DEMOCRATS TO START NINE PROBES Taffc Administration Will Need Strength to Stand, fire. . : Washington, March 17. Plans legislature, which provides tha for a long series of investigations cbinery for levying taxes is differ- fls a nan or a 1 wmnRraiiR ram. t .e f . STATE MACHINERY ACT Differs in Levying Taxes in Sever al Particulars From Former Acts. Salisbury Post. v V The machinery act passed by the ma- v Jones-Perry. The Horry Herald, published at Conway, S. C; under date of March 9, contained the following: account of the marriage 'of Miss Minnie Perry, sister of Miss Mattio Perry of this place: The many friends of Mr. W. ana a scneauie-Dy-scneauie revis ion of the tariff. aign for economy . and retrench- Particulars. Tn' thft firdi . P7d Jones will bo glad to .now toent" were tentatively determined thft tim w f of ms marriage, which to pori today by party leaders as the U.mi u 1:, : at the First; Methodist : church, program for the extra vsession, in from Je 1st to Mav 1st and the addition to Canadian reciprocity date on which county commission- ers shall meet to lew taxes is chanced from June to An crust so The probes will be ...incident; that all the nronpft.v for pcq. Democrats sXv, to a drastic; prun- ment shall be n before the tax ing of the Government, payroll, levy is made.. HeretoforeN taxes They, hope, incidentally1 to make were levied before the assessment campaign material for the Demo- was made. cratic party for 1912. ' The principal changes from the As a starter, it is stated; that the old law are in sections 15 to 25. It following investigations have al- is provided that the State tax com- jready been decided upon:. mission which is the corporation To determine the real reason for commission shall appoint one county tax assessor, a resident To discover why the Steel Trust freeholder'of the county,' and the lias escaped prosecution under the C0Unty commissioners shall ap- onerman Anu-xrust law. nninfofov occAcc fA. A.A l " " . " r " To fix the responsibility for the ,hip, to be known as assistant tax TZfZo " .saleof thehilippine shall -begin their h?v n Jufi ' : ?i A u Qnoi. Trnot , v " , ? .. ' W. Boyd Jones is a leader among to the bugar lrust. s work May 1st and' continue unt ,ftwi ,nnnfrr nfef TnW nnt.Knro mnrh tK nro. - . . . . the succssful country merchants of 1 V .JLftUVA X M V TV M m V Uft his marriage, which took placo the First Methodist church, Tampa, Fla., on Washington's Birthday, February 22nd. The bride- was Miss Minnie. Perry of Marion, N. C, a well known and charming young lady of our sister State. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Dr. J. W. Carpenter, df Tampa, Fla. Only a few intimate friends of Mr. Jones knew the purpose of his trip when he left homo on Febru ary 15th. ne leit aiuuins ior tHonoa on February 15th. While in Tampa h . was registered at the Tampa Bay Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Jones returned to Mullins last Saturday night where they spent Sunday. DEATH OF A GOOD WOMAN GREAT SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING Dro Jul v 1st. Heretofore the commis- -moters of the deal whereby the sioners appointed a tax-taker for Government purchased the Pana- each township and every fourth ma Canal from the old French year when real estate was to be vuujFaujr uiauft. . assessed, two k assessors were ap- ac- this county. He has been engaged in the mercantile basiness at Jus tice for a number of years and en joys a patronage from a large out lying territory, lie is also suc- accomplished bride a long and hap py life. m . " 1 ' . 1 a 1 ' 'n wnftinftr tne ac- e l a. a. I n ... --. o"-"-. iub real esiaie. uuuer iue ucw i j SSS' t l-d, now in the "4 VhAir Tnn: lu ?T county. He is well known all over lame ducks -warrant their con- shipand with the assistant assessor Horry county, and his many friends 7': .W k . appomu xor urn-iuwusu.u wu. m onite in wishing him and his ly uowmiiuo vug m ? maKe tne assessment, xne county charge of mismanagement arid in- assessor an(j the board of county efficiency in the Postoffice Depart- commissioners form a board of ment. v' equalization for the counties, their To reveal the actual conduct of WOrk being subject to review by the Interior Department under tbe tex commission, former Secretary Ballinger.- The county assessor is to be ap- To inquire into the methods of pointed by April 1st and he can the Department of Justice in its devote his entire time for three ' lle Pro-Diaz .activity m.: con- months of each year to his duties pjess were appointcd to tieuwuu witu tuc aucAivau 1 at not more tnan $4 a aay. rne tion. . , r Rssessinof of -oronertv is to becrin " . r-i . w Lewis West to Be Electrocuted. r,1 luOTCa" May county assessor is to visit On Saturday at Wilson sentence townships and confer with the Y?as passed upon Lewis West and township assessors and instruct his accomplices for the murder of them in their duties and the work Deputy Sheriff George Mumford Lf the f township 1 assessor is to be at Wilson on the night of Febru ary 3. Literary Society News. The Philopolimic Literay So ciety met in regular session Fri day, March 17th, at 2 p. m. In the absence of tho secretary and marshal, Messrs. Keeter and Wil till the vacancies. x After a few minor matters had been brought up before the society, the program was rendered. The query was: Eesolved, That free trade between the United States and Canada should bo prohibited. Grafton Bird and Will Pless, J. Mrsi-MtFt Morphew Passes Dur ing the Night of the 18th. The passing of Mrs. Julia Bryan Morphew, wife of Dr. M.,F. Mor phew, which occurred on March 18th, whilo not unexpected it none the less cast the entire town into gloom. Mrs. Morphew had . been a constant sufferer for the past four years bearing her Ills with great fortitude. During the last days of her illness she' suffered intensely and death came as a relief. She feared not in the least tho flight across tho valley of tho shadow, but on tho other haod hailed the opportunity, for hers was a reward in store. Hers was a death in the faith, her last words, typifying hfr Christian lifi were a racssigo to a friend imparting her willingnw to go. And thus as tlw wk end ed and the Sabbath w&i ushered in her earthy existence c.ivd aud her spirit winged its onward flight to heavenly reoose. Mrs. Julia Bryan Morphew was born at Btone, Wautauga County, N. C. December 19, 18G6, being at ho time of her death 44 years and 3 months old. She was married to Dr. M. F Morphew on March 2G, 1895. To tho union were born four children, three of whom survive: Miss Iouiso Morphew, Frank and Ro bert Morphew. Mr5. Morphew was long a con sistent and useful member of the Methodist Church having become a member some twenty years ago, thenceforth doing much for the furtherance and upbuilding of the Kingdom. She was a phartcr mem ber of tho Ladies Aid Society hav ing served as both president and Annual Convention or the North Carolina Sunday School Assocla- -tion, High Point, April 26-28. The greatest Sunday School meet ing of the year will take place hj High Point, April 20-23. The music will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Charles BUer. Mr. Butler has been for several yean past with Dr. R. A. Torrey in hii cvcngelistic tour. He is well known as a leader of evangelistic sinking and as a soloist of unequal ability. His wife has a very svrtt soprano, voica. Their solos and ducts an inspiring and uplifting, Th Railroads hare granted re ducted rates from all psrts of the Sut. Th tickets will be o!J on thn Oriiflrjito PUn nd will K oc ami une-half frt. plus 50c for the round trip. Tickrts will l on anle from April 22-20, with Gstl limit May 2od. Esch County Is entitled to as mans delegates as there are town ships in the county. This dos not mean that every township maU ba the number of townships in ths county. All delegates will pay a registrar tion fee of $1.00. This will -bo paid at High Point when assign ment to home is made. All dele gates will recti tv;: EntcrtainrxenV durjoj: the Cqnveqti9D,.A,st in tho Convention with County dele gation, A sou rc air badge, A Con vention program, A right to voica and vote in all tho deliberations of tho body. Helpful literature of various kinds. Entertainment will bo provided all delegates by tho citizens of secreUry of that organization, and H da"Di? lhreo d was one of tho Society's most use- oflhc C00100- m t in second degreed It has been our pleasure to re- ceive a few of .the products of the products of The J. R. Watkins : Company of Baltimore, Md. These are something quite unusual in their way, and ' we v shall be "pleased to show them to anvone interested. Anyone is welcome to come in and examine them thoroughly, r When 5 one sees the class of goods the J; R. Watkins Company,: turns out and , the prices at which they are sold " it is no longer a matter of wonder that it requires a : plant with ten acres of floor space, and a $2,000,- 000 capital t to keep up with; the . p.riormons dftmand for these fine products all over the United States School. : . and Canada. This company is rapio ly ' increasing its business f and is ' taking on more and iridre' salesmen .all ''the time. '. , - . gone over jointly by; him and the w Streetman and Harvey Atwell county commissioners and the as- were the speakers on tho affirmative sessments revised. All assessments and negative respectively. The are to be made as near as may be JudKes appointed were d. Tailor, to tne true value in money. ; ine 1.. n j tv TnAn tktt county boards of equalization meet , . , . . - . . ft and that Will Pless for the affirm ative and J. W. Streetman for tho negative made the best speeches. During the meeting it was de cided that any member absent three times in succession, that is if at school'the same day, would bo dis honorably dismissed from the society. The critic's and marshal's reports were next heard, after which so- ciety adjourned. West was sentenced to death the electric chair in the State's prison at Raleigh on May 5; Ed Purcell. alias Stetson, received a sentence of thirty years m tne on me secona mvuuny iu o my iu penitentiary at hard labor , under the performance of their duties. , his conviction of murder fr in the : Mftu rAmmanramont . ' I1CUV UUlUMibiivvinuMii ; ; Nebo High School has issued handsome invitations reading: 1 V ; TKe Facnlty and Students rs - - -Nebo High School . ' invite you to be present , ; their .. Seventh Annual Commencnient f"i;g;'";:Thtuday and Friday, March the thirtieth" and thirty-first ; v nineteen hundred and eleven V OBDEB OB? EXERCISES Thursdav. ' 11 K)6" a. ; m.ermon by Rev. Ira Erwin.. TTinrariftv 2:00 ti. m.Bovs Medal Contest.''-:'.'!'; '..';':' '-:v .' -Thnrsdav. 8:00 p. m. CJoncert by Fridav. 10)0 a. m. v;iass uay ercises. ' . .. - . ' ; ' ' Fridav. 11:00 a. m.' Annual Address by Judge J. C. Pritchard. ... Fridav. 2:00 p. m. Girls' Medal Con Hill, test. , ; V , Friday, 8KK) p. m, Annual vxmcei. ful and beloved members. By naturo quiet and unassuming she was beloved by all and countless are they who will mourn her loss, Sho was a devoted wife and mother. Mrs. Julia Bryan Morphew wa tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bryan of Boone, N. C. being survived by father and mother. four brothers and two sisters. Her brothers are Messrs. Robert Bry an, Montana, Geo. Bryan, Boone, Bart Bryan, Washington. D. C. The program is one of tho very best ever prepared on Sunday School work. This Convention is intcrdenorni national. Those desiring to attend should send their names to their County Association SecreUry or to J. Van. Cuter, General Sc tary, Raleigh, and receive appoint ment as a delegate. Many Officeholder, In compliance with a Senate res olution President Ttfttias furnuh- Kr,A .Tmt Hfr.n v !it ed Congress a sttement of the I rTn ee(Am im Xfr Pnnl I number Of oE A. W. ' Hogan; of Sugar Was,rMonday.v Peach Crop Suffer in North Caro- una. Raleigh, March 16. State Hor ticulturist Hutt said today that the peach crop in North Carolina was greatly damaged by tho'v present cold wave. The loss at ono point is reported as being equivalent to $40,000. The' thermometer here this morning was down to 24 de grees. The apple crop is unin jured, as the blooms arc not yet outr -;'-" Her sisters are: Mrs, Council and Mrs. Fletcher, both of whom Five at Boone. . Tho funeral services wero held at tho Methodist church Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock her pas tor, Rov.T. Irwin, conducting tho funeral 'services, A vast con course of sorrowing friends and acquaintances witnessed the last sad rites. CIchoJders in ' the country. H says there are in all 411.322 persons In office, which. Is four and one-half tenths of one per cent, of the entire population of the United States. Of thls ' num- bcr the President appoints, by and with tho advicn and consent of the Senate, but 9,816. There are 'un der civil service rules 202,603, of which the postoEco department has 147,727; the treasury depart ment has 27,003; tho war depart ment, cxclusivo of officers and en listed men of the army, 23.102; the department of justice, 5.70-3; the John D, Rockefeller Gives A. L M. Coi!c0 $20,000, Raleigh March 18. It was an nounced today that John D. Rocke-I department of agriculture, 12,- feller bad given $20000 towards 1519; tho department of the interior. the erection of aY. M. C A. build-1 14.2C2; the department of coa ing at tho Agricultural & Mcchani-lmcrco and labor, 14,797; the gov- cal College here, provided thelcrnment printing office, 3,925; the students would raiso $20,000. Tho Interstate commerce commission, sum of $7,000 has already been 1614, and tho Smithsonian. lcstita raised, leaving a balanco of $13,000. tion, 421. - Judgo J. O. Pritchard will de- Mr. and Mrs. MHes P. FlacV, of liver tho annual addrcs at Nebo Vein Mountain, were shopping la High School, March 31. lilarion, Wednesday.