v. A - v. . v-. - .v .-f;-.. :...-..'.. , . - - l ; : : V. . ' 1 ' " " - ' i : A 'J ; The Country Eds Creed. : ; ' If Vt . ' , . , ....-"..-.--j ?- : I believe that the:c(uiitr which 'I if - ii,-.-. ... . ' ' - r . ' f ' , - " ""-"""..mii;l?i, .. .. . ALCOH01 3 P5R CENT? similating iteFbodaitiReguk iiag tlie Stomachs andto'wscf h ' - MS .a oq Tov Infants -and. Children. IS ill 1 lib Always Bears ike ; Promotes DigestloiinmiTiF ness and fest.Contains nciUsr OpiuniJorphiac narMlscraL Not Nar c otic. j&xrjv ermiksmjELFnuint Jhvpha Seed" , ' jtbZStaaa ' ' tlc&kdSumr 1 - Anprfcrl Rpniwlv for Cansffofr non , dour oiuukkilliuuhum Yorras,voivaisioiis.rcvcrrai: ness oi S3 op Sleep. NEW YORK. d You: Have 5 Boiii ! A A. Signature ;htJ of . AW l ... - w w .if . Use ie city Which mau made; thut Ui ar, J lllO uub Uluuuia nun ii iwuyji the earth is the natural nicof in uu I believe that vwork is work m h'i ever we find it, but that wrk viilf Nature is more inspiring thn wor with the most intricate luuhiuco . 1 believe that the diirnitv of axir , -:. ... . 7 r t depends not on what joii' div but how you do it; that opportunity - comes to a boy. on the fa rm ns 'i f - ten as to a boy in, the ci ty ; th 1 1 j life is larger and freer. aud hat pier on tHe farm than .in : town? that my .succ depends nut upon my .location but upon ,m.Vhclf, not upon my dreamibut uix?n what 1 actually do, not u vn luck but upon pluck. I believe in wurkinu when you work and playing wl e . you play, and in -giving and d inanding a square deal in every act of lif, Written for the Hoys' Corn Clubs of Virginia by Edwin O, G rover. 1 I ' if it m J I ZD (PricUj Ah, I'oi'e Root trJt Pc!ts;:-) Prompt " Powerful Permanent It Wef-Ul rf. SlaW-l - cit fMtl ft? ttru krm uur yU i- I'- i. Uur i i 't f TO) TU yp '- ' Makes : rich.' rt-i. ' ptiie ' Wood dtanwrs the entire yiyitm-r dears the braia7-strcasthcnt5CsUoa aMcnrca. . A positive specific tor liiooa iOiwa awwnmiox. Drives out RhentxutJsm and Stops the PIa; endi "MalirU; -"" is a woadeiful toaic and body-buildcr. Thousands endcrw it. . F. V. UPPMAN, SAVANNAH GA. for Over lis Thirty Years lo) u 'i . .- n 'hijiru.ii. i . . . Exacj Copy Of Wrapper. rt'enYwomnnr. ntwynKcnr. "' ( r S 1 ;.--"'.-v'.sr 'r ; ,- ' 1 ' . 1 haven't the time to exercise Doan ii Ketrulets. will ore vent tion. Tbev induct a mild. eaxv. healthfnl action of the bowels -without pnping. Ask your droggist -for them zoc cenxs.'.. ..... . - ?t A preacher in Eastern . Norih Carolina after holding special ser vices to pray for raiu wci.t Jjoiiii aua wavexea nis caraen;iwitn a IQ9HNG VNytrMVTT t it jf j y3HJ MB - TT " V FT." TTTVr r I . ; Jil 1 ' 'i.j Fix v V 't WI had a mishap at the age of 41, which left me in bad fix' writes Mrs. Georgia Usher, of Conyers, Ga. . N . j l was unconscious for. three days, and after that I would have fainting; spells,- dizziness,: nervousness,- sick neaaacne, near palpitation ana many strange, feelings; -"I suffered greatly with ailments due to the change of life and had 3 doctors, but they did no good, so I concluded ' to try Cardui. ;' N 'Since taking Cardui, I am" so muchbetter nd can do all my housework." . . ache, two honm hours Dr. Thomas arch over pain. J f3 A PIMI The Woman's Tonic s 7 7 ; r Do not allow yourself to -get into a bad fix; You might ' get in so bad you would find it hard to get out y - Better take Cardui, while there is timef while you are still in .moderately good health, just to conserve your strength and keep you in tip top condition. Iti this way your troubles, whatever they are. will grad ually grow smaller: instead of. larger -you will be on the ; up-grade Instead of the., downand by and bye you will arrive at the north pof jterfectvhealth. . . Get a bottle at your "druggists' today. - TT-i tVi man nr woman who look?? -5Swn s?0f e"?'-,,tUo; tMh'n- ahead and provides for the future that v y r ... - .. .;'.' - " . stopvearacheintveoutcrtooth. 'gfts ' along, and part ol that looking minutes; hoarseness, tne hour; mnsde- f 3,110 3. glCal U6dl OI , Ulat prO- rfEtedSToii. min. viding can come only lrom . a banK account" Are vou looKinc aneaar jluo caicu or coa in ino united a- it.: i t ' caught amounting to almost $3,. 11 nlS IP IFSIt 1SL0011.SL1' JOSLIl. It iT 1 . u auau. Capital. $50.000 00 Surplus, 55.000.00 OepeUts, 53004XWJOO lousiers ana ciams. far B Ik Fjuck, Moe-Pms." J. H. NfLAJL. Ajwt Ckihlex MARION. N. a- health, good temper, good sense, bright Gko- l white, Owhicr eyes and a lovely complexion, the result ot correct Uvinir and cood diiretion. wins the admiration of the world. If your digestion is faulty Chamberlain's ! Momacn ana LArer Tablets will correct it. For sale by. all dealers. In 1909 lightning killed only 169 people m this whole country. One's chances of death by light- jning are less that two in a million. n t t h i - -; - 'V 7- -. 0U00U(B - i W 11 f-W f7.;iv OAnr-WAis gines and Saw Mills which, are : Tight Come and get prices wf oV X 1 IXC til Jill 1 lVlcl-. chines and Most dUfisrurinfr sxin eruDtlons. scrof. nla. nimnles. rashes, etc.. ara dna tn impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters is a cleansing oiooa tonic. .Maxes you elear-eyea, dear-orainea. clear-ski nneo. Germany does not oroduce anv V table grapes, the supply "for that I purpose coming from Tyrol, Italy, I r! . ... .1 o . . r ranee ana opam. ..." ' :. .- - . ! A Dreadful Wound . "V I 1 ih. ... r" J I f-rmr n Irnfa cm n tin run rtittw (1 fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Buckien s i Arnica Salye to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It s toe quickest, surest heal er for all such wounda as alio for Burns, Bolls. Sores. Skin ErnntloiiJi- Ecipma. Chapped Handj, Corns or PUes. 25c at Qtreennan s arug store; .... , '. v.. ., . , ; The average annual damage done to the cotton crop- of . the .United States by the cotton boll weevil -is from $25,000,000 .to. $30,000,000. ID-.". W if you would have your stock thrive and do wclL We can sell you the right kind or feed. Oats, Corn, Bran, pure, wheat shorts, hay, etc Also stock powders. When you build or repair your house it will be to your advantage to consult us before buying Lime Cement and Plaster elsewhere. Come to see us, we want your -business and will appreciate it Phone 137. :' Yours for business, i Marion Grain & Provision Co. "-,i . . ,- - . : F. V, Brown, Manager. V Work Will Soon Start o: Gats Engines .V , f - - - iuaLgesi'Etc and ring for Boilers, Safety ValvesSteam G Paaigle p-oidinidli-y an d iViE.cihairae Slaop. -- after vou take Dr.Klne'sNew Off Pi 1 Ik. . j ... . . . ." . .. . ' ana you 11 quickly enjoy ,tneir nne re- suits, vxmsupauon ana lnaigesuon Tan- isn ana nne appeate-returns. They : retrulate stomach, liver and bowels and I imtfart new atrencrth and enermr in Ihn wnoie system. wxtj inem. -uniy xoc at otreetman s arag store . Most spiders have eight eyes, a few species having but six. iSsbd your orders for Job Prihting to ; 1 he progress '' St ; A Charmlnl Woman is one who is lovely in face, form mind ' and temper. But it s hsxc for a woman to be charming without health. A weak, sicklv woman wilTbs nervous and irrit able. Constipation and kidner poisons enow in pimples Diotcnea,-akin erup tions and a wretched comnlexinn. link Electricliitters always prove a godsend to women 'who want health, beauty and friends. Thev mralata Stomach.. TJ and Kidneys, purify the bloody giver ewwuH jucrtr, ungub vves, pare DTeath. 8mootn. velvety skin, lovely complexion ana perfect health. - Try them. 50c at Chalmers and Hudson Automobiles Wc represent the above cars in Western .Nortil 9arolilia and want a good live sub v . vagent in each town. - tk " Asheville AutomobUe Co., IS and 17 S. Lexington Ave., AshevUIe, W. C ' ". ' : i . We nave some bargains in Second Hand Cafs. Can special attention to a 12 passenger depot boss and a Uj ' 15 passenger sightseeing or transfer car. T Inn i btreetman s drug store OI k m