1 V X A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER-DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY; ESTABLISHED. 1896. Marion, n.' c, Thursday, may 25, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 38. -- . - - . . . - - 1 r GREAT CENTRAL HIGHWAY - A iGreat. Project .Which Will Do Much to;Develop McDowelk ' " . and Otter .Sections. 'J : Last February an act was passed by the Legislature chartering the "Central -Highway - through North Carolina from the seashore to the Tennessee linea distance Cof 460 " toiles ne of "the' greatest roads ever proposed in Any part . of the country, and: the longest , single : Irpad ever undertaken in the United States,' we are told..4 .'.V. , A great highway, like this will do more to develop this mountain : Section than any thing else, We i ihave the most beautiful and health - tul resort place anywhere in the country. ; What has - made Asbe- Ville and Buncombe county ; what ney.are to-day? The travel; to . Asheville as a summer! resort. liook; too, at (Hendersonville, Sa luda, Try on, Chimney Rock j Black tg Mountain and Mon treat in summer," tow they team with summer visi " tors, and think of the thousands of ; - dollars that's brought in and left there,, by .wealthy Visitors every Summer. Would we . . have H such tople in McDowell county ? y We have as beautif ul mountains and as fcure air as -any of these places, v With the great Central Highway Dver which people could speed in comport from -the: seashore sum taer resorts ,to!-the" Blue Ridge mountains- this' would be" the". 'most Unviable and ideal ! section of. the Vholexountryfintowbi(;vwbuId feooh pour: a," constant stream of - people whom we would not other wise ever see. At every house and country home summer, boarders ' would be begging for shelter at fancy prices" as is the case now from Asheville - toward ' Chimney Rock and for miles on each side of the Fairview foaa. This- feature alone would 1 richly repayV.' within the shortest time, the mountain tjommunities, such as ours; through which the highwaywould pass for building it, and all who have ever traveled over a mile of good road "awake can lmaeme". what it . means to the comfort and economy of time, wear and tear, etc, etc. of .-'the people in getting to and from market to be in. reach of sucn a road. The increase n valuation 'of real estate and the increased op- 1 fcortunity to make farming; 'profit able in a dozen ways with a good : road to market would make the 'owner of a small , farm more ; Wealthy and enable him to make j--ii more money than was the wealthiest and largest farmers a few years v ' ago ? with the crude roads over " which they've had to '"tug" their products to market; Such condi tions make life in the country and "on the iarm , the most ideal, ;the happiest and . the ; most , lordly and " independent of i any condition that people can live. u v r -Where, is. thishighway to ' be located? v There is more ways than 4 one it can be located. Rival sec ' . tiohs on the - eastern end of this ?; road are so - awake to what it means "to get it their way that they J are offering large sums of money sub- scribed by citizehsf rom $4,OOCj.0O . ,to SCOOO.OOto.-be expended - on the Voad as an inducement for its ,! location through their sections. It ;is said that an f effort is being ' madfi bv the people of Rutherford ' Vnnnntvand other sections to have this highway: located .their; way- CHAMBER OF. COMMERCE. tnrougn tlie Hickory - JNut Uap from Asheville; I This would take Organization Effected for Marion it beyond the reach of us. ' Every . , Heetine: Called for Friday raan; in. McDowell county, and wuuf especially - all within five to ' ten V miles of this htehwav (if it iro - A Vbamoer f- Commerce, . or this wav) ouiht to be astir to have Board of Trade has been organized this great: road and. leave their business men of work for a daV and W out ti rnoet Marion. A large number of citi theoffi6ials who will pass through zens haye already subscribed their McDowell county 'prospecting for names 93 Ambers of tho organiza the location at Old For ton the 7th tion-i The following gentlemen 6f June, at Marion that night and constituto the officers lor one year. xtu -.il 'jf - - - r.i- President. "B. B. Price! Viea-Prftsl. ab xiklmj liih mnrninir . or inR nin. - and show, preciation .This may The Misses Gibbs Entertain. At their, ple&nt country home on last Thursday cvcninc Mistes Hallio and Pearl Gibbs entertained very .delightfully quite a number of their friends with Miss MUs Morris, of Hendcrsonvillc, tho honored guest. The homo was mast attractive in its floral decorations"of laurel, ivy. PEACE COMES TO MEXICO Tho Final, Forrnal Agreement Sirr ed by Both Parties. Juarez 3Icx.t May 21. 05c!al. ly designated rcprescaUlirrs of the Mexican govcrninent acd the rcrolntionhts at 10 o'clock tonight signed a peace agreement at tho ferns and pqUcd plants, ttithold the hostilities ththvo been tirao hospitality' Mr. and Mrs. in Mexico for tho list six moathsj Gibbs erected tho arrivinff rucsU Tboach corerinff onlr tho orin. while Misse3 IIoJI.o Gibbs and cipj afSOtUua uhct flr their - interest and' ap- J?'- 9 & ,Kirby; Secretary J vSSS 1 'creai.co1' rrcord, in the "matter. : V ' V and , Treasurer, John H.' Gray; h" Ml Hodjnns scrr- the concessions by th cotcrntneat be the chance of liffl- Erectors, R. H. Bennett, Uoy S. .raupa, lroia or those demands which started, oa U t rpnilKsSte Kirby.B. B. Price, 'E. C. Gny and a wof Kroen". . The eveoinc November 20 the list armed rcro- hiehwav-throucrh McDowell coun- 'v ooson; r inance Uommit- 7 .-'nuiioa in icuco. Telegrams an- time to have a. great central ; State slinw in it mill pnnntji 'Wt 1pb1 laDd B. B. Price.. . re.rcsnmenw were senrea. .Jmeatwem dUpatched tbroochoot toward p-Bttino1 it .; On dv's tiiiift ' A'.meeting-of this organization ' ,ao7 fmt"s ura ,.pt?1 Mexico to rtToloUonary and Fed. willnotrberiiss-:. from now hv n. m.n hnt hnw 8:30 : o'clock at the Mananna .n mi. V .t hirm.w Hotel for the purpose of adopting and silffpr for lark of it for vMrs a name. nxlnR lne aucs 01 raem and years if we should fail to get feentnLceJfc-00d it And we are not called upon to vote bonds to get this road. '' - How is it to be built? ' This will bs answered in the next issue, of this paper. ' f ' I " which will be done by a' majority vote of those present at tho meet ing, and to give attention to any otner matters tnat may bo soin necessary.: The organization will merry party saidgopd niCht with The agreement was signed' tftcr many manKs. inanks lor a most lhrc5 days of indecision, Fmr.chco enjoyable evening. I. ' Mm. Jm !r.,f tw. Thoso present were Misses Mor- T0lution. cxnressini? thft thi ris, Davis, Kccter, Merrill, R&t-lpc&ce could bedeclarrd nnlr lifife, Strectman. Landis, Whitten, nor bccamG Ureenlec, Djsirt binclair and honai prdcntind uhenew CtWcel isaoer; Alcssrs. Morris, A. Mo w- instalfrvl Call; L. Morris, Halliburton, Hen derson, Whitten, Blahtob, Giles, Some of his chiefs argued other wise, declaring that armed force 3 in the field in the interim might precipitate trouble. It'w&.s tog gested too, that In deferroc-f to tho wish of President Diaz to retire when tranquility was rratoml, the pw Rgrw!mrnt be rasde irorri. meet twice a month, the first and . ; . . ..... I Wdnesr hir Afmn from fir, til , . iacrarers, proxessionai men, ana ; -r--w -...T... ";WT W1U1ID inururuYo asji. ine then be ready for business and will Farmers' Union i at Vein Mountain. ire attention to many impbrtant Df"V Lonon.-Corpening, Miller, v.in Min MVs - A 1A. otters so often coming an which "mcr ckl branch of the Carolina Farbers "avo- ne""?,?rT . most ca5e5- Mrs. McCail Entertains. - - . . . . oeen neniected. I - union was organizen nere in ueo- " . . . A i tt,., rr.n -u- - , ' 1 his orrranization hones to be of I k .'wvaH rurryr iyi i,witn nvememoers. .t - ... tlfal nation t hr lnrMtr nw iv 1 1 10 .. ttt. Kreai oenem w iqo wwn ana win ; r fourth- Saturday nights when all members are on hand. We; have enierea into a contest in our union to see who can make the best yield of corn from one acre of land, -We have a" prize of $10.00 for the win- ner; - ' v'-:-. . v : ,' . .-, - "' w e nope soon to ; nave ail our bestmen become members of our union and we believe they will join as soon as good results of j the or ganization are realized.. z' Decoration Day at Bethel. all citizens interested in the Growth slx ociock tn nonor oi ,ncr sisier, u;,. v;ew prevailed. and upbuilding of vMarion and a - tcif, ana inend. The troops, it Is provided, will special united effort will be put Mrs. D. P. McClurd. The hnase be . disbanded proportion Mr t4 forth through this wnization w-M,Ul" whereby Marion will be benefitted ao aenarum' rns ana roses. . jsir?.j. v. trcetman receive! iv-rt-t p.nru,fA r c.,i,- - . m m am. u li a ft ft. ft .i ft. r i k i ft r l . " .11 at' tho door. Punch was served IV from a prettily decorated corner - lUleigh, t May 3. Formal an- in the hall bv Mrs. Pescud CraiL- nooccemcai or tnc cuuirtUcj of in many ways. V Cotton Mill News. The Mill is running along nicely now, turning off both quality and quanity. Production now running around 100,000 yards per week which means about 57 miles of Tho CAilers were . received in the Hon. Charles' Bradley Ay cock, ex- oarlor by Mrs. McCall and her governor cT Korth Carolina, . for guests. They we're then invited the Unlt Sutea senate Umuctecd into tho dining room by Mrs. A. cator F. M. Simaioi ws rpiio Blanton in her usual graceful man- this afternoon. The .announce- ner. whore trior wore zervti do. mcnt is maxle in a letter from Mr. : :i.ii :t xTT- i Tuesdav June 6th. will- be ob- oin ?ver we0K- nay now served as Decoction Day at Bethel about 50. to 60 families living here ,iclobs rcfreshmcnU by Mrs. C. Aycock to Col. K. B. .Whiucld. . church by thW;Woodraen of the averaging, froin three: to eight to M McCaij and Mrs w. ,CMc- of Kinston. Quito a contrast', u Call. XVUUUb Uiilkjr wutuu World of Glenwood, and the large ' S a good living connection whose dead- are buried at lul3 maustry. - -4. u: u;i:; : aUaU: Our. best weavers average in av iiuia uuijriu iuuuu. uvuivuasi i . ( A : Wall Johnston will deliver - the wages irom l.HJ to.DU per day address of the occasion: , ; Spinners from 75c :to day and Card room help from $1.00 Sugar Hill News. to $1.75 per day.; Pay day comes Snirar HiU. Mav 22. E. H. Dvsart of twice a month which everyone Marion was a business visitor last week. I looks forward to with pleasure. Governor A j cock's announcement to that of Chief JosUce CUrkY is, few days ago. Governor Aycock An Old Newspaper, saying that bo stands on.no p:r- County Commissioner ,IL " AV 80Ba,pIat-fora' h?v Prof. J. W. McCall of Ashf orI spent Sunday nere. . - Mrs. "M. A. . Hemphill, is .visiting re latives at Otter 'Creek this week. ; - J. C. Crawford and daughter Mamie were in Marion shopping last Tuesday, Mrs. C. M. - Hall 1 was shopping in Marion last Friday. : v " ' Next Saturday is decoration day at Lester Morris b assisting Mr. Copeland in the office of tho Com pany. ;. '. ,, ' ,' . - ' ; J. L. Grant of Bamberg, S. C has movedi to the' - village; Mr. Grant has charge of the Cloth room as overseer. D. D. Little, President, is back Tate, of Greenlee, was io town Saturday. While in town Mr. Tate called at this office and show- cd us a copy J of Tho Asheville Spectator, printed at Asheville July 31, 1850, 55 years ago. John D. Hyman was editor and publisn- or. 1 no greater part or tno issue "MVvnfrtTiVa- fVvn-A "RjinHnt' r.Tinrr.h and Sunday is the regular appointment. I wiin us aicer an illness ox; aooui Rev. D. J. Hunt is pastor. V : ? Si. three months at his homo in Spar tanburg. "Kimball's mill : and storehouse, Arthur McCall visited his homo 8 milei from Oxford, on Tar river, at Woodlawn on Sunday. burned last Thursday night. L. T. Kelley, the miller, lost his life in the burning storehouse. The mill was a five-story building. The loss is estimated at $40,000. v : Effective the fifteenth of June, the Asheville Cotton mills will close down for ah indefinite period.. The reason assigned for the closing Thn pommtncpment exercises of down of the mills: was that condi- T3avidson College will, take place tionsin cotton goods market and May 23-31. Gov. W. W. Kitchin price or cotton. uo uuu juanijr 1 uu-i Wju aeuver, vdo annual uuuress on :ninor at nresenti ' ' ' the 31st.: "t r "... U . - -Tom Painter, night overseer of Spinning,1 visited his homo in Un ion last Sunday. . v . . Wo are glad our mill is running full time when so' many of tho mills in North and South Carolina are shutting down one and two "weeks in the month. , : . . , stood upon the national and stale Ekmocratic platlorms, and he be lieves that the assembled know, ledgo of the nation and the t tale 'far greater than his own. He tys that ho intends to znako no cam paign, but must stay at,horne and pursue the practice of the Uw, but that when tho Umo comes will wili deroted to - nolitlrjil mattira- At this time Millard illmor of tender his services, as always to New York, and Buchanan and Fro- lh? focratic party and his eim- .. 9 I ...Til I . T ... ft! mnnk refins nil nnrlMt fnPpci. I PajKa CO Will m ICO micrt.". dent of tho United. States. John A. uiimcr, or uuiiiord, was on tho ticket for Governor of North Carolina and Zeb B. Van co was a candidate for tho State Senate from Bpncombc. . . In repairing his house a few days ago Mr. Tate came across the 'old relic and prizes it very highly. Mr. Tate's dwelling is ono of Mc Dowell's old landmark's. A brick from tho chimney of his houso bears tho dato of 1811. of tho Democratic tlckrt rather than personal. f t. . r : The State boilding comniision, in session in llalcigh Friday after noon decided, to purchase tbe Grimes property, fronting 210 fect on CaDUoT tqcire and CT fret ech on Fay etU: villa and Stintxiry Streets, as the site for t!.i20:0 Suite adratnutrationbailiin, which was provided for by the recent Legislature-' Ttie price i 1 for tho property is .5,OX. ihc p-r- Farmers say that wheat in Tc n tat? coriKjmUon br wh-mi it 'tirst oUoreU two woc:i k'o prospects lino crop. are encouraging for a chv ling fforn tto inn.r c it v. - for 'W'-'"v , :-. -. . V . .....