'v m',, ,Kf v" '-r - ;. - 1 - . - , . . . . 'V " j i) v ( if A . WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. i"' i ESTABLISHED 1896. marion, n. c, Thursday, January 5, 1911; VOL. XV NO. 18. i i'A OBB-SWINNEY WEDDING. beautiful Home Wedding of Mr. P. : : D. Cobb and Miss Nellec ; -7: : : 'Swinney. ; ;v . v' In its issue of ' December 2ttb y'tThe Asheville Citizen has the fol - lowing: account ,of the marriage fhere ;of; Mis Neslle Swinny to ,r:Perry D: Cobb: v " : 'WThe vwecldins of Miss ; Nelle winney,' the .vounsest sister "of . : Mrs.vSincIair, to T M ri Perry D. )' Cobb, was sol.emniz Mo'nd ay : . af- ; ternoon, December 26, at 3 o'clock x at the: residence o f D r . J. A . Si n- clair. It Iwas a quiet home wed ; ding : of 'marked simplicity and ' beauty - Only the nearest relatives 'arid a few most intimate friends of the youngs couple witnessed he ceremony.- The bride is a strik 11 t - ii i 11. ingiy nanasome gin 01 ine oruoetw type an'd has been very .popular amongv shevilltfsh younger set isince her residence here - with her BRILLIANT SOCIAL EVENT. Holiday Dance Given; by Cotillion - Club'at the Club Rooms on ' Last Friday Night. . The Holiday dance given Friday night, December. 30th, by the Cotillion .Club was the most bril liant of. the series of dances given this winter by this club. The large bail room - of the Manufac turers' Club was handsomely deco rated with Christmas greens of holly,"pine and laurel, while fes tooned around the entire sides and ceiling were garlands of . green ivy. BOARD OF EDUCATION y, : i Held Regular. Meeting Monday and MadeAnnuaj Apportion . ment Other Hattersi f i , 'I .v ..J, -r . . The County Board of Education was in regular session Monday and Tuesday of this week. All of the members of the! Boarcl were )res ent. 4 Besides therbutine work of the Board, several important mat ters were heard. ; A petition was presented from the citizens of f)istricts No. 3, Nobo. No. 6. Dysartsvillc, and No. 3, Higgins, asking for a consolida tion,, and the erection of a modern and Christmas bells, and large Japanese lanterns which lent a glow school building. This petition was of radiant light and made the scene discussed at some length b.r the a bower of true Christmas beauty Board, and it was finally decided ana signmcance.. - that all the local committeemen of Behind a screen of pine boughs the three districts involved be The Marion Orchestra played mu-1 called together at Nebo on Jan. 21 uri irm mU.nn rA lUUf iU. I J t?JA? rri ;o fka tvc tnm vpais: T. 010 wiiiuu uiauo tiiiu io , ucai u, w uiscubs mis consoiiaaiion. ino parlors ; and -library presented a an stl ligbter the steps of the County So pt. was also ordered to lovely scene, decorated with the nappy throng. be present at this meeting, and the r a- . SOCflAL AFFAIRS Reception and Supper Given by , the Ladies at The Marianna ? 1 I.- Chrbtmai Parties One of the most onjoynbU affair given during the holiday season was the Reception and Supper given by the ladies on Tuesday evening, t rom eight to ten o'clock an informal reception was held at the Manufacturers Club. These rooms still wearing their Christmas decorations were most attractive. and after a pleasant social hour hero the guests repaired to The Marianna Hotel. The dining room was a scene of beauty; garlands of red from which were suspended green and red bells, drooped grace fully from the ceiling nnd side walls; on the beautifully appointed tables galax and the gorgeous poinsettia were used with charm ing effect . . . Aooui sixty guests enjoyed a in ilkcy the Ting bearer,-dressed in a - white Mr. H. F. Little with Mrs. Little. J. . Lawmg, J. A. Hensley, Wra. following gentlemen, each of whom lingerie irocK wrui wmuj nuuuus some twenty 'couples participated uucieu, ana rrauK uauaoipn. responaea in a nappy manner: and slippers, entered .the library iu the stelyimarch down the ball A petition was presented from L. L. P. Cutlar, toast to tho "New T,slow?.r S c: room where.Mrs. BartoD and Mrs. some of the citizens of Brackctts Year"; D. F. Giles to the "Occa- WftfnVlnwPil hv thft hridft and M. Blanton presented the ladies township, District No. 1, asking sion"; WrF. Wood to "Our To wnn; " v"w . ----- - I . ' . I " .1 . I ... .... . groom down an aisle festooned with and their escorts with i favors for tor. some consiaerauon as to the J. . winborne.to lbe Manan irbpes of green to an arch of mis- the German: These beautiful fa- use of the school-house for public ua"; and J. V. Plcss, 'OurSwcet tletoe in the bay window of1 the LXi flArof i;iro om1o ; meetincrs " This netition was k- hpjirLii unrl Wirw11 It m rmn p. , , , . i i ' - . 1 . I f ui J r v uu vi iinu ' uuu.) iu 3 - . i - - - ... - . - &!Jr.t'vMsaAeat lavendar, pink; bine, ferred back to the local committee, I og tho rakloicht hour when tho w HSiiarviw -m ii h lit . i . mm- .mm rr. m . i formed the ring ceremony : Record- and yellow, with rosettes of dainty and tbey advised to act under bee- guests departed, each assuring the :in?r;to - thePresbvterianjchurcm used in "n ocnooi iiw. nosicsses or a pieasnnt evening. VftrlAL, Thft hridft' r.hosft the color I '-j.TUa kaJ- firtiac vl th I Conntv SunL. ' D. F. Giles, was f,hrm6ther wedding grown for conduct a six- weeks Unristmas rarty. imarried in a cloth coat suit, ; the wua m ujuuuuaur--; - . - . ...r , m- ;nf-whinh; Wfl. U.nf: intermixed with the German. benefit of teachers who aro there by a number of friends of Misses roses," wearing a oeaver nat, iurs td the adioining Club parlor 1 i ana giovea to maicp. - uer oniy Mrs Barton. Mrs. Pless, Mrs. . - WM T "iroc ioiiows: trnament oemg tne groom s oriaai , i. ' 1 tion in nrimarv methods and school "Chriitmu omM bnt mm Tir , , . . . . ,i i-cirn onn IV i rc vt : i-iianmn nrpsinpn w : i . . W,abroocb ot ametnystr ana - -T r . " ms, ItwM ordered that thi tearis;; following 3 toe ceremony av me xuucu xu ou . , OQ , t Iicrf: WnUttnn Wo krvafr flftAr hiffropfitrA rA.Qort dnrincr ilftnrft in- CUrS0 begin Jan. 23rd. which the happy young couple left frnii?on5 nnd dftlicioiur ndnch xue aunuai apporuonmenii -was The spacious rooms-of this coun- ' 1 1 . - I " TT r I J I 4. Jll J . ... was served with dainty cakes from m e y wwnsnips, one uoimr ana try home provided ample room for ATTEMPTS HIS OWN LIFE Judge Spencer B. Adami Cut) HU Thrpsit With hRum k Grcasboro, N. Ct Jan. i News from Jodcii Soenepr n Adams at oooa b that he is doing fairly well. Ho attempted soidda latt night at 9 o'clock at Ketley Institute, where he was & parent for nervous prostration, slashing his throat with a razor severing half of the windpipes. He had been despondent for aocao time, but no ono expected suicide. Ha had recently returned from Florid where his actions excited suspicion and was placed la Keclcy. Btrr ing complications, it is thought he will recover. i.ihainmAn.Ann(i nf h lir onH mio. ... . . .!. I .1 t vuiiamiaa iccua ui uynj nine o'ciocK the oall was open- ioiiowiDg corarauiee was appoini- most oouniuui supper served ,ocal school five courses. Mr. J. Q. G ticQ TTnt.m WhwW thp little president of the Cotillion Club, committee: Messrs. Cray ton Pyatt J was toastnmstcr and called on Let's m&ko merry while lu here. At our nom Taesday night, December 27. 1910. .--Aft amidst showers of rice for an ex- rrti wr4 tri .tilii nnairrviAnn- wedding gifts from the family and spread with a handsome lace intimate friends- -wef re unusually piece and ornamented with greens -handsome and included a chest of and a basket of wrought brtiss fili al ver, a tea service of silver and poinsettias. ;s trial lAr',Tiarc rf c.liriar nlcrk' n . large number of pieces of cut glass, . Among the guests were see a tshina and many? useful household number of out-of-town visitors fafty cents was apportioned per the thirty-two invited guest All capita, this being the largest ap- were greeted at tho door by Miss portionment ever made in Mc- Hallio Gibbs, who ushered the Dowell County. The Board hopes younger guests into tho parlor and expects that each school in the while the older ones were invited County will bo able to run morel into tho dining room where cheer- aHicles. After January-first , Mr. with" the club membere, including J""" T'; .A" " . i and Mrs. Cobb will be home to fw . nnro 1!t.- A na f Pected that all schools tho UmsUok of nrsbmellors and r i iir - a. 1 i jrm n win run tour uuu ouu-uau mo ni us. i corn popping. uames and re- This depends somewhat on the frcshmcnts prepared by the hostess amount of money the county will were greatly enjoyed and tho crowd W. C. Dowd The Speaker Other Officers. The following bate been elected , officers of the house of representa tives for the year 1911: Speaker William Carey Djwo of Mecklenburg. Principal Clerk T. G. Cohb, of Burke. Reading Clerk G. Scott Poole, of Robeson. Engrossing Clerk-M. D. Kins- , land, of Haywood. Scrgeant-At-Arms G. L. Kll Patrick, of Lenoir. Assistant Scrgeant-At-Arms D. H. James, of Halifax Other positions are Oiled by ap-. pomtmenL Death of Mr. Landts. : The death of Mn John L&ndis, an uncle of V. E. and John Lacdis of this place, occurred at his horse in Spartanburg, S.. (X on Dec S0th,J910. ' . ' .'. The deceased was aboo t eighty one ycATS old and was ono time a resident of this county. W. E , John and Clinton Lindls attended the funeral on Saturday. .J 7 :'?-:- 4 1 1 i. 4 , -I , f t t 1 -? I ('.' ' . J t .!.. .''..I. ' p..'. ':i thft foil n win cr list! Attomev and their friends at 128 West Chestnut M ' niA-nn- nf pti,-rfn1tnn. street, where Mr. Cobb had pre- " - 7 pared in perfect rediness their new ttUU "A4av vy", home for occupancy upon their Murphy and Mr. Wasty of Ashe- return." w ville. Miss Guv of Saunton,; Va., fThe bride is a sister to Mrs. H. I Miss Turner - of Statesville, Miss Marguerite Link and Mr. Mouser of Hickory, Messrs. (Chad wick of Wilmington, Williams of Colum bus; Misses Winslow, "Pratt, Wait, Giles, Nan Guy, Anna Laurie and Nellie Blanton, Marguerite Grant, Julia Burton, Bruce Landis, ..Mrs. M. . Blanton i Mrs. Roscoe, f Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. S. Yancey; Messrs. Hemphill, Smith, Edwin and1 W. W; Guy, W, K. M. Gilkey, L. J. P. Cutlar, Will Blanton, Mr. and Mrs. Birci; Mr. and Mrs. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Blanton, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tless, Mr and Mrs. H. F. Little Mr. and Mrs. Win borne, Prof.and Mrs. Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. H. W Dysart, Mr. and Mrs. Howard. ) Dysart, of Marion, and is quite .popular, c Their many friends here !wish for them much happiness." I "' ' " "-' . " ' v Miss Herron to Wed. ( : , Mrs. Charles Herron announces " the vf.TUT,?fiiriATi'fc ATiA'-nnT-rnanhinff TnArriAiTA H ) . ; ot her daughter, Rose Mary, to Edmond It' , - J. Walsh; of New Orleans. The wed- r - MS, '1 ' ,r, be an elaborate church eVent 1 1 . T j- , dtirlngt the . first week 1 in February. t coin me young t people ,-are vey ' wen known in Chattanooga, Mr. "Walsh, al--thoxigh now a resident of New Orleans, having formerly, resided here. - At pres ent he is therepresentative of the Casey Hedges company at New.; Orleans. He was connected with that company for several 'years; while livinsr inrthis city. he wedding will be celebrated in early morning at the Cathouc church of St. Peter and Paul.Chattanooga Times. Miss Herron will be' pleasantly re- membered Jiy friends here, having visit : d Mrs.A; Half-Johnston , during the summer. , ' - . - - . - get, from the state from the second truly made merry MnlW J5100.000. hour. District No. 6, Marion township, was . consolidated with Districts No. 3 and District No. 5, Marion township, the division being equal. a lata Corn Crib Burned. A corn crib on J. P. Ray' farm near town was destroyed by " (Ire last Saturday night together with its contents. The crib contained about 200 bushels of corn and other roughness which belonged to Mr. Ray and his .tenant, Charles Padgett. The origin of the fire is not known V For Rent A ? Ten-room dwelling: with ; lights, water anq. bath and nil conven- lences.-on juogan street, now oc cupied by W. P. Howard.; Apply to. W. ur. Howard. : s . ; v .. ' ; Vess-Hoore. ; - Miss Bertha Moore and Mr: Oran Vess, both pf Old Fort, .were mar ried in Marion, Saturday evening, aecember 24th,' the ceremony be g performed by Rev. Ira Erwin at the Methodist church. Miss Maggie Morris entertained a few friends very pleasantly at her home on Morgan street last This will make Stroudtown school Pnday D!KhL a better school, and will also make the school at Garden City- better.' Walker-Stanford. It was ordered by the Boani that Thursday afternoon, December onm mrArn caWI fcn.M.r..; 22 fit 11:30 O'CIOCU MlSS UmO erected at Garden City provided btanford and Dr. Walter L. W alkcr the proper arrangements could be Cxraham, N. U, .were .married mflA txtli tliA r.mmitW linrl ritl. at the homo of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. zens of that district. v 1- Fleming. The cenfmony was per formed by Rev. E. C. Murray, of n !.' I .. . . . . oommissioners meei. liiraham, ana tno marnago was a The board of county commis-kuiet one, only a few relatives and sioners held their regular monthly friends being present. Ono of the meeting Monday; and transacted guts was Jos. U. Y alkcr, the usual amount of routine work, brother of the groom.- Miss bum The finance committee appointed tord was a teacher in the graded to audit the accounts of the various school, she is an estimable young officers is coinpoicd of D. F.'Giles. woman and has many friends here. WKW. Neal and ' T. W. 1 Stacy. I Inimcdiatcly after the f ceremony Jurors were drawn for the Febru- the young coupio leu lor ,Vshe- arv term of court."- The list will .villo. They wUl make Uieir home be published next week. in Graham. St Elmo is billed to appear at I the opera house hero February 9. C. N. Baber has removed 1 his family to Morganton. Rev. W B. Magnan,' of SL Louis, 5Io., " will preach at the Episcopal church next 'Sunday, both morning and evening. The members of St, John's church are fortunate in securing Mr. Magnan as permanent rector and he will be welcomed as resident to the town. E. G. Goforth, of NeAlsvillev was in town Tuesday. "The Merry Widow". ' Hear? W. S&Tmfi csAi.5ocat prt- ductloa "Tho Merry Widow, will bt prrest4 M tho Aoilitcrlcrs, AjberUIt next T&ctly nlgbt, jAiCAry ia ' It U exterally exjeordfd ihzl Th VLerrj Widow" U th taort artiUc, fSUlcUt and altogrther caytfriiUc libt - cera produced la th Lxit decide, Thw j fct that tM ti Urtiry a V. 6ari.pt tJEtnw Uoa U a gruuaatw ia iiaclf that eTrry thing will be at rtvmrcScd.' ., - , t Prices ' Lower Floor, ft.C5, tLW aol $2.00. Balcour Mc. 73c s4 tl-CO. AH maitonlert for, tickeu abonli.V dnscdta J. F.'ArcoU. HAmrr AcdJ loriam. Abrll, K. C- rc!f-W c? EfpTtwa mosey onifT tasjt jrx? rccrim.L