A Clean Man - Outside cleanlioess in less than half the battle. ; A man mar scrub himself a dozen times a day, and still be unclean.- Good health means cleanliness not only outside," but-inside. ' It means - ciou. .iwu.uMn.Doweis, clean blood, a clean liver, and neWC t t8uef- T man who is clean in this wy will look it and act it He will rk with enertfy and think clean, clear, healthy thoughts. r " He i will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood disorders, Dyspepsia and mdigestiooriginate in unclean atom sons. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood. Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lupgs - LOWEST RAILROAD RATES EVER GRANTED TO THE SOUTH PICTTJBES OF THE KUJQDOH. Matthew 13tS1S3 4.&2 July S. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery F B prevents these diseases. It makes a man's insides clean I Jr' and healthy. ' It cleans die digestive organs.' Eie pure, clean blood, and clean, healthy flesh. It restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion and prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL That means the best Life In surance to have - and the best to sell, for it furnishes insur ance protection at actual cost, pays annual dividends, and sells a model policy. :-: :-: :-: Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co of Hartford, Conn. W. R. CRAWFORD, General Agent, Raleigh, N. C. W. M. PATT, Agent, Marion, M. C. oooo4oooaooooa'0o4- o.oooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o LOMBARD Iron Works & Supply Co. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works and Mill supply stote Engines, Boilers, Bridges, Roofs Tanks Tower and Building Con struction; Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil, Fertilizer, Cane and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repairs; Building, Factory, Furnace and Railroad Castings Railroad and Mill Supplies Belting Packing, Injectors, Fit tings, Saws, Files, Oilers, etc; Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers; Turbine Water Wheels, &c. CAPCITY 300 HANDS New Work and Reprirs Promptly done; Corliss Engine Cylinders bored In Place Boiler Flues and Pipe Cat to Length In Stock. High-grade WILL. BOILERS built to Insurance Specifications a Specialty. Oil Storage Tanks, &c. Write us before you buy. BOIIEKS CAST EVERY DAY O O o w o o o o o o o o 4 o 4 o 4 o 040404-040404040404-040404004040404040404040404040404 The Secret of Youth Do you ever wonder how you can remain young, or why other women older than you, look younger than you do? The secret can be put in a few words: "Preserve your health, and you will preserve your youth." By "health" we mean not alone physical health, but nerve health, as, sometimes, magnificently strong-looking women are nervous wrecks. But whether you are weak physically or nervously, you need a tonic, and the best tonic for you is Cardui. It builds strength for the physical and nervous systems. ; It helps put flesh on your bones and vitality into your nerves. Take J 45 .R.PU. The Woman's Tonic CA My mother," writes Mrs. Z. L. Adcock, of Smith ville, Tenn., "is 44 years old and is passing through the change of life. She was irregular and bloated and suffered terribly. My father stepped over to the store and got her a bottle of Cardui, which she took according to directions and now she is up, able to do her housework and says she feels like a newwoman." Try Cardui in your own case. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Teaa, for Special Instructions, and 64-page book. "Home Treatment for Women. sent free. .' WATCH REPAIRING If you want your work done right, send" it to me and it will be done PROMPTLY, and at a saving of 25 per cent. . Send watches by registered mail and transportation both ways will be allowed. - " ' Th Kingdom of God is not meat irMt. est rtghlamsntsi and and f$p - ' v in 1X4 Eolw O host." -tomans i.7. BT'usJr.tp In memory that tb Muter'a parables of th Kingdom t Heaven relate to ths class ut people wboiu be la calling out of th world of mankind to be associated wltb hltn la bis Millennial King aom eoou to be Inaugurated Lrt us remember tbat sometime th'f das la spoken of aa including. nomlually, uot merely I be aalolly. the wheat dasa. but also, to aome extent, tbe Urea, aa abown In our study of last week. These different parable-picture represent tbe same object from different standpoints, just aa we take a photograph of a building from th north, tbe south, tbe east and the west. Internal' and externa U jr. As a mustard aeed la very email, yet produces a Urge bush, ao tbat tbe fowls of tbe air may lodge In Its branches, ao tbla Illustrate bow the gospel of the Kingdom would, from a small beginning, attain to a considerable alxe. The iiiiiHtanl would uot be great among tbe trees, but great among bus bee or bertuiKH. Tbus l he message of Christ received at first only by the poor and the few r Israel, has finally grown to such Important dimensions tbat the fowls like to oilier iu it brancbea. But let us remember that the fowls, according to our Lord's Interpretation of a previous parable, represent the servants of lite Wicked One. d then the tencbhig of this parable would lead us to coo r hide i hut the Church of Christ, at one time, waa ao unimportant la the world thai it wan a shame and a dishonor to belong to It, but tbat ultimately It would bevoiiH honors Me and greet and the Adversary's serranta would hats plesHiira in It shade. This development the 8c rip tu res represent as being Rahjton. declaring that, aa a whole, with tbe various branches and denomina tions, the noiuluul Church of Christ 1" Babylonish, tlesrkeo to the Lord'a words: she has become tbe hold of every foul spirit and tbe cage of every un clean and hateful bird." (Revelation J 8:2.) The lotlmatkju is that there la a larg outward development of the Church which Is not to her advantage and glory hut contrariwise. Nevertheless, this la. nominally, tbe Church of Christ. However bis spirit may have been misrepresented and 'there may have been an Improper development, ultimately the great Head of the Church will bring order out of chaos nod confuilon simI will glorify and use hla "elect. The tar-able of tbv "leaven" (v. 33) .Illustrates tbe process by which, aa was foretold, tbe Church would get Into tbe wrong condition. As woman would take ber batch of flour for baking and put leaven (yeast) in it and tbe result would be that tbe mass would liecome leavened, so It would be with tbe Church of Christ; the food of the entire household would become lesvened or corrupted. Kvery portion would liecoiue more or less vitiated with the leaven of ralxe d-t riites. which would permeate tbe entire mass. Tbus today nearly every doctrine inculcated by Jesus and his Apostles has become more or less perverted or twisted by tbe errors of tbe dark ages. The desirability of obtaining Jolot-helrsblp wltb Christ In hla Millennial Kingdom, is pictured In tbe parable of "the treasure hidden In tbe field. The finder, realizing its value, desired It for himself uod bad aucb faith In It that be dlspoMiHl or all of his property In order to buy tbat field, which he believed to contain tlie precious treasure. Only those who will appreciate the Gospel message will alu Its glorious promises, if we love tbe present life wltb Its Joys and iroterts. Its hopes snd ambitions, then we will labor tor these, but If we intelligently bear and. by faith, believe tbe Gospel offer of tats age of a share with Christ In hla Millennial Kingdom, tbeo In proportion to our faith and appreciation will be our self-sacrificlDg seal to attain tbat prize. Who ever believes the message of the Kingdom will find hi faith an Inspiration, indeed a necesaary inspiration, to the attainment of tbe prtxe. for It will cost all that he has of earthly blessings: snd unless be baa faith that be will find tbe prize, be will surely be unwilling to sacrifice all be baa for IL Tbe field belongs to God. He has put the treasure there. He offers it for sale to sny willing to pay tbe price. Tbe buyer la the Lord and those who accept his In vitation to join wltb him lu tbe sacrifice of their earthly Interests that they may be sharers with blm In bis heavenly glories In the work of the Millen nial Age. to unearth all that treasure lu tbe blessing of tbe world of mankind. The biding of the treasure Is necessary: aa our Lord said. "Cast not your pearls before swine:" they will not understand you, they will think you foolish.- and In their disappointment may do you Injury. "Hast thou faith, hsre It to thyself before God. Mske your sacrifice of earthly things to blm and be who seeth In secret will reward you openly. Pearls were much more In vogue lo ancient times than now. Pearl bujers traded In these gems and carried tbem to the market, where they were highly estimated. The parable represents one of these pearl merchants as coming across the duest pearl be bsd ever seen, lie considered it so priceless thst be wss quite rejoiced to sell or trade all of his other pearls and property, tbat be might become tbe owner of that pearl. This parable represents tbe Gospel offer of a share with Christ In bis Kingdom us being superior to sll other propositions In tbe world. Tbe hooors of tbe world, of name and fame, position and wealth, are Indeed desirabie; as the Scriptures say. "A good uame Is rather to be chosen than great rtcbesf but when our eyes behold "the pearl of great price. tbe Kingdom offer of jolnt-belrsbip with our Lord Jesus In bis heavenly glory sod the association with him in his work of blessing all the fam'lles of the earth, we realise that this Is a priceless thing, worth more by far than all the honors and dignities and pleasures of the world. Those worthy to buy this pearl will gladly ex change all earthly things therefor even their good name, and this will be necessary, as tbe Master forewarned them, saying, "They shall say all manner of evil aeainst you falsely for my sake: re Joke and be exceeding glad, for great Is your reward In heaven, for so persecuted they tbe prophets who were before you." (Msttbew 331. 12). lie thst Is not willing to bsve the Kingdom at such a cost Is not worthy of tbe Kingdom. Tbe Apostle hss said. Through much tribulatlou must we enter the Kingdom" (Acts 14:22); and only those who willingly endure such tribulations for righteousness sake for the sake of the truth, in obedience to tbe Heavenly calling are overcomers. And only to the "overcomers" has the Lord given "the exceeding great and precious promises." "To him thatovercometb will I grant to sit with me In my throne." -Rev. 351. Another parable of the Kingdom represents tbe gospel message as a "net. Only one kind of fish Is desired, but the net gathers every kind. Not every kind will inherit tbe Kingdom ss joint-heirs with Christ Jesus, hence tbe end of this age will be a sifting. 'separating time, aa represented in the parable. The desirable fish will be gathered Into vessels; tbe remainder will be csst back Into tbe sea ss unfit for the Kingdom, but not necessarily unfit for any purpose. During Christ's Mlllenulsl reign that class unfit for the Kingdom will be deslt wltb and blessed and. if possible. msdeuseful and fit for eternal life. Here, aa In tbe parable of tbe wheat and the tares, the furnace of fire, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth lo connection therewith, symbolizes the great time of trouble with which tbla age will end, giving place to the Millen nial Kingdom, the Kingdom for- tbe establishment of which upon the earth tbe Church has been praying so unceasingly for nineteen centuries, "Thy Kingdom come: thy will be done on earth, aa It la done In heaven. What a Kingdom that wlU be! It will be a Kingdom entrusted to a "little Flock" "Fear not. little flock. It Is your Father's good pleasure to give you the King dom" and It will be fully empowered to establish tbe rule of heaven among mankind: Our stud? closes with the Lord's exhortation that all who are instructed respecting the things pertaining to the Kingdom should set their affairs la order. Axmcrisced for the Appalach ian EipoiitioiL Unprecedented Southern Show to Bo Circa at Kraxrilla TexuL, September 12 to October 12. Tbe Appalachian Exposition, to fee fee 14 at KnoxvlUt, Tea, Sept. U to Oct. 11 of this rear, wUl gtt fee low est coach excursion railroad rates ever granted for trass porta Uoa ox a position visitors la the south, This rate of approximately one ceat per mile baa been authorised by tte Southeastern Passeegcr aaaocUUoa, which Include all th railroad la the southeastern territory, of which the Appalachian region Is a greater part. The splendid rate concessions which the railroads have made the Appalach ian Expos! Uoa assure lu success U polat of attendance, as thou sa nds of people will visit the great evtat who could not do so were the rates aot o remarkably cheap. This Is a great ecu cession which the people througV out the Appalachian regies will a predate. The exposition he leg ? clally deslgaed for the state of this regioa, Tennessee, Vlrglala, West Vlr gtais. North Carolina. South CaruUaa, Georgia, Alabama and Kentucky, they will be splendidly represented ta the attendance. The coach rate tickets win be oa sale on Tuesdays and Thursdays st ing the exposition period. Upon oth er days, a rate of one and oae-tail cents per, -mile win he granted. Coach excursion tickets will Ve sold from all points wtthla a radlaa of mile of KnoxvUl. on Tuesdays, Sept, 11. 20 and 27. and Oct. . These tick eta will be limited to 6e days exclu sive of date of saW, Coach excursion tickets win also be sold, from all points south of the OhJomcd Potomac rivers snd east of the Mississippi river, on Thursdsys, Sept. IS. 23 sod 29. sod Oct. t. Limit oa these tickets will t eight days Is sddltion to the dat of sale. Tickets st the rate of one sad oce half cents per mil will be sold every day from Sept. 10 to Oct. 12. taclaslve, final limit of tea days, not to exceed Oct. It. The one cent per mj'.t. or "coach ex cursion" tickets, wit cot be good tor transportation lo rultmaa slepr, being confined to coaches exclusivity. The one and one-hair cent round trip tickets, however, will be good for any part of th train, from smoker to Pull. man sleeper. Some of the rates oa the rosea ha' sis. from the point of selling to Knox vllle and return, are aa follows- Wash ington. tlO.Ti; Richmond. S4&: Nor folk. 21 I CS; Mernrll. II 70; Clacia natl. 11.40; Atlaeta. lit); Nw Or leans. I12.4S; Jacksoovtne. S11J0; 8L Louis. !12M; Aucnsts, 1710; Charles ton. 110.10; Chattaoonca. 1122; Prt tol. 12.12: Nashville. 14JC Detailed Information as to rate from any polat mar be obtained fro as It. F Cary. general pcger ax at of the Southern railway. Washington. D. C; or W. A. ftustell. geutral pas enger agent of the LnaisvUU A Nash vllle railroad. Ixlvjlle. Ky of the Appalachian KsposiUoa. Amsteta building, KtKrtvtn Teen. The main lines of the Southern aad L 4 N. railroads reach Knox vllle. sad through trains and direct roeaectlous with other roads from all points on these great systems make fast time tata Knoxville. The railroads are already making extensive preparations for sd dltlonal eTtlpaeat and trains for the accommodailoo of thts etposi!ion busi ness. It is eoefUestry expected thst at least 2S0.0O0 rtle win visit tbe exposition daring the four weeks of Its duration. Now that such onprece dentedly low railroad rates tavt bees granted, the attendance may be evn greater. The Publle Comfort department of the exposition Is planning for housreg and feeding every exposition visitor, as Knoxvilie's homes wtu he rbai open as well ss Its man? ltrge and new or remodeled hotels. 0-. boe telry of lOo rooms has Jutt been com pleted and opened, and another of more than 110 rooms Is searing com pletion and win be opened before the exposition period. k oil For Infant j xi CMlirtn- -si .v 9i - 'IA Z Lb jixrjuof. j yt cxr, ar s J Mi. T fan rrd tintfieztn arDr OTKAJconc. JssfMXOLTZa rwMiks. 1 1 1 i ii w ' A rcrlrcl troth fttCxsfs toa . Sour SttMXarscn rraaaILo5cf5uxr rei4irf 5 ms kih- YOU. The Kind You Have Always Bought w Bears tho Signature of f In Use For Over Thirty Years a i - Usees Ccjy of Vrsj7ef. J UJuuU C American Beautt CX)HSETS Any wmcr.xn who cbcMr can frmx her rt sooal besnty wnih li'.llc c5ot of cxj.c. Wear aa AMEatlGAN EtAlTT 11.00 so VJCO It will b'ttnt the ajr7trrra-5CTC of aay gown that is yrvca ovct It. IAUMUjOO COLSTT CO. Ejbk1ssw VUkrs KALAMAZOO. U:CH Bccaawr at tcUcrr ia licj wx sell aad rvxorrnrrvl then. McCall a Conlcy M - -W IWHW. W- r axcau, ciffcsnito i cro mif ii ataotrtfta rcs.Tt In Unj Uh. Il9 Ctsvrs flzi nri Ta. Land for Sale Tsa s:. til ll wsjewrtnl. frrr.C..wMf-cy. wUi cm 14 t:Oi iy 4 Jsly. H.. t -t Svt.4 t irtt:rw " a flcsst ci Mj rH;w fm t it lywa ccn.it f. Caruxab. t a SmrtU ttltx C If. IUXJ lua te j II Otxru:w ti. fr cwmS to mtZL at ISu cttrt 1cismw 4cks IS Xsrvw N . l-wi tw luctr c 11 o'tixs. tx so4 1 '&-. f ta. ilm ta el Ic ti.. S5cre Kmrtznenr iwr, m mm Vtw, Xiy.itStt tl Ua& eg Jmm n&r. A t ju4 CitTL trwt ce sr trwrt Isswa m IV Oi".iT s Tu:sa.mUw.a irwt ( ai3-w ii-vt 1 cX tS CS a rvlgw aii rtius mtX JX-w wVJm lie La ci tM b-sja irwt tr umCt fi.fc.t- J rVh'e Oth t efiAl ra t,& s La Zt sa c4t j c 3n.h XmAM e f3uirtf Ta. J citt ea aw 4r . llmA'w Jwff.Jfc trV'.a Ls ntrjt ti) tci-e id efusAe JcrVh tf g.aaisx- tKCiiU Vt mw tcuure cr U TVie li Jw4 .lay c Jt- l. 1 J W Wtxsajsf Cknz t?Jvmz&' Mill Dftate 8a. rani Hc-r rrry Joh&wsQ Qty Enrin rrwta AlUpsjw AlUt atarvo Thermal rr tax burg PpsrUaburg TWruvai liarVoo ATta; Altips. Erwta Crsla Johtwao City fpr retry pi laui Danu Na No S Dsily ly tp I JO p ta s IS ta Dp I ii p tj a n fp p ta 121 a ca Ip p ta 11 34 a ta Ar axipw ti4pta t? ptallJ"pt3 Ar tUpa 1opta Na I I? (Ilia 3i.pcs t'p ? it a ta 4 crs p ta 19 Ti ta 4 44 p ta Ar 11 c a a 3d p ta Na No 4 DsJiy Daily tp 4 10 p ta 10 XI n t? til p ta 11 cu a ca tp 4&t a llilsta Ar x p a . 1 ft p a Na f iiiii Ji . Ui'Mil V I V O 3-soi tjWH ateet. INQTOM, O. O. 11 wan m KI sLsUTHECOUCH AJioCURETaLUr:C3 Ar IV iv Ar 3 m a f S a a MUta a a 103 a a 13 t? p a 134. p a J. T. BOOTH, JEWELER, OLD FORT. N. C. PRINTER' S INK SPELLS MARBLE BAND 8TANO FO APPA ' LACHIAN CXPOtlTION. Weak Throat Weak - Lungs Cold after cold; cough after cough! Troubled with this takincold habit? Better, break it up. We have great confidence in Avar's Cherry Pectoral for. this 'work. No medicine like it for weak throats and weak lungs. Ask your doctor for his opinion. He -knows all about iL His approval is valuable. Follow his advice at all times. No alcohol in this cough medicine. j.CAycr Co..Lotceit.M an. The Appalaclan CiposlUou. to be held at Knoxville, Teaa Sept. 11 to Oct. IX. ueit. will hare a band aland that win become fa mous as have the two treat ban4a which the zpoe!iloo has ecrac4 far the Booth. This band taM win be a beautiful structure add aa exhibit. It will be built of the many varieties cs marble that sre rumlahed by the great Quarries of Cast Teuaesaee, hav Throcrh train mrtU daily Daat. Va... nxA frtAaMrf- raahicx csinrtiac Wws 4 north. w sa4 euth. Ttm Oarclia. CtierhJUil a4 lMra 4 23 p a 4 77 p a f.A p a i si p a 33 p a JU3 p a MW6 Ji C. pS.5 IIE17B1SC0VE1T IAIISIIf ft 2 n - &1 a too OLDS r' tr.ir int lu a ut? ran ua u t ia5 CfeA Railway. 'XSit-thS-U Ble. the rlxht to vary froa the tits atTre without fwVw a th-e UJc raXrcoa are fuwel Ut apcy ta t at arvat for dliiJ- t&frTsatVa cr u Cmaa. T. X AJtpri, T. r A r. a. J. J. Cavrto Wwlrrn A TraJE Vet JoLtmsm CXlt. Taa Always keep a good lautive in the house. TakeadVosewhcayourcoiihrstcocnrsoa. N h-t b the best laxative for this? Ayers Pilli. Ask your doctor his opinion. Let f ist dec';!. tux hich found allocs and tea larr nH I CHESTER S PILLS cotuaa ooaatrocted of sawed blocks, I TX A. ivaflcteeii BroSe'-Su'Co. We Make It SPELL Tor YOUat Prices $0 Low They Will Astonish i; You Coma and Get Those Letter Heads Vou Have Been Needins So Long th floor beirx of pollahed ptak aoa whlto marble. Th site of this staad will be SSxtt, th shape bei&A octa oeal, and th roof deepened to give th most pleastcx e-ecl. Tbe mart I e for this band stand will be furnished by quarry add' mill cocopaalew of KsoZTtll, which will also mal s- taaalT displays of maxbl aod maxbl producta ta th mala buudi&c of sob n tzu&n nuxrzuz FIORPHINE H 111 j- k - T 't raa4l Read The PROGRESS' Big Subscription Getting Contest Have on exhibit the late model Piano Player, also car load Weaver Pianos for your inspection, Wrenn building. Have removed entire stock of Stationery, Office Supplies, Groceries, Etc, to the above quar , ters and we invite you to visit our store. - Acjwajr. tbe t&aa who boast cf bis ability as a liar Ira I a hjpo-crile. nsrttt C A- tis A. f t Sf m4 SftChavWr nMBs Si iimiiI tmB a sje mt 1t iwmiW, (Wutat, t sw eaeaaM m. swrar test, xaas t. T. tL ft. SanrS f n.tTrf-4 win tf. wM mft Wm Iwiflfc,, tmmnmt SMkS M SW mn0 Smut mmm t KwU. S c. sw M f iif. )nv i mm Ws"U mw f su. mm Wu aws Vm f mm J?t mrrm ml sssnw M Si, tow3 mm$. Sm4 Sm4 mmn ivnt M A town ml hum wmiii Ss mm Xmfm . C. trwi in 1 1 1 m si in n 1 tur a s4 mm Swi wot tw M mm t&JM. tftsae Sc s0ss w Ul 4 mn at IUhw, mm 4 . H. rjr, ft e4 ia ; Torturlc ecxrm spreads Its burcJcx are Teryday. DosaOtntmctQich If stop lu ipreadlnx. tnstanUy ravws the ItchinjT. nxrea It perma&ratJy. At aay drug storm. A irirl , docant like I ho Idea of workinsr for a liner cmeea the is ! married to a abiftfes mao. A Cewlts. A Ceif And tbMi do Ullinx what unless you us Dr. IVH's n&a-Tar-lIooey. It Is the Uwt, ask your neighbor. Look tvtry Uj SatkrW Wbo baa tried Dr. IV3 tnawTar- Ilaomy tzf couxh. extM. grtp or ay throai or trccKiiaJ trocli. 0t a bee tle today. Look tat tb Vll oa th DotUe. Are tbo bcllea la todelj for ti purpoae of ciricr it tos I Srw Cyta Are emjtilf cured wrlh SslhefUad's EcW Ere h!r. U la rwiiws as4 raarsaUed. XOo a tea. tr m Ss.L SkXJM In mm fitm-m. 9mi4 mtJm U mm U m mmtmtrt mA S 1 Sr IW, aM ii mm mumm tmm mm Tm t H tMMS. tss.s4 mmm. TV, am sacs r tma. r.ta.sisssws. 'JillNOwtOMatr, Dr.BciraPinfTar-Honfrr Fe Cov4 d CA5a. Call a Ttt IV "u : tc ari Crl a TUrtaocartcr f rrc Dr. Beirs Antiseptic Salvo TO IkMa. GRUBER. on 4th Page in this issue UasDcUooUMUatU. ikiU SoU Ossi lea a3 &U C-

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