A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. v MARION, N; G., TH.URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1911. VOL. XVI NO. 1 AT THE COUNTY FAIR Gathering of Old Soldiers and the School Children Features of the Big Event, ; Do you remember last year in October, when the school chilHren of McDowell County, together with the old soldiers relics of another -generation , a!id the remnants of a lost cause, tottering of limb and weak of f amemarched together through the streets of Marion ? This mingling of youth and age will be onetf the features' of the Fair inVOctbber.V The . ladies -of Marion, descendants j of , the CotS federate Soldiers, - have organized a chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy; and, onUotooer 20th, thev will entertain in Marion al of the soldiers of McDowell coun- ty. These ladies will have in charge the program for this day, BRIDGEWATER NEWS ' Mrs.John DrAdams Passes at the -Home of Her Parents r -" Personal Mention. Bridgewater, Sept. 5 -Mrs. John Adams of Lancaster, ; S. C. died here last Thursday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Tate, after an illness of several " months: Besides a hus band she leaves three small child ren, the youngest' about two years or age. .Mrs. Adams acre was about fort v. -She has been a mem ber of the Bridgewater Methodist church from Girlhood and: was known as. one of the most' perfect i .- . a ' " - :rii. i - i cnrisuan rauniui women. one was buried at the Tate gravB yard Saturdav morninfir at 11 o'clock. The funeral service .was conducted by KevoKichardson of Nebo. J Messrs. Walter and Marvin Sta- cey of : Nebo spent Thursday in Bridgewater on business. WINTER CLOVER CROPS Sugar Hill News. C? ' ttti l - a n t t y " r Tl 1 "made a business trip to Marion the lat- ClOVer, Yetch, and Small Grain ter part of last week. CroDS Are Best for This Puroose. The school at Maple Grove Academy , . v closed last Friday. unil the farmers net The unprecedented drouth which their 'crops' leathered. And now there nrAvails in somn Ktions of thft can be seen long faces on every ReStato is an obioct lesson as to the m a a a I causea Dy me aepannre oi our iwo , . . .. , most excellent teachers, Misses Jranie luo of organic matter or humus HnntPfR nrftrfl FlnlfiT. - 1 10 tUO SOU, A3 lb IS a WCll KllOWn The Bodetr which -waa orcanixed at I fact that in addition 'to other de- Maple . Grove by Misses . Hunter and I sirable qualities decaying organic well and thoroughly cut up U:fors plowing under next f pries. Gool rcsulu mty be expected only whea they arc well mixed with the toll before the crop is pUatcd. If any one doubU the benefits to bo had from thtso winter-corcr crojis let him prepare one acre of average land and trct it u de scribed abore. Kext sprint plmt anoUier acre by the aide of it that ' --7. -"I .n . . I Tiuco a pcrou oi me Tajse oi win . A ,t. u4,nTt,a I 4.. -t f " j .. I vr-CLM cr truiri. aa a a a ; I . ... I Nfl fflf mr nf th atattA mn- mosi lmeresiinir Dart oi iue Drcxraui nA. r-..rm rAmA d, ..i.i n,,i - - - w was the recitina of Miss Finley. I r r . . J Honed crow CAS be had from al We are sorry to oose another one of . most any rcpuUblc seed man. but ,,. MLalcrom for this nurpow arc tnci. .... - uuiWvu..u..U5.Jwuu6.ww, . - Ai- i u ouy only the tst and xrcsse: ironi xyster iiams, w no is y leave iai3 wtck vjuici ivn-no, ouu jiuih for Nebo where she will enter school. I crops. On laud whre th cloven Dr. and Mn.'J.F, Jonaa of Marion nn(i i .ch wilt i?ru succpsUiiIU .... .. ... . . s m W- - visited the latter a parents, air. pft . p n pi(t r Ivjrs J. C. Crawford, the latter part of " ' ' " ' ' charge the program for this day, Miss, Florence and- Nettio ik. Mr. Jonaa went out, qn rrel snH .mm crp. lut urh-re I .c, ami propose, to make Jt one of StTqW S humlng ?hlU here bnt ..ith mtl, ,!l,n..i Sr H w.ll be merrimentand pleasure. . ; . pine Higli School. . : J-'iJTitl T' , ' ' m , i -r-it'. . - - , , luck or finding a tree wltn as many in V..r Kw risalt4 tiin rmn. Besidesaday dunng the Fair. John and Clinton Cilley of Hck- it as that reported by B. A. Jtsrlow and ....... impurities. The'bet are none too rood. T. II. Pakkks, Director Goicra tire Etjcrimntjs, V. 0 IViartment of Agriculture beinsr set aside for the old soldiers, ory spent last wees nere witu tneir j c. Crawford. . It is said that while one has also been set aside for - the lllue cousin jonn iyeriy. Symar.tha Responds. 'I-vitac &ijs Mtf;it Syminth incc rr turning from the north b school ch i Id re nv and the programs houM n'.t in ci'tickly an'p a. a Uihl i'i;ici!i!lv in tho v.-slirn nrt 1 ur.null to rfJPOld. Mrs. Ben Cohlevv and children Urt that thv rA4 aCratree which ortho' Sute. Pronini th- Nnd b Jvuc no doubt waj cnio.e to . : m r - : a; ia! 1 . .. I..... . . . li. t u ru nf fkpw arA hpintr OI - AYiarion are visuiUK reiauye was, loaded with squirrels, nd after diskinir and Mrrofting nmt sot 15 uisiinuisn Jacoo ironi vtw in lor ootn or inese u.iys: ro uiufe herathis week. V; : y - x V f shooting away aU tneir ammunition and Iouruh crt crimson cl ivr his old tec. That continent pnr acre, and if convnint, sow that hn 1 deceived i:n when hj w. v v,..-f- neraims weeK.t . . shooting away all their ammunition and worked out bythose interested, F i. KUXrthvnt HinkoVvsnftnt kilUne nineteen, that Mr. Mario Wfeized -and the events of thecFair promise Sunday in Bridtrewater. -:; : I a stick and ran down to the body of the w - - L b. rhe gre and rbn; Va 11 tWo more aas they; iame 300 pounds Ac d Phhato t Walh McDowell county evo held. - Let was called home on.ccouiif of the iown-.- then they went away leaving peracrc, m ilhat will help to in- to respond,. - nipnnnw.'tn.m- the Fair death of his sister Mrs. J, Ad amis, nnirrels in the tree. : ; : sure a stand of clover. Srao m Now I do not knowexictlj whit i . . . ' - V - A w this ono pound of ho means, whea ho sxx U.it . - Ir TT ik I tu rni p seed per acre,: prcicra'Jiy raiur. urmuic re.-.ij..j, . it;-;--"-"r thbCornjarJ.imJnz Vr-ir 'rjrrriiirrri. a,i..I thn tumin loavriq nrotcctth5 voun? moral, Uiiauuiii'. x:. u ucc;u.cr - iilL33-XAJ-l LUtT HiUUU CLH54ito 1M UlAUVMij - - " "I - . I. ... f A t - .1 " III better. Premium lists have been made -out, and . we areuthorid tar say: that every &an, woman7 and child in Marion and McDowell County ness trip to Glen Al pine Monday. . " . 15ETTT. : Cotton Miir.News. I wlth Mies "Mamie Crawford. can offer for any premiums inthe SuptH: F; Little and Boss Car- list. Let all plan to f make the der J. R: Fry e went to Rutherford- Fair better, by reason of entering: ton lastweek; on business; into the spirit? of. it;-; clover plants in their early. staxrea. ISAAC iTt rr An nn Viarm tn Kfw thf tnr. nip seed as theso crops re intend led -to plow under next spring to Old. Currency., Some very bid , currency was brought to this office V few days ago by Mr. A. B. Gilkey. 'Oae was a forty dollar titled the bearer v;niei-ingineer- ana iiasier mo- oinouay, ue uwug oi jw uah.,. . a chanic- V - V :' v: - - x . the strangest coincidence or tne xnatier vuu iuwh am mw .-W. Pressleyand familyhave ttt. a . . a. ,-..:!:.. - . - . . --t-jnouse xnat way. nowMwouueuj w -j qDMW as to masc suiuuicai ack to Marion after a lew ATAn.4un(f nifni to .ai.j -.v o prawiQ mj wiiubkanu vim luicr. State an the hst oi Sontcrabcr. while in tho J. Webb Walker and daughterj eastern and wanner sections of tho of ihes-e. rjminthan will tr.: "Is3acn in open combat, cither mental, jhys:cilf or moral, and prove to him that Sjmanthat U able it mpood. (SrwArrntA.) moved back bill is a picture resembling a i puz zle, card. It is a curiosity; An t)ther bill, North Carolina.: curren cy, calls for five hundred dollars,: agreeable tb in Act of Assembly passed at Newbern the 10th dayof May, 1780." "Death to .Counter- eif'is printed on one end of fthis i to come our way bill. Mr. Gilkey has had them in his possession for quite awhile and prizes .them very V highly as old 'relics. J - DysartSYitle Dots. Wi - . - i" V"j uysartSTiiie, oept 4. nr. ana ra. improve tbo soil. . Win, : Clay has- been promoted Tama WRnrpr pnbrtAmd Ust Wednes-1 - ..i t, . t 'r J.i by oupt. -Little to the position ; OI dav on the occasion of the fonner'al ,4. ; , . . nuthcrfordton fievis. Ilniberfarilos. Bi. 5 TW Hctrr fardto ETadM boil ctird ylrrlxj xnortdns with tb fol!owis fmchTt : MIm KcU: Walter. Crrl wr.!t radftt; UUi Ks:cia Carxs!r. tMrd and fourth jcra-!'; ilia Ehiw, f.flh a&d fixth gn!r; 111m l!rgrct Qalnn, iTtnth a&l eighth gr-Ific - J. Van .Carter, of Ullrich. --rl fecrrury of tbo Kcrth Carol In b:tUf Sch:Dol Awtccitioa. wi ber Moity cocJTiltinj? with potse ef th Ssaday Bchool worker rrUUru to bcillr a county int-pr-drsctslsiticil SzzLxy School oonTeaticn ln t nathtrfcTvlt la October. " ' H IL Dyi-art, oca cf Marisa'a proi- J rent dSUro. I peat sTtral days la tbt J city 1: Trc-;. L G. L. Taylcr, fcrarly cf rtjrUle. cow lool-l ccat GilXrr. if 1 ri in Cjwn 8atsn!ay. D 11. IWch. cf HiclcrT. afur a a ab- a a ... .. . i I f-tc! c?f t rerol weia. la rttzrrfU to meawju. bwki, bushel oi small gram ana .a ioutiu$ , . twenty fonr pounds. Zheo. . . wvt lbe dt and. d. uuKey. aay iney naa eTexy imn5 nreaiiu i jrrowth to withstand the wtntc p bill which "en: months atthe mill at Rutherford- gufy the inner man. from turkey In tho ccnlral part Gf tho Sta to receive "forty. ton-M , -' ; ; . they should bo out in not later thi Spanish milled dollars, or the value qV thereof in gold or silver, accordbg U is now running a section m T Webb Walker and danehterJrpctrn and warmer sections oft to a resolution passed by Congress the Sptnning-Koom. . . Raciiei Condrey, were visiting last week gulo thcy can bo put in as late as t.PVi.1iu1lnTiU ipnt: P.fi.-ITTS" Our Mill run off 100,000 lbs., of in the Camp Creek conntry. i O. On both the face and back of the cunn during tne memo TT i'.JT This is theiargest production we Uanghter, lire. J IL.Goforth UstwceV. In tho CoasUI I'lavo section Bor Ln;. OI.a Afon einro -lift, mill uoruuior xiu" oiu wiuuSuvui lOVCr JS aibu uuu Jur u muwc have.; ever gotten since tne mm . Satnav tt winrr man. .. -- . i . w r cover crop. started . 5 : - A v V" Decatnr Daves has moTed to and will t - . ' , . . r V We need isome more houses down tend Beid and Dock's fionrinK mUl. " " . Hairy vetch also makes a nnc onVur sideof town " as you can't ' Mrs. IitcKibbeii Denton and her three winUr-covcr crop, and will succeed a ' l children. Jamei Marion. JohnRobert ?n nlmrtst anv nart of Iho SlAtA on rent OUtLUUvyu una wajr.iu ivo ' - - ; - - i . - , or money;" .The town is . bound a?aTAn!t.te'l ot well dratuts! Ur i. eitci .lljr !.-;r.- Commissioners Meet.' Greenlee News.1 n . Patridge dr'Moufitaiu pMl grow v , Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Denton spent a . . , -J day last Veek with J. Webb Walker. If sown alouo sow at tho rate of uJ.D3uij Mr. Walker cnt for his cnesta a water- pounds of seed per acre, sou Greenlee, Sept. 4; The Green- melon abont eighteen inches long, red with rye or other small grain, one lee SchooLwill stop for fodder pull- The county commissioners held a monthly meeting Monday. The most of the day. was taken .up with routine matters. - A special8 school tax election was - ordered held in School . District No.. 2, Crooked Oeek township, October 30. -s Horace Sentellrf. of Wavnesville. . , .. 1 : lias been appointed private secreta ry to Congressman J. M. Gudger, 3r., to succeed Owen Gudger, who vras given the annointment during the spring, but who ,. on account of his law practice his connection with the Western orth Carolina - -Fair association, of which he is sec retary, and other business, felt it to his interest to resign. - . The returning Congressmen must - face the explahatioa of why; those .gardeu seed didn't sprout, - : ing Friday, Sept. 8. :; There will be an 1 ice cream sup per at the Greenlee School-house, Friday, Sept.-8. The public is cor dially invited.. ; , L' Miss - Mary Greenlee returned l r Crooked Creek News.. Old Fort, Sept. 4 Mrs. John Kennedy and Miss Mary' Bowman of Wallace are . . ftu r rrr T)AW,4.Afi I rrmw cnrrfL; fill I V SOW r VO at tilC home Saturday from North Cove Hiss iillie'PadRett were marrlcij. A. W. rato of ono and a blf bushels per rtAooThimAr bj llcDil where she hw teen teaching: onWofflitiUnK. TtanjUy. A6t You want a heavy krowtb trr ccst,.f1 r-f an.l irrJ t r-i"i t' u of vetch per acre. They should co.i. jfwithThoHntheTficaE-S-bo sown at about tho same timo as Mr. IloVr; G. Howard trji Tf tirl crimson clover and covered from from a rbit to rtUUrc a: Mar'.sa cl one to two inches deep. KTl"fc. c.v, Whcrp ncno of theso crops will lth rT T r. roU ju trisdr .aL Tho graded hool won tto t;.ca as lere sue oas uetsu weauuiuj;- i . " .... , ... , . vv ... - r . o.. v r--ji 31. Edcrar Gilliam and Misa Lennio . url r4 t .Xl Mrs. aiuart. Mrs. . YV ouuuuuac, . a.. ...u wwuw;vMini auu w . . - kt mKi m w am v t on o t t n n T-f 1 1 1 i . and Misses Margaret of vcsctablo matter T. M. PilUata 0( HesJer.ia, J. f I UUUUUUOO (lulu. a.umwma. w i UimittUliQ. A UOJ Avi. fwv . w - w f 4 A . rs, -- of Mfs. W. H. Greenlee, Saturday Denver. Colo., in a few days. Bst Turn under two or thrco weeks pton of Charlotte, J. Y. Plc.i onornonn - wishes to twth of the yonng.coupies. before you wish to plant tlio crop 0f Manon make up a commit'-co - d a I 1 .4 I ITTltl T H IT1 1 1 V 111 I I Li A Ul 1 I . . f II . T. ....1 I... . . .... AI T "V 1 n f J- 1 r. T " . nr. T)r J K Biddix. of Hickory, . "T"- wmcu is to xoiiow. i.jc ciaj- m-'u . ....... .v. ... - ! X VVbiIt were guests at the home, of Mr. Croom . rait ted to iret r.ai system of registration and visitediiis brother, J. K.-Biddix, week .1 ly, should not be permitted to of .;Uarul rcrrt Sunday.3 : r ;'-;; ; Misses Annie Lirzie Croom.. Mary woody.bcforo turning under, lict- texl meeting of the North Car- t! nr TifjJ!:.!.:-:r;nf polflf?rM -nran nfl fr John TvrrmedY are tpr turn it tinder as. BOOU tS the Tl. f,vi!mri tl - f V XJlUUli. la V --& VAw. J - A-J r UIU av aa- w. w I " - - " - ( .4t .-wv near Greenlee, v There ; has been an orpjan pur chased for lhe .M. E. Church : at Greenlee; ; - -. ; " - - Rev. J. W. Bradley, of Ieford, spent a few dayiathome last week. - - v . .-. Student . hesdi bcin to appear than to wait ..i T Ik ..II ! visiting in Asheville: Walter Bradley spent Saturday nihtj nQj fa jrrQYu. If it nets full with his coTin.rtnnr morgan, near , - followa it - - V 1,'""" AAN 7 tunew. . . . ' 1- , , r- . 1 At t Several of tho young peopio enjoyed wouia suuer more iuaa u u r u a trip to the falK Sanday. - - was put on tno lanu. We have nad enougn ram oa mo creek to do for a while. Hie dlawba ritcr which hr.i boon lower thti Ruir.rnr, than for many yr-irs, is up r crcral fee. r.i n It 'JTill hare io rr? i:ver:J f . t All thc3 crops should di'!;cJ ( th- n)f;r.:l l-:vcl.

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