V A WEY;EWSPAPER ipEVpTED.TO . THE BEST- INTEREST OF THE -PEOPLE OF. McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. . MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY A, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 35 ii Il ' V I I - , . . I I I M : I 1 , I I X X II II I l I I f I X . -l II il l! mi II I 1 0 0 nrADI Q Cf D 1 1 account' be divided equally between I LU f LL O r U n U IVI the two banks. Drl ' Kirby -again stated that be did not want torun or tn hftVA AntjfViincr tt An mitVi ?f Thls department Is reserved for letters from fit, u A the people on various topics. The Pbogkess lr't V1 : ov-Vul ,UU,K v uubtum Is not responsible for the views of its correspon. WniCn has prevailed in .the town Stents, aii communicatiods must be originally J f or years and ' years, the retirincT Signed for our protectidn though the name may mayor called a mass meeting f or be witheld in publication. I . K Uv,tt zs. T.-J: A REPLY TOr MOBSEBVER.M dates.. -That meeting was attended by nearly, two hundred people, a great majority of the voters of the town, and the ticket was nominat ed w hich; was elected on Mond ay. T"o the Editor of The Progress .. ; May I have space in your col- imns to answer an article publish-- by a large majority. - There was d in the last issue of your paper no opposition to the ticket in the Wch occupied the first two col- mass meeting; J But latere a secret . - i ' T meeting washeld by a few lndivid- Ximns m the front -page?; I mean uais$ as.I am informed, and a ticket he article entitled. Citizens of named and on that ticket Dr: Kirby Marion Oui?ht to Consider, .Etc." and Mr. Decker were named with- 'fcnd signed anonymously or kAn out their consent which placed them nKcofxrAr T dr nnf Irnnw .s? n o.ft l4 a iaiS0 aWllUa DOIOre tne peO- FARMERS', FREE LIST BILL From Best Analysis it, Looks Like - a Mighty Good Thlngo Consumers, i ' By H. E. C. Bryant to AshetUU atlzen. Washington, May . l.-There is considerable speculation concern ing the farmer's frcev list bill. Chairman Underwood of the ways and means' committee, thinks it is a good thing.- He believes that Mt will help the farmer. Mr! Prince, of Illinois, declared on the floor of the house last week, that it was a fake, a fraud, made to catcji rural voies. , utners say mat it is a po litical measure which will pass tho house and die. Mr. Underwood announced that it would pass both houses of congress and be signed by the president, Very few-peo- GRADED SCHOOL CLOSING NEWS OF THE STATE Medal Contests of High Order- Fortytwo Children Receive 1 Rewards.. Happening of General Interest Condensed for Bus Readers. . 1 A. Cannon, member of the State Tho eighth months Jena of tho Brd of Agriculture, HorteShoc, Marion -Graded School came to a "cadcrsoa county, tys the apple close, on last Wednesday. Tho croP in his section of the State, contests in elocution and dcclamm- 000 f best an j where, is bj to tion hold at night were of a high meant destroyed by tho cold. In- order rtflectiog on the school and deed, there will be very nearly a all concerned great credit Every QN crop, he aays, unless there are selection was a gem in its class and damaging conditions yet to come. showed that .care and discretion W. Vance Brown, reprinting had been exercised in this dircc- the Ashville Mica Company, ac tion. As to the training, all ap- clarcathat if the Cinadun reel, pcared to have been taught by cx- procity bill Upissed as cow writ pcrienccd teachers of elocution and ten, this state .will lose a half mil, oratory. Aa-matter of fact' this ion dollars worth of mica bnuness was not the case, altogether. The annually. Mica is on the free list results were made possible by and no duty is chargtd. Browa downright hard work on the part says that only Gro states prodaoe of pupils and teacher. Thens mica, whereas Canada is full of it. , - , . v , Pie. 1 here was, no objection to lihe author writes from ambush un- either of these "gentlemen and, , in Tier the guise of "An. Observer." fact, practically everybody wanted 4?he whole tenor and substance of them on the board of aldermen, but he publication was little and ma- they didn't want to run- and both pie believe'tbat the bill will ever ticious, calculated ahd intended to v were thirteen conttuntA. 1r mrU tloiniuryto a business institution wiUmg BuTa ut, it is sau3, what if it did pass and m Wa; aod of The grand lodge of OJd Fella wa created under the laws of. the the.v had refused to run and a tick- the senate, and receive the presi- these, one mrl and orm hor hiA mecta m icaton next wk aid is etwasnamed in a public mass meet- de.nts signatured, What then! ov Cr contested before. There la a ctJ rcporta that the val. - i i A . . , I i 11 m a mm A AS m property or the subordinate increased from $133,725 created under the laws of. XJnited States to do and which doing a banking business, the First ing by a large majority of the vot- How much would the consumer of high compliment in tho fact that 00 of Ppe j V it, i i ,i . i ers of the town, the men who par- the articles on the freo list iminf M , lodrahi i -National Bank1 of Marion, and as . V" inearucies ou me ireo list gninf the entire Drocfram wm PTPcnta ccsnasi ' - I Lll.l III LllH.li IIlHKI,mi7. Wllfl HnH I TTI . ! I r - - r 1. -x- . . to $233,143 during the past decide. In addition the orphanage proper ty at Goldsboro is valued at $1C0, 000, and ICO children are cared for at an annual cost of $13,03. Itir.inatprl in that. triAA finer witn nno Um . ... cashier of that Bank. I do not pro- n 'ua nai, revenue do reraiueai without a flaw. : . I v n'lwuaviiwuo, iuv uuuui JJ u uvi i mu 4l J.. ose to let the people remain in to stand by the nominees of the w juvuj After a beautiful chorus by the tirnorance of the true situation nor meeting and did so. articles affected by tho bill would .Lq forttwft . ..let that institution suffer by Now, did the First National reduce the Uriff revenues by 10,- been neither absent nor Ury V'Jr Reason of the acts of individual ntd5.?t? the policies and name 028,689, based on importations for the wcrc uJ . . .1 toe candidates i It is truft that tho loef ok Tr.r.lnn in Ulo kn . wnnectea or not connected wnn n. j., BmP(1 . pW.t,. 7:.". ""---rostrum to receive appropmta re-1 Gorcmor Kitchinhuisnoaaefd patrons and one a director of the u"e?.l 00 T'T. T ' s, mostly books. eUcn bT the the membershinof the commits pace in your paper to give to tne First national JBank, but they MV-"J ' ' w -' school board. While this waa a which is to have charge of the con- puDiiQaiiruescarementortnesuua-. uu5 - , ' "" 7 m oov7,, une snowing xor punciaauty in strucUon of the new sute buiiairz ?tion which brought forth the utter- meeting held m the. pubhcV' court ducted would leave $8,375,676. attendance, that number would at KaJeigb same to cost a nuarUr ,.. . house bv the peonle consistmcr'nf a TdaM o nft n.t fA M.Ak -w . . . at iujcjko, mc w casta quarter toce of the anonymous writer. h l:u u . r j .-j u Dave boen doubled had it not bei nf . millmn tv.k,. barge was that the First Na- Tthey. were nominated without 'the "u M!u,ou. , nUfc for tho epidemic of measles i Che charge in the are Aabely Horn, Julian S. Carr, Clonal Hank of Marion was dictat- least bit of opposition. No man's wu. town. Then cams tha tr rl eon. T A T- t n.vJ p i c . m r."-- tMui w . wm vju . ' v. i- ing the policies of the town and voice was restrained: the freedom N-no imports id i some instances are tesUnts for the Houck medal, Mi- IJascoc W. L. Panons and W H uij' of noman was taken from him: very very small, for the duties are . t?- ir rr $tui . r . ... 7tr - to'every man the right to vote prohibitive, anri we have monopo- T tt- w m tT ?prT or Uie men co tnayor and aldermen. Now, I pro- :h nleased was accorded without . ?. ,;!: 4 . LT-r Pe,M Hlck? Mary Poteat,. An- from the eastern and ntral u-c jose to state : the facts which no exception. 1 Then, is it fair to say . UDl . U1K1 Iac nio Baber and Aramie Bomar. tions, none from the west, rmfl will denv and leave it to the that the First National Bank nam- tones and compete with us on Ttie contestants for Ihn ' Hncfffinal headers of youf paper. ed the ticket? ? farm implements and other things wcrc Will PJess. Harvey iwcorporauoa commiwjoa ex- tru. -c: xr:i oi, wl 5 Again, the writer of the article prices may be an ec ted. Atwll. Frrl fir. Jnrlr Tnnn CIflPu ol lwo tr.ousa-a Nothing to do with the policies of . . . "".rr:uv"rmja' wordon ibcttft - .:r r: h.i . A. j ill .iL i. . .-. r. . - w wuiuu tucro u von' uiuo prua-nnH PaHpti Tnon ThAM r l4" wj.i dictate tomiciDal office. It is a business c,tlz?ns lD0 ..xno ' fMumPU0.D' Hef -iri-if in Hmnrr o non Iri nrr hnci. I i -i . . I i.iuWWu Dicuea out a iew signers or tne re- oinc f tho .rt MQ ti,A nesst ana as sucn aoes noi ngure m commenaation wno nappenea w i;'f fjiAm((, DOlttlCS. . Wnat its Omcers ana ue uuiuiers auu stuc&uuiucrs ui iuo stockholders do as individuals is a 1 1 pect of it ever being, the saving I two sct3 of judges and bo nearly!10 mxio 1x111 two indori for tkfc. are Ir.rf tV,A i ataiauona, one wpeciaiiy lor of the selections the task of award- exchanging UckcU for mileage. ing the medal, was indeed a ditS- o aiempuom i iw;(ct w w cult one. Tho boy's medal was Iicw ccaUon at any Ume, First National Bank, and utterly faalt- consumption , ?9.510.621; rh' tnedJ to Annlo Bbcr. The w , ,7.. " w l 1 and wilfully failed to say that saved $4,862,005.91Oi. presentation was nude' by .Rot. r?.? ,W!'mifStoa' e" SfionSn ml than sttTT others signed the Farm imnlements, $90,637,1 10. Edward Long in his characteristic " e s aod Ur. ally happy manner, incidentally r309 cor the institution, .isecause a man recommendation who were not in- is an omcer,; a sxiucanoiutsr ur( a uo- teres tea in eitner oanK. osito Vut W1ll;' Vht Tri r W nno the affrontery to say that any par- Cotton, ties hoop or band iron, stood for moral as well as' InH S-S'SS tidartofitcooldtedmved by WtOlT.mW. development. Th er r . . navmg ma account. . riL. very oouy Leather, boots and shoes, har- cioiaer or aepusiwir uues as a .pn- Knows mat neitner or tne oanEs in Vatexsitizen is the business of each Marion pay interest on a checkmg dtor of that institution does not ' As to the bank account of the uroTt 4 P,001 North b aiir strings nround his neck; town, no one who is at all familiar lV 3 ' progress of Manon ant! .especially North HM h nnft frPA i rlo with the town's affairs would have 9t).57. , . to tho graded school which he said -one, and the First National Bank account, and that is all the.town of iias nothinff to do with it. Marion keeps m any bank. nf fKo on. I wish to say that I, as a private Went, let us say that in the recent cltlzen am deeply. interested in the town Election:, there was a bank Progress and welfare of Marion t e ;TOoo fi,a iwf vt?ftn- and so long as I remain a citzen of i uAitfri vi;rtffa fuft ni the town, J shall continue to be in- M;rrf'tK&-fc run. terested m her development .along -did ates ? j A! : rreat ; many citizens P11 lmes wflnt to Dr. Guv S. Kirb.v and Mr. - Geo. I. White. JohnlDeekeWboth of whom are ' officers of the Merchants. & X ar- v Mr. S. Lipinsky, proprietor, of toot have any contest but both of Berkeley Hotel building in Ashe- ..afrrcari fn vim ct.ftt.ftii that vine ana win transiorm toe uumji thev didn't . want v the office and into a crreat 'department store. Mr. .would not serve :ii elected. The tipinsfey plansr to 'make- of. this iter, f urtherporoached Dr. property oneof tho finest .depirt- . Kirby, vice-president of the Mer- r . . . . a' ; . tofeoftill ment - sljores m the ; state. . - The that there be no fight and for the space , to be utilized . covers over - purpose oi avoiaing a ugui uuei eu o,uuu square ieei ur; uearjjr uvo ; that two alderinen J)e selected from times the space of the - two stores SSK S he 'now occupies r wna.was nuv aiunaLeu; witu . banking 1 institution, X and further k Li.:j?urt uQ - vveaitn is -a duddig tuaw, wnw 4 : iSllii:! J iL-t Ua nnmV Unlr nian trtr tn ftnlftrfTft DV DlOWinf. ness and saddles, $493,005,263, against $37,483,788.40. Barbed wire, rods;. baling . wire. etc., $113,027,20, against $32,- 861,066.36. v Fresh and preserved meats. $614,895,219, against $133,493.- Flour, grist, ctc $665,041,533, against $18,355;i46.31. .: - Lumber, laths and: shingles, $699,599,293; against $59,955,659.- 41. . - . ' . Sewing machines,, $8,497,464, against $3,549,239.20.-:. . Of course there are many ifs in tms. If the farmers free list bill 'becomes a law and prices drop as some of the advocates! of the bill say they will in time these figures may : pan out. J The total amounts aboye , $300,- 000,000.. cises closed with a chorua. The annual sermon will be preached Sunday, May 21, and the address and graduating exercises. Wednesday, May 24. WRrBryson, of Old. I was in lo wri yesterday . Port, Election In Old Fort Carolina Senators on Cora mitteei. Washington Dispatch. In the Senate committee round up the North Carolina Senator fared well, as'tbey have done for number of year, Senator Sim mons b chairman of engrossed billa, and Senator Overman of woman suffrage. Mr. Simmons will retain The municipal election held in IW wktiona. eramino Lhe aer. Old Fort, Monday, elected the fol-hnoaKm'ct tho dvil acrric?, lowing ucact: j. r. iiarmonuTrnfi:.nrMtn ihf r'rriicf mayor, and J. N. Ncsbitt, J. M. UgTictiltar and inter-ocanic .ca- Kampe, r. 11. Mashburn, b. M. Bradley and Joan Yhite aldermen without opposition. Nebo Election. Senator Orcnnaa goes on rules, one of the most important commit tees of the Senate, and will ke?p judiciary, appropriation, claim, conservation of natural resources. Tho town election at Nebo, Mon- A- - cr. - t r? t. G. M. Annis, J. K. Stacy, J.tL. protection of game, industrial tr Padgctt, J. E: Sigmon and T. W. positions and the Univenity of the . i i .n . ... Aiexanaer were circica ajacrraca. I United State. r miner, com- mm annronriations. and icdicls- It is stated that there aro nine ... m-.'. sets of twins in tho small vuLige of .' , . 0- Faith, -Uo wan county, and is an niMw, d tort .lon ra. evidence of good -faith the names and stan I well on their resjecUve of the proud parents are recorded, commit'ce. ien SO eioULCU Vllttt IUO W n " wua j uiwu . rf v -. "