A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST 6? THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1911. VOL- XV NO. 34, hrAni T'O Cn DM associate with J. L. Morgan, vice 1 LU T L L O rUnUIVI. president of the bank, W. C. At- - are. tied to any "set" or "faction." well is an employee of Mr. Morgan. W. K. M. Gil key, brother, and Observer. Mayor and Aldermen Nominated. Contributed. For the nomination of mayor and a board of alderman for the town of Marion for the next two years, a mass meeting was held in thecour HniiQA nn last. TJV.rlttv nirrVit tVi a Then check upand see how many o 1st. Inst., he nrAnr nf th nnt mayor. The mating was called they make their deposits of money, nrfw htr Mr rrcrt U I. , - 111 m-w w. ". - . m - fMf..ii,. caUnSnn onr wnose nouse iney rent,- wnai law- M mm- t t, n n; Mp vaiciunv me ucicuuuii anu uiov- I 4.U u 1 1 " ..... 4.; ? TUi- AN : 'L . . Tlr " i ouanes noaso to act as icmporary muii ui 1 nun fiiuoiiiiauiv money loanea w mem ior ousmess chairman and secretary respect ve- Board. or Pvate use, where the kinship hy which temporary organization comes m ana so on ana so on. was made permanent by a urani It is all in the game and is cer- mous vote. tTtais department Is reserved for letters from - tt onA tt w TW,... 1 the people on various topics, The Progress f AJL "" ul"luo' Is not responsible for the views of its crrespon- lQ-IaW, respectively. Of J. Ments. aii communications must be originally Gilkey, (candidate) and an officer Signed for our protection though the, name may of the bank adu so on. iou can ngure it I IZ.tNoAJr IVIAnlUN OUGHT TO CONSIDER iPo The Progress. Some facts offered by an observ er as Jihe whyeand Xreforeof 8ent the " l After a few pleasing remarks by hW T)np.s the maioritv desire I . . we. cnairraan, me meeting pro- change and will they fetch it ow 5s th? 5? to business Mr. D. L. k., Where do they all do their bank- Carlton was nominated for mayor -about? CENTRAL HIGHWAY TRUSTEES MEET Elect Oficcn and Decide to Begin Operations at Beaufort THE FAIR MOVEMENT Mr. T. W. Wilson Gives His Ideas of Some of the Thing the Fair Hay Do. . Letters continue to com in from Next Week. farmers over the county Indicating j tuuu rxr;, their interest inthe Fair which is The trustors of the North Ctxo-, to bo held this fall, and their pur-1 Una central highway, appointed by poso of doing everything they can! the recent Legislature, organised to make it a success. Some letters I here today with the election of IL merely express gratification at the B. Varner, of Lexington, as p real organization, others ask when the dent, E. E. Brittoo, of Raleigh, Fair tfjll bo held, still others arts secrcUry, and George Royal I, of asking what premiums will be of- Goldsboro, treasurer. The trc fercd and when announcements tees selected also a central commit and plans will be further made, tee to act with the president in the The President and Secretary say prosecution of the work, thews be that they hope to bo able to name ing William Dunn, New Ikrcej a date for the Fair pretty soon. Dr. J. M. Tcmplcton, Gary; R. R. and also.to publish a premium list, Clark, StatesTillc; W. T. Morgan, and make announcements of some Marion; Thomas J. Murohy, Mar other attractions that will bo on shall; and J. A. Wellont, Smith- hand. They say that the Kair will field. !nrr VtiTcinocc A rrl tirrViti riara I anil nftn msSSn nnJ i.tKnif 9m MAnrlniT nJI n tt 1 its thO HotT car. . -. . . - . . . ... I - . lUUUUav . iUOJ X, iO wuv vamjt Ua,, H rva cairl thof thic filraf irroe I ntkAai u. i . . i i it fy j I wuiu Km ouiu vucw uu vibaov J I UlUCi UUUllliailUUS. a I VUIO ior an eiecuon wmca wm anoru named at the so.called cit:zens was taken and Mr. Carlton was pponuoijyjor me Ae11uwou a meeting held last Thursday night nominated unanimously and wittP Mayor and oard of Aldermen who I and if you were there you would out a dissenting voice. Then yi u nave tne managemeni; 01 jnerknow how it was done and by Messrs. Wm. Sweenev, J. Q. Gil nsuiug two years. J JJ I iJ luvu vtvuvu uu luuu uwi I I Inere seems to be adeemed sen- tuf mpMintr tht. in nnminntintr one bv one for aldermen and were tr tv innnirioc tht r nut for which the tirlirmcrr ttirrer . i.: e I v- w.Mf, I . " , . . I - w - - ument m toe curuurutiuu iu iavui u; , u nnfA u mnn A antvi nnminnrpi nniinimniK r nr a ri.i .. . . . . . . j..i ? . i nu;0 fV,0 "eot "u, uo w uumau wu "J - mo as les or ouier lairs in aojotn- is 10 oc unucnajiPn jasi m soon aa vi ucviuw vuau6o i.uui v,v hWAiisA hft hart thAir strpp.t tirfrt 1UIT VOM3. . - .. I .1 r r t o whom. kev. E. K. Hild. C. E. Prestwood probably bo in October, but just lbe trustees determined to et 1 w 1 1 . It was mentioned bv one man at and J. R. Ledbetter were named what time they cannot say, owing about upon the preliminary work. t)r faction now, and tor a long TKot Viae Koon j i : 4. l e I -"w "" h'- "" 1 . . . . AAAtw.r.(ii ueriOU previUUSiy, uwuuuiui ron ftlroorQ nH thftrft urn snmA nf mncf. rAnrPCAntnt mc mnAtinrr We UlVe DCrC a IPlier ITOm IT. r-' public affairs. us who havo not had our streets Lirar Wld in tho town of fRrion JT. V Wilson NVaUrillft. whirh An automobile trip by PreVidest Jb or several weeKs iue discussion fixed up who would like to have The citizens of the town turned Lnrns in nart his ideas of what the Varner. members of the central - I ... 1 .1 commiiiee ano as many omera as can join in is planned to start at Beaufort within the next few days and make the run through the Slatft to the Tennessee line, attending lo cal meetings all along the line and . surring up interest in Uie move ment, which is for a great highway am available men for tne offices has our man elected. out in unusually larce numbers t?-: - a 3?one on. Names have been SUg- wru V0A A and votftd with determination and J , . I 11 11 V .aLlLAJV KTJl KJJ VlbWWAl I I ... V. m jested by word of moutn and in will 44fir thino" for tho honn. zeal, thus showincr bv their vote -An regard to mo fair l iDepauer. Aiiguuu meu, uuuuuyi, cf 0n Rorrin at. tho oonbp anH tnat toeir se ection ana choice inrimeasea to enow that sucn a mini? . - . I JJV W JL U ft . AUC,1U MW VVUHVI UUV. I ' I I W uul .po- Kroup s,u lar awui work out systematically and in the tne otnees 01 mayor and amerrnen js n procress, and know that if we a success as it will be beneficial socially, as ctly fit the necessities of the mo- end the whole town will have good should be strone and represents- u j toirethcr it will be "cuii, o vuauftu. .c ana permanent lmDrovcments. I vvu uieii ui numt.v nuu iutu wuu -Most of thesjuero-estions of names Alc a-hw nonnnt. cnnnlipc nrl m- will mannre the affairs of the town appearing in the paper were signed terials be bought wholesale ory economically, judiciously and with- well as profitable to the farmers of V ikT.-n.n riiT,ckY" ofn l-i-i f I .:4.i- u: J U U. Innt. f a r nr fnunr thnt. i c mcn wlm I tti a mnp Tt will nmrin n orv. " . . . . ' ""MWUipetluvo uiua Lupicuj cwuum-- , I "" w ' mlU In lin lUlnninn. In thA ftstnnmhftr Of 'IHE mOGEESS m 7 onr (r r no nrfHprf ncpfn nPW Will SerVO IDB DeOD 8. ine nomi- rtnn fnr thim fn ti k rtn 1VV ""' '"' .ww.. Appeared a statement headed A to the funds. nees of the mass meeting are of Hf ; n r-iations. Enci dertaken m any btate of the Union. Petition'' and signed by many citi- There ig a phase of the seiection that type of men whose character -ZenS. XniS, ma Very Uiausriai nf oMprmpn nH maor and integrity arc above reproach. -" bc P hea, to orsan-x. of DiDea eua. xu, vjr uiWii. of aldermen and mayor wnicn r--.. . .nu . ' tK.r tKnr mv h .hl t n',t aii oi di sense, is public.and open to discus- ought to appeal to every citizen- and whose purpose will be to serve way that they may be able to put ion and analysis. vor is that? inasmuch as the wlU of the on the markets of the county, not . The men named for a municipal there are no "politics" (so far as only the best of everything pro- . x:ii. n i:. uf j ruuAnA tjl MM.:An u . i j toeso were rcpr Citizens Ticket For Marion. duccd on the farm, but to plan and ticket are all sterling citizens but parties are concerned) in it, every the questions arise as what are tneir citizen-voter is his own mass For avorc B McBraver so arrange their products that they affiliations and who are the men meeting" and can select his own Au i ti' o t-:i. tj I endorsing them and their reasons board and mayor, make-up his SwZr Tnhn n' v V . Tu I u for endorsing. Also the reason own ticket, vote it and see that it W(? V pS1' quality, to interest buyers who buy other individuals, who have no s counted. u : fV " k in 50,14 car Io thcrcJ cn direct interest, signed as endorsers. It is a matter of common know-K ttere im ticket for the Peop e, abr thcm aiw&ys obtiljD lbe You hear it repeated often that ledge that throughout the county tt"u i"u hichest cash prices. I long to see nr nRnV Rnrfv Pftt,nr4 rin-itln It ? "ait First National Bank, etc " thrnnia tp rather over.tir of will of the people. It stands for n.UD, . 0 P"03: ,OD ."r Dr. DuBose s Body Found Floating w 1 i vuu v-' v . w. w . w. v.. - I 1 . 1 i 1 I tkn H.n mhAn f MA T trustees of were prcseai ai wo five, and three of represented by proxy. The automobile (rip is to start at Beaufort May 9th and end at Ra leigh on the 13th. Then in June a similar trip will begin at Mar shall and go to lUleigh J ers. neoDie are ramer over-urea orr , r-. ; , ll. j t k.n u sMcWnrUe k.-: cooq LToverDmeot. law ana order. I UJvy 4ow. the said Bank control or want to and arranging public affairs and reduction of. taxes and curtailment recognized as tbcv should be, and control the situation? One reason they look to the citizens of the ?f expenses It is against ring et to doing something for them- itron is that this bank is and has tnurn tn mflk thn nhRnfTA Rt thft iwwwuif wju uuuiau ijuihiws .Hc1cm m m for thft eonntr at i ' i .-. .iL. j I, . .i A . li nnrft and iinannltArfltiHl. it wonlrt I - ... . oeen ior a long ume me ueposiLary neart oi tne county, viz tne coun- i v7- -ZC ij lame. Then, and not till then will rawie town iunas. jluis is guou ty seat. r. tT7 r;.'"" """.t" . " " ,.u ;h;i;t?,v, f.. WitimntA hitsinPQ hilt it is Ti u j :ui i K SMICD irom S VOW IMS HgW IO no iu.u wu. 2wThA L. &ul5ua"r: vote as he sees fit. Honest-and . Z tUUt IUUUU luiuiuvcuxcuu tau uouw rp- f PrnTrva ujr xuw.w ana mucn oeiLor dudhc servile rr crktriA vfnion thft town Hftnosit, I nnrl inoicf nn rrvrf rrvllinrr t.A 1 A UflfQi is very small but i t is not the case nublic affairs of the body . politic editor op The Progress: fclways and these funds, together and will fetch about this consum-1 I have been Informed that my nam Nvith other deposits are available mation. ! v has been fiufireested for one of the Alder- tor legitimate investment by a bank J Are you, Mr: Reader, one of I men of the town of Marion for the eleo- ana it very onen muKes o o & o ifU rV.n c nM ir Hoei pa thn tiontobene a next iionaay. i i&xe toore than the law allows) on-its cnaDge an(i wm as sincerely do this method of expressing to the people loans, etc. At least this is SO SO far ,r nart' toward seeurincr the of Marion that I fully appreciate any Yours very truly, T. W. Wixos. -W the usual small bdr rower is con- onrrat -nAna u. - Vrtii -roViV linirft Hicp.onntArl I VlOIUOUl , viVU.nuw umfv vy-.v- , rr . . . i f . 1 .your noto for $50 or $100, or so, - writer intenas to maae uy lnnr innh mall nAITT, that ICS U1S UWU UUhCb UUU.W111 VUM3 1UI ittUU' iiu nou uv wu w ' I Ut. . t-r . S. , I 'TJrtW MmUmtaii fannK Ha JLI ft OaUK DUS lllla UUalUcss I ... . fLA. f,W U.q . ULLLUIa VllCaW a . MAW um recognition that shows confidence In me, by any citizen, but I must say I could pot serve as Alderman. I have served several terms and did the best I conli for the town.. but I- do not desire any public office' of any kind. f There la also another reason why I could not allow my name tobonsM, 7;. J" ii j -j.iu.-iL -4.: u the .writer. rtoiQKS SrurTy io gone at the thing in a happy man- f!??0? Jf oer and,wm combine tict with hold the offices-which have to do h?- hS of the toVn called With the fiivinf the4 business, 5 he haS a mass meeting of all the dUxens the tt. v -w --Ai;t fef , town to meet In the court House ior tne ,o;ria . "Potltinn iq on. 3 Incidentally how would a boaro purpose of nominating a mayor and portune ' , - of kldermen comprising" E. B. I Board of Aldermen (which has been the v . Baber, who ban experienced build- custom for many years). I did not at- fioutor ne iistui sipu er employer: E. K. Hild, who tend the meeting, but I understand navuraiiy come ine ones wriu uaiuu- faaa splendid busineSs capacity; Dr. there was a dtixena meeting and that ifcS; G. Rirby, who isa ood. busi: they nominated a Mayor and Board of ClvvvtvlJa mUU HUD UAIUIUk vl C HvlVUW I " 1 J J Near Scene of Drowning. Morcanton, April 23. Tne body of Dr. McNcdr DuBov, hi tor of Grace Episcopal church In Morjjanion, who was drowned In the Catawba river, near hr, rly on the moraine of Sitorday, April 15, was found this afternoon at about 5:30 o'clock within Ofty feet out as a candidate In oppodUon to tho "UCD 4 I who wexa txominauxi ai a mm izeeungi wuciu vn, - of the dtixsns, was ten feet deep an the nrer has It Is very unfortunate for a email fallen four or G?e feet at !esit since town to hare two factions when it coo the drowning. Search f rabid been to selecting offlaaW or actlii upon any 0VCf rt of iho Hrcr limfJ quesuona inai caecw vqo wwq rcvti . . . . . interesta. No town can build Up to ad-1 time aain this week, oatoff raatage without all the people standing I long poles and pnffS in voeir eorxa shoulder to. shoulder- and pushing! to locate the body, out tomcaow erery interest and eTery enterprise that I their efforts were in rain, this would be helpful to the town. Oere probablr bclnff dno to the depth of ' " I m ! TV- TV. v,tW nd work fnr bnildln tra ocr XD0 XUncrai KHMW oi xr. ua- for fmmiTitindifiL A btud-l Boso were held in Grace church. neea men wa'cannaaiTord to play the child and keep up a nervr-endlng strife. Let us get together as men, thea peace and prosperity will follow. BT" ' u Y U m B Mil aT- 1 rWk u m W . Sa m 111 UT-TT1 M T E.I III M n. 1 M W 1 J III BK MLA ' - bua LI A Thus we find. E. Hudffins, J-W. .Q health matters; C. E. Prestwood, fo I couid not come out and oppose -Pless. B. B. Price, M. F. Morphew ir: "- i ' ,a i,oq l. vifrr if ana A. .Dianron. ; Aii are served satisfactorily, and t had had obJecUons to anjor all of the noiaers in ineoove r . meniionea Q ,jf. House, who could assist r in men who were nominated, I should hare bank, two awofficers and xne is r ipertinto.T; to . the eni- been at tne court house that night and auorney. n 11 m.urKm neerine problems which arise. ; ' helped xxoXinate some one else, but not STOCKuOiaer; - Aa. j. vjii v, . -v , " - - - ntr finonirh interest in it 'to attend f . E.eal r certainly caxmdt come bank. K n. Bennett t is business more or less uiuopouuou uu vw t - : Mortranton, Monday raml " at 10:30. FolIowiD theao the tody was sent to AshcTille for burial. P. 0. ofS. A to Meet in Lexington, Iyixingon Is to bare the honor Senator Orcrman has rntroducod of entertaining Tborsday of this vbill for the NortU Cociufo frm- l;;. nXTf., life school. Ho wants the federal f America and dcicralcs from the government to appropriate 25,0001 forty -ix local camps of the state at tr- tVn nnrnA.tfl. that is to "TnTftl thft first ElatO mCCUDff of thlsordcr .rr hotter rdnration alone in norui vuu ItM U W J w w --w ww W ccrtaiQ lines, when North Carolina has voted a similar amount. Hob deeply in earnest in his efforts to ff-t the bill through Tne board of alderman of Con cord has r55cd a rtawlation it j ro hibit sales of liquor in drug stores in that town after May 1st. ' ' -.