-It -J- ?- AX- r v x ' ' I - i ..Hi : i ' . . . " i 1 1 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED : 1896. MARION, N. t., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1911. vol. xv :;o. 52 r SlMinriie Tiittlel jdeligtitf qlly nteHained at a porch party last ltsdaytvefiipg atthe home of i birister !"f e occasion j the porch "was prettily d ecorated with Japanese : lanterns and Indian heads, the af fair being an Indian party. The guests made frequent visits to the ig-wam at one corner of the porch herW they -were served with iced ygrapejaiee by Miss Martha Whit- tn;lrogressiye , lnaian" w as played aC five tables. The score. 'iards " were hahd-painted arrows. "At the close 6f the game refresh ments were served. e socia SINGING CONVENTION NEWS OF THE STATE MARION'S FUTURE.., e Crowds Attend . Convention Happenings of General Interest at Dysartsville and H ear' - Condensed for Busy Renders J: ?a,: Sing!ng,: . . Six cotton mills at Concord have nrt 4. . - - 11.... ' 1 1 1 a 1 I nuweuwriHjsrjwuinws. no.pn snut riftwn on nrcnnni nr inn it. t .1 x j. i n, i -i " . r .-t r Clarion can oc maaowun icssciion vittj VVCrtJ icav Uajyo 1UT JL'j'baria-I Bcfn naturally by far tho most beautifully located town in tho most beautiful section of country in the world Western Carolina- part of the hotl rircr rJftl ca a bri'Jt5 eleven hundml !cc hr.;; and or.o hundred an term fctt hik'h. Under this LriJ-( alone thi rircr throu-h tics a. gardens tsA fountains one of the drirei r v.-;.; Tho rircr at this point fcmH.v: fino bathing, boatic;: and Chir.-. M " Li uiHLi'.d Li itL 1 1 1 1' I ll win INI 1 1 inr r it, t rfm rnri r ith nri . Tt " ! m .... ville: The Sineinsr Convention. iZyZZ,: I r::"."V? " a"ve, o: wi:c!i there mil had been looked for with Wt ih- T v 1 1 li- . raur0IC,s' cnmmnc .moan bout tea mile. unJer a CU naa oeen looKea tor witn great gathcrcd m Yancey Qnty this tains north and wct within a few L Kum?r1 teresi ana some anxiety. iKit uy- fii i u : .t. i r. il , . - .w t.-, sartsville iust as she alwavs does mile3t shadowed by tho lofty and through a concrete tunnel twelve barfcsvnie, jusi as sne always aoes, rpu.. r4 ' t:M- I li t .:, f r:.t.u I, .... . was ready when the time came. , , . , , , - . L m n . II. . ojr ounjrtu &i iiriy Thff crowds were immense all the T . . ... ,. . , t..i . -t . P . - . .. time. ' Oq Sunday , there was no wcoK wun iiao.iutes 01 oo . , nsB seven inou boutbera IUUnay ir.d JsUt4 Ies8ahHWelTOVB0ndred:Wple 560,000. ; . ; . and ec capped by snow clouds Highway m tbroash thb pirk nK,!ont '4 u c4 tllt The laundry of the ToxawayTnn aDJ irosiy misis. visn.ioirom every by on? of the hotel ensz-is arJ recess would any community L mr " t m ... I ltrtt n nl r n I r . m a mmm Ia ma 1 II I I have done credit f0 at. Toxaway was completely " tw n. sniau lasers. li.,.aJ u n.A fAnj.nM liomcr on inc vrrr enfa or ins ti,;.-.i- in fhA Qfofa UCOIIUJCU UV UIUJ1UUUOJ UiUiUUlk'i " I . .. most njo; . affai rs of ; th e season7 w as a well party1? given-by M iss Martha decker at her home on south Main Mr. Price and Mr. Street of Cane The loss is estimated at $8,000 treet. ; After. very unique ana Creek.;- , . ': . Avery county's tax levy for the interesting game I of avelf the We have; never seen a more en- current year is only 89 cts., on the hostess V served ; delicious; refresh- joyable occasion.' Of the: entire $100 valuation of real and personal inents. w no enjoy ea . Miss crowds attending during the con- property, while litchclPs levy has Decker's hospitality were: Misses vention no one misbahaved in: the been fixed at $1.43. -Avery Vim. upon which the government covert orer one thou crcry drive and lot IS I Will !rt rrt full f t"rrrr-rl r if V m --www w m w wm w j w -m 9 S Wl i The Dysartsville singing olass choir acquitted itself-with credit ville Lumber Company with a fj.l eye to Parity and toporiphy; Snecial mention should be made of large amount of timber on the yard " to ,,ow .,0 nearly a, pa-.H e lhe S:r, of lot, the leaders. Mr. Geo. D. -Taylor, w?3 destroyed by fire Saturday beautifyinc. With auto roa-1 hotels, and sanitarium? fast oc- .- . . xupyms our mountains, whnrc every brccz i hes kissed n thousand will bs one bcrrJrcJ feet front by two hundred fect deep. Thcrouh ground will be thrown into tilU sites of from one to ten acres and enscades and fountains; where barn only alternate lots and sites willba foot children and speckled trout UoM at nrcsenL revel in tho same pools; with mi liaria unknown, hay fever and In order to rush th? work of de velopment wc would like to nlac-a lightf ully entertained in honor of ttheir attractive guest, Miss Agnes r rGaVner, bt J Washington D. C. tnie guests spent several - pleasant liours in indulgingin various-gamss t)f interest after which dielicious refreshments were served.' Those - preseiit were: Misses NelleBlanton, -Julia: Burton, x Blanche White, will live. cotton mills at Dur- wife to regain her blush and beauty. ca.Hy, one fourth caihona fcurth ft whirh had h.n 11 wo mcn Irom SXrcss . OX OUSl-l ' , , '7 . " ' e, wnicn naa en - . , f . . . , cent on defered paper, or two per- r two weeks1 to et Dess nr0 consigned to the hot and I . ff fu. r,.u . r GiadyGo other forty or fifty of theso loU rihi pIIa Sprftttr-AtrnM Garnpr th, w W' ' . 7 V tu,,,v wucru. ujusu van away lo Uesiraclc partie-i on y, ana MM - Tre can be. nothing; more en- pie, the number of visitors in the only deepen and even th6 mindfof gnarante that every dollar rwiv Moffitte Sinclair, v- Nell Blanton, joyable than a real singing.convcn- mountains of ratArn North Pro. .... .... Lu . k. ..... c. r? .?V.r . lT essrsWill Blahton; Robert Hal- tion and no place on earth more lina now U from 4d"O0O to 50 000 K . Ult" vri, w ?a buiUmg danat t- t now 13 om 40,000 to 50,000. L morning star; where refreshing UnJ onenioir ud roads. All lota. ISriPwSMP ' .While fighting firo last Saturday sleep sends us forth io enjoy the olh,r than lake fronU at one hun Mnt-MQ- tnlmpndpr UWkWUUO .uWu4 vmj- unU. . iiirej uouars ftacti, Jake front one jyiorris, nnnena . . , i ra&lfcnon hundred and hliy ctoUara rich. a voung man 1G or li here is the place or the children LniP to bo selected by the nrtr WZmmm- old, became-orerheated to:gmw stron-an:h develop' both rchosuig or theirlent OhursdayVSSeptember 4tb, F - . . mind and body and the pale wan as aurvcy can be coapleleU, tr rm.3 Mr. and Mrs. John H.? Gray der , . . . - . .'. ., : . Tha "Erwin IlflllH IIIH.li IIIHIIV llllim lAlll Vf.IILUJlla I will be held and that " tho custom n?m -ana uaf closed down fc upon a-niarket crowded with de- burning streets and crowded. cars Dims, as well asothcr goods, rcsura wo ckn Pccour wives and child ed work last week. ren among tho ferns, cascades, and ' . vr flowers.' Our consignment may be . a . ... ...... . ... i . - ... i au mi-it iu I'lUi uu mjlu in; ilia, u.- i w teachers will read with interest tne county, has found a raassivccrystal for Whftt is to como unless wo ro- , u "mV Pe- ,br'? expression. of opinion given below 0f mica 34x28xl7j inches, from .. th- u,,,:,,.,., .mi flv m d"na an-1 haild oac coraodiut nad f rfini tVis nan of Mrs. R. R. Gotten. nKtolvha SII f, W..l business strain and fl-.o -to UD.tostc hotel ovcrlooiice rircr. AhnieBaber, Estelle Seratt, Birdie ,s:i.t,f Vrnrtli p,rHn VoJr j j j ,, 'i:;. oor w,vAand oaM aod" w,ttl valleys, likfts acd mouatairj north . Mruu.u.m omcrn r, tion of. W6raanv eiubs. ion of II. Cl Rizor. chief clerk of 1 ,;V,! ...J 0nie2 to the contml location of son; iiate Mae istreetman. aiartna.Ut-.:i.: u:ijU; in , . . "" ' ... ..t. tht:ii -dt .4.v. . ... '.. - I A HiPtnrvman. writtv thft Now- hnnvpn. nnri nntntntr?n Irn n I . . t . , . . ' ; " norm in wmw?r, iar cnoucn nona ton News, figures that the severe man's estimation of himself and for the south in summer) and of droughts come every 30 years, or the world as to gazo into tho un- this property, situated between . ... - . i . thereabouts. His father told him told star lighted space- under a Junction, nanKins aca mrw ox of a severe drought in 1815. Just clear mountain sky. . ' ?cn"DUi;,wu'uu 30 years later was the drought of Two miles from the center of There will be eight main en- 1845, 36-years later. tho drought oi bur town the Catawba river and trances from the north, south, cast . v The; After School Club. All club .women," mothers and Thia amount will be a small part of what we expect to are nd on thia property and books showing dis bursements will be, at all times, lecKer; , Messrs. . w ui -pianion, Uo fn th rhi1d hohr U of . .'--. i -r i 1" I " . w : " t ii.ennetn iuroy, jonn tienaerson, Ufe; ftU that brings into closer un- j:cies uray, joe uues, Men -rice, th home and the school should Dob McCurry, Lester Williams, bo ! -welcomed and utilfzed. .-The .From" Monday to Wednesday of After School Club, of ; America ,'W. wept ' TvtJqq Mr nrHPn seems t6 have, woven into one Greenlee nd Mr. ;R Greenlee strong cord the three important lg whil(y droucht of 10U falls other streams run through beauti- and weU entertained a large house partyat -'.r just 30 years atfer 1831. . . f ful valleys, but upon reaching this . nis seems 10 us an opporiuno thClub: House at 'Buck :Creek chM an3 e schooL ; " . oAn. ...Jnmnt nearest town, narrow ,J "me and an opportunity to e 'fcvvith the -marvelous facilities oiawwiuo uicuwufuw wvu . - Clarion a rcson ana nor jou nnofJnTi alnno- tVft mnit. vitn called lor ceptemoer mn 10 oo r nui joiauts wcimcocnswn yiHW:.-: iu; hpiM nt thfl Snlwvn Hotel in Char- Between town and river there can double your investment anl or ail lines-io oiuu v ui traiuiuu i ,w : - - - I... . 11 of child nature, its specialized or- lotte a ranization to meet these special de- - Back -"" -i . ; :i. .. u:u.,l i np.rrf.ri.fl farmworkers, who are mvin? time beads of commercial orginzauons 7-- :- - rJ . - n- -. 1 '. . .. . - 1 xr? rr ornrr ir 1 nn ha After over the State are behind tne move- - School club xannot lau to oe a uv "U4"WV4 blessing to all who share its bene- signifiied by letter their intention fife t.: . iV-:'.- - . a , . ; 1 or oeing preseni at vue muuuug. . "Thft home councif denartment .. . .1' r r ti l seems pf special value, : because it - tight uoal oars uerauea. reaches the individual mother and Sunday morning at 8 "o'clock .a Falls. Various anjusemehts made the time pass all too rapidly. The beautiful scenery and rugged rocks tf the falls afford a ; constant op portunity for Jove rs - of climbing . ind kodaking. . .The water w as fine for wading and swimming, and the "xlrop pools wereahd still are : fuH ,6f j; wary trout. - The: large porch of thej hew club honse prer sntM;anJideai potfor lovers" of -the square dance and Virginia Reel, :as well as of the more modern waltz jand two step.' Devotees of forty two,; set-back ahd bridge found ; full, exercise for" their favorite games; and if there were .any in Jthejpatty who 'live to eat" their :4if elpuf pbsewslll fulfilled thrice daily when all gathered" at uhtiful JJboafdgl It; " was with unspeakable regret that: the party Bhally broke up and returned; to town, and by.v unanimous consent hey;yoted their host and hostess vthe embediment of hospitality', and the trip one of the most enjoyable wcasions of their lives. , - - Uw , Rtn .am? and cascades amonir I add irreatlr to your r'esurra and tfwnicn meeiing a oiaie r . . ..n iZ:r fnr ti Homo" organization will be which wo am constructing three Profit, p acing our town ,a he nomo organization win oo ....ii front rank of progress where she, : Tdinr editors and lascs, surrounucu ucauuim . tifU.r.! m A W 9"wM W - w v wr wm Very respectfully. Yancct Bi:crnirr- Heal K.at Between these lake arc park i V"...1;i grounds covering about two hun-h.jncj 0f hou dcairttl cn ey dred acres connecting. The lakes terms. will cover about sixty acres, beau tifully irregular and thirty to for- Ice Cream Supper, hftlnshftrsolve her individual prob-kKf lnnrlorl rojil cars of tho second lb 1"- fc Citrawool. Ac-t .-Tb Wlltn . r 4. .-- . .. , ,1 - . . lllr-f n..r.. .M lemin child training. It is the section of freicht train No. 72 wcro PC h 1: t-'"-!- maiviauai momer, in ner uuivw- derailed at muo post iid, a snori - V , v. J b" sality upon whom primarily de- distance from Old .Fort, Tho do- These lakes are fed b two hun- a,7 p. ni., for th jr;Ti tarlV;! bound passenger train was the first two biles from the river. These to a;tX train to get through, arriving here lakes and parks belong to tho rvzx-l' Train No. -11 penis and owners or mis proicriy. velops the solution of racial prob- bailment tied up traffic until late drod sprincs bf the finest crater, a t u C3 lL, , sh, I: lems, and what helps her helps all in.the afternoon. No. 22 cast-' d tne lanncswa uo. more "aiut crcx au am humanity. VHdping the After School club rl Kftl n everv mother "J -C- . . . I rr,. 1 . 1 1 .t'. f! .--v.. . i i . ii--. ; i rr i i rrf nrii mrts oi liiitlv iu iiuy in America." r and two special irams carrin . .. . soldiers from Norfolk to an TTiViiift'TAnn: 'Saturday voted cisco were also delayed. n th commission form of ' No bno was hurt as a result of, Tho C. C. & O. Hiilwy r rr,.: government. - ; - " I tho derailment. I through this property and over a tr Ice Crcim S'-ppcr. Tbere will to R3 cttxta r rn 'acres each have been reserved over-, Sorrel ;r;rr. tc,l b -r.-i Frllij, looking lakes and river. i:t,tt t.!r ii c : r !r.r.: L TL; t - 5 -