. 1 c '; , -- , , - vi v 1 - . : ., . ;. - , . . - ' . '; ' " . . " . r- " ' , v j-r'--:-- ;----.'-:-'-".---';V-;v;. ' - ' ;'' ' " . 11 ' ' ' 1 SZ ft' TO THE BESrlNTEREST OF 4THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COOjrfY. . 2. ESTABLISHED 1896. ; ,v MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, "APRIL 13, 1911., VOL. CV NO. 32. Id oU IVI L -! U U to 1 1 U IN o no i t U t valuation should 40 , or 50 or A RHM AMTIO M ARfRI AHP- to T j J ii whatever the general ruje adopted , ; egardiiT Assesent pf roperty may be, ould either greatly swell Sergeant Smith Comes from Alaska to Claim. McDowelrCounty for Taxes Do YoifWant uare V" the common treasury or greatly reduce our tax rate? Tn 1l sArioiisnAssi: i Knnl . ls.11 lDe " wo citizen twho Cstand "square" thing for a citizen, is onlyequired to report all of his for any citizen', rich or po6r, to 01 mi Kinas, not oemg fail to report all of his property- "TTy, ! 7 y or K too matter what it consists of-to F the fault of the officials, the as- the tax assessors!. And is it any- ' .ululIsslon.ers thing short of crimidal for tax as- pese?s onainon prevails . i., i v,.. I As it not bobbery to require any - . ... . i i ; - one man, or class or- men, to pav at one-tenth of: its actual:,value, U.v ... V ? . hnother at one-fifth, another at one- ! J nuu 1B'r fourth, and another at one-half, so ' . , ""r-6!6 , ,v that some are forced .to pay (and whether.of he A, , u vc rich man or the poor man, or the .7 .-.rrr 7 "T,T corporation, to be valued and taxed mes their just proportion of taxes ? - Is there an intelligent, man in nrx mo , tt ' . . the county who doesn't know that McDowe , '1 tn our midst, and that the property , 4, 4 , ' t)f some wealthy individuals and corporations is on the tax books tit from onerfifth to one-tenth or tne-twentieth possibly, of its actual alue while the property of hun dreds of the average citizens is Valued at a rate -twice and even four times us high? When a citizen or community 'wants a bridge over a dangerous and the common knowledge of our people for answers. . X Lady His Bride. Tbe most romantic: marriage jn McDo well) county for ; many;-years was the marriage of Miss ; Myrtle G.,Huskins of Rocky tass,. Mc Dowell county, to jesse H. Smith, Carrollton, Ga. Mr. Smith fs a Sergeant in the 16th U. S. Infan- try, which , is now "Stationed at Harness, Alaska. ; He is away from his post on a sixty days' furlough. iir. ana Mrs. hmitn naa never seen each other until a few days ago, when he arrived, in McDowell county, 'though they, have been corresponding with each other for a number of years. Sergeant Smith has a friend in his same company who is from McDowell county. . Ha asked this McDowell county friend COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES Summer Schools Open July JOth- Classification of School, Cotton Mill! Hews. Mr. D. D. Little President, Who has been very ill at his homo In Spartanburg with pneumonia, his improved and will bo able to be op now in a few cUysJ Mr. Sim N. Bradford and family The Board of Eiucalion in regu lar quarterly session, Monday and Tuesday, April 3rd and 4th, or dered ijiat the summer schools open Ito moved to Marion from Gmil July 10th. Also that tho public ney, S. C. Mr. Bradford hxs U examination of wbito teacher begin kca charge of the Spinning Uuozx on July 5th, the public oxatnioa- as Orcrser. Mr. Bradford has tion of colored tcacHers begin onload charge of ZZ000 spindles in July 3rd. I tho Gaffaey mill for the past four The schools of the county were years previous to his coming here, classified as follows: Class A, Ne- Mr Bradford and his wife are bo High. School, getting direct welcome in our midst. State aid; Class B, Marlon Graded Mr. O. It Wjlje, u Mr. Hunt's School and Old Fort Graded School, assistant in fanning the wesve operating under special acts; Class room 'at nightanU also Mr. C. G. C, Greenlee, Dysartvillc, Garden Brrs is assisting Mr. Frve, Boss City and Glenwood, being, three- Carder in running the drdiDg at teacher local tax schools; 'Class D, night. LMarion Nos. 2, 3, 9 and 10, Mont- Mr. Dave Caldwell of the Whit- ford's Cove No. North Cove Nos. I ney Mills, Spartanburg, has tnoxed to select him a North Carolina girl 6 &d 7, Old For No 2;Bracketts 10 Marion and will hare charge of for a sweet-heart. Miss Huskins oemg iwo-teacner local tax ticio macnine, ir. was recommended, And the romance schools; Class E, iirackctU'No. 2, M. Flack who has had charge was consummated here Monday Broad Uivcr Nos. 1 and 2, North of the Tie-Jn machine will tike afternoon in the Baptist parsonage M00 4 and 5, Old Fort Nos. section in me weave room. Frank Carter, of Asheville, Ap pointed Judge. Gov. Kitchen Saturday appoint- when they were made-man and 5 aQd 5h being-one-teacher local SupL Hugh F. -Little visited ed Frank Carter,' of Ashville, Su- wife bv Rev. Edward Lonjr. Dastor tax- schools; Class F. Marion Nos. Spartanburg last Sunday. perior Court judge to succeed Jos. 0f the First Baptist Church here. 7 11 and.12, Montford'sCoreNos. - ' S. Adams, deceased. While many Miss Huskins is the daughter of l'aQd 3, Higgibs No. 2, Crooked For Aldermen. Istream or a decent road to take! wwt&&w .u wUUV.vu . x,1Ia auu mra. vniu. xrustkius ui i y.7w t . . a.u a. tAuy.i & ha nUhn nnp nvAr tHft tnn of Wlt" tuo Juss"iPi iiireo jwere Kocky ass, who isone of AlcDow- uuu-iucai ix ooe-icacner scnoou; n e, mo unaeraigned citizens oi me piace 01 one over tuo oi r , 4.u n- n. t In . . i ... me n vuv..o j mju j .v. i t - the hill or mountain (laid out jnst s UUYC1UW1 wai A en coumy s respeciea cuizens. uu wm uuanuu, ucsinug wo gooa ana aa oneeu Auauib, sou oi uuuge au- xne couple will leave lor Alaska Vrs t w uu jionvxoru s vanccmeni, oi Manony ccsire to ams,-and exudge ThosA. Jones. in a short time,' and will take with VTe No North Cove Nos. 1, 2, suggest the following gentlemen as Young parts' was strongly en- th'm the good wishes of a'hostrof and-3, Dysartville Nos. 2f 3, 4, '5 Aldermen for the next two years. friends. - : Wd 6 Urooked Creek No. 3, Broad Wo believe all of the citizens In River Nos. 3,4J and 5, being one (Marion are Interested, and bclicvo Spartanburg Music Festival. 1 DP?,.X1 tax dtnets air citizens should not only express dorsed,: as .was Garter. Mr. Carter has been practicing law in Ashville for 14 years and is reputed to be ah r industrious and well-equipped lawyer.- He is a- bout 48 years old, is a! McDowell county, and Thos. D. Garter, a lawyer and newspaper man. " after the Revolutionary war), or a respectable street .or side walkuintp ome part of town,' and a dozen t)ther necessary things, and they apply to the keepers of our public 1'reasury, what answer do they get 1 n 'No money." .Did any of us ever tear that? Why no money? Isn't "the tax rate high, enormously high? t)o not all of us know that the rea son, to come square out about it, is "that the property of influential Individuals and concerns, who have a !pull!? (so easy they do not have to so much as ask for the favor) have their property to the amount t)f ten thousand dollars fifty thou sand dollars, one hundred thousand .'dollars, five liundred thousand dol lars, and even a million dollars, in single instances, escape taxation? Who cannot see the effect of such & practice upon vibe treasury ? , J" na' . , . .. wind; blew hl against houses and Vexeepi lor me prmcipai 01 square tUam mnc;jon),l. Spartanburg, S. C, April 10.-? !u 9 ;'Lt.hoBld.hoW ttcir native of o 4 u ... . abspint and development becomes municaUon made to tho public. a son of IT :C ? ' " I: : more apparent in tho differcnt-dis- We befic for the concerts of Hhe South At- 4r:rL lanuc states xuusic esuvais. it Hail Storm at Old Fort. .. . Old Fort, April 10. -n last Friday evening between four and five o'clock; the most fearful rain and hail storm ever witnessed by our citizens swept over Old Fort. Garden stuff was beaten to pieces, hail - beat lioles in the - roofs of houses arid broke glass out of win- believe the names show low wjll not only be conservative and care for the financial interests B of the town, but will also be suf. isone.ottne . nanosom auaitor- Votes Special School Tax. pacity is about three thousand, ,mr J' ' rr,co roPru ln" ,De ""l""- w pcrmn with every arrangement for safety spwial school tax election held in Marion to remmm 10 the proff and comfort If-crowded to the District-No. 2,- Il.pns townshtp, mvc colamn and to take doors it could be emptied in a few on' Tuesday the 11th, carried by a of her special. opportunity o minutes. Ahd there is not a seat large majority, only two of the name tho follow cenUeaaa: in this vast hall fromwbich .what fyrestttered voters voting John E. TDccker J & Gilkey. :j .V. against the tar. In this school J. R- Lcdbctter. a E. Prcstwcoi dealing") if the property of every taiah in the county Who owns his trae-eyed mule and 25 acres o.poor land should be yalued low, or. .'not So Ar3 ennrr i rvr V A eta rrA tAn 1 agaiUSt l uOQ . .rT- ; 1 district, which was created by tho and William Sweeney. c "wc1 i.lu: Board of Education at the January (Signed) J. W. Wlnborce, a mr a . i a . v wi a , w-i a a k.f a a a. m - dows Sideditches were overflow- dolIars elich for.he loll festival "S; will be crated ancw two-. ea ana me sireeis uuoaeu. iuo n u r .a nnk: I rootu scnoui uuiiaing,- wnico win will im UmHrn mi a urn i.ilii. iii"i i ;c t.n A tn tW nnJbe located near Hominy Grove concert Wednesday evening, April huh; AI(fs": - ,P J- 26th. After April 15th only single a. uito, ana .M iicam wve en tickets will be sold. There have donated two acres of land, which nnmW. Min rfc(t make six Cro P'0t D wblCh mo now ouuamg win do erected. a small I was told that it killed yearling.:-1 5 vif- :.x !:!' , '1 Prayer. has been needed in Old W all, compared with' this custom ort for a long,t,mo f6 sold this year evidencing the fact t)f leaving really! '.great items .of bere were more prayers off ered in that there win ft larger.attend- ui icayiu twpntv minutes durincr the storm . i . ' wealth such as these to go free of ttaxes, so far as the effect upon the treasury is concerned ? ... Who tries to force men who are known to have large amounts of : cash, notes and ; mortgages. : or iweniy mmures uunug mo sturiu f. i than have Imen offered in , several Festival week is home coming years, it was not prayer wimouii f.mA fn m.v fnrrWrlfW..? cea? se when the storm Spartanbnrg and former Converse was over prayer ceasea.. College students. The weekisfull B. B.arl!e, T.L.EPIeyf D. F. Giles, P. A. Beid, . W. IL Hawkins, .J. W. PIcss, II. W. Dysart. 1 In Buirtombe Superior Court of social evenUand pleasanl gath- - Stocks and bonds, and other valu- last week, Jubge Webb allowed- a cnngs.Dui tno unusual cnaracicr able paper to report'them and ilist motipn of non-suit in the case of of the 1911 Festival will attract a tbemfor taxes? Why should such Hyamsvsv Southern railway,- a suit '"5 nnmoer w. property be exempted from taxsf for $35;000 damages. Some years than usual The news has spread If' a tnan swears a wilful falsehood ago James Hyams, a small boy and aoroaa mm noruica, us oeeu ju- k his effort to avoid paying taxes a son of Geo, Hyams, was.runoyer ducea to singrtnat ocoiu, aiicc on this class; of his wealth why by a box car at Old Fort and: his isou. uiU o, .ir,f 1OCT nt off. iSnit wns brought and Orchestra and Quartette, and oth- :fl.;4:i fi,0 i;imr1 nnntnrlA th hov was ers nave oeen . engagea ana mai aA0 ro ir omXn- Is w? r o Ti & on thft car and was guilty cnurua w wucr wiu.ocr, s '11 K!.'-. MJ V-' :-.4. nAUrtStina':-: "NTnn.cnit; A . JLne iacfc iuaii wuu uurw ouuw. win a the Snnreme Court af- oe neia aunog ine xcsuvai wees r -i i .wki w firmed .judgment or me lower ana vuat tuc v u,uuurK xyu uuu aix vx uo : n: ;au nnrt: A new suit was then start- ?c makinc lartrer Drenarations than earnest, clear cut ana square oul a ana it has met a similar fate.- aTTtr. unrft for a holidav orinn. . . - ii - ... v. . : " euort :vwunoui, vormsiu 10 auyn . , . , , . ; ar0 causing many -outside people to simply EQUAtizE . the valuation W. Av Gibbs, of Nebo; Miles P. " V to fiiartanoniff at Tho.citizcns'of the community are1 interested, and proposo to have a! school that will compare favorably with any two-teacher school in McDowell County. ThoHorth Carolina Lcgislaturo has provided a fund of $CO,000 to bo expended in tho erection of a State school for tho feeble minded, ana mo ooara ox irnsiccs are now c:nsiaering oias .xrom various towns in the State, relative , to the placing of this new St&to institu tion. Farmers Union in Brackets Town- ship.- ITho citixens of Br&ckctts Totfn ship recently organized a Farmers Union to bo known as the Mace donia Union. The . organization has 18 membeft J. W. Wise Is president, -and Gcbrge Rhom is secretary. The perfecting of this organization ..." will undoubtedly greatly stimulate tho farming in a tc rests or this progressivir town ship and tho results of tho project will bo watched witH interest. The W. J. Oliver Company ' of ?n5?a offe Pnz of $15- Salisbury is.chartercd with $200,- ,or fHia w one aere.w Ann :..r!- ..j con. A number of farmers will nnnrRtinir AWtrie. stiim und nthr CUtCr me COnMSW milwavs and other entmrkr. the O COUgratuIStO tte people Oi irWrnnmtnm hrtWW'J. Dtlrrr I l5raCkCCllS OU miS prOgrrSSlTe mOVO KKnoxville, Hayden 'Clement and S!??u"?."!.rrJ!r l nomas i. jcrome, oaiisoury. of property for taxes, and lto re- Flack, ; of Vein Mountain,' and tbat time. Hotel accommodations quire all 'property to7 be reported W". C. Morris, of. Nealsville, were are,' however, ample this year and i v rl,Afl,a,. fKa in tnwn vesterdav. r ail can wen wxixx . at tho county fair. There arc two other organ izs Mrs. D. L. tions of tho Farmers Union in Mc Bornto Mr. and Carlton April 5th, a daughter. - Dowel! county. 41 I -b l,aiCU4 ? J,-'- UOVUVI i' uv Mw I " V . mt r -v

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