r . - . . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH2i 1911. VOL. XV NO. 26. r STATE ASSEMBLY-MUST WORK NEXT- WEEK Canfiot Com jp 1 ete t H of Bu si n ess f by Haixh :4f theConstituU Limit otSessionSf y? . Special to The PiTOaia , Raleigh, tbrea tlays remaiti irt wfjicltd mplete business i f j the State : Assembly "Were to adjourn sine die next Sat urday which is the : constitutional limit pithe "session: Holding three ibnsthrimei each yday;;and forking rapidly yet there is much 1x do and it-is ' certain ; that the legislators will not leave this city of oaks until some day next week. To date about 500 bills and reso-J lutions ' are " ratified; . There are about 600 morevto dispose : of in some manner. In the House there ire 6ver 60 bills of general interest and almost that same number in the Senate. visat; improve the roads of . Mc Dowell county;: establish 'a, new COURT PROCEEDINGS- Mrs.'Thomas Entertains. f Oq tho afternoon of . the 22nd township and appoint a jostico of Jesse rlsdn quitted-Vance M E A. Tbom&3 entertained the the peace, v iy.r- --1 -"i t McCnrrv Hnnvlrfpff. . , . . w ; . y No selection is reported yet for a . successor to Mr. Ledbetter, mcuurrj uonv.cwu, , Bridge Club. mU l Jesso Burleson who shot and cr hospitable homo on Park Hill. TO,a fAm k ;Au- 4li Kinoa oiemn xoomas ai uamp o. vnutJf : jjruewc-u iud ui MnTw.ii tj.j i North Cove, in 1907 and made his tho QPa cntcnog the ball, tU ATnUjfo . : escape to Colorado and. who. was I and 9 the parlor, library and dm- ' y - NEB0 NEWS Local and Pcnona! Item: cf Ger4 (iral Interest b nCasey Joncs.H Nebo, Feb. 23. Mia Mtbcl Boydt who has been i!ck for a few days, is able to bo in school asaln. littlft Bcnjunin Hilderbraud of ' I . t 3 5 1 t m. t linrr wvrrr rr ! ri -l w. V. I I . . . . By the provisions of the appor- oBn kick aic- !r - Ur.drtswatcr visited-his father la tionmVnt bill passed by the House, OoU last October, was acquitted od bluvand numerous amall Nebo, Saturday and Sunday, the counties of Wake, Gailford of cIharg8 of nrfcp. in the wKer0 ' Pf0'0. 8.nd h Mers. BUIio Wilsoa, and Aecklenburff will have each 6nd deRreo and consequently charmtne effect. , Tho dining Ub'.o DIantoo and Joo Giles Kero wel-J.wii.-ii; -.T" Clven his liberty yesterday. . ; "J Kraccd by tall cut Slass vase come visitors in Ncbo, Suoday. a n., n k ' -b tu It seems that Burleson and of red carnaUons,-surrounded by Prof. J. IL Xanner'a aother n&iJ0 Thomas enea2ed in a brawl at standinff groups of fl4Cs, and cry,- d brother. Bichard, vuited hla TAu i-b: ou-.: lUamp o and not ; w words were ex . tal candlesticks, with candles and Utr ?.ot JohnPbeson, Miniatu ft J. GUcavo nam, rwwan, union. ana. Wayne rr ?; TmT.: ""7 .u ut.u nxxpuoa m ino irmiwry, n- resuiung in mo Killing or jl nomas, i wtuuf. iuu ..uiwumv cicbt, in honor of tho stud cats will have two each.;,, The other 83 counties in the state will content themselves with one each. , - n - y ;: RutherFordton Newir 4' i Burleson claims that he fired in nbbons -of red,, white and bluo of the normal coarse. self defense, that Thomas was wer0 dniPcd V the, chandelier, K Misses Loa Giles and Mabel where tho lights woro softly shaded Uoyd ava a party Friday cvenicff in red. Score cas, bearing pie- "" of r)J: GiI; tares of the "Father of His Coon- lT lnhhlQ SUcj .n, j t.j. Cuthbertson. . Jt , r :!. u.uu,-. . Misscs MaQdo E1Hott .aod'Hosa firing' u Don him. The trial was very lengthy as well as sensational aud ' consumed qniet some six days. The best legal Special to Ths Pbookkss. ' 1 . Bntherf ordton, : Feb. 27. A home wedding took .jiabe at tho home .talent to be'obtained in this im- WCH Passed, and sixteen ladies en- Stacy. viaiUjd relatives o a Beck The very much larger part of V ,aspa a most mUsrcsung game Creek, Saturday and Sandajr. work, so far as actual business by the defendant. " . - ; of bridge, after which Mrs! Thorn-1 41oby Coaley, a student of Kebo coniplished is concerned, had. to ney.S.a.R DOmo foto with local or rpurely private the baptist chnrcli, oajg. ' Im- account of being previously cm- iQO uainiy savors oisinouica m - nf littlA or rv inPondArahlft mediately alter the ceremony Mr. and D0ved bv defendant did not nroso- Close oi mo gamo were oiTn'ir:i 'AY"! the do "importance. : . Lr; 7 :.T--Srn OTM r'e Ae . T' .f school at Morgan tea. He will bo The fact that the work of the Uhere he holds a ood Dodtlon -th ttll State-was represented by Attor- Pff - greatly misled. Assemblrso far or yet to be done Piedmont Telephone Co. 7 - neys CariWn, Sol. pro ,tem, and naming a aimmuuve copy ox mq Messrs. Kobcrt Seals and Jay loa nnf. poncml nnir unrMt in tKft . Drs. M. H. Blsrcft and Henrv Morrfu I Messrs. Morrmn and ImborL iiaxnuiw uiuvny teii. uita uvw wMvtuwi mu - - v a -x , -' I - - c - - - (have moved" into the handsome newt' tt. t n tk. w nttm ftree:!7c,c Kntherford Hoepitail . . :nt. t ; n -k. , Report of Literary Society. - building. . The front la 124 feet with -i upon, so iar as lue wnuie suite is North and South wings and will ao- Ballew were' visitors In Ncbo, Sunday.- ": " " ; A number of tho Kcbo folks at.- wow wno, wuia rorn. u.f ucwoer j. 1U' i spent Saturday in Marion. -Thi 3rd. 1910. shot and killed Ben 'The Philopolimic Literary So- Jno, M- . concerned, are of real importance commodate tixty patienta. The floors Turner, was taken" up yesterday ciety met Friday, February 21th. Lola Kincaid, Edith Lonoa,"Ek!d:3 Sn a conservative way and meets are maple with ttleain- the bath and morning. Late yesterday evening Old and new business was at Grst Young, Vera Co rpening. Marg. ret he quiet approval of the public. ;; 9P jury returned a verdict 9f attended to; after which the P" pJ23fntli1i7 UV7p. The Revenue bill k.throuW Ael J . -Jadge Cram was rendered. 1 query 4w iTnndPlV House and sent to the SenateT The bnildinR is an architectural beauty Ine wfll pass sentence laten . " debated was, Resolved, that the rjulhbcrtson- - . . , "The former are now considering and modeled after the UniersitT of r The killincr it seems crew out of manufacture of cigarettes should ? T?-tr. n' it vrVr nKrJ Rt the Machinery act ' Theonlyireal- old grudge existing -between P' ly important change in "his& "n?v the. slain represented oy wm ncss ana Mrs. G. II. Weaver, a teacher Houghton's plan to give the cor- London. The cost ol the buUding and Ben, and. McCurry. The Grafton Bird; tho negatlre, by of Kcbo High School, was unabb uKuwuspmuwgi equipment has not been given out but b WA mn r Vl n nrl wSnRMrl IT to bo at school Mondar. oa eooount porauoncommissionspeciai powers it wHl probably be about $50,000. r;TV, "nf t - u w.x. w. s i jlqo juuges appoinuxi were u. i i ' . . '.' " I - . . . I HI1 niJIM I1L. Jlirilll LI Itl IILIILI'I W .J AMMM..K.M,J a State tax commission and fur- Ra rUOJUUk croUt f' p.. n t n,iwf .w;in m' LfTiwfrsfw w. -o.m between Vanco McOurry and Ucrt St t C1- to rndU and Ed R: T- By of AibcTiHe, uer pruviues iur.au iuwur wr ; ,J ""T iarner' blows wero being Passed, I Zl . yy 7 7.. . , visited f ricnds on lied IIUI street, a. a i i Ait . hi in - iiuiiin. , m-mk. - . Kill ii if mi a m ra i m- m r i r ' - a i m i nviiir. i iirii 11 v-s iaiiii i vi-m i i i h i i r rm m , eacn county .ro.oo appoint oy -zi-"j. ------- " vnnco reacneaior Ds pisxoi wpicn Baoaajr. . "the commission. . - Utr'.C,-: . J"S ; Mr.adMx.iLIfcHiUerbrrsd. - I 1 lk LI ft IUUn LK11 LI 1. CUDL.Lni. 1 A " T I IT II " 1a1 a . W V f 1 . mis assessor win act wiin township -8SS6SSOr3. - &Qu' iDStrnct J andBeyenty;Xiixiti&nniT6r8aTyof Oeoro I MoCurrv rnntanrlfvl tH.t thn Icilli n 9 the mmm.mntf r.-m-wnn ? w-snmuiw,- m kiiiidk . cd aeeiaea uiHumwu u.ru na tx- Mr. and Mr. Q. Q. Anois and Mr. WDO !a3,sl??.a,??. n- cIGy mado tho best speeches, and Mrs. D. A. Anni, who b.re them and advise with the' county Washington and being a national hoU- of f arDCr was accidcnUl and I oeoaio occiipiea more wmo that ho bnm Tnrnftr no malice than cxpoctcd,.the rest ot Wio pro- commissioners. He will be re Wednesday, the bankswere closed that he bore Ben Turner no malice. sponsible only to the ftex commis- toffice d waa 8nspended on mission; : Va completion ytOf - the the rural free delivery routes. C annual assessment he will make a Messrs. D. E. Hudgins and W. P. enort to the commission and all Wood, of the Marion bar were recent I Butherf ordton visitors. Baualization. gram was dispensed with. Society Honor Roll otMarion GraSed School then adjourned. for the Month of February, First Grade Albert Hewitt, Shuford Godfrey, Eobert Potest, Ed win Pleas, DysartsYillo , Dots. Dysartrril Feb. 27. ProfT Step? day. Mr. Thomas Morris, - Qerk of the KoTmAn TjwnnL Mettle Perrr. Bobbin AnnIe Fordham wrre nxnicd n . A r - .. 1 I - r v I a r-v A 1 ff . oupenor uovn, 01 jucuoweii county, nrrv, -poii- ttv It is now an assured fact that accompanied by Mrs. Morris, visited RnV ou!-Hettl Ms CWmv -there: will be a new public building, relatives and friends here Saturday and I Sar&h Margaret Keal, Mar- thelr frfen Mr. and . . . ... . occn in uourcnui, icnn., xor a while, have returned to Kebo. - blaster Mark Giles visited horn 5 folka at Kebo thn bttcr part of last week. Mrs, Green Stacy visited h?r daughter, Mr. G. G. Annia, San- 250000 as the amount to-be ex-Y pended now as there are so many other pressing needs. ; : Senator, Cotten's bill to establish the Torrens system for registra tion of land, etc is receiving; very considerable attention in the senate. It may get through and' become a law. " Either way it .will be very t5losejffiyt ;Avery county is created and the state now has 100. Hokey county Nealsville News. Nealsville. Feb. 28. Things are, so dull here it Is not much to write. Miss Essie Hemphill TbiUxl her at Spencer oa . the ICth IniL. and ar- grace father Monday and Tuesday. rived nereoaiBta ana are at aom to f T. n Cuthbcrtson vras Mrs. W. IL Ishoobinir In Marion Thursday and 3orieKirby,EsteUe Huffman, Annie Lee yrlo-J1 T v ' " " MJI Friday. Lowdermilk, May Belle Jones. Mayo f Miss Elle Wilson and Thad Laughrldge, Albert Blanton, WiUie El. ttended a "r0. Hunter visited friends at HuntcrY Uotte, Edward Foy, Coy Laughridg. T v 17 - Pool, Sunday. v . V, iJL r It la reported that there were about 75 ! . L " George Meacham, Gordon Page, Jeeae Mrs..T. W. Wilson left Sunday night Kirtier, Fred Houck. ported persons present and a table was -made for Raleigh to join her husband. Rep resentative T. W. Wilson. Third Grade Sallie Houck, Ola Glbbs. I Mary Sweeney, Georgia Finley, Ida W. A. lAughridge and W. IL Taylor attended the tpecUl meeting of Masons . Xrecently made) is asking permis sion to issue bonds and diet ask for another slice of Robeson. "What v the fate" of the other counties who are asking for formation will be is problematical. : All of the bills and resolutions introduced by the representatives , from McDowell county are now r laws; . "Senator Mashburh: intro duced two, one to establish a graded school in Old Fort and a resolution to have:George Bartlett timbecile) admitted to the Morgan- tbn Asylum. Representative Wil son's bills were to amend the. Re- Miss 8n?le Poteet speot Saturday in "M.' U Marloalt Prid.Tlght. ; Marion. ..V.,1: m mut: th, .WUngtoa .afrulaaent. Prof. rmbcxandsoa Will, furniihed musis Marion. . y " , 1 uidds, enueta xaewnt, iuaiuo wames, J. . i-yatt spent iionoay in . Maxion I r". .. r in Tart. ' Prof. Gmbcr cuia a Utk aad on business. . - t . ' ' . ?Z7'l ro8 tc old hU f; Mary Sue Pyatt is TlriUngW grand Justice Hermon dermUl Charies parents near Marion. . . ; offend for it. But a more ptautez f- Mr. and Mrs. Joe.Potee spent Mon- om u i.. -P- of th9 eat!rUlllQt was th.chUd- day in Burke on business. . . wmMiJoigin, .u uu. Mrs. Lizzie Wilson of Sugar Hill is nuagins, ituoy james, m iucvtuire. spending the week here at T. W. Wil- e1 oaraa DUT"'1 r Hudgins, Emma Ciapp, Dewey Denton. sons. POLLY. rca's own programme which they reu dered with much credit, both to them selves and their teachers. Mrs. J. Y. Taylor and the now boy. Blanche Finley,- Ruth Bargin, Katie . mll ;-The Kroniclet3akersville,statcs JS-, 17 he Pata raUtUea. , . II...L I Huffman, Mary Lowdermilk, Gay Kirby I . tr . , . tnat tne siocKnoiaers or ine aiiwn-1 LeRo gQTer ell County Bank held a meeting Miss Miry Davos haj retarned home after spending several dy with her uncle, Oliai Divert, at Glen Alpi tie. Mrs Emnu Hpmtt aadhuibindvifit ed her parent Saturday. V - ZlZTJO Sixth Grade Alma McCurry,' MH- recehtly and approved the action dred Page, Alice Bobbitt, Helen Strange, of .the board of directors in author- Maude Bargin. Edna Godfrey. . . ... - t rwi - Seventh Grade Lois utiKey, uora izmg the increase, of the capital n. At stock to.$20,000, and the additional Tnth Grade June Lauchridge, Ef. The Great Ddvb Sale at Sumner stock wilf.be- sold at once. The fie mcks, Ammie Bomar, Mary Poteat, Sons & Company's sloro at -tVshc- bank will bo changed to a national Thelma Hicks, Will Pleas. ; villo commences to-day, March L bank as soon as the necessary de- Tenth Grade Kate My Strectman, Ihe pao advertisement in tins tails can be worked out. " Myrtle Burgin, Lorcne Gilkey. ' I paper will interest bargain seekers. T TTT T mm mmf Im m a t. n KcbcC was called homo Saturday and Sunday on account of tiekceca. Ho returned Monday and resumed bis work. Fcstus Sigraon. of Hickory, visited his brother, John SigTson, hero Fridar and Saturday. 'Bom, to Mr. and Lira. Walter Pyatt, Tuesday, a baby girL Casey Jonca expects to bo away this week to spend tho surnrncr in another state "Hope some other will wnto the newa from he bo. Ouclittle town is of too much im portance to bo forgotten. Cjlsct Joses. is . NOTICE! The firm of P. A. Pcid & (te;r, herrtoforv ec;rrtl la ih rtrc'i baiinf?i in Harlot?. North OirrCic. tM bora thU dy dlwoirM br kss l-zxl o a int. All iltlu ilc lh fAii tra bo pid to X A. atvd all iUtmhti of th fjid rra hxs anif4 by and will bo Irr P.. A. will coatisao tt bnimp?aL ThU I5lh Uy cf Jxry. A D- 1911. "P. A. I'.rJP. ALD livTZ ,-::-y