'::iMi.Jv ,h:-. .: -tftfheFnnl-J-.S Jar ,iEconomizes;noinvsSWn s? ; v madc from Royal Grape Cream 1: UlWi&L- ' ol Tartar r - V'4 1; " -. .- - ; g The American people ! seem ; somewlsiowy aept -TVIiv Peary in the light of a genuine When a man insists upon giving 7 to put a- ou advice, von n Slde .differences when it, comes you advice, you can readily get rid of him by offering him a little in reiurn. hero.-:c;a-'r'v-..-':-,- J and Industrial -.-J 4 School Mamtainedby. the State for the boys arid girls of Western North Card- V.-- - ecial Cotirse For Teache rs FOR FUETHER INFORMATION ADDRESS r : J . ATA TiISOJ, Trinctpah CZLLOWHEEJacXfon County. JV. C. Why tO000HOKK00 Eyery advantage is with the consumer in buying his coal early: Better ser vice, less cost, none of the disagreeable features of winter deliveries, and the added satisfaction of having the coal in your own bins. - - 4 . . Car Load of Ice To-day. Phone us your order. THOMAS COAL Company, Prompt Delivery. Phone No. 158. O - . - : . V 6 DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD OF GREENSBORO, N. C. Expert Physician, Surgeon and Specialist , Will visit Marlon, on Monday, April llth. Fleming Hotel and cverv month thereafter OiiQ Day BrltlshCanadian Medical Expert, Surgeon and Diagnostician. ... v Only -Returning Every Four weeks Dr. Packard has been educated is and rid nate'd from the best hospitals and colleges of Europe and America. Special ExaminerUnited States Pension Bureau. ; Consultation and Exam ination Free. Invited & Strictly Confidential. Ho eases takes or . treated without a per sonal examination cot sulfation or interview. fc's mail enter business dm r cerretfMdeact solicited Read uu carefully. H yea sre m mi keaHb. live it ta a nek tree srbe will tliaokfOB. 8:00 A.' M. ts ! 6:00 P. M.. Medical Expert In Treatment of Chronic " -Diseases of Men, Women 1 and Children; Dr. Packard has eade .more remarkable cures in the Southern States than any living physi 'cian. ' -' . . No incarable .' cases taken for treatment. Ail cases taken for treatment will be guar anteed a cure, . I see all natients in person. Mo substitutes Consultation & Emination v at all times FREE and . Invited. 2-.- "V srtrnsted. MkMrs wiftMt their tar cnt. wr wives withe flwir kssbaaals win at be . SBittee t : cgasalatisa nless MCMpaaiei by ; their bjesl iHnriiciaa. " &th TSTS iXZ HollandTitedbiBmother. Mr, .V". "-"55 unre of aU xNer-, pron-egaive SDecialirt f n,.,. . vuiiuiwon mucn Detter. if person, NohiiedJiSt?. ii 53fSi??!! SF!4' id of unonaihiHt tt- T- ; ."S.?"" xo l?8 greatest scientific achievements of mwlP, : ;;.AVhat Makei a Town. 0- : What makes .a town, anyway? Is it the wealth evidenced by the tind hpraefi and splendid storo buildings? These may attest the stability inf certain : people,' .but 1 hoy offer rid rea t ' i n 1 u cement to comrue rci a F h nd " m ml - protru ies. xs n uitt spirit, or j:ooi -onier ana law observance) That is V factor unly.vTl.o -sleepiest "old hamlets that dot the map , have ' this spirit inu ntnk, ainini lance. ; Is it the schools arid rhu "relies? - May their number - ever increas,-! but they um t make ti tiw!T(hcv onlv m!. ture it.' j Is it the coraUiical hr cauon, ina cnaracter of: the eouu- trysurrouudiD the shipping . fa cilities, the natural advautairest . None of these", are ; essentials Well, what is it that makes a town. anyway? Just one thing the on ity of its ooople, the existence of acommon bond which causes buai-. - - ness ana social enemies to put to boosting;. the town. ; No . town ever made reaL"progress on the way, to substantial success without the get-together spirit unanimous ly adopted. - It has rejuyenated old hunks of towns that- 'were yawning : their way : into endless sleep.- It has" infused : new blood into the heart of - commercial - life and made thriving cities out o paralyse vlllages. Natural ad- antages count for much and Dros perity cannot be built on shifting sand, but any town with half a chance can be made to grow and expand and thrive when its citizens join with one accord in the boost ing program. Exchange. A Tripinto McDowell. Kronlcle, Bakers vUle. Last Saturday' ye editor drobt his office - duties for . a couple of days and boarded the train at Toe cane, bound for Marion. The grand and picturesque scenery en countered in , crossing the Blue Ridge. has lost none of its attract iveness since our last trip one year ago, and we were impressed with the wonderful display of engineer ing skill displayed in the construc tion of the C. C. & O. as our train climbed and descended, coursing the. precipitous hillsides, gliding thru the valleys, .scaling the heights, and winding its wav from tunnel to tunnel, all as smoothly as though crossing a level country. At Marion .we noticed many im provements, among the more im portant being the handsome new hotel almost completed and the large cotton factory, with about forty neat cottages for its employes, nearly ready for operation. -We found the Flemming Hotel. under the management of R. T. Madden, an up-to-date house in every respect We strolled out and saw the camp of the chain gang about a mile from town and got away again without having to don the strirjes. These convicts are making some - - ---- - e good roads for McDowell, and we think .'Mitchell. is , hdlv On II f in need of better roads t ann " V.Vfr. m - comnanv. with Mr n n ------ . - v. vy. rkone we took & ran -m-or t nu Fort on Sunday, where we met ivir. xayior ureene and family and iir. x. n. ureene. ; . : Chapel Hill items. Mrs. "W A. Proctor accomnnniivl w her brother, Tom Poteet left for J.v. 8onville, Fla.. where ah Will "iniT l hnsband who is eneaeed In hnCna.. mere. . - sax. ana Mrs. A- McGa vimfi rw m UV7 latter'g brother, near Glen-wood, Sunday. or assistants employti to Olenwood Monday. ' , Mrs. Tom 'Barnes event Snnr n,i iaonoay - witn her . sister Mrs. Eaburn, whb has been quite ill but is reported mucn improved. , , ; C D. Holland and A. McQm nafl a. business trip to Glenwood, Saturday. Caleb Holland visited his mother, Mrs. --C.r"T'-'.- F '-ium bickneas. Chor: vnn. t . . . v . 7 " " " ' , "u TT . . ... v JUi-'UaVB DHR1I WIT n I It h A1 Uhimiiiin.. ' XT ; j. r. W..H. &"EitJW""on gen- Sanitariums. Institation. or Patent vTr.V"? -the BloodoV'gkS like AnemFa SrofnU T?! V6 4 70xa nt.g.' to seT thi. . rma, CUer..rTuVor lroh ENGLAND, eyerywhw r j-CFiniples, -eti Heanti to mVetn sTckf WTe TK'd b? writer of - 'sons who suffer from --SiS1llteATmPm' the orli today. Go ; ; WObstipatio settl.ed ia youmind v 4 dyspepsia, CDlceratiott r Dilation of 1- -8e 'if for which -Curo can Btomach or Intestine.1 Hernia: Rnti be ad- If you 8e corable, he will put - the Bowels, AVplffieiJ' you on treatment at once, and giro you all - r; ing; vrotrudlnFloi Tlnl.iiK.'- SSLff1? remedies and prepaVationi .--.iTapewornvDities of tneliTer? uch f,4,,0- your Cure-. If incurable, He largemen give you such eoun , . . Cirrhosis, hardening or engorgeit t!b !rSrmfti5S? ' t!L-W Prolong your life. - ; - est0f the Kidneys like Siki - cheme or catch - betes. Dropsy, .-flnvel,-: Ufie AeidMlo"XriT5S y5 money and run, as is : burftingUn'ne. Bed wetting "oVo frWent WaH CaBf- ?hi J legitimate prop- vi lag Diannai fToAMi : 1 j n.Kiocub - acra -miafl H mBTintiMji n n A - tis ior uonsul- The farmers in thin vicinitv are verv busy preparing to plant corn. - Sillie has left this vicinity and""Rose- Dua will take her place. , , ; " V :-:-c"; -V'--I; Rosebud. 2 It expeis all poisons, stimulates the in ternal organs, cleans the system and purines the blood.- Soch 'is H.tllister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the most effective prevent tive and cure of bad blood, con stipation and sluggish liver. i , -. .- :-. . ' J. W, Streetman. ' v au rtt.; formsrnMeitd SSS D latSf Tt for ConsriK Catarrh of the head, -TtTjtaBoB cost you noth-. ; chjal tubes. - Stomach, Bladder Kidn I"?' tndi ?pljs no obligation whiterer. IfJ ; ; Systemic Thlsenemof ,?tmt decided on and gir yluV it ' He is now able, to; euro in eb toe."EJLt!tar 0tt 2 Perfect. health, and may !? orifmai, ,ad new. method Vf OsnSSS ii.8avin .f Nominal, 'a ordinal, and nGVmta?nm? T, the saying of four! banrnt.inn. Aathm t- , .11 -iVMiwpu or WU t)e charged aiiIt If K. . v'T. V iumntion or ihTr 1I0'm.t- Con- ed with a xlew to V M1f snteed .if in the early' fltaiX hrf.JE;:l-- PJ off thia duty you owo t ' Persons Indebted to Said cfitatA t.on of tioea has .et.li.-oafn;a-i?' your ' Friend.- and .V.i please make payment to thA r,: K4 freqneatly in 30 Bita. tB.Vi J v m .n0T or nay-,t fater Signed ' . ; - . , - saccomoanied1Tr.j Ti-S oe suffering because of your nrlt t .i.l-r. w.Ai , ' . 1 - - f NOTICE I .-"'. v-: ;;' .avinsr aualifliHl- am ' iTon. ., ... v ,.lVUllli, wiia tne win annexed, of the estate Thorn? B. Young, dweased, tbis , is notify all nersona holding m claims against said estate to present the same within one year from this date or this notice will.be plead in bar of . their recovery J-'S- All persons indebted to said estate of to or .. iNCFlEAdE IN CRIME . Only .Two In Every Hundred of Murderers are Punished. ; Asberllle UUseaC " - '-'Following the discussion of the UtvV aVlay .rcsterAy n'.orninf. TJie CitizT'n'd httcMion ;"' cnllfsl t-i nnxcclli'nl nrticlo in lhe cur rent issue of The LUerary Dii?st. Therein it is openUT nssertVd thit onl.r two ia every hundred munW ers are pun'ished; reinnii.injr vr cent escape alwolutely reel lic quibbling-technicalities which ro purposely craployetl. to clou the wheels of justice; the ur.crtjnity of proper punishment and, nil loo frrqnently, the frivolously li'ht sentences nnd lines imposed iu the courts aro respcusible for conditi ons that arc a disjfraco to the na tion... In-the larger citirs, ami in fnany of the smaller ones, '.oil tic, of every variety of brands, foster and encoarage conditions herein described. , 1 - Tli OBSEHVEft'S COLUMN Metteift of Inters s( to tne JKrt" Cosnsnest oa Currtnt TepUt or trte jj; LODGE pmECTOHY uxsostc SeTenty-firo per cent," says The Digest, of the criminals ar rested for petty larceny pocket picking, hold-ups and , tho like from the red light districts of New York, are freed by the ward politi cians. Statistics show that tliat maintenance of police, armies, courts, etc, cost the country $1,373,000,000. and yet 'there are four. and a half times as many murders for every million of our population ' today as there were twenty years ago."' Is it any wonder then that law. lessness is on the increase, and that criminals revel in a carnival of crime! There can exist no re spect for laws that are not enforc ed; there can be no fear of punish ment that is never imposed. In this day- of easy pardons and in sufficient punishment the habituil criminal has a rosy path. Glenwood News.. SpecUl to Tu rsoaa&n - Glenwood. March 23,-The community was shocked when the news was spread abroad that Char 11 Morris had shot arid killed his two year old chilJ and mother- in-law and himself. Mrs. R. GL Cochran, of Marion, spent a week with relatives ia Glenwood. Miss Sallie Morris, of Asheville. at tended tne funeral of her brother,. Char lie Morris.. Edgar Poteat. of Rock WL pent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F.nit and Miss Mag gie Byrd. of Rutherford College, at tended the funeral of their mother. Mrs. A. L." Bright is In Marion shop ping today. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alien, of Rnth. erfordton. spent a week with Mrs. Mary Aiasnnurn. Floyd Morris, of Union MilLv several days with his parents. -air. ana .Mrs. Albert Anthouy, of Rock Hill attended the funeral of their annt. Jonn liogan. of Marion.' was a wel come visitor In Glenwood Sunday. Mrs. John Bright and her mother. ft Cliffside, spent Sunday with relative nere. Mrs. Marvin Morris 8Tnt Snnda 9 It. V. . . wiia ner mother at Vein Mountain. J. A. Poteat -HiAdo a fivinir trin lr w - r " fLsntucsy last wek. Mia. xxAkue A.eeier. or Alrion w. down Friday. Trs Mary Jimerson. of Rockv spent Saturday and Sundav Mi with ner aaughter, Mrs. Clyde Mashbum. xl Lank has accepted a rod Hon In Kentucky and went last week to,r- sums his duty. - . ' - Grxkn IIo en. iC Tie LoJirr. x t3T7. A T. A. M. meets on tb Fridev cijebt st. o'clock on or before the fall of tS tuooa , In Citl IIaH. Loooa Ballilc. - OKK1CKUS: II. C. E. rr-tvwd S. V -1 L. iiclltlrey. J -W.-D. A, Kol; 'I re-vurer J. A. LuMb tUo. Sct urj U II. II-MiM- s O. -C W. Iva baaan. J. D. Abo Mr:-o h'tn rd- J. S .wuty, K. A. li'wiuu. T)lr J. il. City. . Koro cf oar mo;bers aro tuitiicr the i gvod thJcsri. Almoot cvrry meeting thet euUfgrve work. Lent Friary tx'.hU V II. Hcllifidd. ct Woodlawn. saw "the whole b.tht" and signed ibe by-Uwa. If soy cf the brvthrva Uav twt re cired a copy" of tb by-law, they ocgbt to -get on and "keep posted." , The next tegular communication will b held Friday night, April 3J. Tber will be work in the snd degre. Headquarters for Everything . i Good; to Eat . Candle s Fruits Grocerie Look! Listen! m. . . j ui my r.c Li i ut wh- sau Ianm a&il Or- Cir? Now that my Iit. ' ind i0 tirn for Ghirj?. j let me hat a Lite. : W. R. Gruber v L'W. Huffman AN EXPERIMENT KKIOHTS Or PYTHIAS ML Ida Lodges Xo. K. of r. tnerts evrry Thnrsday nJht at 7-30 o'clock UaU 1111. Lonon BuildiBg. orrzcxKa: a a a e. runm. v. c-j. Conniffe. Prelst R. D. Grvrtx. M W. R. a Flnley. K. of II. & S.-C E. Prestwood. M. of P.-R J. Carr M. of E. E. IL Dysart. M. at A- a Brown. I. O. J. WaiUms. O. -C. y. Baber. -v - 0 - The lodge Is growina and new ovr, 70 members tn good standing Thr aw a few who ara In arrears does but it is expected that they will "pay up." Wc have rasscJ "ihc nc; tocc uz" c do not openrnent niih cur twr.m iih your busness. Tctrcnoi tnccrponicd for the rur7c.s d financing axuiary cr.rarrii. U'c enjoy the dlsdr.aicn of top rorch q-rry "thai time enduring kin, Uc rcspcafuny sxJicit your bsnUrg on the basil of aucnor strcrrh ar.i cipcrcrJc, and tisure courteous intcT:rci rrrjtrr.cr.i dose ititnKon to your ir.dndual 4r.:k - L W. SAunders (hm who barber) treated to a shampoo last Thursday tight. lis thought tht prioo" a Uttla high but came serous after all. It was his "second try. Work in th eood and third ranks next Thursday night. L. W. Hoirinan. lh tinner, has pr- entea his transfer card from Catawba I lodge at Hickory. "f John Fry has transferred to SuUniQ lodge aod J. a BIddU. D. D. Si, trantferrtd to Hickory. 0 This lodg has almost a $1,000 lnveat- ed and is pUaning for Its own Lcc tha near future' -The First National of Marion. Bank We Welcome Small Deposits It matters oot tat acxnt of m-?ref fKj r.e todrpcnU we am;--t it at i. . Uii U wfJcomc lh sxasll depitaor; ? etUoj ta him th Mtoc cociki era lion auj o.f-. atrrorij all oxxr rirc&. hit cuitnef s'l kroa itii. Get btuy, boys, and gather the tanght' into the fold, They td protection. un- our Tea. I would guarantee a cure or re fend their money I say it's Nature cure and the only ona tor the blood," IIollMer'a Bocky Mountain Tea cured him where other romedies tailed. Trritwlihvnnr elf. J. W. Streetman. The latest in preparinir land for sprmff crobs, b breaking up of the land by dynamite Snch is h. ing done tyr. J. li. Ualdwell, a far mer living near - Spartanburir. S. U. . Mrs. Kate Hall says: - 4,I have kent nouse 15 years, am the mother of four children, and I would not -keen hexum without Hollistera Rocky Mountain Tea." Vise woman, why 1 Drives a- " "j ""uw. uiiiia npjviia ana naprl nes to the whole family. It's the world s ui yiwerrer. - W. otreetman To The Tax Payers of McDowell - - V " County. - ' All that have not mid thiIe i must pay on or before Mir Ut It you expect to vote this year. Af ter May 1st I will advertisA .11 Uat have- not nairl TKia ALiUand this is the last Tho countv hrtnU f Iia -J they must be paid. - , . 1. H. MASHBCR.V, Sheriff ' r NOTICE. ThU It to ffitifr tTi vr m ti.t..... Uo0 1. j offlce ,or o Acre. of uV"n2 ir ;r- K,''ijo""u,u,u'of jeu uu run nepuoiican uonvention, Old Fort, Marvh 23.-Tha ot uia rort townsU p met la coavntido inar. th 23th. for th tmm. e. electing delegate to the county coova uon to w held at Marlon. Saturday. row. After tho convention was caBod omer by Squlra Dula, Dr. F. W. Ihtx of GrspblteviUt was elect chairman ana Oscar Bit lock, secretary of the rention. and the blowing delegatea elected: Dr. F W lhne. W J Bouther I II Qrten. Geo Ilysms, L W WlUiama. P U Matbbnrn. A J Dub. J F- Turner Alternates J W Graham. Jno A ly. J D Conner, J M Kaair. J C Urwtv. It T nogbea. Then a motion was made and ' ana&i montly carried to elect Dr. F. W. Ihna. as township. Th contention abo unimotuJv dorsed Ifoo. Jno. O. Graat for rrooml nation to congress. Da. F. W. Inxr. Chalrmso Oscaa Builock, Secrvtary -The busi&cas of one well knowi firms of opticians in En:laud con- atjits largely io the manufacture horse spectacles. THE MERCHANTS AND FARMERS BANK THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL That means the best Xifc In surance to have and the best to sell, for it furnishes insur ance protection at actual cost, pays annual dividends. nnH .sells a model policy. :-: :.: :.: atly carried to elect Dr. F. W. Ihna. n 2-.-.t-.h- ou rt Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Itratford. Conn. ft CRAWFORD, General Aicnt Ralcllh, .V. C. V. M, PRATT, Aent, Marlon, K C. Foundry man's Talk 1 ffumbcr 2. dcietyj Card Of Any; Character ranted at This Omcc GET THE BEST eS ; rapie Shown and Iri.-r. ' nisnea on Application So fast do vre aU try to ret att nw., that vrc use crtry method to tc time, that lc 'Can.- For iniUncc ia the Mdan afosr" w. a vrmdovr (the bottom saxh. of 1 ri strength and held it with a stick, a boot or scmc- row almsl CTery rrsoa who builds banfs the wiadow (both sashes with wrSAi. tt, raise and U properly balanced will slay any dis- , Tu Pcc them. Ercry bnildinj: carht to have them. I make them. Any sixe. any vreihL Prices Terr reasonable 'JvV. mu ..-vr here.' . - fc CASTOR I A . i crr IalaaU ard rsn v, a:, pangle FOUftDRt AND MACHINE. SHOP shop oy coimEp. uaiiokx and conrr stkkct WTCH REPAIRIN G If you want your worY"doe ri-ht send it to mc andit wist be done PROMPTLY, and at a saving of 25 per cent. Send watches by SirC?,In,i,,Md transportation both ways will be allowed. 1 AY Admrr- m U., Sod rannlov v.rle. T.L thA AfttAtA i TV,-- - is, ! Young, Deceased. - - Entered Mart 9Ck. l tin J OLD FORT. N. C.