4 & f X -5 "-. 1 f4 1 T'ormtrly McTiotvll Drmocrxxt VOIiXIYS M flflfi - . r , ? - 1 MARtbN, ,NC THURSDAY, AUG 18.'. 1910. r PROFESSIONATi NO. i-X A n Mnnrn T. A. MORPHEW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW "r K STATP :NEWS Office over Merchant's & Farmers Bank. MARION N. C. MQflEttEADLELeCTED Hh ; STATE ICHAIRM AN Puncan Withdraws land the' Fifth InterestinltemV VoftNews JlcJ ConS"n Eted f briefly Set Forth For - nau. ! BdSy Readers? ' '.K?PUicl teconTentioa J - - " t Greensboro, named Conrress. The Boone Democrat aajs eleven I man John Motley I Morehea4 as DR. 6J GILLESPIE REID, Destist-: 1 Will answer calls at any w honr of the night. :: :: isetsof twins have ijeen- born in I chairman of the state executive one township in Wataafra county committee " by acclamation, the C since Christmas; ; : ' I . - ? - HcDR AfER "C Jt OSS ATTORNEYS AT UU Prompt Attention Given All -. Business Intrusted to Their , Up StairStawtman Bnildinir DRWKFlisMJNG btherr candidates, Hon. E. Carl Dancan and Maj. J. E. Alexander, hayjdfir withdrawn from the contest after their names had been placed before the convention.' The i key note of the campaign has been the abolition of the former refere ys tem under which the Bepablican party has, been operated with re ference to federal appointments. and'that idea was emphasized in Mr. Morehead's speech of accept- The convention also endorsed and ,The wheat and corn f mill, plan, heartily commended fthe adminb inar mill and lumber plant of Mr. Itration of the: retiring state chair- i J , Coulter at Connelly Springs I man, EzAXudg Spencer R Adams, was destroyed by fire last Thurs- a nnginsr resolution of thanks for dayrrTfoxvfjrhrof his faithfulnessandJ fairness and yet known. The loss is estimated eminent services being unanimous- at $4,000 to $5,000, surance. - . , The Southern railway will run an excursion from Washington. 'Kmbs 3i 4 aai 5 : Lynchburg and intervening points First National Bank Balding, to V on Saturday, 20tb. fMarion.N. a- ' W . . ;J'A Allison, convicted in Bun- combe Superior Court for the mur der FloydMcGheewas sen tenced by Judge Council to die February 24;next-. s-i-r.'1?'. QFFICET STEEETMAN C. E.HOUS Scnrejcr gul Drauchtsum with no in- ly adopted. 3V The . convenJionLjwas . organized for business by the election of HdhTThos. SetUeT of "AshevHl as permanent chairman.' '' He received 737 votes to 878 for- Hon! E. J G. Ewart, of Henderson county, and t-X-j ,1. .. 'v i-4.-i I wie election was maae ' unanimous. uMiujr s awre hi wo m. cuwxwwi i ... ... - -ui- t. IT. J. Uarluns,.oi Asbeville, was "ffAi t s; elected permanent secretary. Newton News, 9th: .The strang est deed-possibly ever made in the I county is now on-file in the regis ter's office. ? r It coqyeys a lot near the usual provisions, . this instru ment sets; forth the doctrines of these people and gives Scripture references therefor. i . .: ... Miaat oar Copy JWAfs -; Blukfeobts ani Abstbacis Spkot A1.TT. ; , bfioe In StMBtmaa Bldg Main St For the office . of Chief Justice T. T. Hicks, Judge B. M. Douglas and Judge W, P. ynum were placed in Domination." - First Ballot: Hicks, 481; Doug- las, S37; Bynum, 248. ' " Judge Bynum's name was with drawn.. .J : , ' Second ballot: Hicks, 671; Doug- was ASHEVILLE: :IS CHOSEN Commissioners Select Moun tain City for 1911 ConYen-tion-Impbrtant Reso- .lutions. Adopted. : Oat of six invitations from cities as far east as Wilmington ' and as far west as Asheville, the State As sociation of County Commissioners in final session last Thursday after noon decided to hold its next meet ing in the mountain city.:-" Mrv E. C. Foyi of Newbern was 'elected president for another term although he stoutly protested and . went so far as to tender his resignation af ter the motion had been put and carried by Mr. D. McEachern of New Hanover, but the members would not give an ear to his with draw 1 and Droceeded with other business. When Mr. McEachern of Wilmington was nominated for vice president several : jumped to their feet to second the motion He was elected unanimously. RAILROAD , FOR YANCEY C, C. & 0. Road Planning Route fronv, Boonford to Cane ftiver via Burns- : viile. NEARER HOME. Oom rC aoUcn UioU Ooatm to cm o r aa4 o mr. I axa pir.T haam cIaj TLm X bt rrtr Wa UZ; Xmr U gra wkiu UroeA. 2ur crjuUl mz Wki Uw ocr bsrSe dava; Xrta toUj U-4 I llir V. Lt car. r&xii tml La TLU W fH at fir&lr Ob tU rotk o f a Urti -aJi. AWrt2to Uwf ; - " The outlook for a connecting link between the C. CL A O. rail- Yancey coanty rotes $100,000 in TUt 1la i lux xoilli. bonds to the Black Moonuia Rail- eJ By " way company. At the meetiog of Ooca to tb 6t4 tbjva: " the commitsioners last week at C3car Ui& omyt& Barnsrille it was ordered that an ttxima. eiection.be held September SI to I O If my coorui fwt dedde whether Yancey' county shall exchange $100000 In boodi for a like amount of stock la the Black Mountain railroad, which is pro posed to be built from a' point near Boonford, , Mitchell county, on the C , C. A O. railway, through Bumsville to a point near the Cane River postoQee. The conditions call for the beginning near Boon- ford, crossing the North Toe river. The sturdy commissioners, orerrowlntf thence to the valley of thelDuien adieu, bet it girt tse tie half-a-hundred strong, represent- Ifeouw Toe, theoce down booth Toe I greatest of pleasure to rttarn tar ing a majority or the VS' countiesl"Ter 10 mouui oi. vraoirte sincere thanks to yoa all who tare in the State, completed the mctcreci i be nee rrotn UraUrce creek soccessful convention held ln? the P Bumsville; thence west down life of the association at 4:50 yes- Wej of the Ptoe swamp to terday and left the city for their C0 riwr, and thence to Cass respective homes. On every hand wer postoiace. Tbe line will be Bat under the rircusattnees I M they uttered praise of the Queen I DO. ues in lengui and M to & easential to make this charge, CXtvMecklenborg county and the be completed within a year from which at my ear Hot conrenksce local bolrd of orhich Mr. W. M. ( tho time the : boods are Usoed. wm be explicable. Long is tbe efficient and popular Further conditions require the is- Fortheraore. if I kft o kg aay chairman. These commissioners m of W.000 o bonds wbea the no any thing. tltim vriDtiad came here orimaHlr for4 the dis- Ke i eompleted and In operation tb fall aznocnt will U lordd ussion of problems that : cod f root Krota Boooville to MicarUle, $- by rttern man. Adirna Adieu. I am regret very much my good neighbors aad to ua school- prored to be soch nobla frieoi i both la skkness asd health. Nei ther distance ocr time will Uot yocr kind deeds from my memory. ANNOUNCEMENTS rca nxueux tar Vk tdm ti Thwtnr tt U-zZi-wZ ociii4 &a4 tiwpt! ta girt H t try aiCir. JLCLrwaAr. nsai vAxscsxa, I W$7 axaou nrrwtf a otaJ f U tCc of 7rMc?r ti 4 aa4 iet4 a try Id -rr i ; rljliUit tr aHsr a&J cj act 11 Cm U a t j. rx Fcr Tri usnr. I ben by Cjaeii acao- diiite for the eoe cf Cczrtr Treaaarcr cf McDwtll Cocitr. subject to the actioo of tbe Demo cratic Coerty Cbarretioo, T. Y. Lmx OU Fort, Job ISIQ. Pz J. SnrcLAia SINCLAIR 8 CARLTOir '. Burke county . Democrats have named the following ticket: tFor the Legislatiire J.'F. Spainhonr; tor uiers: oi ue superior uoun, 420. Hicks' nomination A. C.'Avery, Jr:;forSheriflf,.F.a Unsde unanimous;: ' ? D. L. CAW.T05 Berry; for Register of Deeds, J. B. For associate iustice: Judge JR. ammwnyyiuT xreasarer, 00. M. UOUglaS and Judge 15.; Vf,. Lane; For Surveyor, . J P. Bum- Timberlake were nomintted byio garner; for Coroner, F.EL ' Cook; clamation. Judge Douglas declin- for Commissioners; J.A.Dickson, edVand Hoh: Harry fSkinner was -i"UT-ia n n -i r '... - - - m - " Practice in State and Federal J. M. Brinkley and F.P. Cook. Courts," Office over Gaston & Tate's Store. MARION. N. C. McCALL & LISENBEE ATTOBNEY8-AT-LAW ; G lenn. to Stump for Stedman. 1 WlMton-8lem SenttneL Former Governor R. B. Glenn nominated in his stead. " Z For, corporation commissioners: James H. White, of Madison, and G. M. Hoover, of Davidson, were nominated by acclamation. has written to Major C. M, man, Sted Poteet Building, MARION, k. a DR. R. BURGIN DENTIST Marion, North T "Carolina vDeinocratic catefor PfPtern Cohsrress fromthis district, vol- naa. unteering to stump the district in Cithciiirrthlsection of North MsjorStedmsn's behalf-in Octo- Carolina and along the main line ber, says The Greensboro TekhlssBO AshevUle Mivisions':of rthe gram.' Mr. A. Wayland Cook, in Southern Railway . Company . are behalf of Major Stedman, wrote I greatly interested'iaV report that Vrovernor uriena boaoKiuK uuu-ivr 1 souu vesuouio -fcnui u vu ha crnnArnnA nffftr and ftrtflnt1nc I nivttoiiAd bv th RonthArn RJTftV I his services. Among others - who I through from Washington to Mem- have- offered ' their services : and phis by way of Salisbury. The .. . . -. . whose offers have or will be ac- report has it-that the" .schedule of Icepted are Senator Lee, S. OverWthe present trains will besochang ! man, former State Senator White- ejtharolfert)f6 vestibule vtrains head Kluttz, Walter Murphy, will reach Salisbury from the Vest them in the administration of the 000 wba Imk Irom Micarille affairs of their counties, A or theL0 Burns vUle b operating and the exchange of ideas and the passing remaining $50,000 when the' road of opinions and for social inter- rescues Uane river. The average course. s S is to be one per cent, la two In the SUte there are nearlv 500 p!e a grade of three per cent is commissioners and they know, per-1 permissible. w I m mm . . mm hiMtvttiirthininrAtWTnMnr .neat most totercrts Asheniie imt of men. thft nf thii rww people In this line is that when pie because they are fresher from w reach there ts only them. Wnat they know about ut fir remaining to be nnWion tmA In th -WJ built to reach the Buncombe cocn- of experience and nracticalitv. IIo- The company has definite- With a finger on the pulse of the decided to build, if the boods people they feel a need for certain I toaed. tnm Boonford to Uaoe litrttion nd ntrttmn river. It has tentative plans for made yesterday on vital subjects bnudiog the line across into Bon which will probably be presented combe, coming to toe forks of Ivy, at the next Legislature: UDOliuiTIOX KKCDCD. '' u rowing out or a discussion on the first day of the convention about the needed legislation to cor rect the unfair and unequal vena tion of properties, - a committee m was appointed to maxe socn re commendations as they deemed wise. ' Messrs. J. F. Womble. N. B. Mills and D. T. Johnson, corn- George H. Hastings; A. W. hanx and -Victor S.- Bryan t. Gra- s - Office , in POTEAT BUILDING. -, ..." ..---. Raleigh, N. C Aug. 10. In the Chinquepin section of E)uplin coun B. K. McCALL C. R. McCALL McCalfBros. . UFiDERTAKERS ;f - j,?. . conservati ve estimate, to gather ,n, sr vKiWm - Iritnxstsd a lIIl. It,, ed and jammed? a in: the early morning providing connection for points north. .It is said that ! trarel 1 is now - greatly crowded on. the western lines and that accommodations are not to be bad some days on account of the a. t! . IJ 4K.i; Rr n PrrpV i neavy ; iramc. express, cars p -"ww ' T 1 At u prosperous farmerwhorhis friends Pw D " MP i - , . .. 1 ! mcrtnti to Memnhis. ; beinff trans- er i Anr.it m tn tnft mnr.oi . ' " I I . 1 m 1 iLw r 1? . ierrea.irom iias main iintj , w wio western. road at Salisbury. - The editor of this paper, took a trip up'thewesternroadlajt Wek. ways 'were 1 pack Mconf Icing" in JrNortb 'Carolina. He lias this year $00 acres in corn in addition to cotton, tobacco and thence down Ivy and across the Leicester section of Buncombe to Canton. Even ahoold the road be bnUt only as far as Cane ri rer. then much of the Yancey part of the proposed extension , of the Asheville 6k East Teoneseee . Rail road company from Wesvtrville to connect with. the CL, CL& O. will have been accoar&sbed. Tbe extension of the line from Wearer- posing thiscommittee, offered the N wbitWpIcTmatter, as Mr. iouowujgMJD uiwma wu.iuca tTft.itrvi - mV ftWVrmUTr, session yesicraay aiMsrnoon; l.t.K V. nlW txt.U xA 4 - TTT J L ? -I w . .... convention adopt plans to get our tK . VlnmUKt IK rVf represeuiauves in mio . scguiawire 1 E. IL Bsjoitt, Army. A Nafy Genl Hospital, . Ilc4Spriga, Ark. ? He Hid No Eft tor Color. Tnere came to the home of 1 negro in Tenneswee an addition to the family in the shape of triplets. The proud fsther hailed the Erst man who came alocg the road ead asked nlm in to tee them. Tbe man, who was an Irishman, teem ed greatly interested in the in fasts as ne iookso uea ortr, ijtsx la a row before him. "What does yo' think P asked the parent. WaaP poicticg to the ooe is the middle "I think Pd save thai one." ErerjboJjs Magnloe. It'a easy to lore our eoemiee after the underuker gtta theca. rerSktrif. To ti VoUrt of it?3 &n'r tar tim ari.f.ih-w ti tlri Fcr Rtrjrtir ef Detit- At CI rvtMft Ttdrt ti rvrlntJi trtf f ll cmsty, I W Vr axXKr trL! m tzUUi tor I2t c&oa r."jC-r sirt ta LU krUas caf lX rtecsaanr rrtarf or CKta boo. 11 ln-iUiMT fl W3 mm f 14 easy atfcS la 11 t&s m trU m tar liCjtt lint oocxty Lm rrr? B.UC onrcsr. For C1e?L tar tL eCLcm ti ti t&4 1)m actka cf tl DocKTauKTsiaa or ptjBrj. THOMXS For Clerk. fjr Un cCo cf CWk cf li 9?;rVar Ar. a. ir.x . JL J. raccx. For Sitrlf. fortW t&rm a fiTl C KxOrwa oocily lct ta li rtla ti tl XK3Kacrsic ccvtmiiaaL F. K. CaLLjrr. intrusted to our care will receive uromot' and careful at- tention.r. Over McCall & Conlcs Birniture Corn;, throughout Store. THE NORTH CAROLmA College of Agricultu re : and Mechanic Arts. The State's ; college for trainin; industrial : workers. . , Courses 1 . 1T i J ... oe irt 20,000 busbelsf cornfrom the ffiSSiiSd op all the way field. One section, embracing 60 from Salisbu rv to Asheville, It acres seems likely to yield f at the was impossible' to get a seat in the Pullman.- bach a condition should be remedied and the public has a right to reasonable accommoda tions. The condition above men tioned exists every-day, we learn. Concord Times. -.V to give us improved laws ' on' the following subjects, adopting such amendments and charges, as will allow us to ad minister the affal rs of our counties in a more bus! n ess like and economical manner. ... 2. The matter of assessment of I property for taxation. - Railroad talk, which has always been more or leas proline in this section and so fsr fruitless, is again holding, the publics attention: Trans jl ran ia county last week by a majority of '2C voted to sob scribe $100,000 to the capital stock 3- vvuutioh in regard to petty u- y!"y?m til ... .-..iroaa rate of 80 bushels to the acre. is Indeed the the said to be very fine. corn'crop all oyer the state is finest ever grown. . : -x in Hookworm Examinations, i (Trom EaWlgb Newil ti OWtfrrer.) : Out of 97 children of the Odd Fellows' drphkriag examined, 52 were found to be infected with the Agricuitufe Horticulture, Aiu Husbandry and Daiiinglin CSvil, and Second nT Electrical and . Mechanical JEnsi- percentege of those-having hook- neering: Dye and county seat on theHth of .July. : m unu f-- r jru !ltf . i r-a' j' tT Mr, andMfV ChssrtX Priced of Cassett, S.'Ci visited -friends and relatives-he re last week. . - Abey Elliott "is 'in very feeble healta''!-;? John Jboster and son are on a fishing trip. ? r a. E. Ii' Walker will move to 111 A. . . . A A At 1 1 . ?t rv.ffrtn Milling and I worms was. respecxiveiy, o -o uu uienwooa w ujieniw W4I"t r.Mtto0."? "iKljJ.i-ii .W I .iwa'w. 1 be an ice-cream sud- ing;tn Industeialmistey; 5 bf L.' L m Agriltarat Walker on Saturday - night, Aug. h i tnaflfl oy ir. rcrrwi i onH f.r thA riftneht or trie iv&arv- Irrr. crimes. - 4. Law providing the appoint ment to an auditor or tax lister In the discretion of the coanty boards. o.. -We recommend tnat a per manent 'legislative committee of five be'appointed to have charge of all matters of legislation, submit their, report at this meeting and furnish a-copy of theie "report to each delegate here and send a copy to each chairmanof all the county C.' ;Tbe'attentioo of the corpor- stlon commission be called to the importance of equalizing the values throughout the State. : Embodying several important recommendation, thisprcci pita ted a' discussion' which led to' the tab ling of a motion" to adopt the com mittee's repxri, . - Uowerer,' the discussion ef - various ph2rcsrof questions, enlightened the commis sioners and proved of considerable value.- :. ' Asheville was selected as company, wnicn ts to raiM a I line from G reeov ills to Brevard. It is proposed to extend this road through the rink beds into Hay? wood coanty sod down the Pigeon river, via Canton to Kfioxriile. This is the road of which W. lL Patterson of Atlanta ia president. Mr. rauersoQ some' months ago outlined a proposition to the Ashe-! vilie board of tratle brirgieg the line through. Aahev die, but so far no report has. been forthcoming from" the committee appointed to investigate the milter. THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN Dally Weekly-. SemiAVcckly 1 . Complete Associated Press reports Splendid cartoon every day in the year. The Sunday Citizen is a large paper with colored comic sup- Implement and special features. 6 , 3 - "Sample "copies will be cLadly cent . to anyone malrins appll : . cation for same THE CITIZEN COMPANY, ' . ' Aoheville, N. C next meeting !ice. " TI. A. Tate, of McDowell hanJed ia an ursrect invitation from th Jlsaoractertrs Gab at Marion for the con recti on to be held at Marion cext year. Invitations alvo came from Gull ford, Kew Usnover,, Im!cll, al DaDCOoil5- The execxaure cr:n mittee thinking it Wsi to duxi a wrslftncounVj rrcoa:rvrJ- J .VaI.e-j villa tna uniaunqusiy itwsscnocn. One of the most eajoyab! s scelsj fratnrM dnnr.?.th rCTer.t:ca ( was an automobile rUc ore llcci- the lenburg'a public roads WATCH .REPAIRING- V m "' " -I r' If yen want jxxzr work dese riihU tcsA It to : mcisd it will be djzc PROMPTLY, iJ it J J a sAvb cf 25 per-, era t. Scsd watches by v - wiH be allow ei ; . ;" J. -T. -BOOTH, jewklbr, OLD LX) RT. X. C, '

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