-A Formerly Mc"Dctl Democrat VOL XIV. MARION, N. a, THURSDAY, JUNE 23. 1310. NO. 42. LI r PROFESSIONAL T. A. MORPHEW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - Office over Merchant's & Farmers' Bank. MARION - x N. C. DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, "-Dentist- - v . Will answer calls at any -hour of the night. :: :: Rooms 3, 4 and 5 First National Bank Building, Marion, N. C. HcBRAYER 8 ROSS ATTORNEYS AT LAM Prompt Attention Given All Business Intrusted to Their Care. - - - - - Up Stairs, Streetman Building DR. WM. PLEMING DENTIST OFFICE IN STREETMAN BUILDING. C. B. HOUSE Surveyor and Draughtsman Make ok Copy Maps Blueprints and Abstracts a Specialty. Office in Streetman Bldg. Main St L. C. GONEKE, M. D. Physician & Surgeon OITICB8 IN -FIRST NATIONAL BANK . . ON FIRST TL00B Special Attention given to office practice in the treatment of chronic diseases. T . P. J. Sinclair U. Jl. IsAJUiTUH SINCLAIR & CARLTON LAWYERS Practice in State and Federal Courts.- Office over Gaston & Tate's Store. MARION, N. C. McCAIX & LISENBEE ATTOBNEYS-AT-LAW Poteet Building, MARION, n. a DR. R. J. BURGH DENTIST Marion, North Carolina Office- in POTEAT BUILDING. C. B. McCAli ft. K McCALL T. j - JVfr C'rr if RrT UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted r to our care will receive prompt and careful at- tention. , V Over McCall & Confey's Furniture Store. If you want a generous return cm yoor Dowell Building and Loan Association is now open. . Kp.nAn cnur finhwrintion to 1HE i . . . m. -. w . - . .. . ..... OLD NORTH . STATE NEWS Interesting Items of News Briefly Set Forth For Busy Readers. Air. Charles Conley,-of Marion, and Misr Essie Green, of Morgan- ton, were married at the Methodist Darsenage by Itev. W. F. Womble, at 8 o'clock Thursday Vnrht, Jane 9th. Mr. Conle.V is a mechanic at I the shops of the Morganton Fur- mture Co., and the bride is the eldest daughter of our esteemed townsman Mr. E. A. Greenl Mr. and Mrs. Conley are boarding at Mrs. James Hudson's for a while. -News-Herald, Morganton. says that Mr. Robert Hodge, who most people is the decision, that, lost a foot at the same time Mr. ' sha11 own R noma" tor myself Shuford Abernethy was run over nd. family. There are few men and killed by a freight at Bridge- who have pledged themselves to a water, Monday, May 30th, return- determination of this kind who do ed from the Mission hospital at not now own, or who are not far Asheville last week. Besides los- on the way toward owning, a home, ing a foot Hodge was seriously question of saving up the bruised and shocked, but he is now money with which to pay for a in good spirits and strong as ever. nome 100 one wnen many Po It is said the details of the accident pie do not seem able to deal prac- are a blank to his mind. Dr. Charles C. Weaver, recently chosen president of"" Emory and Henry College, in Virginia, to succeed Bishop Waterhouse, was I at nrst refused permission to ac- . ' . . " I nessee, oi wnicn insiiiuuon ne naa previously accepted the vice presi dency. The trustees later recon sidered, however, and Dr. Weaver, I late of Davenport College, Lenoir, goes to Emory and Henry. Claremont College Hickory, is to, be made the Reformed church fa debt for a large part of the pur institution for girls while Catawba chase money for his house and lot College, Newton, will be conducted to borrow as much as affords ample hereafter as a male institution. The security for the money advanced, college boarding house maintained and allows it to be paid by install f or young ladies in the past, will ments, very little harder to . meet be abolished and while girls will than the payment of house rent, be admitted, no effort will be made and not much larger payments per to secure them at Catawba. month, or per week, as the case Morganton business men are con- templating the development of the water cower site known as Cataw- - . . ba Shoals near li en Alpine, itis said that the river at that point Uhat the Building & Loan Associ will produce 1.800 horse jjower ation wil1 loan bim 6 money with easily. It is reported that the Southern Power Company has sAht airents to th Linvillftconntrv to secureontions on water power sites. - K The-contract for a $200,000 brick and steel boiler shop to be erected for the Southern Railway at Spencer was awarded Monday. Three other buildings a store and I office building, a blacksmith shop and an oil house will -be built, ac cording to present plans before the tend of the year. , Appropriations for Public Buildings A dispatch from Washington says it Js understood that the house! committee on public buildings and grounds has provided the following appropriations for Norftpirolina: Henderson vine, for site and build- ing, $70,000; Charlotte, for re- modeling, $300,000; Wilkesboro, for U. S., court building (amount not fixed); Hickory, building, $60,- 000; Reidsville, improvements, $35- 000; Winston - Salem, $250,000; Rocky Mount, $60,000; Waynes- ville,-$7,500; Washington, ; Greenville, $45,000; Monroe, 9o,wv, uumuwwu, ,w, . boro, $50,000. ' . ;. - born Judging otanaara. The state, board of agriculture has adopted a corn judging 1 stand - ard which gives 10 points for un- f ormitv of exhibit. 15 points ? for maturity and market condition, 10 for trueness of type, 5s for shape nf ftftr:1 5 noints each for purity as shown by color of cob, color of space between the rows; 15 points 'or per cent, sneuea 10 me ar, unrt a noints eacn ior snape oi I . " . A vwain anri I a. - - . . and SraiD. QDUUruiuj I . . . I leAKth of ear and circumference. v OUR LOCAL B. & L. ASSOCIATION What It Is Doing Somo Reasons Why You Should Invest In Stockin it. 'Every poor man. and every man of even moderate means, oght, if at all possible, to own his own home. The wealthy can do as they please about this, as other maltArsr und not snffr.v Rnt th poor man is liable to have to suffer great inconveniences and priva- tions, both to himself and family, if he does not own his own home: The "wet day" will occasionally come along. He may one day be able to work no longer. Where then shall his wife and children gol I The great trouble, though, with ticaiiy wun, witnoot neip. it is hard for a man to lay up a dollar, or a few dollars, out of each week, or month's wages, as a fund with which to buy a home. They do not have the heart to do it, many Qf them Besides it is very hard for a man to save up money to ouy nimseit a home while he is paying rent for the house he lives in. - The Building& Loan Associations in hundreds of towns and cities have solved this problem for every man who is industrious, able to work, and anxious to own a home. it enables the man who has to go imftv hft. A man rn afford tn struggle nam, ana to save up nis money ciosely if he can see that wtn- tne small sums savea up ne , . l j i UUUJ uim uumo, auu uuw whic to finish paving for it, so that "nay move into his own house. Pnt his own trees, have his own garaen, ana oe an maepenaeni man in his own castle. With this feeling of contentment and independence a man can have the heart to work harder, to economize more, and can accomplish more in every way. than he can do while be lives in somebody else's bouse and con stantly, feels that he has nothing of his own. They ownership of prop erty, and especially of land, and a home, is the greatest stimulus men can have. There is hardly a labor ing man in the country who could not, within the last five years, have j saved up enough money , to enable him to buy a home and pay part Mown in cash, and then borrow the I remainder of the money necessary to pay for it so that he could now. through our local Association, be living in his own , home, and by paying dues, instead of rents, for a few years finally be a freeholder, and an independeBt citizen, to whom no man can say you must moye.w: . ; ' Some people, .and intelligent people, too, of ten decide that they would .Hke .to .buy this or that i property ana get tne money irom the BuildiDg& Loan Asssociation aa ifVk iortirri is rftif fnr tViA vKaIa nf htt without any, other real esute I to secure the loan. Of course no 1 Building & Loan Association could loan on anyproperty its full worth. No wise man ought to think of asking it. The Building & Loan Association is an institution, and not a bank of moneyl It has much money to loan, and each month its increases, and is bound to continue vio increase, aii inrougn iu saie noncy. simniy. Ana insss mic II - ' " (OontLaoed on sixth paa . i t . i i N t I ( I v t i s r t I MAR1ANNA HOTEL The Marianna Hotel, shown in above cut, it one of the moU modernly equipped Hotels in Western North' Carolina. It was erected at a cost of some $50,000.00, and bocu of 42 gueu rooms, 16 rooms with baths, large lobby with tile floor, and a very attractive dining room, etc, also loog distance and local telephone service is a propeHfeature. The equipmot grocrll ly comports with the most modern and complete Hotels. The work on the new cement walk in front is rapidly nearing completion, and as soon as this work is finished the opening re ception will be held. A new rubber tire bus and new horses have been purchased .and complete and satisfactory service In every particular is a mark of distinction. Mr. J. 11. Graya a seasoned hotel man U proprietor and the mention of that fact alone is an assurance of a most popular Hostelry. PEOPLE'S FORUM. (TbU 4prtMat U wtmi for totim from thpop)a rarlo topic. TVS rm U sot rpoa)bi for Um rWwt f lu deals. All waBlaBoi mm tm orglXif ilM4 for proiacdoa tbo( tb n tmy Janus Replies to Miss Queux. Bet your life. Miss Qoeox, it wasnH wild quessing when rb guessed Janus was the patent churn agent for he is, and well be re members the afternoon he was or dered from your premises with the excuse of not having time to dis cuss patent churns, and he very quickly told you it required no discussion but was an article which always sold to those who were In favor of progress and willing to depart from the old way, and as politely as possible took his deoart- ture, believing of course voa were in favor of progress but had an anti pithy for agents. ' But taking Erb's hint and your writing as a clue have not only become con vinced as to your idenity but fully convinced you are not in favor of new ideas and willing to cling to the old way even in churning. Will say in defense of myself. that I made a success of the churn business and supplied several of my progressive neighbors with churns which they wouldn't sell after three year's use for twice the price paid, and it is to be hoped that Miss Queux will procure' one yet. However, I'm not the agent now and my-desire to have her posess on is purely nnselfish just for her own convenience and the sake of progress. Again, in my . ... ... defense will aay I dp not pose as a correct authority on farm life," All I have said or will aay was in the way or suggestions and was certainly not written to invite criti cism and most assurdly notsorcasm. I'm glad. Miss Queux, you have informed the correspondents- of The Progress that my jokes do not need labeling and will say also that other people's' jokes will not be treated seriously by me so long as tney aren't coupiea wun we question at issue by sarcastic epitephs such as you persist in us ing. . It is true I used a joke by way of introducing myself when I first appeared in the People! Forum but the remainder of - what I said . was serious which fact I thought would be obvious even to the cousal reader. Tm sorry how ever it hasn't been treated ao and trust I shall be better understood in the future. But whatever, the nature of ray writings may be I will not endeavor to be "tacky or "pose" as an authority on any sub ject, but what little I do know I know it just as good as a ''grown person." I don't mean to try to be the leader of the spirit of pro gress and organization which I trust will soon take hold . , I crtwl rwr! nf fTVtwll Knt IVn I m , w. - i ready, anxious and willing to do I gaauaUoo that make him trhpa my part, and if any ooe doaeolth moat fortaklaUe caodsiate ta Klirt tt lt lKrr mt lwViirw4 avrrv mm a-0W ws fls v v mm m m w t ' r movement that will effect our young county people and sre if I don't help push it. It's impossible for me to see thing! as my worthy critic does if she really means that her feeble remarks are in no wise seriooa when she in, referring to Janus, uses such adjectives as "flippant and "smart aire" Janus has nev er been acused of being "flippianV even when he belonged to the "yoonger set' and he, at least, hat reasons to beJieve that the smart alec" dosent apply to htm at all and if his writings point In that direction we are sure they do not betray the moat prominent trails of the author. Will aay in conclusion that I don't think its fair to apply the term Maehoolmama to all those who teach but only to those who have decided they cannot "jump out of the frying pan and have taken up teaching as a side line advocate woman's rights, woman's sufferage and other so-called re forms equally as aboozioos. It is a pleasure for cs to meet those modest unassuming ytmzg teachers who constitute such important fac tors In the great educational fabric of our nation those who can leave oil talking school long enough to be interlacing and give some de cent young man time to make love to them if be feels so inclined and finally are willing to become the mistress of a household and the mother of the future citixeo - of the nation in which position she does not need a pension nor is it often she has to support an Indi gent man. Even if she doee Its no matter for her; the should use enough judgment and ditcretioa In her selection to get one who would care for her in sickness and in health. Assuring my critics and friends that the door of the temple of old m 9 .& a m janut ts tnrown wide open, 1 am the same. Jaxt. Doctor Peterson A regular and' expert Physician will visit Mtrion every Monday, stopping at Uotl Flemming. He does not interfere with the work of your local Physicians but confines bis work to the treating of Chronio and intractable disease, such. as llheumatism. Dyspepsia, Catarrh, etc, etc lie doee not send you to Drug Store, but fur nishes his Mcdianes free. Con sultation free and invited. If your treatment with others hit not been satisfactory, consult tXttor Peter son, and you will not be disap pointed. Remember time and dste, and come early. feiT Erery bojdtMW toaa shorn IA Ul hira lathi weziem of Um If clVrwtll WM. J. COCKE OF BUNCOMBE The Man to Pit Against Grant, Is the Declaration of the Sylvan Valley News Hon. Will Um J. Cccis U ti strocgrst; U will U zoaizuj asd be ill b cWteiJ. Ttsl la effect, U tK declarmtioo of U SIvaaValiej Hm 0f llrtTsrd, Trassjrhacia cocttjr, oa &t ttaci the great demccratic cocteat tct Cocxjrrmo&U Docai&atioo afur a careful Idt etitioo of tb aius tiocu Ha Is the ttu to piiacsic:it Grant, the Nti sajs; ti raaa mho appeals to all clave; 12 . to nominate aad elect. Ttvl u Lu lh Ktwt sAjs of Mr. CocW editor isJIjr in iia ljt inoe: a sue toc roa Mm I Hve more t suir it cam paign which Will Cke Us, for the last few weki. rrried co in the Tenth district for CocrwiocjJ Docaicatioo, th taorv coavi&crd are we thai h is the stroctat tA3 that we can put forth asitt John U. Grant 'With a soperiof kcokdir of the political game; with a perwo ality that alvsja p!rj; wh the hanpy facolly of draisg ora to htm as with U&is of stel. Sir. Cocke,' the voatgtsU rasa ia th fieid of fire o an ex-Cocxm. din has gooe throch the dalrkt -. . . rcHiUcaj Dover caa baii oa aa or. 1 the raCft. "This is the msa to pit aralut Grant. Mr. Cocke's ca&ikUcr has ao- pealeij to all cIsjuc. It Yam ap pealed to the butiae man. for Mr. Cork U lfitnfj4 P--iTl In J many bcios eftlrprip. It has appealed to the farmer, for Mr. Cocke operates a f ana la Bsncotabe nere bis snfeodid Uat nhhoo herd of Berkshire thrive. It has appealed to labor, for mttr Isws po oar statute books protactic tha tnecnaate. th-s mstensl mas aaJ the day laborer were wriu3 by his own hand while he was iU senator. Above all, Mr. Gxke's candidacy appeals It thone ho b here in the mora reform which I have ia the Uu decade bleawd the Xr Z Vtrr t of V the right, leadicg to the move ments his voice aod his oeas. Thls is the man to pit sralrat Grant. Ye, Hon. William J. Cocke is great as aa orgasixer aad great as THINK IT OVER AND ACT. The ownership of a hcht nukes cf every nun a kinx crer a ccroin domain. In hit Unit kiaroci he h more a oocxrsh rhan b rhe crcd wesk!i.-ix to the thrcrvc cr rrirsculiy hxh cams to tlra throvih the tcciirnt ci ttnh, The knoa lcdxc of ownership CHi hira tedcpcnfcacc and Inspires nim to further thrift as4 cczzczzy. TiA hit honic in aaurcsl ccrulnry. he eta trap hit t?.zzr tt raruct and ticknest; the rent crXeoor U coi to hba 1 dreai.f J rpec- j trt; he knovt thtt he car.ncx Thc amtsoon to own 1 horse ksrxcra cf cT.e'f cvn, fa not crcdSed when the roof over hSs head b rnii for. Dy the tunc thst toal b reached the hiia 0 thrift ari eccoocry arc thorocxhly Lued and lead to the prnviiica for an bocrr.t through future years. If you ire not hoe-owncr, think over iheis tdnsoxn; think U over and act. Tho-'ihi wiuhoct tcocti Icsls to do place, The axico rexirdir.x &c piicc thtt b pived i r2 inrennons b too wth known to rtcd rcTorrx here. The McDowell Bu3rx and Loin Anocisdon b wkhia the reach of every Dcpcsixd Ln It, the dzZn b wenh cere thin cr-c hur.irri . cena; and the Interest U wi3 earn nunfricd tj cartf cofiscknDoct men to are as anxioci to cuke it week as the oancr can posriiiy be, and who undcrtalt the r.z-zis c doinx to better than the nun ho has UzLz dr:c ar.i cttct " tuniiy to devote hit inen&on to rcch thir-xs. The McDowell and a CtUter; a &sa l3ir;aleuc tewsch all ent pt&tU: a tzxz c f t2 UfcUateiiarai-cas. cJura tz.1 rec:t wjihal th tr.ia wokzU rrJt3 tht dlilrkt cJuii a tlih Ucm law; it wha rcii tha dCzr of lha rt;KySz to the rmi;t of t:a:f xl ll tha of tje dalrkt 'This Is tU cxa to -pit aralzjl Grant. Tin ks ocj- ttrtlsuaU cf Wc J. Gael, aid wt Kara kora tla Sitc t a thi.U -aa tat&su UeoocraU If jn a hoy him mmm tltrm AMxUfVsa 44 mm VUX i Vim f4 iHtm 8 ri t vi tr Km. Him tteG &sKttmna tar?m3. lrfi4 JUWl Rrt W tixrUT aill aa4 9y. Hra A. C Xml tfU aW tixljrl truulfultfr. D K. Cnm. & mrrei Ulmmm (Xrru Tt aa4 TZ Tcxx ta &tlmG aa4 sria Os. Uck W 14 om f f r tC Vf a trWa aaS win U cm U U Vt HsmLm tUa;Ul ta tl K a A. M aa4 m-m TCa ea mLt fLx. It wm nxxxptJXmi W j Jji lrW ta Uv, v Orats. U OUmowKytw T-a. Kia Rant w Ijm mm la kIkkjI U Zk, U W a &crt rut m tjm ckumt. K?x J. SL SLmc X'mm aa4 AWfrtA?. U Ukaory. Tur lmm W cm a ta to iS-tr Mr. Kr W. Lr0?. K IW4 aa4 IXrfU Tfta ae aS-t-t4 iMfec" eojKswr srkI ta UZk Ut U A. KIm DaasJ Cti.h aaS trr tl- crrrt:. txa! U 11 QMJmimriM xsxl ta 't&amA&a, wlii trC2 W uCi4 1 W ArtMC UftV tvra. to Mr. SCn. CXU CKU. x aCuU gM. TL tratrt tuw Lt Vm ta tl sia c lirir UiUneaisni LL rla wlik-a cmmS CX to r?a nru.-A fe. TWr r iWr cr? r rrtl 1 rL txaUit ria w Tu4 a rUVl cu.1 frm3s ea Um ctm wlka v-ai4 ? m S"xl AmU cf CUT. Cta ar U cMiW4 astA3 wxa3 f e UJ mmmsm f Um yMf . W w-t&S U WC SO) Jkrm Uk ia Um tl twvta. Ttls Q aAU tt to Ui fetii4 U c 3 rxS loeM ta Um ssirr. XxTA?wa fir!:t The weaiher keet 00 refsi to do a sicU thirg the weather Bsrraa Ulls it to d. a... be disc33c4. Building Loan Association PaoGEEsa. r