" r-m w r o 0 mi ri c J L J L. . w J V v . i L u 1 . V . it ( h m it j 17 t n w ,-r ;" '1 . . f i f - Only three more days of the Sensational Cut Price SalW We have had the Biggest crowds that ever attended a cut price sale in Marion and you know this is bound to mean big Bargains. Yes, we have Bargains and big Bargains and still have enough for all. Remember this Big Sale closes ' - - - - '. . x 823hu 1910. SATURDAY, AUGUST w-a vrit lhave ithebeiiefit of these unheard Gto&'Ji "Kfo Co 3 D( )C DC )C OTOP CAT T A DC HT? A CTTiOtT n 3( K ?c DC DC 0 o Innocently Employed "Men are seldom more innocently employed than when they are honestly making money." - Neighbor, is your employment of the innocent kind? If not, you had better change your vocation. Is your surplus fund deposited in an institution that is pro gressive and prosperous? If not you - better change your depository. V The Old Reliable has been "innocently employed" for thirteen years and its policy is to treat its, depositors -liberally and with uniform courtesy, regardless of the amount of busi ness intrusted to its care. ' ; . First National Bank of Marion. .1 "BONNIPS LETTERS TO HER SWEETHEART, NED" WrlttM fey ETTA RAKY. The When You Think of Coal Tw if Us! Think of the GOOD Coal we have in store for yoiil Think of our oft-repeated statement that the time to fill your bin is in the spring and summer if you wish to buy at the best price. : : : : ; THOMAS COAL Cdmpanv Prompt Delivery. Phone No. 158. PHONE GRUBER Good Things to Best line of Stationery, Books, Of f ice Supplies, Novelties, Etc, How about a Piarab? Consult us before you Purchase Jjinden Woods, Jane 8. Dear Ned: I received yorfr letter last wecV bat coal4 not answer 'til now. I'm so disappointed cause you cant come down soon. Why did yoa take on that awful suit, when yon haven't been to see. me in so Ions! Bat of coarse yoa know best and I am too selfish to want yoa to leave all your business and soch a suit which, - if yoa sain for the parties, will mean so much to yon. Now yoa know yoa are not go ing to be jealous of the Doctor, and yoa mast not f ass at me so. I don't know what makes yoa so cross. . I thought yoa liked me to tell yoa everything, and yoa mast not say he had no business to take me oat on the lake and half drown me to get to carry me ashore. It was my fault. And I am sorry yoa don t want mm to do my friend for I can't help it now: he comes here so much to' see 'daddy and yoa know, and I have, to be nice to daddy's friends , and he is often away and there is no one else to' entertain him. And yoa don't approve of me writing a book. , Why, I thought yoa woald be glad, and I would be helping yoa, for there will be so many things to bay for oar little home that is to be, and, yoa know, daddy says we most wait till I am twenty, and that will be three years yet, and I could write a lot in that time. Yes, I think I most do it, though I dislike to do anything against your wishes; - Yoa see I want to help yoa some and maybe t A . you won I nare to coiner so over those trying cases, and can take a vacation this summer. Oh! I wish yoa could, 'and come down' here the 20th. One of my school friends Miss Weesie is coming to spend a fortnight with me and we have i - j . . piannea a camping party lor a whole week. The Dr. said he would get old Dr. Guide to see his patients for him and he would go. We will have a jolly good time. Now, do try real hard to get off and let me know soon for the Dr. wants me to go with him." ' -. , - (To b eoattaiMd.) DEMM1NG SPECIALS - Colored Woman 102 Yean Old School Grounds Beautiful Fine Crops.' . Demxnioff, July. 23. Tb peopl of thii pUoe hare jnst flnUhod layior by corn. Crora are iooUnr Cm In Uiu section. . "Tli '"rhrmahen" are ber thrashing wheat this week. Ererybody rrport fine crops. The people hare takes more interest in fanning this year and fine crop are the resnlta, School opened ' Joly 11th with Was Maggie Qoiorth as teacher and only ei s scholars. Now she has an attendance of 26 and more corning In erery day: Glad to see all oar people take an In terest in school work. A great many things hare been dooe to beautify the school grounds, such as ratting sprouts. CamrnUil trs Sale af rsnnisA. rer planting flowers beds. eta. Little Ffedie Onffey was carried home rery sick last Monday from, school at Sandy Flat .lie. is improring. Hope he will soon recover. Fruit is plentiful this summer. Tom Earley has a canning outfit which he expects to use to great benefit in help ing the people can their fruit. Mrs. Jake QalUon has been ill for several days. . Miss Hattle Haney visited her grand ma, Mrs. James GaUion. near Dysarts- rille last Saturday and 8onday. , - 8ay, Zero, can yoa tell anything ahead of this? m hare aa old colored anntie who is 10S years old. She is not so fee ble as one may think! to be so rery old. Mr. Darld Marshall U bedfast this week with three large boils. "Think he will soon be able to assume his work carrying the mail from this place to Thermal City. Messrs. Rhotn, - Wstkins and others hare completed grading the Jeans Creek road. It Is a great benefit to the wag oners who do a Whole lot cf hauling to Vein Mountain, j i Homet Bex. By virtue of aa order of the 8opsrkc Court of McDowell county. North Caro lina, to me directed la the Special Pro-1 ceediag of Settle W. AtweU and has- band W. C. At well, et at vs. Arthur Elliott, et si, I will sell at Public Auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at thee court house door In H arioo. N. CL on Meodsy. feat. Sla. rdCO. , between the hours of IS o'clock m. and I S p. aa. This Is for re eaie. the par chase bid at the former sale on July fnh. j 1810, baring been raised from tCH-W to S241.O0. at which last Crura the bid will txtcin, by ordr of said Conn Aug- gnat S, 1910. Tbe eaid Und being dm ue town oi jaarMQ. z. u. wjm m dwelling house and orchard thmoo.1 containiog three acrra. adoinlng the I lands or V. E. Uuugins and wiTa, as Turner, which land was a rrwrratioia la a certain deed from W. IL WattfiaU and wUe Mary VakrfiJd. of McDoweU county. K. a. to M. V. Uler. and r corded In the office of the IWir of Deeds of McDowell County. 2. C. D 13. IS, page US to whk-h refrrnce Is hereby made, more fully described as follows, rls: Beginning at a rock In Turner's comer and running south S3 degrees east IS polee to a stake am spring; tbeoos south 43 dgT west 10 poles to a stake; theoce north S3 dmrrWe west 90 poles to a stake; tbeoos north u degrees east SO poke to a stake; tneooe south S3 degrees east 18 vole: thence south 3 degreee west 10 poUe to tne begtnning. contal&lsg tnree acrra. This tad day of August 1910. C B." McBajtvrx. , Commlsrioa. ea-o e-oa-eooo-eeH3 o-e o o04ho&yo-- e-e e c e- If l ...4: f.GUDS G&raS-T THE I TROUBLES . 4j " e NOTICT. This is to gire notioe that the under signed. James Branch, now serrins: a term on the roads of McDowell county fur eight years for highway robbery, will make application to the Governor of North Carolina for a pardon. This July So, 1910. ' . " Jamxs Branch. No nun, however m eJi;y he be. sboviJ tc uhcv! i HI Aly. CASH RESERVE for scsr.e quick tvtincas sxmke ykU hiai quick fonune. I No builncas is s pro&atXc busstess frocn hkh a rra- r ii not drsw oui sohjc money and tank iL Makx OUR Bank YOUR Bank. U'e pay literal Interest consant -jih tifcry 4 per err: The Merchants and Farmers Bank e 0"ooooo-ooo-o4) ceac&ec--oaoe-o-e-ca : :-e o e o o e o o o e o o Free trip to Appalachian Exposi tion. ' .Don't miss this opportunity. Send in the nomination coupon and ask your friends to help you. You can' win with a little effort. Wbolsey's Standard MIXED PAINTS . .... ' ;".r . - - . - Highest grade made, Superior ; 1 to White Lead," -will not .'fehalk -, or mildew. ' Formula has stood ' -Z the TJ. S. Government tests and r r: those of the Master,Painters. ; ! ' ,' -Adamant j Floor - and Deck : . Paint for jour porch and room -. , floors. , Hard Oil Finish, Enamels and i Stains for sale by THE - NORTH CAROLINA StateNprmal and Industrial College ; Maintained by the State for the Women oi North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. .:. Fall session begins Septem ber 14, 1910. Those desirine to antar should apply as early as possible. ; For catalogue . and other information ad dress " JULIUS I. F0UST, President, Greensboro. M. C . . CiiaG. C arson, Marion, N. C. Come to , the Farmers Institute. CHICHESTER S PILLS v ft. ILL JrOWD vvuX Six " Blunderbuss. In nslng the word "blunderbuss" we nnconsciously Imply" a sense of dlspsr-agement-for the-shooting powers of onr v forefathers, coatrssted with the precision, of the " modern rifle.4 ; The word itself, has, - howeTer. a terrible enough tneanlng and iuint aJl con nection .with "blunder.- "Blunder buss," in fsct, as we" hare - it Is s strange corruption perhaps not alto gether nntlnced with the sense and sound of, plunder" of the old Dutch word "donderbuss, which csn be lit erally translated into ' the English "thunder box" or "thunder barrel." wonct ThU U to ttOtf an iwm IWt i UhUd tatbehU(B. W. CnU k tmtl idmIW Ow tlxsed sdnUUtntor if mid B. W. Crata mum aa4 stake paysMat. sIm sll pmon s hereby sotfAwt Uist U they asve say cUiau srs1iu4 Um mI( tsUM prM mid Hilw a lae ssdrUst tor pssteas Vula ese jmx from Ua Uie or this soUee wul te tes4 ta hsr or recovery. ' This July SOth IBIS. J. W. CftalG. Admr. si stUMst B.W.Wt(. tfOR SALE lZS-acre tirm on Moddr Creek. Apply to E. IL IIousiL - tetemalry . t : .I)r-Bells Anti-Pain cures colic, flnx, diarrhoea, cramps and all bowel com- "" jn-AiL.x: vuxee sore oreasxs, corns. Bunions, toothache, neu raligv and all pains. Soldererywhere. It is antiseptic Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve Good far &! Ckio CUsasaa. ociety Q Card 4 - - A.- S K Of Any Character . Printed at Thb 1 Ofllce GET ? THB BEST Samples Shown and Pries nlshed on Application Fur NTI-PAIN ' ;r 'Mi, r -m S m. V a ' IV C It vV 'T Tools for the Farmers .m H &alfa tuft? the Foundry man io 9 Erery farmer Who his k Ulrlj rood farm ctht to hrt plexoeats to work with. Good, durable tools which will do the work and list a rt.iv- enable length of .time. Snch as wheel barrows, pic:, shorels, hocx plo. pi:- shares, wrenches, etc. - I handle all the abore and many more sorts. The well-kncs and approTed Fairbanks, Morse & Ua make. Oone better as to make or dnrableneas. Noce more rtv- x enable as to price- Call at my shop, sec the tools and get price. I can rlrxve Fangle Foundry and Machine Shop For Man and Beast VTA.'foH lEPivSSiNCf Mexican Mpstang uiiimeBt r. iM, ino .mot econonuca remedy because it ts made ol i 5ua and don t eraporale like alcohol liniment. It nen ttratea to the bone In a hum 1 I V 1 . uu cr-aiing Begins uuianuy. " ' atast.T,Ai-s. ' 1 think Mezlcstn MntUnf Ual iaw.eAil siwsys herp a bottk or so in w rtauea. orrrr fczownanjcW ieaian: Sibsrt ft fsUrd to rirs slirt SATTbwj sclliejj tLiul tr it for JOjvr, Krsprrtfsuly yews. . , ; PAULIlOl FMAS , . At druiila. Thr size, 25c 50c smd $1. LYOff urc crx, tUSSchrYtihS4, gOOCtTK.K. If you want your work done right, send it to me and it will be done PROMPTLY, rd at a saving of 25 per .cent. Seed , watches by registered mail and trampcrUU'ca bclh ways will be allowed. J. T. BOOTH, .tkwkt.kk. OLD FORT, X. a Read The PnOGnESS Bis S:3bscr:i - v ootest - on ..i Cxtma Palna. i- .... LI O

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