" - ' :.- k's'1.' ' " ' :-.V- ' '' '" -' . :- .;', 'fl . i i A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHETJ MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1911. VOL, XV NO.. 39. . - .. . . . ir iu(J) vOJ il ii S :2) It PEOPLE'SFORUM. This department la reserved for letters from t(e people on various topics. The Progress Is not responsible for the vles of its "correspon dents. All communications must be originally feigned for our protection though the name may ,be witheld in publication.! - The American Farmer is the Man Behind the Gun. I wish I could impress this upon very farmer in this state, that the average farmer is no better off to day than he was ten years- ago. Those who bought fertilizer on time ten years ago are still buying it on time. They live in pretty much the same kind of houses, drive the same kind of stock, and Wear. the same grade of overalls. Some few may boast of a small bank account, but at what price did they obtain it ? . In many in- can farmer. . The farmer is the THE CENTRAL HIGHWAY great soldiers anyway. He it is that fights the world's great battles How It Will Be Built The People and be never was known to ' sur- ' Enthusiastic for It. render. He fights for life, not death,, and he fights all - the;: time, and when founded there is no pension for him. And he is wound ed almost to the death and by the very government that should pen sion him. But instead allows and even encourages trusts and combi- How is it to be built! No lavish expenditure of money is provided for. by' the ct .'of the legislature . chartering rths high way. The boards of county com- ... & missioners of the counties throuch which this road shall be located nations to suck the very life-blood . , fn . f. rnnn m out of him and then use their un- . i holy gams to further oppress him Lu- ,n of enthusiasm and determination for this road, and we in the moun tain section will surely prove as patriotic and as ready to wake up to our own interest. These mass meetings and picnics on one day and this week's devo tion to this great road from one end of the state to the other iCO miles will bo a spctncl that will cause the whole country to take notice' of us, and will eUblish the TRAIN GOES INTO CREEK Three Killed and One Injured In Wreck Hear Bostic Mrs. Justice Passes. Rutherford ton,' May ZQ. Thrco men were killed and one fatally injured when a double-header coal, train fell through a burning tres tle about two miles east of "BosUc on the Seaboard railroad lato Sat and to corrupt our courts and law makers. The farmer is enlisted in this war for life. Without him any other g army is impossible. Without him the world can't eat propriation provided for by the towns through which the road uasses. This is mainly for the purpose of helping tokeep the rod. fnr thn nrp;nt- in aood con. breakfast. He fights the battles ditioa for traveI. The road ls to of peace, in his war he wounds no bebuiltby other raeanS-bj such man but feeds all and makes our mPBna th. Wb1 Hllthor;tip., hv countrv abound in nlentv. lift is . i . . Stances at a great saenfice of com- d l5ng just exactly what od com. a """ S TZ'.t forts to themselves and their manded Adam and his descendants L. , P for, this Kreat tmli? Somnt.im hv ' working maDded Adam ana his descendants highway from one end of the state - io ao. nis cause is wortny, nis very member of their family m calling is honorable, his labor is a . cause of good roads generally and uraay moon.. a determination to have them. Tho sported dead: which will never end till wo, grt J- !- Lindsjr, engiDecr, !on them; not this ono only) but others ro C which so many sections are cripple R- M- Gwcn, engineer, Moa. without. S: . Bbt this road is not to be thus fireman, Monroe, finished in so short a time, but only established and opened ud to travel. , L Fnuk Howell, tho con- Within the coming vc'ars in tho dactor w" lQ al near future, with the sUta of North , P"00- tkAif tiiA M.tftrn It will be several days before : it is cause is woruiy, ms tn fua rt,ur .OQ tt mnir last February it was taken for granted that any county which t,hp. p.rnn.Q ftnH thns Hp.nrivinir thftir L i . n i V i f " - oiessing to an manKina tor no teeas children of the schoolincr that is so t . j . ... , . me wonu. mea wny in ,vjoas jc 1r..rlr Ura , H m . w m w m w ..v m m mj m & & w am k m m m m mm mm. necessary to ine young, vana in namft jh ouf iaw jri 7 7. r 7 taanv cases they obtained the little IT.ZlTLn SZJT IeadlD acros.s lt fr0ID east t0 west j I is sureiv ready to co to, worK the central and tho western part of the state behind it it will b built into tho grandest and great est highways in the country. It will be prove to bo ono of the greatest things that has ever hap- damago can bo repaired and regu lar service resumed. Mrs. Nora Justice, wife of M L. Justice, tho liveryman, passed away Sunday morning at their home on West Main street after pencd in ono of tho greatest states years of suffering. The funeral bank balance by actually doing L u:m oc fKft w !s sureiy reaay . go.. . . K Lnd do oar nart. ns the Deoolu all church yesterday afternoon, coa m. w m m m t fiwi b a ri - ut mm. -t u jl . : z . - - - m - - nave one to mane a iiuk in a great , it. i . .! i a i ; m T I CT witnouttneDecessanesoime. k fc i nd :vei s , T, MCft nhtninPfl thpir lit- . . 7.. 7 V V " nigQway use tnis. nacommumiy Wtf "; mra credit ior an ne aoesi uu u mu;u u0 -a .ru tie surplus at too great a cost of Vrnro RpnfW rmpr nfi TOnptlw " ----- - ' ' " pass win not lay noia ana go to sons of our noble forefathers who i :u t u All this while the great trusts wrenChed the frreat Matma Chart t.s.i. t- nHnnmhinftHonsarftffftttinff richer . V lrt . t" unotner commuuiv wmcu uowrnp- .7 7:-- oreciatesuch a hichway enough to a u.-k.- on.nrl ana ncner piling up lueir uuuuij- ,flt no tati. frt tViic .. . ... ... ...s.. wv.w di.idP.nd nd lowlv and suelv : bulId tneir Part !t wlU its accessories and subordinate cor- . , vjoa nates a quitter ana let us snow in the Union, if we'will wake u D Mrrice was Dem from tne Uapust and do our part, as the along the line are doiog. ductexl by the pastor Rev. IL II, Hcrriog, after which her body was Tobacco Trust Declared an Illegal ,aid 10 in Ac cil mctery. Gocoov. uuiiiuiiiaiiwiit Washington, May 20. The Sgartjnburg Boosters Corning. About ono hundred business mea work for it, and get it, if .it takes poralj0ns and companies, including t Spartanburg, S. a, on a trade- mum iu u ww la m. a m uuk w his labor creates. In the name of truth the men behind the 1 Til J.1 , I I common sense wnen win tney oe thflt we know our riff hts and haveL 7- ' j wwr" 1,clu "J S"! vuV v 7$at,ififip.rL Not satisfied with enouerh i.. oeiag aoue oy iu o, auu of the United States to be - " tne manuoou w lorue nieui lrum a 1 nnA ;o rr tK rT they seek to see which can get con- 1nntjin, t. Th.t. it. i. IU " ' . r . . wow can tney ouiia it iii 1 ii 111 iii in 1 1 w w i.. ii 1 11 w uiiiii 1 u& w 1 mz w u m & . n i v. - . Decause 01 us mm our uouuiry in Mc- thing on this earth. Yes, they str0nff and great That we want seem to engage in this thing of f ho ith the rest flnd :f we heaping un hords of useless wealth haye to make the pie we want to ... m Vwa r r-1 " I "K a I'We t tk mm mm til operators in a combination illegal ",ctl ""M -4 under the Sherman anti-trust act register at tho Marianna Hotel. m&m 1 m m Doweli county? The court sent the case back to the Alrelr wul concert as First, By applying the special lower court with directions to hear the hotel while the party gct ac r.t fl, rrrU; KrnrrK fnrfnr thrt n,irti RO M to LtfCN qUainiCQ WUH IDO peOpJCOI .HinOU. 1 UaU UtA Vi VUU kV i LIJIlo Wiiwuu 1 mnuwi , which the road may run to build tain whether a new condition can- y " neipeat tnesameanu mat wo mius t. i u :.U rWeirvSII rin f thorn wftrA rn hfttter W.nt tor... ........ .i i It eXCOOt OriQiZeS OI COQSiaerauje UUfc uu rucraiicu iu iikiiuuuj ...v v. " it DUt just auu lair mj ue kuuwu i 7. , . . ... 1 , . . .. . 1 . their energies and brains. Now Lnj roffnized br the men who consequence, which it is still, as the law. Justice Harlan concur- DjurUrtlle, Mmr J. It 0 , offQ- alwavs, the business of the county red, m part with the court's opm- Lnion. anr faaicgaooavaTiciii T are PUtmg Z aDd fnin to pro;ide t or. . ion, and dissented in part Oyrloiia and ne ther. a la Yours Respectfully, v , r Lwndal and KolheTfartlUa rptar&wd .. A Farmer. ' Second, By applying from" the The Tobacco Trust decision is hon? iodJ bj T of Mjtrio3. county treasury the $50.004 per characterized oy Attorney-oeucrai Mr. A1I RadkU and Lr toa. , .u. Vr.s.ilmil nrovided for in the act. Wlkersnam as a most compre- Henry, were gau or Mr. asd iir. ne proper vu xviuuw j s hensivo and sweeping" victory for M. Dar, ririUng Mr. a&4 Mrs, H. ijraphite UoM tne ownersnip oi iniro, oy toe citizens turning DAtt. Mr. IL C Dar U Mrs. Ksdi When the farmers get wise to the tact that they in conjunction with -other laborers create all the wealth of this world and when they make their congressmen aware of the fact thai they know their true position in society and the world which has been in litigation for out every man who has the public generally; that they (the farmers) some years and which was finally spirit in him as the people all know that our splendid civilization decided in favor of Mr. George along the line from the sea to the is only possible because of the Moon, of South Bend, Ind., was mountains will do, and volunteer achievements and J ability of the this week bv Mr. Moon to to work on this road for one week American Farmers. Then and not Mr. E. Peltz. of renland, N. C. in July to complete the links not until then will we begin to comeiM peltz operates the Carolina yet built to enable travel to get the government cil't (Uaghur. Mr. Jamas Langbride'i child died la Into that recognition that is due the farmers as a world power and :as a peace promoter and as a man In every way worthy of all the Carnegie hero medals. , . 7 Mica and Milling Works . at Pen- along the whole length of the road land, and says he is going to put conveniently. in arnica mill on his newly ac- On July 4th in -every county bu$incsa not repugnant to law. quirea property witu au uiouoru jrom one ena to tne oiuer oi tuis If at tho end of six to eight Tho Trust is held to bo a com bination in restraint of trade a I MArioa ut WlwJiy sd to burled monopoly in violation of law. in Trinity gTT-yrd Thanlt3r. J. It The decision affects 65 Ameri- D?atoa coadacted tha faaermL Mrs. can corporations, 2 English cor- fd w Otete. at. porations and 29 individuals McKiale7 Unichl U ot aa aftr lenaants. An opportunity is giyrn a Hotu tpeU of f eTtr. the, Trust to disintegrate and re- PUto 8prAtt u urrir wiih a Trr create a condition of transaction of tpell of broacUii. U IX Dara bar had a bad rpell cf tidcanss and U qaiU trmk. Mary La Darm U rliitin la Marioa, mfto.hinp.rr The nronertv as is I rnaA mnw mp.At.nirs and nicnicsl . .1 When Dewev retarned from the Z .u flK ur monlns lDO wrponiuo hb, gt.t ot SberUT . v I Well IVUWfWlJ, oituaiAi vju kmutu Will Uv UCIU IU ovcij wviuuiuumj, ' glorious victory of Manila bay, Xoe river, about seven miles -East celebrating the the determination aiter totany uesiruymg iuo ; cuw.u BurDSville.-Eagle, Barnsville. of the people to have for 'thern Spanish Fleet, he said that; the K ; ' . . ' . V Liwi better roads the salvation Doys behind the guns deserved tne nornnnn Dav at Rfithet. nf thft masses of tho rjeonle. with- umw www w r J wj w ------ - ml m m 111 " ' 1 "T . A . 1 T AL' pmse ana lDe. wom r? :T:jftM. wni ob- out which, in order that they can statement and warmly appiaudea vr ' w r r : . ; ro mrom the sentiment But; the worldiis serveornUay attne. -0 towSQ 'ilwad competidon. often 2 Vsap headi". I wonder if church bytho-Voodmen of 4he roadsto the towns d ra.lroaa iiA sf.M'c World of li enwooa, ana tne large , -r connection wnosedeaa are ounea vy.. bring themselves within tho law a I w. E. Dickioa'i child n rtrj tick receivership and dissolution by Saaday.. ,nnrt. Jrn will follow. Mra. Alloo Lacxanao tpsi arrrrai VW v aw vwvwvw w . t . Mian cn ia wwa. ino lrust is ncio to navo ocen rw O..0. TaTlor wa ta Marlca guilty of intimidation and clearly Monday on bctiace. to have shown a DUrDOSO to Stifle Cora Cowea, widow of th LuaraUd - - B. i . - J. w. Cowca who waa kilIM la ' rU, ustico wmto annoanceo i eTiorX norriiaL the decision, which was practically Zcna faTmerrthM at this,buryin gfound. Solicitor Ou July 7th every man, rich and of W Wn- in A. HalUohnstowill . deliver, the poor, old and young, (who are able o nave. Deen. in - . ., ... 4 : :.:tu: -k. rich and I unanimousf l'bough Justtco Harlan " mm x w . m - dissented on, several points. One of the most interesting bits kVlivini? within five miles As in. tho Standard Oil cases 0f political gossip Washington has heai that if it had not been for the 'sturdy American THaotp.v xxrnnlrl - nrt. ManilaBav? - , r1"1 "uV.-" OI LUIS li 1 kl U V QV Will - waw w i - i " . I .. m . 1 . . m mm crive to this road 5ust ono solid cation oi.tno ruio.oi reason- to Uicrc, that the entrance ol licnrj ,11 rt . ' A. A 1 I m, - 1 f tne oncrman anu-u-ust iaw. i unison. or new iorK. into - . . - le court having held tho dc- President Taft's cabinet may mean Its;true that the man immediate- Ior meeting wmw u ,y oenina we gun, places we . gun , meteor this week's work of himself, bis teams, the S against his shoulder and for a: few , - xt u0f TV hLrhoots .the cmn ftnd .then week xaused consternation through- plows, wagons, &c, and that cck Tl stops W a rest but I tell you that out Lassen counap ; Thi the farmer is tne man behind the mQ as volunteers on this road, building JIarlan "is not at all anxW to is said, fully expects a rrtomma. gun and that he triumphs of, our thvLrth to tremble a road for themselves. The ,coplo perpetuate any new "combination tion. Little consideraUoa is gttca itruiy were vmy u uussim vyn . --v H-, . - v ' .r Vnf heri tn the ocean are a nnitl growing out of them. , I to contrary reports. tne splendid nacKingoi tne Ameri- i as tnougu iruiu a giau.Huav.; . . r . . S oatInciuDCiThei6cfr not less thaa onehundred.thousand fondant .corporat.ons gu.lty of that ho aw be Jft runnu .WW hhUrf.&iiUeVstruct men in North Carolina - will work conscious wrong -doing, , Just.ce mate m 1912. Irtsidcnt Taft, it