lain fc ii,.t - Restored: After Being TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING THE BASIS OF SUCCESS. - by Specialists A wonderful euro by ULAM . . Our Cotton Mills. North Carolina's strength in cot ton mills is quite graphically set forth by Prof. E. C. Brooks, in an article . on 4North Carolina' as a Monufacturing ; State," in North Carolina Education. He says that if we follow the Southern Railway Given Up from Durham T through Qurlifigton, Greensboro, Salisbury, Concord, Charlotte and Gaston i a, we will pass the center of cotton manufac turing in North Carolina. Gaston county leads in the number of fac tories and amount of capital invest or. W. E. Griggs, Secretary and ed. The North Carolina factories Treasurer Westbrooks Elevator consume more bales of cotton than Co. and formerly Cashier Bank of . Danville, says: . any other southern state. There "About ten years ao my' eyesight bejran to haS Considerable development fall to such an extent that it became necessary cinrn 1RR0 wlipn tViprA tcprA nnlv Jor me io consult a specialist. My trouble in- S1UCO AOOU Wlien inere were ODiy creased until I found it necessary to consult sev- fnrtv.rtinn rnttrtn frtrriAc in tn ral others. My case was diagnosed as Atrophy of loriy-nino COllon iaCWJneS in ine the Optic Nerve, caused by impovensned blood cfafa Trurlnxr thArA nro 1 "Nnrth iupply; The progress of iny trouble was slow Si i-O-uay mere are 661, INOrtO but steady, with never any relief, until finally CJftrnlina. TrmnnfftMnrAc 7K. ((K7 invDhVsician advised me that nothing further Carolina manuraciures DD,t)0 could be done. About thiitime, about two years J Vmlpo nf rnttr.r otmnallir wVnla tkic m.Temild not see to read, and mv ranireof OaiBS OI COltOQ annually, Wnil6 tQIS SA'SbESiSaiirXSR state produces only 649,886 bales. when I go home from work. -feet. I often found it difficult to recognize ac- Tn nThfr wnrrlc 100 OOO holoe morn T11 tn the toil or the day, JSaaintances when I met them, distinguishing ln OltiQT WOrdS, Dales more . .. .. . . (tin for m Sa.SKSra5 are manufactured than is oroduced. To e e cTre away ffiBSMiKTSdTK So varied is the manufacturing that a h h a &ff58&8FJii'.- North Carolina cotton is insufficient It & g PnS word of ttfa. and con- for CMlain of cloth And I forget that I'm tired out ser.Uid tatake Milam because I did not think it 3,000 bales of foreign cotton is im- When she begin to prate. could hurt rae, and there might be a bare possi- ' - & " t r toilifythat it might help me. After six weeks ported from West India and Ei?Vnt ,n Puna rm on trlrifl r-nrt frtrrift Use I began to notice a slight improvement in f cah 1 u 1 aDa 1 m 80 Blaa TU tome my sifjht, which has been slow but steady and If we Compare North Carolina with I find you're awful nice . with ho seibacifwNow I can read newspapers . v.. ..... with w-dinary glasses, can distmcuish larsre ob- other states and oLner couiitrlp5" IJ P. now runcn Ul l tost. we find that Massachusetts is lho And am I worf do prlcer Round Hill School Matters. Round Hill School, Stpi. 19. I hare relinquhrU all finandl cLUnu on the BincetheliimdieJitalterinsPe tru a ordrr tail uct. Are Known, IU Power as a Catarrh Ecmedy and Tonlo Is Understood.- COLUMBUS, OHIO. Tho ac tive Ingredients entering the most popular household remedy In tho world have been made known to the public. This means a new era In the advertising of popular fam ily medicines Peruna leads. Peruna contains among other things4, golden seal, powerful In its effect upon tho mucous mem branes. Ccdron eced, a raro medicine and unsurpassed tonic Cubebs, valuable In nasal catarrh and affections of the kidneys and bladder. Stone root, valuable for the nerves, mucous membranes as well as in dropsy and Indi gestion. DO BABIES PAY? Preston StrinicS might be rtaploT! in tnr place In tbe 'school daring xaj absence of four raonthi to raisa xncncT to nay ouricdebtedn?J of 13,5-00. Tbe debt has been divided Into CO than of $12.50 each; ' I am starting to-day. Forty shares bare been takcnStO are left. Anyone taking eight ahart will be given literary tuition next year. The school U doing wclL e are fortunate to hare brother Siringncld In our school. He U a man of energy, ex perience and ability. We bate an ex cellent corps of teachers. Let every friend of Christian eUaca- tion apeak a good word, do a good deed help the good cans along. I am look ing to yon. It means k much to tho cause to have hlp now. Greater things are jnst ahead of our school. Let the aaaociatfonal letters bo nt to A. L. Rncker, Itotherfordton, as early as possible. Let the committer of but year on digest of letters meet with Brother Rucker on the morning of first day. Let therebe a large delegation who come to stay from start to finish. Livington Johnson will be there and preacn on Sunday. We expect tbe irreatest association crrt held In onrl borders. Come. D. J. Hunt, Moderator. PROFESSIONAL DR. J. GILLESPIE REID. DH.VXT5T "Will answer calli at any . hour of the riight. :: Roods 3, 4 isd 5 First National Bank Building, Marion N. C. ATT0RHET AT LAW Prompt Attention Given All Business Intrusted to My Care- :-: :-: :-: :-: UpStalrs, Strcctoan Batldinff L. A. HAffEy COL VTY St irVTYR. C. E. HOUSE ASSOCUTC AnariLtcrs xxd Blue Pkists SrrctxLTins i eels two miles away, and have no dimculty wow, 3. fsr as my sight is concerned; in attend ing to tcy duties as the executive officer of a . corporation. 'la:r. r'lll careil not to tax my eyes unrea . sounoiy. because I realise that I am not cured: tout Uope. nd ana more and more encouraged as time passes, to believe thattae continued use of LA A vy ill c ure me. "I think it proper to state that my general bceiltn and strength have also improved in tho 'ii3 ratio as my eyesight and I attribute this to V&ba use of Milam. Signed W. E. GRIGGS." Bamrilie, Va., March 23. 1910. For sore throat there Is potltirely no r-nacdy that will relieve so quickly and .1 . a . J I ... .i tit.i.Mui.. -- t .-r--r,t I usee in ci rcoaaa --J. W. btrettnli. rcijU gvtit. Mala e: LA M only state in America that luaou- shw telu what a "Pndid time" tnni -4.- .i xt r She's hail wif dolU and tovs. factures more cotton than. North . . . 4. ,. x i . r. A xrfect little chatterbox, Carolina. It is about five lime as Clinck full of life and jovs. much; German' three times as . , , . . , . And every ovenmfc ph and I much, and France 50 percent more WheI1 roipcr time i3 oe-t than North Carolina. However, Can hardly wait nntil wee had nearly all the cotton manufactured A romp npon the floor. is INur an tYfc - :n tUnpn t-ir. : i I --. . . .... and will ""w wcjgu tuuuw ica is rui.uu i men aa we lucK ner inio bvti. medicine euro no blindness in the United States. The foreign She put, "tome ties me twice except that arising fromJmpoverished or lauor :a mnrPs .wiu thn th VnrtK And, Papa, how mnch did I tt. And am I wort de price?" impure blood or depleted system. Asf Your Druggist 5 1 l iff Rates Carolina labor, and the foreign j wuun ica uiauumuiurc nic Liner q i w a. v u aw 4iM fcjva the Southern states manufacture. ias a rule, the coarser goods. Charlotte Chronicle. Ths Humin Veict. The huinun rokr will cmrry about thrw miles through a three foot srak-tube. Notice. The nndersijrned. Tratr of th -iUte cf L. W. LluCmsn. I3tnkm; t, will ex poe to pnbHc sale, tolhf htbrrt bidder I for CAh. all ot thi flock of plumbic material. KalranltM iron, etc not ai- i-ndy rold. oo Stardy. t$p!tnnbr Id. 1911. at 10 o'clock a, m . at the Men room ocenpird by the fAid L. Y. HnfT man. in Marion. North CroHna. This 1st dar of SptetnW. 1911. James IIorrih. Trcitc- McCALL & LISENBEE ATTO lUfHTS-AT- LAW Potest Huildinc maiuo:;. Digestion and Assimilation. Verily Nature is gradually don ning her autumnal garments. Gold en rod and tall sstonideck the hills aod border tho road-sides. Fall uuj wiwi uuvg a a ksv.u nun tin I . . ... . . . ... II I . I otof il. B. BrUbt, dcc.M4. tm la to aotifj rich, mellow apples are falling U uproMhttBf atmaitAi4 uk NOTlCt! The cirtD1 hartex bra appoUUti 1 uunouw quirauiT oi iooq lawn r" 7 . 7 ' I tonolh from IhU dsi. or tbt iU U Dxn xne amount oigestea ana assimuat- me timoer are turning yellow, and pkallaUuof ib rol'rtJoo of u .vsgr "SaSSS on all the trees they b.vo lost the and liver Tablets invigorate the atom- tender green of summer. Corn is ach and liver and enable, them to per u . j i form their runctions natnndiv For being cut and everything proclacms sale by all dealers. the coming of winter. All pcrvoe UxIcbuxJ ho Ml4 nuu will pUnm mke latiKiU1 witkmftl wih lix 4rrttrMa Thi hjh. tab. mi. A. 1.. rtKtuur na Cu.'xnr Htiairr, xrcoior of LL utxi0 of In some businiss cold never seems more uselul than brains. Southern to Improve Roadbed. Statesville Landmark. It is understood that the South- ern railway is arranging to put the There are two sides to an argu- Asheville division of its road in mcnt, but only one end. excellent condition within a short time. A railroad man tells The will sell very low price, h Laudmark that as soon as the pres- one-zLay zicxezs to prac tically all points, in Mon tana, Idaho, Washington, NOTICE! and Daily Sept 15 to Ode 15 The Burlington Route w Oregon, Ca: if orrJa, Nevada Arizona, Colorado, Utah, CW yoniing v.nd the Canadian Northwest. These tickets yr'iii be good in tourist sleepers, also in through coaches and reclining chair cars i scats free1). U Through tcjrltt alcesr . v5a a greater v,-iric routes iiin sii.. oth'ir iine. Twice Drily frc-r. via E'lilasfs V: lo t'ao J-to'ih Pccliic Coftit Oncis D"V from 5 1. Lnwj via Scenic Ccloxr. to CUot nia Twice Daily frsjv C!iicago -a St. Paul to the North F Lie Coat CASTOR I A ent work on tho road bed now in or Infants and Children. progress is completed 56,000 new TllB Kind YOU HaTB AlYaTS BQtlRM cross ues win oe put in oetwecn Salisbury and Asheville and other improvements made. It is further stated that after this work is done a number of tho latest model freight engines, which are larger and more Bears tho Signature of S7 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Bank of Old Fort Sate of Real Estate. Store house Lot In GrantttMe. iij virtue of i be power of mW cyuJ1 la crUlD Kxrw dl from M. J. Ivu, a&4 hoMo4 J. A. roUvl. to tb orvlrrlxfri la took IS pJkf 151. to Mcure t&e parnr.t of cvrula mm of xaonrf thrrrla named. dcftcB tattc beo tuA'le In th pavmcDt Urrrof. th QtKUr Uot will cll. al public otxt cry At U cvarU bouf door to ih tawii of Uartoa, McowU couDly Softs CtroUo, to tb t!tM-t U I4er, for ch. oo 4f Saturday. October 12th. 1011 a ooe-KAlf oodl vllcJ lblr la the toliomXtg tio. cribeJ Uol.coiiU:tec c.f a tor houM t4 lot to Eam MartoA. ta tirxou U, l& mim bclex M No. ii. amontlojc to R. L C. OltoB sup of GnuttvlU, lWfanTi at ib ouia ct coroer of Xo. powerful than those now used, will at Old Fort, in the State of North Caro- UD 130 lrti " 4ai,; ut" 51 "r U 4. ' : O-l 111 -1. U- -1 1 I O . I ' mivmwm, WC&CV POUU DR. R. J. BURGIN DEKTIST Marion, North Carolina Office in POTEAT BUILDING M. L JUSTICE. M. D.. D. D. S. DEMTIST Rooms 2, 3 and 4. Strectman CkillfiLni Marlon. - n c. t- McCALX, a ft. McCAIX McCall 'Bros. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to otir care will receive prompt and careful at tention. V .;. Twica Ddlr f Color r.?o to CIIforam !Perso:iaH.7 contlnrto-l ecurslcng j to .California several t;i?s. every Vfeelc. Eo-it rrlie p.n equip-lasr-t; most attvr.civ2 routes.' If y: are go?.ij? Vt. y.'3J mesm H's out tl'-o.-V oi"ylcc rates bury and the mountains. The new 1 1911 a engines area size smaller than the RESOURCES "big jacks" recently put into com- ad discounts . . '.. Ti Overdraftfi, secared and un- mission by tbe bouthern on some fiecored 6 its lines, but have . five sets of fe11? house ... . , . Furniture and fixtures driving wheels and are very pow- Due from banks and bankers 40 et wUh m!4 atcaoa Ua fe4 la tula X wtuMauisofctiottuaiax McCa & Conlcy's Furniture erful. -mi mJll: 1 feSBI Cener:'. t-'' s'a Arat. ( .11. Ag. fLK, Einaiabao. Ala. - " ." '.1 . CTC7 ;1 A Dreadful Sl&ht to H. J. Barnum, of Freeville, N. Y.f was the fever-sore tnat had plaeued his i life for years in epite of many remedies he tried, v At last he used Bucklen s Arnica Salve and wrote: "it has entire ly healed with scarcely a , scar left." neais - uurns, uous, iczema. uuta. Gold coin Silver coin, including all minor coin currency National bank notes and other TJ. S. notes $37,233.79 59.17 2,100.00 800.00 11.731.53 6W 00 Total 575.37 1,800.00 155,263.87 LIABIUTIES. Capital stock Surplus fund Bruises, Swellings,1 Corns and-Piles like I Undivided, profits, less current $ 8.000.00 3,031.64 magic. Only 25c at J. W. Streetman. Notice of Dissolution. Jeffrson. s Thomas Jefferson was . the first of "Bv -mutual consent of all the partners 1 our presidents , to be Inaugurated In of The southern lpe 5ioct uompany, Avasnmgton. .the co-partnership heretofore existing.' mo longer oe connected wixn saiu, com-1 ime, our pains xu suiiu ciiuuks. .. expenses and taxes paid Time Certificates of Deposit Deposits subject to check . Cashier's checks outstanding TbU 12U clay of Srplcmbcr Jtll. . A. p. roTxrr, Morirtrr. Sale or Mouse and Lots Wear CCia Depot Bt tlrtu cocuJoe4 la a cuia oorrM 4 execute J&auirjlSUi. A. D. 1911 to McrciujiU irarn oi MlTlon. S. U bj T. t William aad bU wife Zllx WlUUxa lo mcctv lh pytBt of a ccrula ibq of Oct 7 t&mia CAtned and which nil taortot dcl U dclr rcjdurtd la lh oflc of Pu:gtUr of IU of UcDoweU cuanlj. North Cmrolla. U took 5f o, IS, mmt 130 aa4 tho oo&dlUoot la uU taonnxo of money thcrclaMcare4K4Urtnx U44 pX4 at tho Uro U bcara do ad Mjttt aor &ar Uiao alnco ao4 thu tbo Mtnt hu Ua AMlf&M tof . x.Lcxcur&oi oa scoou&t of Aca Store y FIRE? 519.13 Oft 20.2U 57 I racnl ' mortar aa4 toi4 lh eml W6.77 wm "P w puoac uio u th cotrrl bow 4oor ia jixnoo, sonata roue a I" $55,263.87 Total Stat of North Carollzu County of McDowell I, Bradley, Cashier of the I . 1 v j 1 I " ouuttrwuueu uoux, uu duicuuuj Bwvar Monday, tht 23tH day of Spttm5r 1911 atclona' follrM tag d acrttxd real estate ta ult; ai w All debts and responsibilities will be issnmed-by the succeeding partners. This 6th day of September, 1911. . ; ' , -W. C. Greene - r ' " " T. W. Ingle , ' , J: F. Conniffe. Jldyertise in The Progbess. 0HICHE8TER SPILLS TILE DIAMOND BBAJfo. 3 PilU Is B4 and U bcIIIjc boxes, sealed with Blue Ribboo. DIAMOND BRAND Plljjt fov yean known ss Best. Saint. itvtn Rellabka SOLD BY DRUGGISTS RBTCIERE that the above statement is true to ncxir (i,nB1Jlf vt.v . the best of my knowledge and belief. S JV. if7. ?ilwtk u kt4 u F. M. BRADLEY, Cashier county North CaroUaa, ta del Vock No, CrP Subscribed and sworn to before me, w, boTt dfcrtue4 lou cccuu dn uxwscnjfMM A.BrowafonartjCTo4. fij wUl U m4e to mlify iaU dctt aad Uu,. etaA4aUcotof txlo. Tertaicf a! ca ra diyofii. TLIj tlih, day of Acurt A. D. mi Tba UnxhaiU A rarc&trt XUrk of Martoo, N. O, UorUt. ' V this 13th day of Sept., 1911. v J. F. Harmon, Notary Public Correct Attest: L. P. Crawford. P. H. Maahburn, Directors represent some of the stronnesr and most reliable Fire Insurance and bond ing Companies. Would be pleased to vrite your business. BurtonS. Wood, AGCKTS. Merchants L. Farmer Bank

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