- i ". -'iV" . . v-'.v-'" v.r . ' A- . " : " " - '3 a A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1911. VOL. XV NO. 50 SOIL IMPROVEMENT 'Organic Matter Very Necessary in the Soil Interesting Data on This Subject. J. L. Burgess, agronomist in the department of agriculture of North Carolina, has issued the fol lowing data relative to the - neces sity of organic matter in the soil rhich will prove quite valuable to farmers of the State. ' .0: ' The use of any legu minous crop in the treatment of poor lands the season b hot advised. You will do well to get a good growth of rye on the land and in order to do this you may have to use one or two hundred pounds of some good grade of commercial fertilizer.: Be gin in the fall.': If the land is rath er heavy,- breakiit " as deeply as your teams can pall it 'but do not sub soil. Sow' a bushel and a half of rye peracre and use home grown mercial fertilizer. Your land is GREENLEE SCHOOL NEWS TEXTBOOKS ADOPTED Ha. .I' mi 1 1 I I uuw urouRDi up. xne vaiue nas NEWS OF THE STATE changed from say $5.00 an acre (o Splendid Record for First Month The Books the Children Will Study Happenings of General !nterc:t aAf J a i n i ii r i i mi . I aL - D..Ll! C t .1- I n t j t n n t in inu ruuiic ocnuuis. $40 an acre for actual farming pur poses." y Baseball Game and Other Items of Interest, Raleigh Dispatch to Greensboro New, 11th. Condensed for Busy Reader. A modern tew prcrtr depot Old Fort, R-l, Aug. 15. The The progressives won the vie- for lho a Cm & " IuiWT U jest Greenlee school has Gnished one tory tonicht in tho aboption of wng completed at A J Upas. month of its work. The students textbooks for the Orstscrcn grades Hound Hill School will ope a , , - - accui iaj so cjr uiuu luwtMwui VUO XiQrU Varuilua juuiic i atMi told in a recent issue of one of the The report for the month is as fol- schools, when the Gre-ycar con- iil he mide bj Hon. !L E. Flick A Country Teacher Who is a Real Heroine. The Lexington, (N. C.) Dispatch most touching and inspiring stor- h0Ws: Enrollment high school 20; tract, dating from September 1. t 11 m.. Angus! les tnavwe nave reaa lately, it intermediate 37: primary 35. Aver- 1911. was tnnounced by the text Slate Insurance Commisaioncr was about a young lady, a grad- aCrQ attendance 77. book commission and subcommiss- Youncr. who lt wisk imr uate of the State Normal School, Misses Belle and Pearl Dohson ion. It is estimated that at less! the Slstc Hosniu! a! Monrsaton as and principal of one of the best gave a party Tuesday night Scv- 75 per cent, of tho books art)! to Gre protection and escapes, "de- scnoois in one or tne most progres- erai rrames were played which were chanced, including tho sweeping to clsres this property by far the enjoyed. by all. . the rear of Maury's geography. finest that the State owns and that . The ureenlee boys played a The following books were adopt- it is in admirable condition. splendid work, but she was not Saturday afternoon. Greenlee won, Spelling Weed's primary spcl- satistied. sue was oorn ana rear- 27 to 6. -Another game will bo Mer and Reed's world lwons. Chsr- sive counties in the State. Her salary was a 6ne one and was climbing, one was doing les Merrill Company; Ftust and rriflin's sullr, rc-ndopled. L)v-turnip WvHtcr's dictiunarv. Oimninr. re- vim ed.in the mountains and felt that pUyed by these teams on the she was needed at home. That was Greenlee school grounds the 26th. why she was not satis6ed. She A singiug was given by Mr. and said that she was going home and Mrs. M. H. Grant last Sunday. American B-ok seed jf yujcan possibly get it, at Hfe tQ the gervice of the of Mf R g Mmh &fQ R Hling Hnvfpll primer. How- W rate, geed grown m North hep own COUQty. , visltiog thdr parents at thdr for. d & ComDtny. HltUDllrlon prim. Carolina. "Going home" meant great loss mer home. er, D. C. ileavh & Company; Hor- In the spring if "the season is f fh- , vonno. woman. Tt meant Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse, of pIP firct rpfidor. Howell & Com ood and the rye is growing off L. t -Ueouid have to work lone- Concord, are spending the summer Uanv: i?radod classics b.k. on. John- lntcr mc when der to let it makeLa second grow tn. t. nn MW1PWi nndtinn n Your main object how is to secure place of commanding resDect in -a large amount of yegeteble mat- the community, for service in a - 1.1 1 ' .'7... r rni I language readers, four and five. McMillan Company. ter to be plowed uncjer. There fore, leave the clippings on the one-room schoolhouse in an ob- Bridgewater News. a a. . . V fm Brtdgewater, Aug. lo.-iurs. r.. ver -v ;f- n,,, VrtrtK clmtArnnr and Uttle daughter, Zelma, of Shelby, I " ' ' - " " aMi,aM .?t?ff f, na n.n,nt. book, L. D. Ikrry & Compsny .... 1 I : i ...... .; v, .v.. w J r,- -- . scare couuiry uwtnut, A cau I Mr. and Mrs. W. W. laempnui. ouiy mo vcrvjtm m-iu vi "in- ground while the- rye -makes ats e giying.up of a thousandjthipg? -LittU LoulBe Abcrnethy, danghur of ing adopted.) second growth.. tW fjJ. tothe feminine hear 1 but she ilr. and Mrs. R. A."Abernethy, has been ' Drawing Progressive lessons in growth begins to bloom, run a gave them all up gladly; willingly, m forthe past week. :: art education, the Prang Wuca- heavy roller over-the ground, fol- even joyfully, 'for-the sake 'of her Misa Pearl Gibbe, of Marlon, la visit- tionai Company, low this roller with a good sharp le Ing frienda and relative hero this week. Language and grammar-H vdeV .lisc harrow, and disc the land un- WAn t.lfi ftf thft HiffinnUies that Jne?7 evcnin? ttle Ml? eiti Wnn, in KnMi.h. honk 12. I. C. ... , . . . - . v.. T.ai " " Mempnill gave a tacKy pany in nonor ; til the rye is cut into Dlts. J-nen she would encounter and tho pri- Qf uttle Miaa Mary Sweeny, of Marion. Heath & Company, rvadoptcd; turn it under as deeply as your vations she must endure, she said: Many Interesting games were played, grammar and composition, book 2. teams can pull it, provided the "you know how things are at Those present were Misses Oia and Una bv Robbins & Howe, published by land is not too wet. The plowing mz. You know how much trab- ILlew6 and Rowc' Petftrson & Company; mud should be about eight inches deep. ea teachers are needed. If we who 1? nn and Mor. ern grammar, by Buchlcr, re adopt- In the recent election the location of tho county sest in the new coun ty of Avery, Old Fields of Toe won out by a good mtjorily. The county .at will be called Newlicd, in honor of Lieutenant Governor W. C. New land The county com missioners will meet this week for the purpose of selecting the site for the'eourt houc. Hon. Geo. H. Srnithers, a Prominent lawyer, of Wayncstille, K. C, who was so seriously injured in the Majolica wreck on last Fri day, and who is still coniioed at the Whitebcad-Stokes sanatorium la alibury, has employed A. FL Price, Eq., an attorney of that city, to represent him in his claims against. Ibe railroad, and Mr. Price is making n thorough investigation of lho wreck. After nlowinff. Set the dlSC harrow j i minfv hpr- npnnlft flndl- -rr i.ni m.f- Tm. iKlorl for nco in trradrs above the at a slight angle and run over ifc her traditions, do not help her in Hnnter and Arthur Rnst. seventh, Ncrr-on & Company. another time in order to break te hour of need, who will do it? B E. Martin made a business trip to North Carolina History Hill's tsioas ana puiveriz,e tuc outlaw. am going home.' ijet tne mnu no auout uwumauu e CQliaren m tne nttie one- Chapel Hill Items. Cbpl Ilil. Aoirtut IS A crowd cf Chapfl Hill bojv and jdrU Uak a 2raw rid lo th bow lxl Friday nibL- MbJ Florence Hcatrr wa la Marina Ixst Storday. MIm Mat tie Uickt U booain frca a ritit to bet listen, Mr. J. II. IVIV, of Kton. Ga,. aad Mr. V. D Hart cf AtUaU. . Mivi Doanl McOitajwy w tbirst of tb Miw CorpniDR Ut 8turday. Marion Tuesday. Younir People's History of North I ..i ' V Ratrirdav vnini? the Mioses Ballew I r. ?n t.iri 1 ' - ... jueii mo muu uo auvu u Miwu.u u xne cnuaren m tuu utuo uue- , - . . oarouoa, u. 11. um, juuu eed it to cowpeas, using if neces- rQCsm schoolhouse to which -that honoeL eat, MtaJttte! from re-adoptcd; Connor's Makers ary, about one hundred pounds of teacher, went may have lacked Lenoir. ' North Carolina History, rec nhosnhate to the acre. Whenlv.-r nAxroarraa "vnt. wa fAP.l nr the neas have made their growth, fW. th w a arft thousands of child- ping in Marion Friday. roll and run the disc harrow over r(m far more favored in many re- Robert Frida ln Morn them about twice; cat .them 'to specte, who could afford to ex- t. Q. Cobb, of Morganton. u pieces and plow them under deep- cnSQ much of equipment and 8pending a few days here with relative. ly and let the land lie until it is convenience for a teacher with j. H. Tat, of Marion, apent Saturday time to sow rye again. Sow rye more of the spirit possessed by and Sunday here with home folks. and crimson clover after the peas, this young heroine of the moun- Estelle Seagle. little two-year-old - . . . .i w" J & flAnffhter of Mr: and Mrs. Joe Seaele. yr'u fA Anrmrr ennnor T.rp.at t.mr i ? e . . " iuc j.VxivMer t- &i - v iams.. has a case of diphtheria. rye as you ma oeiore uuypiug, ye believe witn an our nearts Carolina, D. H. Hill, publisher. of recora- Miss Hattye Mae Ballew was shop- mended for supplementary work in primary grades. rtllirr ' Vlicrinor nlowinfiT. You ; rxrw1 cVirkolVinncAQ. in nrncrrpc?-1 Viq Vir.arifa1 af Tlfrlr Hill. S. C. She should clip just before the crimson ive courses in study, in charts and was accompanied by her husband and clover comes to a neafl, or oe sure and libraries and sc nooi- p- - nt Son. uoi to cup iiue wuoi uw wmj room equipuiBut, uui ujuio imiui- nlm Ilia rTra ThA SACOnd ffrOWtU fVion oil nf thASA IS thA SniTlt of rye is likely to come off about which inspires the teacher, and her old Fort, spent Saturday, and Sunday tttU Mnxrav is rA.artv to luro fifnaca for t.hA wnrfe shft has nnoer- nere vrun aome iouta. . under. Then roll, disc, and plow Laben.vpresident GftrfieId sahis Mrs P A. of Marion, jaa the as above directed. Now, wait for i(jea cf a college was a Jog with b J a good rain and disc the surtace himself at one end and Mark Hop- CQ cream Supper iiWice ana urcyaio w tiu Vw.m : mus, uia Eioa tu. , . . r - -. --f.; .. - . .. . I . ' - ; -. - I - .TUniin rrrill K an fiPPOtn Cnn. iWr... rorf ;th!S ' C motrc onrl ornrrrohPT A. lUDio nui mo ou iwu v.v-u. xou nave uuw numw '"w eri uu cu v,j 1 . ., r . . ,iOU "av - ; . v,. - ff. q e, .u. .afacf ;rr,r,nrJper atSiloam schoolhouse on Sat- iana one year 1. " tne one luiug vi - . - iqim . , iio . 4i-t.-fh nWiH. urday night, August the 19th, at crop that is; you oeu i. lance m tuo v4 . -RfTnrvKv;nr;f. The year ago, planted it to crops this ren is that they have a teacher wno - 7' ''rz: ' . - -: .-. . -.,11 - . Physiology and Hygiene Ritch ie-Caldwell Primer of Hygiene: Ritchie's Primer of Sanitation, World Book Company; Cullers' physiology, book .3, for use in grades above the seventh. Civil government Peclc's Civil Rnrp.mmcnt of North Carolina and United States, H. F. Johnson Pub- Aujrnst i lishing Company, re-adopted. Agriculture Agriculture for Beginners, Rurkctt, Stovens and Hill, Ginn & Company, rc-adoptcd. Mr. Mina Total aad little ca El, rpnt last SalonUy nljcht with ttr xaolfcrr-ln law. Mrm. Mary PoWl MLwi Lonlw Youct trct lat Hue day wiu bcr ahrtcr. Mra. Lotti Drljcbt, wbo U very UL Quito a cumber cf Cbapl Hill pocli attended the tnrttn at Cileawood Uit Guy McOlnwy of Linrllle nU a trip to Chapel Hill Sunday. Our beam iro out la tympathy far Mr. and Mra. John England otct ti Iomi of tbfir Uttla poo Willi. ax twlr yrara, who diel but Moadar nxiraisf. TtCDWlO. Catawba Valley Happenings. p.MwU YallcT. Acnui 14 We ara Aninmciii: .lima m uuuickiv, hatinif eionoui iaacj-Mu7 nublished bv the American Book now. fVimnanv. which takes thctilaccofl mim rvma IVadrtxraai of Kctcr U mT mW w mm mm - mj f " ' Colaw and Elwood and Colaw and riidtlnjr friead and rrUUrca here B. F. Johnson, which have been in moathlT arwaatotat at Zioa Hill Sat- . .. i ' ' w . . use for tho past live years. Makina Thtmlvt Known. Tcrsona who expect to rccelT mon ey orders la a tran town tako la- finite nrccautloas to Identify thcav nrday and Sunday. Ha baptiiM firt nmtr ronTerta Baturday aiternooa- Ulm Bertha PadrtttofOrwaWfpeat Saturday night with MIm CcrdIU Erwia. Ml m Laura Peaderrraai rpeat Satur- vnvi . .... : . , wItm." aald a postal clerk. Xjq9 I j.- thi with MLMHaitla Pradrrraaa. v - ..i-r - .- - . n.AAAAHe wtii rt a nenn in nnrr.nasn . . . . . i r summer and fall, plowed them all is interested in them and in tne " M ; f tlt parOenUr .uu MU. PrbcflU Ami Elro under and; this spring; you; are work of preparing them for are. - -y -r u wr cne - t u- wo-a ?Pr - . T . TTr t. i i,0f fhorft btp nmnv . teller ln tap money order aepart- nill Saturday aibt. growing corn on, a piece of land We believe that there are many fau rtu Odam wt Saturday la which perhaps'hasnot been (farm- teachers in aitUe country, scnoais iun.aci. , .. . . ' present a bunch of corrtspondenci Q.d Fort : . . . - - . - . - . . . iui. n.aii. oe i ir vnnr ii iiiiiiiiiiiil v iiaj auwu i -.-i . v. i ii - ed in ten years, and you are. gomj who are. bringing to tiieir.wu - T v u f f"OWUJfi , . h.V Z 7. ;TTIn; I n.A. rmdrrsrajyi natr t ' MWg to- Vr;tnf dftvotion and conse- teacher, see to it that you give her. then explains that he U expecUns a Q. O. Marga omr Crfdsrt3 W get more corn Olt Of It this year, fine a spirit Otdevouon auuuuz9 cmnnrtntl thn money order from a certain pcraoa. . v- inall probability,' than you have Nation as could be found m any the fmof S Can the clerk rememUr him when he q, Aasia of Keho taal a X axiaeu w I ucf onrPQ cMi,Wnflndwomenare heartiest encouragement possible. prc3intJ lt f0r payment? After that tHn nera Moadar. "OCU SKI.I.Iflir III! Ill VUU1 ujg lv"- nuuiiiu. - iJUUU . . I . . - . - . . . I T lmnrecslTe introduction the derx usually can remember, and "when the! j HtAWATHA .7 -:lw i . -ril - i M'.vArQ nf the fn- Proeressive Farmer. oiner naris 01 iub ii ui, , uu omonff me tku uiaov- - - i . . , . . -. - num r ean rtmemDcr. ana "wncn ia i - - VOn x7ill Vr rre Anna if ftll hv "deeD h.., anrl oq snch deserve the ear- I VI r-f;r. T?tnr order is e resented he cashes iL- Nrr I 'llrmembcr the fanntrs icstitntQ i. . , i. ..M.wxV.f and thft active gnttl- w . York Sun. . - . - I c viowmcr and crreen manuring, wifcu nesi suh' ""r for Thpatre to-nicnu I -. e addition of a little cheap com-ltude of those whom mey r , - ;

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