I .had scarcely taken a half bottle of the Heart ?lDy,distiic-1 Remedy before I could see . a orders are the marked change in my condition. ; When I had taken six bottles I was cured." - - , - MRS. C C. GORKEY. " - : : North5e!df Va. -: If -there is fluttering, or palpi tat ion it is an indication of a .weakness of the ncrvcs.and mus cles of the heart. It is not heces 'sarily diseased just weak from "over-work. The heart may be ' weak" just the same as the eyes; stomach or, other organs. You 'can make 'a weak heart, strong by taking-Dr. Miles' Henrt Rem-: : edy.1; Get. a -bottle from your druggist, take it according to di rections, and if it does not bene fit he .will return your money. most ' Common diseases that pre vail, they are almost the' last - recognized by patient and phy sicians, kA con tent t7iem$elve liemorina-r-filrsmsccwrp. whoop- writing mention this paper and don't ing 3 gh a d lanr trouble: ir supreme, make any. mistake, but remember the SQc.fllXK ;i"riul Ix)UIb -frte. : f Guaran- name.-Dr. Kilmer's SwatnivRoot. nA SwacxD-Root. e you rmrawi r nonr7 I Jo vou have that annoying UrkUng In your throat? D-y your conch annoy ron at night, and do you raise otico in th uiornin;! ix yon want rJleft If tx takt ChmtrUins CoKb Ret&edr ard you will bo rled. Sold bv Uarton Drug Co and all dreggUt. i-LOMB-ARD Iron Works S. Supply Co. AUGUST A. . WU. Boat Works cd iMiilscppij U!tp Tsaka 1vwt aa4 liitt Oa rr.iJ ir, CaM st-J t tU CXi. HZ. if. iv:- rir- utrK nv t The iran who seta out in life l ti mco rxiciing w nave a waiKorer u likely to be run over before he has proceeded far on hit way. cxsTCttavcuv Cranulttetf LkU Do not neej to be cauterued or scariCed by a physician. Sutherland's F-kI IT re Salve Is guaranteed to cttae-thcln .Wit A out pain. . It is harmWt snd a rare err ror grannuted lids, rvc tube 'at all dealers. ...... Little Johnny watch ins a - hn cackling furiously, said: ."I know what is tho matter with that chick en. She hai dropped an egg round here somewhere and has forgotten where she laid it. " . Fully nine out of rrery ten cam cf rbeumati(m is simply rheuxnaU.m cf th tnnsclf due to cold or damp, cr chronic rheumatism, neither cf whkh require snv Internal treatment. All that is needed to afford relief ta th 1rm ppacsuoaci vnamtrlalii s Ualment Oive it a ttUl. on mxt certain to U pleased with the cuick reli.f whLrS 11 afforda. fipld by Marion Drug Co. u,A all druggirt. There are soma men aj Uzv that they will not cveu file their lierj GASTQRIA For Iafa&U aad Children. The Kind -Yea" Hara Aliajs E::gh! Bears th- ' Signature cf QCtMu CJLTOfY IOO SLIVM IU. 9l :. k iirtin TWTTy V TTV t TMTTTTTT t TTTVyi IflllTTTT .WJt vtr rrmmtif t t - A o IT ; Mothers . Endorse It Chfldren ..;, . Like It- Bees Laxative Cough Syrup . A Pure, Wfcolcsotae and II rouble to the ust, u" .-r:c f t4MaU4 la the trf.tr,.. 1 . H1 ' Kwa 3rcsrtaad ::tH SutcLiXrSaa,le,l fr r.n,a. it cu-a t opiates, cxrcotIc, cor pevjea cf aay kbL '.'.' Good fo.r Young and Old 10c raucua.atrcj And vitality hy its gtni the accom; ha v rt v .. . JOHN ;W. .KENNEDY & CO. Ch ,t c . '"hV snicctinBf iw.-i .... - to ine rciilratorf rr,- t. . . tie llTiI .rr ' ve Tie CSS!Stas4 RHIGS DYSPEPSIA TftDLETS PIHEULES for l!io Wfine ! M . . . r .. W-U A fte. .. 1 Marion Progress ar.d New York crlri ' . - pnnrrrrrt'' i . .' .7 ! $1.50 ... :-. - - 1 . Ye tare tir;ht hzz EsKIist:di882SB tl.h, secura ta V iLisnifcra.il csr crai sa!ci. uf'P.0. E:t 12. ; C;!;