.... - ' - i V A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. x.- MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 37. A HISTORICAL SKETCH Of the 22nd N. C, Regiment Dur ing the Civil War by an Old Veteran. - repulse and loss. I well remember GRADED SCHOOL nearmg nis voice that fatal nigtit PHMMCMPCMCMT Old Fort, May 9th; Mr. Editor: I .send you the first installment of the series of articles I propose to write for your Of the one thousand men who went ReVi $ l. gajn to preach Annual i i 'i t il imo tne oauie oniy one nunarea cAPmnn ,nfi i j-. kAArM and fifty heard his voice and fell n - n J, into line to renew the fight if need . . ur" L' "m' be , The writer was one of four The program for the closing ex- of our company put on advanced ercises of the Marion Graded baper and I hope to benefit the Old fu; " nrknu nnf. ca ir unn1 fnllowincr rr Wa hnn BoWiers and tiieir descendants by you Major Ganoway was to friends and patrons of the school ormging ewnuguieir not re-elected at the re-organiza- in the form of invitation: tainds again, and 1 want tnem to t ceverai Vftftrs after wai-d he was elected Colonel and was with the regiment a great deal, as I shall show further on. Capt. Graham Daves, Adjutant, was with us the first year of the war and when Col. Pettierew was Scrutinize these lines and correct be if I should differ from their re- nembrance of the scenes described. Yours, A. J. Dula. n Old Comrade of the 22nd N. C. rw- rn 3 -4. xt-.u promoted to brigadier-general he , . A. . x was advanced to adjutant-general. Una troops was urgamcu n . r. . . ,, . -pv Txr Capt. Daves was a fine man and a leighata camp near Dr. Wags-1 ... . , ,. roads. Col. W. W. Kirkland was 'drill master for the regiment while oung Walter Clark, now our Chief Justice of the Supreme tlourt, assisted in the arduous du ties of drill master learning the Volunteers the art of war.. This took place during the months xA May and June In July the tompanies camped at that place were organized into the 22nd regi tnent by electing J. Johnston Pet- tigrew, Colonel; John O. Long, tieu tenant-Colonel, and Thomas S. JGalloway, Major, with Capt. Gra ham Daves its Adjutant. Colonel tett(grew had seen service in South Carolina when. Fort bumter was captured. It was also said that he tad visited in Europe and knew Something of the armies of the old world. However that may be he was considered a scholarly man and well equipped in every . way to Tbe the commanding officer of any - regiment. He was a native of Tyrrell county but a resident of Charleston, S. C, at the breaking out of the war. In command of this regiment for the firsfc year of "the war he was very popular with 'the rank and file of the regiment rand was in command of the brigade at the battle of Seven Pines, where the was captured. His future reputation was gained incommand tf another North Carolina brigade. It is a part of history that General Pettigrew was killed at Falling Waters on , the retreat from the battle of Gettysburg. In common all the regiment we mourned ss and death, for he was the fest of the brave ana never " seemed the least disturbed by bul lets or shell as this writer has often 'noticed. John O. Long,' our lieutenant- r ' . . 1 The Faculty and Graduating Class of the Marion Graded School invite you to bo present at the Annual Commencement May twenty-first to twenty-fourth nineteen hundred and eleven Marion, N. C. PROGRAM: Sunday, May 21, 11 KX) a. m. Annual . i t i i t.- Sermon, by Rev. E. L. Bain, of States- brave soldier and was chosen - his- . A , tOrian Of OUr regiment. I have . WednftRdav. Mav 24. 8:30 n.m Gra- alwavs thought, and he has told duating Exercises. Presentation of Ii- me nimsei tnau . ne was not me piomas ana yUeaais. Annual literary :szna as ne was oniy wun us uue unapei urn, jn. u. year. Swat! - Bert Lottos Tajot, hi CMrajro TVtbcr, Friends of Sweetnens and of Ucht, Possibly we can unite On an tone that will win In this town 'of soot and sin, Peradventure we can pick Some reform and maze It stick. There, for inticca. La the fir: Wo will swat him, you and I Swat the flyf Join our safe and sane crusade. Twill not spoil the gralWi trade; Vice and crime will not be curbed; Baldness will not be d lit a r bed; Twill in no wise Interfere With the' sale of rum and beer. Friends of Progress and Reform, On this Issue let us swarm: "Swat the fly!" You, good sir, who choose to stay Home upon election day; You, who chiefly are to blame For our city's open shame; You, by whom we are betrayed You m&T join in this crusade: Even you may have a shot: You can STAY AT HOME and swat Swat the fly! DIPLOMAS Ila Myrtle Burgtn, Eurene Boulanger Gilkey, Mary Eva Kevter, David New ton Lonon, Kate Mae Streetman, Ed- Death of a Child. 0 Thomas Nelson, an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Finley, died Wednesday, May 11, aged lyr.t 6mo.t and 21 days, being sick about one week. While the little one is missed in the home, yet, the parents rejoice Declines to Make Reply. Tn thAF.rtitor of TllE PROGRESS : T will make-no reolv to the I ward Franklin Taylor. JJ I mnyoTmniHtra scn'mlbas article m last weoKs . t.ihii.j ouu . . . . .X . ... Process signed "Observer'? as the I that uoa was K.onueu ana ne is author still refases toxome out in fo nnon nnrl ciern his name, "and KvU cu w.c muvuwvm.u,, "-" house and bunalMn Uak Urove even if he had signed his Atweu. ! .i ' t Theannuatscrmon be preach- wcnj hlJ,d thc ea at tne niemoaisicnurcn. ims t,.c. anj i,,;.n; n;i. n 1 l! t A J 1 At I uaiuut nnrvn nnviTKT rwpn rnnncrnn inn i rnmn a, . there wouid be all the taoreTeason tfustces'accepted Tt as aifordintr he I : tor my not replying since me crea- best auditorium for the combined onugewaier news. ture i Who wrote the article cannot congregations of all the churches. Bridgewater, May 17. MIjwi Carrie l ' .1 1 1 1 ? " 1 . . . . . w. iTJJIV t & . fin mft T,n IP.aSt TlOSSlDie lDlUrV UV If ic AwattoH t iot a larrrn an H i on r A 11 ate ana ivauio X OUUt Alio irmnjru " v I 'mi mr t j JO VAlvVn'U tUUV U U V UMUIWUv I . .. . . .i.l r I m rv rcti. anything he has written or might be m attendance as there will hereafter write pbout me, and 1 be no services at the otner chu rehes. shall therefore treat his articles Mexico's Troubles Increasing, The rapidly changing coodttlosj in Mexico cmph&sixo the fact that no matter what may bo the rtsall of the contest for supremacy be tween the forces of tho Diax ad ministration and tho irisafVcctos that there is to bo a period of grata troubles in that country And bo fore pcaco reigns and a itabh gor era meat is in control, there aro many difiicult problems to bo solved. If President Diax resigns or Is overthrown by tho forces of Mad cro, there will come tho great pro ! blcm of effecting a goTtraosntxl control oyer alhof Mexico by tho insurrtctos. It is upoa this rock that there may bo a split, and tho differences already existing among tho insurrtctos show that there must bo so mo man whoso dominat ing personalities can shape affairs, so as to bring order out of tho chaos that now threatens. Tho clash between Mad cro atyl, ing himself "Provisional Presi dent," and General Oroico, of tho. insurrecto forces, shows bow alight is the hold which Madcro his over tho men who are carolled in his army. The events of Saturday, when Madero's life was threatened by General Orozco and somo of his soldiers, shows that there is to be trouble in Mexico-acrong-tho insur rectos when there comes a time of tho dirision of the oScea, and that there will bo calls for with the contempt it deserves by making no reply. Geo.. I. White. thu he the various leader who from Itntberford College where they Larn htn with Madcro in his ef. attended commencement, , , , u. (uM -t.Mt.VI order. That Madcro managed to como out triumphant in this encounter J. W Ballew is baring bU hotxe en larged and abo repaired, which will be a RTeat improremenL W. LTerlv made a btwineai trip to a 1 i If a Glenwood News. Glenwood, May 15. Well, old friends, I have been taking my vacation and it has been quite a long one, too. Miss Annie Pyatt visited her grand parents near Rocky Pass last week. Misses Maggie Brackett, Tbelma' Go forth and Geneva Gardin attended Round Hill commencement last week. J.' A. Poteet is visiting his family here. He has been in Lowell for the past two months. Mrs. Belo Ramsey of Morganton is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Morris. Mrs. L. A. Raybnrn, Mrs. A. P. Po teet, Misses Geneva Gardin and Sudie Poteet were in Marion shopping week. DysartSYille Dots. ' -n . :n x ? i k cv.Afr U$ sarLviitu, iiia.) jlu. out. iu i - i - - Laughridge spent from Monday Hickory. Asheriile and other point Ut wjlb General Orozcodoes not alter .11 mi 1 1 t. 1. t 4L!. wiuV I . . . . . t t . w r., r i 1.1- v. I the I act that mere are already ais- vUiting her sister. Mra, A. P. HanUr. sensions among the men who are returned to Nebo Friday. seeking to drive Diaz out oScc, M1m Kary Tate baa returned from and it is evident that these dissen Culowhee where she attended com- S10DS will aid in giving Dial a for mencmcnL She was accompanied br lbcp opportunity to bold on to hU her sister, Mi&s Pearl, who has been in . . school there- " hf dcSirt3 . of a There wiU be service held by Rev. D. great part of tho Mexicans U for Mnnme at the Bridcewater PreabrU?rian Diaz to iret out of the wav is cer- E. P. Denton has purchased the church Saturday night, banday and tain, but that there must bo a W. W. Dysart farm on Hoppis Sunday night. May toe sotu anas Lst. creek including the Dave Epley J. W. Ballew made a businoM trip to place and a block of the Higgifls Marion Saturday. place. Mr. Wbiteheart and family of Green- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Daves, boro are visiting at the home of W. W. . D. Tavlor. Sherrill lireen and HcmDhlll this week. Birmr W- Li. Duval were in Marion to- till Thursday of last week in this wk. vicinity. Miss Sallio Daves was shopping in Marion, Friday. Li. D. Dave3 and R. L. Daves have moved to the Howard place. Lee Green has moved to the houso vacated by them. McKinley Hutchins is quite ill with fever. hnetnoco The Dysartsville farmers united force behind bis opponents to accomplbh this is also certain So it is that no man can possibly arriyo at what may happen- in Mexico no matter what may bo tho result of tho present war. If thft insurrectos clash among themselves nativft of RandolDh 1 county; a graduate Of West Point, Miss Maggie Byrd has returned from a good drill officer and was with f5 6 t)ur regiment the first year of : the f ssEnie Biddix of Greenlee,visit- war. 4- lie was wun xne regiiueuu , Misa sndie Poteet last week. Suar Hill News. I w veeK. ' ' Tne lysarxsviue iarmera are , . . , I " . .i Mrs. jj. i. wuu u.o procuring do iter implements iur " "... . ,4,v, - re living in Colorado for the past three cultivating their lands and V care rain last Saturday which waa very much lUnities that have come,' Diax wiU years spent a few days last week at the fuj work they are making a success. ne? . , , . , have on his hands an immenso homeofS. K .Poteet. . : 0ar farmers are a thrifty people tZZ JZ?25 problem 5a rtorinff aajlblne Hk0 a k k mm m V W- mm w- w n w mim - - - - - - T ana ougui, w kv iuuui nn1 . . ...f . out of life. Tho way to bo happy ZT . V is to see that the comforts of life are well supplied. Zero. a: of Nebo attended tne w. v. W. ineeting Saturclay night. Mrs. W. lh Ferguson and liildren ot ivTatnnn annt Snndav with Mrs. John Crooked Creek NewSi Mra. Thoa. MorrU of Marion visited relative here last week. J. G. Crawford baa sold a tract cf i timber to Hatton 55 Bouxbonniaa. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Crawford were la Marion on business last Monday. a condition of order in Mexico. If tho insurrtctos bury their dif ferences until Diaz is overthrown, there is certain to como a clash among them when a new order of affairs is begun. Becaoso of theso Crooked Creek, May 16. There will be a box supper at Bethlehem school Miasee Urxy Wilaoa and Berth Mot- things there appears to be small house for the puipoeeof.buying patent rijand Mr. Dean Crawford attended tU r.,. ftn war. ne was wun me rcgiuwu , M5afl Snrt fl Poteet ,weejc i - : - - v i nrosncct inat in mo near - ... i v -". - ... I ji i a na-m nn inintr TWdTi T l . f t at the battle of Seven Pincs and .-wmiams of Oiffdde spent a - - . .T,"? ."T was captured. I think he was a dayswithliis aunt, 1 brave man, for during thfe progress last week. His. Boy 'Brown, finished. . We hope to have a large crowd and a nice time. Everybody come. " UU"-S' " xt Tflfo v who resided near . : " of the battle I saw him keepmg T wediesday to" Mr. h7 PnUnS the men closed up and in line. Of Klncaid of Borke. Good wlhea gralnU looWng - . - E knbw f, thU comninnltT go with the hap- . - " ; " nothing as he was not re-eieetea at py coupie. future Academy at Union Mills, . "r' ' , George Crawford baa returned, borne diUona, and that peace will pre from Mara TTHl, where be baa been fn vail throughout its borders. school for the past year. Thoa, Morris and on Arnold, of Mar ion" were pleasant visitors last Sunday. J. D. Pitta, of ulen Alpine was a Several of our young people who have business caller last week. notning.as ne wi;iiuu Znv'J?.n :'A x-v-hvrfth Several of our young people wnoc the re-organization of the regiment. ; yv e were - . the been in school at Union Mills have re- Me6sr& m. HemphiU and 8cbn Thomas S. Galloway, bur major, t;. fo years; turned home. , . of Marion, were afiulrrei bunUng In our w-ofRocMn?hamcoun: S&Ueonh m tXm tv, wna a KittuuHu uv, , -B ub3 ww nw. - .uwi " vv-. I m craTi lq iret ud mucn cewa. Militarv Institute, ana: was a nne as tms is my J. raraer mauo m r- onenedl had, better stop. If nothing Gardencity last week. arm omcer e, - ijustbody . j . s-p , . t, 1,7. lJOl jhu yearof thenar apdw Kines Mountain Tuesday votca Luhe the recriment at thebattleof Seven - ; , - , . v J lP5? JluuTnAA 1. r;i?ntnn Uct lr nrlmnrmvll Ifoasa to-niirht and occasioned . Ai . - ri, cAt.,fnrrfl is floinff some a Bona issua 01 ?w,vaw iui twv- i - - 1 . Pines. Under Major jjraiio K.nrlc : - - . . to meet m Uiarlotto next year. great surprise 81. Secretary Dickinson Resigns. Washington, May 12. Secreta ry of War Jacob McGavock Dick inson, of Tennessee, the Democrat ic member of President Tait'a Cab inet, has resigned. Henry L. Stimson of K-w York, rwntly de fmted llenublican candidate for Governor of that Slate, has been rmes. a upaeriviajoruaiiuwaj ,w !,.u ,-, : . . . roads regiment rallied after our. severe good. work on the street. . , J roads. . .