.1 m v 5 t IT I n V I' . i : ; - ' ' r v - t 1 ' f;4 1 v CaftTllle, Julj 18th 1910. The Milam Mdloln Co., . ' Danvill, Va." - 'x Gentlemen v - ' . Ky neloe suffered for mwaj yearewlth e : VK1 fiwmnmAttl hl rO-tvai C 1 MT 1.0 to 1121 0 acid, rheumatism and although he treated her. she never obtained relief ain Mmiftintid with 4111 aa and knewin It had. been Used suooeeefully ery frequently In sim ilar oasea,' I determined to put her on It. She took six bottles with the happiest results. I regard her as entirely relieved and will always take pleaeure in .ilng xiiam ror-urxc aaxa roao.ies- Zcurt '-ruay, - . -I -fr&v.t:V&.M r arm atf Garden QUEEII OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE-RU-IIA. . MW M NOTICE! .Ue undersigned having been appointed and qualified as executors of the last will and testa ment of M. B. Bright, deceased, this is to notify all persons haying claims against said estate to i ; produce them to the undersigned' within twelve ' months from this date, or this notice will be t!3ad in bar of the collection of the same. All persons indebted to said estate will please wake immediate settlement with the undersigned This Sept; 12th, 1811. A. L. Bright and Columbus Bright, executors of the estate of r. B. Bright, deceased. The corporatibii commission is notified that the Rockingham Rail road Company, extending 21 miles, from Rockingham, Richmond coun ty to Gibson, Scotland county, will begin Ociober 1 to operate as a passensrer carrying road. It con nects at Rockingham wlt the Sea board Air Line and at Gibson with the Atlantic Coast Line. TRY A CROP OF SORGHUM. - wewsaseasaa It It Hirdy. Prolific a Wondfrful Cat tla Food and Good For Humana.. v In one of the mot lntercatlns of the always Instructive bulletin cni oUt bj the United Stfttea depanment of agriculture the extension of orpbura growing U urged bj Carleton U. Ball, one of Uncle Sam's first agrunoratAts. ' Mlt Is ouly thlrty-flre years.- be says, since the first grain sorghums were Introduced Jnto the United States. It Is only twenty years since any of them have become crop of recognized Ira portunce. Although grain producing varieties bad probably been Introduced from time to time since the early colonial days, none bad remained In cultivation. -The first permanent Introduction were the two durras. brown durra and white durra. which reached Califor nia in 1874 under the names 'brown Egyptian corn and 'white Egyptian corn-' On account of its eartlness and drought resistance the white variety became popular in the central plain region during two dlCTerent serle of dry years. The first was from 1SSO to 1SS4. when It was known'aa Tice orn. "Meal mHde from the grain or ghunis. ntuiid lcnlly. Is nt Infif quently utl In rti maklnx f tmtiir cukes and Mimliar urtlclex on the farti 4 j r MtlS Jalla Mfitltwc ' am etad to write tnr endorse ment of the rreJtt remedy. Pcran I do mo most hcrttty.9'Ja!U Mr1ort Any remedy , that bcncHU cigtiuon strengthens tbo ncrrcj. Tho nenra centers require nutrltioa. If the digestion Is Impiired, the nsnrt centers become anemic, and nervous debility Is tho result. PROFESSIONAL DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, D cxTisr Will answer calls at any hour of the night. :: :: Rooss 3, 4 aad 5 First National lUnk Daildic, Marion K. C C. B. McBRAYER ATTORNEY AT LAW Prompt Attention Gircn All Business Intrusted to My Th ffiu-ml It-'lmi'oy I th.il tb- on doll! iu in iiuallty. Srne eiprrl- mrut r- mm tiug citndurted In a small wuy tu determine tLc value of tb- meal for muvc cxtndrd ce There sTa little rt-anon why when properly milled it should not be ucd In much ibr mu manner as corn meal. Thrrucbooi Africa. India and the other pans of southern and east ern Asia, where these crop are large ly grown, they are not only common ly used as human food, but In cany countries ibey fnroisb the chief arti cle of diet. The advantage of por crop are many and aHv tern. Pur varieties are most likely to l nnlform lo nlrht SI TAKE oooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o QCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 lite CTp3 O Jot Dl laT U JEIF .11. .n. j i. ,i n (i Westeiriiii Nmth Csirtka Faior n Riverside Park, ASHEVILLE, October 10, II, 12, 13. Great exposition of agricultural and horticultural products, minerals, timbers, s , blooded horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry. Splendid exhibits of manufactured products of Western North Carolina, modern j- farm tools and machinery. -inliplnlf; Free Entertainment. There'll be sbmething doing all the.time for the entenainrnent of Fair visitors. "Happy JacTay lor, will make a death daring 1000-ft. slide enveloped in fire on a slender ; .v tciiwi diuuu nvcr liuu me rait, cuwii iiigiii. Bana.otiOngmai Cherokee Indians will play the ancient game of LaCross. 1 ' ' , . ill. ' Iff r ' - J --' i ' . " i " Gorgeous Display Fireworks Each Night. t Street Parades Balloon Ascension - 'Band Concerts ; Fair grounds and Free camp ground? adjoining abundantly supplied with city water. Thousands ot Dojliven away as Premiumsr . V For Premium List Write No G. Fair Asso ciafioini, . Owen Gudger, iSec'y, Asheville; 1 !. ,:'." ; ' - f '" IT i - - II . y -r . v. X. fi n rih "'-4 Cwt, UpSuirs, Strcctoan Building L. A. HAflEy C. E. HOUSE ASSOCIATE SrtciALncs Q2r ta Strrtr:aa IKJx- ala El McCALL & LISENBEE ATTOUKHYS-AT-L.VW Potcct Buiklin, MARION. 2 C nca rt HrsciMtc or roMrtc - und In tlux of npruins. aod Ceocr arr .i io harvrNi. Thf era in l uf tatvh trruirr rai.u for m1 ptirj an1 uxttilt c ixilcr prtrr on ll cmto ni-ar fcri h lf alo Ndrr as a frying irr;lo lxcaiir tunrr uniform In qnaJ. . "Tbe fonssflr.a of rarloas tors anJ Ctrl' rlnt, rirrl3llx lbo for Ifcr srtwlns of corn. ! bMptas to rrrclr lUtrrvsi to lUt Ihluc of tbr fam Tbcy arr rral !rps la the rlgbt illrrr- tioa and sboutd U ritcadfd to cover nil farm crop, poultry aod Uf stock- Cot It Is oof orcwuiary to a wait the formation of a tielzhborbood rjnb ta ordr to Intrrwt tlie boy la slectlas belter secl Help him io csaW Sec tions from the year's crop. Let him prepare It for storing oTrr winter fret aside a field on which he can plant It the following spiiDR. Plaot aloartlde It some onuelected seed- A1 him la comparing the two Geld Kacoorasf blm If striking malts are oot obtslard Hf first year Oti him a fair share of the profit when profit retails from tls islwrm. The best result wll te the increase of Interest and kaotTtdg la the hoy.- No Mors Thlrtty Plewmtn. 1 tbooght my wife was extraearsat wbea she bocrht one of thce new fangled bottles for keeping llqalds hot. tat It has prored Tery coatealeat la tbe boose, aod now that I hare found a new use for It on the faro I am as enthusiastic over It as she ta. Before going out Into the hot sua to work t nil my doable bottle with Ice cold Cl tered water and leaf 1: la the rfr!r. eramr o that the whole thing tKOCri thoroughly chilled. I thea carry It oat to woru with me. put It la the shsi? or prefembfy under a bit of sod. The water Krep almost tee cold all daj long, ercn la the hottest weithr This derice Is about the cutest thing m S ror. cold comfort and cool rtfreshoeat that . I bate, found yet. HoraJ New Yorker.. A Pellts Ftequttt. . "Dear teacher.- wrott Uttlt Jcha nya mother, ndnfily ezmse Jo'i tbscne frca Kbool yesterday after noon, m he feQ la tiit rand. By. dolsx tha tint jou will creatlT o- laother.". ...... DR. R. J. BURGIN DDmST Marion, North Carolina Office in TOTEAT BUILDING. M. L JUSTICE, M. D.t D. D. S. DENTIST Rooms 2, 3 and 4. Strcetmaa Cui:dlat Marion. . N. C. tL 21 McCAIX, C. XL. HcCALL McCo.ll Sro. UHDERTAKBRS Coffins and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at tention, V Orer McCair& Conlcy's Fumimre Store. Subscribo to tho PnooEcss. FIR EX We rtprescnr some of ihe sironrest and most reliable Fire Insurance and bond ing Companies. Would , be pleard to write your business. BurtonS. Wood, AC CM S. Merchant IL r&rrnerExnA