for and - NEAR DEPOT. PHONE 137 The Old Church Choir.;'- II seepi to hear the Toicee ' , - And the songs they used to nng, The sweet reverberation y : "Jeans All to Thee I Bring." 1 1 see the old choir in its place Just as it used to be, , And saftly through the years comes back "Nearer. My God, to Theev And the voices, O, the voices - Of that happy long ago, - ( To my listening soul are singing All the songs I used to know. , Cornea an echo far and f ainty J Of the world that is to be. Like a benediction, saintly. "Rock of Ages Cleft for Me." Friends of other days, I them. Gathered in that holy place; They are singing of my Ha vionr VWhen I Meet Him Face to Face." JAMES MIT H MANNING. A MrJ, K.;Cra?g Majre CncJiditej Sketch. . for Register ci ueci. , - Hon. James Smith Manning v vi Joa L T nfm.1 In wvnr nnm ed If AT M that ty. June 1st, 1859 and is a son ozut n,uer vbo rrit vp thNfco iHon. John Ianninff. who x Jr Not had awn fit to jmilacua pi trh teen rears was Professor of I complimentary sketch which was rry Law at the Unirersity of Nortl. fratifjit, to m ; tWor. If yoa Un r, i. tj- . I Pce. I would be plMl tornxfrmm ta? vruwua. . - Kftito! toward him foe the tie way of Chowan county and his matrrn A . v-m riAmm v.far tb, rQU!c great grandfather was J ud;:e J;hn M prospect! t candidate for th ok Hall of Varren county, for ninny cf Bgitr of Dwds for McDowell coca- f the SuDreme Court . the exprtmd cofi&leoca ba ba t I in me to terra the rood rctie la thai Olflonnuronna,. ... Bat bf ore X ca mt that I Judge manning was educated i1 an.acandldaUlmcutktow that Mr the school of rroft Merntt r t LacKhridra U not a for Chatham county and at the Uni I r election to this Oca and Hmx I aeu versity of North Carolina where know thU it is aTaUa with the party he graduated in 1879. He read I WHAT ARE YOU DOING I WITH YOUK" MONEY ? i YOU CAN FILL slBUCKET I 1 PKOP ; BY DROP Vou coax,,, : o o for me to ran. X wtmld roaaidr it , . g , a I UTttl uvuvr IV aAfca-va w vv . law unoer nis lamer, wuo waa uieu fc wbcwe wU, ,a tL. Professor of Law at the unuersuy, tory M one of McDowe U't brt IlUtcra. and was licensed to practice in 1831. 1 WUely wu it mid by Fiddler that ocr 1I fmmrwlUtAlv Korrn th nrflrtW I cSceft hoold b tiled with Oar brt And mr life though lone and friendleea. n.irK.m Rrit with hi Mn- Thia Ue good people ox wuot eu are roioc to cociuioe w qo. vui Still the melody la ringing. Swelling to that old church dome, Sweetest peace to me is bringing When Well Be Gathered Home. o o o Mi When You Think of Coal f llJiik If Us ! Think of the GOOD Coal we have in store for you. Think of our oft-repeated -;8tetementvthAt-'ihe time to fill your bin is in the spring and summer if you wish to buy at the best Sorrow's billows round me roll, Yet they speak of joy that's endless. "Jesus, Lover of My SouL" Far across the gloom and shadows Gleams a beacon fair and bright. Pilot of my. soul forever, . "Lead Thou Me, O Kindly Light." Lead, and with Thy beams to guide me I at last shall reach the goal. Storms of life no more betide me. . "When the Surges Cease to EolL" Alfred Stowl Gilbert in Houston Heights, Revenue New District for tfie Service. AsheviHe Citizen. Revenue Agent R. B. Sams an- j t ti I mv iaiueraoa weu wuu u. xx. f-Pmn,, M ftnd with 1 shee and by his ability and in I mod men as there are any wbtt froo das try acquired a large practice. I the leat . to the grut rrfardiM of beinff recotmized by .the public party aCUationa. ThU wt aaoald afl ..j t:. ji i t i 1 fl prood to I-dow that ocr cvaetr U i ..-.J- thuableaad. ing industry and almost onefnog mny reapecta. Win cam, aa It was. judgement. in hooor of one of oar rrrUt Georal; He was married December 12th, bounded oo tha wt by the Ew Ridt 1888, to Miss Jr?lia Cain, daughter with her beaoUfol Tallera tpr4 oot v.i? P.iBnn.,Mn,. toward the Ea.t which ia dottl with Wk tf.u, x. beauUf nl cottata filled with tnwKortli ty ana niece or me iaj uu j Carolinian; a coast j that ha erst out Thomas Kumn of U range county, men. y women, worthy of hr bum- and he has an interesting family jaaksw When thia Is all recallad to our nf fnnr hnra end twft rnrl. memory we fl proodet Hill of Ocr I Put ilSriTfiE bank i t BANK ONE DOLLAR A DAY $6 a k Tha o the inicrcsi on it wCl ia racr.ry yn. nuke cu i ccr.fcrutic o fortune The inrtresi oa this fortune i3 jurrcn ycj Se m: VI J UUi 1.4 1, Mike OUR Bini YOUR tUnk. U'c pay l ixml intemt consisfcr.t i:h safety 4 rr cr-L I The Merchants and Farmers Bank I Judge Manning serred six years Western Nerth Carolina borne In the a phurmtn nf lh Iliirnum CVtuntv I ... ..... nnntMt.rth nrt of r .. " ... aruuc pure wfcr. iua rnmn air atrf , ' " . r. " ' xecutiTe vx)mmitiee ana prior 10 look roy until they die. While it U his appointment as Jodge had been I trne there are eome of as not so fartn&ata for many years a member of the M 10 Ur0 bmotlfal valleys or the territory comprised in the AsheviHe collection district of the internal revenue service has beenlc. t r I ho we called bmoUful roturo, but net to be u. .u. rv, .:-l,a boa frualt wiwu mj e4 iu 1 1 sn wb assigned to a known as the THOMAS COAL Company, Prompt Delivery. Phone No. 158. new district nasnvme UlSUUCl, I nm- fn- Tnfl, nf K SnrMnr I Tv. A, . with Revenue Agent Knox Booth n 1896 bQt wa3 defeated lly Uke the poor old IDndoo-dooe lU beat we can do almost wear oor akin for britch and make that do yet we are all good people, eepedally a toot -I W . TliL 1 1 in cnarge. air. dww uas vaaeu ttK tK cnarge or me new aistnc. ana nas ,tt ticket: electioo tiznea. Hoot cp twotW that we never anew and a them to rote for oa. Some of na afw haTlc bm la ofiloe for SO years, when we bar of some other worthy man aakl&K for office will aay that wool do. that I the man to be hooored This we would I Bros. S.' -Co. Have on exhibit the late model Piano Player, also car load Weaver Pianos for your inspection, Wrenn building. Have removed entire stock of Stationery, Office Supplies, Groceries, Etc, to the above quar ters and we invite you to visit our store. N W. R. GRUBER. Talks With The Foundryman JfttmberG. Fob Fabmebs: Does your harvesting machinery require repairing! ; Fetch it to me and have it done well and at a reasonable cost and quickly. . . . - , Perhaps you have repairs of other sorts that ought to have my attention. Let me know. :I can do the work. If you, who read this, have . all your machinery and tools, etc., in first class condition, perhaps your neighbor -likes to borrow and save getting his put in condition to use. Send him to me. . - At any rate, come and see-my shop and let us get acquainted. " , v Pangle Foundry1 and Machine Shop y hop on Corner Garden and Court Streets WTOH REPAIRING If you want your work done right, send it to - r J : me and it will be done PROMPTLY, and at - a saving of 25 per cent. Send watches by : j registered mail and transportation both ways " will be allowed. - " ; : : J. T. TOOTTT JEWELER - , - OLD FORT. N. C. as his chief clerk Mr. W. Goertz, Jadff0 Manning has always Uken lormenj oi u civy. a leading part in the industrial and 'Y...r:.ruu:Uhgrwo educational Jerelopment of hi. jNasnviue district nas oeen m cnarge f . ot revenue Agent aams, who nas . of RepresenUtives, in 1907 and in addition to conducting the busi- 7 . tTTo caunwamw.w,u) He was one of the leaders in that o too co ae that If Mr. La0hriae ll M a ,,Tur vt ur,uK rc,,cl "JC eU haa famlahed her ahara of tU Uare pie from excessive freight and pas- and frea and tm within hr brrdra are senger rates. I found tha hd waUrt of tha (hmi iw In 1908 Jude Mannincr wu w and well 1 axa awara thatthr I t a 4 . a o....C.;- r. , -lf. to all tha food popU ItWnoy cnairman oi me juauciary uora and eWtM that I will fin lb cZU? mittee. When Judge Connor re-1 with aa noch hooor and aa ranch crwlli signed in the apring of 1900. Gov- 19 llf " T that aw pUcd ernor Kitchin appointed him I r" icurt w. wr my vraa j. ness in the AsheviHe district. Un der the new arrangement the Ashe viHe district will now consist of the fifth collection district of North Carolina, the sixth collection dis trict of Virginia and the first con gressional district of Tennessee. The Nashville, Arkansas and Tenn essee, with the exception of the first congressional district in the last named state. The Rain Continues In money matters ai veil i in w cither ru::cn the Rmj Day Period U un ekc?r.e A -rvc romi-oa tzvr.u thai rime and the discomforts Mixt&r.z a sutaar.tal icrr.i m some irrong. rtliiSc bank, Ue are not cZcrir.z you Bis Returns on Srr.i!I Ir.mirr.rv. But An Absolutely Safe Dcfxjsry For Veer Fur.'i In terrsi On Same At a Rite Cocuwcr.i XtA So-anS IVcuSc Banking. . Our successful cxfcncncc of r.nrijr a tco?r ol ) -can tr.iKn us to claim the title of baniir.f cipcrtk anJ c cc-wxlj- ci vile your account on our mcntk The First National Bank of Marion. .TndcrA (Vinnor'n snrrMsvir on lK JJJJ J I Supreme Court bench. Since then no nas given ou wuoie uora aoa attention to the work of the court and is recognized as measuring up to the high requirements of that exalted position. His opinions are clear, cogent and concise and he has the esteem and has won the respect of the entire legal profes- Jxa K. Craw. Fresh Mountain Cheese, right from the green fields of Watauga; better than Swiss. Fresh ; cabbage, greens and turnips. Wait for the wagon. Do ot fail to put some fer tilizer on your crops while you are working them. This will 4 be a fruitful year, the man that uses most fertilizer will make the most money. I will can on shares one half for the other and furpish cans, or I . will buy the ma terial corn, beets, tomatoes, peaches, apples, anything. . When I 'start to can, I want " to can all I can can, HOUCIC sion. Church Figures. Washington, May 31. The ag gregate number of communicanU of all religious denominations in the continental United 'State, in 1906 was 32,936,313. according to a census report on religious bodies. Of this grand total there were 20.237,742 FrotctUnta. The I Io nian Catholic church showed 12,-679,142. ARNOLD'S r BALSAM Summer Complaints by I. f. ICSfEEI, IlllCX, t c Steam and Domestic coal in car lots Blue. Gem, ARed Ash',' V- - Jellico. ' - . J'$ Reed Coal Company , Shippers of High Grade. Steam and Domestic Coal. -; ' 3P. O. Sar 212. KMojcOitte, Tenn. Now is the time to place orders for coal for family use. We ( handle - only thebest. Write today for quotations. . -. , Ameriqan Beauti CORSETS- i DAINTY AS T a4 K MOttK N Any woman who chooses c?n im prove her per sonal with or expense. Wear an AMERICAN BEAUTI 11.00 to 18.00 It will improve tne appearance of any gown that I is worn over it. KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. ,. Exclusive -Makers ' KALAMAZOO. MICH. Because we believe in them we sell and recommend them. Judge Manning belongs to that class of men whose word is bis bond. He has always stood fore- square to every wind that blew outspoken, frank, sincere and man ly No one ever accused him of evasion. Warm hearted, genial, sincere, he numbers his friends bj the score. A kind husband, a good father, a wise counselor and a learned lawyer he has made an ideU Jodse ind io honoriDB him. CIRCULATE -:- -:- too uemocrauc party- win oonori itself. The Durham Recorder. THAT GOOD OLD At Home Don't Send The Cigarette Smoker's Finish In It Away to the Mall Ten Years. Dr. Leo Broaghton, of Atlanta, preached a sermon in Baltimore the other day on The Devil's TraO-for Men." The doctor was temperate enough to aay .that any man, unless be was an exception THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL That means the best Life In surance to have and the best to sell, for it furnishes insur ance protection at actual cost, pays annual dividends, and sells a model policy. :-: :-: :-: Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. or Hartford. Conn. W. R. CRAWFORD, Genera! Aleut RaleJtfi. K. C W. M. PRATT, Alent, Marion, V C Order Man. CmnaJacr"a Sat af Laod far ParttUaok Hj virtoa of aa ordr of tKa Patwriw una. u ma uirwruo la U Jrdal Iro ctJion of fcUIIi w. AtwaU aa4 ao. raa . . aiwil vt al. ra. Artar tuioix, aL. i wuj a at PoKio Ado to themle. who amoted ciiraretLra J mi wr lor ca-u, at ' V - . P.Vron. wooaa floor la Martoa. N. G lur iea years wouiu at uio eni oi j on hiTJroy ai s p. sa. joit txh. mo that time be a liar, a thief and a I "Jftfr Z 4 Deanty I creneral menace to the nnbhc Ha i irin m.mi iwr rmr t k t.w t ,T? wiin mue eiion I Mirl tnKctmrA nf i1,f.MiM . s. u. ocnca aa rujowa. to-wit ? . . . . , , Twt t-lcjc a mwrratioti of tfcr acr was injurious to the system and of UrA aa zaaUooMl in (Ul by w affected the moral tissues of the O1 Wak.fl.4I Drain. . I Ixlar. of ratst ttata and nnetr r -rv- Tv . i 1 W44""' W vcusus uirwwr iuraut. vniuaJi ix is. rJt a crrtaia tran that the population of the UnitlCT1 of,.M ,Q Mrto? towti- 111 iu tuo ui'nuwniww i laaaa ci cMociAir, Mra , ilartta. 1L of 100,000.000. The individual "rT '.ur-.J.: aa4 j . . . lowifra. wtujcmu aa TDUowa. 1t: ca VLm uiu wto luuujci awiii urtik i won ioa oy la&ca of I. J. Hinclair em ment, if piled one upon another ".f00 of Mrafku Mania. would make a sUck suteen mi b 1m hirt. with th. f Lr. M long. - THREE ACHIJ fcar tha cwsVrr w aa irarx oi laao. 11 Wax ttt let wberv tba dwrllicr koeMiiyt mi wtt . Mr. Henrr Bcbwrak writer taod. aaid tract aflr lh forrj eczema oa my faca for orer f oar Tara. I"TZ'"J -7:,a." cvwiaan w Wittt ir; of it p- v mui m 1 u 1 it a 1 h vira 1111 ta r- m a McCaH S. Conley Hawklcj Iaeion Progress and New York World one yer for $1.50 1 phogsess adrfc hriaVwta, - . ...... . - v v-it 1 tx-ttxz on k rrrmru-n if m. . ,", ier ifouatala Tra I branch.- " BUUUk WIT '!ODUU tDd It hu m. TVI. I . . mora m- taan aZZ -waMrMJBMWip. - . v tuA, aajs ai i aaarT.. - - - me Izaediciaa. all th A.'rfnr'm Will Inter est You! Come to the Marioa Bilcery and Cad oat bow yea caa get 20 5c tickets, good for $1.00 vrcrth of txsi at our store at a cost of only 10c to yoa. ETerythiag la the Bakery ltae baked freh crcry day. Let us know your wants and kc if we caa't plexj yex You should order your cakes for Sunday early ' to insure getting them. Respectfully, Marion Bakery, J.T.Cartee.Prop. Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School Maintained by the State for the , boys and girls of W cstern. North Carolina. Special Course For Teachers - - rua rtrnnirji ixroaMATio?c abdhies R. L MADISON, Principal, Watcli The Progress for Special Announcement v. Dirwtmia. GjcaBiadoa.