PROFESSIONAL T. A. MORPHEW, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over .Merchant's .& Farmers' s Jiank. MARION - N. C. DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, -Dentist- -v--i- Will answer calls at any hour of the night. - ::; 4- Rooms 3, 4 and 5 ... First National Bank Building, ' . - Marion, N. C. - HcBRAYER S ROSS - ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt -Attention Given All business - Intrusted to ... Their Care. :-: :-: . r:-t : :-: . Up Stairs, Streetman Building 7'Z , dentist c :.r OFFICE. IN STREETMAN BUILDING.:- - 'z C. E. HOUSE Surveyor and Draughtsman ' ' Make orTJoft Maps Blueprints nd Abstracts a ' Specialty. Of$ce In Streetman Bldg. ;- ' Main St L. C. GONEKE. H.u. Phjsidan.S: Surgeon - omcis in . v , FIRST NATIONAL BANK - M)NJ:llRSTIlJOOS-:i Spicial Attbntion giryen to office practice in the treatment of chronic diseases. ; P. J; Sinclair D Lu Caelton SINCLAIR S GARLTOH LAWYERS Practice in State and. Federal t " - 'courts, 1 ; .; ? J" ft- f : - : - . . . -Office over Gaston & Tate's Store. ' ' MARION. N. C. McCALL A LISENBEE ATTOBNEYS-AT-LAW hi 'Poteet Building, MARION, N. C. BURGIN tdentist; Marion. North Carolina ... ' . " - . j Ofi&cc in POTEAT BUILDING ft. E. McCALL fvCLjB. McCALfi McCaWBros. II M Is fi R T AKERS . ' . - - - - V J Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention. V -...'V.-. Oyer McCall & Conley;s furmmrc Store. - r- nyouwaniageiieruuBie u4 - - invnsfcmftnt the 12th series oi ma saw "!S;?. rTl Association IN . I !1 1' uoweu vaumug uu ?TF5T now open. :- , , JlL.- Renew your subscription to The OLD NORTH HEWS Interesting - ltemsof News v Briefly SetiFortlf For Busy Readers.5 :r Jligh Point is to have a new cof fin and casket factory; a Contracts have already been iet for the build ings r Senator Overman will b tempo rary chairmaa o the Slate : Demo cratic convention, which .. meets jn Charlotte on the 14th of July. Caldweld coutftji- is ' becoming greatly interested in good roads as was evidenced at a recent, meeting of the. good roads; association at Lenoir. - r. Thirteen prisoners were sent i from the Federal Court in Greens boro last week to the Federal pris on in Atlanta.. The terms range I from one year to five. - The town of Hickory has let a contract lor the construction of new streets and cement sidewalks ! to cost $55,498, Hart, Abee & i CoT? of Hickory, got the contract. 'At Monroe last Friday the Grand Lodge of Masons of the tate laid the corner stone for the Confcder- atejnonument which.. the r Daugh ters of the Confederacy are build ing there.- v ... - ": ''. . A. . '"ja r-'" ja Charlotte has been chosen as the next meeting place for the Nation al Farmers Educational and ' Co operative Union, the first week" in September. The union : now has 30,000 members. . f , According to The Highlander, Shelby's population is 3,200, not countingthe mill villages; counting the mill population, which is just outside the town limits, the total is 4,070. . ; : The Republican judicial conven tion of the thirteenth district met at Hickory Wednesday and norm nated A. A. Whitener, of Cataw- ba, f or iudge. F. A. Linney; of Watauza. was . renominated for solicitor. With the election of officers and the selection of Hendersonville for the 1911 convention, the eighth annual convention - of the North Carolina Merchants' Association in session at Salisbury last Wed nesday came to an end. The fea ture of the closing meeting was the resolution offered for the re peal of the Homestead law. Census Figures to Be Given Out rSoon. '"" Washington Dispatch. - . - The mammoth task of recording the 13th decennial census of the United States has progressed to such'a point'that within a few days the census bureau will , begin ' to make public the population of the largest cities of the country. w The figures ? for the cities containing 75,000 or more people will be giv en ouffirstr They , will be follow ed later in the summer by the pop ulation of States by counties, which also will include the cities of 8,000 or more persons. Tn - the . development of North' Carolina's industries, the North Carolina1 College of Agriculture and MM2hanic Arts is taking a f ore most part." Its students are giving their lives to improving our farm ing, 'our trucking, our dairying f and stock-raising. They are rapid I ly making their way into our fac- i tories," our electric power-bouses, and our shops. - They are helping build our roads, our bridges.' and fsXlroads. Indeed, they are 1 just the' men needed at this stage in t.Kft State's growth. We are glad -- - fKarmnrA vonnir men than w - v- - , ever before are seeking, through thiell-eduipped: institution a W .iroour. industrial progress We call attention: to the advertise- STATE PFftPI P'Q CODHM' I LUrLL O TUnUIlL .,, m.., ....... . 1 j This department la recerred for letter from the people on various topic. Th Psoqsxm u Mt responsible for tb Tiew of tueorrMpoB- denu. ah oommunicauoos mast b orifiaaDx bewupnbao "'" DOMESTIC SCIENCE A Course Should be Added to the .5. Public Schools Also Manual ' 'r ? Training for Boys. )" - ',.f , . , r, Something that should appeal to all who are interested in our public scnooi snouia oe me lmmeaiaie addition of a course in Domestic - .... - j Science. ; I The greater part of achilds early life is spent' in the .school , room. with the demand for outside study, combined with music and art, and Crotons, Veal Croquettes, escallop dailv social dutipo TV,,- teN P0 spnnage, jelly, white be little time for a girl, especially, to fit "herself : as" a high type of house-keeper. Many think that a womanly instinct will, "somehow, carry her through," not realizing that woman occupies a special place in the world, and though she may do mted and eauipped for any oosition lif mav nffAr tn hAr. sh should be preeminently prepared the one 00 Tuesday next will -be foV the special. worf demanded of V Miss-D. and Miss G." ' her as the home maker. . What we should have is a small The simplified course of. Domes- bouse or rooms, properly fitted tic Science such as has been sue- with such things as needed for a cessfully used in the public schools single course, then a good sensible of several other states for the past practical teacher, where part of tela years, consists' of three parts. one dy each week, the pupils First The home, its furnishings, from every school, within walking its care, and the proper sanitation distance of the towa-could come Second -Food, the chemical ' value 'or their instruction as well as' the of various foods, together'with the children in our own graded schoo1. preparation of such foods to avoid 1 one of the smaller plapes, the waste. Third Clothing, se wing women of the town com pjetclfur and millinery. Below the seventh nished the fire-room house rtntcd grade the little girls are taught to by the school board; at one'of the correctly. sew, and. to construct the mdstr accurate and complete ward- robe for their dolls.!. Even helow this tfrade, the primary classes and be kindergarten are gradually be-1 .' . .... . I mg interested in very simple j things. . , . :r. - : - ' ' The eighth'grade, having learn- ed the details of vall 1 the lower trnufea. are tanirht the nramr os of a sewing' machine with" all its attachments and construction, also to properly cook all meats and vegetables ' etc: -so' that any irirl completing this simple course has a liberal idea as to the care of a hnm s Many instituted 'and- some W versities haye a higher course con- sisting of twelve and more parts, where pupils can continue , the work begun in their home school. and fit themselves as dietitians fori hospital, asylum, children's home, clubs, schools, etc Many prefer- ing this work to other occupations taken by many women.' Some of these institutes conduct night class - es where many women employed during ;the day :canllmprove in this line of work. Students of our economics, as sure us that the days of cheap liv ing are past, - that owing to our constantly increasing population and the enactment of various laws and ordinances, with the extrava gant living of the American peo ple the 'cost of food will gradual ly increase. ; ;We are told that one population -doubles " every twenty- five years and as such; this increas- inirronsnmntion nf on nrrnrta will exceed their production.v As this food -question is something that closely affects people at large and our public schools are for the education of the populace, there should be no question of greater inTerest, thanthe health and wel- fare of a people governed . by the indiriona knowledire of huvinir and J V a - W serving food. Y r h 1 Many may say, I do not "care for my daughter to be trained as a cook or a housemaid. I .will teach her what she should know. ,Yet, how many girls marry with no knowledge of the food question except to make "perfectly delicious fudge" over a chafing dish. - Domestic science does not ex- they will crumble Into dnst, but if cludeYiny 'of the duties of ' the we work upon immortal minds, if school room, but is so deftly com- we imbue them with principles, bined with them as to -form a with the justjear of God and Jove pleasing diversion-and make its of our fellow men, we engrave pupils capable of appreciating the upon those tablets something which cost of living and intelligently ap- wilj brighten to all eternity. Dan ply their knowledge and the com- icl Webster. - that k a 1 -'- 1 1 Dome - maxpr ana a .nouse-semper from the primary grade VO found 4t j .. . t this domesUc science course an in valuable blessiog'and possibly an almost practical solution- of th? servant problem; for the, wife and mother will be able to'condact her home, whether it be plain pr 'pS Istial, in a capable manner and the mly income more judiciously ex- " , - -The following article was taken rom fc pJ wefttlv :n . ,m4ii . The Domestic Science luncheon was given at 12:30 o'clock Tues day. Thet following! menu was served: . ' Cream of Asparagus Soup with fhefrf orange therbert with sticks. Cost per person," 15 ic The dainty place cards were paint ed by one of the class. , GucsU be sides the class, were Prof. A., Ma B., Mrs. C and Mrs. R. Two members of th senior class super- vised and planned this 'lunch and lr oniversities $10,000 was spent building and properly furnish- nT nine-room house, for,, the study of Domestic Science; - In a uumwr -no kbwjj wo oora u. 1 il: t .t. u jwmcu mo cimsses wn uio sT accompany the teacher tnd clas3 whcQ the lesson Ukes them to tne market w here they are shown the different kinds of meat aoJ different cuU of meat, and Its nutritious value. Then on return I. .a a a. a . to the class-room each Ukes their w"ite cap and apron, and a copy of the recipe that the Uacher has written on the black board, and the lesson begins in earnest. It ma be only a lesson to make corn or WDCai muinns, out tney win oe correctly Uught, snd asked to try EKam 100 sanw ceP " oome. At one of the large universities many of the students went and took the lessons in proper laundry that they might know how to care- folly and correctly launder their I dainty langene gowns and waists. 1 And while we are thinking of these things for the girls, let na not forget the wonderful value of manual training for our boys. X. Y. Z. . : Mr, Webb Seated. Washington, June 23. Be pre sent tive Webb was seated by the House today. The Smith contcs is a thing of the past. I he committee stated in its re . . . a. port that, after careful consider- auon 01 -no u was aoie to find nothing in the evidence to iQStif n l charReJI mtdeby 400 convcsuu "If there is any evidence what- er to justify the chsrge that any illegal votes were cast," continues the report, -4there is no evidence at to show for whom said votes were cast and certainly no evidence to show that Webb was connected with casting them, if any were so cast. There is no evidence showing that a single illegal vote was cast for. Webb." - . - ; : Education. t If we work upon marble it will perish, if we work upon brass time will efface it, if we rear temples in2 Ccrtion may prove those who have been trained DISCRIMINATION ! AGAINST SOUTH - T This Section Gets 0nly.S20(- 1,- 000,000 Distributed. ' Washirctnn, Juns '22. Tic present conjjrrss has appropnitxl nne billion dolUm, of which 000.000 has hern dUtributl amon? the fourteen nuthern Ut.i This is only or.c-f ftieth of the toUl, and serves to cmphuiitn manner in which Ums south i$ ditenmicatod gainst by tht party in power in the expenditure ff public mo cry. The territory com prized by thrso states contains one-fourth of the area of the entire country and oce- third the populctlon. 'The liters ar?d harbors bill, carrying $5,000, 000 for the Improvement of rivers and barters, gives only $11,000,000 to the aoutb, allhoah the south nas eiim or eotJii, wmcn u twice as much as any other sctlcn of the country. ine ariccltural appropnttion bill discriminates ag-tmst U.e out! to the extent of givir,! it osljr cr.o- third the amount spprornitf foj the west. The public building Ull is tl.p only one in which t!;e sou'Ji rrvc v n anything like a just proportion cf its docs. : I Of the $10.(X'XO the bill carries, $7,L00.C:O sr to southern states. Although cor 2 revi has been lavuh In iu expenditure,' it has - sadly pf jloctM the pullic highways,' in which the south u particularly inu rested. OcljJtH.- 000 Is appropriated for good rm.i, and thb to defray the expenses of an insignificant burtaor In Wash ington. The HepuUic of France expends annually fT5.00O.0CO oa public highways. Ohio Democrats Renoralnitt Hir- mon and Endorse Him For President, judson Harmon today was re a ' k mm m nominated for Governor on tbeUrlLr. ibo cll mJ br orr-r- Democratic ticket by acclamation. The following rtsolation, pre- seated by the committee on rtsolu - j.. 1 1 .1 - 1 i.oua, w aaopicu DJ ine cooreu- tion, endorsing Governor Harmon icr we preuaeocy 10 iw. m . t.j Tra 4We Invite the attention of the nation to Judge Harmon and the ork he is doing for Ohio, Two years hence it will have been com pleted, then we can spare him for larger duties. He believes' that guilt Is persona). Is acting upon that belief at home and would act upon it in larger fields. A high sense of doty provides his only motive for oEcial ' action and his sense pf justice alone comoela judg ment Firmness and strength mark him the man to sopplastVacillatioa and weakness. . The cation needs a - . 1 real man and the Ohio Democracy here presents and endorses for the President, in 1912, Judson Har mon." , r 1 Gardin Items. NeoIfTtn. Jm M. Cart. O. H Qardia who ta Wa vlidUs LU daaxh Ur. Mrs. J. O- SmmciM, at CharVoU. rrtnnaeJ bocM Fridar. Mart Howard la rUdtlaj aroeo4 Oar- Mra. QjiU "Wool of JLaUriUa v TUilioc tr paxvata. Mr. ami Mrs. XX C Brown, tbia wk. Wbal U looiicf m la this awdioe. Our bmt litll towa G Wo wood lal improriaf. . A, -,f " . ' a ryatt haa tnored froa Mad Oat U O lea wool. Mlas Ada Brom rKar&4 Tharaiar from a vltlt to hx titUr la AabrrtB,' Mia Csuaa . mzi&a U virfUa MaxtoiL. ; Th titU Usbtor of Mr. aa4 Mra. Craftoa Heal la wry UL ' Mrs, E-la Pairet U rUtia at Mra. Joha OarawrD'a Mia CaxrU Qardia'a hmllh Laa lo - proved. , fc i . The town of Spcnr has adopted the curfew law, and hereafter boys under 15 years rnctt be at home at nine o clock. This Is a ijuud lai and whether we hve a curfew law. our parents shtiuld ae Ihtt their tioys tre kept from the streets night.. . StaT Ewry tKuiaom tuaa ahooid lak aharna to thli rim ci 11 HcDqw2 BoDdlof aad Loa AaaociaUa. 1 . I T E IT. r. CT0.T C: As - r f c.r do rot t-rm to ti- ii hit we tlfTV-re !: t 11 : rapid ra.e ai en? a hat 1 w sr. IaI : l; r; a'J-ii.pulIicgath'r.r rJwCAtlori!, croth'n f-r r. letter. - Io writing cf i'r.i, anr.oar.ccrrnt cf tl5 th tew Lakbj.wiLh tar- cf ia j trJ its rex ii a!l i.v.u U r -In tntrri Ull r.o . tractir: parties irt, w.r lire, when th?r were turr'-,1 T, I by whosi, where tiy .') !.. a?Lr currii arj if lV t Ctix a bridal trip, also a drvrr-; z c tr.G vztrntz ar J cf i.V pmser, tt, if thd afTi'r ' In wrli;.-. Ull tha r.aras cf the where h ; lived ar! : -1:: : 1 - f I' bo t!.e trtiiir.j t:-.-s:;.,!j are, la c:, f a::'.:r.t fire jiir. " a rt c r t: IK1; kHv oft: t;rt-'t cr ch f of Ch t , r.c le'.rf t).t ih.l 1 t;.e cr.ft In wrilir, 't.3 1 r of rUic calher'r. tell the otWU cf the r.j. t! i-l-e. tr.e tra- tr.1 who the rrirx-ral rartiCipaiU wrre, iih a yt;&'.i 1 of what wu dote, e'-. Kw t -'.! ati iraproTfner.u c f ar.y kit ! to th.9 rocii, ca ttrtr and in tie taetbodt of famltg cr ralaicg stock or crops are all c-i items of caoch itaportaocf?. Kcr itutAM H worth to a coe ma tit y to ito how to grow a good crop ol any 'kind r lo do I any kind of work la a labor- vie way, than It Is to fcnow thit Mr. A- vUiteJ in the Mlrhborbocd hjt week- A voU as Doch as poaaibU chroo- Jbor cpoo another who lire 00 aJ Uoinicg firmv. . Ttfcr is littU 6w l raJae In itch ilcrts. Ja wriUcj? op Mvf U b macb better to say a thicg will U doot V. t. t. UT U Ka. U9 For instates it is better to 111 th readers that lUt. Kaak will prreh at foch and such a pUem text S. H0',Y TO A POWER FOR DEVELOPMENT The tvHiir.4ain auociiDcs, says the Dcr cent, cf Tofr.-kiruvCc, N. Y., '"tire tctr it the past tad are todiy the rrir-ial trocul power for the dercieTrcr.x ct San lU? T4ihoui theai we woJd tc iuit-i:c. There would be no prexresa t sX The nuenry cl our honjes and a ix? nurntcr of cur piices owe their cxh:tnce ir;4 ccxrCeaca ta tbe Every your.x rain t-4 yourf wctr-sa ia fxs inycnt Vfco desires to uve ccr.ty cr Ky t home ihouli tcccoe a rnerztcr cf The Mc DovcU Bu2ir and Lota Auooitoc cy toreiied in it Is sa!c arJ secure. No rix finance crook cr Ua3 Syeet otr have an CTtorr-rJry w rc5 a.nd rrxu!ax ycur hard-cimed iJ U b bvavl la a hcoe for yourself, fj b tox ud to dere-D ce real esax of your cccirr crir ty iii-rx wsc- tal oce cbe to HuU a horse. It Is the ixTes gzi test invesrscni ypy Take nock La I2ih July 1st. i The McDowell . . all It j i . . 1 1: I 1 1" 1 . .. . 1 1 . r- fc i' r .... : t r ' ; 11 m V-' lit Ux. c-,' s i. r . cc rir:a ;-r. U prrt Lara a kj a-ar l i ; U b )UZ?w2 tU-Lj a5 JLjauclaiioca axi a tlat i 1k V- Ply Ycrr Tairu This Is to Wtlfy all tALe t!.l hart cr paU Cbejr uxrs that ca Actit lit, I wHl airtrVM all prp;rty tLu Uxrs are ds cat Tco had Utter call atii sul ati sattcotL. This Is ii lut bciloa ftcsiwcifaSy, P. IL Mxfsrscxjr, 41 e-ie SUr. cxa hare- sericx. Ocn crJy ur. Building Loan Association

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