i rlfIf Par',,; vX':;Vv- "'.8 f V XlCiUy ASH, JTOKe JtVIXb iUlU XTOlUSlUiiiJ Powerful Pcrmanen: p. Jts beneficial ef- Stubborn- cases Gooi rei1ts arc fleets are usually yield to P. P. P. lasting ll cure felt very quickly v when other medi- you totuy cored ; cines are useless . v , o 1L o Makes rich. red. ture f blood- cleanses the entire system clears the brain strengthens digestion and nerves. A positive, "specific for Blood Poison and skin diseases. . Drives out Rheumatism and Stops the Pain; ends Malaria; a wonderful tonic and4xdy-bmlder; Thousands endorse it- 7 F. V. UPPMAN, , ' SAVANNAH, GA. , if YOV: TTM 0 Fai arm bn (Ga.rden ! GROSBEAK IS OUR FRIEND. lMlMWj' ! Much Mallgntd Little Bird U Active Entmy of Ditruct!v InitcU. The KTtbvuk Is a very muco milieu rd blrd und Injiteid.ol being destrne tlre to crops be U. on tbp contrary, of Kreat. txoeflt. according to tannf ra hulletln pant Issued by Secretary WlUon. The baJletio states that seren kinds of Cncbes. commonly known as tbe grosbealc summer vrltnln 'our boundaries. A majority of these are good friend of tbe farmer and de serve to be widely known In order that tbelr serflces may be appreciated. Tbe gross beaks are easily dlstlngulsb ed from other finches by their stout form, briffbt plumage, massive bills and melodious 'voices. They lire largely In agricultural regions and se cure -most of tbelr food about cultl oooe more c!rrly descrte protecllca by, tbe practical fart2er.w Grain SptcuUtor Is a Cunt, It's the btntncrui u( the farmer to rale tbe frraln: I fa tfcr bntBrr of the grain draler to rrcrlre. cln and market tbe rroln; If a tbe ba!nea of th miller to grind the crafa, and If a tb'f function of ibe r-aiUtor to tray tbe surplumage of the 5JXKXCCO.TXO bushels of grain prodoced la this country as a sjeculatloa. and aar farmer, grain dealer, miller. artUan or professional who attempts to reap a llrellhood from fluctuating gTala pners Is a quack speculator, a counterfeit and a cure.-J. rtalph rickell. Secre tary jConncU of North American Grain Cxcbanga, i VlenyoahavH that mwfal ja'n In the ua- k vut dLir but ufl bnr box of Bloodlue UUx and Kld-y Tah leu Thy inAe tick kidneys well They even enw Brijbfa V' Diabetes. J. W. Sirrrtmta pawl k yTHE GREATEST REMEDY awS I LN THE WORLD w1 1 If iSsESAWSlNO FRO ! a ' , If IMPURE BLOOD -.UL X . IrtOPLE. DEUCATE WOMEH fl A 52ran TENDER BOYS ANO 111 3NEY, UVER 4 BLAIV f j Iwl EASSS CATARRH. d I I MA. RHEUUAT1SM. :j LI . tA GRIPPE. CON. I & 1 VT TIOM. DYSPEPSIA, . fljlj! mPATION. HEART fjj ASH, MALARIA. I". A IVOUS DEBILITY. ,, f4 vrrusDANc-. , ; 11 BLOODiNE CoTXii We Enow , -BL PINES-- win Hoip 8w!n Cow Otlls. It la tbe custom of Swiss mountain eera to hang bells on the necks of their cows, and so accustomed and attached do thn animal lxvomi to thes b!la vatcd lands. They perform inralun-j that the deprivation oftbcm la fdt ble service in destroying many of our ! as a punishment If any cow has been guilty of straying or uneemly behavior, a breach of discipline or any vicious trick the displeasure of the To tXcgain Your Strength v and Energy. Boport of tho Heail PKyclclan la a Leading New York Hospital on the Curo of Catarrh "A few years ago we considered that we were doing: well if we cured ten per cent, of the cases of catarrh brought to ns, but since the introduction of "Bloodine" into our hospital we cure more than 90 per cent, of all the cases of Catarrh in its various forms brought tons. Catarrh of the Head, Catarrh of the Eves, Catarrh of the Bladder and Uretna, Catarrh of the large in testines, Catarrh of the Larynx, Belvio Cktarxh, Catarrh of the Throat, and Cfetarrh of the Stomach are quickly cured with ,Bloodlne.n It builds new tissues, rives new energy, new life, new blood and strength to any part ox the body attacked by tho Catarrhal germsv,r ' Bloodine Is a powerful tonic, nour ishing: food medicine, composed of valuable tonio stimulants obtained from -vegetable drugs. "Bloodine" contains no narcotics or other danger ous drugs which merely deaden pain temporarily, but give no permanent relief or cure the cause of your disease. : "Bloodine is a powerful body builder and blood maker; it is the best remedy known to the medical profession to enrich thin, watery blood and supply new, rich red blood to the whole body. FREE . To prove the wonderful merits of BLOODINE we will mail a large sample bottle for 10 cents In sil ver or stamps for postage. Address, Tub Bloodine Cobpoilltioit. Boston, llari i. W. Streetman, Special Aent Our subject is Coal csf'our object is to make it your defect to secure a supply of it at cot: Our reasons are; firstly, IW. need ''the coal. Secondly, you easel it right away. Thirdly, our C22$ is as clean and free from slate, cS2 as it is possible' to make St., Brasrthly, it is the free burning ESncf that gives out the most heat ash the least, coal. Do we get 5r order? - ' worst insect pests. Tbe rose breasted specie Is a grrat destroyer of tbe jKitatu bug. ,tle breeds over Ransa and the mountain' of TenuijHsee. Tbe lijvextlgntioos of tbe depurtment show titut tin uirU H foml ot gnin m:ih. hut invunuhly u;i su;:!i? euuugb injurious mvt in iar (Iihii offset f dnmsge. iiijm tie tir.u tumour for hi prerinu mi in Coioriaiit Mitu1i bt'lli. niul u tii.iii oiiH-ieihti t tlie n:ni, t: HllJ.:rs fi::s ImvU nvl to m- f : li li. :.- It :ttt;M-K I lie Ml- iiMH-r t-n tii. li i;:is i-ifi jin m-llVf -u:i. ill" l.V U.IMIMtiilU ! IM! Ulll lni't s ruiii'MiM iiiViiinii, hihI ;ittnnr: lie ?tn,r It HiMiiuf r llif rti: ::i:d lull (.-ankerwoi ui. )r hurd ubu fonst leu! iatinllln. f iiH4t-k. jrvjy ulU bniwn tiili tnufiiM. piutu -ur-tU!tt. aruy worm una ln h mig. In ;ut. li ui:ack!4 ibe wnrt nfmif of iiuvi.'uiture Th rurdtnal or redllrtl mn-es fruui nouthi'm Mexico. Ixiwer (a!li'orni:i und Arizona nortli to Iowa and Ooiuiio ana tast to tti Arlanrlr ctwiHt. Tbey are permanent re?ldenti. lvudlnK tbe xummer and winter In the saint locality. It bn befti rlalin nl that they pull spronfjng grain, bat uo evidence of damngt to either grain or other crops is ahotvn fmtn over .V exoiuln ittons. On the --iitrar. the do much gKd Tbey feed ou iiHtn. IerlodlcH! cicada, tbe Colorado iMitutu beetle, tbe rose chafer, cotton worm. herdsman Is not testified by blows, but by temporary drprivaUon of her bell, "and this seldom falls to red or her to order and to prevent a rrpea tion of tbe offense. A 50 cent bottle of Bloc dl no Rhcuma tic Liniment will Imji longer than the I most aggravated ta e of sore throat. A i most effective remedy for cold on cht croup, etc J. s otreetmaa. pciaj agent. pec!e MUlng It Up, TJs Come right In. old man. and our new baby! There! Isn't be great? lie Ob. je: fine! Well, they say homely babies grow up to be hand- some that !. yon can be tbnnUful or well, how mtirh be lok like bl nioiher. I laraa-Tolmtn Ulade. 1 Nnctild. reuk. ran down? Head acn-T Mtomicn "on t jnt a pu;n ca mt Uzr Hrcr liurd k Dll H.t ter tOM lier-r and -touich. prcrnotrn tlicjUon. pnrifi-4 the btol V r hat A Ptatiturf. Tnthw." aald tbe a ma 11 boy. Is a platitude?" -A plaUtude. my son. ! a statemeot whone truth you are comiellcd to ad mlt uttered by soma one wbora yoo do not personally admire." Wshlogtoa 8tar. Right in your brsMmt eeai'oii wbfn yon have tb leaft titue to pvryoa are UH-t likely to tiVe tlUrrbo- nd lc -errril dv"n tiui. unlc yea hre Chru)-rUln' folic. OjoVra and Dinr rhA Remedy nt hilid utTl t-ke do I on the first appenrn-o- of the dlacaae. ror iue oy bji ucajnu. T U 1 INSECT DSSTROXKR3 Q U A.RAXTKKD UKCXS 8AM. Court Street Ptiorte 103. NationEd Business College. ; : - plum or cherry scale, the xebra cater pillar of the cabbage, tbe cucumber beetles, blllbugs. locust Cea beetle, corn ear worm, cotton" cutworm, south ern fig eater, codling moth and boll weevil and. in addition, are great con sumers of Injurious weed seeds. The black headed grosbeak balls from southern Mexico and. Invades North Dakota and Nebraska. It fills the same place in vt he west that tbe irmaKatik Anm iw !. ' I I a m 9 rum cceaea tne leading school 01 the twutn wns uie Dmioing it occupies-ele- to the worst pests of horticulture, the CjK&tJy equipped; 12achers; 2 Ckramiercial and separate Banking, Actual Bnsi- scale In-cr romnoitini? foorth of lt sissi. Shorthand and Typewriting Departments. Fine Auditorium, seating 4001 food. The blue grosbeak breeds over tbe southern two-thirds of the Dnltcd States and Is greatly destructive" to weevils; grasshoppers, locusts, caterpil lars, and worms. The gray grosbeak Inhabits Texas. Arizona and New Mexico. It la a con sistent enemy of the boll weevil and cotton worm. It also consumes great quantities of harmful weed seeds. ' ; The bulletin in Its plea for the pro tectlon of the grosbeak says: "Present. Investigations prove that the services of the grosbeak- in destroying , insect pests are Invaluable. . Each kind pays especial attention to certain pesta which If unchecked would cause enor mous Iosh. Few of our birds are to be credited with more good find with BSSjfiasfe400 Typewriters, vAddirtg- and otherbnainess machinery; 600 students Cast-yeaor. Positions for graduates and competent under-gradnates. No Yaca t5s pils may enterat Miy to Wr& for free catalogue.- Address E. M. Coulter, President, Roanoke, V a. iaai ybur buggy, phaeibn or rc&ar?carria look as good as new &hw finishing epartmeiit I t's ssfeiobjtq give the order and the; sooner you do so the sooner you'll : ' :r: pstead of that shabby bid one. v : Suppose we commence work today. : 5 Carson's SAopx Court Street. CJU II -VI ' TT.it. wwiuia miini imuo. xieais Cuts or burns without a scar. Curea pilea. eczema, salt rheum, any Itching. Doan's Ointment. Your druirrist selLi It A Famous Actor What make yon think you can act? asked the mannrtr u the stage struck applicant. "Burglars came Into my room Last night, replied tbe young man. l pre tended to be asleep and deceived them utterly." Pea rson'a Weekly. Kill More Than Wild Beasts. The number of people killed yearly by wild bist don't approach the raat number killed by disease germs. No life. is safe from their attacks. They're in air, water. dut, even food. But grand protection is afforded by Electric Bit ters, which destroy and expel theae dead ly dlaetwtn germ from the system. That's why chill, fever and ajjuc, all malarial and many blood dirni vield promptly to inxa wanaenni caooa part her. Try them, and enjoy the glorious health and new strength they'll cive too. Mrmer back, if not satLifled. Only 50c at J. w. tuxeeunan. H Wanted tht London Cut. -Rut. my dcah lioy. why do you go to this beastly cheap tailorr -One of my clcvah ldeaha. old chap. My former tallah made my clothes nt ao uncommonly well that I couldn't look English to save me aouh Cleve land Plain Dealer. PROFESSIONAL DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, DtXTXtfT Will answer calls at any hour of the nrzhL t: :: Koons 3( 4 tti 5 First Natlo-iaJ lUnk BuiMi Marion, K. C C. B. HcBRAYER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt Attrition Given All Uusine&s IntmsUsl to My Care. :: :-: :: :.: UpStairs, Stwtman BuUdin L. A. HAJVEy C. E. HOUSE ASSOCUTC Vnarnucra axi Bluh Ptivn SrrcxALTiEs 0oe la fi-jeetmsa BUc Main B McCALL & LISENBEE ATTORNEYS" AT-LAW Potcct Building:, MABION. k. a DM R J. BURGIN DEJT1ST Marion, North Carolina Office in rOTEAT BOILDIKC. tL E.McCALL C XL HcCALL There Is more Catarrh In tM of the country than all other put togetherand until the lart few years was tuppoaed to be Incurable, iora great many. years doctors pro- icuicuicw, oy oonsianuy fall Ing to cure with local treAtm noonced in Incurable. 8denc has pro ren catarrh to bo a crmjtiitnti.i .u. t!?1 f dr? ccnsUtuUoa al treatment. ILai Catarrh Onr manuractured by F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional vvuo ua me xnariet. It U taken in tcrnally in dosea from 10 drcrw to i teaspoonful. It acta directly ca the blood and mucous surface of the in. wmu. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for v-uiar ana xesumonials. Address " ciiaT J tfCneyJ& T?do. O. Sold br all Drn?d rr . v Take Hall's Family Puis forcctlpaiica McCalt Bror. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention. V . Over McCall & Conley's Furniture Store, YOU WOULD LIKE to be connected with the largest enterprise of its kind in the world- You Can Be. Most liberal contracts with live men to sell in come insurance, S. A. SCOn, District Mgr. 24 Patton Ave., Ajhevllle, H. C. 7. V THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial , College Maintained by the Etata for the Wcsea of North Carolina, Fire regular Coarsen Wins to Decree. S;c1a1 Ccarifcr teachera. Free tal tloa to thoM who a-;ree to become tcacben la tho ute. Fall Scwloa besias S-; tabcx IS, 1511. Fcr catakraa aad other inforxaatioa adire JV1ILS Lf OUST. PrcUJcot. Crt casa. K C

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