r ... .V' :lMil!iii,SiI BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. , ? vESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N; C, THURSDAY,- JULY 6, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 44. 0 3 THE GLORIOUS FOURTH mfm i ;i. , .j: C'ilfv -S-; 1' 1 '-A jgain, these.' orators with their Time iii ; ; its itireless ; flight has siigular and almost pathetic .op brought us again ; to ; the glorious timism and; national conceit will Pdurtfi of tell us how our - nation is leading i s sowing apd reaping,' the world in Christianity and every; and shadows, its laughter and tears, thing that tends toward the ad-, armersi institute parties at work lis craumjsuuKP auu iuuwoi ujiuus i vancemen or civuizauun. ici simultaneously 15ft ' Vftnp.at.V ns and that eventful I xcnt.h nil nnr Vinactorl C!hri;t?aTlitv. I .t . - 4ay when from the ! tower of In-1 supporting, as it does, hundreds of FARMERS INSTITUTES GOOD ROADS DAY IN NORTH CAROLINA AGRl-j Mcdowell county cultural statistics Three Celebrations Held In the Fine Showing In the Increass In ..County'Tuesday Meetings 1 the Value of Firm Lands and Largely Attended. A Farm Buildings. . Arties at work Tn U Tnir 4th. Good North CcroUnA'iairncultonJiU. simultaneously in as many ?us 3 day in McDowell county, tUUcs, Ririro out from the ctiizt of the state, each of them holding! h.n .1 w.n inm ?A twenty-odd institutes between July . fl fnr tK Institute Party Will Be at Marion 7 Friday, Augusfl8th. This summer the state departr ment of agriculture ' will have six uttjr;:wuouiiuw vuownw;vi u 1 aupjjvn viu, oa n uuuuiw v I twentvocId institutes Deiweenuuiy 1 , . . . 1 - , .... deDendonceHall the: old Liberty missionaries in foreign .fields, Wei SS . m,ft irtJ mt brtlons wcre hc,d 10 t!,e U. a Go8 ow,D.e fo! )ho W Bell Si6undfed her death knell to the haye within bur own borders some- w conducted by a party to V I UD n'f 1 r3 On?, aod pcrhap, cqnally. as en- iTho incrwso in raloo of f tnn xzix will be conducted bj a party to oe V - . . boUdij or the decada 1000-1910 was wonderful.' Tha Tloowcat from $19l,CSG.OOO la on vu iiiO park ui iuc u;uh aviv " uu:;r; vf:; "7wr '" unaay, AuKu io, vuuuv, b enthusiasm so o crease So the number of acrw-per ri . i. ' j , a v,; f v,ft mek who work for. him are K6p-i,a ?n Marion J .... I. - y y f w.cW th CT.qft hi S" to brinK the central MshwV Una. in otfter word. w? .orw r0rnrSnwinSforfmre SdSSlfy No Excuse for an Ug.y Far. Home. throURh their tow.hir. Mr. Carolina f.m, h bn Vine-clud arbor .will tell of ,tne J . . 1 .& : i V. T. Morgan, the trustee for this from 101 acres to 83 acres- This nation's greatness arid;iin glowing ent nnr1in There was a little item hid away ftndpf. D. F. Giles were b a healthy s: Th stnsl J.r the .fln;;fe nrirtnc histnrr; tertem the church societies, in a in an obscure corner in our last ' tl. . U.l II l 1C VT 1U bivi ' - mJ - I . I " He will boast of our liberty and mst elaborate manner and issue that is so suesestive and so the speakers of tho occasion. I farm the better the farmer. The He will boast ,01 our noerty , ana -7- . . isusiuhip hw r- th t thb totd acreage fcl off 2 per cent ia freedom and denounce, again timely that we cannot refrain from h,Rhwty miRht afr thetenjears. Te .Trraze ralce Session of King George. e .,,et dl around thereare wuhlos it torewtthm a more J one through Old of land per acre neat froa $4.24. iU tell or the many deeds f often people .dying P.nmB conspicuous poshion: g Township and; across the to $15.00, maVine a train of 145 faeroicsacrificerformed.in sympathy wordofcheer "The most ugly backyard may b L u . Uble X!nparaieli;struggle-the-EeTp or S rfStofTe? be1tra3for1.Bied ,,nt? V'6 Bynum'a Crou Roads throDgb .howina.for the Sute. tion,-but never stop to plant.ng of holly- ked Creek ToW Dsh, paodLik. The farmer has flourished for he they aw poor, J hocks, castor beans, or morn.ng m peoole on tbi, Ust ten or raore years and the outcry tppresseo by tyrantsS even: more JhemM..: Yet we are the eading glories ncar tho fenco or 8hed tol ntU,.M very enthusiasUc tkainst the high cost of litiocmv despoticithan King;Gebrge HI. stian nation of thwd. hide its uns.ghtly. spaces. These th Q to Wm a UlU, wt back, but k The women 6f today are chained How can we t f our stend- grow to usefulness and beauty be- t ,t fa u ,U(f to lUnd lu as captives to-the chariot wheels ard of ; morals when the -vorce fpre tho 8ammer eat makes us . which wsy th'c Th. North Carolina fanner Is ,f fashiohi'and it seems there is no cases m our courts arejncreas.ng ,ong fo Rreen spot where the! q andH8hould that coming into his own. He is Ira- power between: heaven and , boll .-f JSct- nd rf fei"?? MrMortfaar-ihaanate r.-Uus .roringAU farm aa4tUD8lnor taat catfrelease them.;. IMeri are How.e boast oor. dK: be forgotten." Tut Be is" a ne.gh- will have no preference in outof life. 7 . .,- ji .. ment when there was more liquor hnrhood benefactor who makes his rru t.. -m j Slaves TO vne aiiuiB"ij ""i.- v j j jor,u . , - . imomaiier, uuw win cuucjiui. wi , , iJtempted to run over tbeir fel-M.J1 'K a 7" U that the claims of both routes Adwntageoos Bat Granted th. lows, cheat, embezde and steal in WJZ MwJn ' . . are duly considered by tho Sute . . ci it' ;. uiw thv : fn were ab) w w uiunwua uiv.v nea in. nappmess, uu . Slvlil, caS dopeicigawues smoke,- ast year ; wHy pot read this a' . . a, 1 1.11. , Jn nolitics thev are the victims or vUV- tfa being live or six nunarca in some Instsnccs, are its i ior ion- mSiSi-uin contendwe are the leading Chm- fuj sunshiny day make you fee q knd 8reat enthusi- ger than for shorter dUtaacesorer ide'pendent- o'l.: tiannation. v " better, make you feel A ,,f wa, shown. same lines and in the same dU , SScolcB? : Again our patnoLc orator w, sweeter than a raw mnrky m- Another mecUag .was held at tien. The order effrct. coal anvTusteMes they are unable to pay a tribute to. the South and tell ture of clouds and slusht And bri(J in Mirioo w , from ,t DiaU, SipiS BtT us how proud we should be.of the whether your home shall have the near Garden City. The ClinchBeld and Hurricane, Vs., to SSmTOC meeting was largely attended and point, in North Carolina. Georgia, S:: ans "r ",u,?m"uri . the rally and barbecue was quite a Alabama aod Florida. , oiiii"- Tc " " . . Ut .1 1 i kA mnroee nn that. AA Af mnH nndPTfnnt &nd ClOUQS " . intHe Sani tt. Shningto.beasham- "head. depends upon what you .ISlofS SbT in carrying' on that four o or f al do for beauUfyU. fJJ .f 'riwtS'doctrine dogma years of hell,thejast two years of Nor need process ofbeauU- citi2eDii in thl, addressed the Commerce Commhslon After Ex- safe to say that I v press Companitt. I thn riliMni in that community will! t InrMlinlinn nf ill 31 expensive. Morning , ... .. .... . ' .i,.tt.: nrppd; whether tney oeneve iu - r 4 . . . u.iiv.W onnflnror " mcrapixawaiauiwiu tiiu wuiw Sr2$ sunflowers, . , hkhway a 8UC. J .r Tol.rcf,tA Qrnotev . , . w nt?nn s nee UnniW rtnr beans any of the . " v , A nVeath ;: in iiw uttwij vt - cess, . commerce lawt baa oetn omerta ox t)r giveusceain . , i . , - for when all was common old-fashioned flowers may , . . PT , . r iouiiuw.v- , f . 1 lnero was aiso a dicuiudu uwi i ioq inicroi-vo vAiiiiucrvc vwuiir -and swallow xneir aoctnuo u-" :-nA'thM hZ. i:nenSive. rcreedlwhethe growth trom xn- umo .y.o - old men and boys to fill the ranks, ed by-Wasbington, Jefferson and ordifiary f0re . Madison up to, the Pdent day gHm a .rf ; when it stands, ,s they say ttie nfy ana 8toppcd that rSivSi shameful slaughter of ' the. South', ernment in. the wor d-a govern -a chivalry ion?; before f r sideration sacrificed an.the battlefield. , ; .i : ah :mwnfl hftftds rof V TTnwever. Mr. Editor and read- question tell us that the officials.of have you believe that .1 want to M ? ...J.t ofA nii1tv of more nt nut' the Fourth of July orator . i. -22,uAiaTnAnf hrib- if rrotVir no means, neither ery and Eruption in general than woul.I magnify the , evils mcon v "fes-;.,: i i.i.u--;f?xn Still troa nf cnrifttv or minify, th( tho Sple want toake a feW. Remarks- and the peopic. . x, , c,.-,. j- wAk v,rin ftbont any p lnetoSrgetfeh farithas deepted jffiggg , . .3 V.'i, nrincinles upr ip.rfid . remarks but I do line to see aSP' T.u '; w 'foimded i and Lnnle look things squarely in the i!i ' . . rkTrAflnnk .the - - ' , ..1 ' .1 ' . Jiu: nf nftftirS- each the Inter-Sulo Commerce Commis sions oa its own motion. Evident ly In anticipation of this action by the commission, practically all of the express companies Gled appH- , . L.f laaef o t Nebo people turned out in preat come lu iuo cuuuvijf t. . , g in our Southern country. .If "-"7 can't oaint your buildinjrs, you can otA"- 7 , . -- r- r---- - at least .. band and choir of youns ladies, material reductions In rates. .lib -beauty ; o vine fd Mr. 0, F. McKesson, of .Morgto- said it will rcqnire several months som will glorify even ajpff-camn. iadoa8picndd dress before to compare thesa rates with those Progressive Farmer. V. V j . - , . I pmner. ? JUluncr w&a wcu . ewi w pow w cxpwutu, . 'n l C I 1 '-Mat I " . A qneciai termor duuuoluuw ju- bqu u wu a vnw... . - periorwtbeganllondayatA8he- ftfter dinner Mr. A. Hall Johnston J lnt8 GnmnUaJ atatmet P6"" r - - .u j j - I bv the commissioners of the coaa ville. There are liquor cases uu aaarcssuu vuo cruwu, wu . , . , 0t , M, , r . &ket.aefenda.t,icTO of the "search and seizure" act. for work ana money on mo roaa, ; T . . . , ftnd it U safe to say that Nebo is Doc a pauper." as irtauently a. one do hU part to make, things riljhtoI1 the project. joa bato heretofore. A Uw passed right: If -.the truth about our ' . .d, wUl be the last legislature Wtea-tho. JLmMt mkes us Dcssimestical MC.L'0WC', ""f' ... bodies of paupers, whos rcUUrcs r'?u7":;im..,:,..i ficht to sccn Irom lno uolu.K uwLf t rfre them burial, to the isuutj----- payfio tho Uood Hoads movement, 7; , ,7 j;. the lastditch for a better adm.n.s- buUd her ,lnb ia Uff "fa.r J tration of aff.ira.and -cleaner, tfoli- 9t ccntnd hicbway. . "cUng purposes. Under this law tics.' defy V fads, forms, fashions, - , . . . - . .tt t...l' . customs ana ceremony, uuui iuu Tnl .on in .he antomobio AU j - parage of A. W. Puis, at Lenoir, Friday, started a Gro which destroy ed two automobiles, is a change which will justify us to boast and boast consistently. , ' - :,. David Clauk. . VJuly 1911. . .v :v .; the medical collects rcceivirc the bodies have to W for embalming and fihipmenL . There arc men who wout l proV ably bo wisr if they kn Icv. 1 i'r " iA'-s"t-.'Z! - ". , X'-- .( ' 1 . ' v1) v

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