..-1:.-: a-aaa- .i -i;iP-fiK. A:A A-AAA , A AVA' 0 V n. . - -:, --y, - ' , . - . . . - - H :rAAo A- ' , - " --.-' . A - ' - x t V. . - i . . ' . . - . - . . .. ... - . . .... - ' . :' ' - . -., . . , l A WEEKLY, NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST: INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. 5l' ESTABLISHED t896. MARION; N..' C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1911; $ VOL. XV NO. 24. Ha f CLEARING DECKS OF ' - "MERELY LOCAL BILLS To Get Freedom; fofACohsideratioh ; Matters of State Wide Importance Bpecl ''Ji Glenwood and is similar; in biun- SQM E I M PROVEM ENTS PIS U MADEiAND UNDERWAY quail is I5a.vs shorter now. n M Seen in Rambling About Town vbepator RjH. MasbburD,bf Mc- n; : i tho Vicinity." 'y Dowell, was a guest at the banquet -: ' ' at Gifersch's. given ; by the r More- ?'. ? How- very mucK like property Ciaito THBPROGBE88. J ' y ' j hrButler clan : last r week - in that belongs to a- progressiva con Raleigh, Feb. 5 14. With the6x- honor of thft Rnnh1in mm earn does the. clerat and : freight ception ot the death of he bill to 0f the Assembly; buildings look now;v Neat and at- establishdmont co :Aftjoitf tractive. Ample"and suitable ac elaboralarliamehta commodatlons Indicative of tKo ings to ensure its perfect and certain grionlil apt6hment, held up-to-dateness of )th raijroad and demise, little has occurred id rthe Monday1 night, 'resolution was town. . Yet a little more could be passing of bMs- durinr the; past unanimously adopted to re-district Two or three arc lights set MW6'8?1?- the state. This with a viewof in- the promenadeinfront and f course, a vefy large number oi suing reemociratic "majorities one, at least, in the War . bf the lUsi W1h merely locaf significance -in each of 'the ten districts 'and yet station building b a real necessity v Averi passanienrplled for rati- nt affect' the Cpreseot membeVsV both for the public" protection and !?n an ih clend?r U8lea electy 'It was agreed to submit the to add to the attractiveness. MM:fo"r.tKe proper .man6euvernsriib. proid6h'and.a'hew'grouping to " , ; , , ' consider those matters which1 d6 a caucus of the demficratic .mem- ' That one godd;;moVe generally bave moreor less significance so of the Assembly next Friday fetches about another of 1 more is lar as the whole state is con- nighVif possible-to complete ar- proved bjr the improvements made " ' ; by the Southern railroad-company . . . i au its atawuu noru. wvaano op around town, property owners are repairing or rebuilding fences; tearing down unsightly out build ings, cleaning up garden plots and In many instances repainting ther residences. All this heralds the near approach of gentle spring; (Barring s few more frosts and "a late cold snell or two and the Charlotto Observer hu not sat J to "take 'em off" yet ) :- - MARION MILL HOLDS ,. . ITS ANNUAL MEETING Ofnccn'and Directors Chosen ftp ' Coming Year A Yery Sut- cessfu! Year, cerned. Jf the awvftrs in favor ftan con r i . A it,- r: - - " ; " " 7 - . :--. .r . . piumpiu ui aawuusno any streams IraV the lawyers not -in i favor aps the long suffering public tne oenenciai results accruing r per- of North Carolina passed the Sen- Pste side ofthe street, the two ic may ate (without any county exception) store, storyand-a-half .brick build-.4 Amintr mwuuay uiLoruuuo. oenaror jyiasn-1 iuk orecvea uy ur. iu. u. xuorDnew trom theDlacing of thW Torrens AJi aD neanrig completion and will soon A. . - . , , v v arnendmeat that it should-not go reiuiv for Accnnancv In the vstem f or recording oralid -iruar- Jntn off0 ,f;i reaay ior. occupancy, in me nteeinff titles to real estate on the ratification This. wMim.nv lrea.r and to tn6 right of the station iute bdbks; rThisgvst hai for others, was lost. ' is a -single store brick building its most immediate effect the elimi- U . - ' rrrrr wun a l0l-in Piaw Ka33 Irn erected by Buffaloe & Hewitt and to be occupied by Graham Dale as'a l . ww m a m in a a -m i w- w m. . a a wv w eil state-and Mvinff the nrobeftv . " " swre..ua resiauraru comomea. ZiA neotlateable luo-oh rT;"-. ' A the unsinhtly f ramebQUdiDKs bich,to borrower realize other: ; taS' OKM w "moved and travellera pawing 5 - 8 Child! Oh, had yotl ever to and-fro.-in andouturanndouht. . w li"t " . nation of questionable title, nthe L 1 aymi vueutiu ui simpler trtusiu;tiuusiu r WVio w 11V H. W. Dysart (real estate and insurance) reports the sale .of two houses and lota on : the Crooked Creek road near the McDowell Furniture (actory to Bennett and Morgan. . Also one house and lot on the old Bakersville road to Rev. A. H. Hatwood (colored). These properties rnrmeriy belonged, to Mrs. A. E.' Elliott. Mr. Dysart has also closed a deal for the John Ly tie farm of 150 acres oh the road leading from 014 Fort to the Crooked Creek section. : Tho pur- chasers intend os.ng it for Uaefc. e. W4jU Xew Xork aty. j. L. Tho annual meeting of the stoc5c holders of tho Marion Manufac turing 'company pf Marion wis held tn the company's oSco at Marloa oa February 7. " Tni treas urer's .report . was satisfactory I to tho stockholders, considering th mill his only Jbccn in ope rati oa about six months, and commecsu rant with tho condition whicn ha cxhtfd iuftbey cotton : and cottoa goods market for tho past year.i The old board of directors wju re-elected, compot&cd of: Messrs, AuimstusV. Smith, of SparUn burg;S. C.; Wm. S. Glenn, of Spartanburg. S. a; D. D. LitUs, of Spartanburg; S. C; Carroll Baldwio, of New York City; Wd. iog ana fruit gro wing. Morgan, ThosI J. Gibs, Geo. L Lla. l- I . t..:l. .... l ' i i j i t;. ' i.f -1 veivefc uaoa upon your oreast; naai tntun .mmm't you waited for the firsfintellibent "V-, . mil to taoi.sn Avery county Wiij Klance ;from thbblue eyes; had ..Over Pkrk Hill, near ihe'EU pass. K it does it , will carry tto von wntrhpA iteMir hanan Instttiitc, fe: "ShmnVcii?? Uwslfe- the : features '.of hinKwho islhaving fhe dwelling hiuse, wMch BuB w UB stole.your girlish heart away;., had he purchased from Kev. .John M. Tf apart of that counVo fonn you wept a widow's tears overbite Greenlee last year, remodeled-to unconscious bead; had .your deso- make it a commodius and attractive From many folks come words of White, and Hugh F. Little, all of approval of the. suggestion made rion. . V , in this paper laSt week by a sub- Mr. D. D. Little, of Spartan scriben In regard to lorgtniting ; a burg, S. a, was re-elected prei-. poultry association and have some dcQl ,nd treasurer, Mr. Wm. E. Boys Corn clubs. Some fellow Wall, of New York City, was rc will have to-'lead out", and get vice-president, and ' Mr. the propositionstnjarorkablo shape Sw L. Copeland, of Marion, was and it is possible that there will re-elected secretary. r-r ixp uni tr .1 Judging from t e numbO of oJni r-JtLiio " V phee seen io and mwr. town then " ) tixtQcbt&iu-4kl9- ..-Thei3urliDgtQa ens . t nja Y, planting this .year, than for many T. Payne of Graham, killed the previous ones. It Is a' good sign; biggest hog (t ercr heard of. I It is PCsible for the market to be w ci hcd ToiZ pounds, ad; tha supplied at home without lending v . , . vf.:au. ti?i.. -..k.- hews remarks, was ai biff as a it is passing strange that it is notnorsc f done. - -- - I ! It the new county. This is the only new.coonty likely to teestoblished ate timid heart gained courage horned Riddle BrdoloetWe during this session. Heap much1' rom that little piping voice to work and Mr: Clay-and" family ex politics in these measures. 0n0 :k k, wii tiw-.t to oeennv it soon- The proposed creation of a State daUy, brcad. had ita lovJaK iSmiIes ' : v,ame anan yommsion is a and prattUDg WOrds.been sweet re tnatter , which is m '.obeyance but . t L ' j "ii . , , 1 . Li ' -y ' . iuiuijuo ior suws.au exposure; . :-t?iu r ; w.U probably not get j throh , as had the ,one,y fntnre brigb opposite tho Elhanan Institute, in luere 'J",fa ened by; the hope of that young arm a?'LUi?"&Z 'Iean Pon" tnat ibngnt. eye or . Tt is reported that several pur- ;xu .. your guiding star; had; you' never chasers of lo"ts in the Wrcnn ad- byMyrtl. framed a planar known a hope or SltloVfn EastIarion will erect m v mm m m m m a . w uu . w ww k a & i - . . r T ,,r: ; fear, of which that child was not a dwellings' durinir this snHnr and ; - I : . . i , . 5 i'.'l f n" 1 "i..1 f' ' i 4' Nearly every town acd couh Ligrary Doomispiaceo..-,. j. iQ Sut0 oi,0 The books mentioned .below ben or more representatives at RaJeich longing to the Ladies Library have next week to attend the good roads been misplaced. ill any .one meetiui: on the 14th. holding these numbers' kindly re turn same to the library on Tues day or Wednesday "afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. 228 Daniel Deronda by Oorga EUot. Thirty-five of the forty five ap plicants before the Supremo Court were announced Thursday as hav cow. 512 New Chronicle ftii of' o iWHi ki cf.fthlicVi !BTirVi I UAin i,k riw'ftwflT I1 ' ' c t summer and in most instances will Knt D Wicrfn. schools on the co-operative basis T fva. nonufAic wt,l' ,J ... . ... Wlggla- RffWnnfcvVwiirvWn ""Tr'T" FnPy wem W"Q ineir amines. HSOtZCI- left for you to love; if disease came, This will mean" increased popula- . and its eyes grew; dim; an4 food f ion and more home o sins continue to c6me. Un( -rtAin-JttAn 1 - ' ' of "Rebecca by owners. N 1 The tod rest and sleeo were forgotten The;biU toprolubit the sale j will inyour auxioas fears. If iron paced ! 'Altered almost .Uyond. recogni- the floor, hour'by hour,n with that "on is the Oak. Grove. cemetery. frairile? burden, 'when: your1 very For some time now4the association who waa o ecrionaly burned a lent daya touch seemed to give comfort and bas had men at work making road- w UTWllin a very critical condition. 1 1 . a. Ai i . tvnvfl ortrl wa1bTvro. fvnmmin f Via I W. E. BtOWIX ha returned fTOffl l neaiing w iQ nttie- qonog r-- trio to Rutherford oocnty whem he frame. Had the star of hope set trees ana snruooery ana nexiy . - . . almost assuredly become a law. . as it has a majority favorable in the -Senate and has passed 'the House Af little arrangeie xertain "cider products!!: is keep- ing it pack at present. 1 : New sy "salaries : f or judges tthej; governor; andafew subordiriaUi sfiteofilcialsi preparations for the funding of a bond debt duei next - year and to provide for theaying of the pres ent deficit and to establish - state highway commissionKare among the most important matters x now pending. " a"' ;- WPQ-:. , Night sessions for both houses is common occurence now and next week will have some important re sults. The bills for the establishing of a new township arid - to protect quail finX McDowell ' county have passed and are4 laws. : As stated j before the "new 'township is called 223 Golden. Deeda, .by- Cnariott ' IL I BronU. , v. . last Ionday and licenses to-prao- 404 At the feign of the J acko Lantern I tice law have been issued to them. Reod I None of the three negroes who ap- After a new census taking of Hcndcrsonville, made by six pub- lie spirited citizens Thursd ay there was found to bo 3,705 living there instead of 2,818 as the government ccnsuVgave. 5 1 any people were found who never saw tho enumer ator for the government, but were tzsxt to get on tho list. . Garden City Hews. Garden Qty, Feb.14 Mra, J. P. Bay and eon Van of Marion weregneeta of Hi. KnU'ZLn. J. E. Jlineracnv Fxidsy, - The amall child of Mrar Oallie Willi of hope set trees and shrubbery, and generally at last, had you hung oyer its dy- h wayiug - ap.j . x,e more, wm op Hm. Alex BUirr of Curtis Crtk rpent a rid tor ing pillow, when the stroripflireast onev mate it sightly as 'the the latter part of the week with rela- you snouia nave wept on was injne iwhuk , I v. VrT - kof thus to do as is indicated br the W . E. Bjrd of Hantjre t i nv n uci u vuui iiuiiu niu luuwu- t . c . . , . n - . i . . i rr n f rMr fmmiT nn ?-vnnrtv. ' "''ti.r, Ti 7 IT C , 7 . 1 Alter a ungcnnjc uineea or many iaint cry ior ine neip-' you couiu on uie pan. ot me puonc. week. Mr. Burg Dari died at bet not give, . riaa lis iasi nuiiennK u . l . , . home on nppcr Buck Creek, rebrnary . sign .oeen preainea oui on youri . ; xnere is some una ui iaying Mifa Clara Bird U Tlaiting her aunt. Dreast wn, acouiq you nave saiu, asnhaltum nave on the street lead- ur it w Tti at Hrtvw xls on!ya rPliqf t- ing from,the depot to Henderson vMra. L. A. Chapman, who ha been V'M-Cor:Not.--' . whence. to Main and on Main" from, qtiitoaick; we am glad to know U much the Franklin cemetery some years ago, woqI(I a i0Q? stcp Q "the im-" how busmess was Just.to.hear his re- p.rovement.line Wt it shonUt be ply It came In a heavy bass voice: wisely considered and properly Dunea a uving aoui waayt MrpA for Then Rhonld ho Philadelphia Times. , 1 , - . . , , , - , ... aone quicKiy, cncapiy ana wiiq a If von haven t the time to exercise 1 vmw of ncrmanencv. Not alwavs regularly, uoans ts m prev arQ such things usual SO done. healthful action of the bowels without griping. Ask your druggist for them, 25c Everywhere, almost. in A and School Entertainment. The public school at Sugar Hill will give a closing entertainment onSaturday evening, February 18, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. A splendid program has been pro- pared. The public is cordially in vitcd. Wadesboro has not experienced so disastrous a fire la many years as tho one- which destroyed pro perty to tho amount of nesrly $100,000 Friday morning. Oce- half of ono of the best business blocks is in a mass of smoldering ruins, and two of the Urgrst btisi nccs establishments lost their en tire stocks, with only half insur ance ' Rutherford College commence ment will take place May 0-10. Rev. W. A. Lambeth, of Winston Salem,' will 'deliver thd.anncal ad dress; Dr. P. Few, pres'Jent of trinity Coll Ct, Durham, will deliver the literary adirras, ard Rev. I. Iicrre Aivrr.ethy, of Can ton, will deliver thcrnlamr.i sJirri-