n . n nn THE GUARANTEED RECONSTRUCTIVE TONIC 'I f ii 1 l"i What Rttlam Is 4 MILAM is a tegetable remedy, absolutely free jft; f fr6m mercurV. "Dotash or alcohol. no opmin, morpuine, cucwuc, ouwuiv arsenic or other dangerous drug there 5 is ab solutely liOthing in it that can be harmful to any one, and it is guaranteed by U3 under the Pure Food and Drug Law MILRM mm Nf''l-4" tOOD, BONE a4 SON ALTTtAnVXTOMC -m tt.ii mn vwf felon Ca, nn WILL ICEEP Y OU WELL AND STRONG THIS . SPRING. . lYTiaf Tffllam Doe . MILAM purifies and enriches the blood, tones up -the stomach, stimulates an increased flow of the pancreatic juices, thus aiding digestion ana creating a hearty, healthy appetite. It drains the system of all germs and impurities, restoring the body to per feet health. ; Your wonderful medicine if In my estimation, a " , Oodsend to humanity. C. D. Jefferson, 875 Wood" ? T ,: - . . . J T ,After t&iing five Dotties. x gainea ws pounue. recommend Milam to all needing a tonic J, r. a Williams, Am. Tobacco Co. , Danville, Ya. My hearing is nrucn improrea, my eywg-n oeii and all Bymptons ot rheumatism are fast - disap pearing, thanks to Milam. C P. Bargrcr, with W. M. Kitter Lumber Go, Huntington, W. Ya. Wfosrtt KJSlfauiM ns UBoMw fibers. will always take pleasure In recommending Milam for uric acid troubles.' a T. Bmrksdale, DaaTiUe, Ya., former U. 8. Postman ter. Milam has benefitted me so much that I want all my friends to try it, eepecially thow who hare wttX yes. Miss Kate Mebaae,B, F. D. 1, Blanch, N.C. I cannot praise Milam enough, aathla is the firs Spring and Summer I hare enjoyed in three years. Miss Winifred Poeton, 751 Patterson Are. Boanoka Ya. ' Aftertoklnr emaad a ball botla mi XTUm, I rained i l-lJownda, X. & Stalaakcr, ttmcglst Cbariestoa, W. Ya. 1 hare been a rreal tffrr with eatarrk for St 7ara, Deelded to try Kllaaa. Am now cm tmj fourth botUa, My catarrh ts eatlrely rone, JL L. Wallaoe. Char lea to a. W.Va. I hare taken six bottles of Vllamaad caatrtth fully amy I am t eel In better thaa I ever remeabrr before. Myrtle L. Scofield. with Wen pie, Kllereo A Oo., Waahlnrtoa, Ol C is amajrnlflcent tonle. 11 Mllankhas beoefltted me ta almet erery way. It Jarnr W. HoUaaO. book keeper Imperial Tobaooo OoDaarlUe, Ya, .MILAM will thoroughly cleanse your system, give you jiew life and yigor and make you feel better than you have felt for years. MLLAM is not a "cure-all," out a diooo, Drain auu uoujr-uuuvuug wuiu xw is uub pavcui uicuiwuc, but is made from a prescriptionwhich has been used successfully for forty-six years. We guarantee MILAM to do all we claim for it, inot, you get your money back every cent of it. Mow Vow (Ssan (Beti FJlMsnm. MILAM is for sale by almost every druggist or general store get it from them. If 'your dealer can't sujly you, order direct from us. Price $1.00 per bottle, six bottles for $5XHJ. Express prepaid on tnree Dotties or more. Buy sin bottles and if you are not bene fitted we wiSi refund your money. At IP P in ft jpmiPJl XViaJa-liaAAJL MAJ VwJ r-a . .mvj - w ' ina g r. Slim Chance For Her. KA roissioDary who was making his way through a backwoods re gion cmo upon n old woman sit ting outside a cabin. He entered upon a religious talk and finally asked her if she didn't know there was a day of judgment coming. "Why, no," said the old lady. "1 hadn't he red o thaU Won't thrn bo more'o ono day 1? "No, my friend; only ono day, was the reply. "Well, then," she roused, "I don't reckon I can get to go, wc,re only got ono mulnaod John always has to go everywhere first.' from Norman E. Mack's National Month ly. PROFESSIONAL DR. J. GILLESPIE REID DC5TI5T Will answer calls at any hour of the niiU :: :: Reoas 3, 4 ni 5 First National Bank Baiklh, Marion, N. C. ATTOR.HEY AT LAW Procipt Attention Girca All Business Intrusted to My Care. :-: :-: SouthbridCT. Miuml. Feb. 12. tfc. &2 Hamilton St. The Bloodino Corporation, Iktra. Mjlm Dear Sin: Vie ind me f l.ou won a of Bloodiue, the aaznple ym went me wai U. K. Sod bj Adimi JLxnma. Your Tery troir. M. A. LiCHUKLL. . W. Street man. rpcoal irat. Hair msdo from silk it the lat est invention of fashioo. This hair comes from Germany and is made of artificial silk. It has the V xure of real hair and can be dy ed the oxct color of natural hair. Up Stairs, Strectman Building L. A. HAJVEy COUVTY SURVEYOR. C. E. HOUSE ASSOCIATE A RETRACT AX BtXC pEfT3 SrrciALTins FACING EVIL. It is only by looking an evil fully in the face, neither magnifying nor hiding it$ real proportions, that we pan obtain the requisite wisdom to avoid it, or the courage to vanquish itor the fortitude to endure it A HISTORICAL SKETCH ; Of the 22nd N. C. Regiment Dur- ! ing the Civil War by an Old Veteran. After the battle of Shepherds town Lee's army went up the valley to rest and recuperate from I its long campaign. Daring this Accused of Stcalinl E E. Chnmb-rlaln. of Cllfcton. Me . boldly H4xasU Dnck'cu Arnic KjUt of airaunK th cltns xnm wrn or scales - the pilu tr m jor- of nil kind h dUtrji fnim m pllr It robs cutf . corns, babr. pmlu nod injuria f thfirt-tror. "h ry it m hf,i)in rt-mdy iu rtiu.il don'l exinl " Only 2c ui J W. Strrrtnvn'a Ode lu SiTtsiAZ WLz. McCALL & LISENBEE ATTO IIX EY5-AT-LAVT SI change of clothing and a great Seemed t& Glve Him a New Stomach 'T suffered intensely after "eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed many were barefooted. A great to ddjany good," writes H. M: Young- j j ' V i i ''" titera: editor of the Snn. Lake V ew. ma"J UL' th railroad cut hih! oiiic of our men fell back to the woods whr. The North Carolina Postmaster the main line whs Matinnml. Some Association will meet in Ashcriile fell back to a small branch a short September 10. 20 and 21. distance away while others simply Mnrlow. N. H-. F-b. 20, Oj Blood ine Corpormtion. IJ.itou. !i Drr ii: KncloMHi plw find SO cent for which pi fin tn one box of Dloodine Blood and Kidncj TableU. they are fine for tbekidnejm. Ycran trtilr. C. U WruotiT. J. W. Streetman. irpccial arat. Ohio "The first few doses of Cham- j th Confederate ranks, b-lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets ave me surprising relief and the second After being in camp for some . twill 8nid to jrivp me a new stomach time and having recruitc l up our alfirtfaler lay down in tho railroad cut while the Fderals fired at our men as they retreated to the woods. In a short while a new ConMcrate lin I was advanced and charcod the period of two months we had no; Fe(Jerai iirje. WLen thfty reachcd the branch all Confederates were ordered into line and the Federal line was broken and retreated, the Confederates pursuing somft dis tance. Then we metn new Fc:lenl line advancing. Wo Gred into ranks very .much from returned A total of 12,238 bales of cotton had been ginned in Texas this vear up o August 1. A Ktnl Who Left ttome t' em awhile and fell back into the th- world to talking, bat Inl Mm Poteet Building, DR. R. J. BURGLN DKiTlST Marion, North Carolina Office in POTEAT BU1LDIKC. tt. E. McCALL Salr Of a Valuable Lot In Old Fort. Ey -.'virtue of the power of sale con- the valley of Virginia, not know-! mg our destination. At Mount taineel in a certain mortgage deed, ex-, Jackson we crossed the Blue Ridge eoiited on the 10th day of November. A. D ,1905, by E L Hcmck and wife, F. E. Hon ok, to secure the payment of a sum of money therein nam-d,; and "which said mortgage deed is duly re corded in the office of tb Register of Deeds of McDowell connty in Mortgage Book;No. "10, on page 501, et sequiter, atid the conditions in said mortgage deed contained not having been com plied With and the sum of money there in secured not haying -been. paid at -the time the same became due land payable, .nor at any time since, the undersigned uriirtgagees will expose to public sale at th -courts house door in Marion, North &.;civaroiina on - . : tavwqnesaay inc ? join aay or aususi, o'clock a. in., the following de L4 r"r.- -i:-- ' Li 1 X. Z X . mountains at Miriums Gap and proceeded down by Madison Court Hous- some time in December. Many of the soldiers were bare footed and fresh beef hides were enven them to make moccasin out - i it was very cold. The soldiers could not march much with such a covering for footwear, and the moccasins soon become in such con- soldiers, we began our march up r lilroad cut. and this closed the of Bnffalo. N. 1.. mj he ai- wbjb rwrjc nAi iiui r. me or all itx. tir i Dr. Klnff" New Uf filt erable. That nijrht the Federals ;ndtt they irt. nnf-in to U hla irii uni:h ntru niu nvT, ana inu I indigestion. dypp. elo.ced the. bt tie of FrefWirkchnrfT Strt-wtinsn's drnff store for us. We went into camp about tweh o miles below Fredericksburg on the Rhappahannock river at Camp Grepp, named in honor of General Greepof South Carolina, who com manded ono of the brigades of our division. uur carap was ma MossNeck, or Port Royal. Here we were in camp all winter, doing dition that they could not hi worn jcamp duty and recruiting our much at all. ! rip nip tori The chronic kicker doesn't do it altogether for exercise. a ILHrCALL McCo.lt Bros. UNDERTAKERS only 2-- at Coffins 3 rid Burla! Suppllw Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention- Over Mcdll & Conlcy's Furnirurt Store. t ; "t'.rW-i ; ; LbBs Noft On'. Two, Three, Fonr and Five in Block 7 as per plat made by C. M. Miller of the town of New Fort, an annex of the town of Old Fort,, North Carolina. - . ': ' Said sale will be made to satisfy the said debt, interest and cost of sale. Term of sale: Cash- on day of sale. This 26th day of July, A. D. 1911. " N L. P. CRAWFORD, '? ;T a J. S: BRADLEY, ; J. L; U. Bird, Attorney. SV " NOTICE! K Horth Carolina, In the Superior Court viicDowelltmty -; September Term, 1911i Cfiariotfce AMeese vs W. M. Meefee r?' , " : The def eDdaiitLaibove naniedwill take notice that an action entitled as above has been com- - : v mcnoed in the Superior Cpvxt ' of McDowell county Dy. tnevpiainua zo ouvuu oi ouuw f'l j vv jnf.nHont nn th- Raid ;de fendant will further take noUce tnat ne is re- tolred to appear at tne aepieni rv, V4 nperior Court of said county to be held on the MrtTkrltnr in Sc-rtPmHr 1911. it DelDg the I8th ' - - eaid county in Marion, son? wuu, r now on file in my office or th Plaintiff .will ap- r -v .5 : 'r T.. r-- iha w idf riemanaed In said , . , ' THOMAS MOEEJS, J i' . ' , i;f'!:S4'3erk Superior w""- V Read The Pbis. Only $ 1. Iii this condition we were called upon to go into the battle of Fred ericksburg December 13th. The Federal army had thrown pontoons across the Khappahannock river and had crossed over in large num bers. r Our portion of the line was in the rear of the Taylor House. The batallions here were about two miles wide. The railroad ran be tween us and the Federal line.- The second day after being in line here the battle opened for us. Our ad vance line was in the railroad cut several hundred yards in- advance of bur line,' which was at the foot of the bill, v; We were exposed . to shell fire of the Federals on both sides of the river. r . i. Major Cole was in command of the' skirmish line in front of Ten ders brigade. In the' afternoon as the fighit was progressing 'Company At and Company M was ordered to reinforce the advance line, which we did at once. .We had; barely gotten into position when our line was charged ' by : the Federals and broken. The Feneral line "occu pied snowball battles witruour South Carolina boys which were quite exciting-. Here we lost our gallant' Colonel Robert H. Gray. H was much loved by his soldiers both for his gallantry and unusual kind ness. James Conner was still our I colonel but was incapacitated from duty by wounds. Major Cole was advanced to lieutenant-colonel and Captain Laburn Odcll to major. The first gold mine ever discov ered in America was in Cabarrus county, this State. This was about 1820. In 1820 a man found a 28 pound gold nugget on his farm in Cabarrus county." -Until gold "was found in, California this was the for ncnroui diseases, tuch ai fif largest nugget in the "world. Be- ,pasms Sr. Vitus dance,. conrul causo of its peculiar color, ho for Von "? tfepty. These diseases years kept it for a door block. One 3 n?.! day a manasked him . what he huprwnWSSfaZ wuuiu iae lor m auu no saia .-i incr tnese dreaded malart mm mm 50. Whereupon the man bought it. Lincoln "Times. Don't think that pile can't be cored. ThonsandB of obstinate caaes hare - been cured by Doan a Ointmeut. 50 cents at any dmg store. . . "Dr. Miles Nervine Comrjletelv Cured Our Little Boy of YUU WOULD LIKE tuts." to be connected with the largest enterprise of iU kind in the world. You Can Be. Most liberal contracts with live men to sell in- m come insurance S. A. SCOn, District Mgr. 24 Patton Ave., Ashcviltc, H. C. THE, NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by h Stxu forthoWcsica of Korth CaroUna. F1t trzlxr Ocmrcs leading to Drrw. Social CocTxfcr Uachcra. Ftni tallica to thorn to arm . V ... w WCOS30 leacncrs ia tte Slat, Fall Stssiqa liiu Srptmlr 13, 131 K Fcr catalog and ether InTorniaUaa adirss JXXSVt tfOUlT, rrkilUntUttatmr, K C A familf can suffer no creater affliction than Co have a child sub ject to fits or cpflep7t Many a er or mother would grre their all to restore such a child to health 1m feeartUr Ud to UU yxm of oar little boy who ws coaspUuly cured ol fit. He coxuaaac! in Ueca at 10 ymn o4 a4 ad them for f oar Tn. I txitd iKtm ' doctors and ecta rpccklrst but all ot them aald b couVl not b MurmX bet Dr. Mile' Kettorat.T Nervier a&d Dr. Miles Narte a&d Lircr rus made a compute core, lie Is now hale, hearty aad rr. It hat b threeTeantiocebehsdthelsjtiMU. I ihall rire Dr. Miles maaes rraii wherever I p. Yo art st liberty to tua this letter ju yo e 6t and aarono writia to me 1 wi3 rladly answer 11 they cqcIom tUss lor rtrly." r F. M; BOGUE, Wmdlsll, lad. Dr. Milc Nervine is just what it is represented to he. a mcuicinc compounded especially Bold by all drvSBlsa, If tha first bcttJa .-h.wj centra your money la retumtd. MILES MEDICAL CO, EJkharV lad. . Subscribo to tho Piioqiies3.

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