' 4 ' ' , . , ' - J ll' 1 I " A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. 7 ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1911. VOL. XV NO: 43- V H0W.T0SUPPRESS, . a . THE HOUSEFLIES life H i story and; Breed ing Places s of Housefties Fly Poisons; : r That 'the housefly" nuisance in :any cpmmunitj can be largely sup pressed by uniteij effort on the part of those who are interested can not be denied: by any one who under stands the situation. - The fly is not only disagreeable 'but is ; menace to health. Ty phoid feverrand cholera infantum, and probably pother intestinal dis eases are often carried to victims by flies. ; . ; , Steps should be taken in every community to commenco a vigor ous fight against this ' pest and ?it reems advisable to let every ... one become well Unformed about the breeding, places of flies, and the this manner thousand of flies f 8 BIG CELEBRATIONS SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC . " - Normal Music School at Round . Hill State Sunday School Institute at Forest City. ; The Normal. Music School at Round Hill, conducted by J. T. Roads and Hails, The Greensboro News then calls attention to tho fact thai bid roadi may cost tome of tho aecUons of North Carolina and other states fnNsdelirery of mails: f MIIcro is a pointer for thosa co- killed bftf or a tWTT T". -v FOR JULY, FOURTH When attempting to poison flies I nrhinn sv- around dwelling hon it : W -VU to expose theidrmalin poison mix- ' barden Rooked Ureek. tare outside as well aa jnside he i ' ' and Broad . P1 ' houses. 'TTsfP". if. rn fVia fAnf rA i TJ- 'iiL U ' : - - w - v wuv iuu ouu I It Ul V 'xlU . Will - VtJ UUaCiVCU tt9 I i ... . . . OAP nnmhM mhoM f u . j j r-r it nuacorana win Dexnu .miv in. una i . ... - , rw. "uuu uo !uiM wo gww rusus uay iu mciAJweu. i . . 1 1, . , , , . i . rr . wamngwenter whenever the doors Picnics will beheld at Nebo and rn"DUO au oays, '.ciosidr. wun a - 7 .- are opened, ' - v , Garden Citv and in Crooked Creak vocl coocert on th erenlosr0. " P'u We can never succeed in per- and Broad River townships Md ofAoKst 3' . r' ':J "a "V. manantl i i. . i. r , . It IS honod that thi Kr.honl will l " wuica atiisuuiru by simply boisoninr orraomnir arrknd for each of tho. rJa,. bclp.the music in every church and 8't?ltcd:on eeoiDtof tho Weea. ine nies, out when we attempt to J There will be good speehes od Sunday school in this section of aiuononnerotlt- it woo W bard- k j 1 w ni iib Bill - . r-wi 1 iti r t i i ru v l irr i n c w-t a it a n r n a Everv- 4 5501110 churches and Sunday or l,U!riare woulcl &e any mdawy. f work of poisoning the adult flies tral highway,' especially. will be of great assistance. Every citizen who in the health and flies are breeding and should notLrations to pull off a grand" b!d-hd. chuh- every church PP Jo4 ,.nt.k!J be suspicious of his neighoor's time barbecue and picnic on this aLD.a !er' w"V Kh001 ' 'o"" ,"ir 1;,. .! premises until he has made a care- holidav and ernect ila .attend. wise example. If followed lt recc.ve thctr Utter reguUrly to methods of nreventinw them. Pni- K u. u i. u.i.t- n.nTA : will bo a LelD to tho cuso and .mo rural ociivery tyilcm has tts zoning and; trapping; (the flies is of flies rVn his own place. and Mr. C. F. McKesson - will de- Wessing to our people. nZuJ??tL so of great importance, r ; - R. L Smith, Entomologist. ; liver addresses full of wit and hu For furthcr information write V. til tITu Flies originate largely from the mor. They have a message worth th? P committco at Onion SB ' .M" orse, cow and tnule stables. Cow Stand For Something. hearing. Also there will be quite Ml1' N- - ..It u iown tht in some tec manure will breed -flies in: great The North Carolina Merchants a number of funny attractions and D..J. Hokt. ) . f c-tj-, - 'mlltr umbers, m spite of many repor.U have ROne on for soine Deec, music by tb, best band in the state, fft f STuSHiSi AS to the contrary. In and ground M mBat. At Hendersonville Nebo school and its teachers are Thei,! , Bapt5st Suto and unless the people wake up aad such places the fl.es lay then- eggs. last week the State Association un- requested to bo on hand. gnnd g,., InstjtuUs be)d ,t , tho wi ono of - Jully ninety-five per cent of all the animonSly adopted the report of From the ocean across the state Forest City Juno 18-20. thesi days Cod tWUw coin TSrr CZTnnZ m ,?" on ?0P .ch r-"116 f"" This institute U to embrace the back to the old .ys.hm ofecttin -Vja,wa carried the following recommend ana rames wm oe neia on vnis ui Vegetable matter, and any aVicumu- ations: ' of July celebrating the waking up lation of tilth may breed flies. The name of organization be of the people for good roads. ... r ! .. . I I lne eggs oaten m less than twen-; chnged to the r'erchants' Asso- Lecture on Korea. Rev. J. Sr jiyang, a native, of Korea, will 4jive an illustrated lee? territory of two Associations Green River, and Sancfy Run. Live pastors, live officers, live teachers, and livo Sunday school workers can't afford to miss this meeting.. " , . ; , There .will bo a series of twenty- mail nnce or twice a weefc." Bridgewater News. Bridgnratcr, Jane 24. Mra. S. P.. Tt wiu cxll4 to Itock UlU. a C, WttlarlAy to th belldcl brriiUsjjh tr. Mrt. Joha Adiru of 1ascVt, 8. tore on Korea at -tho Methodist f'nr lectures delivered. Anyone I go a. crUoa a Dr." Fecir. Xa. ty-f our) 'hours into small, white, ciation." .wriggling maggots. , ; V : "To continue fight against dis- .The maggot slage of the flies criminatory freight ratesr - lasts only five days in warm; wea- j0 request corporation commiss. tber. i!Ull grown maggots are un tn omnlnt ATivrt f rfliahkrlftrlrc rrinreh ThnrsHAr niht Jnnn 59th: . . . ... . .u rr? . . - j . i i .4i t- . neanng weniy or tnese lectures ivmv v- j . about one-third inch long, with To ask next general assembly to at 8:15. Mr. Ryang is a student wiH given a lecture certificate' Mr Adam't cosditioa U tUMly homestead ex- in the Biblical Department of Tho speakers will be Boroughs ZrlTJm -The full grown maggot changes Bm,tion Vanderbilt University at Nashville, of Nashville Tcnn Freeman llir 'T Tf wlU c to Ias- HA"' ilWh' hrAwn':: niihft'; ctacm '' m- ,. . rp tt u 4 u i 01 WoVllie, lcnn., rccmin, Itay, caller to vWl Mr. Adatai, as4 htt a .reddish-brown pupa stage. To amend present hen law. Tenn. Korea is the most hopeful gnd Midd!cton, of Raleigh. Hear grand cUUrra. about one-fafth inch long, which To: express disapproval of ten- missionary field in the world today, lhem , MUi 11U RJooron. ct Mcnrs!o3, lives about five days, and -then deney of manufacturer's jobbers to and the lecture of this brilliant Entertainment is free Those U lbe yiUl" M,w" transforms. t theadnlt winged fly:; open.retail stores; v young man will be highly interest- eXpecting to attend will please uf Cor t N Ycrk committee. I City it tho gumt of Mint JolU Riit Bgg to adult stage, may develop first-class mail matter. .. interested m modern missions. J. C. Scruggs, chairman; J. V. thu wk y in ten or eleven days. This shows ; To have interstate commerce The public is most cordially in- Ware, C. A. Wilkoy, V. L. Florn Ml Pink TaU Eaa nrtar&4 tesa that if the staoie manure is nautea commission chancre rjresent law so vited to bear this ffifted student, t n m.. anr aa abce&oo of flro wtu at , rt. ... ml i"' . : i ... u. u. umuiuui out once a '..week, flies will not have L0 nopmit. ratcAicriiintr nf nnJ t. AHmifsinn- free, .but a free-will . t. Maiiaa and Black MoaaUla whera . it,-y - - VA MV. r r uring mis oeiore your koooi. v.. k-uu nu r'- Fully fifteen generations of Referring to extortionate freight of the lecture. houseflies mature iluring the sum mer. , , , - - J' Each female Ayr will, lay atyut -one hundred and, twenty eggs, and this f act serves to account' for the great numbers of flies where the '? breeding places are not done away With in a community. ' V v Flies do not usually: travel over a'fwlHundrlyards 1 breeding places, so that it is en "tirel pti on the part of - those ; who are in terested; to do away with most of - the houseflies in any community. - Buceessf ul , ? fly oisons such as v Beibertfs iPoisonir JwrfUiSr Inas bad best success with Potmalin . T costs . only fifty - cents a pini and is by placing one tablespWnf ill in a half pint cuip :;of :e-fialf la This should fe exposied in plates, and -it: is wU; toput piece of ; bread in the r to furnish more surface :$ ttie! MsWn) lighC:anifeed)iifg' ' ' This.formalin solution seems' to S attract liher fliesxdnd .killsV them a uickl v. The writeir recently .poi- sbned'over forty- thousand :(ao 4 o uarts of flies) in less than. twen- Pfomnourf and express rates. Favoring good roads. gramme next week. Marion Defeats-Chapel Hill. D. J. Hunt. poison. ' ' Mia Axam loa Bosanixr of Maries U tTeadln a few dajs withbr ift?, x r r r v 1 At the picnic grounds last Thurs- Seaboard's train 133 leaving tT T .JJ. t....- . Garden City News. day Marion defeated Chapel Hill Charlotte daily at 9:55 a- m., make Hickory. Garden City June 2. liases Ger- in a loosely played game of ball by direct connection atBostic with C I 21"- F- T5 l - no-iis-S tew trade and Eva Ck)x and their brother, tho kco rft of 26 to 13. The features n jr. C .11 rt n-Jdjin at MAldm with Dr. asd lira. P.. . - -r- - I S, VArf VS. kl U1UJ aw All ptUM IIO- I - jLawrence, or tacoe, were guests or iof tuQ were Roy KaniDe'a hu TVmt V t.lr r. i ting and EHiott pitching. Ka- jng jt connect ,t Bostic arming WhltOtid. ipanied by Miss Clara' Bird, at- nipe getting three home runs.- . d quarterly meeting and visited Batteries: Elliott and Kanipe; Mr. ahdllrs. W. E. Brown and family. accom; tended relatives at Ashford from Friday until Poteat and Corpening. Prof. D. F. Giles, of Marion, was out W. P. Roberts, of Johnson City, one day last week soliciting subscnp- Tenn.. was in town last week in tions to our new scnooi onuaing. wnicu interesfc of the .Back Homei is almost completed. -. .--4l.- 'iu d.a TW to Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown on agaziuc, iuu uru vuo the 10th. a daughter. ; , 1 i v i . ; Home Association." , jar, ivooens Mrs. Newton, chanaii has been Very was present at theneeting bf the sick for the past week. : Chamber yot Commerce Thursday if'T and made a most teresttnff children attended Quarterly meeting at , . ..n , Ashford, going Saturday and returning H.""" v" ; iwnndav. j- - : - x v . Hornet movement. Mrs: Ti. A - Brown and family, of Ash- ford, are here for several days visit with I A solid carload 01 pianos are now relatives. ; "."v.. on exhibit at the EaglevHotel. The ; jMiss Georgia Conley visited 'friends exhibit is for advertising purposes in stroudtown Sunday. " ; 'Bee. ftQd the representative in . charge l , V invites ydu to attend the, exhibit. ourtn or jmy excursiou Free S0UVenirs. See display ad. Spartanburg, S. C.," to Spruce Pine I : v . andltapass on July ;4th.V :The . Trains are now running from wnnHitr n furfl from Marion is .oo. uraiax w aiiuuvuio iuo ,; ; V " V Mountain railroad. XUUiDllUlAAVi ViJ .. v.-- I ., . . - 0 v , .: i v woor -Hrnf.. . IV iv. Arnncton. 01 A v,fo in wwa Athens. Tenn.. was a visitor nero inem, every. I, b f- " l r v. : the flies :wcro. very1 numerous. ' In at Gaaton & Tates, . . ; ;- ' A fnble (oat of rjLit Iron WfTc!ii in Charlotte 7:05 p. m.. Tins give 450 whilo a direct line to the most beautiful Mock of 4nndnum welghM bal ieo mountain country in the world. . Summer resorts are being establish- , ed' at a great" many points along! A British automobilo concern this line, and persons looking for has built a truck and trailer cjpec. tho most pleasant location for sum iilly for tho transportation of aro mer months cannot fail to Gnd such I planes. a spot along tho C. C. & O. Senator Simmons has a bill to ap propriate ono million dollars to bo expended on tho roads over which Gee, but the old pipe does tula good after'tho Tobacco Trust decision. There are about three thousand the rural letter earners travcl pro- weddrnp every 24 hours, taking vided tho communiUca in which the inc cnurc wona 'corucnuon. money is to bo spent put up as tho government docs. - Avoti Frasda. Durinff the 30 days endinir Juno rintinff twwwj ,ft . 4 . . I Dod mil yoar , taocry ed in the ten southern states with an aggregate capital of $1,755,000. So far as jiilirig trust crooks is concerned Attorney -Gene ral'Wick - . ..... . . . crsham is living up lo uie rear portion of his name. . A paint fraud U pxint thxt lookj tslr for'a jtat or ao,. abd itca ixkm r- as4 lajrrt Thi U. & IL Taint biWatatnte thirty At years You czu hAlf of It tr dlir: of a gallon of Ucfrrd Oil to erh relics. It then coU alxnt 1 1 1) r-rr $rUco, as4 U tho brat pais! that can N r:a.! and PaIdU far rrcrr parjw f tali by J. D. BUatcn. lixri-a. 2. C 1 .-

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