1 , ' . " ;---"ii . ..;v "?"-"Vif i' -"-v - f - "-' - ,'i v - -- . 1 BBBmBBBMBBMBBBBmBBBBBBBMBBM '''.V.-'"'""5. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST imT.RF.ST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 20. -to . : r , ; ;1grQij; lBpDEVEtOPIVIENT f ire iri Hew York; leaves Piles of Northern'' Capitalists Buy Tract Near "t. MitcheH-Raiifoad '-. MMMM - ; :- from Terrell to M itchell. girlslost ttimriliy in a firwhh ;Wthin the next few days actual 'i CONCERNING THE "'. "CENTRAL. HIGHWAY Will Pass" Through McDowell- Mr. W. T. Morgan is Trustee v " for McDowell County;- ' :spt;a iargbuU wilUbegiir oii' one of the lar- - -Failing. to procure a charter for ingon Square !ate this a gest industrial ; enterprises evef e Salisbury-Asheville Highway, The fires it seems will not deprive McDowell floor tfebuii& .KriaT: whSn Northern "capitalists will of a highway,-" for : indeed! Section wapfact$ binsipend thousands of dollars b 9haPt 58 Pablic 1aws 191 to closed recites: 4 That there : shall ;be Mostoftfco with a capacity for handling.75,000 established a public Central High- ilierjleap feet of plumber Tdaiiyemploying way extending from some point of V erwaffonariv building of a "rail road from noint tiesC' of Craven, Jones; ; Lenoir, The girls w to near Black Mountain to withinrone Wayne, Johnson, Wake, Durham, nmntlift mftnivnntAftnimT-rintil mile of the summit of ML Mitchell Qrange, :. Alamance-: Guilford, TbeeM PdVdso, Rowan, Iredell, Cataw- ' NEWS OF THE STATE ' Happenings, of . General Interest Condensed for Busy Readers. Literary Society Net The Ptiilojiolimic Li r a fr So ciety reft in regular SAv.i on Friday, March 2ith, at 2 p. m. Oi l tzl nw business, of which thcn xtui the atteniion of The main building of tho Lam beth Furniture Company's plant I Hu! icas girca in Thomasviilo was destroyed by siety Grst, aftr hich th'i Gro at 7 o'clock Saturday evening. I program traa rcd. The query for Tho estimated !os3 is $33,000, with debate was: VIIa&oUM, T.tt ihs ono-third covered by insurance. I United State should intirfen with Stock is being subscribed for ft the affairs of Mexico." Thju fgta cotton mill at Monranton. Orer acc,ucu 10 "or or WieaturmiUTe. half of the $15,000 stock proposed ,nn,c KUr 'and Ecclr Gray has already, been subscribed. cro lvcn lho dicisioa m. bt Messrs,' It B. Moore and T. L. . - Simmon, and Mr. Garron of ihQ 7 PorU from the cntic and mar shal wero next heard mfter whith tho Society adjourned. , Waldensian Hosiery, Mill are the promoters of tho enterprise. Jurors for tho term of federal court which convenes in States ville -Monday; AnrH "--17th have been drawn. ' Those, from Mc Dowell being as follows: L. A. 1 Dvsartsville Dot?, Djart!rrll, MattH tT. Jcba D. Wnlker. ro of J Webb, h.v tnorcd to ereMrlh of land on the east side of the Blickl d Madison, to some point on ho those cut o.tt by the names above uulus- slu iroranese op- " " - 7 ' , Central Highway is to be -iMAimm4ul fi&tt&uZl witbm' theiext six-nionths:; tentA. composed of roads already existing. Chapman, T, M. Hicks, G. D. RT. Date Ut wjy '-t. tenthV; Triangle Stored tshahdi firemen in a f renzv were esiaoasn numerous lumbering Sionipellecj; ijiye aid, death to were fast floorwas-oni J1"lc v- ' r 7" aoOv wasoccupieapy ine , . ; u:"u :1 MnM W f TT.4 a i Mrioa on Lul Friday as4 PAtcnUr. Iwaist; " IX::- - G. W. Jobaa wM la Md Sat wlthn&mu rTL 7.-;- 7- -1 .HUrcabua isPltv tap: the-O?.a:&-'0 . railway -and 100 xorin ,jar0llna geological ana ir .uniuuwn origin, aw -r. Mr. joa CurUa ot Rcrk .-.U 1 . " ' ' -' . ' -" .lm. .'. 1 " 1 1 -1 I tT O.a i ft - - bv theirieinability to thvicmity. of this city. . 4. r , ef m... ... Cutcaku DrcrmU!!. af:r aclc2 ttosee the gir - . , officp . w; n StArn :ob nr5ni:nf, rTorU rc?? :t pftntKftflflmp which Mr. Anson, OI Mem 1, VYlS.,-ana X wvw- ; . : laajiaorea Imcx totlM &li-asIrIaoa. SSBSH nmnrtwm office and the store, bnitdinsr of I r it..... wrflnnino- thpir tnrtiirp? I rr.jacoo iorienson, 01 ooicago, .-W-..WMWW " r;v"w d at clasped .ilAtf n mouths "in; negotiating 7i??fc-iB;ii! tTi signed e-ery 'S EP a xontract for the buildinf a county, and each city or town is inteni to kill, wafound guilty and ath w theinanf witwcanacitv for empowered to appropriate out of sentenced to ' 18 months on the Hnndreds:i ... ' i . , .r - . . - :7 v.i:-:.--. handling: 75.000 feetVof -lumber 113 general- iunasra B-?m not ex- roaasoi .mcuowch county, upion 1SSillfl7 daily and; the town is a resident of Dysartsville, UiU acMiesiTan:Shriekin noonlat on of . more than conntv. Th aanlt -im. -nir w - a wiicuuo- CaF- v- - , v ---'A - . nr. TIOOO. census for 1910. such' tnwn mittrtf fit thn Torimntnn nftniMl di ana on me easL srae orme n act i w .mniinfii?nS5in annftvntr ; in.- ?or each additional 1,000 -in- over a year ago. ; L;i7U-7f '1" 7:n -s' "iir:i7i several counties thf onffh "which tho estimated at $10,000. with a small Saturday aaJ Saoiay. . . . ! ' lav wcJtcr iwola hUWnlla with In-Burke Superior Court last U, Mra. W. r. Kuor wppk-.-T. C. Union, 'rhanrtvl 'tcitK l W. F! TV-itk-t du itr t. n luuuius iu uiuuaiiuii wiiu Dirr - - -t i - - - i imiu ui uiiiuway in tuci nssnu ton.ti ss VyUinocrison wi in i had it chaogt! Into a dray-wacn. Zttjx Ins to deatH to escape, tho flames. The nre had been burning i an and Stingy Yalley Hews.. BUcgy Valley, . iUrch 27.-frkmis la tb topic cf ccaferaAtica day. ILUs Ma t t!e AnrU ct Ncba U rUitlrj r?tatiTi her thU wtsrk' Hi 'OrirP"" liat bad a irrrr rx4 grip era aoiae of the fcclt bT latdjr. rvrr,:,r-Ts"-r 'niL:-::--.!!-.--- j. : - loounw wnere aDoroDriaiea. i xw iicrjd. liorrntoa. a. - i r r t t--.- v.. w.n rflOF'Onrl-WPPH JiHllMl": IIVM.IIK Nir.KKII I . .. . -- . . - - . -' - l fTTI I J E . T I T", . 1 a - . 1 T . 1 T I . . ... . . . xne ooara ox irusiees is compos- ror ncany. iwo wccks juago ti. aic tnu p:ean-y. w ie gua to i-ar wg sight or xne aeatranaj tuorf; uy- . n - - r- . Ing. 7tAtr Jllockf seventy-five bodies were biled in the street. There were no outside ; fi re es- eapes on this building.; mmr eluding one side of Mt. : Mitchell, bitants appropriate the sum of - - iiiiPl theeo&ideration for which b;noi $25.00 11 money thus appro- Praise for .Solicitor Johnston way to the inner air-shaft: at -.the j.. Driated will be expended in the Judo Lane- Wf nev build W ati the I .. .. jfQF" a I county where appropriated. ' - I l ' 1 II -v v ' r, t t. r t, . I i. . v , . . . ... Terren-station, OD the Southern ea 01 a man eacn .rom u several r. woe ana soi citor uau . Joans-. " n.UZ'. 1 1. talca 3 t,-? 4--la; .v. : MANT-. YET UNmENTTFIED. railway, through Toe River Gap, counties through which the high- ton have been holdinc Burke court WJJ. x! at .the lower end of the spruca way passes. The trustee are era- Both are new men and jroans men, u iUS,. K.bo t growth; Has been made "and the Jwe uso Pul 00 in navoacquiueatneniscivca ciiargtiof McCalli grift milL .7i w i7--:r,s-- gifts and donations. : - with creat credit and entire accept- Joba SatUt ha mnoreJ to ( i in i n. iliac kiv rK a k. w n, i - 1 11 1111 . 1 a . - - . . . the ;empl6y: of :;:ciic; jill-lyvafr-- W::T.: MorKan.;'of - Marion.' lability to our people.. . - wankee &St:'.Panl railroad. ' From trustee ior; aicuoweu couniy, judge mm . pernaps mo Nelii State and three bodies, most of - them shorn isf all Semblance I td human form, lie uiidenid t3haritpiem l?ersonm6stif7 Their tsiar alrtnrv f ho'lriTODr ot ere nf 'ftiA snrnrn I years. to the top of the timber belt, which borders the . main crest y. of : Black mountain range. 7: 7:; Going to Mexico. I A :, Washington dispatch says Work on theie immense develop Charles EI McBrayer of Shelby, ments will betnn immediately, and North Carolina, graduated; Mon- hospits.rhef pnidntitied.dead 11 construction ' of r the railroad day from the Army Medical School will be bjm&iiff that city. . The .graduation of but wijf processes:" The road from Terrell to givevd iendsanp taToiverGrap will cover a dis: portumMtclajm tai bt 12.8xnilesl The'addition figures place thed of five miles will extend vthe road Of theMej toe'ridj f ronfllwf scepfp Mitchell to a point bnlemile eight amfbbsiut from the summit of the mountain. wiU bewelledsur In this connection it rmight be said tther wbastill Hye wholiayeno fthlt tho end of the timbered tract bancTO'recoyer. fA hA worked extends within three milesof tne spur of a "railroad under Press Meeting in: Unoifr1;7 construction frbnxthe main line of 7p7l:i:7?C I it - n C. & O. towards Burnsville. mittee of the North Carolina Pres3 llfsciati cppiity?ai " rlast Fridav7 Tnn.Swelected much to the county. - Don't fail to 7 wjthe place fr; holdU next co to the meeting, at the court rmeetmg of the aociation7 ' June bouse next Monday ana uiku par. 72ato 23 was fixed as the date7- in perfecting : this- organization. ; A side trip to BiowinV'Bbck, It is important that every town- " Boo'and Linville TO;n w hrmntr. shiD in the county have one or -Ted and altogether thel9il meeting more representatives at this meet- Y v: Promises to rnvrin a Ka Wocf re- in. Remember -the aate, .muu- 7 - liahtf nr . t.h&AB rar A nnl 3. Come and bring the class was moved np two months in order that tho members . might receive -practical' instruction and experience with tho troops in actual field service at the front in Texas. Dr. McBrayer is tho son of Dr. T. Evans McBraver of this city and has always stood at .the head of his classes in the institutions ho attend- ed. Ho will probably go to Mex ico in a few days. Cleveland Star, Shelby.-' : 7- v - iLieutenant McBrayer is a broth er of our fellow-townsman C. B. McBrayer, c77, . .. ;7 -7 ':."-:":"- ; . rivet a man of -fine judicial temp eramcnt, eminently fair, .dignified yet affable and pleasant in manner and Jcamed in the law.' V tZ ; Mr, Johnston is ono of tho brightest younger lawyers of the State. .Fearless and faithful in tho discharge of his duties, a fine talker, a genial companion, be gives promise -of making an ex cellent solicitor; ' . - Z . The News-Herald b gald to com mend them'botu. ' You are again reminded that nil the work on lnc rnoQiizss isn7t done in one day. News gladly accepted at any time but persons who make a habit of holding" ads. or other matter they ' want in . the paper until day before publication. and sometimes until the hour of noinir to-precs Thursday morning. need not bo surprised if they are toolate7 ; . v . . Jobn C. Edgar, 'a leading au thority on farm matters, taid re cently Tho " wide spread move ment on foot for tho better culti vation of tho corn crop is going to revolutionizo that industry in tho South. It was a .happy thought that let tho old sUnd-patters' stay in tho ruts by tradition and the unprofitable practices of their an cestors. And to plant tho feet of the young generation on tho (sure road to succss." to farta tM frar. ' rooroU SoowUa: Caa U ba trra that ho haa pjsjM to th hay hzzU lag groand at hut. ' iiay, whai'a becotaaof Palla. Cheer np! -Doa't let tha Harch wlatU.aid Old Maida frights yoa aviraJLct tbcm kaow yoa r still Urin. ' Mr. and Hrt. Ihxrt Odacu cf Slrcnd tom Bsn Tldtia the Utter partrts, Hr. and Hxa. CL S. XUiVy. . J. IL rm dr gTmAi ia Ifarioa ca - It is announced from BaJtimoro. that Uio Seaboard will apend. trro million dolUra for nor equipment and supplies, : Bids will be nsVcd for 25 locomotives, 1,200 freight cars and 15.C00 tons of steel for delivery right away. . , . ,. ' m Dysartsville school will take plsca next Saturday afternoon find night, " Do yon know that" of nil tho xalnor ailments cola arts hr far th moet dxn gerouaT It is not tho cold it.- If Uiat you need t fear, hat tb Fcrions di5aj that it ofUa leads to. ZIoet cf thc arts known aa grrra dlao.v-ra. Pn"tiLuorJa and consumption aro aruon.-; tbcm Vhy not taho Chaiabcrlaia'a Ooah IVmly and enro your cold v?hll5 yoa caaT - Fcr talo by all dcle 7 Strp Into the CzX Acd a.3t the a to lorkcp ozr rat is g tct .... yoa. Wfl hi to capital cf enrr two million dollars, otct twocnillioacaxjota m and 2.C traTchc t-xln-zrz ca ths road tcllia our cILij-Sto hoahcld -Iln:rdica. Ilx tract, Tcsict article rerfcnsM. etc, " Wecivd a g-xl jour.g r,m ri-t ww to Lxzd enr bnuncra ia ilcDowrll Ccust?. Ad drrr. Tht? J. IL WnUir-s Ccr;4ny. 113 South Uay htri-rt, Hi-t:n Md.

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