n wnmft on THE XMRMTEED CONSTRUCTIVE - IVhaf miam is MILAM is a vegetable :remedy, absolutely free from - mercury, potae. or alcohol, v Contains no oirium. -morphine, cocaine: stryebfiine.' arsenic or other dangerous drug there is ab solutely nothing in it: that can be harmful to any one, and it is guaranteed by us under tho ' Pur Food and Drug Law ' MlfcEM if JVlJ 1 mm FY4-, . HOOD, BONE e WILL KEEP YOU WELL AND STRONG THIS SPRING. HI mm What r.JlJam Does MILAM purifies and enriches the blood, tones up tho stomach, stimulates an Increased flow of the pancreatic juice, thus aiding digestion and creating a hearty, . healthy appetite. It drains tho system of all germs and impurities, restoring tho body to per feet health.. Wtisiti WSBana as Emm V? Mefs Bringing Folks Home. . Settle, Wash., .Au. 3. As a result of tho "IUck Homo1 move ment, U is estimated thU. 50,000 people will leave Washington and Oregon this Fall for the South and East.- Reports coming to this city from California, Idaho and Moa Una " say that the movement is spreading rapidly in theso States, Thi intelligence is obtained from men travelling out of Seattle and those stopping-over here. An ordinary cae of diarrhoea can. a a rule, be cared by a single do of Cbarabcrlalna Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea IUinedy. Tbla remedy hu no superior for bowel ccaplainta, I or axle by all dealer di 1W Your Wonderful 'xaedlcUje ir in my estimation, a Godsend to hiraaaity. C Rs Jefferson, 313 "Wood land Aye., Roanoke, Ya. After taking- five bottles,.! gained ten pounds. I recommend Milam to all needing a tonic J, P. Williams, Anu Tobacco Co., Danville, Ya. My neartntc is mncn improved; my eyesig-ht better, and all gynaptons of rheumatism are fast disap pearing, thanks to Milam. CL P. Bargrer, -with W. H. Kitter Lumber Co, Huntington, W. Ya. will always take pleasure la reeommendlnc Milam for urio acid troubles, a T. Barksdale, Danrilla. Va., former tJ. S. Postmaster. Milam has benefitted me so much that I want all my friends to try it, especially those who hare weak eyes. Hiss Kate Hebane,B. F.D. a. Blanch, N.C. I cannot praise Milam enough, as this Is the first Spring and Bummer I have enjoyed la three years. Miss Winifred Fob ton. 731 Patterson Aye. Roanoke Ya. one and a half Krtttiw ef Milam. 1 I hare been a great ed to years. Decide t north bottle. A fu takhur ralaed S l-f pound. X. B. Btalaaker, drsggt ChaHeston. W. Va. ktnffwtt wruh eatarr for try Milam. Am trm on my My catarrh U ealireiy gosw, R. U Wallaoe.CharlMWa. W. Va, I have taken tlx bottles of Milam sa4 ca troth fully say I am feeling better taaa I err rrt.ni Urr before. Mrrtle L. Bcofleld, with Wmpl, ZUran A Co.. Washlngtou. Be C Milan has benefitted me ta aluwet mrr way. It Is a marolflcent tonic keeper Imperial Tobacce Barry W. HoUod, C,IaaylUa, Va, WHdM TJJtiHasia WW ED Fas' Visa. MHAM will thoWghly cieanseyour system, ' give you new life and vigor and make youfeel better th an yon hare felt for years. MILAM ianot a "cure-all," Dirt a Diooa, Drain anu uouyuuum5 WUt. k' -.,, but is made from a prescription, which has been used successfully for forty-six years. Wo guarantee MILAM to do all we claim for it, if cot, you get your money back every cent of it, $w Viui (SsiEd (&et TJlMsim. MILAM is for sale by almost every druggist or general store get it from them. If your dealer can't supply you, order direct irom us. Price $1.00 per bottle, six bottles for $5.0Q. Express prepaid on three bottles or more. Buy six hottSes and if you are not bene fitted we will refund your money. LAM MEDICINE CO., . anviile, va. Thackaray In France. France might reckon Thackeray, alonp with Inward, the king of naay memoriea. as the awl Iriln of nriton. for truly did Tltraarnh know and lore the life of ihe boulerard. ebbing and Cowing between the Ba tile and the DoU. the cafct and the theatcnt. himiclf xnotl aptly described by hla own Hnw: Ills 'and u fr. hla tatana wu vaAr. A rntr.. nobler cect than fca Ne'er dror around th Shoos Nor rcti tbc Hut da IlIrolL Henry Wattcraon In Coorter-JoumaL Sonthbridge. Mam, Feb It. Vi Haramn St Th Blondine Oirryratimi. Uton. Mam IVnr Sir: P! nd ro-tl 00 worth pf Blcxxline. tho aampl xx nl :n wu 0 K. S-od by Adama Extire. Yonr Trrr trulT. M. A tJCBnrxu --J W. StTretraan. apodal agnt- PROFESSIONAL DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, Dt.VTT5T . Will foi&wcr cills at aaj . hour of the night, :: :: Roons 3. 4 ted 5 First National lUak Baildiny, Manors K. C ATTORNEY AT LAW Pro rapt Attention Girca All Uostness Intrusted to Care; :: :: :: :: UpSlairs, i3 tree tuna Baildirf L. A. HAJiEy COtNTY SLRVODR C. E. HOUSE ASSOCUTC AnTnutcra and Ilixc Pjujtts SrXXXALTIE3 0 OSlcw la Savtman VZZz. VaJ El McCALL & LISENBEE ATTOIINEYS-AT-LAW '. ., W P-'yIisIl fa f I " Wmmg or fill ''tvik '-, - a--a i r fait-- Iwi? Here s an individual among drinks . a beverage that fairly snaps with dcli- W WJiW Wstm ' cipus gooancss ana reircsnmg wnoie- tHhvi f ff - tm S3meness- Wwwt Pi P! has more to it than mere wetness and j . ; UM$WA.; V&gffi .sweetness is'.vigorousfull of life. I 'Mmh ' WW' 5 Youll enjoy it from the first sip to. 7 pfl : w P w ' cast &TP an afterwards. . ' I 1 M ft; K ft - . Thirat-Quenching J Vp ;A V THE COCA-COLA CO. ' Atlanta Ga- SyS I - I 9ur interest-t Whenever " II foil I .-1 : X VSSAl S A Schemtr. Talk about Napoleon! Thnt fellow Wombat U ftomethlnj; of a Htratetlat himself." "As to how?" ot hl nlar.r raised alx months ago. and his wife hasn't found U out yeL" Washington Herald. The diamond aiHil hrllinnthas f8 facets. A roju dMmnnd facet ed only on the top; it hw a fltt bot tom. Potcct Batldinff, Accused of Steallnl E E. ChambTlain. of Clinton. Me . boldly arcuHed Bncklen'n Arnica Salve of ibpaliiig the atini: from bums or scalds the pain frcm ftores of all klndj the distre4 from boila or pllea. 4 It robrt cnt. corns, benise. spndna and injuries of their terror, "he nays "a a healing remedy it equal don't exist." Only 25c at J. W. Streetuian A Klnl Sb Left Home iwt the world to talk inc. but Pant Ma- t hulk a, of DufTakx K. Y . m;i he al wya KEEPS AT HOME the kictrof all LaxtlTr-Dr. Klna New Ufe H1U nnd that they arc a blclng to all hla family. Curt constipation, headache, indifretion. djfpepl- Only 2c at Strrwtraan'a dra? utore maiiio:;. Baltimore appears to lc iioini:! ground in its fight for the Dcrao cratid national convention. Seemed to Give tllm a New Storaacn "I anfferrd lntenjlr after eAtinir and Dunod at Public Expa. I no tniciiw or traUnrnt I tried rtn In mjui of the cautons or awltxer- to do any Rood." write FL M. Young land nil the dead, ricti u well as poor. p-Ur. editor of tho ion. Lake Mew, are buried at the public expense. Ohio. 'The fint few dotivea of Chain berlaina blomacn ana Urrr Tabkta A well known Dh Moinen woman bottle aemed to cri re met nw atcmArK alter enlletiDg miaemiily for two days and rTfctIy good health.- For al irom nowci complaint. wg curetl by ! all deaiera ono dose of Chamberlniu's Colic. Cholera ; and Diarrhoea Hemedy. For eale by all dealers Thoryo crop of the United States in 1910atnountcd to 33.030,000 tons. Even the optimist lakes aday off valued at $23,340,000. , when the rent collector calls. Send for our interest ing booklet, i "The Truth - ... of von nee an ' v Arrow think ' Wmz. toca-tou . 5 i - . sss,. ssss - xxxrxx'y 'y rrrrmrrr-rM -IM-;' " A' Gentteman. ' - Th term "gentleman'V was giy en to the ; vvell ' descended in England about "1436. : ' " ' ' ' - v:-: .'- - ;3tIarlow, N. H., FeW 20, 1905. The Bloodine Corporation," Boston, Mass - : Dear'Sirs: Enclosed i please find 50 , : rents for which please send me one box ! -of Bloodine Blood and Kidney Tablets. : i jThey are fine for the kidneys. ; v-:, . " ' Yourstrnly, ; 1 C. B. Wright. W. Streetman, special -agents-' v Sale Of a Valuable Lot In Old Fort. K1 By virttie of the power of . sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed, ex ;ecuted on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1905, by E. L. Honck and wife, F. ' A Honck, to secure .the payment of a r3.ium of ,' money therein named, and which said' mortgage deed is duly re- warded in the ofilce of the Register of ;; j)eeds of McDowell county in Mortgage Book No.v10, .on page 501, et sequiter, and" the conditibns in said 'mortgage deed contained not haying been 'com plied with and the sum of money there in secured not having been paid at the time the same became due and payable, nor at any time since, the undersigned mortgagees will expose to public sale at the court house door in-Marion, North Carolina, on ; . . : Wednesday, . the 30th day of Aulust. at 11 o'clock a.1 m;, .the following do- A A a v scribed, real estaxe, xo-wit: Lots Nosl'One, Two, Three, Four and Five in Block 7 as per ilat made bv C. M. Miller of the town of New Fort, an annex of the town of Old Fort, North Carolina. . . , - ' .Said sale will be made to satisfy the saia aeufc, mvrwt ana cost or sale. Term of sale: Cash on day of sale. This zotn oay oi July, A. Jj. 1911. : J. S. BRADLEY, Mortgagees. J. L. C. -Bird, Attorney. . "The Liver Pills act So Naturally and Easily." Such a statement, comine from the cashier of a hank, shows, whit confidence responsible people have in these pills, Mr. A. L. Wilson after trying them wrote: I have used Dr. lillea Nerva and Liver Pllla and -also your Anti-Pain PlTU, on myaelf. with, good results. The Llrer Pllla act bo naturally and ao eaally that I 8carclr know that I have taken a pin. Frequently being troubled with headache Z take an Anti-Pain nil and rt Immediate xelltf la every case," A, L. Wilson, 8parta, X1L Mr. "Wilson waa for a number of years cashier of the First National Bank of ' Sparta.' Dr. 'Miles' Nerve and liver Pills are different from others. Many kinds of liver piUs are "impossible" after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr.; Miles Nerve and Liver PiUs do not act by sheer force but in an easy, natural way, with out griping or undue irritatifin. They are not habit forming. " CASTOR I A Per Infants and Children. Tha Kind Yea Hate Aftrajs BongM DM R. J. BURGIN DENTIST Mjtrion, North Carolina Office in POTIvAT BUILDnCC. R. E. McCALL C. 1L McCALL McCall Bros. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business . intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention. Bear tha &lnatnr of Tho annual consumption of wine in France is 23 callous a head. Attack like Tilers, In fihtlnR to keep the blood par tie whita corpuscles attack dWa like tigers. But often genua molUply so fast the little fighters are overcome. Then e pimple, boila, ecxrma, tall rheatn and Mm xnaltiply and atxrnrth ana appetite lalL ThU conditirm .1. manda Electric Bittr tn rtn! ach. liver and kidneys and to expel prf. ona from the blood. TThy are theW. Tracy. Call.. ! have nxfrtnnri.n - t maice ncu. red blood- atmnt r-- ..i bxuld up yoar health. Try them. SOc at ! ouwmum a urug i lore ino lintish museum's librtrr boasts 33 miles of shelves. Thirty Years Tolether. m Thirty vtWof aaaodaUcm-thlnk of If the flrat bottle falta to txneflt your drugfllat will return the price. Aak him. MILES MEDICAL CO, Elkhart, lad. Subscribe to tho Piioores3. Over McCall 3c Conlcy's Fumirurt Store. YOU WOULD LIKE to be connected with the largest enterprise of its kind in the world. :You Can Be. Most liberal contracts with live men to sell in come insurance S. A. SCOn, District Mgr. 24 Patton Ave., Ashcville, H. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and XTix Industrial College of a bad one. So there a no ma work tbWcra Kina New Dijcovcry for CO year, and Kortlx Carolina, Five rr-gnUx Cozr ItatheJtconjjhaiidcoldcnro I ever win- to Dr Piirv.'-tued.- One it Hada entrance in a home 10 Xrre E?cU1 C ivuwairrj" ouL iiany fammea wacaen. r rw? tiUca to tnw wLo axrve have txacd it for yeara. Fan It' tft rs I I . . fallibla thrmt TViTr: w ticcccuj Iwcicrj la U; fcU'A earth. TJneqnaled for larippe, ajrt&rn. Sftsxicra betai Settnlcr 12, 1S1L Tcr fflce STl. W?!"'? rill uTtleTrS; otla.Ucaadir. viuaraniieu Dy tirtrrlciaa. drcrrUt lmrt it rn.tr r,.... r

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