A- : -, -f ..- .s ? . - - . - ..' V. - . -. . , - . - - . 1 - . . V-., I y, v!'.j --it -' I I? V s . mm a -jt - m-. THEIlGUARMTEED ; REGGNSTMjGTIVE MILAM is a vegetable remedy, absolutely free " from mercury, potash ' or alcojho.' ' Contains " 'no' opium, morphine, cocaine;' strychnine,' Arsenic or other dangerous drug-Athere is ab- solutely nothing in it that , can be harmful -to - ' any one, and it is guararteed by us .under the Jf ure ood and Urusr Law - ' ( w t Tottr.iraderfal medicine isia my estimation, a,-, Qodaeaid to humanity. C. IX Jefferson, STSWood . land AveJ. Eoanoke, Va. , v After taking fire bottles. I pained ten .pounds. I ' recommend Milam to all needing , t0111 I- . Williams, Am. Tobacco Co., DanTilleVa. My hearintr is much improved, my eyesight better, and all eymptons of rbenmatism are fast disap .pearing', thanks to Milam. , C P. Barger,' with. "W. M. mtlAioherOoHxi&tington,W.Va. MltiM will thoroughly cleanse "your system," give you new life andvigor'and make you i feel bettef 'than you har felt for years. MILAM is not a-"cure-all," but a blood, brain and body-building tonic It is not a patent medicine., but is made from a prescription; which has been used successfully , for forty-six years. We guarantee MILAM to do all we claim for it, if not, you get your mbney back-every cent of it. 0 i v ; V MILAM is far sale by almost every druggist or general store get itirom them. If your dealer can't supply you, order direct from us. Price $1.00 per pottle, six bottles ?for'$l?.00J--; :Expre:prepaid"oil three bottles or more. -7 (Buy 7 fa battles and if you are not bene fitted MHIFsAM :MEDICM1E CO., DaiwiUc, Va. , . - "Here's an individual among drinks j V&iMM-- y Mtm a a beverage that-fairly snaps .with deli- A. Sn WBmmmmM cious goodness and refreshing wholcAA M 1 fl t-i-Ai-JJ lSV-M.v-.'-.i'-;rir JKf -tt M-wtfl' n::-iWll J rfKI V f ti& fjv r S9 t'iS :i:ySl-Xr-2 of rf rid has more to it than mn-(.tn ?.n."2f '-m:MPlr:iE?Hi-tt 'igoroUs, full' of life.- AJ i JPaf :v M 'Yqa-it from the first sip to-7 ' m'i. Mm mNSET -tl Ihe last drriri nnrl nff-r,,. . . 7- ocuu ior ' X. - AW. . . : . v. , x - ' : " l our Interest- ' .V - . 'rfii i ing - booklet. - aw 4 s r' Arrow; think : Jkl A P -Coca-Cola" y--.''.::,,:--,. -of Coca-Cola l Of. " 1m WS8!S!ZBZ0 " ?Ssi2?- -7''; i; ' nn Hi i: V WIT -1 ' fflLAM win aJway take pleasure lareommendinf JCilam for uric acid troubles. C. T. jMurkadalo. :.Xm&t111. Va,, former U. S. Postmaster. " - ' Milam has benefitted me so much that XantaU my friends to try It, especially those who hare weak eyes. Miss Kate Mebane,B, J.D. X Blanch, N. C. - - . ' I cannot praise Milam enough, as this Is the flrst Spring and Summer I have enjoyed In three years. Miss Winifred Poston, 731 Patterson Are. Roanoke Va. mm'' I ? 5 13 ' Mil ' HI . , i i i Whenever M -,1' ' .... f?? a r i i y J, KEEP YOU WELL AND STRONG.THlS 4 ' mmn-mmA Pttr Tlrmm purifies and enriches the blood, tones ud the etomacn,- 8umujvcs: u- "V7i -- flow ' 'of the' pancreatic- Juices,- thus aiding digeeUon and creating a -hearty, ? healthy appetite. It drains the ytem or all ginns and ImpuriUes,. restoring tho body to po feet healUu . ; - ; r- V ' aftrtaklnr one and afcair fcocus) oiiiain, aklnr gained! l-spooBC Caarlestoa. w. Va. oada. I. a etalaaJcv, oxuU 1 Ummm Kon a. -rk.I h rrei at sufferer with ratarrh for M year. Dwelaea to xrj w fourth bottle. My ratrrh U raUrly gwaa, K. U Wallac. ChariesVoa. W. Ya, - , X have taken sis botUeeof Milam sad caatreta f oily say I ant feeling better t h an I r rrtn Wf beforeTMjrtie U cofll4, wll Wempie, Ulero M llan has benfltt me la altnoet evrry wr. 1 Is a magnificent toola, UarryW. Melland, bock kecperlmperUl Tebacoo Ca, anTUle, Va, Womanly Wisdom. Julj rarm Journal. Hiat your knife before cutting hard soup. . Jelly ( from berris pickwl wet is almost sure to mold, and doesn't i- lly right. Try to pick them dry. Put a few grains of rice in your salt shaker. They 'will break the lumps, puher the moisture and mako tho salt come out freely. . .Glue pieces of frit or pie;s of pieces of old. rubbers nn the bottom of the chitir logs, and there will bcl no scratched floors and less noUc. A 50 cent bottle of Blood in 6 Rheuma tic Li niuient will last longer than tbe moat aggravated cae of nore throat. A most effective remedy for cold on chest, croup, etc. J. W. btreetman. epecial agent. ' Evil is wrought by want of thought as well as by want of heart. - ; Any woman with pimples, skin erup tions, sores or boils doee not appear, at tractive and cannot enjoy life. Blood ine Ointment cures them and makes the skin soft and velvety. Cures cold, soxra. cracked lips, chapped hands, sore eyi s, itching and bleeding piles. J. W. Street- man, special agent. "! , .la. V The re is no time like the present for doing the things wo don't have to do. -Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity wont cure 1 them. 4 'Dean's Ointment - cures itching, bleeding or protruding.plles after years of ft offering. At any drug store. - t ' Hawan'aU9.ll sugar crop is ex pected icT aggregate 53,000 tons. The average yield from tho cano Is not quito as good as last season. 1 This Coupon is Worth I5c Cash to You w ; Tdkc it and ten cents to!yotir Druggist and geiaJulLsizc 25 .cent botde oF TO-BAC-TON HAIR :' that you may test it at our expense. : TO-BAC-TObi is the greatest Tetter, Eczema and all diseases of -"leaves, the, hair soft. and .fluffy. Please attend to this now while you think about it and while thb offer (sin force. It will soon be withdrawn. ; TO-BAC-TON is sold under a gu'arantce, so you run no risk. Sign Here.; ... No... ;..m..:mV.:;..,;.... Street.:.... .Town:...;,.-......:..,...-. - ' n a e 11 10 your druggist today while you think of it. ".:. : PREPARED DY ' . Yirginia-Carolina Railroad Will Be Built Immediately. " Bristol. T n 1 1 . . . I u n o .2 U O 1 c i a 1 tDtiouoccincnt vchh mdn tonight th.nt oJI tltiKfit U urruntneDLs have been mid? for the i exteasionof the yiriuir '-JtiniHott lUilrond , from A'riiaTclon, 'Vw., ti Wilkesboro, N, C , nd thnt final survey pre parnury to sin runt: work at once i beiou made. The first biatof tbo new road was nvt!T tbo public ouly 'UiU week. , , ? - .It Is vrorw thtu uclr ,to xk any medicines internally far tunxmUr or rhronic rhcuui'ituui. All that U eroded is ft frwi application of CajtraWrUia's liniment. for eale by all dealers t The Union Pncitic lUilroad will this summer insult da fountain on its trains. Announcement to tnis effect wiw mad recently. Tbt jfounuins will b i J iced in tho rv- Cular dininjr cars, which are open to trarclera at all hours. Mot diAQtfurlcg isltia rruptioai, crof uU. pimples, rajhe. rtc . r do to import blood. Uordock UkoJ lXit:f U a cleanicK Uuod tonic Mkrs yoa clear-tJTt-d. clcor-bnincd. drxr-ddcccL An idlo rumor is really about the most in'ustrioos thia in tho world. Stop- earacha in tiro minute: tooth ache or pain of barn or mrald in Sto mlnotes; hoip-rnrm. on hour: tncH? ache. two hour; rori throat, twtlre bourn Dr. Thomas' EUxtric Oil, arch of er pIn. Hy tho first of next year India will be making iu own railroad rails instead of importing thctn. The uniform incce that has attend ed the U.V5 of ChAtnberWlnV Colic. Chor and Diarrhoea IUtnMjr hA made It a farorita everywhen. It (so always bo dpnd-?d upon. For by all dpalcrB. W hilo wading for a better chance to come along a widow nev er lets a good chance getaway. A Char mini Woman la one veho Is lovely in face. form, mind ami tamper. Bat it's tan! for a woman to bo charming without bcHh A wrak. sickly woman will be cwrvoaa and irrit able. Constipation and kidney poUotui nTw in p.mpifiu wotcntsm aicln erup tion and a wretched complexion. But Electric Bitters always prore a fcodj-tnd to women who want health. Uautv and friends. They TfguUt Btotnach. Li rtr and Kidney, partly tho blood: tdr. trong norths, bright eye. ptrrt brvath, smooth, relvetyakin. lovrly ootapUxioa and perfect health. Try them. 50c at Htrertiuan's drug store A woman may havo a fair com plexion and still bo unfair in ever other way. v - mmmm .. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local application, as they -cannot renchthe diseased portion of ths ear. There is only one way to cur drafnem and that is by conautntioaal rcmodiea. Deafness is caused by an lnamtd con dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tab is inflamed you hare a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when il Is en tirely closed, Dtmms U the rrsiult, and unless the Inflammation can be takea out and this tube restored to iu aoraal conditXon, .hmnng will U, dcstriytS forever; nine cases out of tn are canned by Catarrh, which is nothing but an iu flamed condition of the xnucom rnr races, - - - i-..- i - We will riva One Hnndred DoUars for any caso of Deafness (caused by i-atarrh) that cannot bo curvd by Ilall s Catarrh Cure. Send for cdrcuhara. frtxs, - , . ? Jftiaj A - Toledo, O. Sold by all Drugsiata, 7T . . . Take IlaU's Family IiiU for constipation TONIC. .Wc do this to advertise. Remedy on the market for Dandrufr" ihe Scalp. Cleans the ScalD nnrf State.:.. DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, Will answer cilU at any . lour of the night, t: :: Roods 3. 4 ted 5 First National Bank iluildinr. Marion, ,N. C. r m ' - ., ... C. B.'McBRAYER' ; ATT0BHCTS AT LAW Xrcaipt Attention Given All Business Intrusted to My- Oarc ... UpStairs, Strwtman HaHdin L. A. HAJfEy COL HTY StmTYTJR. C. E. HOUSE ASSOCUTC . Al.!5TTlACrS X5D Blcc Pinxn Once tn Strtoaa Bile. HalaEt P. J. SlSCLAJ D. Ia CAixrca SINCLAIR S CARLTON LAWYERS IVaclIoe in Slate asd Kcdcral Courts. 023cc over Gaston & Tata 'a Stora, MAKIO.V. N. C. ' MtCALL ic LISENBEE ATTO ICC EYS-AT- LAW Potcet BaiUing, HAIUOK. 2'. a DR. R. J. BURGIN . . . . DENTIST 0 Marion, , North Carolina Office In POTEAT BUILDING. aRMcCALL . aiLilklart. McCaWBro. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care will recetre prompt and careful at- tcntlon. Over McCaU Co nicy's Fumlrure v. . Store. YOU woOld like to be connected with the largest enterprise of iU kind in the world. ' You Can Be. . ' Most liberal contracts with live men to sell in come insurance. S. A. SCOTT, District Mgr. 24 Patton Ave., Aihevillc, H. C. . a Read Tin: Vutynir.K Only $1 per year. a' ; I f 1 : Kfl 15 THE ell The ToBaa-Ton Mfg. Company : ; . Wlnston-Salcm, N. C v